“Etheric Christ glimpses 1” by Bradford Riley



“Kill Them All, Let God Sort Them Out!”

Christ faceThe New Testament says, John 5:22 “For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son,””Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoset” or “Kill them all. God will know His own.”

To understand the violence against anyone and any of those who raise the insights and historical connections needed to intuit the Risen Christ and His role as Lord of Karma, we will need to examine aspects of real history, with real bad guys and real occult events that mirror events that we twistedly teach to students of political science as accepted history.etheric-christ-glimpses-1-face-of-the-risen-etheric-christ

Our first such example where the Lord Of Karma, with the Christ Being that is active all over the Earth, was observed and documented, and consequently the career and reputation of this individual was severely attacked because he nailed the Christ Event and Lord of Karma artistically, accurately and almost by accident will be Dalton Trumbo.

We find this brilliant excursion into the realm of the Etheric Christ that is active at the Threshold of Human Consciousness in the 16th Chapter of “Johnny Got His Gun” by Dalton Trumbo. It is dangerous to the Powers that be to study and meditate on this chapter of the book. Therefore Dalton Trumbo had to be marginalized and his personality crushed and his voice drowned out because that is how the ‘beast’ works when the Etheric Christ comes too close to the iron or nuclear grip of his bid to overthrow the Etheric Christ Being. Humanity for long years will worship and fear the nuclear god we have created against the Real King of the I Am, and the King of Light and the Logos itself, the Etheric Christ.

johnny got his gun glimpses 2This essay and excursion is all about the Etheric Christ Event, and also about the instinctual and official government forces of human instinct who truly hate when a real issue arises that is a ‘game changer’. “Johnny Got His Gun” was a game changer that went against the entire superstructure of the powers that stand against our humanity ever acknowledging and absorbing the human ramifications of the mighty Etheric Christ Experience arising in the 20th and 21st centuries.

“Source Code” and “Johnny Got His Gun”

It is a problem with education and general knowledge shared by human beings and the human family, that two distinctly different issues can be drawn together with shivering clarity and comparative literary depth but few people will notice. People don’t recognize that the two distinctly different events in time are connected. Most people have never considered that the current film “Source Code” and “Johnny Got His Gun” are profoundly connected.

This essay has gone back to look at the first glimpses of the Risen Etheric Christ event arising out of the early 20th century with “Johnny Got His Gun” and in doing so, it has also stumbled upon the current Ahrimanic answer to the enslavement of the human spirit after death as it is projected into the 21st century in the newer version of “Johnny Got His Gun” – namely “The Source Code”.

“Johnny Got His Gun” placed the wounded, dead torso of a soldier, without limbs and half his face blasted off, and still sealed in the tomb of his body, blasted away in WW I,but freakishly kept alive. We were allowed to experience the existential reality of a human being caught at the threshold of death but without death’s blessing and forced to learn how his thinking and I AM functions and what happens to the others who have died and what the difference is between himself and those others. For in “Johnny Got His Gun” we become aware of the deeper regions of the immortal I AM. In chapter 16 of  “Johnny Got His Gun” we encounter the Etheric Christ and the Lord of Karma, which is why this essay is called Etheric Christ glimpses 1.

In the latest version of “Johnny Got His Gun” a new covert program called the “Source Code” that can only have been gleaned from how Near Death Experiences were proven in torture and waterboarding where the military has had a field day in trying to tap and enchain those who enlisted or are gun ho patriots to serve their country after they have already died, which is an invitation to sign up for an occult military program that sells your soul and keeps you caught on the threshold and forced to serve Ahrimanic intentions. So in the “Source Code” the nightmare of being caught at the threshold between death and life is a love story full of Ahrimanic propaganda and patriotic fights with terrorists, using the remote viewing potential of those who have died but are kept alive artificially alive on life support so that they can be ordered and monitored to use the forces of the soul, that Ahriman and medical science refuses to make public, but can be used by the military first and introduced in a controlled and modified manner later, when Ahriman is able to control the results.

“Source Code”

“When decorated soldier Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he’s part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train. In an assignment unlike any he’s ever known, he learns he’s part of a government experiment called the “Source Code,” a program that enables him to cross over into another man’s identity in the last 8 minutes of his life. With a second, much larger target threatening to kill millions in downtown Chicago, Colter re-lives the incident over and over again, gathering clues each time, until he can solve the mystery of who is behind the bombs and prevent the next attack.”

“Johnny Got His Gun” not only placed the reader in a position to understand the ‘I AM’ as an isolated force of pure eternal spirit, caught on the wrong side of the sense world, alone as no other human ‘I’ has ever been alone, but as a book it also focused a spotlight on the horrific lies and betrayals of the mighty War Machine and War Propaganda, and false heroism that is reduced to ash against the holy alone-ness of the isolated “I AM”. But most importantly, it stirred up a hornets nest run by a madman that everyone in the media lifted to national prominence.  Joseph McCarthy.

“Way Back in the 1950’s, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy had his own little version of the Spanish Inquisition, an hysterical attempt to root out the communism that he thought he saw climbing the walls all around him.” We could say that part of the extravagant and loose sixties were the extreme counter point and reaction to the artistic freeze and media whores and a typical moronic Congress flexing of power with it’s new toy, the T.V. nuclear beastA propaganda freeze of raw fear, that had crept into the soul of the nation in the 1950’s along with a new global nuclear beast that America had set loose upon the world unleashed a brave new world.

