The Seed of Anthroposophy and the child AnthroSophia by Bradford Riley

The Impact of AnthroSophia, the child and offspring of Sophia and the Risen Etheric Christ, has made contact and her impact was felt around the world. The Annunciation and birth of AnthroSophia Herself was recorded in the collective tales of Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz, The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily and the entire strength of the Mystery Dramas themselves. The link I will give you below allows us to track the subjective cultural imagination of the White Rabbit all the way to the Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner.

In the link I offer below, to tracking and tracing the birth of AnthroSophia, allows us to pass through numerous cultural phenomena including that of The Wizard of OZ. In Dorothy, many subtle attributes of Initiation show how the Imagination of the Wizard of Oz was clearly part of the many clues that revealed the arrival and announcement of AnthroSophia, the daughter of Sophia in the Soul Life of Humanity.

Treating the Annunciation of the birth of AnthroSophia in an entirely new Imagination that stirred itself to the depths of our Humanity, allows us to explore the Objectivity of Imagination given by the Spiritual World. Some moms can feel their babies move as early as 13-16 weeks from the start of their last period. These first fetal movements are called quickening and are often described as flutters. Now in the vast membrane of the world, dear friends, the arrival of the child of Sophia was felt around the world. We are not making this up. The arrival of AnthroSophia and the stirring of AnthroSophia was felt by Goethe in The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily. But the Emergency Room and Temple Birth Mystery that prepared for the arrival of AnthroSophia was set in the 1st Goetheanum.

The Imagination of Sophia on the Earth, was brought into vivid focus and the Seed of the Word, the Creative Logos and the pregnancy and womb required for the birth of AnthroSophia, a Higher Being to be carried to term in each of our human souls, receptively and respectfully arrived and was placed consciously on the Earth with the 1st Goetheanum. Michael Himself acted as, and participated as a guardian at the birth on Earth of His sister, AnthroSophia. The Christ Word, the Logos Insemination, filled the Imagination of the Temple of Sophia, and all through the world the Objective Membrane of the Higher Imagination of Humanity, reverberated in thousands and thousands of receptive souls.

It was felt by Lewis Carroll, it was felt by George MacDonald, it was felt by Frank Baum ( Tree in German), the very membrane of the world was felt by Michael Ende. Her birth quickened to life around the world and Human Imagination reverberated with Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, The Princess and Curdie, The Neverending Story. By Tracking and collating such reverberations awakening in our world wide Human Imaginations, just as Astronomers report celestial movements in the Heavens, the powerful Imaginations of Novalis and Goethe awakened the Imagination for the Sophia Maternity Ward to be placed on the Earth. That Sophia Maternity Ward was the rare event of the Objective Spirit-Self humbly awakening to Sophia. That Maternity Ward where Sophia could recognize Herself, as in a mirror on the Earth, was the 1st Goetheanum.

Since Lazarus/John stood beneath the cross and escorted the Mother of Jesus to Ephesus, the long, long wait for the awakening of the Imagination of Sophia on the Earth, was seen by Goethe and brought into manifestation and quickening through the 1st Goetheanum. We have to understand more here. Goethe and Novalis bore in their Inner Soul Forces the potent Seed Sophia had given them in the Spiritual World. This tremendous Oocyte, Ovum and Zygote seed potential are part of the DUAL Fallopian tubes. Now Imagination and the deep workings of the Science of St.John reveals how St. John understood what Christ had laid upon him. St. John was tasked to understand everything pertaining to the Mystery of “This is your Mother”.

The Seed of the Higher Worlds and the History of the World, placed on Earth, at least in the wide cultural sphere of Humanity, two individuals who knew and recognized each other. Novalis recognized Goethe and Goethe recognized Novalis and like the Two Fallopian Tubes, each bore in themselves the Higher Power of Metamorphosis as an entirely new capacity awakening in humanity. It was a Sophia Oocyte seed, which, when cultivated, brought the Objective capacity of Imagination and Science into position for fertilization through the Logos. Anthroposophy, the purified milk of the Logos, that once flowed through the Dove and the Grail Imaginations, was the pure nutritional milk required to stir AnthroSophia into Life within our Human Soul experience.

‘If one approaches Spiritual Science with the right attitude, it can indeed become the very substance of life within a human being. However, let me stress emphatically that it can take on this function only gradually, little by little, because Spiritual Science is much like everything that grows and develops: first it must have a seed that keeps growing, and then by virtue of this growth it becomes ever more effective.” (RS the Study of the Seed and the Tree of Life)

Goethe knew he was in possession of this new, rather unusual capacity. Goethe pressed deeply into the Objectivity of Imagination in both Science and Art. Goethe went all the way to the reality of Higher Plant Metamorphosis and down into the depths of the shadow and our Human Double. Novalis had the elasticity of pure Objective Imagination that produces the first stirrings of Living AnthroSophia in our Human Soul. Novalis named this combination of both Objective Science and Objective Imagination the child of Sophia, “Little Fable”. It IS the child of Sophia, but how do we bring it to birth?

The 1st Goetheanum was the Maternity Ward for the Birth and education of how our own Humanity could now give Birth to a New Being who would stand as a full complement to Michael the Archai and Time Spirit. Michael and the awakening of AnthroSophia in every human soul are part of the Medical and practical revelations as to how the Creative Logos and Sophia Herself have fostered a New Child built upon the Science of Imagination integrated precisely with objective Goethean Science and our Moral Imaginations purified through Novalis. Together, with the fusion of these two pillars of our Humanity, The Representative of Humanity as the Creative Logos could stand as Protector in the Great Hall of the Maternity Ward with Sophia. There and from the fountain of the ever renewing wellsprings of Anthroposophy the 1st Goetheanum manifested and stirred to wakefulness the dual new hidden capacities of Objective Science and Objective Imagination awakening in Humanity.

We awaken our Objective Imagination by following and collating those hidden Devachan trails that lead us to the birthplace of AnthroSophia. The first quickenings and flutterings of the Birth of AnthroSophia through the Objective Imagination of the Spiritual Worlds, lands us dead center in the ER delivery chamber of the 1st Goetheanum. But that requires us to expand the journey of our thought life into the Objective world of Human Imagination at the Threshold and the Devachan Hopes, Plans and gifts of the Hierarchies, for our Higher Spiritual Awakening. Which means that, regardless of our sarcastic and subjective dispositions, the reality of the Open Mystery of Golgotha Itself, was now the Open Mystery of the Objective Birth of AnthroSophia.

Hundreds of thousands of cultural events that seem completely unrelated are all part of the Time Mysteries of the unfolding open revelations, happening across the world, in countless individual hearts and minds. It means that instead of looking at one or two subjective, yet brilliant Imaginations, we see that All these Imaginations have an Objective Insemination where, somewhere on Earth or in some human beings Imagination, a semi-pure Revelation of the Arrival of Sophia’s daughter was registered. The arrival of AnthroSophia, the inkling of Her arrival, where She shall thrive and Live in us, is in fact the Objective ground of Imagination and the full Love of the Logos Living in our Humanity.

The New Mysteries, most of us are really rather vague about the New Mysteries. The New Mysteries in their Highest Purity have been changed since Golgotha from having been hidden to stunningly Wide Open and Revealed. That is a cognitive problem that is very, very difficult for us to understand. How could it be that the Highest Mysteries of the Gods and Humanity could now be revealed and recognized openly? The Logos is Here Now on Earth and the New Mysteries are standing with the Logos, Here, Now, on Earth. Our job is to understand and reveal how the subjective separate creative cultural revelations have arisen, in TIME, and lift our participation with them to the Borderlands and Boundaries where Objective Imagination and Objective Science reveal the touchstone of how the Hierarchies and Higher Initiation awaken in our Humanity.

We have great difficulty getting our intellects to awaken and come to terms with our Consciousness Soul. We fail again and again to see the Beauty of how we are all awakening even in our very different and widely diverse Languages and Cultural experiences, awakening into a world of Objective Imagination tied directly to Objective Science.

The New Mysteries, the Open Mysteries of the Consciousness Soul gives us the global opportunity of witnessing the vast participation of the Hierarchies, our Angels, the Dead and entering the New Mysteries that are arising to meet us. AnthroSophia, the daughter of Sophia awakens our ability to integrate Objective Imagination with Objective Science. AnthroSophia, Dorothy or Alice gives us new elasticity, accuracy and mobility of soul and spirit.

AnthroSophia and the pure Logos was the binding duty and Love that led to the break up between Rudolf Steiner and Theosophy. There was no need for a break-up or division between Anthroposophy and Theosophy except for the condition of bearing the Logos Seed of Sophia, developing the nourishment on Earth to feed the Child of the Mysteries, the Archangel child, AnthroSophia, that was part of the exquisite and intricate PhiloSophia that was directly tied to the Hierarchies through Rudolf Steiner.

Rudolf Steiner was the most immediately available Initiate to midwife the birth and labor of the daughter of Sophia into the Human Soul Itself. The intimate union of Objective Science and Objective Imagination could launch both The Consciousness Soul and raise Humanity to Spirit-Selfhood. Rudolf Steiner as a Sophia, Christian Initiate, was the only Doctor on call, when Theosophy decided to channel massive lies as a substitute for the Objective Holy Spirit nutrition, required for the birth of AnthroSophia in human souls.

What happened is historically known, that Theosophy as a worldwide movement was about to betray, pollute and parade Krishnamurti as the 2nd coming of Christ. The actual Objective Logos, think and Imagine the Logos Word of Creation and the Divine Sophia offering humanity Her Child. AnthroSophia was to be fed on the purest milk of the Holy Spirit. But make no mistake, all of Humanity were involved in the Birth of AnthroSophia. The entire brainwashing and false Logos, lies and impurity of the entire deliberate corruption of the youth of Krishnamurti was in defiance of both the Logos of Christ and Sophia.

When we examine what Sophia required from a Christian Initiate, we come to what Sophia demanded, what Truth and the Holy Spirit demanded if an Initiate was to be given the responsibility as midwife for a literal child of the mysteries. AnthroSophia was the daughter of Sophia Herself. What demands were placed on an Initiate to deliver the purest Logos, advance PhiloSophia, and feed the child of Sophia with only the purest content of Truth and Holy Substance that was ever consolidated into a regular, daily dose of untainted Spiritual Nourishment? Many of us have never even considered the break with Theosophy and the birth of Anthroposophy that demanded from every human being that the purity of the Spiritual World, that the substance of Truth Itself must come from the purest fountain and purest Springs of Knowledge in order to build the bones and life pulse for the revelation and birth of the daughter of Sophia.

The pollution of the stream of nourishment for such a New Earth Changing Event, where Sophia would allow Her Daughter to grow in Human Souls, immediately affected Theosophy with the unfortunate, tragic manipulation of Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti disavowed the machinations of certain occult factions which had immediately set a low bar of betrayal that would have allowed the general striving of humanity to skip over Truth, the Logos, and the realities of the nourishment offered directly from an Objective, fully real Spiritual World.

The pollution and poisoning of the Logos Stream, against the purity that must feed AnthroSophia Herself as a child of the Mysteries, put Spiritual Science and Anthroposophy in a peculiar position. Poor Krishnamurti was presented as a warning to stand guard over the mysteries and do not let our poison infect, mis-direct and corrupt the birth and childhood of little AnthroSophia Herself by way of the Fallen Logos tangled Lies of adults.

“At age eight, Krishnamurti, a frail and dreamy child, lice-ridden and open-mouthed, was discovered on a beach in South India and proclaimed by leaders of the Theosophical Society to be the next World Teacher. With exacting expectations, the Theosophists initiated the “coming messiah” into the spirit worlds with which they claimed to have direct contact. In addition, they introduced him to the mannered informalities of international society. But at the age of twenty-nine, Krishnamurti rebelled.

“Refusing the role of the chosen one, he claimed that truth could not be approached by way of a teacher and that enlightenment rendered all belief systems equally and inherently useless. Helping others find their way in a pathless land became Krishnamurti’s avowed mission for the next seven decades.” (link)

In order to gain permission from Sophia Herself, to even begin to supply the nourishment that AnthroSophia would need to grow in a Human Soul, it could not be handed to anyone whose intention and unconscious motives or conscious motives were to poison the wellsprings of the Holy Spirit. The intention to pollute or poison the stream of the Holy Ghost or in any way poison the pure wellsprings of the deepest roots of PhiloSophia was a Sin against an actual innocent Archangelic Embryo that could come alive within any and all Adult Human Souls.

Initiation and stepping up to meet Higher Initiation and The Higher Worlds was gaining the permission and meeting the requirements set down in the deepest Foundation Stone of the World of the Living Akasha. The feeding and care of this new child of the mysteries required the absolute integrity of an Initiate and an intimate agreement with Sophia Herself. This Initiation purity could not yet arise from Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, alias, Lewis Carroll.

In the link that follows I track the superficial surface revelations of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of OZ by stating emphatically that Humanity, like any astronomer with an eye glued to the sky, any human soul who felt intuitions, inspirations and imaginations flowing through them, which every human experiences in various degrees of actual clarity or clumsiness, know that certain souls are capable of receiving higher intuitions and imaginations into our tangled subjective Thought Sphere. We track some of the imaginations that have led to the Birth of AnthroSophia (HERE AT THIS LINK) and we track as well a personality like Nietzsche who felt, as Lewis Carroll did as well, an event stirring in the depths of humanity. But like most of us, we have been unable with our broken souls to objectify our true sense of things without the proper tools.

The Birth of AnthroSophia and Her objective delivery in the ER hospital of the 1st Goetheanum by the Good Doctor who midwifed PhiloSophia into the birth chamber for the daughter of Sophia, AnthroSophia was an objective Mystery Event that took place in the delivery room built for Sophia Herself. The 1st Goetheanum was that precise delivery room.

The 1st Goetheanum was an IMAGINATION offered up from Humanity, in order to meet Sophia Herself at the Threshold. AnthroSophia is a caliber of Archangel that can now arise in every human soul along with her brother, Michael. Each Human Soul can find the origin of AnthroSophia, in the objectivity of Human Evolution. It requires a certain training and clarity that opens the nutrition streams to the Higher Worlds. We begin to come towards our own Angels. We awaken the Karma and intimate understandings of each of our Human Destinies. AnthroSophia Herself prepares as a New Refreshed Archangelic embryonic capacity, to guide us to the Higher Worlds. We learn to ripen in ourselves, Freedom and Love, which is the gift our Humanity brings upwards as the bounty and fruits of true Earth Evolution and Human Destiny.

So the historical stream of AnthroSophia arriving on the Earth, had to pass through one of the Initiates. It also passed through Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, and was announced with giddy gobbly-gook that AnthroSophia, the daughter of Sophia had arrived. Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of OZ and hundreds of distortions and Film Imaginations, including The Neverending Story and hundreds of attempts to impersonate the Queen of the Universe and the Queen Mother of the Stars, that Objectively was encountered in the Mystery of Lazarus/John, rippled through Humanity. Objective Imagination resonates with Humanity down to the deepest core of our Being, where we encounter the Holy Spirit.

We have continued our immense cultural abuses of robbing the virginity of innocence and disrupting  the development of childhood Imagination. We have accelerated the robbing of the purity of puberty in our bones and above all else, attempting to deceive the Logos itself by deliberately poisoning Truth and Cognition that flows as the pure milk of cognition required, in fact, to nurture the reality of the Objective Holy Spirit.

The Seed of AnthroSophia Herself must be recovered and won by the Higher I AM in us. AnthroSophia Herself will not grow properly within the I AM without the new infusions of the Holy Spirit it requires to awaken it. But first we are required to recognize with the elasticity of our Imaginations how our I AM learns to move through the Rhythms of Time and how culture moves through Objective Imaginations. The Rhythms of Objective Time are part of the key New Mysteries of The Foundation Stone.

Within the following two links, first I follow the Rhythm pattern of Time that brings us to the very Pulse of the Risen Etheric Christ Living in TIME Itself (1st Link Click Here). In the second link I penetrate into the certainty of The Foundation Stone that was planted in the earliest Origins of Humanity. We are invited through Spiritual Science to grasp the Ancient Origins of The Foundation Stone laid in our Hearts as a seed in our earliest Origins. How do we build a Foundation Stone and When was the 1st Foundation Stone planted in the Heart of Humanity and precisely Who has activated and awakened this Foundation Stone ahead of us? (2nd Link The Foundation Stone).

The Goetheanum did not fail and Rudolf Steiner did not fail in his great act of Love to introduce under the protection of Michael and the Logos, the prime revelation of the Age of Pisces. That Anthroposophy would be the most stable and pure diet that brought Objective Science and Objective Imagination out into the Open Mysteries of the 20th and 21st Centuries, shook the Stars themselves. The pure stream of Higher Nutritional Milk of the Word saturated Spiritual Science in medicine, agriculture, education, Life after Death, the true contours and construct of the Higher Worlds, Incarnation, Birth, and Time, how Time and Space, the Stars and the Origins of Humanity are tied to the Hierarchies, were offered up to the daughter of Sophia.

Every Human Art, History, Tale, film script, drama, comedy, every single inspiration from Science or Religion in any corner of humanity and human history are solidly based on the Akasha. Any distortion is only a distortion because only a fragment of inspiration or imagination was triggered. Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science places all of Humanity firmly on the foundations of an Objective Cosmos both in structure and in True Imaginations. On these firm nutritional and Holy Spirit Foundations every human being can awaken AnthroSophia, the daughter of Sophia and the solid Logos of Creation as solid tools of the Soul and Spirit.

As a graduate of the Michael School of the Goetheanum I was plopped in the very middle of the creative impulses of New York City at the very height of all New forces of Imagination that were unleashed out of the West. All those inspired, who had arrived together from an Objective Spiritual World were filled with enthusiasm for what they remembered as the coming of a New Earth. A massive wave flowing through many generations, lit by the fuse of Sophia and the Objective Open Mysteries of the Christ Event, infused completely new impulses into the Arts that could flow back and rejuvenate the parched and depleted Spirit and Soul of Humanity.

So to observe two things as intimately as possible in terms of Schooling and Human destiny let me proceed. Albert Poland adored, as much of America had adored Judy Garland. Albert knew the personality of Judy Garland on Earth. The rest of us learned to love what Dorothy represented to the striving of our human souls and spirits. Albert Poland and a whole generation of souls, including myself, as we all had incarnated and found ourselves in the brewing, bustling cauldron of creativity in NYC also experienced Alice in Wonderland through Grace Slick and Dorothy through The Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland. Albert Poland helped produce a play I was in that originated at La Mama. I have known Albert Poland ever since 1969. As a fact, we know that Judy Garland is in the Spiritual World.

She didn’t have an easy time of it on Earth. But like Jimmy Stewart, Judy Garland represented a certain Higher Work of Imagination and she had big shoes to fill, Red Ruby Slippers indeed.

Cultural figures unprepared for Initiation or chosen as examples for us, to teach us about Initiation were such Archai Initiations that engaged the entire Nation. Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy revealed an entire sub-text of reality hidden behind the office of Potus. In the Arts, certain talented human beings are worshipped as box office idols with all the fallen idolatry of stunted and deformed Angels.

These are all examples of Krishnamurti superstar plagiarism where egotism is tempted to pretend and imitate Initiation. Actual Initiation Realities are built into the West and into the Three branches of Government of the West. But 99% of humanity cannot fathom a Three stage comprehension of Angel, Archangel or Archai clarity through our thinking and through the Founding of the United States of America Herself. The reason people side step The Mystery Dramas are because they represent the objective science of Initiation as facts showing our actual encounters with the Spiritual World and the clash of our shadows in the depths of our souls.

We may speak objectively about vast Archangelic Groups that are scattered in the different Etheric and Ethnic accents and regions over the United States. We may speak objectively that the office of POTUS, created in the United States, was designed out of the intelligence and instinct of the intuitions of Higher Initiation and common sense that inspired the Founding Fathers. The office of POTUS sets a high, nearly unreachable bar of Initiation that rises to Leadership of a Nation and becomes for a Term of Office, the very shattering shadow of an Archai, Time Spirit Mystery occupying the White House.

Above an Angel, above an Archangel, the office of POTUS falls under the shadow of an Archai Initiation Time Slot, Time Initiation. The daily Pulse of a Nation, the so called Leader or Dictator of the Free World evokes and calls forth ambitious, unconscious hungers for raw Power and Prestige and as of old, attracts the egotistic ancient Egyptian Pharaoh instinct and the ancient Roman Caesar arrogance of certain personalities. Such an Initiation that Martin Luther King Jr. (Archangel and Folk Group) or Robert Kennedy and John Lennon (Angel confrontations) often surprises humanity, and we are suddenly shaken that there is an actual Spiritual World and we are all in the middle of what appears to be Great Good beyond our wildest Imaginations and while struggling with a great evil.

Across the street from the Astor Place theater on Lafayette St in New York City, was the Public Theater that produced the smash hit, “Hair” which revealed an echo from out of the Spiritual World, a lasting echo of This so called Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is not yet here, we are still in the age of Pisces, but certainly the dawning of what in the Age of Aquarius under the Cosmic Best Man, Raphael, John the Baptist aka, Novalis, was a solid key for encountering in ourselves the actual Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. And the Forerunner of the Age of Aquarius was the arrival of AnthroSophia at the Mystery Center for Michael studies in Dornach Switzerland.

The seed of Anthroposophy brought to Humanity, through an entirely New Being suited to grow and guide us to the wisdom of Sophia of the Stars Herself, our Mother. That New Being ready to awaken on the Boundaries and Borderland of our Objective Imagination is a Higher Being offered to Humanity, through the Open Mysteries inaugurated by the Christ Event on Golgotha. In our Human Souls that Being is AnthroSophia. This is the great future step that Christ had assigned to Lazarus/John. Lazarus/John was tasked by Christ to present the great Mysteries of our Mother Sophia. And that vast Starry Cohesion of the Sophia Being, which we meet in the Devachan world called Heaven, had instructed Her Son, Lazarus/John to unveil and awaken the birth pangs of AnthroSophia in Humanity.

Much, much more could be shared as to how Lazarus/John absorbed, learned, endured and awakened the titanic forces of Metamorphosis, birth and development a Human Soul undergoes to be able to grasp Sophia Herself. Part of that Immense quest for Initiation and awakening the Objective reality of becoming a Living Foundation Stone, which Lazarus/John endured, ahead of the rest of us, is where Objective Science meets Sophia Science. Understanding and restoring to our Human Soul faculties, The Objective Science out of which All of our Humanity are made, you know that phrase the mafia uses, well Imagine that phrase taken to the objective heights of the New Sciences of Sophia. We are all MADE Human Beings. To Trek out into the Objective Science of Sophia and Lazarus/John (CLICK THIS LINK).

Further, each of us, who have been given the seed of Anthroposophy have a new measure of responsibility if we become conscious of it. It is our job to recognize what remarkable events have transpired since the Rise of the Etheric Christ from 1933. I pick up some of the scattered pieces of this 1933 Mystery in the following link.

In the following link, we are invited to verify the stunning awakening of the Love Generation and the source and origin of it’s powerful creative mixing and merging of Imagination Itself. It is our job to understand what has poured new life into Culture and recognize the events that occur behind the threshold of the Spiritual World and connect ourselves to the 20th and 21st century consciously. At least that is one of the tasks of the Michael School itself.

Tracking the birth of ANTHROSOPHIA in the far West. Recognizing the Symptoms:  (click this Link to awaken the dormant seed of AnthroSophia hidden in the West)

“Based on Goethe’s Fairy Tale of The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily published in 1795 Steiner literally lifted up the Underground Temple where Sophia had hidden her daughter AnthroSophia.

“Humanity was pregnant with Sophia’s child, from the union between Christ and Sophia of the Stars. Little AnthroSophia lay in the swaddling wraps of the living Language of the Logos of the World. Her Annunciation, birth and life depends on the solid nutritional stream of Manas – Buddhi – and Atma of the living Logos of the WORD that streams down deeply and nourishes the roots of the Soul and Spirit Sheath in each and every human being.

“Suddenly through the world, The Time was at Hand. The trimesters (Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan evolution; Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Atma) the progressions and the contractions of the world itself, the birth pangs of delivering an entirely new child from the Union of Divine Spiritual Beings was at our doorsteps by 1924. The Risen Etheric Christ began re-appearing at the Threshold of the Spiritual World by 1933, preparing the coming generations, preparing the Starry Configurations for the future incarnations that would carry the birth and awakening of the future child of Imagination and Inspiration that could be nursed to life in each human soul.

“This child was the result of the long incubation and gestation that resulted from the marriage between The Risen Etheric Christ, the Logos, and Sophia Herself. As a result of this Union, AnthroSophia could now be conceived in every Human Soul and brought forth through the Imagination and Inspiration of the Logos Itself.

“The announcement of the insemination and pregnancy of Sophia Herself, in the Temple of the Word, in the 20th century, in the ER Delivery Room of the 1st Goetheanum, reproduced in artistic splendor, with the Cupolas and the pillars, the Imagination on Earth, designed to accommodate Sophia and the birth of Her Child AnthroSophia. The contractions and birth pangs through the 1st Goetheanum revealed the swelling and coming forth of the awakening into consciousness, of the Underground Temple that was announced by Goethe in 1795.” (Encountering AnthroSophia  CLICK LINK)

Our Humanity is stirred, like ripples in a pond, like sound waves, how tone forms and ripples with universal occult reception, as Music as Math and most importantly are the laws out of which all Human Imaginations themselves flow and ripple through all of Humanity. They leave Objective traces of Objective events that many merely dismiss without understanding how Imaginations break through and penetrate into Artists, Scientists, and Religious common cultural streams.

The foundational law of how we recognize how objective Imaginations impacts individuals is a matter of standing on the Akasha of the History that is alive and and Unfolding continuously through the Hearts of Humanity. Everyone on Earth, Humanity as the Tenth Hierarchy, we are all endowed with certain common gifts and deep incarnation traits. The so called Akasha (click link) of the precise history and unfolding events that ripple through Time and the Apocalypse are the precise Nourishment and Nutrition that is required to feed and awaken the daughter of Sophia in each human soul. But Objective mobility and accurate cognition are best when they function together. (RS Link)

Learning to read Time and Imagination and understanding the Objectivity of Imagination as a new higher organ of perception that Humanity carries as an endowment, can only be cultivated under the elasticity and objectivity of Moral Imagination. This process of Moral Imagination and Freedom is precisely what The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity offered the Middle Sphere. The West, the East and the Middle sphere of the entire Earth each have their gifts. And we in the West must also make our contributions to the objectivity of Cultural Moral Imagination.

Part of the work of learning to be elastic and see through the Objectivity of Imaginations and collate them, and clarify them, builds the higher organs we need to nourish the birth of AnthroSophia Herself in every Human Soul. And there are hazards to being custodians of such a treasure that so easily becomes diverted into subjective trivia. Every Human Soul now has The Freedom to fail to awaken the Objective treasures of Sophia Herself. That does not mean that we lose the joyful sense of how each of our human hearts dance with delight when different Human Beings express in their own ways how they have been deeply awakened in their own Imaginations.

It is our Love of Seeing and recognizing each and every beautiful nuance of something as remarkable and as Real and as hard to express as The Being of AnthroSophia arising in the Soul Sphere of every Human Being. When we learn to Love and to see Sophia, and the objectivity of celebrating the gift of the exuberance of Her beloved daughter in all the Arts and Sciences, our hearts celebrate an entirely New Dimension of Living, Unfolding, Awakening Divine Wisdom.

This remarkable New Wisdom comes to light in each and every individual human being. Each and every child is bringing their own remembrance from the Great Heavenly Sophia Sciences and these remembrances require the objectivity and training of the Love of Elasticity and the mobility we encounter in many Fairy Tales. Because the Science of Sophia and Heaven Itself fills every bucket of wonder in every human soul with the same kind of Love and Dignity as we experience in Objective Logos Reality.

We as Logos Bearers, must always see and hear with our Objective Hearts tuned to the mobility and unique gifts that each soul brings from our shared Home in the Spiritual World. Therefore we become aware of discovering who, why and for what powerful Higher Wisdom we are drawn together with each other. We gain the ability through recognition of each other to become TIME TRAVELERS.  We all bring with us, we ALL arise and have come from the Same Divine Heavenly Science of Sophia Herself. Christ had given Lazarus/John a difficult task indeed, “Take Care of Our Mother who Art in Heaven”.

Our awakening to Sophia through the joy of the wisdom and love that Her daughter reveals with us and through us allows Humanity to approach the Laws and Mysteries of Time and the Objectivity and devotion of St.John.

St. John and the joyful child of Sophia carries the freshness and liveliness of the Spiritual World and rejuvenates and brings this Spiritual content back into the world with new invigoration. Anyone who studies Anthroposophy and Spiritual Science is filled with wonder at the freshness flowing from the founts of Higher Reality and back into our constantly awakening cognition. Through Little AnthroSophia new Life flows back into all that grows and sprouts and awakens in every Human Soul and Spirit.

“We cannot have the fruit without the seed. What we develop today as the fruit of the anthroposophical world view can make our hearts happy and warm our capacity to love. Yet nobody can enjoy this fruit of our spiritual scientific world view without the seed, that is without spiritual scientific knowledge itself.” (RS study of the seed click link)

Please feel free to participate in the further adventures of AnthroSophia. Click the following link and follow the Love Generation and Millennials and the X-Generation into the unfolding future of the vast Ascension Mysteries of the Risen Etheric Christ. Become a participant and schooled Time Traveller in awakening Objective Science with the tools of Objective Imagination.  (“Threshold Entities and Problems of Initiation” – Click Link)


Actual Work, very hard work, on the Seed Forces of Goethean Science and the Objective Birth of Higher Imagination.

“We must be able to wait for the inner experiences. (How the Seed awoke and developed RS Click Link)
“About this “being able to wait” I have already spoken. It was in the year 1889 — I tell about this in the Story of My Life — that the inner spiritual construction of Goethe’s “The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily” first came before my mind’s eye. And it was then, for the first time, that the perception as it were of a greater, wider connection than appears in the Fairy Tale itself presented itself to me. But I also knew at that time: I cannot yet make of this connection what I shall some day be able to make of it. And so what the Fairy Tale revealed to me at that time simply remained lying in the soul.
“Then, seven years later, in the year 1896, it welled up again, but still not in such a way that it could be properly shaped; and again, about 1903, seven years later. Even then, although it came with great definition and many connections, it could not yet receive its right form. Seven years later again, when I conceived my first Mystery Play, The Portal of Initiation — then only did the Fairy Tale reappear, transformed in such a way that it could be shaped and molded plastically.
“Such things, therefore, demand a real waiting, a time for ripening. We must bring our own experiences into relation with that which exists out there in the world. At a moment when only the seed of a plant is present, we obviously cannot have the plant. The seed must be brought into the right conditions for growth, and we must wait until the blossom, and finally the fruit, come out of the seed. And so it must be with the experiences through which we pass. We cannot take the line of being thrilled by an experience, simply because it happens to be there, and then forgetting it. The person who only wants his experiences when they are actually present will be doing little toward ultimate observation of the spiritual world. We must be able to wait. We must be able to let the experiences ripen within the soul.” (Spiritual Work on the Seed Click Link)


“In “The Wizard of Oz” we have a marvelous example of the soul (Dorothy) journeying into the spiritual world with her three companions, referred to by Rudolf Steiner as “soul forces” – Thinking, Feeling and Willing. She meets the Guardian of the Threshold and has to confront her “shadow self” and defeat it’s murderous power over her. In doing so, she transforms her soul forces. Obviously, the Scarecrow could already Think, the Tin Man could Feel and the Cowardly Lion could overcome his fear for the sake of someone he loved. What was needed was the development of spiritual consciousness through deeds of love. The Guardian of the Threshold loses his fearsome nature and becomes a kind guide and the Guardian Angel (Glinda the good witch) is able to raise Dorothy’s consciousness of her own spiritual power in thought.

“Really, the whole of Rudolf Steiner’s book, “Knowledge of the Higher World and Its Attainment” which outlines the way to healthy clairvoyant consciousness is miniaturized in “The Wizard of Oz”.

“I doubt that L. Frank Baum was familiar with Steiner’s work, but he reached into the microcosm of his own heart, which is the doorway to the macrocosm of the spiritual world and found there the same truths about the spiritual nature of the human being and his or her journey of self discovery. ” (Check Link HERE our friend Christine Natalie)


Anthroposophy and the seminal demise of Theosophy

“Our constant endeavor is to deepen, to widen, and to gather from every side, knowledge that can shed light on the Christ Idea. Yet outside our field of work, by talking round an abstract concept, people allege that we speak of the Christ as the “Second Logos.” In the Theosophical Society, conscience ought to be too sharp to permit such allegations. So long as sheer misrepresentation of other people’s views is possible, the Theosophical Movement cannot be said to have reached any particularly high level, and while this sort of thing goes on it is futile to boast about freedom of opinion in the Society. This is an empty phrase as long as people allow themselves to spread false ideas of the views held by others

“Certainly there must be freedom to spread every shade of opinion — but not freedom to misrepresent the views of others! Spiritual conscience must be sharpened in this respect; otherwise all feeling for truth would in the end be driven out of the Theosophical Movement and then it would not be possible to cultivate the true spiritual Movement within the framework of the “Theosophical Movement.” These things must not be glossed over but taken really seriously.

“Certainly, there may be fewer publications if the aim is to print only those things which are founded upon genuine, reliable knowledge. But after all, what harm will be done if there is less printing? What does it matter if less is said, so long as what is said is true and in accordance with reality? It was recently stated in periodicals abroad that the Christ is spoken of by us as the “Second Logos” and that we are said to be cultivating a “narrow” Theosophy, suitable for Germany but not for any other country; we are said to be cultivating a “narrow” Theosophy, whereas a really “broad” Theosophical Movement is being conducted from a certain center in Leipzig of which you have heard.

“When things of this kind are to be read, it can only be concluded that there does not exist in the Theosophical Movement the sharpness of conscience that is the prerequisite of a spiritual movement. And if we lack this sharpness of conscience, if we do not feel the most intense responsibility to the holiest truth, we shall make no progress on any other path. These things have had to be said. And within the Theosophical Movement it will above all be necessary to have eyes for the quality of love and compassion.

“If we conceive the Christ Impulse to be the down-pouring of that spiritual power which was kept back in the ancient Lemurian time in order to flow into evolution during the fourth post-Atlantean epoch at the point marked by the Baptism in the Jordan, reaching its culmination in the Mystery of Golgotha — then it is clear that He Who is known as the “Christ” was not, even at that time, incarnated, in the ordinary sense, in a physical human being.

“We know what complicated processes were connected with the man “Jesus of Nazareth” in order that for three years of his life the Christ Impulse might live within him. We are therefore able to understand that for three years the Christ Impulse lived on the Earth in the three sheaths of a human being, but we realize too that even at that time the Christ Impulse was not “incarnated” on the Earth in the ordinary sense but that He “pervaded” the body of the Being “Jesus of Nazareth.” This must be understood when it is said that it is not possible to speak of a “return” of Christ, but only of an Impulse which was present once, during the time of the events in Palestine beginning with the Baptism in the Jordan, when there remained only the physical body, the ether-body, and the astral body of Jesus of Nazareth; within these sheaths the Christ was then present on the very soil of the Earth.

“From that time Christ has been united with the spiritual atmosphere of the Earth and can there be found by souls who are willing to receive Him. From that time onward — and only from that time onward — He has been present in the spiritual atmosphere of the Earth. The great turn given to Earth evolution lies in the fact that from that time forward there was a power in the Earth which it did not previously contain.” (RS Link)


By Jeanne M. House  (Click Link for this remarkable and detailed analysis of Initiation patterns)  THE WIZARD OF OZ AND THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT

The “Wonderful Wizard of Oz” made its debut in American literature in 1900. This fairy tale of a strong and adventurous heroine appeared at a time when women were finding their voices after being repressed by the domination of patriarchy. It marked a new era for the feminine principle to be retrieved from our psyche and integrated back into the culture. The late 1800’s and early 1900’s was also a time when the subject of the occult was flourishing in New York City, through the Theosophy Society. This was also a new era for revelations and wisdom that originated in ancient mystery schools, to now be revealed to the masses, (albeit the language was still somewhat cryptic).

“Having said that, L. Frank Baum had a story to tell. And oh, what a story it was! It is a story that pertains to each and every one of us. Though it may appear to be a simple fairy tale, it is laden with symbols from the most ancient occult societies and mystery schools. And unlike the fairy tales of its day, his child heroine was not a meek and mild victim but one who transforms from a dependent people-pleaser to one who gains an indomitable spirit and courageous attitude, while pioneering new trails in order to find Home.

“In my last paper I covered some psychological principles while discussing the journey through Oz, especially the transformational events that helped Dorothy become more integrated. I demonstrated that the road to Oz was actually a road to psychological integration. Now I would like to take this a step further and attempt to demonstrate that the road to Oz is also a path to enlightenment.

“Few people trace the moral and symbolic meaning in a story. This story-teller, Frank Baum, may not have had a deep understanding of the ancient symbolism embedded in his own work. It is possible that he meant just to tell a charming tale, but because he was associated with a major esoteric school of his time, the Theosophical Society, I would gather that he was either over-shadowed by angelic-like beings or that he had passed several initiations himself, in order to write such a tale as this.

“Like all enduring myths, (a story with meaning attached to it, other than what it seems at first), we shall find not only the literal story of a person, but parallel imagery of moral principles. For example, the myth of Hercules can be read from a mere historical perspective or it could be interpreted as a “living myth” of a true spiritual power, a mirror of heroism, and a present and living aid against our foes both inner and outer. I believe that Hercules is still alive today in the magnanimous spirit of the Lion that Baum writes about.

“I also mentioned in my last paper that what was needed was a new way of seeing or “seeing symbolically.” So, continuing on that theme, I would like to take this journey a bit deeper and actually use the symbols to reveal the more hidden and latent esoteric principles of the story. Symbols are tools for our imagination, they act as doorways to our unconscious. According to Robert A. Johnson in his book, Inner Work, Inner work is the art of learning the symbolic language of the unconscious. The unconscious is a much larger realm than most of us realize. It is one that has a complete life of its own. It is an enormous ‘field of energy,’ and this constant stream of energy flows through our imaginations. So, our imagination is an organ of communication. It is an image-forming faculty. It does not make anything up. It converts the pre-existing symbols into meaning.

“The images in fairy tales are symbols and when we experience these images, we are also directly experiencing the inner parts of ourselves that are clothed in the images. Jung called these symbols, primordial archetypes. Jung also describes archetypes as blueprints or predispositions that we are all born with and also the fact that they have a dynamic aspect. His theory is that in order to be healthy, we must keep the conscious and the unconscious in dynamic balance.

“Joseph Campbell further supported this notion by describing the task at hand as ‘our adequacy as individuals to relate to the wealth of images and meanings in a creative and life-enhancing way.’ Our goal then is to bring the many parts of us into the one main story that we are living today. Our myths are alive and dynamic! So the road to Oz is the road to Self-knowledge.

“When Dorothy first lands in Oz she is told to begin at the beginning of the Yellow Brick Road. Here we will see that we all must build our consciousness moment-to-moment, because in our psyche it is our work or direct experiencing, not just our ideas that builds consciousness. So let us begin to see how Dorothy builds her consciousness brick by brick. One of the first major symbols to appear in desolate black and white Kansas was a Rainbow. Judy Garland’s song, “Somewhere over the rainbow,” suggests that dreams may come true in a land beyond the rainbow, where birds fly freely and ‘clouds are far behind me.’ This denotes that the sun is behind the storm clouds of doubt and confusion. The rainbow emanates an uplifting desire of hope and renewal.

“This rainbow also is a bridge from Kansas to Oz, a bountiful land of brilliant colors. It creates a climate of playful receptivity, which is the domain of the feminine. Each color of the rainbow carries with it specific vibrations and trigger different emotions and reactions. For the Theosophists, the seven rays of the rainbow would correlate with the seven paths of service that each one must master before he is to ascend the earth plane. The number eight represents a secret ray. And when you add the four elements of which we will discuss further in the paper, we get the number twelve, which represents our twelve planets that govern many of our moods and behaviors.

“In the book, Art and Symbols, by James Wasserman, he writes that the number seven represents the microcosm and the macrocosm, and expresses the relationship between God and humanity. There are seven steps of initiation in which we have to journey in order to return to God. The Theosophists also had a system where each one of the rays correlated with each of the seven chakras or energy centers in the human body. Each chakra has a special function and frequency marked by the number of petals it has. These petals determine the flow of energies of God to man. And they govern the God-Virtues that may be amplified within the seven chakras: God-Love, in the Heart, God-Power in the Throat, (in the authority of the Word), God Vision in the 3rd Eye, God-Wisdom in the Crown, God-Peace in the solar Plexus, God-Freedom in the Seat-of-the-Soul and God-Purity in the Base of the Spine.

“In his book, Healing Fiction, James Hillman describes that these symbols and images are not fictitious but actual guides to our deepest core of being and that by allowing these images to guide us we are healed. He implies that it is in the fiction itself, that we are healed. This means then, when Dorothy is imagining a rainbow, it is actually living through her. Our story is living us. Up until this time, Dorothy cannot find meaning in a seemingly barren world and just as she needs more meaning, a rainbow appears. If she follows its cue, she may find out why she is here and what is the meaning of her life.

“The rainbow is the herald of Dorothy’s mission. A Greek archetype that underlies Dorothy’s predispositions is the goddess IRIS. She is made of black and white and everything in between and she knows the necessity of all. She is a guide and a herald conversant in matters practical as well as spiritual. She journeys between dimensions shedding color and understanding in her wake. Traveling by the arc of her rainbow, she bridges the two worlds of b & w and color, knowing the necessity for both. Seven iridescent rays provide her bridge and she is fluent in the vibration of each. The rainbow is the great mediator between the conscious, earth plane and the unconscious plane of heaven.

“In the book, Queen of Heaven, John Ruskin discusses how in ancient myths, Harpies were “sisters of the rainbow.” They are the spirit of vain desires and the spirit of wasted energy. So this rainbow could also represent her path of the right use of energy. We all need to give up vain desires and empty hopes that are merely self-serving. And if you notice that when Dorothy does meet the three characters in the story, they were pretty self-absorbed and not very happy. It was only when they united for a larger purpose that energy was galvanized for the ultimate Victory!

“Since she spoke of the bluebird of happiness, she will not only act as the messenger of the gods, but she will show others how to go through their own initiations with joy. Birds denote height and loftiness of spirit. Morya from the Agni Yoga Society says, “It is better to enter a task with joy than with depression. When joy keeps its glow even under the most difficult circumstances, we are filled with impregnable strength. Joy generates power! Joy is a special wisdom. Truly, joy must be recognized and realized. In sadness people become blind and lose their faith.” The Inner Life Book I, #231.

“The next big symbol is the tornado. In Mythic Imagination, on page 14, Jung said, “Man must not dissolve in a whirl of warring possibilities and tendencies imposed upon him by the unconscious, but must become the unity that embraces all.” Morya continues to say, “Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. It is the symbol of a great action. It is the correlation between the microcosm and the Macrocosm. On the physical plane, spiral rotation is the basis of accumulation of substance and thought. From the summits down to chaos, space, is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance, for thought is inexhaustible.”

“What is really happening is that the ages pile up habits that lead to petrification of thinking. Just like when wood or shells petrify, some for millions of years. Our old myths or notions about our selves and the world, petrify if we don’t continue to transform them. It appears that the barren experience of Kansas, signifying the barren experience of Dorothy, is about to fall away as a new archetype is coming into her view. Dorothy’s cosmic mission is to bring back a larger myth for her society. This myth is full of color and hope of a new world-view, or a return to the paradise that she lost when she became an orphan.

“What is required then, is a shift in consciousness. Emotions such as feelings of lack or depression need a purification of consciousness. It has been said that ‘thoughts are things,” meaning that what you pay attention to you become. So what is needed is a dissolution of a lower consciousness, so that a new, higher thought can emerge.

“In Swamplands of the Soul, by James Hollis, says on page 74, that desuetude as the dispirited kingdom. What is the difference between spirit and soul? If soul loses the purposiveness of life, then spirit is the energy, the eros of the journey. When we are depressed, we may say we are dispirited; we have lost the energy for the traversing the swamplands. Listless, joyless, adrift in anomie; who has not dwelt in such an arid place from time to time and sometimes for years? Etymologically, the word desuetude means to grow out of the habit of using. We track our dreams in order to find where this missing energy is and where it wants to go. The soul, according to medieval physiology, is moist and when it is dry we suffer airidity of the spirit, a wasteland of the psyche. To give up one’s uniqueness or to sacrifice the personal journey, is to wound the soul.

“In the book Illuminations II, on page 361, Morya says, “A man depressed by circumstances, becomes immobile and dull. Dullness LIKE RUST corrodes a portion of the fundamental substance. Sympathy draws men’s energy downwards. When we sympathize with someone, we prevent others from learning their lessons in life that intend to teach them and we get pulled down into their misery. Sympathy is delusion but compassion means understanding.”

“When Dorothy encounters the Scarecrow, Lion and Tin man, she assisted each one of them but did not take on each of their responsibilities. She invited them to come along with her on her journey so that they too can find what they were searching for- a heart, a brain and the nerve. What she did do was renew their sense of play. In the book, Mere Creatures, by Elliot Gosse, on page 10, he says, play is in fact, widespread among animals. He claims that ‘living myth knows no distinction between play and seriousness.’ Johan Huizinga in Homo Ludens, traced all man’s important cultural manifestations to a ‘sense of play.’ He believed that the ‘play attitude’ must have been present before human culture or human speech existed, and is hence the ground on which personification or imagination work. D.W. Winnicott, a child therapist said that playing is a bridge between inner and outer reality and that, ‘ It is in playing and only in playing that the individual is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is in only being creative that the individual discovers the self.’

“Dorothy did just that when she first arrived in Oz. After she said, “Toto, I have a feeling that we aren’t in Kansas anymore,” she just went right along with the reverie of the munchkins. Dorothy’s house, (representing her self), lands in Oz. As she walks out of her house she is now exploring areas outside of her everyday thinking, where previously she had remained a stranger to these thoughts. Here she encounters the munchkins. Jung referred to these “little people” as our inner complexes that scurry into the bush the moment one’s attention is turned towards them. The complexes have their own bodies and their own will.

“Then comes the good witch of the North, (later we will discuss the wicked witches). Glinda represents Dorothy’s Higher Self. She acts as a guide but does not intervene until Dorothy has done all she can first to overcome. When catapulted into turmoil, unexpected assistance comes her way. Dorothy is blessed with divine protection and guidance.

“Then she is given a pair of shoes that she must use to walk the steps of her initiations. She is told to begin at the beginning. The Eastern sages would see this as a way of balancing karma from past lives. Karma means action or deed and the law of karma is cause and effect or ‘what comes around, goes around.’ The Hindu’s believe that you can actually change your karma through the principles of effective karma management. The principle is that how you live in this life will create the karma you will face in future lives and the way you lived in past lives determines your life in the present.

“The goal then, is to refine the way we act and react in this life. In working through the trying times of our lives, our primary powers are willpower,(represented by the Lion), devotion, (represented by the Tin man), and understanding, (represented by the Scarecrow). According to Satguru Bodhinatha Velanswami, in his article on Karma Management, Oct-2002, in Hinduism Today, says that karma can be mitigated through specific actions performed by the individual. He also said that,“It is easy to study the law of karma and appreciate it philosophically, but to realize it, to apply it to everything that happens to you, to understand the workings of it as the day goes by, requires the ability to which you must AWAKEN.” So, the journey for Dorothy is a journey of AWAKENING.

“Now starts the journey. The road starts with a spiral and is the color yellow for wisdom. It is a wisdom journey and it is round, which reminds me of the largest portion of the tornado, not the eye of it but the end of it. Jung believed that the round shape of the mandala represents wholeness. The image that comes to mind for me is the round table with the Holy Grail in the middle of it at King Arthur’s court. The circular table represents the universe and the Holy Grail is the key to salvation. Just like Dorothy, while she stands in the middle of the spiral she is representing the Grail. She is the key to her own salvation.

“According to Erickson, the spiral is a symbol of the evolving self, portraying the way people move beyond and then return to certain core issues as they develop. As you go up the spiral you return to the same issues again and again. (This reminds me of the tornado image.) As you go up, they are at more refined levels of experiences. Familiar difficulties occur, but at higher level on the spiral. So, at times we are embedded in psychological issues during a developmental stage and when we progress on the spiral we get new tasks and challenges. So it is accumulative. The myths we create evolve through a succession of changes from infancy to old age. He saw our development as a succession of predictable psycho-social crises. The hard-earned mythic lessons accumulated during one stage of development are important to the next level of development.

“The ancients believed that energy, physical and spiritual, flowed in spiral form. According to A Dictionary of Symbols by J.E. Cirlot, a spiral can be found in three main forms: expanding as in (nebula), contracting like the (whirlwind), and ossified like the (snails shell). In the first case it is an active sun-symbol, in the second and third cases, it is a negative moon symbol. Going back to ancient traditions, the creative spiral rising clockwise is attributed to Pallas Athena, and the destructive spiral like the whirlwind, which twirls around to the left, is an attribute of Poseidon. Lastly, the spiral is associated with the idea of dance, intended to induce the state of ecstacy and to enable man to escape from the material world and enter the beyond through the hole symbolized by the mystic Centre.

“This mystic center is HOME. There is ‘no place like home,” because we have all of the answers we need inside of each one of us. The journey to Oz is about finding our own Center and then living authentically from that Center. We embark upon the Victory Spiral of our lives by letting Pallas Athena be our guide for finding our own Truth deep within our being. The Greeks used the term “know thyself.” Carl Jung devised a way to find thy Self by teaching us a way of exploring our inner dimensions and uncovering the many layers of our being that would ultimately lead us to the fusion with our higher Self. He called this path individuation.

“According to Hillman in Healing Fiction, there seems to be no single way of knowing thyself. So for him it was time to begin to synthesize. In the book, Personal Mythology, The Psychology of Your Evolving Self, David Feinstein and Stanley Krippner pointed out that our goal is to work with the maze of inevitable conflicts between the myths that are merging and the myths of the past and your effectiveness and sense of integration will increase. The periods of crisis of faith courage and identity may be treated as calls for renewal in our current mythology.

“Since we are not the author of the play of our psyche, we need psychic objectivity or what Jung called the objective psyche. This requires us to witness psychic objects such as obstacles, tensions, obsessions, intrusions, as a way and means to our road to integration or our journey HOME. The Greek philosopher Empedocles, talked about the two qualities of love and strife as the way of providing the necessary “heat” in order to propel us to our victory. This is all part of our “inner work.”

“If you remember, when Dorothy encountered all three of the major characters of Oz, she found limp intelligence, (Scarecrow), immobilized feelings, (Tin man), and unsure wildness ‘that precedes confidence’, (Lion). All of these characters were not able to tap into the ‘fire of their own Spirit’ until Dorothy came along with a one-pointed goal to get to the Emerald City of Truth on the yellow road of wisdom. This not only galvanized them but her friendliness gave them trust and her ability to express justified anger gave them courage. These were the key qualities that liberated the forces within her of which her helpers represented. So you see, it is not a one-way relationship.

“We are all connected with Nature and It is connected to us. Feinstein and Krippner says that all myths are primarily spiritual because they all stem from one Primal Myth-the I AM (THAT I AM). This is the original Myth from which all myths stem from. All myths are like branches from this One trunk. Since Dorothy was an orphan, she was a prime candidate for starting her search for the elusive treasure of union with a “lost paradise” or this One myth, that eluded her in real life. The myth of the orphan was just a sub-myth if you will of a greater myth now emerging in her life. Joseph Campbell describes one of the components of our personal myths as a longing to know one’s part in the vast wonder and mystery of the cosmos.

“One way to embark upon this search is to cultivate our “Inner Shaman.” Shamans provide a model for guiding the western minds back to their primal roots. Just like the shamans of old, Dorothy is participating in an inner rite of transformation. Like the shamans, she is guided by an animal figure, her dog, Toto. In Chinese astrology, the sign of the “dog” is loyal and represents harmony and balance. The earth dog is especially loyal and serves as one who holds everything together. It is interesting that Toto means “everything and always.”

“The impetus and guidance for her success, is sparked by her devotion to Toto—or her strong instinctive responses to life’s circumstances. She protects Toto on two occasions and then he protects her. He plays a crucial part in each stage of Dorothy’s quest. Like Dorothy, he is small and fearful, but he insists on asserting himself. As a non-verbal animal he stands for her uncivilized part of herself who exposes the illusions and vulnerabilities of the coercive authority and propels the conforming child into adventures and actions that her social conscious would not consider or approve.

“On page 91, in the book, Mere Creatures, A Study of Modern Fantasy Tales for Children, Elliott Gose gives a comment from Max Luthi, “Man is in contact with nature, which accepts his assistance and in turn comes to his aid. But like Toto, the helping animal can also embody unconscious forces within.” He continues to say, “Helpful animals are ‘symbolic figures’ that embody and represent the instinctive forces of our nature, as distinguished from the higher human qualities of intellect, reason and power.”

“On page 113 of The Mythic Imagination, Your Quest for Meaning Through Personal Mythology, Stephen Larsen says that animals are inner sources of instinctive power within the psyche. He recommends that we work like a Shaman by dialoguing with the animals and finding out what they need. Dorothy did this quite naturally. Then he gives us a tool of an animal totem pole. There are seven animals on the ‘chakra’ totem pole. If you encounter an animal that is limited in some way or injured, this meant that this chakra was not functioning properly. Here we discover a personal ecology within our self.

“So, for Dorothy, it looks like she is having trouble with her, 4th, 5th and 6th chakras, which are represented by the, the Tin man, the Scarecrow and the Lion. Her 4th chakra is her ability to demonstrate Divine Love, or Love without attachment. Her 5th chakra represents her ability to communicate her inner Truth. Her 6th chakra has to do with her ability to visualize her divine destiny and then have the courage to take actions towards that end. While in Kansas, Dorothy transformed her three lower chakras, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras. In the first chakra, she had wed the material to the spiritual by creating the rainbow in order to journey back and forth between her conscious mind and her unconscious mind. She mastered her 2nd chakra by being true to her Self and taking a journey away from the Kansas consciousness. Now she is finding the balance between meekness and righteous indignation in her 3rd chakra. As Dorothy was able to free up the stagnate energy from these chakras, she became a more integrated person. She also became more empowered and was able to express her real inclinations. The more she does this, the more assistance she receives from the universe. This is how we create our lives. We acknowledge our inner-Truth, but we also have the courage to challenge error when we see it. This is true Self-empowerment.

“Larsen continues to say on page 185 of The Mythic Imagination, “If the inner rite of transformation is satisfactorily completed, there is a renewal of the unitive principle, and a higher version of internal harmony comes to reign.” Now this internal harmony is important, in that it allows Dorothy to have access to more energy to utilize on this path to the One, primal myth, that we will now call HOME. You see this One myth is where all the energy comes from anyway.

“Dorothy is embarking a “new” hero or heroine’s journey, which is unique in that it requires both individual ingenuity and collaborative effort of all the characters. A new paradigm is emerging in our society where we are not just individual heroes and heroine’s like the last century. We are now experiencing both a personal path and having a collective experience by tapping into the One primal myth. It is just not a solitary myth of a solitary hero anymore.

“On page 41 of the book Art and Symbols, Wasserman describes the initiation process, “A common thread in the initiatic experience is the descent into a dark and fearful underworld. Here, the only protection is the strength of faith and commitment to duty and higher purpose, whose agency will protect the candidate through deadly trials that lie ahead. These trials often take the shape of battles with overwhelming enemies and to prevail the initiate will have to battle to near exhaustion. In the land of the trial, the candidate is likely to meet helpers or guides who bring wisdom to his assistance. These may be in the form of animals who speak and direct him to the next stages or spirits who provide missing keys to various riddles.

“The final reward—in fact, the real secret—is the knowledge of the inner strength that the candidate was challenged to call forth within himself, including the now-tested awareness that intuitive certainty of the mission, was a true inspiration. His survival was proof that the journey was necessary. The strength of the conviction lasts a lifetime.” What one can do, all can do. This is the principle of the Great White Brotherhood mentioned in the Theosophical Society. They are way-showers, who have gone before us.

“These are the ‘spirits’ who are providing answers to the riddles we face today. The Lion, the Tin man and the Scarecrow represent the principles of faith, hope and charity. By using these principles we are getting the assistance from the ‘spirits’ while on our journey HOME. For instance, Archangel Michael represents faith and so does the mythological hero Hercules. Archangel Jophial represents Hope and Archangel Chamuel represents Love. These are all qualities of God.

“These three principles also go back to the Ancient of Days. What marked the beginning of a spiritual initiation process were groups of three, which were also used as a narrative device in medieval literature in Ireland and Wales, they appear moments before critical or dramatic events took place.

“The triune principle also represent the powers of the Trinity –the Father, (the Divine Mind of God), the Love of the Son, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. The Chaldean Oracles, by G.R.S. Mead says on page 95, “Enter into the true worships paradise where virtuewisdom and good rule are met together.” It also says, on page 66, “The oracle speaks of the sun possessing a three-powered rule.” On page 89 and 90, it says that later, according to Platonic commentators, that they were the chief ruling principles of the sensible world.

“The three-powered rule also showed up in the three parts of the transformation of a prevailing myth. Eric Erickson says that our evolving myth circles out of our prevailing myth and at some point it becomes a counter myth until the new myth is assimilated. He describes the new mythic image as being full of richer fiber and greater subtlety as we continue each stage of our life.

“And lastly, Georg Hegel developed the theory of the interplay of three elements when he describes thought processes and all historical change. Every thesis generates its opposite, or antithesis, and the interplay of the two produce synthesis, which transcends them both. The emerging synthesis becomes a new thesis and the whole cycle starts over.

“So, Power (the will to Be) is the thesis, or the Lion and Wisdom, is the antithesis, or the scarecrow and Love is the synthesis, or the Tin Man. This synthesis of divine attributes reveals that Love, Wisdom and Power are in reality One indivisible/undivided Whole, which can never be divided. This is not all, the Cosmic White Fire of the Universal Mother, (symbolized by Dorothy), now enters. Born out of the unity of the Divine Triad, the Luminous One steps out of the union to become the opposite or antithesis or the divine polarity of the thesis of the Trinity. Out of this union there is produced the synthesis of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mother. She manifests the feminine nature of the world of form. Each part is a Self-expression of the Whole, by the union of the Law of the One, then the Three, girded by the Fourth, the Blessed Mother,” says, Saint Germain, on page 313, in the book Saint Germain on Alchemy.

“In Oz, the number three represents the qualities of love, hope and light, but the number four represented the elements and the way in which we process these qualities. The elements of each of the characters are as follows: Dorothy represents earth; the Tin man represents water; the Scarecrow represents air and the Lion represents fire. In the book, The Masters and the Path, Purucker illustrates that the four elements are the basis of our lower bodies. He continues to say that we must get our emotional, mental, physical and etheric bodies under control. So the goal of initiation is to purify our lower vehicles so that the Holy Spirit can function perfectly through these vehicles when He wishes to do so. For the Theosophists, our four lower bodies are our etheric or memory body, (Lion) our mental body, (Scarecrow) our astral or emotional body (Tin man) and our physical body (Dorothy). We use these bodies as a way of qualifying the pure energy of the universe. If any one of these bodies are clogged up with negativity, than the Light of the Holy Spirit cannot flow in that area. That area would become stagnate. So, the goal is to clean and purify these bodies.

“In the Wizard of Oz, we find that our heroine Dorothy is experiencing a spiritual alchemy. Only instead of using metal, she is transforming her own lead thoughts and feelings into the gold of a more Self-empowered, individual who is demonstrating her mastery of her emotional, physical, spiritual and mental worlds.