That horrific searing, incinerating light had unlocked the Beast and America had used it on humanity. Not only had Christ been crucified at age 33 but in terms of following the reality of how the Etheric Christ functions in time, Harry Truman the 33rd President of the United States had unleashed this anti-living Light, anti-Etheric Light force as the most potent and darkest guilt to spread through the world and give rise to the plague of fear and national guilt called McCarthyism. 33 was indelibly printed into the etheric structure of the world by the very Crucifixion and Resurrection of the eternal Logos or Cosmic Word of creation.

McCarthyism and Nazism as well as arrogant American Imperialism, dark torture and removal of creative human freedom of expression is what happens when unconscious guilt turns and devours it’s own national soul. This is what is happening today as well. This is how the freest country, America turns into the very monster it ingested (Click  on Picture to understand TRINITY).Nuclear attacks implosion design America ingested what Heisenberg and Einstein prevented Nazi Germany from attaining. The issue is our failure to understand, treat with higher consciousness, moral and immoral forces of light. Our failure was not recognizing the potent immoral signature of a vast anti-light beast with the capacity to infect the unguarded American psyche and use the entire American Soul as its new playing field. The beast outgrew Germany and was nestled away in the more subtle and naive new American Rome.

Both Heinrich Himmler who demanded a vast karmic understanding for the swath of death and destruction that Germany embarked upon based on the  Bhagavad Gita, from his own SS inner circle; and Oppenheimer and the coterie of Scientists centered at TRINITY, named after the Christ event and a poem by John Donne (CLICK ON PICTURE BELOW) hoping forgiveness from The Trinity, (Father-Son-Holy Ghost) were sucked into contemplating the vast Karmic message of Krishna, the Lord of Karma in the Bhagavad Gita.Etheric Christ Glimpses 1 Trinity and Trinity New Mexico

America, guilty as sin, digested the most horrific anti-human weapon ever devised and the demise of America in the 21st century as it falls into fascism will be the result of a failure to comprehend the Etheric Christ Light vs the Anti-human, anti-etheric light of depleted uranium and horrific destructive, anti-Christ-imbued fallen devachan nuclear light.

“When chemical action is driven down beneath the physical plane – into the evil devachanic world – magnetism arises. When light is thrust down into the sub-material electricity arises. If what lives in the Harmony of the Spheres is thrust down further still, into the province of the Asuras, an even more terrible force – which it will not be possible to keep hidden very much longer – is generated. It can only be hoped that when this force comes to be known – a force…far, far stronger than the most violent electrical discharge – …that before some discoverer gives this into the hands of humankind, men will no longer have anything un-moral left in them.” Rudolf Steiner [The Etherisation of the Blood, pp.40-41]

In the aftermath of having developed the powerful, “Dr. Strangelove” global poisoning bomb, with fallen light from the fallen devachan itself,  America and the ingested immoral forces it devoured went after the moral light in people like Dalton Trumbo, Ruth Gordon, Zero Mostel, Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman, Jose Ferrer and Orson Welles who were just a few of those who were blacklisted via human demonic witch hunts attempting to shield the beast from brotherhood and the Rise of the Etheric Christ.

But most importantly, in terms of actually looking at the subject matter of the most potent and powerful event that surrounds the core of the ” I AM” of humanity, Dalton Trumbo confronted the literal roots of Body-Soul and Spirit, in an artistic package that tore away the trappings of the sense world and the lies of the War Machine and revealed a hint of the mighty Etheric Christ behind the scenes of external world happenings. And the beast rose up and attacked innocent personalities exactly like the tale of “The Crucible”. “The Crucible” was a 1953 play by Arthur Miller. It is a dramatization of the Salem witchcraft trials that took place in Province of Massachusetts Bay during 1692 and 1693. Miller wrote the play as a response to McCarthyism.

Trumbo presented for all the world to see in Chapter 16 of his book, “Johnny Got His Gun” a window into the Etheric Christ Event of the 20th and 21st centuries.  Trumbo lifted the veil on a Mystery which the very instincts of humanity are terrified to hear. The petty pretty perch of the powers that be were in a position to destroy the fragile human personality and reputation of anyone who might open the door to the coherent and factual activities of the Christ as the Lord of Karma. And this lesson of looking at the subject matter instead of the distractions of the media and political animals in the cages at the zoo of public opinion gets us to the core of the issue of how Christ is active amidst the Angels of each human being, as the Lord of Karma.

Trumbo tripped upon it and opened himself up to a vast pronged attack. “Johnny Got His Gun” revealed a human being exiled to the narrow region of the ‘I AM’. Trumbo’s career was deliberately publicly destroyed and he was in exile, yet nothing as severe as the character of exile he outlined in his book. In “Johnny Got His Gun” Trumbo places a human soul in the most difficult philosophical and spiritual isolation ever offered as reality to non-philosophical American minds.

America hasn’t the strength or depth to enter a Fichte or “The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity” by Rudolf Steiner. But Trumbo presented the full experience of the isolation of the “I AM’ of humanity, so that pragmatic Americans could comprehend it. It is the most frightening and the most profound of considerations when isolating the “I AM” alone with it’s mortality and immortality. In the core of the I AM is the resonating central mystery of the actual Christ Being Himself. And Americans have shown no interest in wanting to get to the core of the I AM. “Johnny Got His Gun” is, objectively, terrifying and absolutely true in terms of Initiation Science.

Basically still today, your reputation is ruined or you are murdered if you attempt to speak truth to power. Today there is a science of defaming and destroying a target personality through the willing henchmen of the press and media. Which means that power literally hates the reality of the Etheric Christ in our environment or when a personality comes close to understanding the deceptions we delude ourselves with they become a target.

Fascism in all forms and American styled fascism, lies and deceptions are the M.O.(Modus operandi) of the beasts globally growing Main Stream Media’s face. The United States Congress, Great Britain, Washington D.C., Wall Street and Israel who refuses to acknowledge violations of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, to name just a few, all torture and have broken the slender line of human decency set in the Geneva Conventions. In other words the M.O. of the beast creates literal war criminals and trusts no one who isn’t a deceitful, murdering monster like itself.

Our sense world is supposed to be ruled by distractions and disorientations and all education and the entire military budget and the control of human sheeple would come to screeching halt if theGlimpses 1 the hidden christ amongst us Etheric Christ and His activity behind the Threshold of the Sense World were known. Therefore people are murdered and their reputations destroyed through public humiliation and Media Whores who work for the same horrific beast that stands to gain by the denial of the Etheric Christ Event.

Trumbo Johnny as TorsoChapter 16 

“…..And then all sound seemed centered in one voice that filled the whole world. He listened to the voice because it had stopped his fall. It had become everything—the world and the universe and the nothingness around them. It was a woman’s voice crying and he had heard it before. Where’s my boy where’s my boy? He’s under age can’t you see? He just came up from Tucson about a week ago. They had him in jail for a tramp and I came all the way here to get him back. They let him out of jail if he’d join the army. He’s only sixteen except he’s big and strong for his age he always was. He’s too young I tell you he’s just a baby. Where is he my little boy? He just came up from Tucson you see and I came to take him home.

The voice faded away but he knew the whole thing now. That boy was Christ. There wasn’t any doubt about it. The boy was Christ and he had come up from Tucson and now his mother was hunting and crying for him. He could see Christ coming up from Tucson trembling out of the desert heat waves with purple robes flowing from him like in a mirage. Christ came right into the railway station and sat down with them.

It seemed like there must be a little room somewhere off from the station and they were playing blackjack there waiting for the train to go. He didn’t know the other guys and they didn’t know him but it didn’t seem to make any difference. Outside the crowds were yelling and the bands were playing and here he was with four or five guys in a quiet little room and they were playing blackjack when Christ came up from Tucson and walked in on them. The guy with red hair looked up and said you play blackjack? and Christ said sure and the guy who looked like a Swede said then pull up a chair. Table stakes said the guy with red hair and be sure your bet’s out before the first card. Christ said okay and fished around in his pocket and pulled out a quarter and laid it down.

The guy with red hair began to deal and everybody began to watch the cards except the Swede who grunted and said Christ I wish we had a drink here. Christ kind of grinned and said why don’t you drink it if you want it so bad? The guy who looked like a Swede turned and looked at Christ and then he looked down at the table and sure enough there was a glass of whiskey sitting by his right hand and everybody had a drink of whiskey sitting there. They all looked up at Christ and the guy with red hair said how in hell did you do that? Christ just smiled and said I can do anything hit me only not too hard. The dealer hit him and Christ looked at the card like it was bad news. Then he pushed his money toward the dealer. I never could hit a twelve he said in a complaining voice. I don’t understand it because a twelve shouldn’t be any harder to hit than a thirteen should it? It shouldn’t be only it is said the guy with red hair. There is nothing to that it’s all the bunk said the guy who looked like a Swede a twelve is just like any other number above it only better and anybody tells you any different is filled with superstition. Gosh said a quiet little guy who had been winning and now was sampling the whiskey this stuff is mighty good liquor try it. It ought to be good said Christ still looking at his dough out there on the table it’s sixteen years old.

All of a sudden the guy with red hair threw down his cards and stood up stretching and yawning. Well he said it’s all aboard outside I got to go. We all got to go. I’m going to be killed on the twenty-seventh of June and I got to say goodbye to my wife and kid. The kid he’s only a year eight months but smart as hell already I’d like to see him when he’s five. I can see myself getting killed plain. It’s just after daybreak all cool and nice with a brand new sun and the air smelling good. We’re going over and I’m a sergeant by then so I go over first. Just as I get my head over the edge a bullet hits me like a hammer. I fall back clear across the trench and try to tell the other guys to go on without me only I can’t talk and they go over anyhow. I lie there seeing only their legs as they run by and climb up and disappear. I kick and squirm for a minute like a chicken and then I snuggle down against the dirt. That bullet got me in the throat so I just snuggle down there peaceful like and watch the blood run out and then I’m dead. But my wife don’t know it so I got to tell her goodbye just like I thought I was coming back.

Hell said the little guy who had been winning you talk like you was the only one. We’re all going to be killed that’s why we’re here. Christ he’s already dead and the big Swede over there is going to catch flu and die in camp and you in the corner you’re going to get blown so damned high nobody’ll ever have a souvenir and me I’m going to get buried in a trench cave-in and smother now isn’t that a hell of a way to die?

All of a sudden they were all quiet listening and the guy with red hair said what’s that? Somewhere in the air way far above them there was music. It was high thin music like a ghost passing through the sunlight. It was pale white music so beautiful so very faint and yet loud enough for all of them to hear. It was music like a soft breeze that finds it way out beyond the place where there is air where there is only space. It was music so faint so shivery so sweet that it made them all tremble as they stood and listened. It is the music of death said Christ the high thin music of death.