“In the Greek religion we find, four subordinate elemental forces, (earth, waters, fire, and air), under One governing Lord of all things. Dorothy is learning to govern the elemental forces within her. Now the Greeks also said that four elemental forces have four spiritual powers living in them and commanding them. And the living powers of them are Demeter, Poseidon, Apollo and Athena. Each of these is a descendent from or changed from more ancient and therefore more mystic deity. Elements then, are qualities embodied by spirits. Our goal then is to transmute the base or lead qualities of today into more the noble or gold qualities of these spirits of by-gone days.”

From the Birth of America to Its Culmination in the 7th Age by Bradford Riley

The 4th part that has followed the whole series GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE is now available. Please accept this invitation to the gateway of the lofty unfolding of the future of AMERICA. The following is a quote taken from the text.

“The Culmination of Earth actually brings us, our humanity to the brink of the Divine Forces of Love and Metamorphosis that Christ Himself carried during the 4th Age.

The goal of the American Age, from the founding of America in the West, was to generate a new path to the illumination of the Christ Event and how humanity achieves in itself, by the 7th Age, the literal Risen Etheric Budhi forces that were revealed in the THREE YEARS Christ shared as a Human Being. By the 7th Age, THE AMERICAN AGE, many human beings will begin to manifest what the Christ revealed through His Resurrection.”
Our Journey together through the tumultuous 5th Age of Pisces – 6th Age of Aquarius – 7th Age of Capricorn actually reveals our Journey together to absorb the flowering of Humanity which is understood as The Coming American Age.

Each Human Being on the Earth will share, absorb and arise to become a portion and potent piece of the rich content of the coming American Age. The Journey to achieve the American Age must pass directly through future Ascension Mysteries of the Christ Being. THE CULMINATION – of the American Psyche (CLICK LINK), where instead of declaring as John F. Kennedy did at the Berlin Wall “Ich bin ein Berliner” (click link), rather everyone on Earth will have absorbed and passed through a higher metamorphosis to become revelations of precisely what the impulse of the founding of America and achieving the American Spirit was all about.

“Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was “civis Romanus sum”. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is “Ich bin ein Berliner”. JFK (click link)

ICH BIN will be the Bountiful CALL that echoes and resounds from the coming American Age. The immense Culmination and Journey to arrive at The American Age must literally rattle the foundations of the Earth and transform the Solar System itself. ALL of us will be required to literally unravel the knots that connect us to the rings of Saturn and tie us to The Nine Layers of the Inner Earth. All the buried seeds of the highest ideals of America are latent, entombed and wrapped in the Mystery of the West, and all that East – West – and Middle have sacrificed themselves for, brings us to the 4th part called by me, THE CULMINATION – of the American Psyche. (Click on Picture Below where you may OPEN the entire article for your private viewing if you so desire. It is over 150 pages of in depth study of AMERICA and ANTHROSOPHIA.)

We will as humanity, as our future unfolds, evolve an entirely new stream of Nutrition and Life. We will unfold an entirely New Method of Procreation.

In this, the 4th Part of Grappling with the monsters of the American Psyche, we arrive at an amazing Plateau of Earth Destiny and Human Evolution. It is advised that each person study Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, before embarking on THE CULMINATION.

None of our standard educational paradigms have prepared us to understand what Our Own Metamorphosis means for the whole of humanity, the elemental kingdoms tied to the core of the Earth, and to our individual Angels torn between the Hierarchies and the further Fall of Our Humanity to the Eighth Sphere. The outcome of The Culmination of the American Age must be lived through and understood in the vivid cognitive Life of our Higher I AM.

But of course, we also love those souls who wish to rush to the end of the tale, drink in THE CULMINATION in order to prepare themselves before they embark. Before traveling it is good to know what to pack and the places we shall visit on our travelocity itinerary. This is what an Omega/Alpha OR Alpha/Omega mystery is all about. Lazarus/John was raised from the dead in order to deliver just such a Report. (Click on CULMINATION or Click on the Picture above in order to go to the portal and OPEN the Adventure of Anthrosophia and the dawning of the 7th Age).

The Age of Capricorn is an immense from HERE TO ETERNITY study and beyond OR, a, [How to Manual] to Follow the Christ into the Future Ascension of our Earth and our Humanity. It is a legitimate desire to want to go to the END in order to understand THE BEGINNING. By clicking on the PICTURE ABOVE, and (when you are ready to explore that future and OPEN your own password to the document) you will come to a new understanding of the days of FUTURE – PAST.

If we know what to expect in the unfolding future events, The Event Horizons ahead of us, we can connect the dots of the present and prepare ourselves for the future. That is, if Science, The Michael School, The Sophia School and the Lamb of God can be integrated into the Goethean Metamorphosis of SEVEN mighty stages in the unfolding of the Higher Development of Humanity. Being somewhat prepared ahead, we can pluck up our faltering Cosmic Courage and steer a course for the Great Unraveling of the Stars.

I apologize to everyone for my need to write forward, send myself ahead of myself, in order to sort out for myself the labyrinth of my inadequate education. Each of us has to learn how to unravel the knots, and untangle the threads of TIME. Everyone I have ever known, have all seemed to understand things much more wisely than I. So please accept my apology. I have needed this map of the future far more than you know.

Each person ahead of me has helped me navigate through the maze of Nature and the Science of Metamorphosis. Each person I have met has helped me through SUB-NATURE, (an entirely new kingdom filled with future Nature). Each person we know, we owe an immense debt of gratitude to for participating with us in this great, great adventure to find America. Each of us will be required to learn how to unravel, re-member, reassemble, and extinguish ourselves with the precise Sacramental Science of the Holy Logos of Creation. We are all learning to get comfortable in the Higher School of Metamorphosis and it will TAKE TIME.

So After you Listen to AMERICA click this link – Part 4 – The Culmination and test if you are ready to awaken the Future of the American Age.

Announcing the Birth of a new Sister in 2016

Dear Friends and fellow passengers who have hitched rides with Rileybrad’s Blog;

Rileybrad's blog and Riley Brad's WorksFrom November 2015 to January 2016 I upgraded my potential capacities in Rileybrad’s Blog by improving my services through WordPress. In order to bring those capacities to Rileybrad’s Blog I had to bring a SISTER SITE to birth and into service.

It is therefore important, at least for those interested in Rileybrad’s blog, to link and become familiar with the new improved, upgraded site, which has a new look, new capacities and with more potentials for enhancement and improvement.

The SISTER SITE is Riley Brad’s Works. If you have been an interested participant in my blog, the Sister Site keeps the content of the the current Blog that we are all familiar with but adds new improved features. I was able to integrate new features only because I upgraded to a linked site that supports WordPress advanced features. So in mid-stream of my writing and research I had to interrupt and re-invent and introduce a Sister Site to support the certainty and simplicity we had already established in Rileybrad’s Blog. rileybrad and riley works

In other words the dependable old clunker still runs sweet but we can also take a spin in the new improved better mileage and better road handling Sister Site. You can look at them both side by side, kick the tires and YOU can take either of them out for a road test and a drive. Take the new SISTER SITE – Riley Brad’s Works – out for your own test drive.

The Sister Site and the upgrades make for a better experience. But of course there is nothing like the comfort and reliability of the old site. Since Rileybrad’s Blog already enjoyed YOU, as sharers and participants, I did not wish to collapse and remove what all the Search Engines over the globe had already established. riley works and riley blogSo here are the keys to the New Sister Site take it for a spin and put it back in the driveway when you’re finished. Oh and put a dollar or two in the gas tank if you can, try not to leave it on empty.

So may I ask all of those who participate with Rileybrad’s Blog, which is the site you are on at this moment, the words that you are reading now are from Rileybrad’s Blog that has been here for nearly a decade and shall hopefully continue; would you also do me the kindness of looking over the New Sister Site, take it out for a test drive. I will be adding New items to both sites. CLICK LINK TO SISTER SITE NOW.

To assist in our further adventures on the ROAD, gas, air in the tires, oil changes, brake fluid, and passenger safety, I will sometimes place an incentive for those enjoying the drive to drop a dollar or two, whatever you are able, to keep us going. As an example I may set up goals for us, like the following.

I will try to keep you updated on some of my works in progress. If you can contribute from any currency, even the smallest amount, it would be warmly appreciated. We benefit, the Michael School benefits and our children benefit by having more highways and byways devoted to Spiritual Science and the discovery of the Risen Etheric Christ in the events of our time. CLICK THIS LINK FOR PROGRESS REPORTS.

I humbly thank all those who have supported this research and those also who have devoted their hearts to Spiritual Science and the Michael School. We are on Earth, with more Souls arriving every hour, so we need hundreds and millions of diverse deeds of Michael and the Spiritual Worlds flooding the world with Light, vision and warmth of soul. The future requires it. Thank-You from my heart.

“Grappling with the monsters of the American Psyche” (part 3) by Bradford Riley

Spring Equinox rises in Aquarius the Water Bearer 3574-5734Age of America 2 the mother aquarian pot Ludger Philips Russian-Slavonic  6th Cultural Era = Manas or Spirit Self

The Revelation of St John the Divine chapter 22

 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

 16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.


PART 2 (CLICK LINK) evaluates the 5th age NOW, of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL

PART 1 (CLICK LINK) is the INTRODUCTION to the whole series

PART 4 (Is ready NOW but YOU NEED TO ACTIVATE IT ) evaluates the 7th Age of Budhi and Life-Spirit along with the Eighth Sphere

But why Novalis? Novalis, not that anyone should immediately comprehend where the first trickle of the Spirit-Self or Manas begins the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, where it first began to trickle in, would be like trying to discover the Source of the Nile. Novalis is the source of the first trickling in of the 6th Age, the Age of Manas or Spirit Selfhood.

This vast trickling down that starts with Novalis at the grave of Sophie von Kühn, becomes a torrent and a flood as it washed with tremendous force, and united with the stream of the Celts and Christian Rosenkreuz and the French Revolution and united with the strong Greek, Goethe, Aristotle and Alexander the Great, Pauline streams is what we have discussed over all in the inpouring of a massive gathering of souls from the spiritual world.

Since we have been invited to see Elijah, John the Baptist, Raphael the Painter, Novalis the Poet, and share in our discoveries of the source of the Nile of the in-pouring of the first trickle of the 6th Age, the Age of Aquarius starts with Novalis kneeling before the grave of Sophie von Kühn. Goethe is there, Novalis is there, Fichte of the I AM is there, Holderlin is there. But the intimate moment of the initiation of Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg is the gravesite summoning of Sophia Herself from the Stars. At that moment Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg was 25 years old and became the first student enrolled in the University of Sophia of the Stars.

The first trickle of Manas and Spirit-Selfhood and ANTHROSOPHIA trickled down into the hearts of humanity. This same individual, Novalis, was once the Archangel of the Hebrew People, who welcomed the Christ at the Baptism in the Jordan.  It is no small matter that Elijah/John the Baptist was already an Archangel force in a Human Incarnation. This same individual, who, as a child, played with young Jesus and was his boon companion when Elizabeth and Mary were two young mothers, and this same individual was the same that was beheaded through the Luciferic Salome Mysteries.

john the baptist salome lucien levy-dhurmerThe transformation of the Sentient Soul into Spirit Selfhood or Manas has to do with transformation of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries. Our hearts ‘good’ sense of love and sensuality, our wholesomeness is magically transformed and changed into the richness of Holy Spirit cognition. Our own beheading, from our indoctrination with materialism, awakens us to higher Spiritual Cognition, ANTHROSOPHIA THINKING and an active relation with what is poorly understood as Spirit-Selfhood and inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

Our sentient soul and our astral body, from childhood through adolescence to – I AMness learns the simplistic foundational rudiments of bonds, sister and brotherhood, generic mother and fatherhood, husband and spouse fidelity, along the way we also learn the secrets of courage and an inkling into the secrets of unconditional love. While our sentient soul and astral body slowly ripens, our hearts fresh clairvoyance begins to be replenished at the well of the I AM. At each stage of deeper replenishment our I AM learns to pass through more and more conscious layers of grief and gratefulness to the Father in Heaven. We learn to behead our preoccupation with materialism and awaken to the delights of the daughter of Sophia.

T.S. Eliot Little Gidding  – “You are here to kneel
Where prayer has been valid. And prayer is more
Than an order of words, the conscious occupation
Of the praying mind, or the sound of the voice praying.
And what the dead had no speech for, when living,
They can tell you, being dead: the communication
Of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living.”

Our Intellectual Soul works at the refining process of the heart and so does our Consciousness Soul. The Birth of Anthrosophia in the heart brings from grief to gratitude the higher revelation of Karma Cognition that has ripened and matured from our grief as sacrament at the Threshold of the Spiritual World.

Everyone bit by bit must experience the grief of Sentient Feelings for the love of family, the drawing together of lovers, from puppy love to the unconscious tie of karma which most marriages are. It is a great leap forward when we learn to identify new family members of soul and spirit, that go well beyond instinctive blood line relationships to Manas, conscious Karma Cognition.

Dawning awareness and recognition that rises above blood lines to deeply rooted karmic bonds (Karma Cognition study CLICK LINK)  run through our entire individual karmic history and are part of the very foundations of our  ‘ I AM’. Novalis, going way, way back to foundations of Abel and Cain, to John the Baptist and Raphael the painter stands as a powerful example of the karmic history of humanity.

In the 5th Age of Pisces (Part 1 and Part 2 click link) we have been re-experiencing  portions of our Egyptian Sentient Soul and the resurrection of ISIS Herself into the dawning of Sophia or Anthrosophia, the daughter of Sophia. Manas, the 6th Age brings towards us the transformation of the fundamental foundations of wholesome, goodness in our deepest heart; – to literal Heart Cognition of higher love. We begin to see goodness through the eyes of our transformed hearts into Manas or Spirit-Selfhood.

Instead of the 5th Age and ancient Egypt we now are called in the 6th Age to penetrate the Ancient Persian Foundations of Dualism. We develop a simultaneous Eye to See higher connections and a simultaneous power of thought that reconnects precise cognition from above to precise cognition in the material world of matter and spirit process. We gain the Dualism of a higher Eye that enhances and awakens our lower Eye that once ‘ saw through a glass darkly’ and was unable to pierce the murky depths of materialism. We can now do both, the two are united in the functioning force of the heart and the brain, the pineal and the pituitary.

The Hierarchies and their intimate relationships are reflected down into the depths of matter, karma and the tense polarity of Good and Evil. We begin to learn how to bring precise goodness of Soul, goodness of astral, goodness of unconditional love, goodness of courage, goodness of Spirit and goodness of etheric and I AM, down into the swirling matrix of matter. A whole new form of Love began to ray into the soul of Novalis.

Grief as sacrament of the I becomes Gratitude and precise, living awareness of who in the vast world of karma has given us everything we are. mineral plant animal humanHere, it is not a doubt, but a fact, that we recognize stone, plant, animals, HUMAN KARMA CLARITY who gave us our upbuilding soul experiences and those who have given us Truth through Time as THE MANNA and BREAD OF LIFE (CLICK LINK) that has sustained us through TIME.

We begin to see TIME as the immense opportunity for the unfolding flower of our Spirit-Selfhood. We begin to see that the whole universe has sacrificed itself so that our ‘ I AM ‘ might blossom. Wrenching, wringing, heart felt gratitude born on the sacramental altar of grief, as a higher transformation of love, is what our Heart Recognizes as Wholeness of Soul and Spirit, that is nourished, literally by the breath of Holy Spirit Gratitude.

It means very, very little to the unstudied, unschooled, unlearned and in that sense, American Education remains without the least comprehension of what is understood as the Luciferic Salome Mysteries.Salome and John the Baptist When approaching the 6th Age, the first trickle of the Age of Manas or Spirit-Selfhood, we arrive at the redemption of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

The transition from the old blood lines to the wholly new Archangel and Archai communities of the Risen Etheric Christ has been part of the job description of John the Baptist. The removal of all the old paradigms and traditions and bringing the New Archangel JOHN to hover over the embryonic community of the Disciples launches the new Sophia -Christ and Michael communities. The Archangel of the Celtic Folk Community, ( a full Tolkien Mystery) and the Archangel of the Greeks, Folk Soul of the Logos; and the higher fire initiation of Lazarus/John to Archai status for the Risen Etheric Christ, were running below the surface of history on the fast track, also waiting for Novalis to meet Goethe and Fichte.

The Beheading of John the Baptist equates with our acquiring an entirely new thinking process. We are led to follow the deep underground roots of the community of the Risen Etheric Christ. In the Great School of Michael the Archai and TIME SPIRIT of the age, we transform our Dead materialistic Thinking of SPACE into the Living Thinking of TIME and the revelation of the Karma of Humanity. Our first blush of the dawning arrival of these new mysteries of Sophia and Anthrosophia, arrives in the lap of Novalis at the grave of Sophie von Kuhn.

Right from the start, it is hard to understand the road-map that leads us through the mystery of Parsifal, Spirit-Self and further and deeper into John the Baptist, because we skipped, deleted literally, from any comprehensive interest in our higher schooling, anything whatever to do with the road-map that brings us to the dawning of Spirit-SelfhoodAge of America 2 Luciferic Salome Mysteries through our understanding of the Salome Mysteries of Lucifer.

If there was a specific sword that was retained, the sword that hacked the head off John the Baptist, was a holy relic that would bleed of it’s own when the stars and Earth brought Midsummer, at the Sun’s High Hour.

Our beheading and what comes after that beheading of all our old blood line misconceptions and sentimentality and our poisoned and false materialism, requires a complete change of heart, which is what stands behind the Beheading of John the Baptist. We follow the unusual and difficult trail that brings us into the Spirit-Selfhood attainment of Parsifal and the Grail (click link).

“In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, the knight Gawain is sent on a mission by a hermit who looks young, although he is 75 years old. The mission is to find the sword that John the Baptist was beheaded with, which he will need to enter the lands of the Fisher King. The sword belongs to a pagan king named Gurguran, who promises Gawain that he can have it if he will rescue the king’s son from a giant who has kidnapped him.”

The achievement of the Grail, in all of us, is the winning of newly illuminated Pure Thinking, in the skull or cup of the I AM that now shines with Sophia and the Holy Spirit as newly baptized Divine Thinking. Age of America 3 the Grail Cup illuminated thinking sphereWe begin to recognize ANTHROSOPHIA as the Archangel serving SOPHIA/ISIS and the schooling of our higher human thinking. And because of Novalis and because of Parsifal, there was a time in the 20th and 21st century that we could enroll in the university of Grail Sciences, that stretched from the Goetheanum out to Schools and communities of The Grail Sciences, over the whole face of the Earth.

Since John the Baptist offered the decapitation of all the old blood line laws perfected by the Hebrews, Egypt and ancient Initiation, an entirely new community of the ‘ I AM ‘  arose. John the Baptist moved on to help supervise the unfolding of this New Community of Christ sister and brotherhood that recognizes the karmic riddle, schooling and mystery of each human spirit path.

From these massive shifts and severing of old traditions to the new I AM we no longer have to put up with or see Ahrimanic Pornography trying to capture our attention with made for t.v. beheadings. We know what truly happens with our own voluntary relinquishing of Ahrimanic Propaganda and Fear Mongering. Our own comprehension of The Beheading of John the Baptist begins our own dissolution of the disease of materialism and the awakening of our True I AM goals.

Regaining the rhythmic dynamic of our Midsummer Stars and our Midwinter Stars, the solstices and regaining our inner sense of the Stars of the Spring Equinox, of which the Sun Rising in the Spring is part of the Great Clock of the Heavens; and our Autumn’s Equinox where Michael, reopens the Archangelic Portals to the Beings who unfold the Etheric and Astral Earth; our hearts begin to see what the Risen Etheric Christ flushes full with life. All of the Astral and Etheric Earth changes of the New Etheric Life of the Earth, arise in the Soul Calendar verses (click link).

T.S. Eliot – Burnt Norton  – “The dance along the artery
The circulation of the lymph
Are figured in the drift of stars
Ascend to summer in the tree
We move above the moving tree
In light upon the figured leaf
And hear upon the sodden floor
Below, the boarhound and the boar
Pursue their pattern as before
But reconciled among the stars.”

But we need to experience in our hearts the living revelation of why Sophia of the Stars approached Novalis and opened his heart first to announce the dawn of the age of Manas, Spirit-Self, the first rays trickling in from the 6th Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Water Bearer. So here is a missing piece of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries (Click Link), which 99% of 7 billion souls over the Earth have never come close to fathoming. But we should make an effort to fathom them now.

A Study in the Sharp Sting of the Sentient Soul transition to Spirit-Selfhood

The Luciferic curse of Herodias and the Salome Mysteries of John the Baptist (Detailed study of Parsifal Spirit-Selfhood or Manas Mysteries – click link)

Age of America 3 Salome Luciferic sentient soul mystery“Herodias is said to have laughed, when she bore the head of John the Baptist on the charger; thereupon the bloody head blew upon her, so that she has been ever since condemned to everlasting vagrancy; thus she became changed into the female Ahasuerus, a consort of the Wild Huntsman, of Hackelberg, i.e. pall-bearer, Wotan as God of the tempest and of the dead. This demoniacal alliance exists, in Wagner, between Kundry and the magician Klingsor, whose Gaelic counterpart bears the name Gwyddao12, i.e. Gwodan, Wotan. Just as the bloody head of the Gaelic form of [the] legend becomes, in the Grail- legend, the symbol of the suffering Saviour himself, i.e. the Grail, so, according to Wagner’s interpretation, did Kundry not mock the head of John the Baptist but the cross-bearing Christ himself; thereupon his glance struck her, and now, condemned to “accursed laughter”, she wanders through the world in despair to find the Saviour again, that he may through love redeem her from the curse. Thus she desires to do penance in good works, as in the service of the Grail; but the curse of her sin continually impels her anew to evil.”

The transformation of Sensuality to Unconditional Love, is certainly not an unconscious process. Neither is the transformation from Sentient Soul to Manas, Spirit-Self, merely some unconscious, unawareness of the power of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries.

To drive home the point we can define TEMPTATION and SENSUALITY and come right into the subtle transformation of how Persephone was Wed to the Dark Lord of Earthly Sensuality for 1/2 of her existence and the other half she could be refreshed in the Higher Devachan of the True Hierarchies. Immersion into the Sentient Soul and our 5 senses and rejuvenation and recovery into our 12 higher senses leads us from Sentient Soul collapse into matter to Spirit-Self, Manas, recovery of our Higher Selves.

This hint, that we are about to present, allows us to look into Merovingian and Persephone meeting with Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus in “Matrix Reloaded”. The Merovingian’s history is much deeper than his suave appearance. He is Pluto one of the gods of the underworld, wedded to Persephone. He is a well studied ancient Scientist of the ART of Seduction. He is the embodiment of the entanglement of sensuality that creates the foundation for our study of The Luciferic Salome Mysteries. A cosmic being, trapped in the region of the Matrix. Described by the Oracle as “one of the oldest of us,” the Merovingian came to the Matrix “long ago” with his wife, Persephone. Well that’s a big hint, for those who have ears to hear.

Historically, the Merovingian Dynasty was a succession of Frankish kings who ruled over parts of modern day France and Germany from the 5th to 8th centuries. So adopting the namesake of one of the Fallen Archangelic and Fallen Luciferic Gateway and Gatekeepers, to the Underworld Science of extreme Sensuality, clothed in the sibilant sounds of the seductive sorcery hidden in the French Language is telling. It is telling when ART and the WORD come together in the Science of the astral and etheric sub-sensible worlds.

Speech, the Word (click link for deeper study) and the Higher Mysteries above the Archangels of different countries, and above the bio-etheric regions, take the true student of Speech to the highest mysteries of the Zodiac. The highest tools and highest mysteries of the Zodiac are the Larynx kernel where the reproductive forces are charged with giving birth to the Sounds of Speech. Restored and resurrected Elemental Star Beings will proliferate from our Speech Organ. Future children of the Zodiac are being prepared in our Larynx Speech Center.

S Scorpio consonant EurythmyThese Higher Mysteries of the Word cast their reflection down into the pathological regions of the Etheric Double we studied in Part 2. So here is part of the take away of the SIBILANT SLITHERING SERPENT TONGUE FORWARD PLACEMENT of the ‘ S ‘ and the ‘ Th ‘ and the ‘ Z ‘ that Speech Science delivers.

When the Sibilants slide far, far too forward we find that the Double and the etheric Anima and Animus snakes into our Speech patterns. We also observe where the Etheric Body over steps it’s bounds and we encounter the normal male physical form overcome by it’s own female Etheric Double. It appears in our Speech and it drills down into physical expression, attitude and manifests in the frolicking fun of our flaming queen behavior. That is by definition, when our Etheric Double, in males, presses far too intensely against the psychic structure of our physical male framework.

We can easily grasp this Zodiacal Sound Gateway of sibilants. The Sounds of Speech are a higher manifestation than the different Archangel Language and Folk-Soul systems we are born into when we incarnate on Earth and learn our Mother Tongue. In every language and in every Etheric Body and in every Astral Body the SOUNDS OF SPEECH are revelations of the intimate forces lurking in the distortions or the wholeness held in balance by our human heart and soul.

“…we differentiate in man firstly his actions, insofar as by actions we understand everything which proceeds from any kind of activity connected with his hands; secondly, SPEECH; and thirdly, thoughts. Everything which in this sense he accomplishes with his hands brings about its karmic results in his next earthly existence. What we SPEAK concerns not only ourselves alone, but also a group of human beings having the same language, and this affects the karma of the group or race. In words lies a greater responsibility than in deeds alone: for with them we are preparing the configuration of a future race. What we think works on even into a new formation of our Earth.” Rudolf Steiner (click link)

Sensuality slides right into the Speech Patterns and is part of the Science of the Word. So here are a few classic, objective examples where the reality of “Those who have Ears to Hear” we see that the windows of the soul are not only our eyes, “Those who have Eyes to See” but also our ears. We may see into other souls through our Ears as well as our Eyes.

Example one, THE EXTREME SCHIZOPHRENIA OF THE DOUBLE of  ‘ Precious, my precious”  (CLICK LINK).  Example two – Worm tongue, where in the 6th Age, we are discussing and into the 7th Age, the moral character of our being will start to show up in our physical bodily form and it will not be hidden as it has been in the 5th Age. The drift over the boundaries of the Etheric and Physical are already preparing themselves in the examples we have noted. So our  coming moral imbalance or our strong dominating Luciferic or Ahrimanic or Asuric poison won’t be hidden, but rather manifest itself even down into our physical appearance. (CLICK LINK)

So the following hint of the seductive underbelly of the fabulous French Language of the Intellectual Soul appears in the fallen glory of Luciferic suavity in the Seductive Science of the character of Merovingian. These indications are part of Eurythmy and Psychology and the Devachan Mysteries of the Word. The fallen Black Magic can abuse these Word Beings. In future our Moral Balance and our Imbalances will produce actual forces and beings that the reproductive science of our Speech and Larynx will give birth to. In this case we are tracking part of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries that have remained undisclosed.

This strong hint, of updating our understanding of the transformation of Gawain and Parsifal, into Neo allows us to penetrate the region of addiction and the sensuality involved in our current entanglements with Media and our own personal Luciferic Salome Mysteries. We are presented, in the following example, with a modern update to the seductive science of sensuality and the Fall of Humanity coded into the sensuality of our astral/etheric double. Here we once more, in an updated reminder, witness the Fallen Devachan Lucifer School that lurks in all our own Sentient Soul cravings.

The character in the “Matrix Reloaded” known as Merovingian is a Klingsor, Pluto, Hades, Philip the Fair, Herod and are all distinct manifestations of a host of Fallen Devachan Entities who all have a long history in the Science of the Seduction of the Human Soul. The psychological profiles go from Priests who are attracted to little boys, to Politicians like Bill Clinton, to horrific snuff film nightmares. The study of these Entities and Human Beings who have adopted for themselves the sharp sensuality of the Intellectual Soul Archangel garments of seduction embodied in the French Language are types that are appearing stronger and stronger and arising everywhere and from every language.

What underlies the sensuality, sexuality of the archetype of Helen of Troy of the city of Paris, France and France Herself, the Anima-Double of France, is a taste, as silky seduction, the very slitheringly, smooth fallen aspects of Language and the Word that stings with intellect and sensuality. In the most intense study of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries we see that Merovingian, Philip the Fair, Herod and the very soul of Klingsor, are opponents of the Grail Knights. In this case, we will look at an example from “Matrix Reloaded” that meets an archetype, a Luciferic extreme composite.

Within the Fallen French Archangel language forces that murdered and were fascinated by the torture and interrogation, of salivating over the divinity of Joan of Arc, we see Luciferic Herod and even more intense Klingsor of Sicily, seducing the Grail Knights or, as setting the pattern, salaciously seeking John the Baptist as a toy and plaything for Herod’s daughter. What is disturbing but none the less true is the Black Magician Philip IV (April–June 1268 – 29 November 1314)  The prince was nicknamed the Fair (le Bel). (This ‘S’ sound gets us into the Eurythmy of Herod, of Klingsor and the sadism of Philip le Bel and the Devachan matrix gatekeeper, Merovingian).

“In 1306, Philip the Fair expelled the Jews from France and, in 1307, he annihilated the order of the Knights Templar. Philip was in debt to both groups and saw them as a “state within the state“.

His final year saw a scandal amongst the royal family, known as the Tour de Nesle Affair, during which the three daughters-in-law of Philip were accused of adultery. His three sons were successively kings of France, Louis X, Philip V, and Charles IV.”

Age of America 3 the horror the horror luciferic salome asuric mysteriesThe Luciferic Salome Mysteries are responsible for torture, murder and delight in crushing the noble forces of the future which manifested in the GOLD Brotherhood of global Trust and global economy that the Knights Templar Knighthood (Click Link) clung to in their organization. This powerful, premature incarnation of Christ Economy and Christ Courage was gleefully tortured on the rack, horrifically beyond imagination.

The French Philip le Bel excruciatingly savored breaking the psychological deep sub-structure of the Knights. These horrific sadistic delights that Philip the Fair sensually enjoyed, sunk their fangs into the future karmic cohesion of all those who were tortured beyond the limits of imagination. Why? Because an Asuric/Sorathian force in le Bel, a black magician, wished to rip the Christ Force out of existence and destroy any of it’s potent future potential by forcing under torture, the denial in the soul of the very reality of the Christ Being.Age of America 3 Adriana Koulias outstanding research

Enslavement by debt and massive global debt science that strangles entire countries, their Archangels and their people leads to the same horrors of global monsters that King Philip embodied. Yup, Philip the UNFAIR was already deeply in debt to the Templars from his war with the English and decided to seize upon disingenuous charges and invite the Templars for a meeting to discuss peaceful negotiations.

America has done this with the Native Americans and every despicable take over and inserting every despicable Dictator or Tyrant has followed a certain pattern of grotesque deception. Philip the INHUMAN began pressuring the Church to take action against the Order (Click Link)  of The Knights Templar, as a way of freeing himself from his debts.

How convenient since the Church back then and the World of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve today are nothing but Ahrimanic servants, as were the Church at the time of Philip the Monster vicious Luciferic servants. Now we can vividly comprehend the power of the current church of Materialism, Ahriman’s domain, and how from the time of the Church and the Church’s decadent Luciferic demise into demonic persecutions, we can see how the Luciferic has called forth in the West the Karma of the Ahrimanic. Corrupt insanity against the spirit and the higher spiritual world that the church was keeper of the faith, has called for the corrupt insanity of the lies of devastating occult materialism.Age of America 3 Luciferic-Asuric Philip gold and the human soul

“On Friday, October 13, 1307 (a date sometimes linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition) Philip ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. The arrest warrant started with the phrase : “Dieu n’est pas content, nous avons des ennemis de la foi dans le Royaume” (free translation ” God is not pleased. We have enemies of the faith in the kingdom”).”

The French intellectual soul has a nose for trendy, stinging gossip. Herod had such tingling excitement and we today salivate over the gossip and titillation but steer clear of any deeper Luciferic Salome Schooling. We like the tingling, ‘in the know’ snickering, snideness of watching reputations ruined through character assassination. Which means that new forms of torture, bondage, and enjoyment, that Klingsor and Philip the Fair pursued for the pleasure of preying on decadent human weakness and enjoying the torments have proliferated in current society into decadent astral perniciousness. We are all monsters in the making.

The Fallen French Language has a sensual taste and craving for lavish cuisine, perfect etheric blends of fine wines and for specific, Herod like fascination in the Seductive/Sensual Value of corrupting Initiates, as Neo is portrayed and as the Knights Templar order were and that Parsifal himself had to face, to overcome astral decadence in order to achieve Spirit-Self. John the Baptist at the critical Christ Event on Earth had also to recall that he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

40 Then Elijah said, “Capture the prophets of Baal! Don’t let any of them run away!” The people captured all the prophets. Then Elijah led them down to the Kishon Valley, where he killed them.

Elijah slaying a prophet of Baal, Muhraqa

“We do invite that man—Elijah the prophet—to our seder every year. And to every Brit Milah (circumcision ceremony). Elijah is beloved in our folklore as the helper of the desperate. But the statue of him on top of Mount Carmel, the site of his greatest triumph, does not depict him as beloved or even lovable.

Age of America 3 Elijah the karma and destiny of John the Baptis“This is Elijah at his most zealous for G-d, fire in his eyes, a sword raised over his head, his foot on the shoulder of a man lying under him. This is Elijah triumphant over the prophets of Baal. This is Elijah who brought on a three year famine. This is Elijah who orchestrated a dramatic confrontation with 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the Asherah on this spot, and showed that G-d is more powerful than the most popular pagan god worshiped at the time. This is the Elijah who stood up against the warrior king Ahab and against his wife Jezebel.”

The full regalia and regiment of Sensual conniving Priests of Baal stood against ONE LONE PROPHET and Elijah had them killed, every last one. So the karma of Salome and Herod at the edge of the end of the ancient prophet Elijah’s career as guiding Archangel of the Hebrew people, reveals a magnificent Luciferic culmination of Jezebel. John the Baptist dies by the sword but takes the entire Christ Event Mystery of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries with him. To savor all the delicious weaknesses of initiates, Grail Seekers, Michael students and Neo, all our temptations and our failures are titillating to such Entities in the Fallen Devachan as Merovingian and especially the historical Klingsor of Sicily and Philip the Fair.

The same sizzling sensational center of the rumor mills of the world, the cheap gossip that flows through Hollywood trade and traffic, whose in and whose out, are part of the same sensual simmering life of the Luciferic fascination we have in a magic severed from moral foundations of the I AM and moral foundations of the world. We may recall in PART 2 our reference to Hannibal Lecter and fine wines and his exquisite love of cuisine, of his decadent taste for human flesh. Here, in the “Matrix Reloaded” Merovingian exists in one of the realms of the Fallen Devachan. In this hint we meet ancient Hades/Pluto and his wife, Persephone and the castrated black magician Klingsor.

Age of America 3 Pluto Klingsor and Persephone Matrix RevolutionIn the Fallen Devachan Region of the “Matrix Reloaded” we encounter an updated component in the Luciferic Salome Mysteries. With the added Bonus Points of watching how Persephone, a key component of the human soul Herself, suffers her eternal exile in the land of the fallen Sense System of the Lower Devachan. Our Media as a technological digital construct, is already a reduced replication and third cousin twice removed from the Higher Devachan of the real spiritual world.

Our sense world is where Persephone, our human soul, first succumbed and was drawn into intense sensual fascination. This is also part of the rich world of Etheric-Demeter, healthy, nutritional, Sun Drenched living love of the Etheric Life of the Earth.Age of America 3 Spring and Autumn Persephone and Demeter mysteries On the other side of the scale is the eroticism of the Luciferic Sciences of Klingsor and Merovingian, as presented in the following example. The Klingsor Science of Eroticism has brought down Initiates, the Grail Knights, Arthur and 99% of humanity. It is the refined sensuality of Merovingian. That is why we need to understand our relation to the John the Baptist and the Luciferic Salome Mysteries.

Our virtual worlds are where we today are drawn deeper down into the Matrix of Archetypes and Primal Mythic Beings that our cynical education doesn’t have the patience or the time to take seriously. These are stages in the downward steps we glibly intoxicate ourselves with. It is one thing to get a sense of the Real Beings around us and In us it is another thing altogether to expect, hunger and anticipate new erotic treats without awareness of cognitive consequences.

As OUR HUMAN SOUL, Persephone, dives into depths of incarnation and sensuality for 1/2 of her TIME Existence and the other 1/2 restored, returned and reunited to the Hierarchies of Sophia, the higher Devachan and the Etheric Demeter Mysteries. In the following hint we witness the updated component of the frustrated Mystery of Eleusis and Persephone’s marriage to Hades or Pluto.

The Sacred Drama of Eleusis’ by Eduard Schure, was based on the Persephone – Pluto Initiation Rituals at the mystery center known as Eleusis. Originally this Mystery-Drama was enacted at Eleusis every year – a true Taurus-Scorpio drama, mirroring the seasonal/nature cycle of death or withdrawal of the Etheric Life into the Earth and re-birth, and return of the Etheric Life in the Spring. Age of America 3 Persephone and PlutoSo we see that the cosmic polarity as a Mystery rite, disappearance of etheric-life into the Earth around All Souls Day, into the underworlds near the sign of Scorpio and the reappearance of the etheric-life from Hades in the Spring, around end of April/May is an Etheric Earth Seasonal Demeter/Sophia cosmic mystery.

It is another example of our Time Gateways and the Schooling we need to understand the Human Soul and the destiny of the Earth Herself. The Four Mystery Dramas performed at the Goetheanum, and around the world, are part of the new Christ Community Karma Mysteries preparing for the 6th Age. We need to understand the reunion of the Human Soul with the Divine Sophia mysteries of the Stars. The Mystery Dramas are a  “Cloud Atlas” Karma schooling of the New Grail Sciences of Initiation.

At the soul level with Persephone, with our sensual immersion into incarnation, where we meet again and again, our astral and physical encounter with the objective, Luciferic Salome Mysteries, in Persephone we had a Being who was sentenced to TIME SPENT in the underworlds and TIME SPENT with the Hierarchies of the Devachan.

Persephone, wife of Merovingian, is Meta-Mythically Married, karmically bound Matrix Mystery of the fallen aspects of the schooling of Higher unconditional Love. Every Sentient Soul has had to pass through the region of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries. With each incarnation we transit between the Higher Devachan of Spirit-Self and Life-Spirit and descend down into the world of the senses, Pluto’s realm. The Human Soul, embodied in Persephone, was a vivid part of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries.

Critical Update of the Luciferic Salome Mysteries (Click Link)

“Klingsor’s magic only reached the kingdom of Arthur in a diluted way, but elsewhere it was extremely potent. His base was Terre de Labur in Calabria. Klingsor was descended from Virgil of Naples, a powerful enchanter. From Italy he and his wife Iblis cast many a spell abroad, even though the magician was not really a whole man, but handicapped – castrated by a rival king who found him in bed with his wife. Klingsor then fled to Persia where he learned the arts of black magic. Because of the castration, he bore ill will to men and women alike. Thus the aged Arnive gravely told Gawain.

“In his high fortress in Sicily, Klingsor performed ingenious magic in imitation of the Gral, providing himself with all manner of precious things, and sustenance to last some thirty years. But in his weird adventures at Marvel Castle, Arnive said, Gawain had overridden these powers of enchantment. In fact, he had won the black magic from Klingsor and converted it, so that he was free of molestation and malice. Due to the valiant efforts of Gawain, many noble people could return to a normal life, no longer under the evil spells emanating from Castle Marvel.” (Click Link)

Rudolf Steiner and the Luciferic Salome Mysteries (Click Link)

“…a figure who glimmers across from the Middle Ages as a legendary being, but is well known to anyone acquainted with the nature of the Mysteries: a personality who was quite real in the middle of the Middle Ages, Klingsor, the Duke of Terra de Labur, a district we have to look for in what is now Southern Calabria. From there were carried out the incursions of the enemy of the Grail, especially over to Sicily. Even as to-day, if we tread Sicilian soil and have occult sight, we are aware of the Akashic after-effects of the great Empedocles still present in the atmosphere, so we can still perceive there the evil after-effects of Klingsor, who allied himself from his Duchy of Terra de Labur, across the Straits of Messina, with those enemies of the Grail who occupied the fastness known in occultism and in legend as Calot bobot.

“In the middle of the Middle Ages, Calot bobot in Sicily was the seat of the goddess called Iblis, the daughter of Eblis; and among all evil unions which have taken place within the Earth’s evolution between beings in whose souls there were occult forces, the one known to occultists as the worst of all was between Klingsor and Iblis, the daughter of Eblis. Iblis, by her very name, is characterized as being related to Eblis, and in Mohammedan tradition Eblis is the figure we call Lucifer. Iblis is a kind of feminine aspect of Eblis, the Mohammedan Lucifer, and with her the evil magician Klingsor united his own evil arts, through which in the Middle Ages he worked against the Grail. These things must needs find expression in pictures, but in pictures that correspond to realities; they cannot be expressed in abstract ideas. And the whole of the hostility to the Grail was enacted in that fastness of Iblis, “Calot bobot”, whither the remarkable Queen Sibylla had fled with her son William, in 1194, under the rulership of the Emperor Henry VI.

“Everything that was undertaken by a power hostile to the Grail, and whereby also Amfortas was wounded, is finally to be traced back to the alliance which Klingsor had contracted with the stronghold of Iblis, Calot bobot; and all the misery and suffering which we see embodied in the Grail legend through Amfortas is an expression of that pact. For this reason the soul must still be strongly armed even to-day when it comes into the neighborhood of those places from which can emanate all hostile influences related to the Mysteries of the Grail and the advancing evolution of humanity.”

Age of America 3 Transformation of the Sentient Soul into Spirit-Self BeautyRaphael the painter, transformed for humanity, parts of the fallen mysteries of Beauty, Sensuality and the Sentient Soul. The same individual who painted the Sistine Madonna and captured the first spiritual images of the vast School of Philosophers of the New Christ Mysteries in the School of Athens, restored innocence and Beauty to the Human Soul.

The young hippy who was called Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg Age of Americ 2 Novalis Hymns to the Nightreceives the first pristine, pure, primal kiss from the Divine Sophia of the Stars. The ancient days of waiting for the arrival of the Christ severed the head of the old gnarly prophet of the Old Testament. The new Archangel of the New Testament lit the path to the resurrection of Beauty and the conscious unconditional love in the Heart. Novalis lived the deed of the transformation of our Sentient Soul love to the higher love we encounter in the Higher Devachan of Spirit-Selfhood.

This Archangel of a human being who changed his name to Novalis upon his Initiation into the School of Sophia and the Stars is the source point from which the confluence of many streams of souls and the Michael School itself has gained Heart and Life and inspired the Woodstock Generation to become pupils of The Risen Etheric Christ.

The Sophia Novalis Initiation

“A wonderful vista of the future opens out before Novalis. He sees the Earth transfigured; he sees the present Earth in which the residue of ancient times is still contained, transformed into the Body of Christ; he sees the waters of the Earth permeated with Christ’s Blood, and he sees the solid rocks as Christ’s Flesh. He sees the body of the Earth gradually becoming the Body of Christ; he sees the Earth and Christ miraculously made one; he sees the Earth in future time as a great organism enshrining man, an organism whose soul is Christ.

“In this sense, and out of his deep insight into occult truths, Novalis speaks of Christ as the Son of Man. Just as in a certain sense men are the ‘Sons of the Gods’, that is to say of the ancient Gods who through untold millions of years have molded and shaped our planet, who have built the bodies in which we live and the ground upon which we move, so, by overcoming earthly things, man’s task is to build, through his own powers, an Earth that will be the body of the new God, the God of the future. And whereas the men of old looked back to the primeval Gods, yearning to be united with them in death, Novalis recognizes the God who in time to come will have as his body all that is best in us and that we can offer to Him. In Christ he sees the Being to whom humanity offers itself in order that this Being may have a body. He recognizes Christ as the ‘Son of Man’ in this higher, cosmological sense. He speaks of Christ as the ‘God of the future’.

Pure Spring Water. “Hymns to the Night”. Turning his attention to the full awakening of Sophia and the Stars, what type of knowledge, what type of striving and what type of yearning arises from the heart of this unique human being? This is not just any human being. This human being, after being beheaded in a Luciferic Salome Mystery unites himself, brings his spirit, which already was at Archangelic Human status, to the seed core of the group of disciples that Christ had gathered around Him.

Christ immediately summons the Spirit of John the Baptist to hover over and become the little SEED CORE Archangel that guides and weaves in the newly christened band of Disciples. John the Baptist Head Angel for the twelve disciples Ninetta SombartThe Sun Spirit, Christ, immediately, through Lazarus/John, the union of the TWO BECOMING ONE, begins infusing the ring, the ring and circle of disciples, with powerful newly arisen spirit forces.

The TWO BECOMING ONE, the Abel and the Cain mysteries, the Lazarus/John mysteries are the opposite of the dividing in TWAIN that now comes forth from the Ahrimanic Archai of the West. The dividing and severing of our union with the Higher Hierarchies, and our I AM and humanities I AM, plummets our physical, etheric, astral into a Human Group Soul controlled by Ahrimanic Western Science. Ahriman’s aim has been to split, divide, destroy and conquer civilization itself.

And as seen in PART 2, the majority of humanity gives way and falls down into the oblivion of the redesigned Ahrimanic GROUP SOUL. Ahriman serves up wonderful, magical, Devachan instincts and vivid lower nature and animal super capacities for the price of the Grail and the conscious schooling of the I AM. And Novalis awakens in an entirely new brilliance of Love and the Living I AM.

“Once when I was shedding bitter tears, when, dissolved in pain, my hope was melting away, and I stood alone by the barren mound which in its narrow dark bosom hid the vanished form of my life — lonely as never yet was lonely man, driven by anxiety unspeakable — powerless, and no longer anything but a conscious misery. — As there I looked about me for help, unable to go on or to turn back, and clung to the fleeting, extinguished life with an endless longing: — then, out of the blue distances — from the hills of my ancient bliss, came a shiver of twilight — and at once snapt the bond of birth — the chains of the Light. Away fled the glory of the world, and with it my mourning — the sadness flowed together into a new, unfathomable world — Thou, Night-inspiration, heavenly Slumber, didst come upon me — the region gently upheaved itself; over it hovered my unbound, newborn spirit. The mound became a cloud of dust — and through the cloud I saw the glorified face of my beloved. In her eyes eternity reposed — I laid hold of her hands, and the tears became a sparkling bond that could not be broken. Into the distance swept by, like a tempest, thousands of years. On her neck I welcomed the new life with ecstatic tears. It was the first, the only dream — and just since then I have held fast an eternal, unchangeable faith in the heaven of the Night, and its Light, the Beloved.”

To be an Archangel over a whole new Group of Human Beings, gathered by Christ, to become the Folk Spirit and New Language Archangel to design and craft a whole new language to describe divine mysteries, and hover over the newly awakened disciples is a job that John the Baptist accepted gladly. What an unusual job interview. At the Baptism in the Jordan, Christ is fully recognized as the new CEO on Earth for the Father in Heaven.

Christ baptism and Epiphany SombartThe Divine Heavenly Agencies recognize the Christ as the new CEO of Earth and John the Baptist acts as the transitional Archangel of the Hebrew Folk. Christ is only physically on the Earth for Three Years from the time of the Baptism to the Crucifixion (Click Link).

Briefly, let us touch upon a significant mystery. Elijah, John the Baptist was the actual Folk-Soul Archangel of the Hebrew people. We have several transitional Folk-Groups to consider. The Celts, the Greeks, the Hebrews. It is a great loss and a great changing of the guard to start again, at the office and standing of an Archangel and build an entirely new Folk-Soul component into humanity, The Christ Community of the I AM.

Which leaves us with very significant problems. What happened to the Hebrews and Jewish people? They certainly did not, in the majority, recognize, adhere to or embrace John the Baptist. Every opportunity is given to make this transition possible. That means that the entire Old and New Testaments try to show where the break occurred, and how the Hebrew People could learn something about the Archangel and Folk-Soul of their own, HOMEGROWN, chosen people motif. And there in lies the most bitter of problems.

The Hebrew people did not learn much of anything from the severe traditional, hoary rough robes of John the Baptist, as the rough, rugged, raw Archangel of the Hebrew people. The current Hebrew people consider us insane to place any significance on the power of John the Baptist. But when we do place immense significance on the destiny of John the Baptist and Elijah, we see the entire reinvigoration of how Archangels resurrect themselves and refresh humanity.

We may also see it in the Celtic Folk Spirit and in the Greek Folk Spirit. We can end our pity party for the State of Israel. Which means that the Archangels of these Folk-Groups were not retarded, only those who remain unconscious of how the Folk-Spirits of their very own Language Archangels and the roots of their very own genetic and bodily make-up have created a whole new influx of renewed Life for the Folk-Souls, only those human beings who comprehend these changes can carry their I AM into the future. And on that issue rests a whole multitude of European Union Group, The State of Israel and the demise of Greece complex issues that act as retardation to each I AM.

The new CEO of Earth gives John the Baptist the TIME authorization to prepare the vast streams of humanityAge of America 3 Strategy and Planning dept John the Baptist for Higher Schooling into the LAMB OF GOD. We are all in preparation for the marriage of Sophia of the Stars to the Lord of Time, Karma and Destiny on Earth, The Risen Etheric Christ.

John the Baptist was given the TIME TASK to prepare the way for the gathering of ever wider and wider ranges of human souls and spirit who long to develop with Christ the future strategies of raising human affairs through the heart of humanity. The heart has the most agile capacity of being the highest navigational vortex and central akashic instrument for reading the entire karmic Time library that knots itself in our hearts.

We will study the equation of the Heart shortly but our Hearts are the mathematical Instrument that connects each I AM to the Past – Present – and Future of our journey through the germinal development of the Earth into a New Cosmos. Our individual and unique Hearts hold the equation and is the Divine Tool that solves the mysteries of Art – Science and Religion and solves for us the misunderstood riddle of the Physics of Space and Time. (We are going to cover this mystery so stay frosty) In other words, our universities and our education fail to comprehend, address or include our Hearts as the navigational field tool for the exploration of the Stars.

The Akashic Records have always been known as the “hidden library” that can be read via the navigational TIME instrument of our human hearts. There in the constant pulse and river of Time Streaming, our hearts are following intimacies of TIME that we can detect and enter from not only our Past, our Present and our Future, but as St. John did on Patmos TIME SURF in the higher Devachan of the Earth, the Cosmos and the Life Tableau of the Risen Etheric Christ Being.

T.S. Eliot – Burnt Norton  – “Yet the enchainment of past and future
Woven in the weakness of the changing body,
Protects mankind from heaven and damnation
Which flesh cannot endure.
Time past and time future
Allow but a little consciousness.
To be conscious is not to be in time
But only in time can the moment in the rose-garden,
The moment in the arbour where the rain beat,
The moment in the draughty church at smokefall
Be remembered; involved with past and future.
Only through time time is conquered.

This means that we may see the approaching Star School of Sophia and the grand University of THE LAMB OF GOD as part of the Inner and Outer mysteries of the universe. The HEART IS NOT A PUMP. It is a navigational TIME ORGAN.

We may rise to lofty vertical layers of Divine Spiritual Beings and experience the TIME LORDS at the foundations of our Zodiac. We may cross the vertical dimensions of Time and follow the trail backwards in Time or forwards into the future. Angel being and the human heartOur Hearts allow us to exist, navigate and experience the flowing streams running through the CROSS OF TIME.

The Cross of Time in the Four Chambered Human Heart, approaches in the 6th Age, the lofty FIFTH CHAMBER of the human heart. We come to a 5th Devachan revelation of the 5th Dimension of Time. We arrive at what Rod Serling intimated as “There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man … a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.” When we are isolated as I AM’s in space our Hearts experience the ribbons and threads of the streaming thunder of  the new Devachan realities of karmic Time.

The Akashic Records linked to the streaming TIME ORGAN OF OUR HEARTS may be better understood in our technologically advanced world as our own recorded and imprinted astral Devachan internet or Universal Sophia of the Stars zodiacal face book page. There is a criteria and a training, not included in any Astronaut Training Manual, where we may access any information from our HEARTS FIFTH CHAMBER (click link).

The foundation and construction of the organ of the heart gives us the ability and the certified organ to approach the etheric reading of the TIME DOCUMENTS of the entire history of the Earth. The connecting currents and links to this vast historical and future communication system are in the active organ of every human heart and most certainly in our own human hearts. It is part of the awakening of Spirit-Selfhood or Manas.

The training needed to use this Akasha Time Stream that flows through all human hearts, is learning how to connect and exercise our own disciplined nightly Ruckshau.  Just before sleeping we learn to review and recall in images, sound, color, the intimate details of the days events in our mind’s eye (click link Looking at the Rushes of our Daily Karmic Stream). Slowly our in-box begins to fill with a new curious degree of higher intuitive awareness. Our in-box begins to get messages, slowly,  arriving with us, as we complete our journey in the Stars, as we are set to return to our etheric and physical bodies,just before we wake in the morning, slowly messages begin to arrive.

It takes TIME to develop the Physics Organ of the Human Heart.  It requires the discipline of exercising  in reverse recall, all the details of our day, just before falling asleep at night. It is here where we sort through and penetrate the deep streams of Time, Destiny and human karmic encounters that have flooded by us through the day and were lost to our conscious comprehension.

We take this TIME STAMPED BODY BY OUR I AM, of the EXPERIENCED DAY, and lift it up with us into our Astral Journey to the stars just before falling asleep. Gradually and through many years of training we learn to become True Time Travelers and True Astral students of the past – present – and future of Earth and our own Karmic Family.

So it was part of the strategic planning that Raphael the Painter used to recover and identify the unique I AM’s whose hearts and souls remain true LOGOS seekers. The wonderful Human Archangel assigned by Christ, in the I AM of Raphael the Painter, helped penetrate the inspirations that lived in the Folk-Spirit and Archangel of the Greek Soul.

When the I AM of John the Baptist wore the Incarnation guise of Raphael the Painter he gathered a confluence of great human souls who had contributed towards the Logos foundations of the Greek Archangel Spirit. That Archangel Spirit of the Greeks, Apollo, the Sun, sacrificed his position as Archangel of the Greeks and Christ accepted the Greek Archangel as EXOTERIC regent for the New Risen Christ Community.

Raphael the Painter combined the secrets of those who explored the Mystery of the LOGOS, who desired a Fresh Start, as they gathered again in the spiritual world after the Golgotha Christ Event. The great planning and gathering of the new schools of the Christ Mysteries can also be spotted in the School of Athens.Age of America Raphael School of AthensPlatonic and Aristotle Soul strivers that were gathering to the call of the fresh young and innocent Abel/Raphael the Painter, Archangel to the first Disciples, gathered around Christ (also the name STRIDER from Tolkien, brought the Celtic side of the new Christ Mysteries into vivid cultural focus). The Celtic Archangel renounced his further Folk-Soul duties and Christ Initiated the Celtic Folk-Spirit so that it became the guardian and guide of the gathering ESOTERIC Community of the Risen Etheric Christ.

So along with the Risen Etheric Christ, the Archai and Time Spirit Michael, the magnificent Archangel of Greek Intelligence and the mighty Archangel of the Celtic Folk Spirit, all have willingly aligned themselves with the humble Archangel of the Heart of the whole community of Christ. Age of America 3 John the Baptist Archangel over the DisciplesThe  ‘ I ‘ of John the Baptist, Raphael and Novalis was the designated preparer of the way for the New Christ Mysteries of the heart.

“…the voice of the Word of God, The Best Man to Christ the Bridegroom, the one who broke the curse of the barrenness of his mother, and loosed the tongue of his father, for it was not fitting for Zachary to remain silent when the Voice appeared. Nothing shall be called impossible for God for through The Holy Forerunner God is glorified, for the barren woman, well beyond the years of the ways of women, conceives and bears a son and God’s creation bows to Him by moving beyond its own limits to glorify Him, for when God wills it, the law of nature, which He Himself established, is abolished to offer unto Him an offering worthy of His Divine Nature to proclaim His glory to the nations.”

Large Karmic Streams of humanity were being gathered under the great zodiacal schooling of SOPHIA and THE LAMB OF GOD. These vast decisions, in vast groups of souls, were made with living and loving bonds from our experiences in the Schooling we shared in the higher Devachan. They reflected themselves on Earth, but on Earth we tend to forget the Kingdom of the Higher Devachan, which is also the realm of Spirit-Selfhood residency.

Infusing younger generations in the memory of what we forgot, had inspired Tolkien and he gladly accepted, along with the inspired circle of the INKLINGS, the task of planting the seed of the ancient lost wisdom of the Archangel of the Celts into a modern day generational mystery. Celtic Christian Rosenkreuz French Revolution Archangel of Esoteric Christianity hidden revelation of Lord of the RingsThe Archangel of the Celts joined the Christ Being and through Tolkien we reawakened the earthly courage and elixir of the ancient Celtic Stream that once covered all of Europe. It had a different and unique flavor that all of us had once remembered. It was shot through with New Life as we saw the massive mountains, the Earth’s core and the tie that binds the Ego to the FIRE core of the Earth in a Cain mystery of Celtic Revelation.

We have mentioned the Greek Archangel, who relinquished his Folk-Soul leadership over the current Greeks, to build for humanity a transitional resurrection of a true School of Apollo, the Sun and the Risen Etheric Christ. This School of the Exoteric Mysteries of Earth, Humanity and the Risen Etheric Christ Mysteries first appeared in the university of the WORD, the Goetheanum.

Corinthians 12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.

Spiritual Name of Paul, Professor Ernst Pauli

Three Streams of Christianity Face off with the Anti-Christ, one of those Streams is under the leadership of a Mysterious Professor Ernst Pauli.  Another stream forms from the Elder John Stream. Still another from the so called Peter stream. John calls upon the Peaceful Proposal of the Incarnate Anti-Christ to recognize something above his best seller book   The Open Way to Universal Prosperity and Peace.” 

What we are looking for in the Anti-Christ is updated in the presentation of PETER WEYLAND  (Click Link) in the year 2023. We certainly can’t say with certainty that a book may be the method of the Viral spreading Educational Revelations that will appear in this up and coming inspired Ahrimanic Incarnation, vividly depicted by Solviev. But, stylistically we can say that Peter Weyland sustains the ongoing Fixed Ahrimanic Intellectual Soul Paradigm, that the expectations of the world have for the unfolding Media/Intellectual and Scientific Super Star humanity will embrace as the Anti-Christ.

Professor Ernst Pauli always writes the Word Down, brings the Word into the formal  Ahrimanic/Christic arrangements. This is part of the Pauline stream of Exoteric Christianity of what once was The Apollo, Paul/Saul Damascus Event of the Revelation, in Aristotle Scientific Form, of the Risen Etheric Christ Event of the 20th and 21st century. In the Soloviev/Anti-Christ text, the John Stream, the Cain/Abel stream tests the arrogance of the Anti-Christ against the history of the Logos and the Apocalypse.

“For us the dearest thing of all in Christianity is Christ Himself—He alone, all is from Him, for we know that in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead in the flesh. From thee, sire, we are ready to accept every good thing, if only in thy generous hand we recognize the holy hand of Christ…here is our answer: ‘Confess now before us, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who came in the flesh, Who rose from the dead, and Who will come again. Confess Him, and we, with love will receive you as the true forerunner of His glorious coming.”

Solovyov’s Anti-Christ is not a totalitarian military leader and politician along the lines of Napoleon or Hitler or Pol Pot. Rather, he is an idealist who writes a book full of hope, “The Open Way to Universal Prosperity and Peace”. The book becomes a million (probably a billion) seller. Its author rises to prominence and becomes World Emperor. Solovyov depicts the Emperor as a man of the highest ethical standards”

From the Goetheanum the infusion of the lost science of the Pauline level of the Greek schooling of the LOGOS was brought solidly down onto Earth. From the Goetheanum the flavor, science and mighty pre-birth richness of a vast School in the Devachan we attended before we were born, was fashioned, and resurrected on Earth as a reality and not as a film, a fiction or fantasy.

The Goetheanum was given the solid foundation of Earth and the Logos in the living and historical realities behind every and all our studies and denials of the reality of Gods and the reality of Humanity. The facts at the foundations of a how the Gods participate with Earth and Humanity were raised to the clarity of a Science. The Risen Etheric Christ School that millions attended in the Devachan before we were born and the generations that followed carried with them the Spiritual Memory of the courage, wisdom and love that we all shared in that lofty Devachan School of Michael the Archai of TIME.

This was still not enough, more, another generational surge of inspiration needed to fire the memory of the School we attended before we incarnated was not only required but needed to kindle the spark that fades into oblivion on incarnating on Earth. Again, another series of inspirations raised under the Consciousness Soul of the English/American British Education of the lofty Shakespeare and King Arthur mysteries of the Consciousness Soul, managed to bring the schooling that we forgot from the Devachan.  Another lone soul, a Mother, a single Mother, flooded into another generation the mysteries of THE GOBLET OF FIRE.

  1. The seven-year period that followed saw the death of her mother, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until Rowling finished the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1997.

Single human beings under single inspirations, under single focused tasks working for the streams of Higher Devachan Schooling, Tolkien, Rudolf Steiner and J.K. Rowling in “Harry Potter”, all volunteered for the hazardous Devachan Courage of keeping the DEVACHAN ALIVE in the flow of courage and imagination flowing through new generations and waves of souls incarnating on Earth.

Romans Chapter 13

11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

From early, from Novalis and Goethe and Fichte from the 19th to the 21st Century waves upon waves of souls incarnated to carry Devachan light streams down to Earth. Here the echo, the vitality of the school we attended in the Devachan, that were taught by the great spirits and head mistresses and head masters of the School of Chartres, were densified and delivered to keep the vivid Consciousness Soul goals alive in whole new generations descending from the Devachan into incarnation. In the Devachan our camaraderie and determination to come to Earth invigorated and filled with loving Courage for all those who were with us, ready to re-enter Earth’s Trials with newly kindled Devachan Light was thrilling. But we forget and need constant reminders to stay wake-full, alive and cognitively alert.

Replenishment of the higher service of Karma Science, Manas, Spirit-Selfhood and Awakening the higher Astral Body to the Mysteries of the Devachan.

“freed moreover from all the OBSTACLES OF SPACE AND TIME that here on earth lie like veils over these relationships of the soul. In Devachan, souls confront each other directly.”

“Existence in Devachan is not a kind of dreaming or sleeping but in all respects a conscious life. It is in Devachan that a human being develops the predispositions and impulses that enable the bond with those whom he loved to remain closer, in order that in a later incarnation he will find them again on earth. In many respects the purpose of incarnation on earth is to forge bonds of ever greater intimacy.

“Companionship in Devachan is, to say the least, as intimate as any life here on earth. Fellow feeling in Devachan is much more alert, much more intimate than it is on earth; one experiences another’s pain there as one’s own. On earth, greater or less personal prosperity is possible at the cost of others but in Devachan that is out of the question. There, the misfortune caused by someone to another human being in order to better himself, would reverberate upon him; nobody could prosper at the expense of another. Adjustment starts from Devachan. It is from there that the impulse is brought to make brotherliness a reality on the earth. A law that is a matter of course in Devachan is a task that has to be fulfilled on earth.

“A great deal more could be said about the connection between the spiritual world and the earth. You can now think exhaustively about this and be able to answer many questions yourselves about meeting and being together in Devachan with those we love.

Age of America Devachan study“It was said yesterday that when the human being in Devachan has developed his spiritual archetype, the impulse comes to him to descend again to the physical plane. To express it more or less abstractly, it is rather as if a thought matures and you feel an urge to turn it into deed. What is it that actually induces the soul to descend again into the physical world, that gives it the definite impulse to do this? During the kamaloka period, when the soul gradually rids itself of the urge to cling to physical life, it is continually receiving, in the experience it undergoes, impulses that kindle the will to sweep away hindrances to evolution. The soul itself experiences the pain and harm it has caused to others. In thus experiencing the pain of the other being, there arises in the soul the temporarily ineradicable impulse that reparation must be made for this. Thus, step by step the soul takes with it from kamaloka into Devachan the impulse to rectify its faults.”

That would be what Raphael, the painter, outlined in his strategic planning for the Christ Executive Officers in charge of opening the New Mysteries of the Risen Etheric Christ to Humanity. Opening the in-pouring of the higher Devachan into the Astral Body and I AM of humanity, is in the 6th Age, to vividly experience those that we dearly love trapped in the deathless detention center of Ahrimanic amnesia of the Soul and Spirit.

In the 6th Age our Heart Navigational and Devachan Sciences will reveal where, and who, are our most profound Karmic Connections. Gold Fish Humans in a glass cage. How have our loved ones been captivated, entranced, submerged into the numbness of a vast Ahrimanic Group Soul? Their ‘ I AM ‘ agonies and torment will resound and rip through the world of the HIGHER DEVACHAN. The Karma of the Earth, Love and Freedom will have been locked on Earth but in the Higher Devachan, agonizing suffering and separation will resound.

It was once stated by the Spirit of Achilles and heard by Odysseus when he crossed the threshold into the lower Devachan regions that it was better to be a beggar on Earth than a King in the world of the shades. Trapping humanity in the lower Devachan of the Earth, where numbness and amnesia are exchanged for Ahrimanic perks of super-animal atavistic capacities is an unworthy trade-off that is currently beyond our simplistic comprehension.

The ability of each ‘ I AM ‘ to offer in Freedom and in Love the unfolding of their own Hearts and the unfolding of their own Higher Intelligence replenishes the Earth Herself. We offer each other and humanity our higher Etheric rejuvenation. We need only comprehend, (which we fail to) how the Spirit-Self of Rudolf Steiner offered Bio-Dynamic Science and Agriculture freely for the renewal of the Earth. The laws of the Astral and ‘ I AM ‘, in the 6th Age, when the Sun Rises in the Spring from Aquarius will allow all of us to see what was once a Persian Mystery of Light and Ahura Mazdao.

But really, we gawk at Bio-Dynamic Agriculture and the Agricultural Course by Rudolf Steiner, but we fail to see the Science, Magic and Astral Holy Spirit Insights that allow the ETHERIC LIFE to return because of the in-pouring of Spirit-Self Science that Rudolf Steiner reconstituted through redeemed and lost Etheric life connections in organics, that had been scattered and lost in the old pages of the The Farmer’s Almanac. Monsanto takes the Etheric Life of the Earth and chokes the life out of it. The Agricultural Course by Rudolf Steiner and our Bio-Dynamic scientists and farmers are the frontier pioneers recovering Budhi and Life-Spirit for the future of the Earth Herself.

In the 7th Age, we will have all practiced Sacrifice – Grief – Renewal and Resurrection enough so that from our very own Etheric bodies we will produce Budhi, Life-Spirit and the Bread of Life, from the core of our ‘ I AM ‘. This negligible, dismissed ‘ I AM ‘ that is the core mystery of the Christ Impulse and the Michael School is left out in the cold and the rain with a so what and a whatever and a who cares? By the 7th Age our ‘ I AM ‘ will have freely penetrated our Etheric Bodies, been illuminated and baptized in the Higher Astral Devachan Worlds by our transformed Astral Bodies, and will do deeds of Freedom and Love directed by our magnificent ‘ I AM ‘.

Here we sit on our thumbs at the tail end of the 5th Age of Pisces, and look at John the Baptist, and look at the deeds of Christ on Earth, the miracles, signs and wonders of the Christ (CLICK LINK FOR 7TH AGE LIFE SPIRIT STUDIES) and we pay lip service, but in point of fact, Age of America zodiac of how humanity progress in the School of the Lamb of Godwe are enrolled in the School of THE LAMB OF GOD. It is a Zodiacal School that is part of the TIME MYSTERIES of the Human Heart and the Free ‘ I AM ‘.

We are in no position, presently, to appreciate either what catastrophe is coming or what training we must undergo to learn to transform and transubstantiate our Grief into Gold. It is beyond our comprehension that the Manichean Screams of agony from our Fellow Human Karma and our Fellow Human Beings, trapped in the Lower Devachan, under Ahrimanic Group Soul, global laws, will be like trying to walk through the Bliss of Heaven while in reality we are experiencing the shrieks of occult torture from Abu Ghraib. (Arabic: سجن أبو غريب‎ Sijn Abū Ghurayb; also Abu Ghuraib)

This is only one little part of the Manichean Schooling and the Manichean Mystery that the future 6th Age entails. Recovering imprisoned Human Spirits from the lower devachan and hearing their suffering and screams from the torture of amnesia and the suffocation of the ‘ I AM’ is beyond our present human comprehension. We will experience St. Francis shudders of heart wrenching compassion that will drill right down through our Astral, Etheric and Physical bodies. This compassion and willing to retrieve our Karmic Sisters and Brothers from horror will be the Cosmic Tension of the Manichean School of Good and Evil of the coming 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood.

Their and Our Higher Beings will be trapped in a sealed, drugged, perpetual agonizing dormancy. You get a taste of this dormancy in the first MATRIX. Light pours in from the Higher Devachan planes during the 6th Age and on Earth, while Ahriman has set up his prison camps of Group Soul equality, snipping the wings of the spirit, of the ‘ I AM ‘. Ahriman supplies a placebo Peace on Earth in an apparent gilded cage of a magnificent integrated technological revelation. A virtual advanced Devachan prison for Peace paid for by the devastation we caused in the 5th Age and the blessings of Ahriman in the 6th Age.

However in terms of our Sci-Fi imaginations, in the Lower Devachan of Ahriman, IN SPACE, no one can hear your screams. Because of the Astral in-pouring of the Holy Spirit to build the culture of compassion down to the roots of our physical and etheric bodies, we will begin the painful and PERILOUS retrieval of our karma and begin the most intense schooling in the secrets (Click Link) of the HARROWING OF HELL. Each of us, with a dozen missing parts of our Karma and the Earth’s Karma and our own Spirit Potential, will have to traverse lower devachan realms, where Ahriman holds captive humanity, and recover our Karmic sisters and brothers.

Spirit-Selfhood, the Holy Spirit, the tragedy of the Michael Community, relived in Dornach, and the tragedy of the pursuit by each of us of the Grand Celtic Rosicrucian Mystery of “Lord of the Rings” will face us in the dark Devachan Science of a full-blown Ahrimanic culture. It is a Global Culture that rips into the very heart of each human being.

And how could there be any more wonder and awe from our own hearts to comprehend and understand, that Sophia Herself, Sophia of the Stars, witnessed the grief of young Novalis at the grave-site of Sophie von Kühn. In the 6th Age Sophia and Anthrosophia Age of America 3 Sophia and the Starslights up the Higher Devachan Capacities of our germinal Angelic Astral Bodies and shows us the way to recover from the vast desolation of our Karma and recover the Karma of Earth and Humanity. It all hangs together in the MYSTERY OF TIME AND SPACE.

The vast Divine Being of the Stars, those abstract cold Stars above us, had watched over this intimate soul being, Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg. Sophia offered him the first drink of the Devachan Streams of the future Manas and Spirit-Selfhood flowing from the pure waters of the Stars. Here science and our Luciferic misinterpretation of the Stars as devoid – cartoonish and filled only with the precise equations of dead math, are returned to the human soul refreshed and reinvigorated as resurrected Holy Spirit Science of the Heart. And we can show the equation of the Heart that balances the entire vast School of the Constellations of the empty vacuum of Space. We’ve got it!

Is our empty, dead vast universe Ensouled? Can we understand that Beings of the vast Hierarchies wish to preserve and inspire our thinking to new greatness, cohesiveness in the School of Divine Intelligence?  The very TIME VALUE of the full I AM of John the Baptist and quality in the heart of Novalis were fully authorized by Sophia and fully shared by the Risen Etheric Christ. Everything in the TIME VALUE of the I AM of John the Baptist would awaken pure, pristine and true in the heart of Novalis. This same feeling for the Christ Heart of Things would also be reflected in the Missouri Born Consciousness Soul Poet of the I Am, T.S. Eliot (Click Link) More on that forthcoming.

We will examine the equations of Space in the balance of the equation centered in the Human Heart as we progress further. But for the moment the Riddle of The School of the Constellations, The marriage of the Lamb to the Divine Wisdom of Sophia sets Novalis into a framework of literally meeting Sophia of the Stars and Sophia of the Stars changing the entire foundations of abstract materialism and Space Exploration into an intimate meeting in the Human Heart. A Human Spirit that Sophia of the Stars and Christ had for long ages prepared. Novalis is a Being who had stood as THE BEST MAN, next to the Christ Being. Sophia honors that long relationship of TIME and INCARNATIONS in the service of The Wedding of Sophia to The Bridegroom of the Earth, Christ.

“His description does not sound very appealing, yet Jesus said of his older cousin, “among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist.”

“Saint John the Baptist describes himself in the Gospel of Saint John, revealing his personal understanding of the mission entrusted to him. Age of America 3 john baptist greco “The one who has the bride is the bridegroom; the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice.  So this joy of mine has been made complete.”
“John is the friend of the bridegroom, while the bridegroom is Jesus Christ.  The joy of Saint John is found in the fulfillment of Jesus’ mission, in hearing the voice of Jesus.  As The Best Man at a Wedding rejoices seeing his friend ecstatic watching his bride approach the altar, so John the Baptist rejoices to see Jesus approach His people to fulfill the New Covenant.”

We do not yet, but will soon, understand that the equations we seek in the mysteries of Time and Space, that every university seeks, are literally tied to the Karmic core navigational organ of our Human Hearts. We do not yet, but will soon understand, that the secret dimensions inside the Human Heart, are loaded with the Karma Mysteries that are the answer to the riddle of Space and Time.

The vast Sophia Being that watches over the Zodiacal Embryonic Constellations where humanity is achieving and unfolding from the germinal Life Stream of the Earth, is a vast School of the Lamb. We cannot have the TIME VALUE of the I AM of John the Baptist reduced to the rubble of Stephen Hawking. We speculate and play with the Cartoons of Sci-Fi and sometimes we even imagine some Lord or Queen of the Universe.

We imagine the sending out of our human seed to populate the many potential planets in the EMPTY VOID of the cosmos.  We imagine flotillas of Super Fueled Hyper Drive fleets of ships built by the brotherhood and tamed economies and civilizations where the human spirit has done away with poverty, want, need and only under such a great humanitarian leap could we now confront Alien Empires, primitive and lofty beings in our exploration of this vast FINAL FRONTIER of Space.

Sophia keeps watch and is in preparation for the Great Wedding. She has vividly watched over the development of Earth, when she bent and whispered into the Heart of Novalis, the preparer of the Way. We do not yet, but will soon, understand that this mighty equation is locked in the spinning vortex of our Human Hearts. We do not yet, but will soon understand, how magnificent, moral, of value to the world, is the real estate we call the Human Heart. We’ve uncovered the mystery of TIME AND SPACE, sit tight, we’re coming to it.

TIME MANAGEMENT, time compression and the karma of humanity bring what to our attention? The Esoteric and the Exoteric leaders (click link) of the New Christ-Sophia mysteries, hear the call. We are truly being monitored and observed. Ahriman is an icy, rigid imitation of how the Hierarchies track human beings through Reincarnation and Time. Ahriman is gifted at tracking human beings in a completely grotesque disturbing deception by engaging the gears, the hard drives, the satellites and the destructive weaponry that annihilates the Freedom and Love that the Hierarchies, Sophia and the Risen Etheric Christ offer each human soul.

Many Initiates observed carefully the awakening of Novalis with the touch of the Beautiful Lily. When would the Hour Come? Initiates from the Celts and the Esoteric Christ Mysteries of Christian Rosenkreuz and from the Michael Mysteries of the Greeks, Aristotle and Alexander the Great, the swelling numbers of souls, schooled in the CLOUD ATLAS Michael School, heard the clarion call. John in his Revelation Heard and saw the Devachan stream of TIME UNFOLDING because Lazarus and John were looking into their vast Karmic Alignment with the future of the Earth and the unfolding of Time.

The Mother Sophia and the Stars and the Heart of Humanity

John and Mary Sophia Christ from the Cross this is your mother(Click this Link to understand Manas, Spirit-Self of the 6th Age; Buddhi, Life-Spirit and the Bread of Life of the 7th Age.)

“The Gospel should therefore be read as follows: “Under the Cross stood the mother of Jesus, Sophia.” To this mother Jesus says: “Woman, behold thy son.” He Himself had transferred the Sophia that lived within him to the Disciple John; He transformed him into a son of Sophia and said: “Behold, thy mother.” “Henceforth you should recognize the divine wisdom as your mother and dedicate yourself to her alone.” John had recorded this divine wisdom; Sophia is embodied in the Gospel of St. John. Jesus had given him this wisdom, and he was authorized by Christ to transmit it to the world.”

25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son,’ 27 and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:25-27)Age of America Sophia and John marriage of Sophia to Anthrosophia Chymical Wedding

THIS IS YOUR MOTHER. Novalis and Christian Rosenkreuz shared, THE TWAIN, Abel and Cain, their deeply intimate connection to both SOPHIA and the CHRIST BEING. The Esoteric Science of Sophia was given to Cain to develop and the very Heart of our deepest human soul forces where ART and the Science of the Soul meet in our most intimate Karma, was given for Abel to develop. The TWO became One and have worked together in the ongoing School of how our Human Hearts are the missing part to the Science of Matter, Time and Space.

When that Devachan vision dawned in the soul of Novalis, all our Human Hearts, whether in incarnation or in the spiritual world, felt the shudder that ran through the constellations of the Devachan, THE TIME IS AT HAND. A prep school for the vast sweeping together of the GATHERING of kindred souls seeking a whole new orientation to Spirit and Culture were given the GO signal, the incarnation signal to sweep into the mighty mix of Earth’s future impulses and secure education, science and art for the New Christ Mysteries. It is a very, very big deal to know who Novalis is (click link) and how he awakened with the first sips of nectar from the grief and reunion of Humanity with the Destiny of the Stars.

“Must the morning always return? Will the despotism of the earthly never cease? Unholy activity consumes the angel-visit of the Night. Will the time never come when Love’s hidden sacrifice shall burn eternally? To the Light a season was set; but everlasting and boundless is the dominion of the Night. — Endless is the duration of sleep. Holy Sleep — gladden not too seldom in this earthly day-labor, the devoted servant of the Night. Fools alone mistake thee, knowing nought of sleep but the shadow which, in the twilight of the real Night, thou pitifully castest over us. They feel thee not in the golden flood of the grapes — in the magic oil of the almond tree — and the brown juice of the poppy. They know not that it is thou who hauntest the bosom of the tender maiden, and makest a heaven of her lap — never suspect it is thou, opening the doors to Heaven, that steppest to meet them out of ancient stories, bearing the key to the dwellings of the blessed, silent messenger of secrets infinite.”

This is no easy matter to discover the source point of the dawning of the 6th Age. Our universities and educational systems will offer no such Columbus like revelations of the New Worlds. The fragmented history of Sophia has spun through the abstract history of religion (CLICK LINK HERE) but it is only recently in the 20th and 21st century that we can definitely pin-point the crossing point between our misunderstanding of Space and our failure to comprehend the secret Organ of Time situated in the human heart.

Space and Time have arrived at a kind of Crucifixion or at least, a crossing point, where the dynamic dimensions of the Human Heart must be placed in the SCALES OF BALANCE against the emptiness and infinite void of Space. Our universities built on materialism are DOA. Dead on Arrival. Disconnected, exiled and severed from the intimacy of ETERNAL TIME that runs through the human heart and answers the riddle of Dead Space with Living, Loving, consequential Time.

In Part 2 we weighed in on the ancient Egyptian Feather of Maat and the Scales of Time and Karma. We realized in Part 2 that Entities of the destructive Beings of the Threshold were put in service of the Pharmaceutical Corporations to rip apart the cohesion of the ‘ I AM ‘. In Part 2 we encountered how Christian Rosenkreuz of the Cain stream was made Guardian of the Threshold and also endured the weighing of how our HUMAN HEARTS stand as the weight in the balance of TIME AND HUMAN KARMA.

Christian Rosenkreuz carries an Archai level of the full imprint of the Christ Mysteries, and has been fully imprinted to carry the lofty MODEL of Humanity, all the way to ATMA or Spirit-Man. When we look at Michael and the mighty mystery of Michael the Archai of Time, we understand that the SCALES out of the Constellation of LIBRA, is not merely an Autumnal theory.

What we are about to grasp, via the HEART ORGAN is that the entire SCALES OF BALANCE of Time and Space, that Michael Holds for the entire Cosmos, or at least the TWELVE FOLD portal of our own zodiac is the School of the Lamb of God and the School of the Logos and the School of Sophia and the Risen Etheric Christ. Yet these Scales of Balance go all the way back to Egypt.

Space and Time are part of the profound Michael Archai Zeitgeist- TIME Mysteries that have illuminated our 5th Age. We have some well honed serious Sci-Fi Space and Time issues to discuss, and we will get to those, as Rod Serling would have said, “That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, the Twilight Zone!”

In that School, where the SCALES OF BALANCE holds the KARMA OF EARTH EVOLUTION, balanced against the majestic mystery of Space, our human hearts were always, since well before Egypt and through the entire Mystery of the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz and the most delicate devotion in the Heart of Novalis, our human hearts are the entire Balance that may be weighed against the entire hallucination we have created about Space. The ticking, Moral Timepiece of our Human Hearts are the gateway that resurrects and raises the Earth Herself and all it’s Life Forms into the Living School of Sophia.

Distorted Echoes of the Dawning of the 6th Age of Manas and the Holy Dove

Such adventures into discovering the source of the great song, THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS, occurred from La Mama via Ellen Stewart and Tom O’Horgan. “HAIR” was created as an original idea by Gerome Ragni (Jerry) and James Rado (Jim). They collaborated on the story, text, characters, dialogue and lyrics beginning in late 1964, continuing over the years 1965, 1966 and 1967.

The Astor Place Theater, Great Jones Street and La Mama, landed me exactly at the Astor Place Theater almost directly across from THE NEW YORK SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL PUBLIC THEATER. I was able to stand at the Volcanic Center almost like Empedocles only lacking any comprehension of the vastness that was spreading over the world from such a potent force of the Stream of Sophia and the Stars.

No, I was clueless and too busy trying to survive in the boiling, bubbling, burbling LIFE STREAM that enveloped New York at that time. I was swallowed in, like Ishmael I was swirled into the vortex and the wake of this vast monster thrashing about in THE WATERS OF TIME. A true Moby Dick, an Osiris Rising and an Isis unveiled were well beyond my understanding.

Tom O’Horgan – LA MAMA and THE TRIBE

“We retreated from our firm intention, in response to an offer of a 6-week run for HAIR as the opening attraction at a new theater. The old Astor Library, gutted and under fresh construction, became The New York Shakespeare Festival Public Theater, and the producer Joseph Papp chose HAIR to be the premiere presentation in his experimental space, the Anspacher Theater. (Papp had produced free Shakespeare in Central Park for years, but was now branching out, to embrace the excitement of the avant garde theater movement.) Quite a wonderful opportunity, we thought; if we couldn’t get HAIR on-Broadway, at least we could jump-start it downtown in the Joseph Papp spotlight of a new New York theater, in the East Village at that, where the play itself was set.

“Based on what we saw on the Public Theater and Cheetah stages, Jerry and I had rewritten the text, and, with Galt MacDermot , had added 13 new songs, expanding the score from 20 to 33 numbers. At first, Butler wanted to move the production from the Cheetah, as is, to a Broadway theater. But he soon found out how determined Jerry and I were. We wanted a new director whom we had chosen, Tom O’Horgan. We wanted casting to be done all over again.

“Working with Tom O’Horgan, and a new choreographer, Julie Arenal, and what was largely a new Tribe of Actors (six people from the off-Broadway production made it to Broadway.”

From  a more solid and secure perspective than the one I indicated just now, we may discover the dawning of the 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood and Manas, in what we have been prematurely or inspired to celebrate with the song, THE AGE OF AQUARIUS, in the following. We get down to the core revelation of the Age of Aquarius by applying ourselves and learning to see how the tale, a fairy tale recalled and collected by Goethe, called “The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily ” (Click Link) brought the entire culture of humanity into a vast rising up of the UNDERGROUND TEMPLE that is at the core of “The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily”.  This UNDERGROUND TEMPLEAge of America 2 Underground Temple rising may be likened to the rising and the stirring of the Great White Whale ‘ Moby Dick’ from the depths.

Deep in the depths Goethe caught sight of the Underground Temple and Rudolf Steiner brought up from the fathomless depths, the literal UNDERGROUND TEMPLE of the Sophia and Anthrosophia Mysteries of the Consciousness Soul. But Rudolf Steiner himself fleshes out and attains the region of Spirit-Self or Manas ahead of us. “Calling All Angels” Rudolf Steiner, Parsifal, Novalis are all living embodiment’s of the stage of higher development set for the 6th Age, the Age of Aquarius (3574-5734 a.d.). Many begin arriving from the Consciousness Soul to the higher gateway to Manas or Spirit-Self schooling and many millions more are on the way.

Through his attainment in the path of the Initiation of humanity, Rudolf Steiner attaches the mighty stream of incarnations of the Michael School into the rushing torrent of the Waters pouring through Earth and Humanity. Through the Underground Temple, the transformed Aristotle, Rudolf Steiner, one of the family of the Grail Initiates, whose karmic companion was Alexander the Great, Sigune of the Grail family, Gilgamesh, and the humble doctor incarnated as Ita Wegman, Steiner puts forth the powerful historical Karma map of The Mystery Dramas (click link). The Mystery Dramas are a precise Moral Imagination of “The Green Snake and Beautiful Lily.” Game on!!!!!

The transformation of the 6th Age of Manas and Spirit-Selfhood brings us to the dualism of the Persian Experience. This dualism of the 6th Age, of the split of the lower worlds, against the tension of our ‘  I AM ‘ incarnation secrets, our legitimate and designated karmic family and companions and our own germinal seed of a full TWELVE FOLD MYSTERY DRAMA of our conscious karmic family, is set to be blocked by Ahriman.

Our Karmic family connected to our own sister and brotherhood as our own germinal Mystery Drama, will be shattered and absorbed by Luciferic and Ahrimanic agendas on Earth. The in-pouring of the Waters from the Higher Devachan Fires that appeared at the Pentecost Event (click Link) will impact our semi-prepared astral bodies, thinking and heart capacities as new Conscious Karmic Understanding of what the Good means.

When we examine meticulously the FOUR MYSTERY DRAMAS that Rudolf Steiner fashioned, crafted and maintained, we discover DEVACHAN actions, DEVACHAN events, 6th Age of Spirit-Self experiences that shape the inner Soul-Dimensions of an interconnected Core Karmic Group. This Core Karmic Group had been active in the living reality of the karmic history and biography of Earth.

In the FOUR MYSTERY DRAMAS we have notes on the schooling, actions and regions of the spiritual world and earthly world where Spirit-Self, moves, lives, educates and transforms the very kernel of a karmic TWELVE-FOLD embryonic constellation of human beings that are a sample of those invited to the Wedding.

Gratefulness for our Karmic Constellations and the Reality of the Mystery Dramas

“When the initiate sits there surrounded by his soul-forces, he says to himself: These are one with me; they have led me through the development of the earth; the feet of this apostle enabled me to walk on along my path, the hands of that apostle gave me the power to work. … The Holy Supper is the expression of man’s fellowship with the TWELVE SOUL – FORCES.”

We are invited to the Wedding. We have our own tight constellation of souls that we must identify, retrieve, recover, and re-align. We have all wandered off the Reservation in our own ways. And in the 6th Age it will be these karmic clusters that will start painfully pin-wheeling into the higher Angelic Devachan dimensions of humanity in the School of the Lamb and getting ourselves prepared to come to the wedding of Sophia and the Stars.

The Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner gives our Devachan, 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood Schooling an impetus. The trials, tribulations, historical Cul-de-sac ( \ˈkəl(z)-, ˈkl(z)-, ˌkəl(z)-, ˌkl(z)-\ also cul–de–sacs \-ˌsaks, –ˈsaks\)  and wrong turns we took and wrong exits we took on the freeway are revealed in the vast psycho/spiritual framework of powerful personalities struggling to reorient themselves and their karmic compass, to their higher Karmic Work together. And my oh my, was the Goetheanum ever shaken to it’s core by suddenly having to face this enormous challenge.

The Goetheanum, well ahead, well in the forefront, well before the full coming 6th Age, was the announcer, as under the heading of John the Baptist, the Goetheanum was a forerunner of the coming 6th Age. Dornach’s Hill of Thorns, twisted and turned in massive thorny dilemmas. These massive thorny knots of karma are scattered over the whole world and the 6th Age will be enveloped by these dilemmas.

The Mystery Dramas are a big 6th Age, Manas, Spirit-Selfhood, Age of Aquarius, cliff notes study, of ‘how to recover from Devachan Disasters in our own intimate Karmic Communities. It was also part of the seed kernel of the Egyptian Mysteries of the 3rd Age of Taurus that surfaced up from the depths and arose like Moby Dick the Whale rose and antagonized the tyranny of Ahab. The Goetheanum Is/Was the rising, raising of the Underground Temple of a huge new Continent.

This vast New Continent of human Karmic Dimensions, revealing the massive problems awaiting the 5th Age of Pisces, breached the surface, reached the surface of history and caused immense repercussions felt in the shock waves of World Wars. The shock waves of this New Continent, breaching the surface, is reverberating into the very depths of the Earth and collapsing the false constructs we have surrounded ourselves with. Ahriman knows this and wants to be THE NEW WORLD ORDER master, that turns Karma and Humanity completely upside down and backward like Darwin did. Ahriman wants to plummet and sink this New Continent and reconstruct his own Replication of Peace on Earth.

“Whales such as sperm whales perform a breach by swimming vertically upwards from the depths, and heading straight out of the water. Others, such as the humpback whale, travel close to the surface and parallel to it, and then jerk upwards at full speed to perform a breach. In a typical breach, as performed by a humpback or right whale, the whale clears the water at an angle of about 30° to the horizontal. Around 90% of the body clears the water before the whale turns to land on its back or side.”

This massive Underground Temple, of the future Christ Sciences arose and first beached itself, consciously in Dornach, Switzerland. It anticipates the training and higher school of Spirit-Selfhood and our own schooling of our own karmic clusters coming towards us in the 6th Age of Aquarius (3574-5734 a.d.).

We wanted new lands, LAND HO, we got whole new lands, whole new continents of tangled human karma to sort out and get ready and prepare for the wedding. From the very first INTRO IN PART 1 of researching Grappling with the Monsters of the American Psyche, we studied Geographic Regions. We studied overshadowing Etheric/Ethnic bio-regional Archangel forces spread over the United States and the Western Hemisphere.

We have now revealed the new intent of the new geography of the hidden land mass of the new Columbus Explorers of the 6th Age. We just haven’t recognized our own Karma Groups as part of the New Lands, New Geography, New Continents, waiting for New Explorers. And Ahriman wants to get there before we wake up and halt us from realizing what these New Continents, New Capacities, New Explorers and New Lands are all about.

IT IS NOT ABOUT ALIEN LIFE FORMS IN OUTER SPACE. It is about uncovering the biographic, karmic and planetary mysteries in each human being. (click link) It is about the Angelic desire to turn and face each human being with our newly awakened Sophia Star Wisdom and explore them, love them and discover who we really are for each other. We must become our sisters and brothers keeper of their higher mysteries, because in that portal of initiation of interest in each other we find the new Science of Anthrosophia.

So as Parsifal set out with his first failure to understand the Grail or the Community of Spirit-Selfhood so shall we, in the majority, fail to understand the Stars, our Hearts or the meaning of the new Karmic Continents arising from the Earth. We have set out in the 5th Age of the Consciousness Soul and the 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood, Manas and the Holy Spirit, without understanding the least part of the Ahrimanic or Luciferic Salome Mysteries, or the Asuric Mysteries which threaten to rip humanity apart.

And because we are genetically stubborn, traditional, dogma clinging cowards, we certainly refused to recognize the Risen Etheric Christ Sciences and the whole New Continents of the Christ arising before us to prepare humanity for the wedding. In fact our arrogance can’t stomach the terminology of Wedding, Sophia and the Stars, because our terminal materialism has our heads in a vice grip. We are brain frozen in Ahrimanic materialism.

So we will not be left off the hook when it comes to recovering our higher spiritual treasure and like Parsifal, living Parsifal’s of the 6th Age, it will be necessity for us to recover our Karmic Families. Rudolf Steiner tried to gather the family of Michael and the higher stream of human karma together in the 20th century and it was as daunting as any tale of Parsifal we could imagine.

There is a great, great difference between abstract mythology which we tend to dismiss and concrete laws of Space and Time. Christ lamented that He would have gathered His Fathers Karmic Family together, under his wing, as a mother Hen gathers her chicks, but humanity wouldn’t have it. So we can count on it, the 6th Age will not be made easy for any of us.

If we studied with a clear eye (CLICK LINK 1) “It’s A Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart, we see that the main character suddenly sees clearly the effects on an entire town if George Bailey, the Moral Time Value of ONE solitary individual human being, had never incarnated and never had the freedom to weave his karma and his own I AM LOVE into the patterns of TIME .

Well the culture of Ahriman in the 6th Age is going to give us an opportunity to worship the virtues and the instinctual gifts that Ahriman will bestow on the detached Human Group Soul. It will be a magical Hive of Ordered and outlandish wonders. But the free I AM, free to offer itself or unfold it’s higher development out of love, will be considered a psychotic illness.

If there were no moral impulses of the I AM consciously generated from a human spirit, who was incarnated in one geographical region, an entire region and equally an entire karmic stream could suffer a Luciferic Corruption in the Space Time Continuum, in this instance (in this case George Bailey and Bedford Falls turns into POTTERSVILLE).

But we haven’t even considered alterations in the Space-Time Continuum of human Karma on Earth, if Ahrimanic Civilization dissolves the dimensions of Human Freedom and Love. Really? Really? This is exactly what we must call STAR STUBBORNNESS. The same powerful Geographical and at times Archangelic Regional Moral Value and equation and distortion of the Space-Time Continuum applies to the dimensions of influence given through the fact of the Incarnation, Love, Courage and Freedom in the I AM of Martin Luther King Jr.

The same Geographic and moral Archangelic and Angelic powers and equation of the Space-Time Continuum applies to the influence and incarnation of Gandhi, John Lennon, Dr. Maya Angelou, Chris Hedges, Ron Paul, Garrison Keillor,  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts , and thousands of martyrs, and friends and activists working consciously and unconsciously everyday for the higher value that lights the Free I AM at the core of our human spirit.

Ahriman wishes to freeze human development and lock the lower Devachan experiences of the animals and nature into a fixed playground within the paradigm of dead space and insert a replacement evolution without Freedom or Love in the Space-Time Continuum.

Paul Craig Roberts

“The American public needs to understand the consequences of Washington’s illegality and criminality. On the one hand it means that those subject to Washington’s aggression have to endure war crimes, but on the other hand it means a growing hatred for America. As Washington’s easy targets are used up, Washington engages countries that can reply to force with force.

“Unless the neoconservatives are ejected from the Obama regime and banned from inclusion in any future American government, mushroom clouds will go up over Washington, New York, Boston, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, Houston, St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago. The American mid-west, which hosts the ICBM silos, will become uninhabitable except by cockroaches.

“Americans, and the populations of the American puppet states, desperately need to understand that Washington is incapable of speaking the truth about anything. Washington is an evil force. Washington is Sauron. Washington is Satan.”

A Geographic Luciferic Town, called POTTERSVILLE (from Judas and the Potters field) is an alternate reality. Have we really ever examined the immense Artistic, Spiritual power of renaming Bedford Falls after the Ahrimanic Impersonation of Mr. Potter? Have we considered the vicious and vital initiation issues that Harry Potter faced? Harry Potter is marked by destiny to fight the encroachment and intrusions of Black Magicians turning the astral, etheric worlds into a POTTERSVILLE. Ahriman is written large in the character of Mr. Potter the Banker, loan shark, Caiaphas that causes the JUDAS MYSTERY (click link). Voldemort is already a highly skilled Black Magician.

Few attempt and few have put the pieces of the puzzle together. We have the opportunity to get this right, so we can weigh the dimensions of such a silly, dismissed, sentimental film called, “It’s A Wonderful Life”. The sentimentality and the stubbornness resides in us not in the courage and clarity of the revelation offered by Frank Capra.

We love, we have always settled back in our complacency and our lazy comprehension of Christianity by dismissing “It’s a Wonderful Life” by Frank Capra as a sentimental Christmas Reminder of our quaint forgotten humanity.Age of America Pottersville But then the new Harry Potter drags us into the confrontation of the Black Magicians Guild of Asuric, Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces that were in germinal form in Bedford Falls.

We witness Harry Potter ripening and maturing into an initiate that confronts the Black Magician Monsters of the Psyche born from the seething, sordid grave of POTTERSVILLE. Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuric beings crave an opportunity to snatch portions of our I AM and from that devastation, plant their flag on the grave of humanity.

To test humanity the Ahrimanic, the Asuric and the Luciferic beings cannot help but create their own cosmic dead zone kingdoms. How real is evil? Very real! If there were no consequential evil there could be no mighty, mature and ripening Manichean Goodness arising in the 6th Age (click link).

(Matt. 27:7-10) – “And they counseled together and with the money bought the Potter’s Field as a burial place for strangers. 8 For this reason that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day. 9 Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the one whose price had been set by the sons of Israel; 10 and they gave them for the Potter’s Field, as the Lord directed me.”

The Novalis School of the moral greatness and goodness of humanity has revealed many varieties of film contemplations of alternate EARTH scenarios. Different mis-apprehensions of rips in the SPACE TIME CONTINUUM. No, we are too conceited to connect our immoral and moral choices that we make unconsciously in our hearts with future rips in the fabric of Time. But, most assuredly this error, our conceit in not reckoning with the cosmic influence of Luciferic, Ahrimanic or Asuric influences, will come crashing in over our heads in the 6th Age. We will not only see, but know directly the reality of the Risen Etheric Christ Being with our own eyes.

The results from the failure of one moral human I AM, George Bailey, never having incarnated on Earth; or having been stymied and held at abeyance, his astral and etheric instrument and his physical bodily instrument bottled up and removed from any effectiveness of ever bringing to Earth what his Free Moral I AM might have offered the Heart of Earth, becomes a Devachan Science of TIME Distortion and disruption in the 6th Age.

Hometown, Heartland and the Geographic Effects of the Moral I AM changes the whole character and being of the town of Bedford Falls into a Luciferic Salome corrupt Eyesore. But Ahriman, Mr. Potter, Caiaphas, Dick Cheney and the crushing defeat of the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL powers of the 5th Age of Pisces, delivers to us the stillborn world of a new Global Civilization. A veritable global geographic Monster dominated by an Ahrimanic Archai, having arisen out of the West will threaten the entire future of the Earth.

“As its been said, Voldemort may have been the biggest bad in the Harry Potter series, but Dolores Umridge was the most human evil – and thus the scariest. She represented everything wrong with people who are put in position of power and abuse it for their own personal gain. Umbridge discriminated against those creatures who were different, and was perfectly content to allow many individuals to suffer if it meant a smoother running system.

“We have all met an Umbridge in real life, and that’s honestly what makes her the most evil character in Harry Potter – the fact that she actually exists.”

Garrison Keillor has changed the whole flow of the heart in the Heartland of the U.S.A. Martin Luther King Jr. influenced the entire circulation of Moral Courage in every heart it touched, all the way up to the President of the United States and down to every bigoted, backward, evil etheric habit locked in small racists hearts and minds over the whole planet. Pockets of human prejudice, patriotic flag waving legions of misguided and misinformed humanity pepper the geography of polluted regions of the Earth. What if Martin Luther King Jr. had never incarnated? What if he had been prevented from bringing any of his higher gifts into the flow of human life and TIME?

Ahriman has made a science of killing out the potential of injecting any Moral Courage or Spirit Fire, in any developing child, that might ripen into a new rejuvenated and compassionate infusion that lifts and refines the circulation of our human hearts. Ahriman is good at stagnation, assassination, elimination, mean-spiritedness, Age of America deconstruction of the I AM rafael gomezbarros casa tomadashattering the cohesion of the I AM, our Astral Body, our nervous system with Pharmaceutical Demonical Entities (discussed in PART 2)  creating autism, sleep disorders, and freezing the Etheric Body so no light, and no thought and certainly no Love and no Freedom may enter his icy domain.

Bedford Falls,  Falls, and America Falls when Ahriman freezes out the unpredictable Love and Freedom that is the core of our I AM. But the insidiousness of it is that it arises, in the 6th Age, as an up thrusting force of the ancient Persian conflict between Ahura Mazdao and Ahriman. Just as Pyramid, Ponzi Scheming, Corporate Sterile Greedy, fallen Ahrimanic Archangel Entities arose in the 5th Age from the unconscious forces left over from ancient Egypt.

Our ability to choose what we sacrifice our hearts for is a mystery only Love holds dear. Not Ahriman. An Ahrimanic Civilization arises only from each of our singular betrayals. We selectively chose, cherry picked the lies of Ahriman and let them surround us. Our so called NSA, FBI, our Justice System, our militarized and weaponized police and the traitors who ruled us, our glorified War Mongers, Congress, Presidents and the complete sickness of Ahrimanic/Luciferic Washington D.C. were applauded and lauded by us. We led our children and the world into a cosmic trap because of our refusal to wrestle with our Consciousness Soul.

Therefore we collectively chose the elimination of the  ‘ I ‘ and pushed human civilization toward the Moral Suicide an Ahrimanic Archai offered as Peace. Divine Guidance returns the favor by letting our stubbornness become the very enslavement that pushes us into the Revelation of the 6th Age. Our stubbornness forced an awakening of our Higher Spiritual failures with an even higher spiritual clarity and intensity. We are given, in the 6th Age, the horror, the mercy and the grace of hearing the cry’s of humanity being torn from the Hierarchies. Out of necessity, in the 6th Age, we learn the science of shattering compassion.

In PART 2 we examined the obsessive compulsive infection, a highly potent Fallen Ahrimanic Angelic Being that infected J.Edgar Hoover. In PART 2 we examined the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD and the vicious Pharmaceutical attacks by Entities, unleashed at the threshold of our ‘good’ psychic cohesion. Instead of recognizing our DOUBLES with cultural and educational certainty, we fed the best parts of our children to dissolving Entities at the destructive threshold of consciousness.

We wanted nothing to do with Higher Consciousness, Higher Education or cultural and spiritual antidotes to destructive tendencies. Instead we offered our children to monsters and the monsters shattered the cohesion of the gifts our children brought from the spiritual world. Before they ever had a chance to feel the stirrings of their own Harry Potter, their own Astral gifts, or any knowledge of the anchor of the I AM, we blindly and willingly fed our children into the monsters maw and dissolved their spiritual treasures with the acid of Pharmaceutical Entities serving monsters. Oh really, Acid for saliva, Acid for blood? Oh you mean “Alien” meant look deeper into our star estrangement? Look deeper into our star delusions?

We could take the FBI apart for malicious intent and surveillance of the lie, every which way from Sunday. The FBI, CIA, NSA are not Grail Knights serving Truth. It looked good when we arrived on Earth seeking Justice and Truth and saw the signs noting INTEL and Covert INTEL and smart, snappy uniforms and weapons and Police authorization to become one of the proud Legion of Ahrimanic pet monkey’s. But they were founded on the School of Black Magicians and unholy Ahrimanic intents.

We love our poison, just as our politicians are well paid Ahrimanic/Luciferic and at times Asuric monsters. We couldn’t wait to throw off our simple Christianity for the clever conceit of cunning materialism. We let it all slip by and sink unmourned in our souls. In the 6th Age we get the Bill and we will be required to pay the karmic cost.

We knew of the Battles in Heaven before we incarnated and the Dividing of Humanity (click link to Part 1) and the School of the Cloud Atlas and The Michael Revelation, but we couldn’t recognize it on Earth so we made DOUBLE GUIDED DECISIONS based on the sick soup of our sour and bitter education. Already Ahriman was meddling in every home, school and pharmacy to change the Space-Time Continuum into POTTERSVILLE to suit his own demented brand of poison prison punch. We drank the Kool-Aid and offered our children ACID Entities, from big Pharma, that dissolve the cohesion of our children’s soul and spirits.

Martin Luther King Jr. and J. Edgar Hoover

“… a man that utters such words and who also has a considerable following would not appeal to the thug in charge of the FBI at the time, J. Edgar Hoover. So what did Mr. Hoover do? He sent a letter to Dr. King, pretending to be a black person and implied that he should kill himself. None of this is news, but until the New York Times released it yesterday, copies of this letter had always been partly redacted. We now have the uncensored version. Here it is:

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 12.38.49 PM

“Now ask yourself a question. Is the FBI any more ethical today than it was back then? I would argue certainly not. After all, it had a file on on tech prodigy Aaron Swartz, who was driven to suicide by the feds. Now imagine what the FBI could do to political dissidents in a world in which they have a backdoor into all your electronic devices, which is precisely what it wants.”

A gigantic fracture of civilization will be part of the human catastrophe of the 6th Age. It is part of the ancient Star Karma of the Constellation of the THE TWINS and will be part of the tearing apart of the I AM that is the revelation of the Christ Mysteries against the implementation of a full-on Ahrimanic civilization of the vast GROUP SOUL reduced to the equality of spoiled “selfie” human chattel.

The 6th Age is a massive inversion and turning outwards of what was, for Persian culture, the hidden powers of the Twins. Just as we described the reversal of the hidden forces of the Egyptian age in Taurus arising in the 5th Age of Pisces, we find the DUALISM of ancient Persia returning in an entirely new form. The Ancient Persian Dualism that existed between Ahrimanic Culture and the Living Sun culture of Ahura Mazdao which was below the surface, now rises in the 6th Age with a tearing apart of civilization between the Non – I and the I AM. Ahriman in the West brings the virtue of Fallen Devachan Delight into a transcendental homogenization and dilution of the I AM.

The coming 6th Age will be the literal imprisoning of humanity in the Golden Chains of Ahriman while humanity plummets into an Asuric, Ahrimanic, Luciferic playground built to herd and contain the Group Soul called ‘humans’. It will be an immense conflict of DUALISM that will be rooted in the staggering issue of the   ‘I’ and the ‘Non I.’

The living, loving memory of our incarnations will be absorbed, eradicated, erased and a huge I AM suppression, pharmaceutical solution that numbs the painful TIME VALUE of the I AM, which is the cause of a mass form of psychotic, Karmic -PTSD. The only thing that upsets the Ahrimanic boredom and Peace and Equality shared by all is the nagging nightmares, hallucinations and psychosis that the suppression of the memory of the I AM causes in the population. But these disturbances will be treated as a trade off for the accumulated past horrors of karma exploding below the surface of a numbed and complacent Ahrimanic answer to Civilization.

The entire Group Soul of Humanity becomes a natural resource and captivated CHANGELING, of the new civilization of Ahriman. Our hijacked humanity will feel contentment as a Group Being in the chains of Ahriman with no capacity to remember or recall our former karmic connections, loves and deepest spiritual relationships STAMPED BY TIME ITSELF. It will be psychotically painful with no conscious recall of all the powerful I AM events that shaped our souls and the people we loved through history. We won’t remember and Ahriman will call that Peace. Ahriman will provide a nice NUMBNESS where all humans are incubated and recycled through deathlessness, mixed and homogenized back into the Gene Pool of  the containment pond of the Group Soul.

Complexities of toil and suffering with our Earth

“…in overcoming the “curse” of the Father, that is, in overcoming pain, toil and death. It was hoped, for instance, to put an end to all pain through the forces of the “Air-Earth” (the third subterranean sphere), which kill feeling, and by applying the energy of the “Fruit-Earth’s” luxuriant growth, in conjunction with the “technical” forces of the “Fire-Earth,” to achieve freedom from all toil. And it was hoped that still deeper strata of the Earth’s Interior would give that terrestrial immortality which Rudolf Steiner calls “the Ahrimanic ideal of immortality” – which, actually, would be no immortality at all, but “deathlessness,” that is, an escape from the primal karmic necessity of death into a region whither this necessity does not extend.

“These intentions were active in the foundations of the Turanian civilization, and determined many of its details: for instance, the kind of communism extending even into family life, which was peculiar to the Turanian civilization. In this fact was expressed the “we-consciousness” of Turanianism; for instance, its inner bias towards the Interior of the Earth was shown in its hostility to agriculture. For if Man’s hand furrows the Earth with the plough and scatters seeds which are brought to growth and fruition by means of the warmth, light and rain of Heaven, he is carrying out a deed in conjunction with heaven, which stands in deepest contrast to the alliance with the Earth’s Interior.

“For this reason the great Zarathustra taught the small Iranian community which had gathered round him, agriculture, as a religious duty of Man.”

No need for entanglement in blood lines because Ahrimanic Science will have anesthetized the population as it has started to do in the current 5th Age (See PART 2). There will be pockets off the grid, way off the grid, where incarnations will still retain a normal, abnormal pattern and where failures to have the Ahrimanic etheric body, Ahrimanic astral body and the suppressed I AM adapt itself to the controlled incarnation sciences of Ahriman will be secreted out as failures.  (Click Link 2) the removed moral I AM “It’s A Wonderful Life.)

This is partly where we uncover the 6th Age where the Spring Sun rises in Aquarius 3574-5734 a cultural migration towards a Russian-Slavonic backward, considered retarded, safe haven of human communities that still retain the primitive I AM model of human development.

These retarded Bio-Dynamic Farmers, Manichean and I AM cast aways from Ahriman’s Titanic Global Grasp will be a tiny sliver of the population, unless of course we block Ahriman’s future intentions. And based on the 5th Age, when the Sun Rose in the Spring in Pisces, (See PART 2) the majority of humanity rejected the I AM in favor of relinquishing the struggle for conscious Spirit-Selfhood in the 6th Age, in the same manner that we relinquished the struggle for the value of our CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL in the 5th Age of Pisces.

Ahriman won? If Ahriman wins it will be because we let this full blown rising Ahrimanic Archai home grown out of the American West, prepare the way to rebuild the world in His Image. Ahriman has done immense preparation for his Incarnation in the West in a Human Being. We must mature enough to recognize the quiet, quaint, hidden preparations that brought TWO JESUS CHILDREN together. That brought Christ, the Master of the Logos into a human individuality and with hardly any historical validity altered the entire inner structure of the human I AM. Christ cleared the path for humanities striving to attain to the Zodiacal Heights of Creator Beings through the school of THE LAMB OF GOD. (Lamb of God Schooling in beginning of PART 2 see link)

Ahriman, on the other hand, has been deviously preparing in massive outward strides into technology, genetic manipulation, severing nature from the Sun with the bees and Monsanto. Brainwashing our humanity with Outer Space Materialism. Ahriman’s aim has been to sever us from nature and our human Etheric cohesiveness,  poison our Astral body away from the Hierarchies and shatter our I AM, through intensive attacks from enhanced pharmaceutical Entities of the threshold.

We can see immediately through the devilish MONSANTO corruptions of nature, carried over from the ancient Persian Turanian battle of severing humanity from the Sun Science of the Etheric Plant and Etheric Human logos. The Spiritual Scientific higher dimensional Devachan realm of Space and Etheric Sciences is an entire new world where TIME and the temporal mysteries unveil a living Space against the Dead Space Ahriman wished to preserve. The ancient battle wounds from the Persian Age of Gemini and the Twins revisits us out of the Aquarian Age.

Ahriman out of the West is attempting to alleviate and shatter the Civilization of the ‘ I AM ‘ and replace it with a duplicate, a false TWIN, a Devachan Deception and a Distortion in the Space-Time Continuum. And the horror of it is that we helped Ahriman achieve his goals in the West and we greedily and viciously served Ahriman, paving his road for him, because we refused to explore the Freedom and Love native to our immortal ‘ I AM.’Age of America 2 Twins

Gemini 5067-2907 B.C. Persian
Aquarius 3574-5734 A.D. Russian-Slavonic

Persian = Sentient or Astral body
6th Cultural Era = Manas or Spirit Self

Rudolf Steiner

“The Iranian identified this Power with Ahura Mazdao, and he said to himself: ‘Everything a man can do to ennoble the forces of Nature, to elevate them, can be done, if he will attach himself to Ahura Mazdao, to the power of Ormuzd. Ormuzd is an ascending stream. But if a man leaves Nature as she is, then everything becomes a wilderness and reverts to savagery. This comes from Ahriman.’ Add now the following mood developed in the Iranian regions: ‘To the north of us many people are going about; they are in the service of Ahriman. They are Ahriman’s people, who only roam about gathering what Nature offers them; they will not raise a hand towards the spiritualization of Nature. But we wish to unite ourselves with Ormuzd, Ahura Mazdao.’

So a duality was felt at that time to be rising in the world. Thus it was that the Iranians, the Zarathustra-men felt, and they expressed these feelings in laws or rules. They wished to arrange their life so that eternal law gave, in its expression, the impulse upwards. That was the external result of Zarathustrianism. Here we see the contrast between Iran and Turan.”

A very powerful Ahrimanic designed Race is forming under our American Ahrimanic Archai of the West. Again and again we have said, that is NOT the struggling Good Archai of the West, it is the rising Shadow that we love more than the Freedom and Love our American Nation was founded upon.

As the 6th Age comes forward toward us, all incarnations over the whole Earth will be subject to an absorption into a magical culture of highly defined and integrated human double capacities. And the Immortal Struggling Good Archai of vast America will be tortured into submission and suffocation down into the deep, deep layers of the Inner Earth.Age of America 2 twin 1aA Group Soul of Humanity, a dark TWIN, a Non -I will replace the ‘ I AM ‘. Instead of the core source of each individual I AM given the opportunity on Earth to navigate our little individual development, via conscious thinking, conscious feeling and conscious willing to consciously elaborate the higher germinal seed forces of our Spirit-Self, our Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man or better said Atma, we get the culture of the Non – I. That, dear friends is the challenging Karma facing the 6th Age.

‘I’ and the ‘Non I.’

“Novalis encountered Fichte. All Jena was at that time teeming with excitement about Fichte’s work. Schelling said that “The philosophy of Fichte was like lightning; it appeared only for a moment but it kindled a fire that will burn for ever.” The very title of his book,Sonnenklarer Bericht an das grössere Publikum über das eigentliche Wesen der neuesten Philosophie. Ein Versuch die Leser zum Verstehen zu zwingen — gives us a glimpse into the intimate workings of his mind and heart. In his Fragments, Novalis makes frequent reference to Fichte, for example: “It is possible that Fichte is the inventor of an entirely new mode of thinking for which language has not yet found a name.” “Fichte’s demand for simultaneous thought, action and observation is the ideal of philosophizing; if I fulfill this demand, I begin to realize the ideal.” “According to Fichte, ‘I am’ is the result of the universe. In order to state ‘I am,’ I must presuppose the whole universe; vice versa, the absolute statement of the ‘I am’ is at the same time the statement of the universe.”

“Fichte had dared, as no thinker before had done, to take the Ego as the starting-point of his philosophical investigations. To him, all being and development of the universe were the result of an interplay between the ‘I’ and the ‘Non I.’ In the process of investigation, the latter thinned down into a more and more shadow-like existence, since all reality was identical with activity and activity belonged solely to the Ego.

“Fichte was of significance in the life of Novalis because he not only brought a new richness into his being but touched a chord which was the innermost essence of his mind and Spirit: Fichte awakened Novalis to the realization of the depths of the Ego and of the all-transforming, sovereign power of the moral impulse. In the Fragments, we read: “The system of morality must become one with the system of Nature. We must become magicians in order to be truly moral. The more moral we are, the more we are in harmony with God, the more united to God. Only through the moral sense does God become audible to us. The moral sense is the sense of existence — not affected from without — the sense of union, of the highest harmony, of a life freely chosen and yet within fellowship; it is true sense of divination.” And again: “The moral sense is a sense of the absolute creative power, the generative freedom, the infinite personality, the singular divinity within us.”

“The application of the moral sense to all research, all science, was a subject ever-present in the mind of Novalis. He spoke of the “moralization of the universe” in anticipation of the knowledge in which the wall between the moral world and the laws of Nature is broken down and they are recognized as one — as indeed the wall is cleft when an act of cognition pierces the veil of the sense-world. Only when the outer world is permeated by the moral sense will man be enabled to enter into the intimate understanding of Nature which must arise if he is to experience the earth with her living creatures not as a place of exile, but as a familiar homeland. All human life is the pursuit of an ever-increasing interpenetration of the Spirit within and without. “The individual soul must be understood as being in harmony with the cosmic soul.”

We are already running into intense restrictions on thought, education, pharmaceuticals and already introducing destructive threshold entities into the vital construction and sacredness of our Etheric Bodies, our Astral Bodies and our I AM. Oblivion and suffocation of our True Karma with the Stars is deeply rooted and connected to our true Conscious Karmic recognition of who we owe and what we owe to each other in clear Free and unobstructed conscious Love and destiny.

The dualism of a global culture that would hijack human consciousness and usurp what humanity can do in Freedom and Love for the Earth and our vivid companions who have shared our hearts through history will be an agonizing trial, not unlike waking up on Earth and discovering like George Bailey that Human warm hearted, Freedom Loving Civilization vanished.

The Central Mystery of TIME AND SPACE

There is an equation that is the very essence of the universe we live in. Without this equation being answered earnestly, we shall suffer our entire human race and all the forces of nature on Earth to be crucified in DEAD SPACE. This is the big issue of the 6th Age and certainly the hopes of the Consciousness Soul in this our 5th Age (Part 2 click Link).

Now for those of us who have participated and earnestly sought the deepest riddles of TIME AND SPACE, we were led scientifically to a powerful Dualism, a Persian Riddle that can only be solved by us, NOW and painfully through the coming 6th age. Briefly we shall elaborate as close as we can the precise riddle everyone must encounter NOW.

It is not sappy silliness to present the Vast Constructs of Outer Space on the scales of the equation of the definitive construction of the HEART in the human breast. But right away we see that the sterile fiction and math of Space Travel has collected around itself some interesting restrictions on the speed of light, the content of light, the quantum mechanics of Space and Time. It has long been assumed that the overlap between quantum theory, which governs the behavior of the very small, and general relativity, which deals with how planets and stars warp space-time on cosmic scales, lies way beyond experimental reach—perhaps only within the center of black holes.

So we can look at THREE EXAMPLES of earnestly seeking A spacial solution, to the Inner Equation of the vastness of the human spirit. The equation of how the immortal I AM fits into the universe and how Dead Space theories like Stephen Hawking’s are all about the conflict of the “Non – I and the true I AM” that we are the universes own implanted Divine Seed is the great riddle. In fact it is the Immortal reality of the I AM in us that IS the germinal seed forces of the mystery of our own vast embryonic TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS.

This is where the Death of Space meets the Resurrection of Time. The three OUTER SPACE examples we can admire, to some degree, are “2001 A Space Odyssey”; “Contact”; and “Interstellar”. The earnest power of attempting to balance the equations between the constructs of Space and the constructs of Time brings us to the revelation of how HUMAN KARMA and TIME are situated within the laws of Space. Human civilization and ALL of our education comes down to the conflicts of the “I and the Non – I.”

If we remove the micro-mechanism of the human heart, and just for the sake of focusing on the vivid reality of the 6th Age, we understand the spinning gyroscopic FOUR CHAMBERED HUMAN HEART as a highly refined, lofty TIME COMPASS, navigational PAST – PRESENT -FUTURE time mechanism, (But our human hearts are truly fitted within our organic SOPHIA TIME BODY with all the relevant answers to our abstract longing to discover the hidden meaning behind DEAD SPACE.) Our human hearts are the answer to the cosmic riddle of TIME and SPACE and we will get as near to the riddle of Time and Space as we have ever come in the history of physics and the magicians of the GOOD, right now.