Everybody was still for a minute and then the little guy who had been winning said what the hell’s this other guy doing here he ain’t going to die. And then everybody looked at him. For a minute he didn’t know what to say he felt like somebody who’s come to a party he hasn’t any invitation to and then he cleared his throat and said maybe you’re right but I’m going to be the same as dead. You see I’m going to have my arms and legs blown off and my face shot out so I can’t see or hear or talk or breathe and I’m going to live even if I am dead.

They all looked at him and finally the guy who looked like a Swede said Jesus he’s worse off than we are. There was a little more silence and all of them seemed to be looking at the guy with red hair as if he was the boss. Hell said the guy with red hair after staring hard at him he’s all right leave him alone. So they all went out to the train.

On the way out to the train the little guy who had been winning said to Christ Christ are you going with us? And Christ said for a little ways but not far I got lots of trains to meet lots of dead men lots of them you wouldn’t believe it. So they climbed on the train and Christ made just an easy little jump and swung right smack up on top of the engine.

When the train started up everybody thought it was the train’s whistle made the noise but it wasn’t it was Christ perched up there and screaming that made the noise. So the train went rushing and screaming away with Christ perched on top of the engine his clothes trailing after him and hollering at the top of his voice. The train went so fast all you could see looking out of the window was a line between the sky and the earth and nothing else.

Pretty soon the train was in the middle of a big desert a hot yellow desert that shivered under the sun. Away off in the distance there was a cloud—a haze that was floating between the sky and the earth but nearer to the earth. And out of the haze was Christ coming up from Tucson.Etheric Christ Glimpses 1 Christ Rising over the desert Christ floated there above the desert with purple robes drifting down and the heat waves swimming up around him.

Looking at Christ there above the desert he couldn’t stand it any longer on the train. Dead men were on that train dead men or live men and he wasn’t either so he had no business being there. He had no business being anywhere there was no place for him he was forgotten and abandoned and left forever alone. So he jumped out of the train right through the window and started running toward Christ.

The nightmare train went on through the sunlight its whistle screeching and the dead men inside laughing. But he was alone in the desert running running till his lungs squeaked running toward Christ who floated there in the heat with purple robes. He ran and he ran and he ran and finally he came up to Christ. He threw himself into the hot sand at the feet of Christ and began to cry.”

To ask for our thoughtful attention to detail, when the Christ creates a round of drinks for the card players and to comprehend how each year in the life of a sixteen year old is part of the flavor and Spirit of the round of drinks is a wholly new concept of the transubstantiation, the Holy Communion. “Gosh said a quiet little guy who had been winning and now was sampling the whiskey this stuff is mighty good liquor try it. It ought to be good said Christ still looking at his dough out there on the table it’s sixteen years old.” The aged and aging process of Christ in the sixteen year old distills and creates a transubstantiation moment of drinking the actual illusion of the taste of someones life.

That which the card players drink around the table are the shot glasses of rich spirit. The distilled spirit of the sixteen year old boy is what they share as a communion together as they prepare to leave the realm of Earth life and Earth destiny, shepherded by the Christ. Guided by Christ the Lord of human Karma, as the hundreds of thousands of dead human beings, the casualties of war, the collateral damages to War Mongers are harvested and prepared to cross over to the Spiritual World. Yes and they toast with the young sixteen year old’s aged shots.The ferryman for the human soul after death crossing the river of life

It was the FerryMan who used to ferry the souls across the river that divides the earthly world from the spiritual world. Christ the Lord of Karma and each human beings individual Angel now serve as Ferrymen in the service of the Christ Being.

“Christ looked at the card like it was bad news. Then he pushed his money toward the dealer. I never could hit a twelve he said in a complaining voice. I don’t understand it because a twelve shouldn’t be any harder to hit than a thirteen should it? It shouldn’t be only it is said the guy with red hair. There is nothing to that it’s all the bunk said the guy who looked like a Swede a twelve is just like any other number above it only better and anybody tells you any different is filled with superstition.”

Christ did not fail by having the TWELVE DISCIPLES. Listen very carefully, matter and light, and carbon based life forms, human beings as well as nature combine and are integrated with a Carbon-12 model. “Carbon-12 is the more abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89% of carbon; it contains 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Carbon-12 is of particular importance as it is used as the standard from which atomic masses of all nuclides are measured: its mass number is by definition 12.” Not only should light the devachan and the atomic table of elements not escape human intelligence in their lack of moral insight, but more importantly is the reality of the THIRTEENTH.

Trumbo lets slip an interesting and fathomless idea, but none of us as casual readers are supposed to catch the drift and catch the meaning are we? When we look at the Last Supper it is always Thirteen we are looking at. When we look at King Arthur and his mythical 12 knights of the Round Table, we always are looking at Thirteen because both Arthur and the Christ are the Thirteenth. But reality does not end at that comparison, The Sun Being, the Christ who transformed the entire physical and genetic form of humanity by using Jesus as the vehicle, was the actual moral kernel of the Sun Itself in human form. The Sun, whether idiotic science stands by the seasons or the procession of the Equinoxes places the Sun in a giant cosmic clock of TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS, from whence the Christ as the central Sun Being, the Logos arrived at the Baptism.