“As far as Interstellar is concerned, love is a literal potent physical concept, strong enough to bend the elaborate cosmic architecture of wormholes and black holes and far-flung star systems.”

Love is not only a potent physical concept that exists as a Matrix Force within the human heart, each human heart and the equation where Love and Freedom determine the WEIGHT of Time against the vast emptiness of Space has been torn out of our Education and sentenced to sentimental silliness in the frolicking falsity of our education. Everyone has been after sincerely trying to discover the system that off-sets the vast complex void of the Stars and Empty Infinite Space. What is the relation between the microcosm of quantum theory and the vast macrocosm general Relativity theories? Obviously something is missing and it is highly obvious what that something is.

Our hearts initially form outside of our tiny embryonic selves. The thing that angers and calls forth the wrath of science is bringing the bridge of Outer Space into the Time Organ of the Human Heart. Well the heart is not a pump and that literally causes apoplectic stroke in materialists. The absolute unforgivable sin in the religion of Materialism and Physics is to draw a concrete connection between the Time Organ of our human hearts and the infinite dimensions of Space.

Our hearts form initially outside our tiny embryo.  And what we are saying and what we shall stand up for is first the Heart is not a pump.Age of America 3 A little piece of my heart brought from time into space

Second it has been the subject of profound awareness that as we incarnate from the Stars we take a fragment of a piece of the Karma of the World with us back into Space. It becomes the entire dynamic structural system of our Etheric Body. Our individual Etheric Bodies are literal ticking TIME BODIES as our own tiny portions of the karma of infinite space. Infinite vast space is relative to the vast intimacy we share in time.

Within this Etheric Force we bring with us from the other side of Space Theory, our Hearts and our Etheric Bodies carry a concrete fragment of the Karma of humanity. We bring with us to the Earth, down into specific regions of space, down into specific regions of geography, into specific regions of Archangelic activity,  our portions of untransmuted, un-transubstantiated cosmic karma. We bring the etheric/ethnic capacities of the Archangelic Communities of our own Language and thought to life within us. For a moment this bulging content of the Heart appears outside us, as the substantial riddle we have carried into Space from the vast Eternity and School of Sophia and the Lamb of God. (Higher Schooling of Lamb of God at beginning of Part 2)

Our arrogance cannot permit a contemplation of what it meant when the Heart of the Logos, the Heart of the Christ stopped on Earth and according to the process of Transfiguration, Sweating of blood, we cannot comprehend that having a certain Being who is about to reboot the system of the Stars themselves, impregnated the Seed of our Earth with the full Karma of the Stars. We have the unmitigated arrogance to imagine that when the Heart of Christ stopped, the Stars themselves were jolted and Earth was jolted and rebooted. The Etheric Time Organ of the Logos, the Logos of the Laws of Space were joined in the Macrocosmic Heart of the Christ at Golgotha. Ahrimanic Science will not permit our comprehension of the dimensions of the organ of the human heart.

You see we cannot, in Ahrimanic Educational Science consider the event of Golgotha, as a sweeping and shattering change that reverberated through the Earth and went right through the Starry Region where we as humanity hail from.

“Thou that didst lie dead in the sepulchre hast come down unto us living and at thy death all creation quaked and all the stars were shaken…”

We examined the above in the Harrowing of Hell (part 2), when the ancients tried to grasp the magnitude of the Christ Being. Our arrogance will not allow such a revelation to be linked to our hearts. Let us, for the sake of defying The Da Vinci Code, put ourselves in the reverberating ETHERIC HEART that is recognized by Mary Magdalene walking outside and in the vicinity of the Tomb where the body, the dead body, of the gigantic LOGOS had completed HIS MISSION.

Age of America 3 The scent, the tone and the Heart of the Risen Etheric ChristJohn 12:1-8 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 4 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5 “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” 6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. 7 “Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. “ It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”

What happens in the SENTIENT SOUL of Mary Magdalene and all SENTIENT SOUL and astral/etheric events is that unconditional love, transcendent, selfless, instinctual love literally merges with the heart forces of those throwing themselves into the highest capacities of the Soul, without reflection. With Passion. It is clear to the eye of the soul that this deep instinctive longing for unconditional Sentient Soul/Spirit-Self bridge arises with utter Emotional Clairvoyance, when Mary Magdalene detects the Heart of Christ in her immediate vicinity. This has nothing to do with the sad efforts popularized by The Da Vinci Code.

I could remind you of what most of us have experienced literally, from the astral devotion of our own pets. In our family dogs there is this unconditional, instinctual, sentience. My own experiences of how my Border Collie, if my heart was moved by some Word I heard, or by some tragedy of a friend, or when my heart exactly stirred in a certain rhythmic SYMPATHY, towards the true etheric/astral relation of tears, without hesitation, without calling, without conscious reflection, the sentient/animal, unconditional TONE of my heart, was so tuned to my dogs heart, that he magically arrived to see if he could be of assistance. Dogs have been known to find their masters graves and mourn.

So what we are precisely saying in regard to Mary Magdalene and how, the now Etheric Heart of the Christ, resonated in Sympathetic Tone in Mary Magdalene’s heart, reveals how the Tone of the Risen Etheric Christ Being, was alive in the neighboring Etheric World, still beating. Still alive. And still in resonation with the heart of Mary Magdalene. Now this is part of the precise science of the actual Astral/Etheric bridge to Spirit-Self and Manas. The Mystery of Grief and Gratitude that can never be faked resonates as part of the Core of TIME ITSELF.

Age of America 3 the I AM and the human heart Kristina KaineWe have avoided examining the higher Devachan astral/etheric capacities and currents that will reveal to us, in the future, the location, the vision, and the revelation of the Risen Etheric Christ. Our question and our crisis is, what is it that we love unconditionally? Do we have any idea what runs through the Sympathetic Heart field of those who have been schooling themselves, as true lovers? True Lovers, well, how do we recover our virgin and CONSCIOUS sympathy, compassion and passion, in a conscious understanding of how our Astral Bodies operate in our awakened Spirit-Self? Sentient-Soul heart transparency to the edge of Spirit-Self clairvoyance is in every sentence of the heart fervor described in every nuance of Mary Magdalene.

Well how do our hearts learn to feel the sympathetic beating of the vast Etheric HEART of the Risen Etheric Christ Being? The Stars were shaken when the physical Heart of the Christ Being stopped and the Etheric Heart continued. Mary Magdalene located that SMELL, that scent, that region of cosmic Sympathy and cosmic compassion, the Aura, that Etheric Reality of what her Sentient Soul recognized as the Highest experience of Unconditional Love she had ever encountered. Hardly a valid witness for Ahrimanic Science. We can discount her testimony entirely.

Did the enormous LOGOS HEART, Angelic in dimensions, cease to exist? We have proof that the Astral Body is able to detect the unconditional Love of it’s master. Every pet knows that secret, every lover thinks they know the secret, but Ahrimanic Science rebukes Mary Magadalene while the Christ Sciences celebrate the Eternal Knot of Cognition that is tied in the science of every Human Heart.

What was it that was still reverberating in that vicinity? Did the LOGOS HEART resuscitate itself?Age of America 3 Awakening of the Heart of the Risen Etheric Christ Or was the identity and tone of the Risen Etheric Christ now an Etheric fact of the Earth herself? Is there now a beating ETHERIC HEART OF THE EARTH pulsing through every strata of the Etheric Life of the Earth and humanity?

This was the sensitive CONTACT that Mary Magdalene’s heart beat had identified in pure, higher, raw, sympathy with the Heart of the Christ and she recognized it with a sudden clairvoyant shock, still beating and still alive and still the UNCONDITIONAL BEACON of the highest LOVE humanity had ever experienced.

Oh yes, where were we? The Embryonic Knot of the Heart, our little hands and our faces clutch at our little glowing hearts as the most precious possession of our divine journey back into incarnation. We have in our Hearts a Divine fragment of the precious universe that the Divine Beings have given us to cultivate like the most precious Seed of the Earth Herself. We press our tiny faces and our little arms into the magnificent gift and eventually we pull it inside us and we become one with our Etheric/Karmic TIME treasure SOPHIA has given us.

“As we begin to take form, the blood finds its way into the body, flowing up to the top or head end of the tiny embryo, where it pauses and then flows back down. It is here, at the head end, that the heart begins to form. In the fourth week after conception, as the nervous system grows up and around it, the heart folds into the more central location we associate as its proper place. It remains a (CLICK LINK) major fulcrum for development and being for the rest of our lives.

Age of America 3HeartEmbryoDrawingWeb“In the little embryo, the face grows directly on the heart. The arms start as little buds on either side of the heart, growing around it, as if already in embrace. Throughout our lives, our faces and arms express our hearts, and connect us with other people.”

“The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”

Carl Sagan, Contact

Ellie Arroway: Dad, do you think there’s people on other planets?
Ted Arroway: I don’t know, Sparks. But I guess I’d say if it is just us… seems like an awful waste of space.

In “2001 A Space Odyssey” we uncover the bridge Kubrick makes to Embryology and Reincarnation out of the Stars. That from the Stars the mystery of the smallest stirrings in the womb of a new Star Being, are formed in and from the vast complexities of the Stars, before they are shrunk and turned into the systems equations of TIME within the womb.

It is supremely important that we get our heads out of the sand we have stuck them in. Our hearts are the very first thing formed in the Embryo system. Age of America 3 Reincarnation 2001 Embryology and AstrosophyThis Embryonic system has shrunk itself from what appears on the outside, to us, of the vast equation and apparent physics theories of Space. But our human hearts are the first organ that forms itself, and locks into itself the interior Organ of Time that bulges up inside of Space as that which is the KNOT, the I AM knot that ties human karmic Time to Space.

In “Contact” we cross a threshold of Time Barriers by not going anywhere, not leaving the Earth, not taking our big powerful pop-guns and launching us into the vacuum of Space, but rather creating the conditions of Magnetic/Etheric resonance surrounding the region of the Heart, Jodie Foster is launched into a TIME GATEWAY.Age of America 3 TIME Pulse CONTACT heart resonance launch A pulse in Time is amplified and reproduced with launch sequence intensity. Our little heartbeats in time, are the concrete factors that launch the Heart Organ into infinite slicing of Time down to dimensions of intuitions that Angels experience.

In other words a second, a minute, 18 minutes, a single fall into Gravity’s Rainbow might seem like 18 hours of recorded time but was just a matter of seconds. In other words the power and equations of THREE RINGS spinning and creating a magnetic/field or reproducing on a physical scale an intense amplification of the what the Heart produces normally, Age of America 3 Magnetic Field of the Heartallows Jodie Foster through the TIME BARRIER and TIME PORTAL of the heart as the riddle that offsets the equation of Space. (Click Link) For a blink of an Eye, for the blink of the Pineal Gland Cognition Eye in the field of amplified Heart Magnetic Resonance, the character Ellie Arroway, as in TIME’S ARROW, breaks into the Time Barrier. There is a Sound Barrier and Light Speed, Warp Drive barrier of the speed of light, but our Heart’s ARE where Time opens up vaster dimensions than we could ever imagine in Space.

Let’s look at those who laid the ground work. Firstly there is no way we can avoid weighing of the Heart with the feather of Maat. (This refers to Part 2 – CLICK LINK) But up till now that was hardly considered specific and indicative science that opens out into higher Devachan worlds where Time and Space meet.

We enter the interior Geometry of the flow of the Heart with the discoveries of Frank Chester (CLICK LINK). Frank Chester discovers a 7 sided spinning Geometric Cathedral Flow Form operative in the oscillation and spinning I AM – Blood forces in our human Hearts.Sophia study These 7 pillars of Sophia account for the dimension of Past – Present and Future Akashic Time streams that can be detected in the heart flow.

Frank Chester discovers a verifiable geometry flowing in the TIME ORGAN of the heart. This fluid geometry in the heart rises into the realm where Buckminster Fuller thought outward architecture should evolve. Frank Chester (click link) discovers the inner flowing Geometry of the Architecture of the Universe and Time in the ever moving streams and threads running through our hearts.

The inversion from the Spiritual World, Higher Devachan of the Starry Model where the Hierarchies live, to the tiny human embryo with it’s forming heart, is a deep Space conversion and inversion of Time and Space into the intimacy of each human heart. Age of America 3 Balance of Earth SPACE and othe side balance of human heart TIMEWe arrive on the other side of the gateway through birth. The Physics of the operation has only been approached outwardly in abstract models. When we look at the models we see, vividly, biologically, Angelically, the entire zodiac of our 12 constellations inverted into the tiny human Embryo, fetus, womb and human heart. (Click Link)

Once thrown back into Space we have built up through our education the observational skills to see our problem, but we have a hard time coping with the truth. The issue is show me, prove it. The Show Me State of Missouri, of Mark Twain and Harry Truman and T.S. Eliot and the starting point of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (part 1 CLICK LINK), Show Me! Is the mental stubbornness attributed to Missouri’s U.S. Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver and the hopes placed by Thomas Jefferson in Lewis and Clark in 1803. What we have been discussing in the entire Research Document on America is the faith Thomas Jefferson and Founding Fathers had in the Heroic Destiny of America.

So on this side of the Sense World we have cluttered the science of civilization with Math that literally blinds our eyes. We actually know as in “2001 A Space Odyssey” that David Bowman Age of America 3 Space and Karmagoes somewhere that doesn’t exist. In “Interstellar” again, with very meticulous models of Math and Time Displacement on display, we have tried to visualize, conceptualize how Gateways exist between Higher Worlds and our journey into flesh and incarnation.

We know the Stars have something to do with it. We pass out of the Gateway, supposedly at Death and re-enter what we call our Starry Home, the place of Sophia and the Hierarchies of the Stars and the lofty School of the Lamb of God.Age of America 3 Show me the inversion the hierarchies use Are those active Angelic and Higher Beings superior in math, physics, matter, and the laws of Time than our best minds on Earth?

This is what throws people into fits and rages. When we know the Heart is not a Pump. When we can rethink the model and literally SEE and Spiritually See, the tiny germinal seed planted by the Hierarchies in the fragile and humble human Embryo we see, GET THIS, we see the entire Real Estate of the TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS reproduced in the tiniest human form. embryo and stars Steiner CosmosophyThis leap that is there to see is reviled, dismissed, scorned and rebuked in every University or with every Doctor who prescribes to the doctrine of one sided materialism.

This is Novalis Science, Grail Science, Spiritual Science and the Registered Trademark of the portion of Sophia and the Stars that humanity hails from (part 2), is also part of the precise equation we are looking for in Space and Time. This science is part of the Time Mysteries that Christopher Nolan, in much of his cutting edge work has tried to work out. This is the nose bleed lofty paradoxes of the universe that Kip Thorne and ten thousand specialists, writers, poets, artists, mathematicians, astronomers have tried to describe and attempted to approach.

Oh boy do they get scared and furious when our and their efforts reveal the link and loop that connects a vast system of Space to the already designed intimacies of a Reincarnation and Embryology TRANSIT SYSTEM. This already designed fabric of Time and Space really scorches the roots resistance, refusal, repulsion that our human soul clings to in the throws of passionate, complex denial.

This Supreme Other Factor is described in “Contact”, “2001 A Space Odyssey” and in “Interstellar” it appears as THEY. THEY, THEM, those others? Look, They, Them, those others are what WE WILL BE. That is the entire mystery of THE SCHOOL OF SOPHIA AND THE LAMB OF GOD. Christopher Nolan, Stanley Kubrick and Carl Sagan all reluctantly resorted to, which we admire in the West, Higher Beings. Higher Beings who designed and grew and were us, in our future. Higher Beings, ahead of the immediate problems we place in everyone’s path, by our stubborn refusal and rejection of beings of Higher Capacity than us. The rejection and or resolutions of science are always skipping over the Reincarnation Transit System already designed directly into our Organic Birth portal and our Death Gateway. Science always retreats from the higher schooling of the Christ Event. (EXAMPLE CLICK LINK)

ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (ETI)Age of America 3 carl sagan

Carl “Sagan originally wanted to use black holes as the aliens’ space transit system, but soon realized any travelers would be stretched and crushed into oblivion. So he settled for intergalactic artificial wormholes.

“Near the end of both the novel and film version of Contact, we learn that the Universe is not empty of life beyond Earth. Indeed, the aliens Ellie encounter tell her how they are restructuring major portions of the Cosmos to keep it from succumbing to entropy. For example, the radiation spewing from the center of the Milky Way galaxy is due to one of their current projects. Apparently ETI of equally high capabilities are conducting similar “save the neighborhood” activities in their own galaxies. And let us not forget the mysterious super aliens who built the wormhole transit system and perhaps the entire Universe and left messages of conscious intent in various mathematics.

“Apparently the ETI who made the wormhole transit system disappeared a long, long time ago, possibly into another universe. Age of America 3 transit system Time and Space bridge pointsI guess they found a way to bridge the gulf between universes. Of course our Universe is a very big place and they could well be in a really distant part of it which even the ETI Ellie makes contact with have not yet explored. One hundred billion galaxies in an area roughly thirteen billion light years across is nothing to sneeze at.

“…take Ellie’s journey through the wormhole to meet the ETI who sent the Message and the blueprints for the Machine. In the novel, she traveled with four other selected individuals, all interesting characters and representatives of various human cultures in their own right. Just as in the film, they wound up on an idyllic beach, where Ellie encountered an alien in the image of her deceased father, Ted Arroway.

“However, their conversation in the novel was far more rich and fulfilling. All the effort, time, and money spent on the Machine and making contact felt much more purposeful. The ETI representative showed Ellie how they were literally reworking the Universe to keep it from expanding into oblivion. Celestial engineering efforts over one-half billion light years away were clearly visible to astronomers on Earth. Both sources did have the ETI declare that they were not the builders of the wormhole transit system, Age of America 3 wormhole transit systembut the novel went on to say that the beings who made the tunnels also created the entire Universe and left its inhabitants messages in the very fabric of nature. These messages could be found deep within mathematical concepts such as pi.”

Who built THE TRANSIT SYSTEM? What is the purpose of the Embryonic Womb of our TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS? What is the School of Sophia and the LAMB OF GOD? (Click link for answer)

“You must realize that in speaking of these cosmic processes, we are not speaking of physical or etheric bodies but of beings in-dwelling the several heavenly bodies. When we speak of man in terms of Spiritual Science we say that the whole man — and we think of man only in this sense — is a seven-fold being, consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, ego, spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man. His development is not yet complete but will be when his sevenfold being has fully developed. But in the great cosmic All there are beings other than man, beings of a different nature. There are, for example, beings in the cosmos of whom we cannot say that, like man, they have the physical body as one of their members. There are beings of whom we must speak differently. The members of which man is composed can be enumerated as follows:

7. Spirit-Man
6. Life-Spirit
5. Spirit-Self
4. Ego
3. Astral Body
2. Etheric Body
1. Physical Body

“Now there are beings whose lowest member is the etheric body; they too are sevenfold, having an eighth member, higher than spirit-man. We begin to enumerate thus: etheric body, astral body, and so forth, finishing with a member above our spirit-man (Atma). There are other beings whose lowest member is the astral body; above spirit-man they have an eighth and yet a ninth member. Again there are beings whose lowest member is the ‘I,’ the ego, and who therefore have not a physical nor an etheric nor an astral body in our sense but whose Ego streams outwards without the three sheaths. They are therefore beings who send forth ‘Egos’ in all directions. These Beings have an eighth, a ninth, and a tenth member; they are described in the Apocalypse as beings who are “full of eyes”. Then there are beings in whom spirit-self (Manas) is the lowest member. They have yet an eleventh member. And finally there are beings whose lowest member is the life-spirit and who have yet a twelfth member. You must therefore think of beings who, just as man’s lowest member is a physical body, have life-spirit (Budhi) as their lowest member and above, a highest member best designated by the number 12. These are most sublime beings, far transcending everything that man is able to conceive. How is it possible to form any kind of idea of these most wonderful, most sublime beings?”

Thanks to Christopher Nolan “Interstellar”, Carl Sagan in “Contact” and Stanley Kubrick in “2001 A Space Odyssey” we have, as humanity, pooling our resources and our intelligence, we attempted to leap across the barriers of Space and Time into the streaming Akashic Mysteries of 5th Dimensional Time. The Above bridge of Rudolf Steiner to Nolan, Kubrick and Sagan IS the shattering step forward we outlined in the beginning of PART 2, the School of Sophia and the Lamb of God.

In America we followed Rod Serling into the Consciousness Soul as it was stated in the very beginning of these essays on Monsters of the American Psyche. This is where the Laws and the Foundational structure of our own Human Hearts, the TRANSIT SYSTEM OF REINCARNATION AND KARMA that our Angels and Divine Hierarchies use, is a contained Zodiacal Training Ground. A Cosmic Nursery. An Etheric Green House of the Stars where the Astral Fruits of our Incarnations are returned as Etheric biographical, biological Life Systems to the Earth. (Click link for deeper study)

We are in a cosmic Star Nursery that is in the process of growing a whole new unique crop of Divine Beings from the scruffy, rebellious, angry malcontent human beings who despise being prisoners in God’s Nursery. Humans, humanity, we hate discovering the leash, the chain that keeps us evolving under Higher Laws and Paradigms. Our rebelliousness and our Freedom and Love are part of our uniqueness.

That is why we refuse to bring the WONDER of our HEARTS together with our materialistic Science and the Science of our Angelic and Archangelic companions. We hate it! We abhor it! We deny it with every fiber of our being. We refuse to include it in our hearts and in our brains. We certainly are not going to allow that a Divine Being of the magnitude of THE LAMB OF GOD, walked the Earth with a human heart and blew the gateways of space open to the stars by conquering death. Ahriman would not allow that to be taught in our universities.

We reject medically and materialistically and religiously that our own embryology, our insignificant little beating, Time Equation of the rhythms of our Pulse and our Breathing which are, by law, by equation, by fact, by incarnation LOCKED TOGETHER (Dr. Rudolf Steiner on the EQUATION of the HEART), nightly, daily, and for the full length of every human life, LOCKED into the equation of 25, 920 years of the Sun’s spiral journey through designated, measured and precise law of the Constellations we Live In. This equation is locked into every human heart. The human heart and lung are key to the equation of Space and Time. Aggies Sports mysteries and the Lung

That means that the discussion and research we are considering, where we mark the Spring Equinox time value of the 5th Age of Pisces and the Consciousness Soul; the 6th Age of Aquarius, Spirit-Self and Manas; the 7th Age of Capricorn and Life-Spirit, Buddhi and the Bread of Life are LOCKED into the equation of our Hearts and our Lungs on Earth. (Study Lung and Heart Link)

We are part of a vast Higher School of Learning in a unique stellar system and there are many such nurseries already in progress. It enrages us that the entire school of humanity MUST TOGETHER, individually of course, DEVELOP OUR I AM’S and out of our Freedom and our Love, lift the entire Karma of the Earth to it’s next phase of development. We cannot abide knowing that there are HIGHER BEINGS beside us in the universe who have locked us into Freedom, Love, and CHOICE. As if we have no choice in the matter.

We see, that Rod Serling’s Consciousness Soul work where he attempted to describe “… a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man … a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity” is beginning to take shape and come into focus. And part of us are enraged by the lack of transparency. Oh really? How about, who gives the right for these Divine Beings to toss us into their experiment of creating a Divine Being with Freedom, Love and Choice? We are being torn to pieces down here. What transparency? We are forced to grow in a Garden we never made and in a School where the upper class members snicker behind their wings and laugh out-loud at our blundering theories.

Wings and Shoulder blades, just what does that mean? It means that the region of our future Cosmic Heart is surrounded by shoulder blades. Age of America 3 enclosed wing structure of the heart as future brain JakegarnOh and what does that mean? It means that once we develop our Hearts as a Cosmic Organ, we gradually develop the lawful listening and balance of what the ancients considered Angelic Wings. Nonsense.

Sorry but the vast region of Past – Present – Future that the Angelic Community already sustains, with the design codes of the Stars, are part of the math and music spheres. Their so called Wings experience all the delicate nuances of the riddles of the heart, that influence each of us, only theirs touch and travel in the tones of the planets and the Stars (see link). It is only right here where we begin to understand the full impact of Tone Eurythmy and Speech Eurythmy. Now that is remarkable.

The Music of the Spheres are reflected in matter in the relationships of our Chemical and Atomic tables of matter, which higher worlds move through like we move or swim through water. Each Star and each Planet contributes and each plant on Earth is an Etheric Temporal Time Being. Each plant, animal and on the higher dimensional and Devachan structure of Space, humanity has embarked on the higher dimensional Initiation of the Hierarchies.

In Part 2, at the beginning, there is a big discussion about beings who have already advanced to higher Devachan and higher Dimensonal Zodiacal status. These vast stages of higher development are part of humanities path. As an example we know that there are Beings whose lowest member maybe the Astral Body or Spirit-Self. There are lofty Beings that were discussed that have as their lowest member an I AM or an ego. Our lowest member, the housing and skeletal physical form that contains our functioning Etheric Time Body, our functioning starry astral body and is designed to launch the higher forces of our I AM is a self-enclosed fully operative divine being. Later we will have to elaborate the Higher Etheric Sciences that encompass dimensional beings.

Part of the training in our Etheric body has to do with Eurythmy and the math and Music of the Spheres ( CLICK LINK) hidden in our human forms and another part investigating the laws of Tone and Plant Etheric Time study of Bio-dynamic Life Sciences. The very substance of space and time, of manifest levity in etheric space from the periphery and manifest gravity in the point and center where matter disappears are part of our new Eurythmy studies (this is Eurythmy Science 201) .

The chemical music, that is mingled and mixed in each human being, our bones as tone, bequeathed from the starry zodiac and the highly advanced Etheric Time Sciences in our human hearts are precise new frontiers. We are each of us the astute and individual measure of the Stars and Planets Locked in the package of a Divine Human Form.

The Persian culture fought for developing farming, cultivation, wheat, vineyards, Bread and Wine against the Turanian denial that such Sun Bright Etheric laws of Life and the Logos had any relevancy. The Turanians like Ahrimanic America believed only in plundering, raiding, and raping regions, cultures and Archangels and countries over the Earth.

So Rudolf Steiner has followed Zarathustra and pushed ahead into the Etheric Sciences of the Logos. Zarathustra from Persia once prepared for Ahura Mazdao, the influx of a Super Sun Being into physical manifestation. This bridge from the Hierarchies to humanity succeeded and appeared with Christ at Golgotha. Rudolf Steiner picked up the trail of the deed of Zarathustra/Jesus and pioneered the sciences that reveal the laws of the Risen Etheric Christ. Turanian Iran vs Zarathustrian Iran is the same as Monsanto vs Bio-Dynamics and Sophia Sciences against Ahrimanic materialism. Turanian Iran vs Zarathustrian Iran is the same as a NON – I AM culture of Ahriman against the I AM culture of the Risen Etheric Christ.

Age of America 3 undeveloped wing structures for the future organ of our hearts as AngelsOur own Angels are well above the physics we use with our brains. The Angelic Kingdoms, with already lofty hearts, Cosmic Hearts, use their mid-region, their cosmic hearts, as navigational instruments, like we use our arms, hands and Brains in physical space. We use our sense of balance in music, in Tone, in Chemical/Symphonic relationships that are the very essence of Chemistry and Science. The Music of the Spheres are literally vibrating in the sub-atomic elements of matter.

Our entire human form, our collarbones and shoulder blades attempt to contain the vast sphere of the forming higher organ of our Hearts. We find the lawful patterns of time in music, chemistry, matter and every beat of our hearts. In Eurythmy we find these living patterns and circle, leap, run, touch tones swirling in space.

With our arms and legs we swim, dance, jump, row, throw, catch or, like our embryo, we cherish the gift of our hearts and enfold and embrace our loved ones in our arms. B Consonant Virgo Eurythmy(In the Eurythmy forms of EMBRACE, with love we lightly lift our Karmic burdens) The Angelic and Starry community use the Star and Planet frequencies, speech, tone and thought, as their light speed and intimate Transit System.

What we call our stunted, stubby shoulder blades, in the Angelic Kingdoms, are already organs that taste, touch, and tangibly trouble the waters of the Astral/Etheric Starry worlds and move through vast regions of the higher and lower Devachan realms which we have determined and convinced ourselves of as empty, insignificant Space. Eurythmy is our human kindergarten for intense study of the Angelic schooling of the Music of the Spheres, Zodiacal Revelation of the Consonants and Embryonically giving birth to the new Larynx Mysteries.

Age of America 3 shoulder bladesSuppose, as in the Celtic, Greek and Hebrew Archangels that those who still cling to the traditions and dogmas of their former glory are also trained and taught to refuse and rebuke, refute and resist humanities future. The Church has done this in the past, ingrained it into our thought habits and our current Church of materialistic science has taken up the cause. In the new revelations of Science, like the old dogmas of the Church, we have retained the habit of refusing, and denying the higher unfolding of the future of humanity. Here the precise equation and complimentary color of Lucifer calls forth Ahriman. Falsity of religion calls forth falsity of belief in the lies of science.

Suppose along with Institutes and Schools that fail to hear, understand or raise their intuitions towards the future, we rather prefer to cling to the new kingdom of Ahrimanic Science of materialism that rejects the School of the Hierarchies as demeaning, but inserts rather the Non- I AM? Our tantrums at being treated like little children when everyone can see we are clever, cunning and conniving creatures, insults us. We won’t play the Hierarchies Game, we quit.

Our universities, our public educational systems and our religious life has continued and maintained the traditions of denying either our Angels or our Archangels or our Archai’s that help us unlock the new VIRGIN FORCES OF OUR ETHERIC BODIES. What Etheric Bodies? The Heart is a mechanical pump. Do you hear me? As long as we say it is a pump and merely one of the mechanisms in the working parts of the human machine, we don’t have to deal with the vast TIME STREAMING that is constantly moving through the human heart.

The Heart moves on a rhythm LOCKED into the cosmos, our cosmos, our zodiac. But the blood moves too fast, nobody can read all the data streams running through our human hearts. Can they? Oh no? We cling to a locked circle of negative etheric inbred habits no less destructive than hill-billy inbreeding. We applaud, honor, reward all our own self-decreed mental retardation and we put our money where our retardation does the most good. Our denials.

Our rejection and our refusals to be dragged along by the cosmos is truly Promethean. Truly Vampiric. The Hierarchies, in every university training, can take a flying leap. The struggling and fallen sub-sensible beings are far more attractive, rebellious and like us than those lofty beings who have given us Choice, Freedom and Love.  Screw the cosmos.

In other words as a mass of human beings, the Ahrimanic Archai shaping Materialism into an instrument, rejects any form of solid, new, astonishing revelations awaiting humanity. Then we shall be trained to deny our own uplifting and potent future. With an Ahrimanic Archai as our guide we want nothing to do with Archangels, Folk-Souls, Bio-Regional etheric Language and bodily gesture and thought nuances. We crave the familiarity of our habitual etheric prejudices.That means we reject our own Angels and adopt for ourselves Fallen Ahrimanic Angels or shadows who feed off our denials, hatred and long festering prejudices. Oh we like that Sit-Com.

We want nothing to do with a Good Archai struggling in the West against a massive, deliberate, unstoppable Ahrimanic Archai. We won’t have to worry about karma or consequences because instead we flat out refuse the challenge of creating an entirely new breed of Divine Being that has as their foundation Freedom and Love. We are on the verge of getting what our anger has desired. An Ahrimanic Archai Being will incarnate in a human form in the West, and through centuries of preparation manifest a counterfeit, Non – I AM civilization. And it will be the Bastard child of the failed experiment of Freedom and Love that the Divine Hierarchies sought to nurture.

Serling, Nolan, Novalis, Sagan, Kubrick and thousands of other artists, scientists, poets, teachers, professors, directors, have all, from different ranks, different directions, different orientations to their incarnations, have all sought to raise the stubborn curtain of the Consciousness Soul into the Science that links material science to Spiritual Science. And the inbreeding of our materialism continues to throw fits, refuses, starts wars, tortures the truth out of people and will not conceive that humanity is in a School of Higher Beings.

It is our conceit, our stubborn arrogance, our traditions, our literal mental materialistic inbreeding that bucks like a horse, revolts and refuses like a mule, to connect the dots. Age of America 3 humanity is a Midsummer MuleThere is no doubt, no doubt what so ever that the occult picture of Humanity is Bottom, an Ass, a mule that appears surrounded by the flowing etheric/elemental life of the Spirit in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

William Dieterle, original name Wilhelm Dieterle (born July 15, 1893, Ludwigshafen,Germany—died December 8, 1972 was mentioned in Part 2 when we discussed THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER.  Along with Frank Capra, whom we included in Part 1 of America, during the Rise of the Etheric Christ, around 1933 and as far as the eye can see into the Future as St. John saw and recorded.

William Dieterle offered one of the finest depictions of the Etheric/Astral fields of Midsummer, in his collaboration and direction of a “Midsummer Nights Dream”. The Earth, nature, and specific Geographic Regions were once riddled with Elemental Beings.Midsummer Nights Dream and Bottom These Spirtus Loci appear also in “Pan’s Labyrinth” which we examined in Part 1,  when we looked at the difference between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere’s vision into the fabric of Nature Mysteries.

To bring to the United States the underpinnings of the Bio-Dynamic, Earth elemental activity (Click Link) that Shakespeare playfully unfolded in his seasonal celebration of Midsummer, caused quite a stir. Nobody wants to watch this masterpiece all the way through, it gives away too many secrets of nature.

Monsanto and Ahriman hate these ARTISTIC, Consciousness Soul, Risen Etheric Christ celebrations of vision into the depths of Nature and the occult mule-like thinking of smart ass human beings. Dieterle’s and Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a little mini Sophia and the Star Beings celebration of the mystery of Midsummer and how human thinking remains blind and dumb to the workings of local, regional, bio-regional and starry elemental beings in our environment. Bottom’s Up!

Humanities position, (and this was part of the INTRO of Part 1 ) – the Ass has a peculiar mathematical ratio of blood to body weight of 23/1. It is recorded very clearly that Christ, on Palm Sunday road on one ASS while tugging along behind Him the stubborn baby Foal of our ever present, epidemic Show Me State skepticism.Christ on palm sunday with baby colt of ass as well Christ drags along behind the big Macrocosm, the new microcosm of the Foal of the Ass. Us.

This picture from “Midsummer Night’s Dream” is without a doubt an Occult Picture of the stubborn physical Human Being. This Hee-Haw, donkey squawk, was used as clearly as a bell in “It’s A Wonderful Life”.  St. Francis correctly referred to his ailing physical body as BROTHER ASS. We just can’t cope with all the wonderful people in the world who explored the Heart and Art, the body and the Soul that makes the great and magnificent mystery that is the HUMAN BEING.

Age of America 23 to 1 ratio of cell division Earth axis and the donkeyYou see what happens when the cell divides and the chromosomes divide when the cell splits to form another cell? The Cell grows to 46 chromosomes and divides itself so that it lawfully retains 23 Chromosomes. The Ass and the Foal of the Ass both have a 23/1 ratio of body weight to blood. There it sits, the Logos Christ, the Macrocosmic I AM, dragging along behind it, the stubborn Earth kernel, seed of the future Macrocosm, us. It is the stellar science of the 23 degree axis tilt of the Earth Herself in alignment with Vega and the North Star. The Christ just simply demonstrated it.

But that is not all. Here the Bridegroom rides to the Wedding. Really, it was all Hosanna and Hi De Hi De Ho. The pagans were up for the Party. Hosanna in the Highest, palms strewn, paving the way for the Bridegroom King. And the King is bringing, tagging along behind Him is the Foal. The very gift of the Earth and Creation to be brought before the Bride Sophia as the revelation of the chromosome treasures of humanity and Earth coming of AGE. The great future kernel of magnificent creation, our own Earth, tethered to the LOGOS. Christ, riding like a King, coming Home to his waiting Bride.

“An essential part of any coronation in Israel was an ass on which the King would ride to the crowning ceremony. This tradition commenced at least when Solomon rode to the River Gihon on the king’s mule to be crowned in opposition to Adonijah (1 Kings 1.33, 38), for the mule was the regular royal means of transport (2 Samuel 13.29), and to the Jews was seen as a noble creature. Later it became the sign by which the coming King would be identified as he entered Jerusalem in lowliness, on an asses colt, presumably in the process of approaching the Temple where he would be presented before God (Zechariah 9.9).”The Father at Golgotha

Well, we are, it appears, childishly unaware of what a Crucifixion on the Cross of TIME and SPACE entails. Here is the Lamb of God at the Cornation. Should we trust such a humiliating and humbling experience? Coronation and crowning as King of Earth’s Higher Being, by the Father no less, the greatest of the Hierarchies, is quite an honor.

But wait, this HOSANNA isn’t the frolicking festival of exuberant joy and elation it appears to be. What does the Bridegroom gain and what gifts does the Bridegroom bring to his Bride? To us small fry’s Earth seems a pretty big gift. In MEN IN BLACK an entire galaxy, ORION’S BELT, is preserved in an amulet tied around a cat’s neck. (CLICK LINK) The Earth and humanity is the jewel in the crown of the Hierarchies. The lesson of the LAMB OF GOD is profoundly real.

This Coronation of the King is our future mystery and we are the future that dislikes teaching astonishment, humility and wonder. It psychologically disturbs us to the core that we completely misunderstand all the manifold wonders of the stars and how the stars at Midsummer make BOTTOM, the divine wonder of creation, the laughing stock of the elemental beings. How could we have built edifices of education around such a misconstrued reality?

Now Bottom that Stubborn Mule in Midsummer Night’s Dream, has a HEAD on him of an Ass. Age of America 3 Spiritual Beings and stubborn human thinkingSuppose at Midsummer we cut off the Head of John the Baptist? In the 6th Age of Aquarius THE BEST MAN, has been preparing for massive new influxes of whole new Karmic Streams. We have had from the 20th through the 21st centuries souls pouring in who have shifted from rigid dogmatic traditions, to the new Spirit-Self and Fiery transformed Astral in-pouring of the Holy Spirit. They bring with them the revitalized, and resurrected thinking capacities arising from new mysteries of the Karmic Heart and tandem thinking clarity of an entirely New Brain. We spot checked his progress through Raphael the painter and Novalis the Poet, the Michael Community, and the vast ancient Celtic Community of the Archangel of the Celtic people, Christian Rosenkreuz.

When John the Baptist is beheaded Christ creates for John the Baptist a whole New Community which is the New Foal, the new cosmic embryo of the Earth Itself. Elijah had cut his teeth and made his bones as the Folk-Soul of the Hebrew People. John the Baptist, Salome, Midsummer Nagy JuditBecause of his perseverance and his full recognition of the New Christ Being, the Lamb, who holds the guidance of the New Cosmic Metamorphosis of humanity, Christ gives John the Baptist a vast promotion. Raphael and Novalis begin collecting vast Karmic Groups of Humanity together under the sign of the highest zodiacal schooling ever fathomed. The School of Sophia and the Stars and the Higher evolution of humanity into the Schooling of the Lambs of God. This is an indigestible and repulsive thought for materialists.

What is a stubborn mule? What blocks the future of John the Baptist-Raphael-Novalis Archangelic guidance that leads to the coming 6th Age? Stagnation. Plain and simple comprehensive rejection of Elijah. If those who claim to know the secrets of Elijah, were to actually know the secrets of Elijah, then instead of waiting for Elijah to bring wrath to our oppressors, we would OPEN THE DOOR, to Novalis.

We would gladly OPEN THE DOOR to the mysteries of John the Baptist and in this way we would lift a massive Karmic curse, that indeed John the Baptist paid in full for the stubborn retardation of the Hebrew people. That curse of Captain Ahab and the priests of Baal opens the Adventure “Moby Dick”. In John the Baptist we are dealing with a very old soul. But with Novalis, we are dealing with the OPEN DOOR to a new Earth.

“Elijah denounced Ahab as a murderer because of the stoning of Naboth, which Jezebel, had instigated. Elijah told Ahab that dogs would lick his blood outside of the city, just as they had licked the blood of Naboth. He also told Ahab that none of his male heirs would survive and that Jezebel would be torn apart by the dogs of Jezreel (1 Kings 21:17-24).”

The war between the jagged rift of the Old World and the OPEN DOOR to a New Earth is perilous. Entrenched stubborn, mule-like traditions have encased the New World in cement. Our Science, our Art, our Religion refuses to acknowledge the active and real Hierarchies and it certainly has refused to comprehend the Archangelic status of Elijah and the laws that govern the immense higher development of human beings who already, before us, are working on Angelic and Archangelic transformations and transforming the future of humanity and the Earth itself. Age of America 3 Elijah, Novalis, John the Baptist, RaphaelWe stopped listening to the Real Actual Knocks upon the door of our human future. Instead we cling to a Religion and a Science of rigid denial.

“After the conclusion of the Seder’s Grace After Meals, there is a universally accepted custom to pour a cup of wine (the “Cup of Elijah”), open the front door of the home, and recite several verses (mostly from Psalms) wherein we beseech G‑d to pour His wrath upon our persecutors and oppressors.

“According to tradition, at this moment our homes are graced by the presence of Elijah the prophet.”

Christopher Nolan (interesting name structure) has had the burning inclination to fathom the mysteries of Devachan Displacement, Dream and Time Synchronicity, Coincidence, and playing in the universe with the puzzle of what connects the Past, the Present and the Future in each heart beat. Carl Jung got down and dirty with precise Synchronicity occult observations. Jung made it easier for us to grasp immediate, ever present TIME CLUES. And our problem arises when we take up those clues and follow Rudolf Steiner out further than Jung, Nolan, Kubrick, Sagan, Serling or Chris Carter. We discover the TRANSIT SYSTEM that links Outer Space, our planetary system and the vast system of Stars and Galaxies of the Cosmic Nursuries of Sophia and the School of the Lamb and how to become a SUN BEING, an Elohim.

So far, on the shoulder of giants, Christopher Nolan has come very, very close, to the core mystery of Space and Time. Christopher Nolan, like everyone of us on Earth, has had a burning desire to unravel the riddles of how Outer Space is tied to intimate TIME. Nolan has some Devachan kinkiness that not only intrigues him but intrigues all of us.

Nolan in “Interstellar” finds himself looking through a Devachan Window into the streaming mysteries of Time that make up the reality of the structure of our human hearts.Age of America 3 Interstellar in the Library of the Heart past present future So we have to thank heavens for the multitude of seekers over the Earth, who have sincerely wrestled with Time Inversion and Conversion into Space. People similar to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin May 1, 1881 – April 10, 1955, Jung, and of course Einstein.

Ahrimanic Science does not want to let the cat out of the bag. If the education of humanity on Earth grasped that each human heart is part of the Transit System where TIME and SPACE are folded into the structure of our heart, there would be something warm, stirring and intimate about the parts played by each of us in the unfolding of the future. The Earth and each human being, stone, plant, animal, water, fire, air and earth are part of a giant refined Embryo that we are all working on together.

Ahrimanic Science prefers to keep Stephen Hawking, wormholes, black holes and Outer Space Stars and the kiddie cartoons of Exploring the void of Space within the paradigm of the sterile pride of our materialistic master equations. Age of America 3 Future SelfIn “Interstellar” a THEY, of the future Higher Beings of Humanity plant this portal and gateway near Saturn. That is important in itself to consider and we consider it most intensively HERE (click Link).

Saturn and Time

“In Christopher Nolan’s latest epic, Matthew Mcconaughey and crew are tasked with finding a new Earth. There isn’t any planet within our solar system that can sustain human life, so humanity must look elsewhere – to another galaxy. To get there by normal means would take hundreds of thousands of years, but there’s a shortcut orbiting SATURN. Someone has put the end of a wormhole there, and we’ve already sent people through it.”

Read dear friends, read. Matthew Mconaughy and crew are tasked with finding A NEW EARTH. What exactly is a New Earth? We say Novalis was tasked with finding and working with a NEW EARTH. Novalis is too old a soul, too wise a soul to mistake the meaning of a NEW EARTH. But in the majority we cannot stop ourselves from educating children and adults about what we think a NEW WORLD and a NEW EARTH looks like. There it is, there is the NUIT of it. The Egyptian Nuit of it. What constitutes a New Earth?

Age of America 2 Nut and the Starry CanopyAlright, we are entering the ZONE of stubborn, insistent, spoiled, star incredulity. And we won’t have it any other way. We don’t care if he was Elijah, John the Baptist or even if he was the brother of Cain himself. A New Earth is and must be born from the Moral Education and expansion of the Heart of Humanity. A New Earth can only solidly, legitimately, lawfully and morally be resurrected from the Heart, Soul and Spirit of Humanity. It will be what we infuse as LOVE back into the massive seed kernel that we call the Earth. That Love, that Science of the Soul and Spirit is the only thing that will lift a New Earth as an offering back to the Divine Beings who took a risk on us. And those same Divine Beings offer us the schooling of Sophia and the Stars and gave us the greatest Cosmic Teacher, the Risen Etheric Christ to tutor us in the curriculum of The Lamb of God Angel Academy (Angel Academy 101 CLICK LINK).

The stature and miracle of the Christ is our future. Where did Christ go after the events of Golgotha? He went as the Instructor of what in the above link, reveals as the new direction and Higher Schooling of THE NEW EARTH MYSTERIES. Christ outlined the curriculum for how humanity is to attain Angelhood.

The Etheric Worlds and the Astral Worlds of the Stars interface with every single human experience of our past Karma with the Earth. Our present, immediate TIME vortex events and our daily impacts, where our Love and our Freedom bind our lives to Time, and future events, are tied to our past and our present TIME EVENTS. Oh but we forgot human beings are insignificant, irrelevant little gnats and dust in the vast scheme of things.

We find that HUMANITY Itself answers the riddle of Space by literally carrying the KARMA UNFOLDING OF THE EARTH, upwards, through the lofty School of the Lamb. The tapestry of the entire unfolding of the Earth is LOCKED and LOADED in what we imprint and what in the past has been imprinted in our hearts. Who will lift the tonnage of the Earth to it’s next development? Every piece of the fragmented shattered or uplifted and renewed science of the Earth, will pass through the Love in the hearts of humanity. That is the only way we are going to get a NEW EARTH no matter how much we whine and throw fits and insist on educating our children in our own self-proclaimed star redundancy.

Initiation Science meets the Physics of Space, at the literal intersection of the human heart. All of humanity, we owe all of humanity, for their efforts, lives, sacrifices, struggles to wrestle with a truth that angers and enrages the church, our scientists, our universities and all the entrenched materialists by the tens of millions. Ahriman and Lucifer have been forced by our own manipulative stubborn cunning to serve the higher Initiation Tension of the 5th and 6th Age.

It is all part of the webbing and TIME field of our hearts (click link). It is mathematical, it is spread over all the hearts of everyone on the Earth and in each and every heart the entire Future of the Earth and the Karma which we all must carry for the Earth is woven in the flowing mystery of each human heart.

Rudolf Steiner 

“Thus we come to a remarkable picture, the picture of the human heart, with its interiorising character, its synthesis of everything that works from outside into our bodies. Outside in the world there is an analysis, a scattering, of all that is gathered together in the heart (See Diagram 17). You come here to an important conception that might be expressed thus: You look out into the world, face the horizon and ask: — What is in these outer surroundings? What works inwards from the periphery? Where can I find something in myself that is akin to it? If I look into my own heart. I find, as it were, the inverted heaven, the polar opposite.

“On the one hand you have the periphery, the point extended to infinity, on the other you have the heart, which is the infinite circle concentrated to a point. The whole world is within our heart. To use an illustration, perhaps one that is somewhat crude: — Picture to yourselves man standing looking on into the infinite expanses of the world; perhaps standing on a high hill, looking out and around. And suppose that the tiniest dwarf imaginable is put in the human heart. Try to realize that what the dwarf sees within the heart is the complete inverted image of the universe, contracted and synthesized. This is perhaps purely a picture, a kind of imagination. But if rightly conceived and taken up, it can work as an orderly regulative picture, a regulative principle, that is able to guide us, and to help us rightly to combine our isolated attainments of knowledge.”

“But let’s go deeper. Mcconaughey was in Interstellar and Contact, both of which used wormholes for travel, and both of which used the theories of physicist Kip Thorne (Carl Sagan asked Thorne for advice when writing the book on how to make some scientific sense out of it). In True Detective, Mcconaughey apparently describes the ending to Interstellar.”

Age of America 3 Chart of Interstellar central heart core and outer spaceIf we are sincere, which obviously dismisses so many, many millions of people who, if you don’t say Jesus in every other sentence and if you say science fiction they reprimand you and resort to retreating to the safety of I DON’T HAVE TO THINK. Besides it is all TOO COMPLICATED for little ole me, as attitude. But of course they may think Matthew Mcconaughey is sexy, sometimes sexy, so only on that basis would they be willing to lower themselves to the rest of striving humanity and consider the relation of “Contact” and “Interstellar” as Spiritual clues that open a window into the deepest mysteries of the Human Heart. (Check this out from “Contact”)

We are stuck in the rut of either childish astral sentimentality, just selfish, silly HallMark Greeting Card sentient soul nonsense of the human heart, or we are in the Intellectual Ice Zone, where the equations, the programs, the IT science, stock market and Virtual World Games and bits and bytes of computer code, relegates our human hearts to INSIGNIFICANCE IN THE COSMIC SCHEME OF THINGS.

The clever, progressive educational view places the human being as haphazard ape and monkey metamorphosis with no superior quantum physics or gigantic spacial cosmic studies that could ever be answered by a simple PUMPING MECHANISM, taught everywhere as the Human Heart. The Heart is not a pump! It is the precise answer to the riddle of the equation we are seeking of space.Age of America 3 Folding of the Heart Embryo study and Folding Space into heart

Our Embryology reveals that secret of folded Space tied in the knot of the human heart. (No narration so turn volume off and watch how Space and Time are folded in the Human Heart) Our hearts are the internally bound knot of the streams of the Etheric Reality of Time (click link), reduced to the streaming Akashic patterns that run through the blood geometry of our Hearts. Ah, but within those streaming time patterns of Past – Present – Future Time Events are the Locked and Loaded Karmic real estate that are designed into every human incarnation.

If we miss this, if we fail to examine this immense Embryological Revelation at the Core of the Human Heart, as a revelation of the KARMA SCIENCES, Age of America 3 transit system heart folded timehow Space and Time are folded into our Human Hearts, we shall have missed one of the greatest Revelations of the 20th Century. This is the MOMENT, we have Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner, at the very culmination of his incarnation, bringing at long last, how the Karma Lectures reveal some of the very 1st objective lifting of the Karma of the Earth to it’s New Jupiter Home in the distant future. This is the prime mystery of the coming 6th Age.

These final Karma Lectures are the 6th Age Spirit-Self, Manas mysteries of exactly how Space and Time are tied together. This was Rudolf Steiner’s self-proclaimed mission and desire to achieve on Earth. With the embryological model and the comprehension of TIME STREAMING, TIME SURFING, through the organ of our human hearts, we are in the midst of the TRANSIT SYSTEM of REINCARNATION (turn down volume, no narration, just WATCH how Time and Space are folded into the Matrix of the Human Heart) This revelation by Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner has been sought by literally everyone and is part of the Dodecahedron Foundation Stone Mysteries of every Human Heart. Ex Deo Nascimur. This moment of research and comprehension is not something you want to skip over.

The issue of our beheading and the issue of Grail Sciences has at the core of it the TWELVE CRANIAL NERVES in the design of our brains. Which as we know from Brother Ass – “Bottom”, our brains are not used properly, at least I know mine wasn’t used properly. We have to admit that one of the Riddles of Time would be what was Aristotle thrusting, upwards, into his brain? We have to ask the question of how the Will-Forces thrust themselves upwards into the specialized features of Aristotle’s Brain. If we really had an interest in the potential of human intelligence we would want to know, what happened to the special capacities Aristotle used for his thinking?

To answer this conundrum, if we even cared to answer this conundrum we would have to examine how Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner looked under the hood of each super charged THINKER, including our good buddy Nietzsche. In these essays I mostly travel along the Arts and Sciences path. In the Arts and Sciences we find precise philosophical conundrums that Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner roars like a lion through every philosopher in his vicinity. We find that all our pet beliefs, our pragmatism, our nihilism and our absurd Calvinism is surgically dissected. (HERE IS THE CHAPTER AND VERSE).

Removing the obstacles before the unlimited vista of the Immortal I AM (Click Link)

“The conscious ability to find a light in the inner life of thought that could illumine the last questions of existence has reached the zero point. In pragmatism, the development of modern philosophy falls shortest of what the spirit of this development really demands: that man may find himself as a thinking and self-conscious ego in the depths of the world in which this ego feels itself as deeply connected with the wellspring of existence as the Greek truth-seeker did through his perceived thought. That the spirit of modern times demands this becomes especially clear through pragmatism. It places man in the focal point of his world picture. In man, it was to be seen how reality rules in existence. Thus, the chief question was directed toward the element in which the self-conscious ego rests. But the power of thought was not sufficient to carry light into this element. Thought remained behind in the upper layers of the soul when the ego wanted to take the path into its own depth.”

We never ever conceived of the experience of meeting Aristotle today. How would Aristotle pierce our thought world today? How would Aristotle look upon a degree in philosophy today? You think this is laughable, I suggest you meet Aristotle feel the living forces that pulse in the penetration, honesty and depth of TRUE PHILOSOPHY. Not our candy coated, limp and cowardly retreat from the Spiritual Core of the Human Being.

We never conceived or believed we could ever meet Aristotle today and find out what powered his thinking. We never ever believed that Elijah went on to become John the Baptist. There are a whole set of NEVER EVER BELIEVED that are at the root cause of what we tried to chain and manacle Aristotle with. I can tell you, Aristotle wanted no manacles or Limits to Thinking, placed by bureaucratic pencil pushing, canonical, ex cathedra, inhuman institutes of learning to rain on his parade.

Are there limits to Knowledge? We have made extensive, vast, immense efforts to manacle and chain our human brains to reject the achievement of The Grail, where the Heart of Angelic Star Thinking rises into the Dodecahedron of our TWELVE CRANIAL NERVES. This Soul Cage and Soul prison is what education from cradle to grave has become. Grail science florian sydowHowever our hearts are part of the vast system of Angelic Thinking. The achievement of The Grail in us is to merge our NEW EARTH and our NEW THINKING, that floods the core of Novalis at the grave of Sophie von Kühn, by our lifting the TWELVE FOLD DODECAHEDRON of our Hearts, up into our Twelve Cranial Nerve, thinking of our brains. That is our own voluntary decapitation of our own materialism and our own limits to knowledge. The peril of all this Dodechedron and Cranial Nerve deception has dragged Oppenheimer and all of us, HERE.

So it is really a quandary. We can build a bridge to the religion and science of the human heart. We can use the bridge of Space and Outer Space and comprehend an inversion transit system that arises in the incarnation of the embryo from out of the physics of the universe.Age of America 3 Inversion of the Cosmic Heart to Human Heart as Etheric and Karmic reality Out of the lofty spiritual physics of the higher worlds, Ex deo nascimur the physical human being is born. Out of the invisible physics and laws of our hometown Zodiac, each little embryo travels through a Star Gate to come to Earth.

What about the other Galaxies and Worlds? Well there is an eternal model and our vast, infinitesimal Zodiac is our little Embryonic System, in which we, insignificant human beings, seek admission to the great School of the Stars. We could build our education and our sincerity on the basis of knowing that the answer to infinite space is the infinite magnitude of the secret dimensions of the Human Heart.

The glaringly obvious Embryonic Knot of the Human Heart

“First, almost all the weird physics that you saw in Interstellar are based on theory and math alone. We have no physical evidence that wormholes actually exist or that anything can/could travel through them. We’ve never actually seen a black hole, and you would almost certainly die while falling into one. In short, a lot of the science in Interstellar is likely either pure speculation, impossible, or fatal.

“We do have math behind us, however. Theoretically, if you could create and manipulate wormholes, for example, you could make a time machine.Age of Americ Interstellar equations

“But more importantly for the ending of Interstellar, certain solutions to Einstein’s equations of general relativity allow for what are called “closed time-like curves” – closed loops of time and space itself. Entering a closed time-like curve tomorrow means you could end up at today.”

Wormholes!  The most advanced system of the Sun Beings, the entire 7 Elohim, (part 1) and as already outlined, the Brand Name, the Registered Trademark of our human body anatomy and skeletal framework is our Zodiac (part 2) . Our Human Hearts are the Knot of the Sun tied in the human breast and it is not a wormhole. The Heart, especially the awakening of our Manas of our transformed sentimentality and astral body, our Spirit-Self arising in the coming 6th Age opens the Space Time Star Gate of the advanced Science of the higher Devachan, the region of the Virgin of the higher Astral world.

When that gate is opened, as we are discussing, the higher organ in our hearts unfolds the gigantic field of interconnections between our Past karma, our Present and our Future. The real estate in our hearts open both the immediate vicinity of our Planetary and Zodiacal family and how Our Sun is nestled in the spiral weaving (CLICK LINK) through TIME and the Constellations.

This immense Egyptian Homage to Ra (part 2), the Hexagonal 6 Elohim of the Sun’s Life, Logos and our human design, gives rise and opens the intimate details of the Karma Science of all those around us. The Sun’s spiral journey and our own intimate karmic conjunctions, trines, squares and retrogrades are part of the intimate mystery of each of our human destinies.

This Western and Egyptian Mystery of the advanced science of Karma and the Stars we were able to follow in the hidden Karma that runs through some of the secrets of the West. It can be vividly encountered in the study of THE SOUL’S AWAKENING, the Egyptian Scene. To unravel the riddle of the Stars and the 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood and the Devachan mysteries of the heart we must connect widely diverse departments of learning, like “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare, the Karma Science of “The Tempest”, the Devachan revelation offered by “Interstellar” to the germinal seed of the 6th Age, Manas study of recovering each and everyone of those connected to our human KARMIC GROUPS.

What is our navigation, what is our orientation to the hierarchies? How do we navigate the vast Groups and Constellations of our Karmic Alignments? Do we direct our Nav Control and orientation like little well trained astronauts, with all sorts of docking and landing data and computer systems guiding us down to the Moon or Mars or docking at a convenient gas station, space station parked in orbit between Jupiter and Saturn? We find our orientations partly in the pornography of deep materialism. We find our navigation and orientation to our karma groups, our space stations and data communication satellites orbiting our consciousness by dismissing our childish toys.

THIS IS A COMPLETE CHORAL SYMPHONIC ARRANGEMENT OF INCREDIBLE BEAUTY (Click Link and play and listen to a composition by David Lang)

“I remembered this famous line from Saint Paul:

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

“That is the King James version. Of course, this line wasn’t originally in English. Paul was born a Jew in what is now Turkey, he worshipped in Hebrew and he spoke Greek. This famous Christian line must have gone on an interesting journey to get to King James, and to us.

“For my text I compiled all the differing translations into English that I could find, I cut them up into phrases and I alphabetized them, creating a kind of catalog of its meaning, as it changes from translation to translation.

“when we were children” was premiered by the Irish Chamber Choir, conducted by Paul Hillier, and received its American premiere at the Carlsbad Festival, sung by Sacra/Profana and conducted by Krishan Oberoi.

We find our orientation and navigation by the realities of what we love and by the hard earned callouses of truth knocking us upside of the head. But we have to account for our stubborn insistence in hard core Luciferic Pornography as an orbital attraction, burn out and decay; our orbital attraction to techno/psychic Ahrimanic materialism that seems to imitate spirit processes; and our burning lusts for power and the occult infatuation with Asuric secrets of sadism and devouring whole karmic hearts, ripped from the Sun, are navigation and orientations and alignments that attach us to different Groups.