Rudolf Steiner

“The Northern Mysteries were based upon the idea that when a number of men, each of whom has his particular task, are gathered together into a whole, an invisible influence will work in them, just as the soul works in a human body. When men come together in this way, each playing his own part, they form a kind of higher organism or body, and thus make it possible for a higher spiritual being to dwell among them. Thus Sieg gathered together a circle of twelve men, each of whom set out to develop the powers of his soul in a particular direction. And then, when they gathered together in their holy sanctuaries, they knew that a higher spiritual being was living among them as the soul lives in a human body, that their souls were members of a higher body. This was the sense in which the “Thirteenth” lived and moved among the Twelve who knew: We are twelve and the Thirteenth lives among us. Or else they chose out a Thirteenth whose function was then, within the circle of the Twelve, to be the connecting link enabling the higher influence to descend. And so the Thirteenth was recognised to be the representative of the Godhead in the sanctuaries of Initiation.

“Everything was related to the sacred number three, and for this reason the one who united in himself all the knowledge was known as the representative of the ‘holy Three’ and around him were the twelve, each one with his definite functions, like members of an organism.

“And so it was realised that when twelve men united together to develop a power which enabled a higher being to dwell among them, they were rising out of the physical into the spiritual world, rising to their God. They regarded themselves as the twelve attributes, the twelve qualities of the God. This was all reflected in the figures of the twelve Germanic Gods in the Northern sagas.”

Humanity as slip-shod, goony thinkers have to have 12 hours on every clock face and must account both for the position of the Earth in the cosmos, the 12 months of the year, and finally that the ratio of body weight to blood in the human being is 13/1, must also hold in their consciousness the reality of the Free Functioning Formative Etheric Christ Being as the 13th amidst the twelve constellations. The failure to grasp the rooted depths of a divine being of that magnitude having visited Earth Humanity and plunging itself into the destructive humility of human death is a failure to understand the very roots how Spirit and matter are wed. This is not a little baby Jesus injunction but a Pauline and a Krishna revelation in both Science and vision. Dalton Trumbo, Charlie Chaplin, Oppenheimer, Himmler and Rudolf Steiner penetrated into the region of The Lord of Karma, the Etheric Christ.

“So that in what happened at the Mystery of Golgotha, we really have a co-operation of the most important leaders of mankind, a synthesis of spirit-life. When St. Paul had his vision before Damascus, He Who appeared to him then was the Christ. The halo of light in which Christ was enveloped was Krishna. And because Christ has taken Krishna for His own soul-covering through which He then works on further, therefore in the light which shone there, in Christ Himself, there is all that was once upon a time contained in the sublime Gita. We find much of that old Krishna-teaching, although scattered about, in the New Testament revelations. This old Krishna-teaching has on that account become a personal matter to the whole of mankind, because Christ is not as such a human ego belonging to mankind, but to the Higher Hierarchies, Thus Christ belongs also to those times when man was not yet separated from that which now surrounds him as material existence, and which is veiled to him in maya through his own Luciferic temptation. If we glance back over the whole of evolution, we shall find that in those olden times there was not yet that strict division between the spiritual and the material; material was then still spiritual, and the spiritual — if we may say so — still manifested itself externally. Thus because, in the Christ-Impulse, something entered into mankind which completely prevented such a strict separation…”

From 1933 onwards the Risen Christ, The Lord of the physics of Human Karma has stood at the Threshold of Human Consciousness as humanity plunged itself into deeper and deeper forces of chaos and darkness. The issue of the physics of Human Karma is centered on the vast core and hub of the Christ Being that sorts out all the billions of human time streams and currents, primitively viewed as a train station by Dalton Trumbo, but far into the future, our current karmic issues have a cause and effect field within the vast Alpha – Omega structural system of the Light coordinator, the Christ Being. Trumbo allows that his passengers will know the time of their deaths, and will visit their loved ones and realize the results of the immense realities of Time – Cause and Effect that transcends our current sloppy physics studies of reality.

This vast cosmic I AM is intimate to every single i am that functions. Therefore Physics theory and time theory and studying karmic events of the past and their specific effects out into the future, have created what Steiner understood and Physics is trying to understand as a kind of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, disturbance that reveals a karmic effect sent winging back into the soul of the human being in the present from the future.

“There will be people — at first only a few, for only in the course of the next two or three thousand years will these capacities evolve in larger numbers, and these first forerunners will be born before the end of the first half of the twentieth century — who will have an experience something like the following. After taking part in some action they will withdraw from it, and will have before them a picture which arises from the act in question. At first, they will not recognize it; they will not find in it any relation to what they have done. In the end they will see that this picture, which appears to them as a sort of conscious dream-picture, is the counterpart of their own action; it is the picture of the action which must take place, in order that the karmic compensation of the previous action may be brought about.”

In this present and in that future The Etheric Christ Being embraces the full gamut of the divine unfolding of all human beings everywhere including compensation from the past, present and future events within an integrated, creative and cohesive whole. Not one human spirit or event is out of the system ever. This new disturbing capacity is part of the central reality of raising our vision past Krishna to the current Lord of Karma, The Etheric Christ Being currently operating within the etheric region of humanity. We need to know a great deal about the intimacy of our own human biographies within the Angelic and Divine system of compassion, matter, light and love. For our decisions in freedom, in the moment, create intimate alterations to our own and humanities karma in the future.

“…Russian researcher Anatoly Okhatrin are of definite interest. They confirm the idea of an ether or universal lepton gas, which contains full information about the material world. Clusters of the lightest particles–microleptons–carry people’s thoughts and feelings; these microleptons are capable of traveling in space and time at tremendous speeds.