In the 6th Age, we find that instead of infatuation with Outer Space and the external stars as an abstraction we are confronted and challenged with the dawning awakening of our own unique Inner Constellations as an answer from the Stars themselves. Sophia and the Stars 1We have to ask ourselves what inner tectonic shift in our cultural and human perception would lift the veil and force the awakening and illumination from within, of our higher astral, devachan and human constellations? What devastation would blot out the stars and trigger the dawn of our inner orientations, our navigation and our awakening to our own karmic constellations?

In the dawning, first glimpses of the 6th Age of Manas and Spirit-Self, we become aware of our own unique KARMIC GROUPS as sparkling inner constellations rising from lifting the veil from within our own human hearts. Indeed a higher Star Gate, a higher Devachan perception of both intense love and an intense quest for the missing parts of our karma to become whole urge us. There arises a vast polar shift in consciousness, in the 6th Age, where the wholeness of the Earth and the restoration and recovery of those we are bound to reveal the great mystery. Only if we carry each other forward will the Earth be lifted to it’s new potential.

The Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner were a kind of window into the future of how seedlings of some of our TWELVE KARMIC INDIVIDUALS, in some of our karmic groups, get recovered and tracked through history and through harrowing of the Devachan Regions, recovering these working groups for the future of the Earth. That is part of how and why our human biographies, when we finally show an actual interest in those around us, will unveil immense secrets of our past and immense potentials we will share together in recovering the future of the Earth.

“Interstellar” externalizes the plot of finding a New Earth. Not only will we raise Earth to a New Earth but we will, in detail, in biographical Religious-Science raise each other. We must raise each other to raise the Earth. “Interstellar” places the equations of the human heart and the ancient akashic streaming of TIME that runs through every human heart as an Outer Space adventure to discover a New Earth. But these two vastly different paradigms, our human anatomy and the heart is not a pump AND our external search for wormholes and bridges to other universes through the equations of Gravity and Time, must and can only be answered in the Knot that ties together both Space and Time through the Transit System of Reincarnation, the embryo and our human hearts.

Love is Science, and Vice Versa

“Love is the one thing that transcends time and space” is something that Anne Hathaway says in Interstellar. It’s a nice thought, and it’s also the thing that explains everything that happens in Interstellar. Hathaway gives her “love” monologue when she’s explaining why the Endurance should go to Edmunds’ world instead of Mann’s world. Hathaway’s character, Brand, happens to be in love with Wolf Edmunds, and her gut tells her that the mission should follow her heart and go to his world, even though Dr. Mann has been broadcasting that his (much closer) world is perfect for human life.

Interstellar“Brand is, it turns out, completely correct to throw aside all her years of scientific training on a love-hunch. Dr. Mann has been lying: A victim of Space Madness, he was only broadcasting good results so that someone would come save him. At the end of Interstellar, Brand arrives on Edmunds’ world, which is a much better than the other worlds visited by the Endurance. (The first world they visit is a planet covered by a one-foot-deep ocean and skyscraper-sized waves; the second world they visit is Hoth, basically.)

“And Love appears to be the main reason why, when Cooper falls into the black hole, the fifth dimensional beings put him directly in contact with the person he loves most in the universe: His daughter. (The fifth dimensional beings do not put him in contact with Tom, his useless son, because Mr. Mxyzptlk doesn’t give a f— about Casey Affleck.) In fact, you could argue that Cooper’s love for his daughter is what makes him special; we’re told early in the movie that none of the other astronauts sent through the wormhole had any family, and certainly no attachments as strong as Cooper’s attachment to his daughter.

“Essentially, Interstellar’s time travel is from The Terminator and its astrophysics are from The Fifth Element, where it turns out that the fifth element is love. I’m being silly but not really: As far as Interstellar is concerned, love is a literal potent physical concept, strong enough to bend the elaborate cosmic architecture of wormholes and black holes and far-flung star systems.”

 New Earth and New Cosmogony of the West

Our American failure to awaken in our universities a solid science of  cosmogony, cosmology or embryology  is spiritually catastrophic to the Mission of America and the goal of The Age of America. (Part 1)

Why are we contentious, rebellious, blustering rebels when it comes to linking embryology and the folding of Time inside the knot of our Human Hearts?  This question can now be answered via the New Cosmogony of the West. When such a mystery of how the sun spirals through apparent space and leads the entire flock of our planetary system through the spiral, swirls of vast space, this science, which is not the model of dead rotation of our planets around the Sun, but the Sun Itself spiraling in a cosmic/galactic pattern, (CLICK LINK) we can easily understand how Christ, the Logos of the Sun, rides upon the Ass with the 23 chromosome structure, pulling behind him the Foal of the Ass.

Foals are amusing, awkward, (CLICK LINK) youthful and jerky LIVING IMAGINATIONS when dragged along behind anything. Our young Earth is frisky, rebellious and hardly ready to settle down. The occult picture of a King riding an Ass to a coronation revealed vast, earthy, physical and living realities behind the Sun Chariot of the Logos. Little donkey foals haven’t adapted their footing and are not sure at all they want to be dragged along to anywhere. They are fun to watch. Our dynamic Earth, specifically, and our little unfinished solar system, is being pulled along by the lofty Sun Being who is far more experienced at hauling heavy loads through TIME ITSELF.

So the role of the lemniscate of the Sun and the role of the Risen Etheric Christ on the Earth has brought us to a change in the Copernican System. It amounts to an enormous re-calibration of the Earth. What we are faced with, is that the Christ literally exited the Sun Sphere to make his residence and anchor point with the Inner Kingdom of the Human Spirit. The Hierarchies lost the Christ Being, their tragedy is Earth’s glorification. It does not, by any means indicate or send us reeling into some abstract theory of  ” whose driving the Sun Itself if Christ is in the back seat with the kids?” What is cruise control in relation to the math of our Solar System and the unfolding journey we continue to take through the Milky Way Galaxy? More importantly, is there a vast Logic to the unfolding of Time, the embryology and structure of the heart and the Transit System designed by the Hierarchies?

“…if we would comprehend the true place of the Christ principle within our Earth evolution, if we would clearly see why the Antichrist will in the future be regarded more highly in many respects than the Christ Himself. The Antichrist will perhaps be found to be more clever, possessed of more genius than the Christ; he will win a powerful following; but spiritual scientists should be prepared in advance, so as not to be deceived by what has now been characterized. More than all else it will be necessary to be firmly established in the good principles of spiritual science, in order not to he deceived in this realm.” Rudolf Steiner

That which sits at the center of our human hearts is the very core design of EARTH EVOLUTION. This core design is the central development of the I AM, on Earth. Steiner points out very clearly that indeed there are coming and there will be tag alongs, hitch-hikers, hijackers who will insert themselves into human beings and propel and accelerate forces, seemingly way above the humility of the CHRIST BEING. But the shattering facts are that we as humanity have only recently on Earth got our little microcosmic germinal I AM. The grave difference is that CHRIST, for only 3 years on Earth, as the Macrocosmic Sun I AM, merged the entire core power of the I AM with the germinal I AM we human beings are developing.

THE MACROCOSMIC CHRIST I AM merged itself with Earth. So when in the 6th cultural Age the first initial schooling of a preliminary Angelic inspiration flows into the I AM, we will have time to integrate this immense capacity into our humble I AM. When in the 7th cultural Age we penetrate even deeper into our Etheric and Life Body, we will be able to direct this advanced germinal etheric force from the central core of our I AM. The Christ, Sun Logos, brought to Earth the precise schooling and foundational gratitude required to enter the step by step unfolding, the stable integration, of the future I AM school of CREATOR BEINGS.

“Does the Anti-Christ know that he is not the Christ?” (CLICK LINK) The very remedy lies in its opposing point: “Do men know that they are indeed the Christ?”, for should they come to know this well then all of the glamor of the Anti-Christ would fall away as but dust and filth, for imitation may well be a flattery, but with no proper substance within it, it is but a dangerous deception.

“Yes he knows that he is not our Christ; he well knows what it is that he is not. He has not the stretch of joy that spreads the stars. He is irritated by the rosy aureole of the morning and the playfulness which extends the etheric fields. He is even dubious about love’s freedoms making it ever stronger, for he is not compelled in the way of men; his strength builds upon itself, working to an invert law, one which the souls of Man could not survive upon.

“The Anti-Christ holds to a false-glamor in everything – appearance is everything! (Remember that.) This is why we begin in the example of the hearts – look and look again, and then look to the hidden as well! For in the Anti-Christ he is singular, singular in level and in placement, for he would not want men to delve into inner truth, he would rather that they are caught in the fancies and seductions of the material world alone, and by such it can happen that they shall deny their Christ within and thereby deny Him also.

“He isolates and then attacks. When men cease to commune with other like souls, they leave themselves also. Christ brings us to Him, and to our knowledge of our own selves through others. Selflessness in this true sense (not selflessness for gain of a greater ego superimposed upon our own) is there that we shall have the support of each other’s Christ qualities as well – those which will lead us into manhood fully pronounced and glorious, one to be defended and to be guarded as the most precious gift of Him as well as of self….and to know God.”

Earth Evolution itself is riddled with Beings higher than humanity, clamoring to hitch a ride and lodge themselves in portions of the systems structure that is in advance of the Earth I AM. These beings are enticing and seductive because they are far more glitzy, brilliant, inspired and inventive when ever they latch onto the future undeveloped capacities inherent in our psychic structure. And of course it is the duty of humanity to have a working knowledge of what comprises the higher structure of ourselves and the higher structure of parasitical beings who crave to use humanities higher psychic systems to advance their own unfinished development. Humanity must be schooled in the virtue, vices and categories of lofty beings that mingle and menace or leap over conscious moral cosmic pacing. There are lofty beings that could care less about Love, Compassion and the Karma involved with steady I AM development.

Once the Earth Evolution, I AM core is secured and stable, every other stage of development can be filled with ALL that the Christ bequeaths to the conscious and awakened human I AM. Christ not only has given away vast gifts to human beings like Paul, St. John, John the Baptist, but the vast and powerful Etheric Body of the Earth and humanity is part of His body. The lofty Astral Fire of the Pentecost, as Spirit-Self language and sister and brotherhood, all this and more is offered at a pace that Christ has locked into the full unfolding of humanities TIME BODY.

So there is no doubt that lofty beings are going to interfere, insinuate themselves and incorporate themselves as sizzling stray Archai level, Archangel level, Angel level – fast paced, inspired, Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuric underdogs. We will have to decide in ourselves, as human beings, whether we hold the middle ground of our humanity or forfeit our human future for the ploys and strategies of short-cuts, imprisoning and absolute mis-direction and abuse of what can be clearly defined as the unfolding of the I AM and the future of Earth, Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan evolution. In other words other beings of a lofty nature will want to eat us for lunch.

But what tremendous shock wave to the heavens occurred by having the Christ gradually descend down through the Hierarchies, from the Sun, down to the lowly, humble, conditions of Earth? The Sun Logos eased the anxiety of the Divine Spiritual Hierarchies as He descended, but still, let’s be absolutely clear, the Logos was taking a big risk. Because, it was in FREEDOM, there was no guarantee that a Being such as Christ, coupled and uniting with humanity, could reset the entire Etheric Earthly System.

It was a long, long descent and it precisely measures the mid-point of Earth Evolution 333 a.d. The Logos as the vital Sun Being knew what the Laws of Time and the cycles of Time were, in order to raise a new crop of divine beings. We discussed in PART 1 that Christ placed the ASTRAL CRISIS of humanity very near to 333 a.d.  What had to be accomplished on Golgotha needed to be in motion and operational by 333 a.d.

We have had ample time to understand what it means to be on the clock. However as pointed out in PART 1, we weren’t mature enough yet to measure how deeply our ASTRAL BODY and our human culture might sink and be swallowed into the abyss. saturn through vulcan evolutionary phasesEarth could be and still may be a failed attempt. The Sun Logos knew the Time it would take for humanity to carry Earth Herself to it’s next higher destination and metamorphosis. So there was a reverberating sorrow as Christ descended and left each higher realm, and left his position as a Sun Being to enter the lowly Kingdom of Humanity. None of the Hierarchies knew how this would turn out.

So there is a valid TIME MEASUREMENT and TIME EQUIVALENCY and TIME RELEVANCY and an entirely new orientation to the way the Knot of Time is tied into the folds of Space and Time in our human hearts. In the arriving 6th Age we are entering a region of New American Cosmogony. We are coming up slowly, in the West, on the REINCARNATION TRANSIT SYSTEM of the stars.

We are approaching the mystery of Embryology and Cosmogony where we bring the secrets of Time and Space that are folded into the embryological revelation of our hearts, into clarity. Our hearts developing Etheric Fifth Chamber begins awakening, with us, the stunning vistas of a New Earth and how we will elevate and en-soul this New Earth. Entirely new frontiers dawn for us on the unexplored regions of our shared Devachan and Earthly Karma Mysteries. It is our realization that it will not be through wormholes or highly designed warp drive space ships that we find a New Earth. We may very well trash this planet, like rebellious, angry Donkeys, as Christ leveled St. Paul.

The Mule and our Human Brains

“And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.”

Acts 22:10
And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do.

Acts 26:14
And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Age of America 3 Saul to Paul Damascus Iris SullivanChrist get’s in Saul’s face because of his contentious stubbornness. Saul was a zealous Pharisee about the same age and a contemporary in manhood of Christ/Jesus. Bam-Zap, the well schooled and stubborn Saul was out to kill, arrest, torture, or crush the rabble rousers who banded together with this False Prophet. Saul was all about Mule-headedness and the letter of the Law of the Prophets. Therefore at the time of Saul and Christ, mules and oxen were goaded or had sharp prongs and sticks prick bite into their hind sections, their Bottoms, if they got too stubborn to move. A very hefty animal lesson was handed to Saul.

But by this time, Christ had already been crucified. Saul got the shock of his life, when the already eliminated two-bit prophet, flashes with stupendous inner brightness and literally speaks and yanks the little choleric Saul,P Virgo consonant Eurythmy (while Paul meant short, stout and choleric, if we take the Eurythmy form of  ‘ P ‘ instead of the  ‘ S ‘ of Saul, we see the  ‘ P ‘ as a circular sphere of Light around the head) off his HIGH HORSE.

Saul had stoned, killed and attacked the little band of Disciples. Christ singled Saul out, there was a great Logos Initiate hidden in there that wouldn’t listen to reason with his fixed earthly brain. The only way Saul would come to his higher senses is if his stubborn reasonable senses were presented with an unshakable esoteric reality. Saul’s locked reasoning and stubborn denials had to be kicked in the head with an undeniable, irrefutable burst of brilliant esoteric illumination.

This Beheading of Paul, giving him new illumination, giving him a John the Baptist dispensation, also placed a massive guilt and an enormous motivation to understand why the Logos, which Saul was fanatically devoted to, wasn’t recognized. The established mystery schools did not recognize the humble Sun Chariot, Sun Being, Christ, who landed in their midst. Age of America 3 Beheading of PaulSo, no matter how arrogant we are, Saul helped murder, crucify and crush the Christ Impulse on Earth. That Karma is so unbearably real and so dynamically motivating, that the crisis of conscience that Paul experienced literally changed his Initiate Arrogance into awesome humility. Instead of recognizing with his highly schooled intelligence, the radiant Christ, he acted with will and arrogance as an assassin and henchman against the Living Word.

When you are face to face and I to I with the Risen Etheric Christ and He calls you out, you may justifiably understand that you now willingly carry a vast portion of the entire weight of the Karma of Disbelief and Denial as part of your own re-hab and recovery. Age of America 3 Christ I enters Paul's IWhich means that Paul was karmically picked out of the crowd, hand picked by Christ. Understanding human freedom and human error in the highest regions of thought and conscience, a pivot between esoteric and exoteric higher development, became sealed and stamped into the soul of Paul.

Wormholes, Black Holes and the Disappearance of our Earth.

Steiner and the Consequential Science of Black Holes

“But after a certain time that human being will have to leave the earth, to forsake it, because it will not have anything more to give him, and will afford him no more possibilities of development. Now you might perhaps imagine that our earth would become a sort of deserted rubbish-heap when man had left it; you might compare it to a town which had been deserted by its entire population. You know what such a town looks like after a short time; it gradually turns into a mound of earth. We get an adequate idea of this in seeing towns which have been given over to nature. But it will not be so in the future of the earth.”

INTERSTELLAR, from Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers Entertainment.

INTERSTELLAR, from Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers Entertainment.

Before Stephen Hawking and Einstein, before Christopher Nolan and Carl Sagan there is a place where all of us together are wrestling with the same paradigm of how does this creation thing actually work? We bring with us into our incarnations, wondrous riddles and magnificent questions. We incarnate in the framework of materialism so we deftly use materialism to shape for our perception, reflected back to us, how does Space and Time work?

Now given that we all come from the same Spiritual World of the Stars and we all come from the same Devachan vastness of our Zodiac and planetary system, which makes what we strive for all curiously equal when we get right down to consider it. How can we accurately connect the dots? Everyone is striving to connect the dots. There is no doubt that this question occupies the cutting edge of Materialistic Science and the cutting edge of Spiritual Science. It is Biblical as well as Interstellar. It covers both birth and death and what comes after death and how we arrive again on Earth after disappearing. Where in fact did we disappear to and what method of transit do we use to come back? We are by design and construction ALL, are given a ROUND TRIP ticket if we carry an I AM.

We look through our microscopes at cell, embryo, fetus, sperm and ovum. There is something before us that is immensely tiny that causes the wonder of what appears to us as a consequential revelation of an unfolding human life. When we arrive down on this little squirrely ball called Earth, we look up to the immense vastness of the riddle of the Stars. It is overwhelming. We are stunned and amazed. But the two vast fields of operation are consequentially connected. Age of America 3 time displacement and InterstellarThe Stars certainly look vast, beyond our comprehension, but then when we go down like ALICE into the cellular cohesion, cellular intelligence, the tiny Embryonic Zodiac system, we cannot see, we seem to lose the consequential connection. Both are extremes and both are vast wonders. Both are consequentially connected.

St. John put us way ahead of schedule, on the map, out into the vastness of the Astral Devachan reaches of TIME. That Revelation is an indigestible knot that confounds us. Materialism deals with all the same paradigms and all the same riddles of St. John but places mechanical, historical, fictional, space theories and Space Technology, that cannot be otherwise than all our attempts to answer the consequential riddle of TIME AND SPACE. So let us take apart our Planetary System and part of the riddles that baffle us and bridge both Spiritual Science and Material Science. “Interstellar” provides a tremendous opportunity to bring Spiritual Science and Materialistic Science into sync.

“But when man shall have left the earth, what will have happened to all his past creations on earth, through all the hundreds and thousands of years that are past?” (click link)

It is utterly remarkable, astonishing to experience how literal Karmic Time, Karmic Relationships, the very substance and meaning of Love is tied in a pretty bow of Time and Space (CLICK LINK) and tied directly into each human heart. The cruel cold cosmos isn’t so at all. Lawful, precise, yes. But this cosmos arranges the Time Field of our Incarnations so that we actually reconnect to those we loved and we incarnate in patterns together. The Physics, the math of the arrangements of re-encountering each other, babies in far flung reaches of the Earth, designed to grow toward each other and find each other, are all part of an immense heart felt Cosmic Transit System.

But in actual Science we bring a portion, a piece of the giant Time Equation of the Stars with us into incarnation. Our lawful, heartbeat and lung, in-out breathing pattern on Earth, is consequentially tied to the law inherent in the stars of 25,920 years, (Click Link).

Our heart beats, lungs and Rhythmic Etheric TIME BODY are locked and loaded with Star reality and consequential law. And we get all this in the package of what our I AM carries into incarnation. We bring the past -present-and future of the Earth,Age of America 3 cosmic tote traveler bag tied in a tidy bow, tied in a tidy travel bag, (CLICK LINK) tied in a tiny time knot, as a gift from the stars, locked directly into our heart beats.

But according to “Interstellar” 5th dimensional beings include love, time and Karma in the streaming patterns of our human hearts. They appear as Synchronistic Events, Time Events where we use the matter, laws, the form of Earth Herself and our lives. We use up the Starry Incarnation Wisdom supplied by Higher Beings. Love is the Transit System that sustains the transformation of matter into spirit. We are designed to gather together exactly what will survive and is stronger than any black hole or any inaccurate irrelevancy tacked onto the treasures we are, all and everyone, harvesting and gathering from Earth and Humanity.

That is the Möbius Strip of why billions and billions are incarnated on the Earth. It isn’t overpopulation, it is a vast harvesting potential of acquiring Earth’s wisdom and transforming Earth into Love. It isn’t screaming global catastrophe it is joyous possibility of taking the best of human hope, human love and human compassion through the portal of the transformation of our hearts. While there is still TIME.Age of America 3 transforming Matter and Earth into Love

Spiritual Science and the Transubstantiation of Matter Itself (Click Link)

“We are now disregarding that which man takes with him away from the earth, we are considering the earth itself. We see that, in fact, a planet grows always smaller in the course of its development. It contracts. That is the destiny of the substance of planets; but it is not all, that is only something which the physical eye and physical instruments can observe in the planets. There is a further development of the material substance — beyond that point.

“Let us now consider this further development of matter, and with this I am touching on what I said will perhaps be impossible for you to understand with the comprehension of the present day. It is a fact that the earth is continually contracting, hence matter tends towards the center from all sides. And now I say — be it understood consciously, not only fully conscious of the law of the conservation of force, but also fully conscious of facts known to every occultist — I say: Matter draws together more and more towards a center, and the strange thing is that in that center matter disappears.

“Imagine that you have a piece of something which contracts more and more towards its center. In its center it disappears. It does not get pushed over to its other side, it absolutely disappears into nothing in its own central point! So that you can imagine to yourselves that, as the material parts contract towards the center, the whole of the earth will some day disappear in that central point. But this is not all: in the same measure in which it disappears in the central point, it reappears again in the circumference. Out there in space it is coming back again. At one point in space matter disappears and emerges again at another. Out there it is coming forth anew. The substance disappears in one place and from outside it returns again. But it returns in such a way that it brings back with it all that the beings who have worked on the planets have imprinted on its substance; naturally not in its present form, but in a form which this transformation has given to it.”

In the School of the Lamb of God it is a technical, spiritual, scientific and mathematical region of advanced clairvoyance. Souls incarnating on Earth have sought the materialistic clairvoyance of math and physics and how there are 4th dimensional beings, 5th dimensional beings, 6th dimensional beings which in the beginning of Part 2, we examined what the lofty School of the Lamb and Sophia of the Stars consisted of.

The lofty School of the Lamb and Star Nursery of Sophia consists of our search for the answers to what Time and Space are and how do we approach, get to understand and comprehend Beings who are Creator Beings and who also are just like us. Now that means that our mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, our poets, directors, professors, and our religions are all seeking the exact same thing. The thing that we are seeking is how to answer the riddle of the higher dimensions.

Let us reiterate, review and repeat again what everyone who is a lawful member of humanity must come to recognize. 90% of our education has flunked this simple quiz so, even if we think we understand it, it must be repeated at every grade level.

Rudolf Steiner and Dimensional Beings

“When we speak of man in terms of Spiritual Science we say that the whole man — and we think of man only in this sense — is a seven-fold being, consisting of physical body, etheric body, astral body, ego, spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man. His development is not yet complete but will be when his sevenfold being has fully developed. But in the great cosmic All there are beings other than man, beings of a different nature. There are, for example, beings in the cosmos of whom we cannot say that, like man, they have the physical body as one of their members. There are beings of whom we must speak differently. The members of which man is composed can be enumerated as follows:

7. Spirit-Man
6. Life-Spirit
5. Spirit-Self
4. Ego
3. Astral Body
2. Etheric Body
1. Physical Body

Age of America 3 spirit self life spirit and spirt man“Now there are beings whose lowest member is the etheric body; they too are sevenfold, having an eighth member, higher than spirit-man. We begin to enumerate thus: etheric body, astral body, and so forth, finishing with a member above our spirit-man (Atma). There are other beings whose lowest member is the astral body; above spirit-man they have an eighth and yet a ninth member. Again there are beings whose lowest member is the ‘I,’ the ego, and who therefore have not a physical nor an etheric nor an astral body in our sense but whose Ego streams outwards without the three sheaths. They are therefore beings who send forth ‘Egos’ in all directions. These Beings have an eighth, a ninth, and a tenth member; they are described in the Apocalypse as beings who are “full of eyes”. Then there are beings in whom spirit-self (Manas) is the lowest member. They have yet an eleventh member. And finally there are beings whose lowest member is the life-spirit and who have yet a twelfth member. You must therefore think of beings who, just as man’s lowest member is a physical body, have life-spirit (Budhi) as their lowest member and above, a highest member best designated by the number 12. These are most sublime beings, far transcending everything that man is able to conceive. How is it possible to form any kind of idea of these most wonderful, most sublime beings?”

And when we try to cope with the vaster problems of higher dimensional beings, we tend to lose our hearts in the equation. Our universities tangle us in knots because there are already operative super forces of resistance which stubbornly refuse to track the logic inherent in the unfolding of the human model we own, up to the higher model of Divine Spiritual Beings we will attain to in the future.

We end up, not with a comprehension of what an enormous, lofty Being would look like and appear if it walked amongst humanity, say as an Ahrimanic Archai in a human form (Click Link) or say, a literal Sun Being whose higher dimensional, developed capacities will only be attained by us in the distant future. But we end up with an impersonal sketch of dimensional theories that indicate a lofty validity. (Click Link)

We enter math and dimensional capacities that obviously our physical bodies could not survive if we slam ourselves into wormholes. We had to go out in Space and see what that was like, test it’s values, it’s potentials, that’s what we do. But we have been for some time, during the 20th and 21st century, on the verge of comprehending a Higher Dimensional Schooling. We’re still trying to get our heads around it. From Rod Serling to Einstein to Tesla and Spiritual Science we are all questing for the same ideal.

But what we have been unable to reconcile is that the Egyptians understood this equation of the higher Devachan in The Feather of Maat. We have been unable to reconcile humanities and our Earth’s humble but holy position within the Zodiacal Nursery. In just a moment we will examine the intimacy of the history of our Solar System and why we are so frustrated and so rebellious.

Wrestling with dimensional theory vs higher dimensional fact

Through the wormhole, Mcconaughey, aka Cooper, finds lies, time dilation, and disaster, which all lead up to a desperate Hail Mary pass – a fall into a black hole known as Gargantua to gather the data humanity needs to solve the gravitational equations that constrain us to Earth. But instead of getting spaghettified upon entry, when Cooper enters the black hole he finds himself in a 5th-dimensional realm, able to send messages to his daughter in the past. These messages let Cooper’s daughter solve the gravity equations and uplift humanity from the dying Earth. Cooper is eventually released from the black hole and recaptured somewhere near Saturn. Humanity has been saved.

“Interstellar” – “Supernova” – Zodiacal Embryology and the Cosmic Nursery

From “Supernova” at 48 minutes into the film SWEETIE is the on-board computer.

Analysis of the bomb
Fantastic growing hypercube (only up to 7 dimensions)
SWEETIE: I’ve updated my analysis of the unknown object. Computing atomic mass to quantum weight suggests the presence of extra-dimensional isotopic matter.
KAELA (medical officer): Extra-dimensional?
SWEETIE: Yes. The isotopic matter appears to be ninth-dimensional in nature.
KAELA: Define ninth-dimensional matter.
SWEETIE: While mathematics can demonstrate the existence of this matter, I’m afraid human language lacks any vocabulary to describe it.
KAELA: The object is made of this extra-dimensional material?
SWEETIE: No. The object is a three-dimensional shell encasing the ninth-dimensional matter.
KAELA: What’s the function of the container?|
SWEETIE: Dispersal of contents.
KAELA: Specify type of dispersal.
SWEETIE: Omni-directional.
KAELA: Describe effect of ninth-dimensional material upon a third-dimensional universe? SWEETIE: Spontaneous creation of new three-dimensional matter.
KAELA:It’s a bomb.
SWEETIE: Yes.Age of America 3 9th dimensional artifact Super Nova

So for the sake of intelligence and Spiritual Science research we understand that we are a Three Dimensional I AM, that houses, in us, the powerful potential of a 9th dimensional being. The on-board computer called SWEETIE describes it like this, “three-dimensional shell encasing the ninth-dimensional matter.”

Our problems and our paradigms and our educations block our paths, right at this juncture. Lofty Beings, ahead of us, are in the immense School of Cosmic Creator Beings. We cannot easily stomach the logic of this. That we as humanity house, what we are aiming at in this series of essays, that we as humanity have uncultivated, un-examined, Divine kernels of higher seed forces already planted in us that will take us into lofty regions of Devachan math, Inner planetary and Zodiacal frontiers that will make our materialism look like children’s games.

Nick Thomas was an electrical engineer in the RAF for 20 years before embarking on research into projective geometry. He became Chair and General Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain. The author of Science Between Space and Counterspace and The Battle for the Etheric Realm. He died in 2015.Age of America 3 Nick Thomas spacial clairvoyance

“Our human intuitions suggest that we need a broader-based science which can encompass phenomena currently excluded, such as human consciousness, qualities and values. In this groundbreaking book, Nick Thomas presents a wider view of science using the theory of ‘counterspace’. Counterspace exists alongside space as we know it, and was first proposed by Rudolf Steiner, and developed by the Cambridge mathematician George Adams (click link). Through its startling lens, key aspects of our world – such as gravity, time, light and colour, as well as the stars, the solar system, and the classical elements – can be viewed and understood in dynamically new ways.”

“Let us now picture the vision of Christ, as it will appear to the first fore-runners during the next 2,500 years, and as it appeared to Paul on the way to Damascus. Man will ascend to a cognition of the spiritual world and will see the physical world permeated by a new ‘country,’ or new realm. Man’s physical environment will present a totally different aspect in the course of the next 2,500 years, through the addition of an etheric realm, which indeed is already here now, but which he will learn to perceive.” Rudolf Steiner

When I was a child, I thought as a Child but when we ascended to become Human Beings and discovered like Tesla, layers upon layers of higher forces untapped, we started to think differently. We can readily understand that materialism has just recently come to the frontiers, where Spiritual Science must offer a higher revelation of the new continents and new worlds, new frontiers of Etheric Space, Counter-Space and vast Devachan Dimensions where our lofty Creator Ancestors are evolving ahead of us.

It is here, NOW, where Spiritual Science and Material Science, together re-assess our true nature and the true Inner Construct of the Star Nursery we are growing into. Like children we constantly want to fit our tiny baby feet into those enormous adult footwear.Age of America 3 the Star Nursery of Sophia We never tire in ART and SCIENCE of putting on the big hats, coats and capes of our elders.

Let’s make it simple. The Sixth age is the age of Manas and Spirit-Selfhood. Vast inner changes in our thinking, our stubborn thinking has to be willingly, spiritually beheaded. And in the 6th Age there arrive wholly new forces, higher Angelic Paradigms which we meet. Taking the above reference that Rudolf Steiner gives, “Then there are beings in whom spirit-self (Manas) is the lowest member.” Let us keep a cool scientific head on our shoulders.

Rudolf Steiner (click link)

spirit-man, life-spirit, spirit-self, conscioousness soul, intellectual S, Sentient“When the entire astral body has been purified and strengthened by the special forces of the ego, it becomes Manas or Spirit-Self. When the ether or life-body has been thoroughly worked over and strengthened by the force of the ego, it becomes Budhi, or Life-Spirit. When the physical body has been fully overcome and conquered by the ego, it becomes Atman or Spirit-Man. “

In the examination of the 6th Age, which we are presently examining, we come to Cosmic Manas, Cosmic Spirit-Self, which are legitimate portions of what our purified Astral Body is. This Manas, purified Astral Body arises from the transformation of our Sentient Soul, where ancient Persia was beginning. This Manas or Spirit-Self attainment is the key phase of development of the 6th Age.

We have discussed Parsifal as an individual who achieved this Dove Initiation into the Holy Spirit. If we say Grail, we have to say that the Dove Initiation of the purified Astral Body, brings a human being who achieves this purification into the realm of the Virgin Sophia. We have considered this purification of the astral body as part of the Salome mysteries of Lucifer and how our astral body functions. In Parsifal we have an individual who we can safely say was THE SON OF A WIDOW.

This SON OF A WIDOW represented a person who had undergone an Isis Initiation. For Isis was widowed and The Youth of Nain was the Son of a Widow. Age of America 3 Son of the Widow Youth of Nain adolescent comaDuring his Astral phase, as an adolescent, The Youth of Nain went into a coma. Christ came along and recognized that the Youth of Nain had experienced an Isis Egyptian Initiation event that had impacted his astral body and sentient soul. Christ came along and planted the seed in The Youth of Nain, that restored the cohesion of his astral and sentient soul. So for several incarnations, this Initiate remained, literally and figuratively THE SON OF THE WIDOW, which was the designated term of someone who awakens from Isis to Sophia.

That same individual who Christ planted the seed for the lofty Spirit-Self, Manichean impulse, deep in The Youth of Nain was also incarnated as Parsifal. Parsifal’s mother was a widow. Parsifal once more incarnated with the spiritual designation as the Son of the Widow. Parsifal’s mother’s name was Herzeleide (Heart’s Sorrow).

When we examine both the karma of Parsifal and the Karma of his mother Herzeleide we arrive at some rather remarkable insights that take us from the wounded Fisher King to the Holder of the Higher Grail achievement of Spirit-Self and new Manas Thinking that is told in the Parsifal tale. Parsifal achieving this moment, from the historical point of reference of the meeting of Christ and the Youth of Nain, places for astute observation one of the lofty deeds that Christ planted in the STREAM OF TIME AND HUMAN KARMA.

Following the destiny of John the Baptist, Judas, Paul, Peter (an agonized and wounded Fisher King) and the rising and surfacing, Youth of Nain, breaching the surface of history like a giant hidden whale that secretly swam under the current of human history are remarkable TIME TRACKING EVENTS. Parsifal and the Fisher King John Stolfo 2003Parsifal, like Novalis are immense hidden secrets that suddenly, quietly and intimately surface, bewilderingly, in history, TIME AND LEGEND. And so will our own histories, our own marks on the membrane of TIME, shatter and astonish us. In the 6th Age human biography as a science of love and karma will be the quickening food for our Spirit-Self.

The legend of Parsifal surfaces from the deed of Christ and the Son of the Widow back in TIME, when Christ paused over the comatose adolescent that Christ recognized as the dormant Astral Body, a young adolescent astral body from a previous Egyptian Isis Initiation event. Christ stepped in and planted the SEED IN THE TIME MEMBRANE of the Youth of Nain so that the potent transformation of the Isis/Egyptian Astral Body, into the purified and awakened Manichean Spirit-Self Impulse would carry the Cosmic Stamp of the Christ into the future of the 6th Age. The Cosmic Physician with Higher Dimensional Manas/Sophia skills, walked through the garden of unique human I AM’s as the most skilled Gardner the world has ever witnessed.

The achievement of the Dove Wisdom, the descent of the Dove and the Grail holds the cup of how our brain is transformed as we approach the 6th Age.  The Higher Dimensional Being of the Christ had already given a taste of the New Spirit-Self, preview at the event of the Pentecost (click link). The TONGUES OF FLAME will be part of the Spirit-Self and Manas higher Astral Fire Mysteries.

The Dove is the illumination of the so called Holy Spirit of higher Thinking, that is able to receive inspired Star and Karmic thinking from the lofty realm of the Virgin Sophia. There-by the compassion and the structure within the organ of our human hearts, and higher capacities triggered in our brains will become integrated and quickened. Pineal and Pituitary glands will start to fire up inside us. We each will start to experience KNOWING THINGS, like Tongues of flame.

We begin to understand that our Hearts contain a piece of the folded Space/Time Continuum in the vast Star configurations of our most intimate Human Karma. We will hunger to recover those lost pieces of the great puzzle of our Karmic Groups. We carry a part and portion of the Stars folded away in our human hearts. Our hearts are neither mechanical pumps nor Stephen Hawking wormholes. However much of our most intimate karmic bonds, as a constellation of people we love, can be swallowed into a real abyss.

Rudolf Steiner (click Link)

“It is the task of our age to work Manas or Spirit-Self by degrees into what had previously been received unconsciously. The human being must, as it were, develop Manas within himself by means of all the forces he has acquired by virtue of possessing a physical, an ether and an astral body, a sentient, an intellectual and a consciousness soul; by means of all the forces which these various members can give him, he must develop Manas and also, although in a very small degree, the germ of a Life-Spirit or Budhi.”

Because we do not even begin to take seriously HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, because we have not developed a framework that includes HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS we cannot fathom what a Being is like who has as their lowest body Cosmic Manas or Divine Spirit-Self as their lowest member.

The Angel Community, the Kingdom of the Angelic Beings have as their lowest member, an Etheric Body. The entire plant kingdom on Earth with all the mathematical geometry of the stars in each flower, fruit, seed design are part of the lowest devotional prayers and classroom advanced physics studies of how the MANAS of the starry world gets woven into concrete Etheric Life or Budhi.

In each plant we see the FORM DRAWINGS of the Etheric Geometry and higher physics of the star world, presented as graduate and master-crafts-womanship from the university of the lofty Angelic Kingdom whose lowest body resembles our Etheric Body. In the 6th Age humanity will just begin entering this advanced Astral and Spirit-Self realm while the Angels have already peppered the Earth with advanced star and Etheric Geometry, homeopathy through every bush, shrub, weed, flower and fruit of all the medicinal, distinct star virtues where human etheric, astral and physical remedies were potency fitted to the structure of the ailments and remedies of their human children.

Our extreme antipathy in even considering the reality of a lofty being, a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, literally prevents our education from looking in the direction where we can find such a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, whose lowest body certainly may not even be a physical, etheric, astral, or I AM, but whose lowest body is an already developed Cosmic Manas body. We have immense trouble considering a Being directly connected with us, our Angel, whose lowest body is an Etheric Body. We have trouble in digesting, accepting and integrating ourselves into the lofty School of Creator Beings.

What we attain with achieving or approaching human Spirit-Self or Manas is only the first rudimentary toe hold into the School of Angel/Human. This is only a dim reflection of the full permeation and illumination that arises as a planetary force, a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL force in a Being whose lowest body is Cosmic Manas, or the fully operative forces of the Holy Spirit. If we transform our human thinking and awaken the first rudiments of Manas and Spirit-Self in us, we gain a literal glowing AURA around our heads, Age of America 3 Halo Astral purification to Spirit-Selfhoodwhich in terms of actual Sainthood, actual achievement of being a Grail Initiate, is the first glow of Sophia of the Stars, the Virgin awakening of the higher Astral Devachan forces that Angels already swim in. There develops a literal HALO, ring around our heads as the first glimmerings of illuminated thinking.

So friends, in order to even get the lofty HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING of the Christ situated into a human frame, Christ, whose lowest member was already Cosmic Manas or the lowest member was a Cosmic Body of Law, of the Stars, of the lofty physics of human Karma, the LOGOS ITSELF, a human being had to arrive at a stage where the purified Higher Being could literally receive a COSMIC HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, whose lowest body was already Cosmic Manas.

So the obstacles in the path of considering the scaffolding, structural system realities of what human beings are, already obstructs our approach. Our education has created impossible roadblocks to overcome. We are faced with the impossible. We are faced with looking at the Science Fiction of higher dimensional beings. Most people cannot approach that problem or cannot even begin to translate ‘higher dimensional beings’ into THE LITERAL THREE YEARS THAT CHRIST WAS ON THE EARTH.

Sainthood and the initial approach to what faulty religious opinion deems a saint, with a transformed astral body, IS; and what the actual, scientific determination of a transformed astral body, IS, when and if, any human beings have transformed and awakened their higher astral body, IS clouded in political-religious papacy and nonsense. Equally nonsensical and obstructing our vision is what an Angel IS and who, if any human beings have actually achieved such preliminary Angelic status? Right away, an Angel’s lowest spiritual structure IS their Etheric body. They don’t have a physical body so they don’t have to worry about squeezing through wormholes with clumsy space suits. But our Manas or Spirit-Self only just begins to approach what our Angels have nearly completed.

Science flees from religion, religion flees from science. Midsummer presents us with an Ass and John the Baptist’s beheading. Science Fiction gives us hints at HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, but insists that we keep our plot systems anchored in Warp Drive, Star Wars, space theories. Age of America 3 Education and the floorplan of Earth Evolution and the HierarchiesLook I know how complicated our little scattered bouquet of science, art, religion, like a tangled disarranged clump of meadow flowers seems. All such wayward tangents are literally and deeply connected.

Everyone of these widely scattered histories, Wagner’s Parsifal to Interstellar, to Wormholes and the folded quickening of Time and Space in the human heart and embryology, to uncharted depths of deep, immense space, with their infinite vast galaxies, everything is linked and locked in the vast school we are in. Everyone of the lofty beings around us has gone through their human phases like we are doing now.

From Autism to magnetic Astral Halo’s, to our personal karmic history and unique human data, we exist in an all inclusive Logical System that must include the structure and scaffolding of fully developed and partially developed dimensional beings. Not one of us, not any of us, can drink the vastness of the universe in one gulp. It is impossible and in most cases education has already given up, imploded and fled to childish paradigms that are completely ridiculous materialistic myths.

When we clear the debris and obstructions away, we see a vast array of human beings who have already attained this initial Manas or early illumination of purified Astral Thinking.Age of America 3 Astral Spirit Selfhood Halo B. Reale We can see and rely on the science foundation of how the human being is constructed with a physical body, a vast Etheric Rhythmic system and endocrine system, an Astral, TWELVE CRANIAL NERVE, cosmic Grail Cup and a Conscious super force of the penetrating I AM.

There are many human beings who have already achieved a break through into Manas or Spirit-Self, but only the rudimentary beginnings of higher Angelic Thinking and Consciousness. But we have located on the map a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING whose lowest body was a fully developed Cosmic Sophia, absolute Grail, absolute lofty, already achieved Angel Being, who could only arrive and enter humanity on the basis of a human being attaining a purified Star Consciousness. That Star Consciousness that we shall attain more and more of in the 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood, was attained by Jesus/Zarathustra and offered as a residency for the Christ Being for THREE YEARS ON EARTH.

Rudolf Steiner (click link)

“Woman, behold thy son.” He himself had transferred the Sophia that lived within him to the Disciple John; he transformed him into a son of Sophia and said: “Behold, thy mother.” “Henceforth you should recognize the divine wisdom as your mother and dedicate yourself to her alone.” John had recorded this divine wisdom; Sophia is embodied in the Gospel of St. John. Jesus had given him this wisdom, and he was authorized by Christ to transmit it to the world.”

Sophia Constellations and the Age of America Florian SydowThis Cosmic Manas that was Christ’s lowest Cosmic body was the full SOPHIA. St. John not only is authorized to carry the Cosmic Manas of the Christ but it is his teacher, his ever reawakening cosmic task to carry Sophia to humanity.

“So Peter seeing him said to Jesus, ‘Lord, and what about this man?’ Jesus said to him, ‘If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!’ Therefore this saying went out among the brethren that that disciple would not die; Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but only, ‘If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?'” (John 21:18-23).

Because the gift that Christ gives St. John is so stupendous, everyone recognizes that in Revelation and the Gospel of St. John we are dealing with a Devachan Higher Body, given to St. John, that literally illuminates the Immortal School of the Logos and the Lamb and is the eternal stream of the Grail, the Dove, the Holy Spirit and the transformed THINKING, the school of Sophia itself. Basically we can only begin to fathom what happened to St. John if we attempt to understand both Manas and Budhi FROM HERE.

Christ gives this Schooling of Sophia to John. John is the Eagle and Esoteric guide on Earth for the Christ Being. And from this it turns out that no matter in what direction we turn to face the stars, no matter how we want to describe the fiction of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, each piece and each portion and each part contains a fragment of Sophia Star Wisdom and it must contain a dash, a pinch of diluted St. John.

Just for our reference if we take the higher Budhi or transformed Etheric Body as an emancipated living thing, we arrive in The Guardians of the Galaxy with ” I AM GROOT”. Age of America 3 transformation of the Etheric body In the Guardians of the Galaxy animal, plant, stone and human play an enormous part together. Even the part of the Stone or 9th dimensional matter that is part of the creative force of the universe is a certain sphere or orb protected primal piece of immortality. We could call it a God Particle that is sought by The Guardians of the Galaxy. But where we tickle the idea of a granule of matter that has been so refined as to be a Cosmic God Particle we would need to comprehend how matter disappears. Well what would be the definition of a God Particle?

Transformation of Matter and the God Particle advanced Spiritual Physics (Click Link)

“So that you can imagine to yourselves that, as the material parts contract towards the center, the whole of the earth will some day disappear in that central point. But this is not all: in the same measure in which it disappears in the central point, it reappears again in the circumference. Out there in space it is coming back again. At one point in space matter disappears and emerges again at another. Out there it is coming forth anew. The substance disappears in one place and from outside it returns again. But it returns in such a way that it brings back with it all that the beings who have worked on the planets have imprinted on its substance; naturally not in its present form, but in a form which this transformation has given to it.

But ” I AM GROOT” is pure emancipated Etheric Being or Budhi imagination. We as yet, cannot suddenly produce Etheric Life, restorative Etheric Forces out of ourselves, but “I AM GROOT” finds brotherhood, camaraderie and Love as it’s core Gift. We are stymied because with a Higher Dimensional Being, the Christ Being, stepped in and acted as a restorative Etheric Life Force and we are obliged to see in the I AM and in GROOT, a fragment off the TREE OF LIFE itself. This Restorative Etheric Budhi or Life-Spirit force will be our task, way, way down the road in the 7th Age. The Angels directly above us have not even yet completed this task. How do we make the Roses grow on the dead framework of the Cross of Time?Age of America 3 How to grow Higher Spiritual Organs growing out of the physical form

We could embrace the steady magical magnificence of how Logical and REAL the higher school of humanity is. But there sits our built in problem. You and I balk and reject, just like Peter did, the excruciating suffering of Christ on the Cross. We should and we do. But then here is our most overwhelming problem. The day long, the 24 hour torture of the Christ, and Christ rebuking Peter, means something grotesque and abhorrent.

We have to consider how Christ drained the last drops of what we consider LIFE, out of the body of Jesus. Down to the last atom of matter, down through to the bones. Christ Consciously, as the Cosmic I AM, took matter, life, cellular and atomic cohesion, down to the Roots of Matter, what we consider Matter and the cohesion of a Human Being on Earth, Christ took this transformation into the science of transubstantiation all the way through the INVERSION PROCESS, to the other side and came out the other side, consciously.

Why would we crush into powder and pin such a Caterpillar of the Sun to the excruciating Cross? Would such rigidity on the Cross assist Christ to focus every power of His Higher Dimensional strengths into the full transformation of Matter into Spirit? Age of America The Great Transformation of the Earth to Spirit ManSt. Peter and I can still hardly fathom what Christ meant when he rebuked Peter (study rebuke here). The things of flesh and the things of Spirit, where, down in the core COSMIC TONE of matter and creation, the primal COSMIC PHANTOM OF THE EARTH lay hidden.

To lift that hidden treasure, Christ, as a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING knew how to ferret out the secret of the Earth Herself, because Christ knew the path of Science we would have to take to conquer matter. And that Science of the School of matter remains locked out of every university, except Spiritual Science and the Michael School.

Our present, puny INTELLECTUAL SOUL forces cannot compete with the LOVE, determination, Will required to squeeze and press out our PHANTOM SPIRIT OF FORM, designed by the gods, from our poor lonely skeleton. St. Peter and I can’t bear to hear the screams of agony and shivering loneliness of the obsolete and abandoned skeleton Earth gave to us. It’s shrieks are unbearable.

Our LOVE and our I AM, not one single I AM anywhere on Earth has had the Conscious Love to redeem the ancient Skeleton from behind the sealed doors of Ancient Saturn Evolution. Redeem the Pawn Ticket and trade in the Skeleton we own in the physical world for the Cosmic and Zodiacal Miracle of The Phantom Body. The Inversion of this type of penetration into the Core of Matter has only been done ONCE, so far on Earth. Only once. Quantum Physics are LEGO child’s toys by comparison.

Why would such a Higher Dimensional Being submit Himself to such humiliation and physical desecration while wearing a Lofty Human Form, which He, HIMSELF helped create? What horror on one hand and what transformation is possible on the other side? The slumber of the Caterpillar in it’s cocoon is a kind of death. But the most bitter dregs of being pinned to a Cross to embrace down to the roots our most bitter ties to matter and our physical body, squeezes, compresses, the Cosmic Phantom Body out of our bones. Squeezing and pressing the PHANTOM BODY out of our bones, with full consciousness and the absolute highest forces of the I AM remains incomprehensible to us.

None of any, of anything at all in our university education, up to now, has prepared any of us for the logical metamorphosis of how we attain knowledge of how we grow the capacities in ourselves to become Higher Dimensional Beings. Humanity has been unable to abide, fathom or grasp what we have been discussing as the transformation of our astral and sentient experiences into a stage of development called Manas or Spirit-Self. Which means we as humanity are only just beginning that phase in the early dawning of some of those who have already arrived at the near threshold of the 6th Age. The Angels are almost all the way through it above us working on their Budhi phase. We are a long, long way from even vaguely comprehending WHAT AN ETHERIC BODY IS.

In the 7th Age we will be laying the foundation for Life-Spirit, the transformation of our Etheric Bodies into Budhi, those will only be the beginning of the slow, slow unraveling of the spiritual techniques required in order for us to detach the roots of matter and karma and, heave together, raise and weigh anchor and pull Earth Herself through the Eye of the Needle.Age of America 3 What Anchors matter behind the Isis-Sophia Veil We encounter here THE VEIL OF ISIS. We encounter the lifting of the Veil of Matter and Sophia. Who has extracted the COSMIC PHANTOM BODY from the skeletal bones of matter, designed from the Ancient Saturn Evolution of Earth? Who has lifted the Anchor that tied us to the deeps of the Earth? But more importantly, how is this lifting the Anchor done?

But it is indisputable that humanity is reluctant to define, categorize and stand by, and stand up for secrets of the deep inner construction of ourselves with our already built in potential to become Higher Dimensional Beings. We also have refused to consider that the Inner and Outer universe, both Space, Time and our Human Blueprints, are really set within a logical framework of Higher Dimensional Schooling and reality.

This ATMA, Spirit-Man question, is way, way, past the End of Earth Evolution, up the road to what we know of as Jupiter Evolution, Venus Evolution and Vulcan Evolution. The cosmic immortal skeletal framework was set by the initial Zodiacal Beings(opening Part 2) in the Ancient Saturn Evolution of the Earth. But in the most advanced Science of Matter ever given so far on Earth, we find some of the answers to these immense riddles in the most exquisite lectures ever heard on Earth. This exquisite series of lectures unlocks the door to Ancient Saturn and paves the way to understanding ATMA or Spirit-Man. The mobile, elastic, naked meaning of Earth Evolution Itself has everything to do with the PHANTOM BODY (CLICK LINK).

Gethsemane and Squeezing THE PHANTOM BODY from the SKELETON

“It came to pass that one man, who was the bearer of the Christ, had gone through such a death that after three days the specifically mortal part of the physical body had to disappear, and out of the grave there rose the body which is the force-bearer of the physical, material parts. The body that was really intended for man by the Rulers of Saturn, Sun, and Moon — the pure Phantom of the physical body with all the attributes of the physical body — this it was that rose out of the grave. So was given the possibility of that spiritual genealogy of which we have spoken.” Rudolf Steiner (Click Link)Phantom and the physical body

Drinking the Cup of Earth to it’s dregs, the very last atom, molecule of matter, drained, pressed and squeezed from the bones, allowed this lofty HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, The Christ, to restore the ancient SPIRIT FORM that will be, can be, but won’t be easy to attain, that was originally built into our Human Forms when the foundations for humanity were laid in the early development of our cosmos. The early development of our Cosmos has nothing to do with the Big-Bang theory. Rather it has to do with the higher human capacity we misuse in the cliché (a trite, stereotyped expression) – YOU CAN’T SQUEEZE BLOOD FROM A ROCK.

The riddle of the Earth itself first appeared in the Zarathustrian Age of Ahura Mazdao from the Iranian/Persian phrase “You can’t squeeze blood from a rock”. Cultivating the Earth, plowing, growing, clearing the paths and learning the Sun Mysteries of the wheat, the Bread, the grape, the vine and the blood were where Zarathustra first anchored the Sun Mysteries to the future of Christ. Christ squeezed the blood from the marrow of the bones to retrieve and extract from the skeleton THE PHANTOM BODY. This is the highest science of matter that ever appeared and took form on the Earth.

From Jesus to Christ

“If we look back to the beginning of our Earth-existence, we can say that the hosts from the ranks of the higher Hierarchies who had prepared the physical human body in its own proper Form during the Saturn, Sun and Moon periods, up to the Earth period, had from the outset placed this Phantom within the Earth evolution. In fact the Phantom, which cannot be seen with the physical eye, was what was first there of the physical body of man. It is a transparent body of force.”

The cold hard stones were exactly what brought Ahura Mazdao down into the Baptism when Zarathustra incarnated and worked deeply into the Luke Jesus. Zarathustra/Jesus worked upwards to lay the ground work for the RESIDENCY OF THE CHRIST ON EARTH by lifting the Spirit-Self forces of Jesus to a level where Christ could make CONTACT. This was part of the Iranian/Turanian mysteries that today form The Risen Etheric Christ Mysteries of Matter and Science against the Ahrimanic mysteries of blunt materialism.

Goethean Science, look deeply dear friends. If we truly follow the human being’s development we isolate the Iranian Persian mystery of how sun and seed, and flower and fruit arise as, develop out of the good Earth. The Good Earth and the science of Agriculture and Goethean Science tracks and traces the choice Ahura Mazdao, TAO chose to display the unfolding of the Plant in Humanity. We see that Christ not only meets the human seed of Jesus at the Baptism, but through this meeting of the upward effort of humanity flowering, the entire meaning of Earth and Humanity, breaks open the seed husk and produces the first intended Goethean Science of the Flowering of the Spirit and the meaning of Earth Itself through the higher pollination that produces Spirit Man. Goethean Science tracks the development through Zarathustra to the Risen Etheric Christ. It is the complete Goethean Science and meaning of the first born fruit of the Earth.

Out of the Science of the ground of our physical body, etheric body, astral body, I AM, our SPIRIT-SELF, our Life-Spirit and our Spirit-Man we may track unimpeded a full Goethean Science of Logic that completes itself in the pollination process of Christ at the Baptism which fertilizes the New Seed of the Entire Meaning of Earth Evolution. The scaffolding and Science of our organic human and spiritual system, every human being on Earth’s design codes, were designed to fulfill a Flowering of the Spirit. It is logical, precise and true and was missed and ignored by materialism. This is what the Earth was meant to produce and meant to achieve and this is what completes the entire organic human process of the Sprouting and Flowering of Earth Evolution.

To attempt what is impossible to imagine for materialism is to extract the PHANTOM BODY, the Form Body, hidden in the secret forces of matter and the Earth, that was bound to the secrets of the skeleton, the rock. Age of America 3 skeletal companion Our bone born skeletons are wed to the foundations, the origins, of the design codes of Human I AM carriers. It was through the strength of the Christ, a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, that the deepest secret of the cold hard stones where death and life were tied to gravity and the spacial forces of the Earth, that Christ gave the example of the science of matter and ATMA or Spirit-Man.

But shattering for us to know is that our 5th Age is the Consciousness Soul and it is during this period of the Consciousness Soul we prepare ourselves to fathom how the densest forces of matter and the physical body are transformed. Quantum Mechanics, Particle Physics, gene codes, matter are all Consciousness Soul attempts to penetrate the densest Spiritual Form we carry around with us.

OSTEOLOGY and the Cosmic Origins of the Skeleton

Skeletal and what retains the human formWhy do we carry around with us such a dense condensation of compressed spiritual physics? It will not go through wormholes or Black Holes, nor can we take the dense designed bone-matter with us into the spiritual world. Warp Drive, Matter Systems and Beam me up Scottie requires a dissolution and deconstruction of bone, stone, muscle, nerve, blood and brain and a re-resolution and re-habitation of an I AM. And that on the presumption that our Consciousness is suspended during this process and instantly alert, cognitive and aware having defied material, and matter laws. Since we are in the School of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, we have to sober up and realize the absolute immersion constriction it requires to transform the Skeleton and recover consciously the Cosmic Phantom Body.

9For we know partially and we prophesy partially,10but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.11When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things.12At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.

Why is everyone issued one of these precise plaster of Paris-cast models of the inherent dynamics of the Eurythmy of the Zodiac as our Anchor and the price we pay to be part of the Star Mysteries of Sophia? Why do we study the Cosmic Eurythmy Gestures and the entire Etheric Signatures printed into the Dynamic PHANTOM BODY, if not to learn the language of THE PHANTOM RESURRECTION BODY, that Christ released from Earth? Is it a new sign language? Can we learn the language and gesture of our Cosmic Family? Who should teach us this NEW ALPHABET OF THE STARS, if not Aristotle who mastered the TEN CATEGORIES of logic? Now we are in a new school, the school of Sophia and the Lamb.

That is one of the tasks of the Consciousness Soul, in the Time and Age of the Consciousness Soul which is NOW. In the Consciousness Soul we planted the seed and lay the ground work for the future Atma, Spirit-Man sciences. In Part 1 we linked the Consciousness Soul to the transformation of the Physical Body.

In 1662 it was recorded in Giovanni Torriano’s Second Alphabet:

“To go about to fetch bloud out of stones, viz. to attempt what is impossible.”

This be what Gollum sings precious!
The cold hard lands
they bites our hands,
they gnaws our feet.
The rocks and stones
are like old bones
all bear of meat.
But stream and pool
is wet and cool:
so nice for feet!

Our skeletal framework (Click Link) has a system of cosmic, zodiacal forces built into it. This Primal Phantom Body was built into the very beginnings of humanity when the Evolution of Saturn, Sun, and Moon were unfolding. Christ took every particle of the dense construction of our physical human body, down to the dregs of dust, matter and death, and pressed THE PHANTOM BODY out of the dense skeletal bones, all the way through to the other side of the inversion point of matter and Earth. Behind the densest, deepest, descent into matter, our present Earth Evolution, Christ with Conscious Cosmic Love, Pressed, Squeezed the germinal seed of the Cosmic Creator Beings, out of the dense Human Skeleton. This was the primal secret of Ancient Saturn Evolution. No human being has yet accomplished such a feat.

Age of America 3 skeletal and phantom formWe could call it the Dancing Eurythmic Christ Being. That the restoration, freeing up of the dynamic Zodiacal skeleton, at a very high cost, restored the perfect nobility and mobility of all the cosmic forces that once ringed Saturn (opening quote of Part 2).

This Zodiac and Solar System Nursery now rings Earth and our Sun. We are numerically, etherically and astrally tied into a specific rhythmic cycle to TIME. zodiac and astral tierkreisA Grand Collaboration of TWELVE immense Constellations, Star Colonies, collected themselves together to create something entirely new. Their combined efforts locked in as an artistic gift, the zodiacal cohesion of the skeleton. Christ freed up and unlocked the Cosmic Zodiacal PHANTOM and gave dance an entirely new Science Foundation. Who was elected to teach this New Language of the Stars?

It is the Science of the Osteology of the Word,  the Science of Zodiacal and Musical laws that trains us slowly and methodically to unlock the PHANTOM BODY, of the Resurrected Cosmic Atma mysteries. This is literally part of what the Art and Science of Eurythmy is all about. Christ already unlocked the young Phantom, released the Dynamic Zodiacal Naked Phantom, as the youngest dancer of the Cosmos. The First Born of the Earth.

Finally for Earth, out pops the original pristine, divine restoration of the immortal vehicle, the deathless vehicle of THE PHANTOM BODY that was designed by the Hierarchies Themselves when humanity was first conceived. It is delivered as the first baby of Earth from the Immortal School of the Lamb of God. Death will never again infect it. A great Star Dancer, a Cosmic Eurythmist, has been hidden in the humble and painful mysteries of our Skeletal  and Osteology Design.


“The Garden of Gethsemene is located at the foot of the Mount of Olives. In Hebrew the word Gethsemane means “olive press.” I wanted to paint the ironic gravity of Jesus’ night of prayer In the Garden of crushing. I painted his body in the shape of an olive. He was pressed hard and his sweat like great drops of blood spilled to the ground.”  grace carol bomer

Age of America 3 In the Garden artist bomerg

There is no Beam Me Aboard or passage through Wormholes or spaceships built for Warp, Light Speed Drive while carrying our bony skeleton with us. Transformation of matter into Spirit is not a childish game, it is literally part of our Higher Dimensional Schooling. And before we can get to that kind of transformation and transubstantiation of Matter-Physics- and Love we must live with and face some of the immediate contradictions and preparations. Humanity must endure the Labor Pains of our own immortality.

We have to hold in our hearts, magnified beyond any imagined human endurance, the utter state of forlorn ABANDONMENT that the vehicle of our physical skeletons will endure. A crushing agonized bereft isolation grips the soul when the full realization comes that this treasured, obedient work-horse, Planted as the Original Star Seed in the ancient warmth of Saturn, our abused physical body, will not get us through the EYE OF THE NEEDLE or through a Black Hole.

Our Physical Body cries out in desperation, why has thou forsaken and left this empty vessel of the physical body orphaned by the Hierarchies? Age of America 3 skeletal abandoned Earth cosmic formThere are crushing revelations ahead of us, in order to begin to fathom the alienation and agony experienced by the COSMIC I AM, the Christ as He extracted consciously the most ancient Phantom Form Body from His very bones. 

T.S. Eliot

(Part three “Burnt Norton”)

“Descend lower, descend only
Into the world of perpetual solitude,
World not world, but that which is not world,
Internal darkness, deprivation
And destitution of all property,
Desiccation of the world of sense,
Evacuation of the world of fancy,
Inoperancy of the world of spirit;
This is the one way, and the other
Is the same, not in movement
But abstention from movement; while the world moves
In appetency, on its metalled ways
Of time past and time future.”

Reaching the densest portion of Earth Evolution is an accurate model when we consider Ancient Saturn, Ancient Sun and Ancient Moon, we find in the natural cosmic progression that Earth Evolution is the densest point. Such distinct considerations, which we shall touch upon up the road, are necessary because of our linear, false, Darwinian models. There in the development of the density of the skeleton at the mid-point of Earth Evolution we can look in two directions. If we go further backwards in time in Earth Evolution we witness that the Human Being did not have a solid skeletal system. This only developed as brain casing as the pineal gland receded from where it once shone as an eye above the Etheric framework of the head. Humanity had a far more watery cohesion in the past (Click Study Link).

The denser structure of our human upright skeletal system was based on the primal design codes of THE PHANTOM BODY of Ancient Saturn. By the time Earth Evolution arrived, our Human Species had advanced design systems in place that allowed for the carriage of the upright I AM, with our pineal and pituitary glands encased in a self-enclosed Grail Cup. Skeletal imitations and designer knock-offs based on the lofty Phantom Model of Humanity, arrived on the scene in Animal and skeletal models. These were dynamic ahrimanic sketches and copies based on the Divine Design of the Phantom Body which we carry as our upright skeletal system. Ahrimanic Science likes the Sci-Fi and A.I. (artificial intelligence) duplication and imitations of the I AM system developed by the gods.

The Resurrection is no Ahrimanic duplication and cheap copy of the immortal systems of Humanity. What Christ did, was take the densest moment in Earth Evolution, bring the I AM of the Gods that we have also operative in us, and lawfully unlocked the riddle of death and released the Cosmic Spirit-Man from captivity and enchantment that was hidden in the magnificent form of the skeleton. Therefore, from the densest point in the Vast Evolution of Humanity, we are, as I AM carriers, each and every one of us, are set to Consciously through our I AM, become full Angels in the Jupiter Evolution and Archangels in the future Venus Evolution. The School of the Stars that we are in requires each of us to acquire the future Phantom Body of Spirit-Man, Atma, that Christ recovered at the densest moment of the design plan laid out by the Hierarchies.

In the 6th Age of Aquarius, when the Sun Rises in the Spring in the Waterwoman, we will have to face Love and Selflessness in the tearing apart and division of humanity, THE PARTING OF THE WAYS (see part 1). Age of America 3 6th Age AquariusThe loss and betrayal of our loved ones and their recovery and the New Cosmic Forces we must acquire, in detail, to restore and recoup the grotesque HARROWING OF HELL (Click Link),Harrowing of Hell that it will take to get us and our loved ones pointed in the direction of THE LOFTY SCHOOL OF THE LAMB, will force us to find New Spiritual capacities.

Stage upon stage we will learn how to unravel the Earth Itself, but by blessed reason itself, it will only occur through the excruciating heart of humanity starting with the stirring Light Infusion from the Age of Spirit-Self. Only at the end of the Vast Divine Journey from Saturn – Earth – to Venus Evolution will we finally attain what the Christ wrung from the skeleton He carried to Golgotha, Spirit-Man or Atma.

Spirit-Self awakens the Mother Load of Compassion as Cognition. We become Karmically and Astrally aware of who our loved ones and companions are. We get a perspective on Earth, her creatures and our humanity that will force open a 5th Chamber in our Human Hearts. A good portion of us and our human family will be kidnapped, suspended and occultly imprisoned.

It is part of an intimate sadness with the loss of anyone, Robin Williams was such an interesting loss. Everyday we have our most intimate loved ones becoming the side of the equation that will force the other side of the equation of humanity, to retrieve them from a cosmic trap. Spirit-Self will break our hearts by opening them to tremendous Conscious tidal forces. Love will start working within each heart like it never has worked since the time of Christ.

This retrieval, paradoxical recovery process, will be essential and foundational for Manas and Spirit-Self to take root in Love. It is paradoxical beyond imagining that our own loved ones will be the strength we need to sacrifice ourselves. Our loved ones will be the tragic gift that stirs the forces of our deepest love and awakens our Earthly Schooling of Spirit-Self. We start our Manichean Schooling as we arrive at the 6th Age.

The pressure of turning evil to good comes from the nature of our own love and karma. That which is in our humanity is that which also becomes the power of love and transformation in our own higher schooling. This humbling, in our Astral, Sentient Souls will be our entrance examines into the preliminary training of Spirit-Self and Angelic selflessness.

But vastly up ahead, in the Holy School of Sophia and the Lamb there, way in the future, that which was already prepared by the Christ Being, we will learn meticulously and slowly to salvage all our loved ones, animal, plant and stone and carry this Courage and Love beyond the grave of the Earth.

This is the preliminary Manichean issue which is coming to us in the 6th Age, that is way, way, way ahead of us. We will be in training, laying a firm foundation in our I AM, so that with LOVE and FREEDOM we can follow matter all the way out past the inversion point. That is beyond the FIRST ORIGINS, beyond Ancient Saturn, where, so far, only the Christ has gone. The inversion point where matter becomes conscious spirit is truly where NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE.

These are the shattering facts, and it appears we are no closer than PETER was to comprehending the mysteries of physics or matter. Because in order to take the Entire Earth Evolution over into the Jupiter Evolution, each of us are going to have to learn how to dismantle our physical world, transmute, translate and transubstantiate every particle of Wisdom of the Earth and how to appreciate fully the benefit of each I AM who can pass through the EYE OF THE NEEDLE. On the other side is the distant Jupiter Evolution. But right now, neither our science, our physics or our human strengths are up to the challenge. And this pisses our feeble brains right off the rails.

All, any and bits and pieces of everything, including the raising of Lazarus, must all be borrowed from the LIVING BODY of Cosmic Manas or Sophia that was given to St. John to nurture, protect and offered as a Living Portion of the Christ’s Cosmic Manas. Peter Quill, The Soul of America in “The Guardians of the Galaxy” was abducted from Earth. His family, his memories, his very soul lives in the literal music memories he holds of Earth. Peter Quill’s funkadelia remains in him as the heart of the mood of Earth and his humanity.

It is James Kirk and Peter Quill’s remaining karmic treasure that is the signature of the Good American Archai Being. The funkadelia and music Quill guards with his life, stands for us all. It is part of the curious comedic feeling of wholeness that radiates from Simon and Garfunkel, Janis Joplin, Aretha Franklin, the Beatles and is the substance, the Archetype of Intimacy that Christian Rosenkreuz maintains, so that we may get through the devastating trials ahead. That is what the future AMERICAN AGE good Archai is mixing into the general melting pot of humanity. Peter Quill with his American Heartland ‘awe shucks’ special ingredient, that makes brotherhood and courage fun are part of the Great-Good, humorous vast Archai of the Best of the American Folk Spirit.

We have a physical body that is not going to go through wormholes. But we have a TIME BODY, an Etheric Body, which is a Temporal Time body in sync with the star patterns of the structure of our current SUN. As human beings, we are being dragged along by the mighty Sun in our crib and playpen, our kindergarten LIVING EMBRYO, our Earth. Age of America 3 The Nursery

Earth as an Embryo? Who is right? Firstly from Part 1 we have the magnificent research of  S. Eva Nessenius. Earth Geography and seething Life itself presented as an immense Seed Bed of the future unfolding. Her book, “Evolution and Geological Planet Formation” dives into the foundation of Life Itself.

In typical shopping mall map slang and slap-stick with a big, big kernel of truth in it, WE ARE HERE in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Who got it right? As we have indicated, Novalis and Rudolf Steiner and thousands of other Bio-Dynamic Scientists, mathematicians and St. John himself. Everyone wants to get it right. We are all faced with the same riddle. And the only question is, do we want to be inside the riddle or do we hope, pray, insist and stubbornly adhere to sentencing ourselves to be exempt and outside the precincts of the riddle?

Suppose we have consistently chosen to remain stubbornly outside of the riddle? Nietzsche had a full confrontation of his own I AM with Ahriman. Nietzsche became ill, which was a saving grace for his pathological confrontation with a full Ahrimanic Being who took possession of Nietzsche’s highly developed thought/will. But Nietzsche was a fiery striver, a fighter for spiritual truth, which as he approached one of the biggest truths he confronted and temporarily lost the battle. But his fiery inquisitive spirit had to be safeguarded by mental illness. Ahriman got the best of Nietzsche that time, but his I AM was saved by mental illness. Nietzsche’s I AM will live to fight another day.

Orwell went down there where Nietzsche went and felt the icy blasts of Ahrimanic Intelligence. Silly people think it is just a mere philosophical nihilistic standpoint, which doesn’t mean anything. It appears cool to stand in the dark brooding of violent, cold, hard facts that reek of torture, doom and Gothic or techo nightmare. Play acting. Childishness. Ahriman is a real Being and neither Nietzsche nor Orwell were as silly and childish as our current crop of WHO CARES. Steiner not only met Nietzsche but wrote profoundly of his heroic struggle. That Ahriman entered as an author has opened up a vast political and spiritual chasm. Only the useless think there is nothing behind the curtain of nihilism.

If we take a type of Asuric possession, like Hannibal Lecter represents, we have what we are getting at in sentencing ourselves to remain outside the cosmic riddle, that our human I AM is truly an integral, inner part of.  Defining a Black Magician: Black Magiciansa black magician IS to be brilliantly inspired by a lofty demonic being and embrace consciously your inner psychopath as it dispenses it’s gifts of ice cold precise cunning, subsensible intellectual clairvoyance, as a force of stinging, spider like efficiency projected from the Eighth Sphere, IS also to be filled with rabid super instincts that are fused to intelligence. Which IS, part of the school of the conscious defiance of the riddle of the cosmos. Voldemort IS also part of our cultural psycho-spiritual profiles of a Black Magician, that Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire toy with. Not all of us will be as lucky as Nietzsche, as conscious as Orwell or as blessed as Lazarus, the Youth of Nain, Mary Magdalene or Saul.

But what this entails in the long run, of placing ourselves consistently against the Goodness and Greatness of the universe is an entire Ahrimanic Race. NOW, even right this moment, a race of human beings who thoughtlessly, habitually and consistently sided with the status quo, will get exactly what they wanted. Their entire human form will take on the complacency of an entire RACE FORMING FORCE, shaped by deactivated, un-motivated , rejected and unused moral courage. In Part 1 we examined what type of willing imprisonment of our higher potentials entails.

Rudolf Steiner (click link)

“Let us be conscious of this in all humility: The time will come when in these human beings the Spirit will reveal its own power to form the physiognomy, — to shape the whole form of man. Such a thing has never yet been revealed in the history of the world. Hitherto the physiognomies of men have been formed on the basis of their nationality, out of the Physical.”

We may well walk around with a haughty, spoiled entitlement for the God of Materialism. But the God of Materialism will be authorized to create a New Race of degenerating, imprisoned humanity. Those who lack the dynamic moral training and moral fire and enthusiasm, who cannot work up even an interest in what are the goals and meaning of incarnation in this vast universe will wear their own demise.Ahriman 2050 back up computer and brain Courage and hope were consistently rejected when offered, scoffed at, spat upon so many times that the Higher Dimensions of our Spiritual Seed kernels in ourselves remained stubbornly self-complacent and dormant. So it was taken away, or it could be taken away. Another Being confiscated what we refused to ignite in our selves. So the striving of awakening these higher questions and seeking higher answers to our human riddles, has consequences. Devastating tragic consequences which in Part 1 we described as THE PARTING OF THE WAYS.

Is it infinite, immense, stunning DEAD SPACE we want or finding our place in the vast wisdom of a Star Nursery which hides the literal miracle of all unexplained signs and wonders and the Science of our intimate construction as Beings? Do we think that quantum physics and the transformation of matter, Earth, and the human entity has nothing to do with transubstantiation and the slow savoring of Death which Christ took with Him to the other side? Is massive Love and Compassion part of the equation of Star Beings or not? Does our brand name and Zodiacal demographic zip-code and mailing address place us in THE TRIBE of Isis/Sophia and her vast School of the Lamb? Is Janis Joplin correct? Do we bring a little “Piece of the Heart” of the Galaxy, a piece of the Karmic Physics of each other down into each of our incarnations?

Yes we can all rejoice in our crib, nest, homey in the hood of our own geographic region. We can rejoice in our own slang and Language Archangel,  and we can choose to make contact with our own Angels or destroy our Angels.Relation between Ahriman and the Higher Human spirit, Risen Christ In the Star Community, of Divine Spiritual Beings we are not the lowest rung. Stones, plants, animals, each complex system, larger, integrated and more interesting, filled with Devachan Mysteries and we, with our human physical, etheric, astral and I AM, core system are connected directly to the TIME BODY of our local Zodiacal and planetary reference point. We are in the system both from before birth to after death. Ahriman’s job is to take a whole portion of our loved ones out of the system.

Beings with their lowest member as Spirit-Self would carry the advanced force of reality and the stars like we carry our physical bodies as little strutting personalities. Such a being with already super-advanced Devachan Dimensional Development attached to it is far more complex than we want to imagine. Christ holds the Macrocosmic I AM to our undeveloped microcosmic I AM. For THREE YEARS on Earth the epitome of the Human/Cosmic I AM deposited signs and wonders which I AM’s may do in the future.

But the danger Will Robinson is that there are vast, complex Beings, surrounding Earth Development who will over-ride HUMAN and use Earth Development to nest inside the Psyche of Humanity and use our human construction, which is the same as HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS and accelerate, possess and infuse lofty, unhinged skills in their hosts.Psyche in the Underworld If the core I AM of the Human Being is easily out maneuvered, vast schools of accelerated black magicians will infest portions of Manas, Astral and Budhi and will high speed rev, race and abuse the level equipoise of the steady human development that Christ offers. Earth will be taken out of humanities hands and forfeited, abnegated, handed over and over-run by Lower and Higher Beings.

Christ as a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING is a Real character, a Real Being we may approach and Christ is not like ‘Q’ in Star Trek (click link). “Q” is the Joker in the deck, the fool that Bob Dylan, Hendrix and Shakespeare made into the riddle of existence we struggle with. (Click Link) But science and sincerity forces humanity to confront some very disturbing issues it is true. We need the profile of various Beings. We need to comprehend the strata and dimensions of our Psychic/Human Structure and we need a Deep appraisal of the destiny of the Christ Being. There are Beings much loftier and wiser, dimensional Beings which require every branch of our human intelligence to expand enough to grasp. Otherwise it is all a big joke.

Rudolf Steiner and Grasping Higher Dimensional Beings

Steiner, “…continues his lifelong project of demonstrating that our objective, everyday thinking is the lowest rung of a ladder that reaches up to literally infinite heights.”

“We must become alive and mobile-not by moving from one point in space to another, but rather by passing from one dimension to another. This is difficult for the modern consciousness. Hence even the most well-meaning people — well-meaning for the conception of spiritual things — have tried to escape from Space by transcending the three dimensions. They come to a fourth dimension. They pass from the three-dimensional to the four-dimensional. So long as we remain within the mathematical domain, the thoughts which we arrive at in this way are quite in order. It is all perfectly correct. But it is no longer correct when we relate it to the reality. For the peculiar thing is, that when we think the fourth dimension in its reality, it eliminates the third. Through the fourth dimension the third dimension vanishes. Moreover, through the fifth dimension the second vanishes, and through the sixth the first vanishes, and we arrive at length at the point.

“When we pass in reality from the third to the fourth dimension, we come into the Spiritual. We eliminate the dimensions one by one, we do not add them, and in this way we enter more and more into the Spiritual.

“Through such ideas we gain a deeper insight too into the human form and figure. For a more artistic way of feeling is it not rather crude how we generally observe a human being, as he places himself with his three dimensions into the world? That after all is not the only thing. Even in ordinary life we have a feeling for the essential symmetry between the left and right halves of the body. And when we thus comprise the human being in his central plane, we are already led beyond the three dimensions. We pass into the plane itself. And only thereafter do we gain a clear conception of the one dimension in which he grows. Artistically we do already make use of this transition, from three to two and on to one dimension. If we cultivated more intensely this artistic perception of the human form, we should find more easily the transition to the soul’s life. For you would never be able to feel a being, unsymmetrically formed, as a being of united and harmonious Feeling.Age of America 3 The Higher School of Sophia and the Stars

“Look at the star-fish. It has not this symmetrical form. It has five rays. Of course you can pass it by without any inner feeling. But if you perceive it feelingly, you could never say that the star-fish has a united feeling-life. The star-fish cannot possibly relate a right-hand to a left-hand side, or grasp a right-hand with a left-hand member. The star-fish must continually relate the one ray to one or two or three, or even to all four remaining rays. What we know as Feeling cannot live in the star-fish at all.

“I beg you to follow me along this intimate line of thought. What we know as Feeling comes from the right and from the left, and finds itself at rest in the middle. We go through the world by placing ourselves with our Feeling restfully into the world. The star-fish cannot do so. Whatever the star-fish has, as influence of the world upon itself, it cannot relate it symmetrically to another side. It can only relate it to one, or two, or to the third or fourth ray.Age of America 3 dimensional beings star fish study But the first influence will always be more powerful. Thus the star-fish has no Feeling-life at rest within itself. When, as it were, it turns its attention to the one side, then by the whole arrangement of its form it will experience: ‘You are raying out in that direction, thither you are sending forth a ray.’ The star-fish has no restfulness in feeling. It has the feeling of shooting forth out of itself. It feels itself as raying forth in the world.

“If you develop your feelings in a more intimate way, you will be able to experience this even as you contemplate the star-fish. Observing the end-point of any one ray and relating it to the creature as a whole, in your imagination the star-fish will begin to move in the direction of this ray, as it were a streaming, wandering light. And so it is with all the other animals which are not symmetrically built, which have no real access of symmetry.

“If man would only enter into this more intimate way of Feeling — instead of giving himself up entirely to the intellectual, merely because in the course of time he had to become an intellectual being, — then indeed he would find his way far more intimately into the world.

“It is so also in a certain sense for the plant world, and for all things that surround us. True self-knowledge takes us ever farther and farther into the inwardness of things.”

Autism and the Waters approaching, glimmerings of our future SPIRIT-SELF

What we are missing in our comprehension of autistic children, such as Temple Grandin and a series that apparently was pulled off the air called “TOUCH”. Let me just say something here about (autism click link) “Touch” and lofty Devachan capacities that literally overwhelm the child. It is clear and I bring this clarity to the subject matter of TOUCH, when we examine that by merely touching the garments, touching the hem of the CHRIST BEING as He walked through a crowd, immediately brought in an entire karmic field of intense Etheric Dimensions of Being into the consciousness of Christ. (Click Link) Christ immediately knew, felt and could calmly sort out what our autistic children are overwhelmed by.Age of America 3 Autism premature Spirit-Self Christ is touched


“The Danny Glover [professor] character is interesting,” says Sutherland. “He believes that we have misdiagnosed a group of people that actually are at a much more advanced form of communication, but because we don’t understand it we’ve diagnosed them with what we can best understand.”

“That exploration of what autism is and could be was born of the fact that [series co-creator] Kring has a son who lives with the condition; as such, he’s taking care to see that Touch‘s fictional aspects are founded in scientific fact.”

Let’s get this clear, because we just walk away from wisdom like we walk away from THINKING. Autistic children don’t like to be ‘touched’, there are proximity barriers, proximity alerts, that bring into relation vast fields of painful, Etheric and Astral fields of disorientation. What vast higher capacities disorientate and jolt and re-calibrate the astral forces of our children? (click link) They are impacted by an enormous field of overwhelming higher forces latent in the astral body of humanity. By the time we get deep into the 6th Age, our proximity parameters will confront our perceptions with vast Karmic Fields by mere proximity and TOUCH.

Eurythmy and Autism (Example click link)

We obviously need to examine the reality of how the Christ Being could immediately handle the Etheric Dimensions and the Astral and Devachan intrusion of some person in the crowd who suddenly touched HIM (Click study link). We obviously need to stop and look at this. What Etheric Streaming forces surrounded the Christ Being? What dimensional and observational forces suddenly intruded upon HIM?

“As humans, we have a bio-magnetic field around our physical body that is otherwise known as our auric field. This field is our personal signature of our energetic vibration. It is also the storehouse for energy that one would want to give during daily interactions with others. If one’s auric field is weak, not only are they susceptible to picking up foreign energy from others, but also they have less energy to give and the rate of depletion of energy is high.

“A healthy looking auric field looks like a smooth, egg shape energy, which extends 2-3 feet in every direction outside the body. Someone who is experiencing a sense of fearfulness or a sense of separation from everyone will have an auric field that tends to be contracted and close to their body, like a foot away. On the other hand, if someone hasn’t fully anchored their consciousness into their body, tends to feel spaced out and not in the present moment, then it is likely that their auric field extends anywhere from 5-20 feet.”

The Christ on Earth had a living field of forces that extended well beyond our normal human dimensions. Meaning that the Cosmic I AM, out of which our own personal I am has been designed, was already dealing with HIGHER DIMENSIONAL fields we may call Manas, lofty cosmic Spirit-Selfhood and Budhi or Life-Spirit capacities.Age of America 3 Cosmic Manas and Christ field of authorized karmic dimensions

In other words, our I am is capable, in the distant future, to alter Space/Time Karmic Patterns that exist as facts on the physical plane. Doctors are Physicians as well but in future we shall all be Physicians.To have such a Higher Dimensional Being, who could alter Karma patterns, humbly walking around on Earth, would have made any undeveloped human I am have seizures, overwhelmed by instant autism, recoil from being touched, and flee from crowds.

In Part 2 we examined the complex intrusion of our shadows in Howard Hughes and J. Edgar Hoover as well as millions of others who suffer from Phobias and blind spots where our I AM has avoided penetrating with heightened interest. Objective interest and insights into phenomena, all ranges of phenomena, are part of the Consciousness Soul.

But as the Spirit-Self, the 6th Age comes closer and closer our failure to bring Conscious Insights into all the details of our subjective Etheric, Astral and I AM systems create blind spots and pockets that become psychic black holes, astral storms un-tempered and un-modified by our objective reasoning developed from our Consciousness Soul. These of necessity accumulate and become Entity gateways, OR potentials for higher Spirit-Self Revelations. If we were suddenly impacted with certain higher astral and etheric perceptions, in our consideration of the unfolding of Spirit -Self we would be subject to radical and acute PHOBIAS.

Christ walking in a crowd and deeply experiencing immediate karma distortions, streams of lofty Cosmic I AM BALANCE flooded through the CHRIST BEING.Age of America 3 higher dimensional being I AM capacity for balance It is Singularly one of the most unique capacities of the I AM, Cause and Effect and Balance. Problem and Solution, Precept and Concept, I and Not -I. Christ as the model of our own I AM immediately experiences His Cosmic I AM balance certain imbalances. It is one of the primal forces of our own I AM and it was in a heightened and magnified manifestation in each step the Christ took in His THREE YEARS ON EARTH. Age of America 3 Balance I AM lord of KarmaStreams of Balance, Libra, the Scales, literally flowed through Him and out from Him. He was immediately susceptible to experiencing how readjusted Karmic Patterns and Human intimate connections were in complex patterns moving around us all the time.

The Consciousness Soul was tasked and is tasked with finding objective relationships with all the phenomena of LIFE. Ahrimanic Education stops short, falls short of awakening objective insights into the widest regions of Life, Life after death, and the Higher Spirit-Self forces that are beginning to swirl in and through the astral bodies of our children and our general humanity. So in the unfolding phase of Spirit-Self that we approach with the coming 6th Age we must consider Autism and an enormous range of unconscious Phobias and disturbances that must arise. The 6th Age lifts us into entirely new Astral and Nervous System capacities which Ahrimanic Science hopes to neutralize with imprisoning Pharmaceutical Intrusions.

Every kind of Phobia can be diagnosed by Ahrimanic Science which creates the very problems arising from our materialistic failure to pierce Objective Consciousness Soul insights into our higher faculties. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia).Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity.  Astrophobia- Fear of stars or celestial space.

Thomas Aquinas had one of the early diagnosed Phobias AUTOMATONOPHOBIA . There was something about artificial beings that Aristotle who reincarnated with the intent of taking Humanity to the Hierarchies via the redemption and introduction of Aristotle to aspects of Thinking and the Being of the Christ that deeply disturbed the I AM of Aquinas. We can ponder how Aristotle was sifted and re-awakened by the intense scrutiny of Thomas Aquinas but if we do that we come upon one of the strange mysteries of Reincarnation.

Albertus Magnus was said to have had a robot that could move and greet visitors with the salutation Salve! (‘How are you!’). Thomas Aquinas, his pupil at the time, is reported to have attacked and broken the gregarious android when he came across it unexpectedly in the night.

Artificial Intelligence and the striving for the central state of BALANCE and the highest regions of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE were of major interest, depth of I AM interest, in the mysteries that reveal the science of TIME that ran between the I AM of Aristotle and the I AM of Thomas Aquinas.

These two Life’s Works were no arbitrary coincidence, rather it was like a literal snail who drags his former Shell along with him organically while creating an entirely new future potential. It also, for our more advanced study in reincarnation, shows something of the solidity of the Egyptian Memory (Click Person of Interest) and mummification process.

In other words, from Ancient Egypt, to Greece, to the Middle Ages something was being built in TIME that would eventually blossom into the Science of the Hierarchies. Michael the Archai was making damn good use of the gifts of Aristotle. So Thomas Aquinas had a mild Phobia, he had Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues – anything that falsely represents a sentient being was pivotal if Aristotle were to find his way and find his footing through the Eye of the Needle beyond the THINKING ORGANIZATION that creates the Halo and radiance around those who attain Spirit-Selfhood. Cohesion of the I AM of Thomas Aquinas created the Holy Vessel for the future Spirit-Selfhood Sciences.Age of America 3 the I AM of AristotleTo have Aristotle stand face to face with the Christ Being requires us to revere the quality of thinking that carried Aristotle all the way to the School of Sophia and the Stars. University Education hasn’t the respect and awe that TIME and the study of the most noble contributions to our study of TIME can reveal about the warm revelation of Aristotle.

What would we have given, to be so curious about the qualities of Aristotle that we would have asked our Angels to guide us to where we could learn even more? Was Aristotle an example of the most honest, sincere seekers with a self-contained detailed THOUGHT GESTURE AND I AM STRUCTURE that we would gladly welcome the wish to encounter again in some future incarnation? Would Aristotle’s intrinsic I AM unravel riddles about the Cosmos and the Universe and the I AM that he himself craved to understand with the force of the passion for knowledge that all of us shared?

Would so many of us, and so many dried university Professors, would all of us love to encounter the Living Force and I AM of Aristotle, that drive, that desire, which represented all our own deepest drives and desires? Would we anticipate with holy ardor the shock of unexpected stunning revelations which only the New Aristotle could divulge to us? How does each I AM change through TIME? And what part of the sacred I AM allows us to recognize each other again in TIME? And when in the 6th Age this becomes the Science of Brotherhood, the science of the Harrowing of Hell and the Devachan Science of Sentient/Spirit-Selfhood will our eyes open to the depths of Shattering Love?

But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.”

Luke 8:40-49

[40] Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. [41] Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with him to come to his house [42] because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.

Age of America 3 Touch Time and the Balance of the Cosmic I AMAs Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. [43] And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. [44] She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.

[45] “Who touched me?” Jesus asked.

When they all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.”

[46] But Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.”

So we have to picture this Higher Dimensional Being able to plant Time Seeds and Time Deeds into the lower astral TIME BODY of the YOUTH OF NAIN. Raise Lazarus, open the eyes of Paul; have Thomas feel the place of the wounds; startle Mary Magdalene; Appear as friendly flames of Fire over each human head, activating Spirit-Self capacities. We are required to see the flat plain of the horizontal FIVE SENSES, over whelmed by a Higher Dimensional Being with fully operative, dynamically directed TWELVE SENSES. We have to see how a blind human being, from birth, can have their physical and etheric system adjusted by a Super Dimensional Being.

Age of America Higher Dimensional Being authorized Time and SpaceThis is where people don’t want to go, so we invent cute aliens or Star Trek’s  “Q” or other Beings in the universe at different levels of development than we are at present. All very interesting and also our own human coping mechanism given in the gift of IMAGINATION. Every one of these adaptations and sci-fi constructs arise from the Higher Dimensional Beings that we are most definitely part of.

So if Christ raises Lazarus, Christ sees an enormous opportunity to give to Lazarus the preliminary Cosmic Manas, with a touch of Budhi or eternal Life-Spirit and say, “Sophia Star Laws and Star Intelligence is your Mother now”. Christ would add in the footnote,Rose Cross Meditation black cross 7 roses (Cosmic Manas will allow Lazarus to penetrate the lawful Higher Devachan regions of the Astral and Star School of Sophia). This allows the Christ I AM to lawfully penetrate the TIME BODY, the ETHERIC BODY, the ASTRAL BODY and awaken, re-direct or change the course of Karma, destiny, Etheric Life and the Astral Life all the way down to the physical body. And this gift, this gift is grasped in the Michael School as absolute intervention that has been duly noted as one of the higher Christian Rosenkreuz capacities. Obviously that makes no sense to anyone who hasn’t studied Lazarus and the destiny of John.

But you see we become repelled with the strongest possible inner forces, because the Christ didn’t meddle with the I AM core of St. Paul or St. John or the Youth of Nain, but awoke future forces, Damascus forces, that were already apparent, not to you or I but the Christ Being could see the vast foundations of who Lazarus truly was and why Lazarus, (who is the author of the John Gospel and Revelation) was the legitimate heir and ripest candidate for humbly beginning the School of Cosmic Manas and Esoteric Christianity.

The School of Sophia and our higher Devachan Manas, the Age of Spirit-Self is an early Bodhisttva, preparatory recovery program to lift, to start to learn to lift the heavy load of Earth Herself. This cannot be done by creating artificial appendages that skip over the I AM and the higher Astral construction of human beings. We have a built-in rudimentary and elemental repulsion to anything, any religion or any dogma that interferes with the core of our being.

Ah, were that truly so. It ain’t so. We not only have selective hearing, we have selective memory as well. We, rightfully, stubbornly choose whom and what we like, what we allow to influence us, even if what we like and embrace is both pathologically subjective, illogical as SPOCK would say, and thoroughly against the higher interest of our humanity and our I AM. Christ came into our house, into our neighborhood, a place which is our own home and displaced the established dogmas, turned Time and Karma on it’s head and forced us to wear Catholic School uniforms and embrace a vast higher community of Beings. It was our right to Crucify the Intruder. That is why Alien Beings are off limits here on Earth. Christ was a classic meddling Higher Dimensional Being who interfered with the already fixed traditions of Time, Space and Death that we had firmly established on Earth. The smarter we think we are the stronger becomes our rage and repulsion.

It is a completely silly comparison I am about to make, but if after all that Gandalf had been through with the core of the FIRE SPIRITS, in the core of the Earth, as an already achieved Archangel and Folk-Spirit of the Celtic folk, that he was ready to graduate to a Higher DIMENSIONAL BEING STATUS,  is primitively and an approximation of what Christ recognized in the physical death of Lazarus.

Christ calling Lazarus Larry YoungThe Lazarus I AM was ready for a Higher Manas, Sophia and Cosmic Manas gift. So the Christ Being gave Lazarus HIS COSMIC MANAS and the results of this immortal FIRE INFUSION, caused John to be exiled to Patmos, after caring for Mary at Ephesus.

Christ did not interfere with the I AM of Lazarus, but Christ as an authorized HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, as the central moral force of the Zodiac Itself, from which our I am is modeled, was morally authorized by the FATHER BEINGS, and the fact that HE is the COSMIC I AM, to lawfully introduce and integrate the first principals of the Higher Development of the School of the Lamb to those ready and ripe enough in humanity to receive it.

The Core of the I AM and the heart of Freedom

“Christ acted through a deed, and when this deed spread through the world, He was not any more physically present. This is the great difference between the Christ and the other great founders of religions. This difference is not at all understood as yet, but is essential. You can follow all the teachings of Christianity, all that is preached as Christianity, and you can find it all in other religious systems. This cannot be denied. You can say: ‘All the essential part of Christian teaching is included in other teachings.’ But has Christianity been operative in the contents of its teaching? He who at first did what was most essential towards spreading the essence of Christianity, did he rely on its teaching?

Risen Christ Statue of Representative of Humanity Goetheanum“Look at the Apostle Paul! Was he transformed from a Saul to a Paul by what is written in the Gospels? He persecuted the followers of Christ Jesus. He persecuted them until He who died on the Cross appeared to him from the clouds, until he, Paul, had his own personal occult experience of the fact that Christ lived. It was the effect of that death, the result of that deed, which gave the impulse to Paul, this was the cause of it all.

“Other religious systems act through their teachings, and their teachings are the same as in Christianity, but the essential thing in Christianity is not the teaching, but what happened, the deed. And this deed is such that it does not act upon man except when man makes up his mind to let it act upon him, that is, when it can be joined to the absolutely free character of his ‘Ego.’ For it is not sufficient that the Christ should be present in the man’s astral body, He must be present in his ‘EGO,’ if He is to be really understood. And the Ego must decide in complete freedom, voluntarily, to receive the Christ.

“This it is with which we are concerned, this is the point. Just because of this, the human Ego, when it unites with the Christ, receives into itself a reality, a divine force which is not a mere teaching. Therefore it can be asserted a hundred times that the teachings of Christianity are to be found in other religions, but this is not the question; the fact is that the essential thing in Christianity is the deed which can become one’s own possession only through free will, through a voluntary ascent into the higher worlds. Man takes the Christ-force into himself, because he voluntarily receives it, and no one can receive it who does not do so voluntarily. This has only been made possible for man because he has become human upon earth, because he was called to grow into man on earth.”

In this, our 3rd essay of examining the progression from our current 5th Age of Pisces to the coming 6th Age of the Waterbearer, when the Sun shall rise in the Spring, in Aquarius, Age of America 3 6th Age of Aquariuswe examined briefly, and you may look back on what Novalis thought of Fichte. Fichte was presenting the I AM problems and Novalis took note of it. Novalis recognized Fichte and his impulse. Novalis, Fichte and Holderlin had dinner together. But in Fichte we have the stimulation of the I AM and it stirs in the depths of Novalis. Americans love to read Nietzsche for the dark brooding tragedy of nihilism but Fichte and “The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity” by Steiner apparently aren’t dangerous or brooding enough.

The issue of the Freedom of the I AM, the core of our Being to choose to recognize, in Freedom, a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING and in that recognition, look into the Place – Time – Impulse – Deed and qualities of that HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING is mostly above and beyond our Attention Span Deficit desire for distraction. Mostly, we cannot accept looking through the lens of a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING and equating that directly to gifts and attributes of the Christ Being. Why should we? There are far more interesting Beings nosing around humanity, why would anyone explore the unknown country of the I AM?

We have shown, generally that most of us wouldn’t be interested in the Cosmic I AM that walked the Earth for THREE YEARS with us. Mainly because there are hundreds of other Entities and Beings, and Higher Dimensional Beings that are more than ready to over-ride our undeveloped Consciousness Soul, over-ride our undeveloped and dormant Spirit-Self and over-ride the Budhi forces of our undeveloped  “I AM GROOT.” Plus there are seductive, pleasurable and convenient human beings who make a far more immediate appeal to our attention.

When we finally take an interest in our I AM, which is the humble nuclear core of our immortality, we discover the hidden country of the I AM. The hidden outline, scaffolding, structure of the plateaus’ and foothills of the lofty nine-fold structure of the human being is a hidden vessel and vehicle as well. It is designed for Devachan potential to explore the vast regions of the other Families of Sophia, the other Star Colonies, outside of our Zodiacal Embryo. We have hardly even begun to explore the complexities, potentials, that lay hidden in our complex construction. The power source and Core of our own vessel reveals the potent Love and Freedom force and factoring that is situated in the very core of the I AM.  It is the I AM alone, when we discover it, which allows us the Freedom to become Conscious Immortal Star Beings.

How would we rank Aristotle or Paul or Rudolf Steiner in relation to the I AM? I can tell you that Fichte was a part of it. I can tell you that Christian Rosenkreuz counted on Rudolf Steiner to do what Paul, the son of Apollo, could do, would do and did. What is missing is that the solid foundations of the Science that Aristotle prepared and the Science of the Spiritual World, with the human I AM dead center within it, and the Hierarchies that Rudolf Steiner researched with diligence, was truly inspired by Novalis, Goethe, Fichte, CR and He who grounded Ahura Mazdao in the body of Jesus.

Fichte and the Depth of the I AM in Johannine Christianity (WORTHWHILE CLICK LINK)

There are, in the insignificant daily routines of any one of our incarnations, afforded opportunities to meet, pass by and encounter many different people in the Time Streaming Events of our lives. The Consciousness Soul period of the 5th Age of Pisces allowed humanity to connect to far flung intimate connections over the whole planet. It became the rarest thing to never venture outside of a small village or town. In the Consciousness Soul we were afforded the opportunity to become global citizens. We could easily say like Saul Goodman, the dodgy criminal lawyer in the excellent Breaking Bad, “Let’s just say I know a guy, who knows a guy – who knows another guy”.

Which means that Initiates make an effort to find each other, help each other and be a stimulus to each other, but leave each other free, because by the nature of their I AM they will appreciate and bring to the light details that an Aristotle, St. Paul, St. John, Zarathustra and Rudolf Steiner would all mutually recognize.Steiner facing Risen Etheric Christ Who would be capable of making a facial recognition, stand eye to eye and create a portrait of a Higher Dimensional Being?

It would not be easy, or even possible for many of us to see into the Being of the Cosmic I AM and have His features, captured, extracted from the reverberating dimensions of the Etheric Worlds and sucked into dense Space. To have the artistic clarity, sincerity and audacity to capture and hold for humanity to witness, the reverberating BEING OF THE RISEN ETHERIC CHRIST who moves through the Etheric Worlds of Earth even now, would be a living testimony to the hopes of human cognition. (LINK EMIL BOCK precise picturing of Etheric Christ) [The Rhythm of the Christian Year, pp. 16-17] The will-forces become an EYE to see the Risen Etheric Christ.

We cannot easily acknowledge or permit our recognition to give validity to super-sensible cognition used in this manner without having had the rigorous Higher Dimensional Training required. And we can’t accept that most of us don’t have a HIGHER EDUCATION that includes OBJECTIVE SUPER-SENSIBLE COGNITION. We consider ourselves smart, intellectually bright, cunning with an above average intelligence and holding exceptional honors in our various endeavors. But we haven’t yet even come close to embracing the GREAT SCHOOL OF HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS that we are in.

So in our humble walks of life, in the quiet slumber where the astral body is fully awake, or as with Steiner, taking a train to Vienna, he met a man who knew a man that would have a profound influence on his life. Steiner met Felix Koguzki on a train. We find ourselves on the Earth at say, 18 or 19 years old (click link). Things happen on Earth that cannot happen after death. We meet someone, who knows someone or we have a ten minute conversation with a stranger and our entire world changes. We discussed this in Part 1 as the Ancient Mariner syndrome.

You may meet the Carpathian Master Jesus, you may meet Christian Rosenkreuz. We cross paths on Earth and in our Time Spent on Earth we may never know who was great, quiet and hidden. But we leap out of our seats to get an autograph, a picture taken with some superficial ‘flavor of the moment’ media superstar. We’ve all met dozens of these on our travels on Earth. Our Time on Earth is designed with star rhythms and human biography. We pay not one fiddle of attention to the patterns of human biography. (Click Link)

The Christ’s Time on Earth in a physical body, which was for only THREE YEARS, the deeds done, the people permanently changed, the very core of Earth Destiny Awakened, were literally buried by history.  His biography and our biographies include all the same starry patterns and rhythms (click link). TIME AND DESTINY on Earth is where each and every I AM is given absolutely NEW OPPORTUNITIES. And we may smirk about that, but it is well above petty comprehension.

And there are such people around us all the time. Some are visible and some don’t need to be physically visible who are there. Age of America Interstellar Library past present future poltergeistCooper in “Interstellar” is trapped in the Akashic Library of his daughter like a seance ghost knocking books off the shelves while he is suspended in Akashic Time. Cooper wanted to save the Earth, perhaps even find a New Earth and was caught in a higher TIME DIMENSION, unprepared, without the developed higher faculties that are required, trying to link-up to his daughter in the past. It was a bold attempt by Christopher Nolan to redefine the term Ghost.

In an operative HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING, say for instance Christ making direct contact with St. Paul, would certainly allow the Initiate St. Paul to develop the future capacities to see what he saw when the Risen Christ spoke directly to him. To apprehend and hold for a moment The Risen Etheric Christ, to see and be seen is an enormous TIME DISPENSATION. Risen Etheric Christ portraitTo make a physical, three dimensional portrait and bust of enormous Beings, to hold the image of The Risen Etheric Christ, the portrait of Ahriman and the portrait of Lucifer, using higher capacities of spirit initiation, allows us to ponder cognitive clarity as a manifestation of higher initiation.

But it is uncommon to recognize an Initiate working for the Cosmic I AM, the Christ, who has had vivid Close Encounters and has earned the ability to outline, sculpt, shape in Space what was apprehended in precise spiritual cognition. We can count six or seven face to face encounters that occurred through the disciples themselves, including Mary Magdalene’s encounter. It requires a more than passing interest in St. Paul, Aristotle, St. John, Goethe and Novalis to experience the Aristotelian discipline and schooling it takes to explore and lay the foundations for the Science of Higher Dimensional Beings. It would be very hard to find someone who can describe the I AM in all it’s humble vulnerability and all it’s cosmic magnitude. Near impossible.

It is one thing to Grapple with the Monsters of the American Psyche, to recognize a mafia don and show respect, it is altogether another thing to recognize an Initiate who doesn’t ever have to reveal her/his identity, resume or biography. It is absolutely another thing altogether for Education, Intelligence, Culture, Math, Medicine, Embryology, Astronomy and Physics to stand and face a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING. It certainly didn’t and doesn’t appear in a nice easy to digest package, I mean no alien space ship abducts you. There is no “THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL”. No “klaatu barada nikto” (Click Link). Our subjective egotism always tends to get in the wayBut we all suspect correctly that there are HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS.

Now let us place the current problem of Autistic Children in the context of highly complex Etheric, Astral and Devachan awakenings, devastatingly intruding and massively disorientating Astral Events based on intense fields of intimate astral proximity. It is one thing to gradually gain KNOWLEDGE OF THE HIGHER WORLDS and learn to order the intangible multi-dimensional fields of Higher Astral Devachan and Budhi fields; it is altogether a different matter to be prematurely subjected, impacted by streams, rip-tides and overwhelming astral and etheric currents which the child or the I AM of a human being cannot, has not been trained to sort out.Age of America premature autistic field of forces foreshadowing spirit-self

Certain Pharmaceutical Entities shatter, unlock and open these gateways, establishing leaks, premature eyes, in the astral and etheric membrane of that which invisibly surrounds the human being. Yes by and large we blundered in and caused these deviations and disorientations in our children through vaccines. But what is triggered and what has been triggered by our blundering intrusions and meddling with vaccines and ENTITIES (see Part 2) in the pharmaceutical markets has forced a premature, higher dimensional capacity to impact with tremendous force, our children’s astral and etheric systems.

Jake and the Fourth Dimension

Patterns, orders of things, etheric precise stability rituals, are etheric frameworks that the austistic child requires to even hold onto the stability of what we take for granted as incarnation normality. The Autistic Child is subject to an already, premature expanse into lofty regions of math, of savant number systems, RAINMAN, with Dustin Hoffman, rolling Devachan Thunder impacts which require institutional psychiatric monitoring. Such a cancelled series “TOUCH” were exploring regions of NEW DEVACHAN CAPACITIES, intruding into our children and our culture in a mass, crude, pharmaceutical invasion of ENTITIES into our children’s psychic cohesion. Premature ‘Eyes’ into the higher devachan worlds is part of the disorientating inflow stretching the astral bodies of children with autism. If we mature and grow into these higher modalities of astral capacities consciously, and not chaotically, it requires us to come to terms with higher dimensions and devachan ‘Eyes’ that are starting to form in our unconscious epidemic disguised as autism. (Autism and Music click link)

How do we TOUCH the Christ Events?  (See and Watch DEAD ZONE)

“…the movie itself is all about Johnny’s struggles to come to terms with his new life, a new life which includes a frightening power to see into the past and future of those whom he physically TOUCHES.”

Things drift before our eyes and we don’t make the connections. What Higher Capacities are impacting our autistic children? What Higher Capacities does Stephen King sometimes TOUCH upon (CLICK LINK)? Well the evaluation of proximity, TOUCH and the events surrounding Christ on Earth, must and are literally rattling around in our brains. We retreat and recoil from examining them, but Spiritual Science logically examines the states of Higher Consciousness and stages of Higher Development that will come upon us as the 6th Age approaches. These are facts not fantasies.

We have had to say, for our own good, that these things we are presenting are repugnant, dangerous, perilous and irreconcilable. What happens appropriately is that events hit an individual and suddenly an astonishing, often tragic intersection of circumstances, briefly and suddenly awaken us. Paul at Damascus got a pretty hefty shock to his system which entails Spiritual Catharsis or Initiation.

But what is truly dangerous is not reckoning with our repulsion. With suddenly seeing our own horror and what fear and darkness we hide and what resides beneath our inner beings. Age of America 2 worship of the demons of tortureThe grotesque horror, the extreme force, by which our minds recoil, gives us an instant taste of the true psychotic dangers lurking within us. That is a big, big unrecognized problem.

These very preliminary thoughts, which are just words, when considered concretely, scientifically, and religiously represent the very nightmares of Power, of Religious abuse, of the creation of Scientific monstrosities. Political tyrants and maniacs can be so furious about the infringement into what they thought was their EGO reign of ONE LIFE TO LEAD ravenousness, that we can be seized by a horror and terror that is literal occult rage. That potent, intense occult road rage, when it bursts forth from within us is the very foundation of THE HORROR – THE HORROR (See Part 1). These are the raging demons we refused to tame. By considering the deepest events of the Soul and Spirit on Earth we can be utterly shattered by our denials, our terrors, our fears and overwhelmed above and beyond anything we have known in philosophy, psychology, exorcism or political science. We can be possessed with an Elemental Fury.

The Dead Zone (click link) is all about this sudden intrusion of higher dimensional faculties that are latent in EVERY HUMAN BEING. And these capacities are part of normal human spiritual development that we insist on denying. These faculties will force their appearance in us and through us.

Distortions we gladly entertain, but seeing the clear parallels to the Christ Being, nah, we’d rather not. No thanks, I’ll pass. These parallels and undercurrent intuitions are everywhere and in everything we seek. And Ahrimanic Beings want to make sure these forces remain outside of the precincts of our common sense. In other words, as higher faculties intrude, appear and arise, Ahrimanic Beings will medicate, control and suppress them. (But use them for manipulation in secret)

It is one thing to piddle around and avoid the layer of observation that relates to what our children and we are unable as yet to handle and what the Christ Being Observed. These higher rung of capacities are coming, in-streaming whether we like it or not or are prepared to be honest about them or not. Vaccines aided and abetted intrusional future forces to impact our children unprepared. We and Entities did this.

Rudolf Steiner

“What, then, is the significance of Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy in the life of the present day, in addition to all that has been said? Through Anthroposophy we become able to use in the right way the organ that will be developed in human beings of the future, the organ for the remembering of former lives on Earth. In our present incarnation we must inscribe in the Akasha-substance the knowledge we acquire in order that in our next incarnation we may be able to use this organ — which is developing in man whether he wishes it or not. In the future there will be men who are able to use this organ for remembering past lives, and others who are not able. Certain illnesses will appear in the latter, owing to the presence in their physical bodies of an organ which they are unable to use. To have an organ and be unable to use it gives rise to nervous diseases in a very definite form, and those that will be caused in cases of this kind will be far worse than any yet known to man.” (CLICK LINK)

What we may observe from the events of such a Lofty Being, as the Christ, who walked with humanity, and held a clear handle on vast higher faculties of Devachan and Astral regions, and could move and influence vast regions of Life and the Etheric worlds, gives us goofy, fundamental, dogmatic religious timidity. It also spins us around and makes us sick to our stomach. Our Consciousness Soul must enter the Eye of the Storm.

There is a science of the HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEING of humanity, and regardless of religion and the god of materialism, that science applies to us and to the Christ Being and the Hierarchies. It also makes us scientifically recoil from the clear cut physics structures operative in our Astral and Etheric and I AM systems. Our materialistic stable foundations are shaken to their roots. We need the precise scaffolding that give us Spirit-Self attributes, Life-Spirit and in the far, far future, Atma or Spirit-Man faculties. (Click Link) Super Man/Woman can wait till we all get a bit more grounded in ourselves.

We know, beyond a doubt that Spirit-Self and Life-Spirit or Budhi advanced human capacities were operative in the Christ Being and it was merely a matter of proximity and TOUCH, where the tangible identity, karmic field, cosmic history and Time Dilation were immediate impressions. These immediate impressions literally impacted, from OUTSIDE, the immense field of observations, connections, immediate geographic streaming that IS the ordered LOGOS, and COSMIC I AM that the Christ carried in His Aura while on the Earth for THREE YEARS.

We are hard pressed to examine this Budhi and higher cognitive Spirit-Self clarity of the Christ – HERE (click link). With an epidemic of autism we have already been forced to leap into these future Astral and Etheric consciousness capacities, unprepared. All we have to show for it is a T-Shirt “I had Autism Before Spirit-Self was Cool”. These crude, cartoonish takes, on literal Higher Dimensional leaps, are actually realities and stages of Higher Initiation that are trampled on in the mob rush for Big Pharma and psycho-babble simplifications. (Crude Example) We rarely ever want to deal with redefining normal. Normal are full attributes of a SEVENFOLD BEING we carry. Ahriman wants to shrink and conceal what is human, Lucifer wants to inflate and expand what is human and Christ offers Central Cosmic Stability and BALANCE, an equipoise to the foundations of our humanity.

A lofty being, whose lowest member was MANAS, fully developed plateau of cosmic Spirit-Self, couldn’t incarnate as a little human baby. Such a Being, and here is where our maturity crashes into our repulsion, had to have an already developed human being who had arrived at the borders of Spirit-Self.Baptism of John Ninetta Sombart A human being had to have reached a certain plateau of development in order to effectively bring a lofty higher dimensional Being into the I AM or sheath of a human being. Maturity? Well we have to squirm a bit and reset a few items that were very justified for a certain period of time. No baby, no child could have received a Being of such magnitude that Cosmic Spirit-Self was it’s lowest member.

Maturity arises in the School of Sophia and the Lamb of God when we begin critically assessing the powerful construction of our physical bodies, our etheric bodies, our astral bodies that are all highly complex designed fields, standard issue for every member of the Tenth Hierarchy. Standard issue of all those who have been given the opportunity of carrying a germinal I AM.

When we start with all that we refuse to know about our Etheric Body, that we refuse to know about reincarnation and Time wrapped up as a gift in our hearts, our TRANSIT SYSTEM, and what we carry upwards with us after death, as the Astral Fruit of our Incarnations; and what the difference is between our strutting ego and personality and the emancipated, immortality of our I AM, running in TIME with Earth and our Zodiacal and Planetary family, we come to recognize that a human child could not receive a Being of the magnitude of Cosmic Manas.

Humanity, specifically THE TWO JESUS CHILDREN, and specifically Zarathustra/Jesus had to prepare the reception of the Chirst. Where did you do your residency? Are you a qualified physician? Did Christ do His active residency as a professional Higher Dimensional Being in a small district of Earth?

Did Christ effectively act as an unpaid physician, unapproved by the authorities and the law of the Pharisee’s and Doctors of Hebrew Science? Had Christ recognized candidates for advanced treatment, who were capable of becoming future physicians of the soul, spirit and physical body? Did Christ recognize karmic ailments? Did Christ in His Residency in the tiny district of Palestine effectively transform medical treatment to conform with our Etheric body, our Astral body, our I AM, our Spirit-Self, our Life-Spirit and our Spirit-Man potentials?Age of America 3 Residency on Earth as Physician


:  a period of advanced medical training and education that normally follows graduation from medical school and licensing to practice medicine and that consists of supervised practice of a specialty in a hospital and in its outpatient department.

Which also meant that the I AM of Jesus/Zarathustra, the Nathan Jesus, voluntarily left the advanced base of Spirit-Self he had prepared, in order to make room for the Christ to actively pursue His Earthly Residency. The Christ entered His Residency at the biographical, numerical TIME MOMENT of Saturn, at the Baptism when Jesus reached his 30th year.

“Maybe we’ve spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory. Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.” ~ Amelia Brand

Let’s return before we conclude this 6th Age, Spirit-Self study, to reading how Christopher Nolan opens the window to Akashic Time Streams locked in the Heart. Since the majority of humanity are too preoccupied to pay attention to how “Interstellar” blunders, stumbles and presents us with the riddle of Akashic Time Streams swirling in the Folded Fields of Each of our Hearts, we have to pause the tape.

When Space and Time are folded in the Heart (Click Link), how do we arrive at an approximation that encompasses the bands of TIME that are running like rapid rivers through our human hearts? How do we slow them up? How do we read them? Do we enter into absolutely New Dimensions of our Being? Can we locate the Karma of Humanity and our specific portion of the voice, the action, the imprinted Akashic Ether Memory that rolls back beyond ancient Egypt in the past and flies forwards into future karmic compensations and reconciliations in the future?

Yes that is exactly what THE KARMA LECTURES by Rudolf Steiner are about. But by physics and psychology we’re no longer in Kansas we have together walked out there with Christopher Nolan and with Rudolf Steiner out into a deep Embryological Mystery that arises in the New Human Heart. We certainly have discovered one of the major secrets of the 6th Age. Approximately how does such a place of streaming Akashic Time Streams Look that are folded into our human hearts?Age of America 3 the Torque of Time and Karma Streams in the Human Heart

Since none of us are acutely aware of what Akashic Time Streams are, how Earth, each human being has imprinted themselves into the Akashic substance or, as we generally don’t care and don’t pay much attention we certainly wouldn’t be able to enjoy the ending of “Interstellar” nor could we find the framework of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS and ourselves who are all growing toward the sensitive reading of the Akashic Time Streams running through each of our human hearts. It amounts to paying attention or not paying attention.

Reading the Akashic Time Streams

“Before Cooper departs on his mission to the wormhole, Murph tells him that she has decoded more morse code communicated via her magic bookshelf by Mr. Mxyzptlk. The message reads: “STAY.” Cooper assures Murph that ghosts aren’t real, even if fifth dimensional beings are definitely real, and leaves.

Interstellar happens. Then, on the far end of the galaxy, Cooper goes into the black hole Gargantua. Once he is inside this black hole, Cooper finds himself in a “tesseract,” which is essentially the back side of his daughter’s bookcase. But it’s the back side of every single moment in time that his daughter’s bookcase has ever existed. Cooper is told by helpful robot buddy Tars that Mr. Mxyzptlk built this magical Infinite Bookshelf, so that Cooper could communicate with his daughter at the start of the movie. Cooper: “I was the ghost all along!”

“The first thing that Cooper communicates to his daughter is the coordinates of the NASA space station—which means that the plot of Interstellar is a closed-circle time loop…

“While he’s inside of the Tesseract, Cooper also has an epiphany. The fifth dimensional beings are not aliens; the fifth dimensional beings are humans from the far, far, far future, who have evolved beyond the limits of the third dimension. These far future humans are now helping to create themselves by giving humanity the wormhole to a new galaxy.”

Age of America 3 inside the Akashic Time Streams of the Heart 1 Interstellar

Rudolf Steiner on the Heart (See Link)

“…suppose that the tiniest dwarf imaginable is put in the human heart. Try to realize that what the dwarf sees within the heart is the complete inverted image of the universe, contracted and synthesized. This is perhaps purely a picture, a kind of imagination. But if rightly conceived and taken up, it can work as an orderly regulative picture, a regulative principle, that is able to guide us…”

A higher dimensional Tesseract and reading the infinite streams of the Akashic Library of the STREAMS OF TIME running through the higher dimension of the human heart is where “Interstellar” and Spiritual Science meet presently.Interstellar the Cross of Time We can see a CROSS an INTERSECTION where SPACE and TIME INTERSECT.

When we consider the ROSE CROSS, which takes a considerable amount of TIME to practice, we are looking at the exercise of the ROSE CROSS as an Initiation invitation towards our future, that we plant now. How does our Higher Being Recover and Resurrect us?

In the future we may get the strength of will to re-awaken SEVEN HIGHER FIELDS OF FORCES that appear growing from the Dead Wood of the Cross. In the future, the distant future, to give developed forces of our own to those who need it, will be a real transaction. This REAL TRANSACTION is part of how we conceive the Rose Cross meditation.

It also gives us a hint into something which is truly humbling, truly humbling. The future ability to lay down our lives and literally re-grow portions of ourselves, not physically, or genetically. Although we may chase regrowing limbs and pieces of flesh, that is not what is implied here. What is implied is what SYSTEMS RESTORATION of our higher beings can be amplified by entering the SPIRIT-SELF Schooling we have been discussing here.

Here is a Rose, I give it to you. Age of America 3 Rose Replenishment sacrifice and regrowing higher forces through the I AMI plucked it from my own Garden. But I have the ability to grow New Roses. To offer pieces and parts of ourselves the way the Cosmic Manas, the Cosmic Sophia, the Cosmic Spirit-Self, that the Christ had as part of His own Being, is an INVITATION an acceptance letter to the Great School of Sophia and the Holy Ghost. It is our invitation to the Wedding.

Christ gave His Own Cosmic Sophia, the highest Manas of Sophia and the Word to St. John to cultivate for humanity on Earth. This was a Graduate Gift of His very own Starry Sophia, Holy Spirit, Love Science that permeates the Star Colonies and Star Citizens, which is also the preliminary schooling required to enter the objective Graduate and Masters program of Higher Dimensional Beings. The 6th Age of Spirit-Selfhood begins that process.