The speed of light is a limiting factor only for a continuous stream of speeds, the so-called continuum. However, greater speed levels, in excess of the speed of light, are possible for extremely weak

“Okhatrin’s experiments and calculations show that people’s thoughts are carried by the lightest microleptons. And the equations of karma prove that they can travel much faster than light. This justifies the conclusion that humanity’s potential in getting to understand the Universe is practically boundless.

“Up to now it was considered that our potential in the conquest of outer space is limited by what is known as the pessimistic radius of Poincare-Einstein. If we multiply the speed of light by the human life span, we arrive at the limit that even the most sophisticated spaceships cannot surpass. No generation of spacemen can explore the Universe beyond that radius.

“But from the equations of karma it follows that at the level of extremely weak signals we can reach out far beyond the Poincare-Einstein sphere. Etheric Christ Glimpses 1 the pillars of the TRINITY SonUmbra-Light-Sculpture-and-Social-Hub-3Material thought can travel to distant regions of the Universe at a speed greater than that of light. Man can obtain information about what is happening at any distance from him. This is a fundamental philosophical conclusion that allows humanity to look to the future with optimism.

“I arrived at this conclusion by considering the equations of karma. But then, many scientists before me have reflected on the synthesis of science and religion, among them the founders of quantum physics. What are termed the conjugated equations of Schrodinger and Dirac point to the possibility of the existence of anti-particles. Similarly, the conjugated equation of karma suggests that there can be anti-signals as well as anti-particles. Moreover, this equation makes it possible to describe the spectrum of properties that these anti-signals possess. While ordinary signals travel along the river of time from the past via the present into the future, anti-signals travel in the opposite direction. They originate in the future and pass through the present into the past.”

We touched upon the issue of how America was preserved and chosen, as the most advanced technical nation, to become the bearer of a truly demonic weapon of mass incineration and destruction. America’s karma was to ingest and be chosen by the beast, to bring forth FEAR with more intensity than even Nazi Germany did. Both Heisenberg and Einstein prevented Germany from going further down a certain path, but America, as arrogant and malicious and huge as She is would be a far more interesting and enormous win for the seductive forces of the beast and our failure is a failure to think of macro or vast motives and intentions that are part of “The Grand Chessboard” that include think-tanks and societies and clubs that have fallen under the brilliant and glittering glare of the beasts most intimate schooling.

This is where the Manhattan Project and Oppenheimer crossed paths with Heinrich Himmler. Both Oppenheimer and Himmler were immersed in how Krishna answers Arjuna. Human Karma and the Logos or law of the world allowed Himmler to train his ruthless SS officers in moral detachment while fulfilling the job of murdering innocent people. Since murdering masses of innocent people would disturb the individual human moral conscience both Himmler and Oppenheimer resorted to hiding behind the Yogi Karma of detachment by using the  Bhagavad Gita and what the Lord of Karma, Krishna, as a Spiritual Being, brought as justification to the horrific death and destruction that would happen on the battlefield or in the final solution of Concentration Camps.

“Krishna is not teaching Arjuna to become ruthless. A choice less person can never be ruthless. Ruthlessness can only happen to a person of attachment, attachment to killing. A ruthless person simply enjoys being ruthless. Krishna will have no attachment to killing; killing has to take place because the value system Dharma is in danger. The law and order has to be maintained.”

In other words, it doesn’t matter if you think you would like things explained very easily to you, what matters is that you raise yourself up to the plateau where you grasp that the Christ, that super divine being that entered Jesus at the Baptism at 29/30 and completed the Resurrection at 33 years of age, was indeed the very Being of Krishna and that all arguments for murder or karmic justice or detachment from torture or rendition, or sterile annihilation as with un-manned drones or bio-weapons or mere launch codes, are all brought back to the individual I AM and cannot as both Himmler and Oppenheimer imagined, that somehow by lending their destiny to mass murder they would somehow be granted immunity from karma.

You and your affiliations with what you think are the righteous military good boys and girls think that somehow you will be given a pass because you remained nothing but ignorant unconscious pawns, taking orders and all the while imagining our perfect America doing the good. No, what matters is that you treated other I AM’s as you would have wished to be treated. Not one jot or tittle that caused the horrific murder or removing someones karma from the scope of reality will be left undetected by the Christ the Lord of Karma.

It is a physics impossibility and it is a Logos law and a Logos Being that stands as steady as the order of the Sun in the constellations. Therefore puny human denial is just weary water under the bridge. Christ is the master of the physics of how the entire karma of each and every individual will be woven back into reality and held to account. And this will absolutely cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and psychic distortions and Karmic earthquakes through out the entire system. The Beast plans to vaccine and medicate such disturbances as a cover up against the actual influences of the Etheric Christ Being.

Humanity and the Christ Being who is the I AM of the Light of the World has placed the weight of the moral depths of the world on each and every individual human being. Meditation on the I AM bernardelli If you pretend to be unconscious or pretend to not understand that an actual Divine Being, the Christ, is actually active now within humanity and that this is not some Eastern Esoteric tangent, but the moral and ethical battle for the very core of each and every brother and sister in protecting the tiniest I AM because in that fragile i am is also the germ of the mighty Christ I AM, you are pretending and hiding from actual reality. We are charged with becoming morally mature or descending deeper into the abyss.