The ROSE CROSS is an unexpected miracle from the Curriculum Studies of Christian Rosenkreuz. It’s materialistic shadow is regrowing and immortality of the flesh, literally over-riding the I AM and asking Ahriman to turn stones into bread.

John 10: Verses 11 to 18

17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

Therefore a future, powerful force of Will/Spirit accumulates over TIME with the ROSE CROSS and human Initiation on THE CROSS OF TIME AND SPACE.

We have in Part 1 and here discussed the NEW EXPLORERS that are developing the capacities and insights to start to explore the vast School of Sophia and the Higher Dimensional Beings that are our ancestors.

Our steps into the deeper regions of Higher Spiritual Beings who helped launch our Earth System in the Nursery of the Star forces of Sophia, intimately require developing and understanding higher regions of human consciousness. Often these initial bursts of higher consciousness, overwhelm human beings. We have been looking at the 5th Age of the Consciousness Soul; the 6th Age of our Spirit-Self; and finally for this research, the 7th Age where we begin some work on Life-Spirit or Budhi higher development.

The future can break-in on the present in sometimes a most disturbing manner. A steady conscious schooling and preparation, given the wild, wild frontiers of experimentation, science, pharmaceutical intrusions and the already malicious attacks from various entities, opens all of humanity and our children to distortions, dis-orientations and distractions. Welcome to the Wild-Wild-West!!! Nothing like the smell of Freedom and crashing the karmic Time Vehicle on the curves of the universe.

In “Interstellar” we brush the walls of Time, pretend ourselves into a Tesseract, wormhole, and find ourselves in the streaming time dimension of the Akashic Heart,Interstellar higher dimensional akashic time streaming akashic records of time that has been known for as long as Earth has had Higher Schools of Initiation. What was rare, was to have it pictured for a moment, however inaccurate it is, the rarity was that someone attempted to imagine how it might look and how it might work.

But that does bring us into the higher metamorphosis of our Hearts. Embryology, as actual Quantum Physics,  squeezing the higher values of Time into an intimate Sun Organ, an eye into the streaming TIME LAWS of past karma – present human relationships and our FREEDOM to change future events are part of our SPIRIT-SELF, 6th Age, advanced karmic relationships studies. Posing that question, “What if George Bailey had never been born?” What if the Beatles had never been born? Forces that shape TIME, what if Zarathustra had never been born as the Matthew Jesus child? What if Herod had succeeded in his “Slaughter of the Innocents” by murdering the TWO JESUS CHILDREN? Momentous Revelations of TIME, are what each of us are.

A vast Transit System from a Spiritual World with lofty Higher Beings funneled down into three dimensional space and into the tiniest folds of our human hearts are the new quantum physics. embryo and stars Steiner CosmosophyWhen we fully grasp the fetus and Embryo in the shape of the reduced picture of the Zodiac we are startled to find that when we seek to penetrate the fully developed, hardened adult skeleton, we have before us the Cosmic Seed of the Phantom that was planted in Ancient Saturn. By relinquishing our skeleton we know death. Equally in our study of the mysteries of Space and Time, we find captured in the region of our HEARTS and the vast circulation of our I AM blood system, the hidden mysteries of TIME and KARMA.

Yes, we have FOUR CHAMBERS OF OUR HUMAN HEARTS, with a developing  FIFTH CHAMBER in the making. We get this TESSERACT Cube, Cross, inside-out effect that reverberates in the folded TIME CONSTRUCT of our human four chambered hearts.Age of America 3 Four Chambered Heart inversion of Time and Karma ( CLICK LINK COMPARE) The Cross of Time and an attempt to fathom a 5th dimension wrapped inside the folds of our four chambered hearts, appears for a brief moment. But we are not supposed to make the intimate connections to human physiology, embryology and the complex mysteries of Time and Space.

Our universities and professors constantly shatter crystal clear insights against the brick wall of materialism. You’re left with shattered fragments of disconnected divinity, with clarity, purpose and common sense,  all shattered in shards on the floor. Here’s your degree, you passed the exams and can now be a blind materialist.

But our opaque density, generally refuses and resists, literally balks at our equating such advanced mathematical theories with the vast dimensions and designs folded in our human hearts or the lofty, advanced capacities of Angels, of Archangels and Archai.  We constantly find ourselves at a loss in trying to define HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS.

Age of America 3 A little piece of my heart brought from time into spaceWe find ourselves trying to awaken in an advanced School of Star studies yet unable to grasp our own embryological TRANSIT SYSTEM. The Design of Interstellar and the Design of the folded dimensions of TIME in our human hearts are part of the same staggering REAL TRANSIT SYSTEM. (CLICK LINK COMPARE) Steiner was correct, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Time Travel and Embryology are all tied together.

The formation of HUMAN FREEDOM and LOVE as a gift from Earth Evolution is decidedly a Cosmic as well as a Human problem. Human Freedom and Love are built into the absolute structure and design of our Solar System. We have tried to get our heads around the asteroid belt, a destroyed planet, and the function and meaning of our tiny Solar System. This cosmology and tale includes most everything and everybody.

Unless we arrive at the central carrier force of the I AM in our little corner of the cosmos, ‘ it would seem like a tremendous waste of Space’. It would seem, by looking out at the vast Starry Systems that we should underestimate or overestimate the potentials we all experience in HUMAN FREEDOM and LOVE. Materialism and insincerity prevent us from approaching the reasoning woven in the tale behind our little corner of the Stars. How will you explain to Stephen Hawking and NASA, that we’re tiny seeds in the nursery of Sophia, where our own specific Zodiacal Guardians agreed to take on, inaugurate a new brand of creation?

As already stated through all that we have presented as research so far, it is an abhorrent, deeply rooted rage ravaged reality of denial to certify and clarify the DESTINY OF HUMANITY in this tiny Star Colony. It is unacceptable for us to soberly consider the foundations of Human Freedom, the realty of our Solar System and HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS as part of the real estate and kit and kaboodle of our ‘little place’ in what we have come to consider as INFINITE SPACE.

Light years, Time Travel, Akashic time streams, our answer by the majority, by our university gurus, like Stephen Hawking, tends to conform to our current brain patterns, brain dogmas, religious dogmas, NASA dogmas that have stuck to us like wing ripping torments of sticky flypaper. So let us define how our Solar System was actually formed with the aid of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS and how we were gifted with Evil in our foundations, with the lofty expectations of the possibility of representing FREEDOM and LOVE as an entirely new brand and branch of Divine Creator Beings.

How Human Freedom and Love transcends Angelic Obedience (beginning of Part 2 Angel vs Human standpoint) to the very highest Beings who serve THE GODHEAD, is part of the tale of our Astronomy, our Physics, our Quantum Mechanics, our Sci-Fi fantasies, our studies in orbital and planetary laws and the very foundations of The Transit System of true Occult Embryology. But why would Aristotle, Christopher Nolon, Einstein, St. John, Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan, Rod Serling, and a thousand other storytellers, sci-fi writers and film makers be passionately interested in how FREEDOM and LOVE are part of the birth-right of the story of Earth? Because it IS.


“Thus in Man, we have a member of the Hierarchies who, as we see, is very distinct from the other members. We see that man’s position is different from that of the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, the Spirits of Wisdom, of Motion and of Form, and different too from the Spirits of Personality, from the Fire Spirits the Archangels and from some of the Angels. He can say to himself, looking into the future: ‘I am called on to search in my own inmost depths, for that which gives me the impulse for my actions — I do not receive it from gazing on the Godhead like the Seraphim, but from the innermost depth of my own being.’”

We are stuck in delusional materialistic myths of how our Solar System evolved. Looking down upon Stone, Plants, Animals, we can testify and clearly comprehend that neither the animals, the plants or the stones, can claim to have been given a skeletal and PHANTOM BODY, that is hidden in the upright skeletal system humanity owns. (We shall look directly at the INSECT kingdom in the 4th part where we explore the 7th Age) What has been beyond our obvious considerations are the THREE PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF EARTH, prior to our current Earth.

Fourfold Human system Florian SydowHuman Beings had this PHANTOM BODY, planted into it at the very foundations of creation. That is why on our present Earth we can say clearly that Humanity was designed ahead of the animals, plants and stones because we bear within us a Form Force PHANTOM BODY, that was hidden in the very bones of our upright skeletal systems.

In the very beginning of Part 2, the very first lines, it was understood that as Ancient Saturn first formed, ringed round it, were the vast Community of the Star Colonies of the Constellations. These TWELVE Colonies of Stars each contributed, from their own Beings, offered from their own Beings, TWELVE ATTRIBUTES that would be the germinating TWELVE-FOLD Phantom Body and Spiritual blueprint that would allow an entire New Genesis, an entirely new co-operative collaboration that would launch the first Immortal Model and vehicle for, US. Age of America 3 Ancient Saturn skeleton and Phantom bodyIt was a dawning celebration that TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS joined together to contribute and bestow the foundations for a New Genesis that we are obliged to carry to completion. Part of that process finds us with a dense framework on Earth, called our skeleton. We are designed to carry that TWELVE FOLD CONSTRUCT to the revelation of Spirit-Man. Through the unfolding of our I AM we shall eventually extract from the skeleton the lofty germinal vehicle of the Immortal Phantom Body.

So our materialistic myths cannot account for the difference and the similarities from the capacities of animals, from the capacities of plants and the capacities of stones. These differences are in precisely FOUR STEPS and FOUR phases, FOUR sweeping gigantic previous evolution’s of our current Earth. Sorry to burst our bubble, but in the School of Sophia and the Stars there will be a full SEVEN PHASES, we are at the FOURTH.Age of America 3 Saturn - Sun - Moon - Earth Matryoshka of stone, plant, animal, and I AMOur teaching and our university studies require an upgrade that determines what nature has as observable attributes. The humble stone, the etheric, lymphatic plant, the astral, nervous system species type animal and the I AM bearing human being which are here simply presented in MATRYOSHKA models.

Where Ancient Saturn, Ancient Sun, Ancient Moon and our current Earth Phase has collected before our eyes, various phases and levels of development in nature that are consolidated in the Human Being, we can start with US in Ancient Saturn at the far right in the above Matryoshka models. We were in the original plan. (Click Saturn study second 1/2) We are in the Fourth and we will be DIVINE CREATOR BEINGS by the Seventh, moving in the above Matryoshka model from our right to our left.

old saturn, sun, moon and Earth Evolution of the I AMEarth, our current position in the nursery of our Solar System and our Zodiac is currently, while we go to the moon, travel in space, communicate by satellite, build our cities and are eaten alive by Lofty Beings who presume we are lunch meat they can abuse, has gone through THREE PREVIOUS PHASES and stages of development. We may see those stages of development above from left to right. In each stage, Humanity gained an entirely new capacity.

That is exactly why materialistic science is becoming progressively obsolete and will become dangerous and useless. Regardless of whether we like it or not, this tiny nursery of our Solar System in the Star Family, our Earth and US will go through SEVEN IMMENSE COSMIC PHASES, LESSONS AND MIRACLES. Materialistic Science has failed to grasp that there are THREE COMPLETE stages and phases below Humanity that are trailing behind, incomplete, but sharing the journey that was started with the inauguration and creation of Humanity.

Below our feet are mineral, plant and animal joiners.They are part of the residue it took to craft and create us. Because the orbit of Saturn is part of every human biography, and Saturn marks the periphery where the Genesis of Humanity, where our inception was inaugurated, we can clearly name the first genesis Ancient Saturn Evolution.

It is name specific and includes concretely the defining gifts we still receive from Saturn when we incarnate. These are facts that cannot be dismissed. Even the structure of our Vowels goes out to Saturn in the vowel ‘ UH ‘ but there are no vowels or human biographical TIME PATTERNS locked into Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. On Ancient Saturn, the genesis of humanity were all imbued with a grotesque cosmic riddle. We were being primed and prepared to be saddled with, FREEDOM, LOVE and were given the foundational super-model (the cosmic seed planted in Ancient Saturn) our Zodiacal PHANTOM BODY.

Neptune – Uranus – Pluto

“Beings who are active within the whole expanse of our planetary system are developing further, so also are the Beings outside our system, those who are sending in their influence from surrounding spaces. As some of the surrounding Beings withdrew, so did also some of the Beings who were outside in universal spaces; some of these also withdrew; and as Jupiter contracted, something was also withdrawn by the Beings who retired, something which had nothing to do with our evolution at all, but which along with the withdrawing Beings formed first Uranus, and then Neptune during the Mars development. The names of Uranus and Neptune were, of course, not chosen to suit the subjects in the way the Ancients chose names; although in the name Uranus some meaning still is left; it was given when people still had some feeling for the meaning of names; therefore, all that lies outside our circle was generically called Uranus.

Age of America 3 Asteroid Uranus, Neptune, Saturn Jupiter Mars division“Thus we see that the two planets which our astronomers of the present day consider as having the same significance as the other planets stand on a totally different footing, and fundamentally speaking have nothing to do with the creation of our world; they represent those worlds which have come into existence because Beings who, during the Saturn period, still had something to do with us, have withdrawn and have found their places of habitation outside our world. We shall gather other facts from this, for instance, that those planets have retrograding moons, and so on.”

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program with some Astronomical History of the Origins of Freedom and Evil, within our Solar System. We have at our disposal numerous studies where the Hierarchies, who made humanity, are intruding into our materialistic absurdities. Materialism is obsolete and absurd and in over it’s depths, when it comes to defining the Big Bang, our Solar System and the constellations.

From John Milton in Paradise Lost, to John “Constantine”, with Keanu Reeves, who jumps the Threshold in a John the Baptist water initiation of the 6th Age HARROWING OF HELL; The outstanding  Kate Bush in the music video “Lily” invokes the FOUR ARCHANGELS (CLICK LINK)  and the FOUR SEASONS; to the INDIGO GIRLS AND REINCARNATION (Click Link); to “Prophecy” with Christopher Walken; to Paul Bettany playing Michael the Archangel in the film “Legion”; to “Dogma” with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon; to John Travolta playing the Archangel Michael, in “Michael” to embattled Hierarchies of Gabriel, Michael, Raphael,Uriel representing hierarchies, all the way down to Old Scratch, Goethe’s Mephistopheles in “Ghost Rider” with Peter Fonda as Mephistopheles, to Johnny Blaze’s FLAMING, FIERY SKELETON with Nicolas Cage, a dare devil motorcyclist. Along the way we witness smatterings and fallacies thrown together as a beggars brunch from the trash dump of human consciousness.

The plethora of Miltonian and Faustian themes pollute reality from Hemisphere to Hemisphere from West to East and from South to North, from pole to pole. And there is a kernel of truth here and there, (like the true meaning behind the FLAMING SKELETON, is merely tossed in the air with no designation as part of ANCIENT SATURN gifts to the human spirit). Legitimate educational comprehension that ties together the creation of our Solar System, the various participants in our Solar Family and the need for EVIL to be planted in us, and where the skeleton and death come into the picture, might as well be presented by drunks in a drunk tank for what passes for knowledge at our universities.

Our little Star Nursery is designed to grow Divine Beings, HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, capable of FREEDOM and LOVE.  There is a reasonable explanation that St. John, Aristotle, St. Paul, Novalis, Einstein, Tesla, the Logos Himself, the Christ, our Angels and every human child and every human being can live with. But it is a disturbing tale. It is a tale that satisfies and justifies all of our rebellions and misgivings and short circuits all our current brain limitations. It must and does turn our misguided education on it’s head.

It is Astronomical, it is Cosmological, it is Quantum Atomic structure, it is Embryological, it is Time and Space, it is Sci-Fi thrillers and it is the nature of our curse. It is the absolute science of the PHANTOM IMMORTAL BODY,that Christ retrieved by plunging past the primal origins of the skeleton, to the original Zodiacal Mobile Super Structure, hidden behind the mystery of our death skeleton. Christ penetrated behind Time and Space to the original designers and design codes of THE PHANTOM BODY planted in the first initial phases of our birth, described clearly in the very first sentences of PART 2.

In the very first sentences of PART 2, we launched into the origins of our Zodiac and the Star School of Sophia and it wasn’t expected that we would make any effort to comprehend the introduction to PART 2. No one is expected to rethink our entire view of the cosmos in order to include the Immortal PHANTOM BODY, implanted three evolution’s of the Earth ago.

We stubbornly refuse to readjust and re-adapt our rusty, dogma clogged university and religious empty tombs of obsolete, depleted materialism, willingly. We have to be cockroaches to so stubbornly cling to obsolete thinking. We just don’t have the courage, depth or tyranny to fire all those who staunchly disagree with any mention of a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SCIENCE of matter and The Risen Etheric Christ Being. Each of us are required to decide and choose when we are ready. But the accumulating debt and the payment grows as we mortgage our future, into a mind bending consolidation of overwhelmingly pent-up evil. It is a culture of debt we continue to pile on our future incarnations. This has no other alternative but to become splendidly MANICHEAN.

Anticipating the coming 6th Age of Spirit-Self and the future Angel Condition of humanity in the Jupiter Evolution of the the Earth. (Rudolf Steiner click link)

manicheanism christine-gruwez“…there existed for instance in the Middle Ages the sect of the Manicheans. The secret of the Manicheans was that they realized that in the future there would be two groups of human beings, the good and the bad. In the Fifth Round there will no longer be a mineral kingdom, but instead a kingdom of evil. The Manicheans knew this. They therefore made it their task already then so to educate people that later they might become educators of the evil men. Again and again a deeper profundity is seen in the sect of the Manicheans.” (Also see Youth of Nain/Parsifal HERE)

So Freedom and Refusal, so far so good. But these essays are presenting vast Beings who are HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS that are woven into The Beings of the Planets. Higher Dimensional Beings that have appeared as Lucifer in ancient China, as The Christ, the literal Sun Logos, in Jerusalem, and Ahriman as an Archai Being in the West. We have discussed Entities, and Planetary Saturn Beings who have the awesome task to inscribe relentless, precise engravings of human Karma on the Walls of Time. There are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars Beings, many we haven’t yet described.

Obsolete Materialism and THE SCHOOL OF HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS (click link Rudolf Steiner)

“…the Planetary Spirits — the Dhyan-Chohanic beings who earlier reached the stage which human beings will only attain much later. They stand at the stage that will only be reached by man in the Sixth and Seventh Rounds. A Planetary Spirit is engaged with others in creative work on certain aspects of planetary evolution.
“At present man is active on the physical, astral, and devachanic planes. Everything is activity. Now what significance have the Planetary Spirits for man in any particular situation? The activity which is at present being carried out by man was carried out by the Planetary Spirits during previous stages of evolution, during previous planetary conditions. What they then absorbed they now have within them as wisdom. This enables them to become the teachers of the next planetary epoch.”

But in considering a non-big bang theory and gaining a precise insight into what Saturn marks in it’s orbit, what Jupiter marks in it’s orbit and what Mars marks in it’s orbit, as considered from our mundane standpoint as, the outer planets or the outer limits, we have to approach several different adjustments to the fixed ideas we hold of the planets themselves. Firstly the so called Ancient Saturn Evolution, where we were given the first PHANTOM BODY framework laid into our foundations by vast Creator BeingsAge of America 3 Saturn first Embryo Warmth perimeter Ancient Saturn spacial field prior to Ancient Sun – is marked by the actual current orbit of Saturn and the job of the Saturn Beings themselves who reside within that orbital field and dimension.

Now that was easy, but when the next shrinking and renewing phase occurs, it is called Ancient Sun Evolution. That is where our Etheric Bodies, Nature of plants and the Sun’s streaming of living life currents that feed every stone, plant animal and human being on the Earth, well the periphery of the Ancient Sun Evolution, which designed our Etheric Bodies and the Etheric Life of the Earth, is marked by the current orbit of Jupiter.Age of America 3 Ancient Sun Evolution Jupiter, prior to Ancient Moon where Mars orbit is

Jupiter’s orbit and Jupiter Beings and human Beings who are inspired by Jupiter Beings are nursed and inspired by Jupiter Beings to become magnanimous, open hearted, humanitarian Sun Beings. Wisdom and generosity of Spirit is a preliminary schooling taught by Jupiter Beings. And that Jupiter Orbit and it’s Beings help train human beings to become Sun Beings. Therefore after Ancient Saturn Evolution shrunk to the Sun Evolution, it shrank to the margin of where Jupiter the Planet now orbits the Earth.

Obsolete Materialism and Devachan Planetary Beings

“The Jupiter sphere and its Beings are experienced when in the process of self-observation one looks back with the insight of Initiation over the period between the forty-ninth and fifty-sixth years of life — and then obliterates the pictures. The vista of the Jupiter sphere may be a shattering experience, for the Beings of Jupiter are utterly different from human beings. Think of a quality which is sometimes more and sometimes less in evidence, namely the quality of wisdom. Men insist that they are wise … but what a struggle it is for them to acquire wisdom! The tiniest fragment of wisdom in any field is difficult to attain and demands inner effort. Nothing of the kind is necessary for the Jupiter Beings. Wisdom is an integral part of their very nature — I cannot say it is ‘born’ in them, for the Jupiter Beings do not come into existence through an embryo as men do on Earth.”

Who would want to rethink such things? Well such things have to be rethought if we are to understand where our FREEDOM and where EVIL was brought into the symmetric operating system of our Planetary Community. Now try, and it is impossible, but try to move from the orbit of Jupiter to the orbit of disturbing, rumbling Mars. Age of America 3 Ancient Moon Evolution shrinks to Mars Orbit, prior to EarthSince we are not in the business of arbitrary, abstract designations of planetary names by calling some distant planet, Betty named after your aunt Betty, we are rather re-discovering literal chapters of our Cosmic History.

What we are establishing, via Aristotle and Rudolf Steiner is how Freedom and Love have come about in our little community of Earth. Which requires us to locate the Solar System and planetary moment when Evil was introduced and humanity was sent hurdling toward the intersection of Freedom and Love. They don’t teach these things in your Philosophy course.

So far, we got our PHANTOM BODY from the ancient Embryo of Earth, Ancient Saturn. We got our Etheric Body from the Ancient Sun Evolution. Saturn Evolution was inverted and shrunk to the orbit where Jupiter now runs, in order to supply the Human Embryo with an Etheric Body. Ancient Sun Evolution shrinks and inverts itself so that the Embryo of Humanity can develop a starry Astral Body construct, nervous system and TWELVE CRANIAL NERVES.

That entire immense Metahistory of how our Astral Body was formed by our Angels, marks the orbital line of MARS and has been termed Ancient Moon Evolution. The steering wheel we call Intelligence is what our I AM uses to establish Freedom and Karma, choice and driving or flying skills as well as Karma Navigation, biography and conscious Destiny events, that we have been offered by our current Long, Long Evolutionary Event, which we all know as EARTH EVOLUTION. The densest in the Series, the mid-point of Earth and our slow, slow comprehension and ascent, into Spirit-Self, prepares us to become Angels and gather the dense wisdom of Earth and carry it to the future Jupiter Evolution.

The Angels did all the work for us in stabilizing the Star positions, planets and constellations into an infused inverted Human Nervous System which was integrated with our Spines our Skeletal System and coordinated with micro-structure of our brains. We didn’t create the Astral Body and we didn’t devise our Ordered Nervous system, the Angelic Kingdom in their Human Phase, designed and created our Astral Bodies during the Ancient Moon Phase.

Age of America 3 Nervous System, Astral body Angel design Star systemNeither did Darwin or any of us create our own Etheric Systems, our lymphatic system which fits onto our Skeletal Phantom Body. That was created for us in The Ancient Sun Evolution. We weren’t aware or awake when our Phantom Body from Ancient Saturn Evolution, hidden in our bones, was agonizingly coaxed, enticed and pressed from the body of Jesus of Nazareth on Golgotha.

We didn’t and certainly Darwin (Click Link) didn’t create or describe what was hidden and waiting for us to discover there. These things are beyond the scope of any university on Earth except the University of Spiritual Science. Nor have we ever faced the shattering humble gratitude that We Are Here Now only through the efforts of Higher Dimensional Beings wrestling with the stupendous forces of Intelligent Design (Click Link). True Intelligent Design, the real Intelligent Design of the Hierarchies themselves places us now, currently, into the earliest level of the entrance exams of our enrollment and preliminary qualifications of raising ourselves to the lofty schooling of the Hierarchies. Known as the Cosmic School of Sophia and the Stars.

We are going through our HUMAN PHASE. When the Angelic Worlds went through their Human Phase on Ancient Moon Evolution, they organized a nervous system and brain network that matches the billions of star systems we see with our telescopes. When the Archangels went through their Human Phase, like us, they created the Etheric, Life Streaming, Sun replenished world that we see in our Seasons, our plants, our nature, of migrations from butterflies to birds, to fish under the sea.

Etheric Life, Sun Life of the Ancient Sun Evolution was formed, our Etheric bodies were formed, as was our Phantom Body, both were stable and formed, prior to the incision, where our Angels were impacted with the first titanic storms of injected evil. Before the shattering impact of Evil hit the Angel community, our own Etheric bodies were already established, formed and lawfully imbued with Sun woven, Etheric Richness provided by the wisdom and precision of the LOGOS itself.

The Archangels went through their Human Phase on Ancient Sun Evolution. We had nothing to do with that wisdom it was all done for us. Our hearts and our lungs and our immune systems were built from cosmic rhythms and patterns that we now see in the movement of the Sun itself in precise seasonal relationships to our Earth. (Study reference)

When the Archai were in their Human Phase, during the Ancient Saturn Evolution, the foundations for our Phantom Body were created. Age of America 3 Phantom Earth SkeletonOn Earth this became the framework for our Zodiacal Outline, fixed and anchored to the framework of our skeletal system. We have to relinquish this skeleton at death, give it back to the Earth, but Christ went right through the skeleton to the hidden secret of Ancient Saturn Evolution. Christ released for humanity the hidden Phantom Body. Christ released, recovered the immortal cosmic vessel designed from the Ancient Saturn Evolution and delivered it to Earth, or recovered it for Earth residents. The dense shadow we carry as our upright skeletal anchor and framework are otherwise gripped by, retained by the Earth as DEATH.

This Zodiacal Shadow in the form of our skeletal system, we each own, anchors and holds, locks in place, pointed in an upright commanding position, is the core of our immortal seed, the hidden mystery of our Atma or Spirit-Man. Before our Etheric measurement of Time and our comprehension of Human Karma, vast immeasurable periods of METAHISTORY were established, long before our Earth emerged as the platform for our own, current, Human Phase. Higher Dimensional Beings had already done the work, laid the foundations for the hopeful unfolding of a whole new class of Higher Beings. Free Human Spiritual Beings. Us.

Humanity was designed to produce FREEDOM and LOVE, as a new product that transcends OBEDIENCE to the Divine Will. Humanity was given EVIL as it’s counterpoint. We are the Deciders. We can decide to step into Evolution as Grateful Beings who did nothing to deserve our invitation, did nothing to own the magnificent capacities that we are so damned proud of, did nothing to have this incredible Earth Experience handed to us. We can learn some respect for our forebears our ancestors who did the hard work and established our Solar System. We can Decide to opt out of this excruciating TRAINING PERIOD, rebel and gravitate downwards with other ungrateful отказник or refuseniks and see what’s behind door number EIGHT. What is Detention like in THE EIGHTH SPHERE?

The Memory of Evil and the picture of our Solar System between Mars and Jupiter

“Thus we see that, because those ‘Mights’ were given certain orders, men first received the possibility of reaching their goal by their own strength, a thing which even the highest Seraphim cannot do of themselves. This is very essential. The Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones cannot do otherwise than follow the immediate impulses given them by the Godhead. The Dominions of the second threefold hierarchy, too, cannot do otherwise. A certain number of the Mights were ordered to oppose, so that those Mights also, who, as it were, threw themselves into the way of development, could not do otherwise than follow the orders of the Godhead. In what is called the ‘origin of evil’ they could but perform the will of the Godhead who, by means of evil, wishes to develop more powerful good. Now let us descend to those Beings we call the Powers or Spirits of Form. They also could not have come to this of themselves. They could not have grown wicked of themselves, nor could the Spirits of Personality, nor could the Spirits of Fire. For, when these were men on the [ANCIENT SUN EVOLUTION] – Sun, the Mights had not yet been ordered to oppose, there was as yet no possibility of becoming wicked. Age of America 3 Solar System Historical Formation and structureThe first who had the possibility of becoming evil were the Angels, for this could only happen after the development of the Moon [ANCIENT MOON EVOLUTION]. There, from the Sun to the Moon, The Fight in Heaven took place.”

What has been called The Ancient Moon Phase marks where the location of the Asteroid Belt and the Devachan orbit of Mars is in our Solar System. Our entire study of Spirit-Self in this essay is slowly lifting up to consciousness what the Angelic Kingdom planted in us as orientation of thinking and Free Steering Ability, a steering wheel for our I AM to function and learn to drive in the great School of Sophia.

Age of America 3 Phantom Vehicle Ancient Saturn Phantom BodySpaceships, like cars are mere replications of the Egyptian KA,  a vehicle designed by the collaboration of the Constellations that allows Humans to hold an upright Skeletal and lofty-hidden PHANTOM BODY, as our vehicle.

Our I AM, unlike some of the Angelic Community has the shattering possibility of Freedom and Love. Beings long before us had to go through the torment of an entire turbulent evolution themselves in order to plant into the foundations of humanity the ordered functioning of the Planets, the Stars, the constellations and the loftier insights into the School of Sophia. Oh brother/sister this is St. John and every Sci-Fi plot we could ever attempt to imagine.

The Ancient Moon Evolution is marked not only by the boundary and orbit of Mars, but the very name of Mars represents the disturbing point where Evil was first allowed to disturb the Human Astral body. Evil was permitted, before we were fully formed, evil was deliberately let loose into our human developments so that we as humanity would have FREEDOM. All this can be found, from an external astronomical POV, written in our current Solar System. The big bang, Stephen Hawking, nor Darwin can help us here. We literally stand upon an abyss of our ignorance.

And you see, we see and strive to arrive at Mars, and land on Mars. You see that Interstellar uses Saturn as wormhole gateway. Mars, the orbit of Mars marks the point of conclusion of The Ancient Moon Evolution, where unbeknownst to us, we were given the organized and disruptive power in our Astral Body. It was planted within the design of our nervous system that a firm decision was installed by the highest divine beings, that with the creation of HUMANITY, we would be FREE TO DECIDE.

We carry the seed of both Freedom and Evil which was laid down into the formative functional foundation of our being. You want to know what FREEDOM is? Where did it come from? Who played this cruel joke on us? Why are we different? You want to know the Mystery behind the FREEDOM we might call the AMERICAN AGE? What was America truly founded upon? You want to know what our degree in Philosophy or Political Science is worth? You want to know what FREEDOM is? Aristotle, St. John, Novalis, St. Paul and Zarathustra, and Nietzsche in THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA and THE ANTI-CHRIST and GOD IS DEAD, all arrived right at this perplexing conundrum. This is real science.

Why are We not automatically immune to Evil ? 

“Thus we have sketched the origin of our solar system and have asked ourselves: What position has man towards those Beings of the higher Hierarchies who, fundamentally speaking, were his human forefathers? Six winged SeraphimWe can begin with the highest, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Thrones, and in describing them, get a good idea of man. If we could rise beyond the Seraphim, we should get into the realm of the Divine Trinity. What is it then that the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones have in particular, that is different from all the other beings in the world? They have what is called ‘the direct sight of GOD.’

I interrupt Steiner here to draw an extreme spotlight on the way the question of Being is posed. In Part 2 Hannibal Lecter gives Agent Starling a lesson in GREEK THOUGHT. (CLICK LINK) It was Covets. Aristotle is GREEK THOUGHT.  Aristotle’s Categories (Ita Wegman’s Outline). Notice the precise question above, the way Rudolf Steiner places it. What is the unique aspect? What is different? What makes these Beings different? What are Their precise qualities? Aristotle at his finest, and yet why don’t we notice such marvels?

Steiner continues:

“That which man has to seek for slowly and gradually, throughout his development, is theirs from the beginning of all time. We men say, that we must start from our modern standpoint to acquire ever greater powers of knowledge, of will, etc.; thus we shall rise ever nearer and nearer to the Godhead, Divinity will become ever more present to us. We say to ourselves: We are developing upwards, towards something which is still veiled from us, towards the Godhead. This is the difference between the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones and men, that since the beginning of our development these highest Beings have enjoyed the direct sight of the Godhead, have been in the near presence of the Divine Trinity. That whereunto men have to evolve has been theirs from the very beginning.”

In Part 1 it was our effort to gain some comprehension of the class mates in the school of Higher Dimensional Beings that are working through us. We sketched, incompletely, attributes of the schools of Ahriman, attributes of the schools of Lucifer, attributes of the schools of the Asuras. All along the way we have tried to formulate what the pattern and structure of Higher Dimensional Beings are. We have marked where the Stars have given us upgrades and promptings to ‘move along’ from our Consciousness Soul, to our Spirit-Self and to our Life-Spirit and on-wards and upwards through what has been called the future AMERICAN AGE.

When we study the curriculum of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL STAR BEINGS, the class ahead of us, our Angels, and the class ahead of the Angels – the Archangels – we are faced with a most daunting educational dilemma. The curriculum for humanity is part of a Star Schooling which such a Master as Aristotle and such a Master as St. John or Novalis and so many of our fellow explorers from Sci-Fi writers – to Saints, who already have an organized Astral Halo, as a fact, a Star Curriculum actually exists.

To those of us who absolutely reject the very idea that a curriculum of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS within our Solar System and within our Zodiacal System can be outlined, documented and observed; there, never the less, there IS a curriculum. Whether we like it or not. This curriculum of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS can be verified, documented and observed whether we appreciate it or not or whether we reject it or not. We’re the Deciders.

Our Solar System and It’s Curriculum Vitae

“We therefore see, my dear friends, how in fact the World development does not simply repeat itself, but that new things enter. For a human stage such as is lived by men at present was never met with before, not with the Angels, nor the Archangels, nor the Spirit of Personality. Man had a completely new mission to fulfill in the world, the mission we have just characterized. For the sake of this mission he has descended into the world of the earth. And the Christ came into the world as a free Helper for him, not as a God acting from above, but as a first-born among many.”

It is a tremendous, exuberant opportunity to know, at this juncture in TIME, that there is a curriculum, there is a rhyme and reason to the impossible vastness of TIME AND SPACE. The Outline of this Curriculum really took shape and solid form and appeared for us, rejuvenated, refreshed and enlivened in our Consciousness Soul era.

So does it matter if we remain fixed in Intellectual Soul, obsolete dogmas of materialism? It is damn clear that 90% of humanity hasn’t pursued and hasn’t taken up the curriculum of the Consciousness Soul nor will a vast majority ever find their way out of labyrinth of Ahrimanic cultural materialism. However, to be precise, the first Curriculum of the Stars appeared and was outlined by Dionysius the Areopagite Bishop of Athens because of St. Paul.

Science-Art-Religion, The School of the Hierarchies, the School of St. John and Cosmic-Spirit-Self, The School of Sophia and the Lamb. (CLICK LINK)

“Instruction about the Gods was first systematized by Dionysius the Areopagite, the pupil of the apostle Paul. It was however not written down until the 6th century. This is why scholars deny the existence of Dionysius the Areopagite and speak about the writings of the Pseudo-Dionysius, as though it was in the 6th century that old traditions were first put together. The truth of the matter can only be substantiated by reading in the Akashic Chronicle. The Akashic Chronicle does however teach that Dionysius actually lived in Athens, that he was initiated by Paul and was commissioned by him to lay the foundation of the teaching about the higher spiritual beings and to impart this knowledge to special initiates.

“At that time certain lofty teachings were never written down but only communicated as tradition by word of mouth. The teaching about the Gods was also given in this way by Dionysius to his pupils, who then passed it on further. These pupils in direct succession were intentionally called Dionysius, so that the last of these, who wrote down this teaching, was one of those who was given this name.

“This teaching about the Gods, as given by Dionysius, encompasses three times three ranks of divine beings. The three highest are: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. The next degree: Dominions, Mights, Powers. The third degree: Primal Beginnings, Archangels, Angels.”In the Bible the words ‘In the Beginning’ often occur. They refer to the Primal Beginnings, or Archai. ‘In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.’ This means: The God of the Beginnings, who stands at this stage, created heaven and earth. It was one of the Archai belonging to the Third Rank of the Hierarchies.

“Above the Seraphim stand divine beings whose nature is so exalted that the human power of understanding is not able to comprehend them. After the Third Rank follows the Fourth Hierarchy: Man, as the tenth in the entire sequence.

The names of the Hierarchies do not refer to individuals but to certain stages of consciousness of the great universe, and the beings move from one stage to another. Eliphas Levi perceived this clearly and laid stress on the fact that with these names one has to do with stages of development, with Hierarchies.”  (Rudolf Steiner CLICK LINK)

Neither Science nor Religion, in the current climate of human education wishes to step up to the plate. That is to consider honestly and clearly that we are not the product of a Big-Bang and we newbies in the Universe, don’t have a direct hot-line to God. The Popes and Priests don’t have one no matter how much we fawn over their costumes.

Age of America 3 Astral reorganization of thought receiving ManasThe literal mathematical HALO, around the head and Aura of a person who is beginning to arrive at ordered Divine Thinking, SPIRIT-SELFHOOD, remains mere theory in the Church. It is rather a Science of the Astral body. That Science of the Astral Body that we would call a Saint, is part of our entrance exams into the School of the Hierarchies.

These are the preliminary signs and wonders of the 6th Age of Spirit-Self. We will no longer have need of any Church to name Saints, most everyone will be pressed hard to achieve An Organized Halo of Spiritual Radiance that will stream forces of Goodness and Love through human karma. We have to KNOW by now that something dreadful will have produced a counter-force against Human Goodness which will awaken the very strengths of Spirit-Self. This is a Manichean Riddle.

Everyone of anyone of us who suddenly awaken and recognize the School of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS doesn’t need a Church or the present permission of university Materialism, to approach Spirit-Self. We are free to BE our own I AM and free to develop the depth of LOVE that only the I AM can suffer. It is only from our I AM that we can begin generating and kindling the LOVE and FREEDOM required to redeem our loved ones and carry creation upwards with us.

In other words the Science of Matter is actually our inward power of LOVE to lift each person and each portion of Earth, stone, plant and animal to a new level. Only the I AM in us can do that heavy lifting. Each I AM is an ATLAS that bears the burden of the Karma of Earth and Humanity.

Age of America 3 Speech and the Human WordWhen the Heart and the billions of synapse in our brains, which are designed by our Angels to carry the Starry Constellations down into our Thinking and the Word, and our Deeds, faces us with the support system of our own ATLAS, we see for ourselves part of the secrets of the Phantom System of the WORD.

We come face to face with the reality that our Human Speech, the Word, and our Deeds, the skeletal design we carry, reveals to us that Speech, Thought and Deeds are the germinal foundations of Spirit-Self, Budhi and Spirit-Man.Age of America 3 Atlas and the Human Word We support and create the future unfolding of the Cosmos through our Speech, the Science of the Word, our Thoughts and our Deeds. It is within our skeletal system that we see how ATLAS itself supports the WORD made flesh. Speech itself arises on the shoulders of ATLAS.

We might consider that it was a Herculean task to Outline the support systems of the Constellations, the lofty School of Sophia and The Lamb. In the entire body of Spiritual Science and Anthroposophy we witness a Hercules in vivid action supporting and lifting vast portions of Creation. Alright, in order to carry the Earth Evolution on the shoulders of THE WORD and THOUGHT, and DEED, we are all going to be challenged to lift our portions of the Karma of Humanity and the Karma of the Earth Herself.

We each of us will be each an ATLAS, a Hercules, who lifts and sustains portions of the vast Constellations. Hercules at one point steps in for Atlas on the 11th labor of the TWELVE LABORS of Hercules.

In Part 2 we discussed Howard Hughes and J. Edgar Hoover. What we know about Howard Hughes is that his etheric body was one of those who tested planes, hi-speed, sound barrier flight, ahead of the Jet Age. He had a passion for nosing himself into future Event Horizons of Etheric and Physical body separation.

Hughes flew rapidly through Sun marked Etheric and spacial TIME ZONES. Hughes tore holes in his Etheric body, developing rapid displacement that reveal the symptoms of OCD, in our Etheric Body and in the warps of the Time Distortions projected from our Human Double (Click Link). Our internal perception of well-being becomes skewed, un-hinged, our internal mirrroring becomes warped. Howard Hughes psyche’s cohesion fragmented, stretched, like rubber or ripped like a stretched plastic bag.

Space travel and the cohesion between our Etheric and Physical body as well as our core Psyche will certainly not fare well by going through Wormholes. And Howard Hughes, had a premature TIME displacement, TIME smudge, where the Sun Rhythm of his Etheric body, his Etheric Mirroring became out of sync with the cohesion of his psyche. And his Herculean striving and Imagination struck Hughes, off-center. As in autism and phobias Hughe’s astral body projected sharply into his cowering Etheric body. Truly Entities were everywhere and Hughe’s fled from his self and also refused to be TOUCHED.

Hughe’s designed the largest, lift-off Aircraft called HERCULES .The H-4 Hercules, or “Spruce Goose” was a flying boat, designed to carry up to 750 troops or two M4 Sherman tanks. The war ended before the plane could be put into service, but Hughes’ persistence and insistence on perfection saw the project to completion. Because of restrictions on aluminum availability, the plane was built with wood. The plywood and resin bonding process used was one of the first adaptations of composite technology. This lead to the “Spruce Goose” moniker, which Hughes hated.”

“Daedalus conceived to escape from the Labyrinth with Icarus from Crete by constructing wings and then flying to safety. He built the wings from feathers and wax, and before the two set off he warned Icarus not to fly too low lest his wings touch the waves and get wet, and not too high lest the sun melt the wax. But the young Icarus, overwhelmed by the thrill of flying, did not heed his father’s warning, and flew too close to the sun whereupon the wax in his wings melted and he fell into the sea. Daedalus escaped to Sicily and Icarus’ body was carried ashore by the current to an island then without a name. Heracles came across the body and recognized it, giving it burial where today there still stands a small rock promontory jutting out into the Aegean Sea, and naming the island and the sea around it after the fallen Icarus.”

The issue is our Etheric Body, Icarus and Howard Hughes. What happens with the Space of our Double, negative space, when our Astral body and Etheric body go out of sync? The issue with Howard Hughes was an Icarus/Daedalus stretching, the way heat shrivels plastic, stretches rubber, so our Time Body, our Etheric Body, not only suffers from Jet Lag, but abuse of the principle ripping high speed travel has long term effects on our Etheric Body. Ask any Stewardess or Pilot. A whole new set of karmic and etheric work related hazards, revealed some of the results in Howard Hughes and the intrusion of his double as extreme OCD conditions.

Everything that we discussed in the opening of Part 2 and the Entire School of THE LAMB OF GOD reveals a Schooling of HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS that gradually pass through loftier and loftier developments. Truly, truly, truly Hercules Twelve Labors takes on entirely new depth and meaning.

The entire School of the Lamb reveals a TWELVE STEP PROGRAM and curriculum. As Artists, both Wagner and Stanley Kubrick delivered TWELVE great works of Art as part of their incarnation elaboration. Tolkien took TWELVE YEARS, a full orbit once around the Sun of the planet Jupiter, to complete The Lord of the Rings. In Part 2 we recognized that HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, one by one and stage by stage, conquer and outgrow lower phases and acquire ever loftier capacities. Christ as a HIGHER DIMENSONAL BEING offered His Own Cosmic Manas, His Own Holy Spirit, His Own Starry Sophia Logos body to St. John. St. John was authorized to build into Humanity, the foundations of the Lofty School of Sophia and prepare for Manas or Spirit-Self.

We have directed our interest towards how Christ gave St. John His own Cosmic Sophia or Starry Manas Body because we as humanity are in the densest region of the Fourth Stage of Earth Development. We are saddled with a dense skeletal system full of Wisdom. Age of America 3 skeletal Phantom Design, Ancient Saturn Evolution and Zodiacal ART cohesion of human formWisdom that confronts us as one of the locked and sealed doors of Death. Christ as a Higher Dimensional Being pressed with His Lofty Cosmic I AM, with His Love, He compressed and enticed from the densest region of matter, the Immortal Phantom Body from the Holy work Horse of our human skeleton.

Atlas the Constellations and our Speech abilities

“Prometheus told Hercules the secret to getting the apples. He would have to send Atlas after them, instead of going himself. Atlas hated holding up the sky and the earth [Our Twelve Constellations and Seven Evolution’s of the Earth] so much that he would agree to the task of fetching the apples, in order to pass his burden over to Hercules. Everything happened as Prometheus had predicted, and Atlas went to get the apples while Hercules was stuck in Atlas’s place, with the weight of the world literally on his shoulders.

“When Atlas returned with the golden apples, he told Hercules he would take them to Eurystheus himself, and asked Hercules to stay there and hold the heavy load for the rest of time. Hercules slyly agreed, but asked Atlas whether he could take it back again, just for a moment, while the hero put some soft padding on his shoulders to help him bear the weight of the sky and the earth. Atlas put the apples on the ground, and lifted the burden onto his own shoulders. And so Hercules picked up the apples and quickly ran off, carrying them back, uneventfully, to Eurystheus.”

In the School of the Word, we certainly do enter into intercourse with Higher Dimensional Beings. In our Thoughts, our Deeds and our Words we make use of the Planetary Capacities of the upper region of the TWELVE SENSES. Along with so many errors in our university curriculum’s our TWELVE SENSES are part of the undiscovered country. Eurythmy and world gesturesRetrieving the Apples, hidden in the Etheric WORD, for Eurystheus, is really our new found ability to look at the Consonantal/Constellational structure of the WORD that is, buried deep in the skeleton and in the WORD, Etheric Living Nutritional Life. Each Consonant a Sun-Won Apple, won for the 5th Age of the Consciousness Soul. We begin a Schooling of what Christ Won from the Zodiacal Revelation of the Phantom Body of future Spirit-Man. From Eurythmy (Click Link) we begin eating with our will, the future Budhi Etheric Life forces that awaken the future capacities of Spirit-Man.

Our Astronomy and Physics, as well as our Physiology and Anatomy studies are in the process of being upgraded to encompass the vast regions of the HIGHER HIERARCHIES. Our Thoughts, our Speech and our Deeds reshape, literally, the Earth, and fertilize slumbering intuitions, that will literally, change and alter the intentions of the Group Soul Ahriman is shaping for the future.Age of America 3 Christ human karma and Atlas Hercules myth

Secrets of the WORD, secrets of ATLAS

“…let us look at the whole universe, to begin with in its physical aspect: Earth, Sun, Moon, and stars, the Milky Way and so on. Behind it stands a great intuitive Spirit. It is the same Spirit that manifests in our actions; he also stands behind the whole universe. Christianity calls him the Father. Because he is so little known he is also called the Unknown God, and in theosophical literature the First Logos.
“Behind everything living stands the Spirit of Imagination. It is the same Spirit who is also working in our speech; this is why the Christian religion calls Him the Word. Here something quite exact and actual is meant. This Spirit who stands behind everything living is still working today in our speech, in each of our words, and is therefore rightly called ‘the Word’; another designation is: The Son, or Christ. He is the Spirit who lives as Imagination in everything that has life.” Rudolf Steiner (click link)

The generative power of the WORD will either antidote Ahriman’s massive developing amnesia of the I AM or surrounding our feeble ‘ i am ‘ with brilliant technology, as psychic tools, will so weaken the central core of each I AM that we will of necessity develop an addictive co-dependency on the External Support Systems of a full-on Ahrimanic Culture. You see we have to ask ourselves, what is cold and what is hot? Will Ahrimanic culture, create a culture that is morally cool because it is disassociated from the inner moral fire of the I AM?

FIRE in the I AM, and firing up our TWELVE SENSE SYSTEM, and bringing our super-charged Love, as sacrifice, each human being will find it in their I AM to restore wholeness to our shattered karmic companions. That means John the Baptist or the Best Man who tends and nurtures the ongoing Christ Impulse, will foreshadow and inspire the 6th Age, the Age of Manas and Spirit-Self with baptism by I AM cognitive FIRE.

Luke 3:15-18. “The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Christ. John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

As in The Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner, with each Group of TWELVE (click link), Age of America 2 Discovering our Karmic Circle, meeting our Angelswe find in the 6th Age parts of the core constellation of our own shattered and scattered Karmic Groups and Companions. We restore each other to wholeness, objectivity, and celebrate what each I AM brings into the equation of TIME. Will it be an iron blanket of cold moral complacency, advanced brilliant technology, which stands instead of the I AM?

Peace and all moral dilemmas resolved, in a Pharmaceutical, Technological neutering of the I AM is really part of the germinal NSA/Winston Smith – Orwell and Nietzsche prophecy. Ahrimanic culture will be a cool, cold, operative culture, a massive decisive Group Soul over the Earth, devoid, condemned and illegal to Fire up the I AM for the I AM was accused of the danger of being the destroyer of humanity not the Savior.Age of America 3 Manas Holy Ghost and Spirit fire 6th Age

But the Fire of the 6th Age will rush in during these crucial constrictions of the inner forces of humanity, just at the height of Ahriman’s song of Peace and Prosperity for all. Peace, of course, on a global scale for the Non-I conformity to the rule of the law set by the New standards of the brilliant Race of Ahriman. The decision to lock out that Fire of the budding force of the true I AM will be Ahriman’s deception of Peace on Earth. We looked at this FIRE at the very end of Part 1.

Notes on The Sixth Age, The Russian-Slavonic Age, the Age of Spirit-Self and Manas 3574-5734

Age of America charting ahrimanBecause of this imposed, technological and pharmaceutical Peace on Earth, the 6th Age, noted with a Russian-Slavonic quality where the SOPHIA (Click Link) was honored in the Russian-Slavonic qualities of the Soul, out of the past, will have a quality all it’s own in the future.

“Numerous churches are dedicated to St. Sophia, particularly in Russia, and she appears in many icons. The icon in the cathedral at Novgorod is one of the best known. The Russian Orthodox liturgy for the feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15, includes a reference to an icon of Sophia: “Let us behold the miraculous icon of the Wisdom of God… I dare to sing in praise of the Patroness of the World, the most innocent Bride and Virgin…Sophia, the Wisdom of God.” Jakob Böhme’s work influenced the Russian philosopher and poet Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov (1853–1900). Solovyov had three visions of Sophia, the first during Mass on Ascension Day, when he was nine years old. A poem he wrote many years later recalled the experience:

Blue all around. Blue within my soul.
Blue pierced with shafts of gold.
In your hand a flower from other realms.
You stood with radiant smile,
Nodded to me and hidden in the mist.

“Whereas the Pistis Sophia linked Sophia with Mary Magdalene, the language of Solovyov’s poem links her to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Solovyov’s second encounter with Sophia was in the British Museum. As before, he saw her in blue and gold. “Her face shone before me. But Her face alone. And that instant was a long happiness.” The third was in the Egyptian desert, where he awoke from sleep “To a scent of roses from air and earth… I saw all and all was one. One alone in the image of female beauty.”60 Solovyov’s sensitive poetry blended his devotion to Sophia with romantic yearnings of unrequited love, and again we can see connections with the troubadours and Dante’s Beatrice.”

In the future a wholesome recovery of the Land by Bio-Dynamic Star Initiates, by various streams of humanity, where Ahriman’s techniques fail to take root, will be pockets of isolated Michael Cultural Oasis.

Brought on by the failures and aborted attempts by Ahrimanic culture to control and contain certain procedures for incarnation, an exiled community, an I AM receptive race will awkwardly arise. Age of America 3 St. John and the School of FireThose will have the courage and the Camaraderie of Fire discussed in the end of Part 1.

Oasis vs Ahriman’s Psychic Gulag

“The Gulag Archipelago” by Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

“A whole national literature remained there, cast into oblivion not only without a grave, but without even underclothes, naked, with a number tagged on to its toe. Russian literature did not cease for a moment, but from the outside it appeared a WASTELAND! “

The qualities of Courage, well specific Russian Folk qualities that experience Land and Soul with rich Sophia Feelings that, usually when push comes to shove The Russian Folk-Soul bear qualities like those of the Native American. There is inherent an Earthy readiness to sense real camaraderie filled with a kind of Warmth that had developed over a thousand years of experiencing bitter cold winters, and humble joy at simple things.

Let us take the quality of Warmth of Soul and the actual capacities that harsh, brutal Winters give the human Soul. No, it isn’t a theory, it is a fact that the heart and blood circulation of loving deep snows, or finding joy and warmth in the flow and replenishment of the Heart, well in the Russian the Liver (click link), for instance, Vodka played a certain role unconsciously. But if we take North Dakota, Minnesota, Canada, Maine, Michigan, my own incarnation in Northern Illinois, I know what Ego/Heart forces are strengthened in the Winter Wonderland, of bundling up, of barren snow covered fields, of trudging  through deep snows up to your waist and drifts even higher, of outdoor work against the cold, ice skating, sledding, playing powerfully, working strongly and inhaling Sunsets as Etheric Nourishment with our eyes, our hearts and the intimacy of our blood circulation, ALL THIS invigorates and roots itself deep in the depths of the I AM as the Etherization of Blood (click link).

Sons of Fire — the Agnishvattas and the Tangible Risen Etheric Christ

“For many thousands of years Oriental mysticism has spoken of this moment in time, and since the coming of Gautama Buddha it has spoken especially strongly about that future condition when the earth will be bathed in a “moral-ether-atmosphere.” Ever since the time of the ancient Rishis it was the great hope of Oriental mysticism that this moral impulse would come to the earth from Vishva-Karman or, as Zarathustra proclaimed, from Ahura Mazdao. Oriental mysticism thus foresaw that this moral impulse, this moral atmosphere, would come to the earth from the being we call the Christ. It was upon Him, upon Christ, that the hopes of Oriental mysticism were set.

“Oriental mystics were able to picture the consequences of that event but not the actual form it would take. They could picture that within a period of 5,000 years after the great Buddha achieved Enlightenment, pure Akashic forms, bathed in fire, lit by the sun, would appear in the wake of one Who could not be recognized through Oriental mysticism. A wonderful picture in very truth: that something would come to make it possible for the Sons of Fire and of Light to move about the moral atmosphere of the earth, not in physically embodied form but as pure Akashic forms within the earth’s moral atmosphere. Five thousand years after Gautama Buddha’s Enlightenment, so it was said, the teacher will also be there to make known to human beings what these wonderful forms are, these pure forms of Fire and Light. This teacher — the Maitreya Buddha — will appear 3,000 years after our time and will be able to teach people about the Christ impulse.

“Oriental mysticism thus unites with the Christian knowledge of the West to form a beautiful unity. It will also be disclosed that he who will appear 3,000 years after our time as the Maitreya Buddha will have incarnated again and again on the earth as a Bodhisattva, as the successor of Gautama Buddha. One of his incarnations was that of Jeshu ben Pandira, who lived a hundred years before the beginning of our era. The being who incarnated in Jeshu ben Pandira is the same one who will one day become the Maitreya Buddha and who from century to century returns ever and again in a body of flesh, not yet as Buddha himself but as Bodhisattva. Even in our age there proceeds from him who later will be the Maitreya Buddha the most significant teachings concerning the Christ being and the Sons of Fire — the Agnishvattas — of Indian mysticism.”

Earth wonder, Earth fire, Earth Holiness spreads all through the healthy Etheric Body and the joy of that rugged and resistant force, which the circulation of our blood and the fire of the I AM confronts, a new kind of cold. Moral and Ethical Coolness. The Russian Soul forces were used to this and built up a resistance to moral coldness. When the chips are down there is a certain latent, dormant fiery strength, in the Russian Soul, able to recognize the true Heart and carry the courage of true Brotherhood, that still lingers in the fiery core of the Russian Folk. This quality of Soul will be part of the basis for Manas and the 6th Age Michael Race of Spirit-Self.

When we contemplate the Russian-Slavonic Age of the in-pouring of the higher FIRE OF THE I AM we can comprehend that sense of Fire, that sense of Warmth, that the coming 6th Age of Manas, our Spirit-Self, awakens in us. That Manas Fire comes coursing through our blood and fires up our Intelligence and illuminates and eddies and swirls around our pineal gland. An intense Etherization of the Blood will stream through the 6th Age as an interplay between our Pineal gland and our hearts. The flow will be part of the Higher Devachan Schooling as the dawning Fire of our Higher I AM.

The 6th Age and the Etherization of the blood

“In the region of the heart there is a continual transformation of the blood into this delicate etheric substance that streams upward toward the head and flows glimmeringly around the pineal gland. This process, the etherization of the blood, can be shown in the human being throughout his waking life.” (note Pineal Neuropsychology)

Russian’s were notorious drinkers and had built into their system, stronger Jupiter Organ Liver forces, Etheric Sun forces of replenishment and vital strong Sun-blood, Etherization of the Blood, with invigorating, light surging, renewal forces. The Russian Soul, like the Native American and African American had a stronger Etheric Tolerance, understanding and compassion for Greatness of suffering, that exists as the nuclear core in each Human Heart. That Heart/Etheric strength and greatness will be the challenge of the 6th Age. But the Etherization of the Blood into Light and Etheric Fire from the Spirit will be the in-streaming lightening of the 6th Age.

Two currents of ether

“Rudolf Steiner described an important aspect of this process in his lecture on the etherization of the blood. There he speaks of two etheric streams that rise from the heart to the head, in order to connect the human being with the surrounding spiritual world.

“The first stream consists of etherized human blood. In it the “intellectual element” rises from below upwards.
The second stream consists of the etherized blood of the Christ that flows, since the Mystery of Golgotha, in every human heart.

“At first these two streams flow parallel to each other. But their coming together is the crucial precondition for beholding the etheric Christ. And how do they come together? Rudolf Steiner gives a surprising answer: the coming together happens when human beings are willing to take the new understanding of Christ up into the soul, and to bring it to life in themselves. In other words, it takes place through the study of the science of the mind-and-spirit,* a study which activates not only the head, but above all the heart, as a new organ for attaining knowledge.

The future

“The etheric revelation of the Christ will unfold over some three thousand years, starting from the 20th century. It is, however, part of a still greater context. This includes two future and still higher revelations of the Christ:

  “His appearance in the astral body in lower Devachan,
  and still later a great revelation of His I being in the higher spiritual world.

“Consider that, according to the above-mentioned book, the environment of the “other self” (higher I) is the spiritual world, and the environment of the true I is the higher spiritual world; elsewhere Rudolf Steiner spoke of them as lower and higher Devachan. From this we can see a direct relationship between the two future revelations of the Christ and the higher I and true I of the human being, just as the Christ’s present appearance is connected with the spiritualization of the earthly I.

“From the foregoing it is clear how the evolution of the human I—as the purpose of the Earth—and the ever-higher revelations of the Christ are inextricably linked. To take this into our I consciousness and to further cultivate it in our soul—this is already the beginning of the path which can lead the human being of today to the Christ.” | Sergei O. Prokofiev

There was an Etheric/Angelic intimate joy, in the Russian Soul, in the revelations of actual Human Destiny Events. With the Russian Soul they took it to Heart, and through it, that intrinsic experience of real suffering, real injustice, one became sister and brother companions for Life from the core of the heart. It was an experience that was much more real, profound, Earthy and religiously natural for the Russian Soul. The Russian Soul developed the embryonic sense of Human sister and brotherhood through their love of Sophia and created Churches that bulged with Etheric and Astral Life. Russian Churches and buildings honored the future forces that were rich, round, seeds awaiting the Sophia Time.

The 6th Age and the plentiful, etheric and Life Seeds of Starry Sophia

” These domes are called “heads” (глава) or “poppy heads” (маковица, маковка). Sometimes crosses have a crescent-like shape at the bottom so that the shape resembles an anchor, which symbolizes hope for salvation. It is known that in the early history of Russian Church, the domes of churches followed the typical Byzantine flat-dome style. Helmet-shaped domes of pre-Mongolian Russian were replaced with onion-shaped domes. They say that such shapes appeared since they allow snow to slide down and not to sustain on top.”