“…the saving and redeeming work of Christ as a Sun Being or a spirit connected with the mystery of the Sun, the eternal spiritual and creative light. Christ leads man back to the spiritual domain through the Mystery of Golgotha in which mankind is resurrected from the physical condition and has begun the upwards journey from matter towards light, transubstantiated by the Soul-I connection or the Christ-being of his inner make-up.”

Oppenheimer later stated that while watching the display of the horrific power of the nuclear test he was reminded of a line from the Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds” The Manhattan Project was the perfect circle of research scientists who broke into the lower Devachan world without initiation. Reappearance_of_Christ_in_Etheric3 - 1The Grail Castle and Grail legends have a collection of souls who have experienced the initiation of the moral light of the Christ Being around the destiny of the blood of a God/human. In the Grail Community Angelic and higher Devachan Light of the Risen Christ was received as inspiration and communion into the will and courage of the human being.

In the Manhattan Project terrified, fearful and scientific patriotic souls of many different nationalities gathered together, during the horrors of WW II with the opportunity supplied by the advances in technology of the west, armed only with superficial intellectual, paper thin, veneer of moral substance and sterile thinking, ready to serve the beast and open the gates of the lower devachan. Decayed or fallen Light appears in magnetism, electricity and in the fatal depleted uranium of nuclear poisoned light that literally eats into the etheric lymphatic system and destroys the light re-generator of the the bone marrow.

The Resurrection and the rise of the Etheric Christ in magnificent stages has been set into the foundations of the world within the tangible number 33. On 17 December 1833 Kaspar Hauser (Click Link) was stabbed to death; in 1933 was the burning of the Reichstag and the launch of Nazism and the rise of Hitler. At the approach of 1933 the dawning of the experience of the etheric Christ, at the threshold of our higher consciousness had arrived.

It means to this day and ever since the dawn of the 20th century that anyone who imagines that we shall see parading before the cameras a PHYSICAL CHRIST in a PHYSICAL BODY, has failed to understand the magnitude and intimacy of the Etheric Christ experience. As the 30’s approached the entire world, Dust Bowl, Nazism, King Kong, The Great Depression, The Gold Standard and the brilliant ‘false flag’ deception of the burning of the Reichstag hit exactly on the mark of Feb 27, 1933.

The film “The Great Dictator” by Charlie Chaplin locked into the entire world wide distraction and deception that fully upstaged the intimacy of the Etheric Christ event as it approached and dawned. Chaplin managed to reverse the entire message of Nazism to the true message of global brotherhood.

The entire distorted message that broke the surface on the significant date of Feb 27, 1933, when all the lower forces of Germany erupted and all the backroom political deals were made in the U.S. of funding Nazi Germany via Prescott Bush, and the entire Bush dynasty, set the stage for money, power and the advancement of the war mentality to a science, all of which became part of the beast’s repertoire.

In 1940 Charlie Chaplin brought out [WATCH CLIP] “The Great Dictator” and against all odds presented the true message of brotherhood and humanity and the Etheric Christ event that was rising in the background of the basest human instincts. Real freedom is the ability to cope with intangible and mature elements of reality. Real freedom means digging into the depths of the foundations of the Spiritual and the Material worlds.

Like Dalton Trumbo, Charlie Chaplin and countless others have been pursued by and some murdered and assassinated by the machinations of the Beast. The stratagems of how The Soul of America was to be attacked and prevented from attaining a true insight into brotherhood and The Etheric Christ, was hatched in the crooked and demonic forces of the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover who was a pathological psychopath that held power over Presidents and politicians alike.

All the lower instincts and the lower devachan substance of human behavior were tools for manipulation and redirecting agencies and activities against the true revelation of the Etheric Christ. Tapes, pictures and recordings of Congress, Presidents and leaders are used today with venom to blackmail all those who enter, unprepared in their darkened human instincts to attempt to serve humanity.

Just as Hoover was a gay cross dresser who tried to keep his darker side hidden, so also were the sexual and political crimes, held on file by the FBI, held over the heads of anyone who presumed that they could walk up to the face of Power and pretend they were purely seeking the good of mankind. The best politicians and those who love the lust of power above all else, all have skeletons and hideous deeds in their histories that promote the lies and deception of humanity.

Colin Powell’s U.N. pile of lies to press for invading Iraq are very good examples of the manipulation of the beast. Dick Cheney has been one of the finest recent examples of the unmitigated corruption of a human soul by the beast. But America ingested the Anti-etheric light and the naive American soul had no training in higher Devachan moral insights.

Chaplin became increasingly concerned with politics. A strong supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, Chaplin’s film, Modern Times (1936), was seen by some critics as an attack on capitalism. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), began compiling a file on Chaplin’s activities, including his friendship with radicals such as Upton Sinclair, H. G. Wells, Hanns Eisner, Albert Einstein and Harold Laski.

A strong opponent of racism, in 1937 Chaplin decided to make a film on the dangers of fascism. As Chaplin pointed out in his autobiography, attempts were made to stop the film being made: “Half-way through making The Great Dictator I began receiving alarming messages from United Artists. They had been advised by the Hays Office that I would run into censorship trouble. Also the English office was very concerned about an anti-Hitler picture and doubted whether it could be shown in Britain. But I was determined to go ahead, for Hitler must be laughed at.” However, by the time The Great Dictator was finished, Britain was at war with Germany and it was used as propaganda against Hitler.

During the Second World War Chaplin played an active role in the American Committee for Russian War Relief. Others involved in this organization included Fiorello La Guardia, Vito Marcantonio, Wendell Willkie, Orson Welles, Rockwell Kent and Pearl Buck. Chaplin was also one of the major figures in the campaign during the summer of 1942 for the opening of a second-front in Europe.

After the Second World War the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) began to investigate people with left-wing views in the entertainment industry. In September 1947 Chaplin was subpoenaed to appear before the HUAC but three times his meeting was postponed. Unknown to Chaplin, J. Edgar Hoover, and the FBI, now had a 1,900 page file on his political activities. Hoover advised the Attorney General that when Chaplin left the country he should be allowed to return.

In 1952 Chaplin visited London for the premiere of Limelight. When he arrived back he discovered his entry permit revoked and had been denied the right to live in the United States. As Chaplin pointed out in his autobiography: “My prodigious sin was, and still is, being a non-conformist. Although I am not a Communist I refused to fall in line by hating them.”

Chaplin, blacklisted from making films in Hollywood, responded by making A King in New York (1957). The film stars Chaplin as the deposed king of Estrovia who flees to America where he is tormented by McCarthy style investigations. Chaplin was once again accused of being pro-communist and the film was not released in the United States.”

Dismissing the depth and Science, education and reality of the Spiritual World without a fight is immaturity first and cowardly second. Ignoring the deeper issues of humanity and how we are connected to the depths of an extended Devachan moral world is a literal failure to understand the message of The Matrix. Humanity can find itself submerged in the sub-devachan world of electricity and find that they themselves have sentenced themselves to slavery and extinction.

Oh the education and schooling of the schools of the beast started crudely with Nazi Germany. But these schools of the beast quickly grew and when America ingested the terrible potent secret of fallen light and began developing and nursing this beast, the entire social fabric of America slowly, upon slowly, became infected. For the strategy of the beast, was to outgrow the cumbersomeness of Nazi Germany and nestle its motives and agendas slowly and deeply into the lower psyche of the immoral core of America’s unconscious motives. These immoral American drives of greed and Avarice and Vegas and Wall Street motives have created entire new schools of deception. In these unconscious instincts are the causes and reasons for corruption, death, torture and economic disaster at every turn.

Chief to these schools of deception were CIA, Mossad and British nationals who found all that the beast, against brotherhood, whispered as power and aggression in their souls to be worthy of winning riches, fame and fortune in a superficial and debauched media environment and worthy of the envy of men’s eyes. And all that mattered was not the moral fabric of humanity, the higher Devachan or the reality of a Sun Being like the Etheric Christ who had walked the Earth as Jesus, all that mattered was the pretense of external success.

The pretensions of what materialism deemed  ‘the good life’. Never mind that there was very little self observation or depth of insight or courage to ask or seek the roots of disturbing questions, Americans became comfortable with convenient lies. JFK, Weapons of Mass Destruction, The Economic Crisis, 9/11, Global Warming, Heroin and Oil, The Stock Markets, Ponzi Schemes, American Health Care, all countless, countless lies, The Big Bang, Creationism, all convenient lies. The beast found the American Soul easy to seduce and America had much more stepping stone potential to paving the way to the Incarnation of the Anti-Christ because most of the leaders were easy marks and always greedy for short term success.

It does not matter to the self satisfied selfish to trace how the physics of mastering the path and way of each human “I AM’ in the vast populations of the living and the dead, passed through the world of the stars after death and how the stars themselves and the vast Angelic Community one stage above humanity, helped the Christ organize the incarnation and the lessons of all the billions over the planet. This was such high Devachan physics that to steal and rob and intrude into the Fallen Devachan Light forces of Magnetism, Electricity and Laser and atomic technology, was a robbery that was recognized by the base instincts of humanity as REAL POWER, not the cognitive power to awaken hidden spiritual capacities and creating a school of wisdom and a wide world of educational principles and insights that could reawaken all that slumbered as the good and healing potential in humanity.1st and 2nd Goetheanum To the media and culture, such insights appeared uninteresting, boring. The effort to locate the activity of the I AM in the blood; The astral body in the nervous system; The etheric body in the lymphatic system; and map the brilliant Physical Form and Physical body of Human Beings as a potent IMAGINATION of the gods themselves, was left to Rudolf Steiner and The School of Spiritual Science and the Devachan Grail students to defend.

The rich Science of how the supercharged higher devachan light of the Christ entered Jesus, not as a simple man, but as a complex deed of Initiation Schooling and human karma, entered into the human humility and humiliation of a God’s sacrifice on Golgotha is all part of the Science of Humanity. The Lord of Karma and the Etheric Christ was charged with lifting the entire genetic Fall of Humanity upwards, so that a Human model of Spirit Man, an advance prototype of what humanity shall become in the distant future, shattered the entire mid-point of human evolution on Earth. Humanity is charged with balancing the depths of its human darkness with the heights of it’s divine potential by choosing in freedom to walk a line between hellish slavery and the higher education of human Initiation Science.

Christ in The Spirit Man Phantom Body arising from the Tomb

“Christ and Spirit Man at the Tomb”



The continuing saga of absolute deception SEE CLIP. By Ryan Dawson

Current events in America and the repetition of the events of global economic Germany are studied in this film clip.

Addendum 3

“Johnny Got His Gun” film preview – (CLICK HERE)

Addendum 4

Etheric Christ at the Train Depot of ‘Killed in Action” card players. Risen Etheric Christ as the Lord of Karma scene from “Johnny Got His Gun” (CLICK LINK HERE)