The Russian Type of experience connects to the intimacy of the Earth in the opposite way that Ahriman would homogenize the gifts of our Spiritual Life. Spirit-Self and the Russian Age embraces, learns to feel the immense intimacies of the Etheric Earth. In order to feel Her suffering, Experiencing the Earth’s Love of Humanity and in precise Etheric and Astral deepening and preparation, intimate awareness comes to the Russian-Slavonic Cultural Age.

We become aware in the 6th Age that in order to Lift the Earth, we have to carry the karmic warmth of each other. The Earth and the Higher Astral Devachan of Sophia will let humanity and the Michael Race know in no uncertain terms that Ahriman in the West has entombed a vast number of I AM’s. These missing I AM sisters and brothers must be accounted for or Earth will not achieve Her goals.

Preemptive designing of an Ahrimanic Race intended to Lock-Out the Coming FIRE of the 6th Age of Manas

“Man will transform the earth in so far as he feels with ever-increasing strength that morality is an essential part of the earth. In the future, to be immoral will be possible only for people who receive immoral help, who are goaded in this direction, who are possessed by evil demons, by Ahrimanic, Asuric powers, and who strive for this possession.

Sophia and the 12 stars spinal serpents“This is the future condition of the earth: there will be a sufficient number of people who increasingly teach morality and at the same time offer a moral foundation, but there will also be those who by their own free decision surrender themselves to the evil powers and thus enable an excess of evil to be pitted against a good humanity. Nobody will be forced to do this; it will lie in the free will of each individual.” Rudolf Steiner (click link)

In other words, not only is the Risen Etheric Christ connected to the Etheric Earth, but in the 6th Age, entirely new experiences of the Etheric Earth and the Etheric Christ within the Karma of each of us, will be powerful awakening forces. Harsh Winters awakened the Fires that give the Etheric Heart and the circulation of the blood an entirely New Baptized relation to the intimacies of the Etheric Earth. The Soul Calendar verses enhanced to the 10th power, reveal vivid experiences that the Russian or Native American used to know instinctively. In the 6th Age these experiences will not be theoretical feelings but conscious cognitive experiences with every breath we take and every step we make.

Touch in the Etheric and Astral, what the Earth experiences when humanity is conscious of the Etheric and what the Earth experiences when we are disconnected from the Earth Herself, will be conscious pain and LIFE, in our human hearts. If a whole portion of the karma of humanity are in a happy, unconscious Gulag of the Soul and Spirit, cut off from the Hierarchies and cut off from the Etheric Earth, that will be a painful and powerful reality. If our brothers and sisters are held in the candy store, on the bad, bad pirate ship Lolly-Pop, held in the Prison-Yard of THE BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN Gulag FOR THE NON-I AM , they will surely become food for the Adversary powers. Dinner is served.

An entire chunk of humanity, celebrating their happy Peace under the Pharmaceutical imprisonment and confiscation of humanities fallen, Lower Devachan astral capacities, will not recognize the loss and slow shriveling atrophy of their I AM.  There will be no need for FIRE FROM THE I AM, because Ahriman has given the gift of IT IS WHAT IT IS.

The I AM will be cut off from that warm living FIRE of the Etheric Earth, which once circulated through the Russian Soul unconsciously. But Ahriman’s Race of the Non-I AM will be locked and secured from the great Fire of the Soul and Spirit that challenges and courses through the New Michael Race of the Sixth Age. Pieces of ourselves will have been ripped from the Earth’s Karmic cohesion and our Love will force us to try to recover all those fragments of our selves. Truly, truly then we will understand why Christ gathered again the fragments of the Bread and the Fishes.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

“One day Dostoevsky threw out the enigmatic remark: “Beauty will save the world”. What sort of a statement is that? For a long time I considered it mere words. How could that be possible? When in bloodthirsty history did beauty ever save anyone from anything? Ennobled, uplifted, yes – but whom has it saved?

“There is, however, a certain peculiarity in the essence of beauty, a peculiarity in the status of art: namely, the convincingness of a true work of art is completely irrefutable and it forces even an opposing heart to surrender. It is possible to compose an outwardly smooth and elegant political speech, a headstrong article, a social program, or a philosophical system on the basis of both a mistake and a lie. What is hidden, what distorted, will not immediately become obvious.

“Then a contradictory speech, article, program, a differently constructed philosophy rallies in opposition – and all just as elegant and smooth, and once again it works. Which is why such things are both trusted and mistrusted.

“In vain to reiterate what does not reach the heart.

But a work of art bears within itself its own verification: conceptions which are devised or stretched do not stand being portrayed in images, they all come crashing down, appear sickly and pale, convince no one. But those works of art which have scooped up the truth and presented it to us as a living force – they take hold of us, compel us, and nobody ever, not even in ages to come, will appear to refute them.

Three soul forces and Maria mystery dramasSo perhaps that ancient trinity of Truth, Goodness and Beauty is not simply an empty, faded formula as we thought in the days of our self-confident, materialistic youth? If the tops of these three trees converge, as the scholars maintained, but the too blatant, too direct stems of Truth and Goodness are crushed, cut down, not allowed through – then perhaps the fantastic, unpredictable, unexpected stems of Beauty will push through and soar TO THAT VERY SAME PLACE, and in so doing will fulfil the work of all three?

“In that case Dostoevsky’s remark, “Beauty will save the world”, was not a careless phrase but a prophecy? After all HE was granted to see much, a man of fantastic illumination.”

And in that case art, literature might really be able to help the world today?

It is the small insight which, over the years, I have succeeded in gaining into this matter that I shall attempt to lay before you here today.”

Vladimir Solov’ev:

Even in chains we ourselves must complete
That circle which the gods have mapped out for us

Age of America 3 School of Sophia Divine Humanity Solovyov“I have climbed not three or four makeshift steps, but hundreds and even thousands of them; unyielding, precipitous, frozen steps, leading out of the darkness and cold where it was my fate to survive, while others – perhaps with a greater gift and stronger than I – have perished. Of them, I myself met but a few on the Archipelago of GULAG1, shattered into its fractionary multitude of islands; and beneath the millstone of shadowing and mistrust I did not talk to them all, of some I only heard, of others still I only guessed. Those who fell into that abyss already bearing a literary name are at least known, but how many were never recognized, never once mentioned in public? And virtually no one managed to return. A whole national literature remained there, cast into oblivion not only without a grave, but without even underclothes, naked, with a number tagged on to its toe. Russian literature did not cease for a moment, but from the outside it appeared a wasteland! Where a peaceful forest could have grown, there remained, after all the felling, two or three trees overlooked by chance.

“And as I stand here today, accompanied by the shadows of the fallen, with bowed head allowing others who were worthy before to pass ahead of me to this place, as I stand here, how am I to divine and to express what THEY would have wished to say?

Age of America 3 Vladimir Solovyov“This obligation has long weighed upon us, and we have understood it. In the words of Vladimir Solov’ev:

Even in chains we ourselves must complete
That circle which the gods have mapped out for us

“Solovyov leaned toward Gnosticism in regarding Sophia (Click Link) as the feminine complement of the masculine Logos. Together, he believed, they comprised the overshadowing cosmic Christ.” The Sophia of the Higher Dimensional Being of the Christ, Christ’s Manas or Spirit-Self is the law abiding Word, the LOGOS of the Science of both Nature and the unfolding of the Human Spirit in TIME. Christ gave his Manas to Lazarus/John for safe keeping. St. John was to be the guardian of the Sophia Mysteries on Earth. The graduate school of those seeking to enter the lofty School of the Lamb and the Star School of Sophia/Isis were directed to the Devachan, Lofty Astral Body of the Manas of the entire unfolding dimensions of Humanity.

The 6th Age, the future of the Russian -Slavic, Age of Aquarius, Manas Development, brought Sergei Olegovich Prokofieff to the Core Research Center of Michael and Sophia in Dornach, Switzerland. Great Russians along with, Dostoevsky,  Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov and his perceptive and prophetic Outline of the Anti-Christ, also called S.O.Prokofiev to Dornach, and the Academy of Sophia Sciences.

Sergei O. Prokofiev tied and bundled vast tracts of Rudolf Steiner research on Russia, Sophia, the Etheric Christ into a computer science of annotations, bibliography and notations and elaborations equivalent to creating, concentrated study material for the 21st century, with an attention to detail only surpassed by scholars of medieval Scholasticism.

The term scholasticism, a word invented by sixteenth-century humanist critics, has long been used to describe the dominant intellectual movement of the Middle Ages. The humanists used the term to attack the verbose style and arid intellectualism they perceived to be the defining features of medieval intellectuals. But Sergei O. Prokofiev in the context of Karma, brought a great strength with his highly detailed and copious celebration of notes and footnotes, bundling whole wide spread-out details, into dazzlingly detailed annotations on Sophia and the awesome magnitude and immensity of Rudolf Steiner’s contributions to Humanity.

It was a wonderful and strange experience. It was as if a century of Scholars packed themselves into a consolidated instant of a computerized DIGITAL MONASTERY. Whole schools of monasteries and monks were brought down to how many Angels can stand on the head of a needle. Whole monasteries, in the past, would have been hard pressed, busy as buzzing bees, caught in terrible traffic jams of type setting gnomes, just to do what Thomas Aquinas did in detail for Aristotle. But Sergei O. Prokofiev harnessed the hard-drives, translators and spell-checkers of ten thousand gnomes, to serve Rudolf Steiner.

Sergei O. Prokofiev brought a surge of renewal world wide, to renewed interest in Anthroposophy. The Scholastic capacities manifested in Thomas Aquinas and in Averroes, who kept Aristotle alive and secured his future, with new tools of the 20th Century Sergei O. Prokofiev, employed an army of gnomes in a private PC digital monastery of gigabytes devoted to Rudolf Steiner. It was Ibn Rushd (Averroes) (1126—1198) and his influential commentaries and unique interpretations on Aristotle that revived Western scholarly interest in ancient Greek philosophy, whose works for the most part had been neglected since the sixth century.

Age of America 3 the Russian 6th Age and Russian SoulSergei O. Prokofiev brought his Russian Folk-Soul vision and capacities to detail, document, data deluge, with 21st century upgraded computer efficiency, ALL the gargantuan spread-out lectures and research of the Initiate and Scientist, Rudolf Steiner. Prokofiev was prolific. Prokofiev devoted himself to consolidating and recovering the Christmas Conference of the Global Community of Spirit-Self which was part of the immense Russian-Slavic Revelations.

Prokofiev cultivated, prepared and focused his attention on The New Seed of Manas planted by Rudolf Steiner with the revelation of the Hierarchies and our joy, intimacy and participation with them in the long awaited, NEW SCHOOL OF THE HIERARCHIES. That School was part of the Christmas Conference and invited humanity through Steiner’s FOUNDATION STONE MEDITATION, into the lofty School of the Hierarchies. The Time was at HandCome on UP, they’re waiting on us.

Sergei Olegovich Prokofieff (16 January 1954 – 26 July 2014) was a Russian anthroposophist. He was the grandson of the composer Sergei Prokofiev and his first wife Lina Prokofiev, and the son of Oleg Prokofiev and his first wife Sofia Korovina. Born in Moscow, he studied fine arts and painting at the Moscow School of Art. He encountered anthroposophy in his youth, and soon made the decision to devote his life to it.

Prokofieff, who published as Sergei O. Prokofieff, wrote his first book, Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New Mysteries while living in Soviet Russia. The book was first published in German in 1982 and in English translation in 1986. After the fall of communism, he was a co-founder of the Anthroposophical Society in Russia. At Easter 2001, he became a member of the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, Switzerland.

Most of us haven’t hardly got our heads around how and why we are directed to proceed from Consciousness Soul wide angle lens of the entire vastness and consolidation of Human data, information and cosmic structure of the I AM, as part of our curriculum of the 5th Age. In the 6th Age the entire Manas flows directly into the I AM, or at least as much as we can handle. In the 6th Age true grief and gratitude brings the Pituitary and Pineal Fires into a vivid realization that each piece and portion of those we love, who have given us so much through TIME and the vast Mystery of the Earth cannot be taken into the future without each human being discovering the true meaning of Matter -Love-and Light.

The flaming super-power of the Fire of Transubstantiation must arise from the New I AM mysteries of the Earth. The Ship will sink with all hands if all hands fail to learn the lessons of Sacrifice, GIVING, and each carrying the weight of Atlas, as much as we are able. The FIRE will arise in the HUMAN HEART. So the 6th Age brings each individual into the Pentecost Flame and from all our age long destructive denials, Karmic Grief triggers and awakens our individual Karmic willingness to Sacrifice and lift our loved ones.

Frustratingly, that Lesson plan, locks Love into the Human Heart, Soul and Spirit and we each become aware of the travail and Gratitude we owe the Earth. The 6th Age poses an Educational Frustrating individual revelation of Time and our Crucifixion and Awakening in the Higher Devachan of Time and Space.

After the 6th Age, when we finally get to the 7th Age, where we learn the method of Restoration, Etheric and Life-Spirit secrets of building a New, repairing, sacrificing and giving others our Lives to repair our loved ones damaged lives, will be some of the first sprinkling of Angel deeds, Angel -Like acts of Etheric field studies of renewable giving. If we are going to get our Earth Evolution to it’s next phase, we will learn how to give our own Etheric Life to others. To lay down our own Etheric Life for the re-consolidation and restructuring and cohesion of Loved Ones is the lesson of Greater Love hath no Human Being.

These far-flung Oasis of New Michael Culture, by Ahrimanic cultural standards, will of course be considered outside the Norm and unable to merge with the brilliant birth gifts and birth rights that a full Ahrimanic culture controls. Peace on Earth with a strong Non-I AM emphasis, cooled down and away from Free moral intuition will predominate the captivity of many of our loved ones.

The rejects from Ahrimanic Peace on Earth will begin receiving the new FIRE of the higher Manas. And most of these Devachan Fire streams will awaken, vivid hidden Manichean Karmic discrepancies which shall call forth Love, Courage and Sacrifice in the core of the I AM. The Manichean School of Spirit-Self and the I AM will have powerful challenges from now till the very end of the 7th Age.

Ahriman’s intent is to wither, diminish and weaken the Core Fire of the I AM through moral and spiritual atrophy, through lack of use, simply by giving cradle to grave coverage of brilliant External and Technical Support from OUTSIDE to that which in us should become the unique Fire of the I AM from INSIDE.Age of Ahriman Universal Coverage from Cradle to Grave Christ ignites the Core Fire System of the I AM. Without that I AM, taking the I AM out of the equation, out of the Cosmic Developmental Program, Ahriman hopes to lame and nullify the powerful capacities the I AM must acquire, as inner strengths, during the 5th and 6th Age. Instead of abnegating and making the true I AM extinct, atrophied and lamed, Christ, as the Cosmic I AM ARISES FROM WITHIN, as fiery far flung support to the unfolding Manichean realities of selfless cognition, Freedom, Sacrifice and Love.

Each I AM is unique, quirky and bears gifts that only through that I AM can that portion of the Karma of the Earth and that portion of the Higher Schooling of Higher Dimensional Beings, be illuminated, supported, lifted and carried. Age of America 3 lift carry place eurythmy rodsWhen we understand Eurythmy and penetrating the deepest realities of Earth Evolution, we gain a keen respect for LIFT – CARRY – PLACE. Our humanity, like ATLAS, like HERCULES, will be required to LIFT – CARRY and PLACE the entirety of Earth towards it’s next phase of Evolution.

Therefore as the 6th Age of Spirit-Self progresses, we learn amongst our sisters and brothers what the New School of Bodhisattvas are. What the New School of Bodhisattvas reveal,  in terms of selfish decapitation and eclipse of the I or selfless awakening of the new Manas Fire of the I.

Christ is the Helper of each I AM and the sustainer of our approach to the inner fire of the School of the Higher Hierarchies. Christ is a fact of the Spirit, a fact of Matter, a fact of the intimate Karma of each human being, and a wholesome, healthy fact of the Hierarchies. Penetrating and igniting SPIRIT-FIRE, to quench the thirst the Earth has for it’s own spiritual transformation, must slowly in the 6th and 7th Ages arise from the I AM in the core of each human being. That is simply the only way LOVE can be carried over through the next development of Humanity. Christ is a Higher Dimensional Being and great Teacher of the singular power of the I AM of Love and Freedom on the galactic scale. Christ penetrated beyond the skeletal system down into the deepest, densest region of constricted Earth Evolution. If the stones could speak!

Age of America 3 Christ becomes the Living power of Love in matter

“And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” Luke 19:40

Because through the Time and Transit System we have discussed, hidden in our human hearts, we know we each carry a portion of the Stars and each of our Loved Ones carry a portion of us in them. We are each holding and each responsible for a vast portion of the pawn shop ticket that redeems the Higher Value of the Karma of the Earth. Nothing could have happened on Earth, at all, NADA, without each other. Evil and injustice calls forth Justice and the Good, ignorance calls forth Understanding, tragedy calls forth Love and Wisdom. These are the awful Manichean Riddles Christ saw when He crossed paths on Earth with the Youth of Nain.

The true value of the I AM is true GOLD OF THE SUN. So what beings hunger, crave and attempt to rule the world by setting the value of EXTERNAL GOLD above the value of INNER GOLD of the Spiritual Fire of the I AM?Age of America 3 Ahriman's Pawn shop gold of the I AM redeemed Portions and pieces of our Astral bodies, our Etheric bodies, our I AM have been put in the Pawn Shop of Asuric, Ahrimanic and Luciferic Entities.

We have each left portions and pieces of ourselves at the Pawn Shop of Ahriman and in the 6th Age our HIGHER I AM will be engaged in recovering our loved ones. They have pieces of us and we carry pieces of each other. Modifications in the astral, etheric, physical systems Ahriman CultureWithout the Incarnation of George Bailey, Rachel Corrie, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon, St. Paul, Novalis , Nietzsche, George Orwell, each and everyone of us who prospered in the culture of the I AM would have portions of ourselves lost.

Ahriman wants, for a full Season of Humanity, to atrophy, lame and nullify the fiery forces of Love and Sacrifice potent in each I AM. This only creates a more powerful Manichean sense of loss. Everyone of us will be engaged in the New Mystery Dramas that wracked and contorted the first dawning awakening of the New Michael Race gathering, we witnessed in the dawning of Anthroposophy on Earth. Now and through the 6th Age Love Itself will be called forth to shatter the impenetrable walls of Ahriman’s Occult Imprisonment of our loved ones.

During the 6th Age we shall learn how to be Hercules an ATLAS and true Saints with an illuminated HALO dancing around our THOUGHT LIFE, which will be the confirmation that NEW LIFE is swirling into the recesses of the 6th Age of Spirit-Self. We will all be Saints and suffer the same intensity that Saints have suffered. Symptoms of Autism where brain and early erupting of Spirit-Self and Manas triggers savant and genius distortions, foreshadow the coming fireworks. It will be a Pineal and Pituitary inner fire works display. We will celebrate our struggle of gaining Pineal and Pituitary Freedom as a new revelation of the Fourth of July.

The New Fireworks will not be appreciated by Ahrimanic Materialism for the Group Soul of Ahriman will have already anticipated the disruptions of the astral body and pharmaceutically sought control and containment so that the I AM does not receive the benefits of the coming Spirit-Self from cradle to grave. By skipping the I AM, the Ahrimanic Race will offer vast Fallen Astral and Devachan ease.

I AM FIRE of Love, compassion and individual sacrifice will no longer ever be necessary. A group Ahrimanic Culture will be accepted as the Provider of New Pharmaceutical and Technical Revelations. The I AM will Atrophy and become irrelevant.  The coming AMERICAN AGE Revelation has magnificently positive as well as disturbingly negative impacts on THE AGE OF AMERICA. What hangs in the balance is the recovery of the I AM or falling before the brilliant culture of the Non-I AM.

We didn’t want the I AM. We never understood it’s value. We assumed it was the cause of Wars and Evil and we refused to consider immense adversary powers who coveted conquering vast regions of the Hierarchies by suffocating and kidnapping the Hierarchies little Human I AM seedlings. Immense Adversary Powers could feed off the retarded, cocooned and atrophied I AM and use US to regain their missed and failed status.

In turn we wanted someone to provide for us, turn stones into bread for us. We wanted Peace and Passivity without the sacrifice of recovering our moral I AM from the lofty School of the Hierarchies. Age of America 3 Ancient Saturn and the Naked Youth-Zenos-Frudakis-Philadelphia-Pennsylvania-USA-We didn’t want the School of the Stars or Sophia or the potent power of Higher Dimensional Beings able, like Christ, to help us penetrate beyond the densest matter of our skeletons, to the recovery of our own pristine, primal, Zodiacal Immortal Phantom Body. We can SEE the THREE PREVIOUS stages of Ancient Saturn, Sun, Moon Evolutions, and during the densest Fourth Evolution, Our Earth Evolution, from the highly formed, solid skeleton, OUT POPS the virgin ecstatic, Naked, newbie, our Phantom Body.

It makes it’s first elastic appearance, shy, threatened and alone, just after Gethsemane. It is shyly following the Christ as they are about to arrest Him. The Phantom that Christ had won from dense Earth and Ancient Saturn, as He sweated blood down through the marrow of His bones, was the Fire Force of THE COSMIC I AM OF CHRIST, it was something we are beyond clueless about. It was the Agnishvattas, the very FIRE FATHERS, that Christ awoke and let pass through His skeleton. The Fire Fathers, Agnishvattas, literally can make Living Copies and absolutely Immortal Reproductions. (Immortal Copies last part of THIS LINK)

Christ delivered this FIRE COPY of Spirit-Man to Earth as promised. Christ with a fully Conscious Higher Dimensional Cosmic I AM, dwelling in the body of Jesus of Nazareth, passes through to the other-side of the universe, through the other side of matter itself to bring the Primal Divine Phantom Form to birth on Earth. A scientific act by a Higher Dimensional Being.

Long before our Solar System itself had refined us, given us the Structure of our Magnificent Vowels, planted in each human body the Etheric and planetary Time System of our Hearts, our Livers, our Spleen, our Gall, our Seven inner time organs and pieces and our Rainbow and our palate of Tastes – It was our Phantom Body that was the primal Artistic Revelation, planted as a Seed Germ in our Ancient Saturn Evolution, by the Constellations themselves. We as humanity cannot go back further without the help of the hierarchies, because beyond that germinal point of Ancient Saturn we didn’t exist. THERE WAS NO BIG BANG.

Age of America 3 Seven Pillars of Sophia the Earth and the School of the Lamb Florian SydowBut the Christ as one of the Gods, absolutely existed. Christ brought back from the future, the Alpha and Omega, the Saturn through to the future Vulcan Evolution, Christ brought into TIME the shy, mobile and elastic immortal Phantom Body, pristine and ready for us, to try on, as Creator Beings, when we finally arrive at Spirit-Man.

“The clothing of the young man in Mark 14:51-52 and in 16:5 should be understood against this background. The young man in Gethsemane, according to Mark, is dressed in a linen cloth. How important this was to the author is clear from the fact that he repeats the reference in the following description of how the young man, having fled naked, left behind. This focus on the clothes is not merely a report of an event, but is also an indication of the significance of the event. In a Jewish context nakedness would be regarded as a shameful state. Mark is implying that the young man, eager to follow Jesus after others fail him, also falls into shame. His leaving behind his clothes is stressed also by the ensuing and explicit reference to his nakedness.”

The desire we had for a political/spiritual leader who would do for us, turn stones into bread for us, icy Ahrimanic Intelligence could do. Would do, has done and will do, roger that. Ahriman is an old, ancient icy monster that has haunted the cosmic regions of efficient Cosmic Intelligence without heart since long before humanity came on the scene.

If humanity was to have Freedom and an efficient functioning brain, Ahriman, as cold and efficient as an Alien Being with cyanide for blood, was called forth by the Creator Beings to ripen the Minds of humanity. In the contract of giving Ahriman seductive opportunity to present human beings as an efficient machine, a mockery of Love and Freedom, severed from the Moral Forces of the Sophia House of the Word, Ahriman is doing his job. Earth Evolution Florian SydowHe has his opportunity to challenge the Gods Themselves, or it wouldn’t be fair, Ahriman, Man as a Cold Calculating Automaton of the Cosmos,  faces-off against the Moral Wisdom planted in the seed core of the Human Heart. Christ is a game changer.

Humanity desired to have a New Ahrimanic Race with all the perks and candy coated solutions served up to us because we didn’t want to have to deal with the suffering and the conflicts and with winning our own insights, and stirring up the higher forces of our I AM. We didn’t really understand the Christ Event and it didn’t appeal to our LOVE OF EASE. We didn’t want Peace as a Conscious Choice of Conscious Love awakened in our own I AM. We wanted the numbness and brilliance of a world where the culture of the Non-I AM let us off the hook to become ELOI (Click Link).

The Coup de gras of Ahriman to prevent the Awakening of the I AM of Manas

The ELOI are the result of the pampered Persian Turanian split in humanity that reflects the Non-I AM culture of the Coming, prepared and pampered Ahrimanic Group Soul.  Angra/Aŋra Mainyu vs Ahura-Mazdao; Ahriman vs The Logos was once a Gemini Mystery of Ancient Persia. It arises near the end of the 5th Age and beginning of the 6th Age as the Coup de gras of spoiling and removing any need, reason or incentive for the existence of an I AM.

6th Age of the race of the Ahrimanic Archai and the race of the Michael Archai SPLITTING THE TWINS

“There existed also tales, if not myths, of the birth of wonderful TWINS. Zoroaster, who propounded belief in one supreme god, yet wanted to explain the existence of evil—a fact of life—as a consequence of free choice. The myth of the TWIN SPIRITS is a model he set for the choice every person is called upon to make. It can not be doubted that both are sons of Ahura Mazdā, since they are explicitly said to be TWINS, and we learn from Y. 47.2-3 that Ahura Mazdā is the father of one of them. Before choosing, neither of them was wicked. There is therefore nothing shocking in Angra Mainyu’s being a son of Ahura Mazdā, and there is no need to resort to the improbable solution that Zoroaster was speaking figuratively.

“The fight between the two spirits for the possession of xᵛarənah is recounted in Yt.19.46ff.; in Y. 57.17 and elsewhere the two of them are said to have created the world. But the Vendidad, in its first chapter, gives a different picture; here it is Ahura Mazdā’s creation, not Spənta Mainyu’s, which is challenged by Angra Mainyu’s counter-creation. To the creation of each of the sixteen countries by Ahura Mazdā, Angra Mainyu replies by creating some evil being, illness, scourge, or vice.”

The Ahrimanic Race of the Non-I AM vs The Michael Race of the I AM finally meet at the cross-roads of the Crucifixion of Time. The Michael Race presents the possibility of igniting the INNER I AM and fueling the potential of developing a Higher conscious Pineal Eye linked directly to Earthly Intelligence. A Moral Cosmic ability arises in the 6th Age of Spirit-Self and Manas that can see clearly into the Hierarchies and also see clearly into the depths of matter and the Karma of Humanity. The Persian Age of the TWINS and the Aquarian 6th Age of the Waters of Life come to a culminating confrontation in the Earthly Halls of TIME.

Gemini and the Twins from Ancient Persia comes roaring back in the 6th Age, the Age of Aquarius as the culture of Ahriman and the Non-I AM vs the culture of Michael and the I AM. It unfolds into two distinct rivers of incarnational streams. Age of America 3 Gemini and the twin emancipation of doubleAll along the way, the Non-I AM appealed to us more than the Science of the I AM. We craved for someone or some Being to make decisions for us, dominate us, become a Political /Spiritual savior.

Our secret wishes for Christianity were that baby Jesus saved us all and we didn’t have to do anymore thinking. TWO JESUS CHILDREN? As spoiled little humans we didn’t like the reality of reincarnation and that our beloved Jesus did not just Pop Out of the Cereal Box or was our very own precious Cracker Jack prize. We didn’t like the Gift of Knowing the True History of the Christ Event. We just wanted our own cuddly delusions of Baby Jesus to affirm to us, that we are all instantly saved.

We didn’t like tracking how the ancient Zarathustra incarnated as the Matthew Jesus child. We didn’t like to consider the efforts Zarathustra had made in ancient Persia/Iran to lift himself towards Ahura-Mazdao. We certainly haven’t felt a burning desire to understand the stage of Spirit-Self, Manas and the Bodhisattva level of achievement it took for Zarathustra to create the space and spiritual tools needed for THE MACROCOSMIC LOGOS, the Christ to step through the narrow gate marked, HUMANITY. Maybe we thought Buddha did it all for us, maybe we thought Allah did it all for us. What we wanted was to avoid thinking and awakening for ourselves and SEEING. Freedom and Love IS the CHRIST EVENT.

We secretly craved the Non- I AM culture that Ahriman offered without the painful reevaluations of Science -Art -Religion that struggling for Michael thoughts, seemed to require. We honestly believed that if there was anything important to learn about the Spiritual World, we could wait till we were dead and arrived at Heaven’s Gate. Then we would see, know, understand everything. We were the deciders and that is what we decided. One life to live, enter heaven and know everything. Age of America 3 ahrimanic brainAhriman promised a longer, and longer shelf-life on Earth, and he would supply all the wisdom we ever needed or wanted it would be part of the package deal of his great gifts to humanity. His Coup de gras is capturing and disabling the precious I AM that the Higher Dimensional Beings implanted in humanity.

In the 6th Age Ahriman’s brilliant, technologically superior race devolves, meaning that the freshness and novelty of Peace On Earth, without the interfering I AM, secured by the Ahrimanic Archai Sciences from Cradle to Grave, is finally handed to humanity on a platterAge of America 3 TIME and biography. Whole streams of incarnations are funneled into this Ahrimanic System from exactly the stagnation of the I AM. The profound rejection and refusal to explore and awaken the deeper treasures of our I AM because we insist that we should remain infants, unable to assess for ourselves our Angels Work in Our Astral Body, or ever in our wildest dreams comprehend how a Higher Dimensional Being endowed with the FIRE FATHERS primal Spirit-Man could release from our skeletons the hidden riddle of Death.

Over the long run of TIME, a consistent pattern of choosing, of the THREE TEMPTATIONS, choosing the Non-I AM of Ahrimanic Civilization against the I AM of Michael Civilization arises as TWO DEFINITE STREAMS. Which confirms the problem of the link between the Ahura-Mazdao of the coming Iranian/Persian mystery of the Christ Being that appeared in the Gemini culture of the Twins. In the 6th Age of Aquarius, TIME HAS MOVED ON, the deciders have decided and settled for elaborating a brilliant Ahrimanic Race, ruled and designed in such a way that elimination of illness, control of death, supplying a placebo of immortality and a mockery of reincarnation would be tied directly to the fallen, brilliant Devachan instincts of our Shadows. Our hyper-designed Doubles would be inserted and take the place of our I AM.

The results have a TWOFOLD outcome. Two distinct Races start developing on Earth. A descending Race, where all inner higher capacities are forfeited for the prize of Non- I AM Peace On Earth. From outside, not from inside the I AM, Ahriman has brilliantly and generously lifted the burden of striving by offering what appears to be unlimited LIFE and more abundantly. Age of America 2 duplicating the doubleThe snag is degeneracy. The I AM Cognitive Fire dissipates. The I AM languishes and Atrophies, which have been Ahriman’s own well designed plans all along for the Coup de gras of Icy Cosmic Atrocity. The Ahrimanic Race that devolves, over generations, slowly degenerates to something more like Morlocks than Eloi.  Becoming Eloi or degenerate Morlocks are not part of the goals of the Michael I AM race.

What did IRAN have to do with the Political Ahrimanic Henchmen of Washington? What was the purpose of lunging towards Russia again and again? What was the meaning of scooping up whole countries, whole regions, decimating and dumping vast Archangels over the Earth into the maw of the Ahrimanic Archai rising so monstrously out of the West? What is the pretty playhouse of the Gulag of the Non-I AM? What were the preparations for with the full invasion of Pharmaceutical Astral, Etheric Entities injected into unsuspecting humanity? What was Ahriman preparing in the 5th Age of the Consciousness Soul that comes to fulfillment and culminates in the 6th Age of Manas that proclaims GIVE HUMANITY EVERY TOY AND TECHNICAL TOOL OF THE PSYCHE MONEY CAN BUY? Answer: The Coup de gras of the I AM. The prize was the unignited, unawakend I AM.

Without the use of unfolding the future capacities out of the I AM, degeneracy eventually takes over from the initial chip, cell, clone, engineered and Celebration of Peace on Earth with our new gifts of Ahrimanically designed Astral, Etheric and Physical bodies. Ahriman, while we refused to LOOK, does a complete reverse Prometheus confiscation of the design codes of human replication, which he steals from the Hierarchies.Age of America 3 Cosmic Michael Intelligence or Ahrimanic Intelligence Instead of Fire and the I AM he brings cool dumbed down moral complacency. His long awaited Kingdom, makes the dense Earth of NOW, into the primal Buck stops here Utopia we all craved for. Ahriman opens his cosmic goody bag and reveals brilliant, hither to unfathomed technology as new cradle to grave spirituality for all. This severing and loss of I AM seed core forces has a TWOFOLD, 6th Age hazard built into it.

Atrophy and degeneracy in the longer run of Time is one definite result of forfeiting and abnegating the progressive School of the Hierarchies of Sophia and the School of The Lamb. Degeneracy of the Non-I AM leads to Goats, but we will get to that in the 7th Age. The other result is that an intense Manichean Nightmare arises, when we realize that the entire Karma of the Earth is in jeopardy. Our Loved Ones have been mis-led by their own refusals to think and discern. An immense cultural challenge arises to recover the I AM of our loved ones, because without the I AM, engaged, Earth becomes more and more consequentially tragic. He’s Not Heavy He’s my Brother. And on the other hand, the Manichean Suffering of our captured loved ones forces the true I AM to reach a higher Devachan understanding of grief.

A Twin, Twofold, Titanic Anchor to the Earth of a Race sinking and taking the entire Earth with all our karma with it into the abyss, gradually reveals the ancient face and designs of our Angra Mainyu, an Ancient Being of Icy Cosmic Intelligence, a Monster relic, an Archai master left over from the earliest primal beginnings, before Ancient Saturn Evolution. By not GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS laid into our foundations our Loved Ones are tortured and eaten slowly changing their astral, etheric and I AM’s into atrophied party favors for Luciferic, Asuric and Ahrimanic consumption. The riddle of consumer and consumption is finally out in the open. The Cosmic Monster of Intelligence is out of the closet. The Ancient cosmic cat is out of the bag.

Being slowly swallowed up is one part of the unforeseen consequences of the decisions of all of us who decided.Age of America remaking man And with our decision comes the opposite strength from within us to sacrifice ourselves for our sisters and brothers, above our own I AM safety and well being, to recover the flip side of the astral, etheric and I AM. To recover Manas, Budhi and Atma and bring our I AM to fruition.

A New Manichean, Spirit-Self understanding arises that each part of each detail of the Karma of the Entire Earth and our own Karmic Groups are irreplaceable treasures. Age of America 3 Manas spirit-self recovering karmic groupsIn the 6th Age we learn directly why Christ Sacrificed the painful shrinking of his Lofty Sun Being into a narrow Human Form. In the 6th Age the Lord of Karma teaches us the mystery of the transformation and transubstantiation of the Earth itself. We realize that what we consider someone else’s problem is our problem. That which the least of these are suffering is part of the suffering of the entire travail of the Earth and her future. A Manichean crisis, long predicted, surrounds us all in the 6th Age.

The Manicheans are supposed to have taught that a Good and an Evil are part of the natural order and have always been in conflict with one another, this having been determined for them by the Creation. Here there is a glimmer of the Order’s real task, but distorted to the point of nonsense. The individual members of the Order were specially trained for their great work. The Order knew that some day there will be men in whose karma there is no longer any evil, but that there will also be a race evil by nature, among whom all kinds of evil will be developed to a higher degree than in the most savage animals, for they will practice evil consciously, exquisitely, with the aid of highly developed intellects. Even now the Manichean Order is training its members so that they may be able to transform evil in later generations.

“The extreme difficulty of the task is that these evil races will not be like bad children in whom there is goodness which can be brought out by precept and example. The members of the Manichean Order are already learning how to transform quite radically those who by nature are wholly evil. And then the transformed evil will become a quite special good. The power to effect this change will bring about a condition of moral holiness on Earth. But this can be achieved only if the evil has first come into existence ; then the power needed to overcome the evil will yield a power that can reach the heights of holiness. A field has to be treated with manure and the manure has to ferment in the soil ; similarly, humanity needs the manure of evil in order to attain to the highest holiness. And herein lies the mission of evil. A man’s muscles get strong by use ; and equally, if good is to rise to the heights of holiness, it must first overcome the evil which opposes it. The task of evil is to promote the ascent of man.”

The effect of our I AM being cut off from the Hierarchies and presented with Astral bounty and Group Soul experience, designed for political correctness of ALL HUMANS ARE CREATED EQUAL, is that we embraced and submerged ourselves into the Culture of Ahriman. We renounced the stirring awakening of the deep fires of the I AM in favor of all the Ahrimanic Race supplied for us. It would all be given from cradle to grave without any need for effort or understanding our actual human position within the Hierarchies. Age of America 2 birth to death the weight of our destinyIt was embarrassing to know that we as Humanity were tender saplings in a gigantic School of the Hierarchies. We settled for the Non-I AM because the Core I AM required cognitive, compassionate and subtle discoveries that illuminated the Hierarchies above and the Destiny of Earth beneath our feet.

To drop like a stone to the bottom of the sea is to truly, truly consider how an infected and compromised humanity would atrophy it’s higher forces. The inauguration of Eurythmy in 1912 and the Titanic sinking to the bottom of the sea in 1912 were two, shattering, historical events.

“The time will come — and it may not be far off — when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug.”  Rudolf Steiner

Age of America 3 Torments of the awakening I AM“Just consider, in ancient Greece the whole body was filled with the whole soul, and they were in agreement. Today this is not the case, for the bodies are partly empty. I am not saying anything derogatory about empty heads; they will stay empty (Hollow) as part of evolution. In reality, however, nothing stays empty (Hollow) in this world. The heads are merely empty (Hollow) of something which was destined to fill them at another time. Nothing is ever completely empty (Hollow).

“With the human soul withdrawing more and more from the body, the body is increasingly in danger of being filled with something else. And if human beings are not prepared to take up impulses which can only come from spiritual knowledge, the body will be filled with demonic powers. Humanity is facing a destiny where the body may be filled with ahrimanic demonic powers. So we have to add to what I said yesterday about future development: there will be people in future who are Tom, Dick and Harry in ordinary life, which is something determined by social circumstances, but their bodies will be empty (Hollow) to such an extent that a powerful ahrimanic spirit can live in them. One will be meeting ahrimanic demons. Human beings will not be what they appear to be. The individual person will be deep down inside, and outwardly one will get a totally different picture.”
Age of America 3 T.S. EliotFrom the very beginnings of our time on Earth our skulls and skeletons densified. Our Pineals receded from being a Higher Eye, which was an organ that extended out well above us as an Etheric Organ of sight, to the Pineal Eye in the brain casing that Sees Thought. The Pineal and Pituitary, for all of humanity, receded slowly into our skulls and were closed off from Ancient Clairvoyance. Pyramid and Pineal and PituitaryThe contracting of the human I to a point of pure individual reason and by our own efforts, tutored by Cosmic Spirit -Self and Manas, we train our own I AM to rise once more, taking creation consciously with us. Our craniums and our skulls gave each of us the Individual I AM of grounded Intellect. Our Consciousness Soul stirred to Life the great secrets of the I AM. Our Spirit-Self arrived to ignite the illuminated seeds we uncovered in exploring the country of our Consciousness Soul. In the 6th Age the Devachan Sophia Fire pours down into our compassion, our Love, our Freedom and organizes and ignites our Halo, our Astral Body.

The Sixth Age of the Holy Ghost and FIREspirit selfhood our angel and the dove by iris sullivan

T. S. Eliot’s Little Gidding IV

“The dove descending breaks the air
With flame of incandescent terror
Of which the tongues declare
The one discharge from sin and error.
The only hope, or else despair
Lies in the choice of pyre of pyre-
To be redeemed from fire by fire.

“Who then devised the torment? Love.
Love is the unfamiliar Name
Behind the hands that wove
The intolerable shirt of flame
Which human power cannot remove.
We only live, only suspire
Consumed by either fire or fire.”

In the 6th and 7th Age we will consciously arise and once more outgrow our craniums. In the 6th and 7th Age an in-pouring of FIRE will give us an accurate eye pointing into the depths of the Earth and the secrets of matter and an Upper Eye into the accurate workings of the Hierarchies. And that is how the Gemini duality of ancient Persia becomes the working Astral and Devachan fireworks that illuminates each human Spirit. That is how the 6th Age of Manas and Spirit-Self begins lighting the FIRE  (Click Link) from the core of our I AM. That is how I AM FIRE will slowly illuminate every nook and cranny of our brains with the Love streaming forth from our own Hearts Core.

Ahriman loved to pace humanity with a premature Nuclear Revelation. Like Monsanto, a Nuclear Earth does not transubstantiate matter from the Higher Core of the ignited Human I AM. Ahriman took the opportunity we gave him and challenged the I AM of humanity. The less our Human I rejected immoral enticements from Ahriman, like Nuclear Annihilation, global vaccines that shatter the cohesion of our children’s incarnations and their Astral Bodies, the more we propelled the agenda of Ahriman to wrap the Human I AM in a cushioned, comfortable cocoon of Spidery Atrophy. Ahriman’s narcotic Spidery numbness brings a slow Coup de gras to the potent power of the I AM.

Ahriman is one of the Old Monsters of the Galaxy. Ice cold Intelligence before Our Skeletal and Etheric Bodies were blessed by the Sun Logos, the Ancient Sun Evolution and before our Immortal Design was planted in the Ancient Saturn Evolution. We arrive well after the Primal Archai Regents of the old Cosmos, along with Michael, divided up the body of the Intelligence of the Solar System, and made their preparations in the human I AM against Icy Ahriman’s slow freezing brilliance. Humanity was anticipated as bearers of Cosmic Freedom and Love. We were designed by the Gods to carry the Love and Freedom of the Immortal I AM beyond Ahriman’s Icy Domain. We merely have to inwardly decide which outcome we want for our loved ones.

Our brains which are the Dish, the Cup of the Stars, are supported by ATLAS and the NEW POWERS OF THE WORD.Age of America 3 Atlas and the Word It was there all the time, our vast enclosed skull, with our Pineal and Pituitary will start to light up within it’s CUP and an organized Spiritual Radiance will shine round the heads of those who learn to lift Karma and Creation off it’s hinges. Age of America 3 Spirit-Self and future generationsThat can only be done by reconnecting Earthly wisdom to Sophia wisdom.

In a literal influx of the Holy Spirit FIRE, we will have an accurate Eye into the depths of matter and karma below and an active upper Eye above, fully streaming with Sophia inspiration. Love will supercharge us from above and from below as we gain a conscious hold of Spirit Wisdom. The Sophia of St. John will be our common schooling and both our heads and our hearts will glow with a new Spirit-Fire.

Do yourself a favor Dig Deeper

If any Being comes forth and says, don’t worry, you don’t have to lift anything, Technology will lift it for us, dig deeper. Technology will give us easily the Astral multiplicity and Virtual world dignity so called higher beings have, if that is implied, dig deeper. It doesn’t have to come from the core of our I AM, we can lift all the burdens of suffering and do it without the need for the I AM, dig deeper. Because the I AM is not wise enough, strong enough or good enough, only sterile technology can do the heavy lifting of the future creation of the Earth. If that is implied, dig deeper.

Technology can give you a razor sharp, borrowed, astral body. Technology can supply a healing Lymphatic Body for all of humanity. Technology can improve our physical body and give it long, long renewable years. Do yourself a service and dig deeper. Technology can lift the burden of immortality and give Consciousness a link to eternal PERSONALITY and SELF, dig deeper. If humanity doesn’t dig deeper we will miss the fulfillment of Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man.  Ahriman, Lucifer and the Asuras will have stepped in and crushed and confiscated our humanity and our unique Class in the great School of the Hierarchies, will have failed.

Manichean Courage and the Transformation of Mars

Curriculum of the Stars sounds like some tacky sitcom, game show. But just a minute, all our Freedom and all our deciding between good and evil had to do with the disturbance we received in our Astral Bodies during what we have studied as ANCIENT MOON EVOLUTION, when our own Angels were in their Human Phase.

We are now in the very center of the origin of Freedom, the PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM itself and the origin of Evil that entire universities have never, ever, attributed to events written in the history of our Solar System. We locate this disturbance in the Curriculum Vitae of our Solar System and we locate the historical events in the history of our Solar System where the philosophy of EVIL was first injected into us, when we locate the orbit of Mars.

First Appearance of The Curriculum Vitae of Sophia and the Stars

“When the holy Apostle Paul preached at the place on the Hill of Ares (Acts 17:16-34), Dionysius accepted his salvific proclamation and became a Christian. For three years St Dionysius remained a companion of the holy Apostle Paul in preaching the Word of God. Later on, the Apostle Paul selected him as bishop of the city of Athens.”

Mars and the mark where our Human Freedom, the Philosophy of Spiritual Activity met Aristotle’s categories, incidentally took place on MARS HILL. Hold that in our thoughts for a moment, MARS HILL. The first seed of the Curriculum of Higher Dimensional Beings and meaning of Freedom first germinated from The Hill of Ares.

The curriculum for HIGHER DIMENSIONAL BEINGS, including the newest branch office, our EARTH, opened it’s doors for business and brought forth a whole new batch of botched STAR SEEDS. Human Beings were ambushed while our Angels were struggling with giving humanity a brain and nervous system. The Holy Trinity and The Straw Man from the Wizard of Oz. (Click Link)

Age of America 3 scarecrow straw incomprehensible higher evolutionMARS in our Solar System is where our Angels had to deal with some of the roughest, renegade rebels in their Human Phase on Ancient Moon Evolution, while we, not yet human beings, were in the humble, rambunctious condition of animals. That immense Time Period for the Angels, where the mark of our MARS orbit is, was where our Angels fought the battle of disobedience and obedience. It was a big battle and our unformed human astral bodies were caught right in the middle of it. Our Solar System shows the results of the tear and rips of the battle.

The curriculum of some of the graduate students in the new school of higher dimensional beings, allows us NOW to repair some of the damage that MARS continues to cost humanity. Graduate students from Earth’s higher curriculum, the New Bodhisattva Schools of the Higher Manas of the 6th Age of Spirit-Self were sent to the MARS DEVACHAN to create outposts of healing and training to disarm external Mars violence.

By reversing the External habits of violence, War mongering and War Criminal unconscious instincts, Conscious Manichean Courage was instilled and re-directed inwardly. There-by Outposts in the violent region of the Mars Devachan were established to provide humanity with tools for peace.

The Higher Curriculum of Humanity and Earth have turned a corner from dense Mars disturbances in the blood, where IRON and Michael Courage arise, to compassion, the quickening of Love and Intuition, so that the forces of Mars are consciously turned toward the uplifting powers of Mercury, higher consciousness and healing.

Buddha and St.Francis were sent by Christian Rosenkreuz to mitigate the MARS disturbances that continue to rush through human instincts from the disturbed region of the MARS DEVACHAN.Stigmata Michael the Archai and St. Francis Yes how is that achieved? Well because we refuse to embrace the higher curriculum studies, our  graduate and masters programs that reveal Bodhisattva and Buddha developments, we are stuck in the quagmire of Earthly Intellect. But Buddha was not stuck, Buddha and St. Francis are part of what we have been discussing with the stage of development termed,  Spirit-Selfhood and Sainthood.

On Earth we have the luxury of the intellect to turn our backs on the curriculum of training ourselves towards our schooling together with Higher Dimensional Beings. But in our Life after Death we encounter the Raw Rage of violent Mars Beings. We ourselves were thoroughly tainted, even while incarnated on Earth, with the aggression of murderous Mars violence. We brought with us, to Earth, from our sojourn through the Mars Devachan, violent, raw instincts.

Ahriman, knowing these changes in Mars, stepped up it’s hunger for violence. Ahriman has insisted on maintaining the instincts of War Lust that rages under the surface of Cultural Ignorance. Ahriman doesn’t want humanity to dissolve it’s War Mongering instincts, rather Ahriman has found ways to sterilize murder. Ahriman has enjoyed leaving our murderous war instincts vitally unconscious, intact and untransformed by our higher compassion. Ahriman mustered Financial Terrorism, sterile drone death deliverers, information as blatant lies and devised and planned deceptions of terrorism, Presidential and Congressional blackmail, pandemic murder as well staged acts of terrorism, vaccine penetrating astral attacks and disruption of the cohesion of the astral and etheric bodies of our children. Ahriman devoured full Archangel Countries and Regions and absorbed them in acts of Ahrimanic Archai homogenization of Folk-Spirits and Languages. Finally the Coup de gras, the numbing, imprisoning and rendering insignificant the fiery core of the I AM itself.

The Coup de gras for Ahriman, Lucifer and the Asuras is a Spider-Like numbing and embalming our I AM, in a drugged and inoculated coma. The volatility, vibrancy and Freedom of the I AM to consciously and morally re-direct inner instincts away from violence, is one of the potent forces of the I AM.  Through Mars, Speech and the Word our Love is directed to inner certainty, inner courage, compassion, and conscious understanding.  Non-violence is part of the great work of the I AM.

Ahriman develops a method aimed at sterilizing the I AM, severing the I AM from the Hierarchies, re-directing the higher Holy Spirit Fire Inspirations arriving in the 6th Age and claim them all for his own brilliant Technological advances and Inventions. By harnessing the entire entombed Group Soul of Humanity to serve whatever agenda Ahriman requires, he provided Peace on Earth.

By technically numbing with outer technological splendor vast entertaining Devachan Regions, Ahriman offered vast Astral and exotic appeal and seduction for every human desire imaginable. Through the 5th and 6th age, through our Consciousness Soul and our Spirit-Self we have been challenged by our very own shadows to apprehend the difference between Seduction and Sacrifice. Space, Time and an icy Dead universe of the Stars was there to be conquered, without any need for cosmic and spiritual discernment and without any need for a Higher Dimensional Schooling.

By apparently supplying from prior to birth to well past death, a 360 degree plug-in to the world, the I AM was diminished, weakened and withered for there was no use for an I AM if everything Good was supplied for each Being. In the long run, it was the disenfranchisement, extinguishing and numbing of the I AM in a spidery cocoon and feeding sack, that allowed the Asuras, Lucifer and Ahriman to nullify much of The Tenth Hierarchy class of Sophia.

We know that after death we pass through the MARS DEVACHAN SPHERE, and we meet whole communities and monasteries in the Mars Devachan dedicated to preparing our return incarnations towards Earth by turning violence into inward courage and non-violence. We are bringing this pacification of violence back with us into incarnation as new Mercurial courage, compassion and quickness of heart and mind.

It was at the end of Part 2 we discussed Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”, Siddharthathe 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse and the transition we are making from the first half of blood soaked Earth Evolution, through the striving of MARS – SPEECH and THOUGHT, to the second half of Earth Evolution devoted to Mercury, healing, compassion and recovering the forces of LOVE from the wounds of Karma.

Heinlein told the story of Valentine Michael Smith a human raised on Mars. Such a Stranger in a Strange Land fit the undercurrent experiences of all of those in humanity who incarnated on Earth and felt out of place. Our Time in the Spiritual World before our births was a preparation and many remembered as we passed through the MARS period after death, that both Buddha and St. Francis and entire settlements in the MARS DEVACHAN were bringing to Earth what Henry David Thoreau described as new peaceful CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.Age of America 3 Mars to Mercury transformation of Evil Manicheanism

This new MARS transformation into healing and Mercury forces were felt by Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rachel Corrie and tens of thousands of martyrs who stood against violence, war and injustice. The origin of the change of those forces were part of our very own MARS experiences that we shared together in the MARS DEVACHAN prior to our return incarnationsAge of America 3 Mars and Rachel Corrie. The fact is that we have literal pictures of our Earth taken from Mars. But we have much more than that we have literal schooling from Buddha and St. Francis from sanctuaries established in the Mars Devachan where we all, ALL of us must pass through that rough region of the cosmos before we incarnate, in the flesh, back to Earth.

Sci-Fi did not know exactly how to accommodate the enormous Initiate and Bodhisattva, the Great Buddha, that had positioned Himself, not in Nirvana, but in the Sphere of Mars, in order to antidote the violent forces that still surge through the Mars Region. The best sci-fi could come up with was YODA, and the TWELVE INITIATES of the Jedi council.

“The High Council was a group of TWELVE wise and powerful Jedi Masters who were elected to guide the Order as well as to serve as an advisory body for the Office of the Supreme Chancellor.”

The Jedi and Yoda are part of a vague intuition that indeed something happened in the Solar System which is staggering. But Buddha or Yoda was the best they could come up with. Spiritual Science knows something much more overwhelming that is part of curriculum studies of the great Starry School of Sophia and our future Higher Dimensional training academy. None of these Beings will be found with our five senses alone.

War Criminals and the Transformation of Aggression (Rudolf Steiner CLICK LINK)

Buddha transferred his work to Mars in the year 1604. And on Mars he performed a deed similar to that performed by Christ on the Earth in the Mystery of Golgotha. Christian Rosenkreutz had known what the work of Buddha on Mars would signify for the whole Cosmos, what his teachings of Nirvana, of liberation from the Earth would signify on Mars. The teaching of Nirvana was unsuited to a form of culture directed primarily to practical life. Buddha’s pupil, Francis of Assisi, was an example of the fact that this teaching produces in its adepts complete remoteness from the world and its affairs. But the content of Buddhism which was not adapted to the practical life of man between birth and death was of high importance for the soul between death and a new birth.

“Christian Rosenkreutz realized that for a certain purification needed on Mars, the teachings of Buddha were pre-eminently suitable. The Christ Being, the Essence of Divine Love, had once come down to the Earth to a people in many respects alien, and in the seventeenth century, Buddha, the Prince of Peace, went to Mars — the planet of war and conflict — to execute his mission there.

“The souls on Mars were warlike, torn with strife. Thus Buddha performed a deed of sacrifice similar to the deed performed in the Mystery of Golgotha by the Bearer of the Essence of Divine Love. To dwell on Mars as Buddha was a deed of sacrifice offered to the Cosmos. He was as it were the lamb offered up in sacrifice on Mars and to accept this environment of strife was for him a kind of crucifixion. Buddha performed this deed on Mars in the service of Christian Rosenkreutz. Thus do the great Beings who guide the world work together, not only on the Earth but from one planet to another.”

Valentine Michael Smith may have represented our humanness on Mars, but our human in Ahriman’s Kingdom was represented by Winston Smith and penned by George Orwell. Here we begin to see what is behind vague intuitions and remembrances, similar to what Herman Melville brought as a vague intuition through Ahab and the destiny of America. If you want to penetrate behind the veil and take a shocking look into Ahriman’s Kingdom, just go to the near end of this link (Click Link). There you find Ahriman’s sleazy opinion of humanity examined by Rudolf Steiner in his Mystery Dramas.

We have not reckoned that the curriculum studies of our Solar System extends out to the hot-spot, the crisis point, where we as humanity were impacted and embroiled during the creation of our Astral Bodies with the turbulent forces of Freedom, Love, Evil and Disobedience. Disturbed and recorded in the groove of Mars.

These orbital fields are great geometric grooves like the Great Song of the Cosmos cut into the vinyl of an old long playing record. Vinyl as in Old School. The spiral track cut into a phonograph record for the stylus to follow. The needle or stylus of our I AM where we are enabled to hear the Music of the Spheres and review the old tracks or cuts of the mighty Album of our Solar System.

long, narrow cut or indentation in a surface, obsolete Dutch groeve, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German gruoba pit, Old Norse grof.  A track, A distinct selection from an audio or video recording, usually containing an individual work or part of a larger-work: the title track of an album.  Age of America Side 2To follow the undulations in the groove of a phonograph record used by a needle to catch the subtle tone vibrations caught in the vinyl of the grooves.

The Ancient Saturn Album; The Ancient Sun Album; and the Ancient Moon Album. The great grooves of Akashic, etheric, astral and Hierarchy activities and recordings of the history and forming of our Solar System can still be heard in LP album of the Making of Humanity. The recording and struggles of the Archai. The recording and struggles of the Archangels. The struggles of our own Angels. 

Ages Equinoxes planets rulingWe are now past the mid-point in the LP, studio recording of Earth Evolution with it’s different tracks, during the Age of Cancer, the Age of the Twins, the Age of the Bull, Age of the Ram, the Age of the Fishes, the Age of Aquarius, the age of Capricorn. The Needle of the Sun’s Eye rose in the Spring Equinox in completely New Constellations and gave us the experience of completely New Incarnations.

Age of America part 2 Florian SydowThe Progression of the Sun through the Constellations are the recordings, deeds, actions on Earth and in the Karma of Humanity, during the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Age of our Human adventure/journey on Earth. Play it Baby! Play it! It’s a Jazz, Rap, Hip-Hop-hope of the Flower child pride, of Rock and Roll to Beethoven, Mozart, Sitars and Santana’s “Soul Sacrifice” (Click Link). With Soul Sacrifice we needed no dress code, no permission from universities, no permission from the Church or politicians, it was pure divine inspiration loaded with the Hopes of The Fifth Age and the Revelations of the Sixth Age of Brotherhood. Everyone is a Divine undiscovered talent developing gifts we never dreamed of before. It was and IS up to us.

Mars is an incision, just before shrinking to tiny Earth proper, Mars marks the contracted region of The Ancient Moon Evolution, just prior to Earth. So we can see, in the Solar System, like grooves in a record, the incisions and the new cuts, of the different tracks that brought us to Earth and the song of humanity.

Eighth sphere separation and unfolding evolution of EarthThe incision and groove cut into the record of our Solar System, when our Etheric Sun Body, our immune body and Natures receptivity to Light, plants and the laws of Etheric nutrition were integrated in a vast healing system of the Logos, there we find the orbit of Jupiter. When we look upon the orbit of Jupiter we are remembering The Ancient Sun Evolution. By noting the orbit of Saturn, which marks the contraction and incision of Ancient Saturn Evolution, in the formation of our Solar System, we fathom the Zodiacal Gift, offered to the Archai of Saturn, our PHANTOM BODY.

Christ at Gethsemane and Golgotha, as a Higher Dimensional Being passed through the dense skeleton to the Makers and Creators of the Cosmic Model of the deathless PHANTOM BODY. Christ on Earth brought the Immortal Digital Copy of the Agnishvattas, the FIRE FATHERS, and burned a COPY, burned the Immortal Copies of the Highest goal of ALL of our Human Evolution. Fire Spirit Salamander AgnishvattaChrist retrieved and burned a copy of the Model Cosmic Immortal Form of THE PHANTOM BODY. Christ retrieved this Deathless vehicle of the Gods through the future FIRE OF SPIRIT-MAN. Christ was the first born to ever achieve Atma or Spirit-Man. It is the gift we are to attain as we learn to pass from Spirit-Self, to Angelhood, from Budhi to Archangel and from Spirit-Man to Archai.

This gift, this path, this schooling Christ bequeathed to Earth and Humanity. And it is without a doubt the deepest Science of the Solar System and the deepest treasure of the transformation of matter that has ever arisen for the benefit of the human kingdom.

There in the curriculum vitae of the Solar System we see where the fracture and disruption occurred, where the recording and track of the orbit of Mars, still resounds, with the stunning dissonance of the insertion of Freedom and Love into an entirely New Model of the Divine Hierarchies. But what was not told was that we have human beings already at outposts in those regions of the Solar System, mending the wounds and, starting with MARS, civilizing our Solar System. I had already examined how Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens had encountered SATURN BEINGS – HERE (click link).

If the opportunity dawns in the Soul, that Science and the Akashic legends in each of our Hearts awakens it will be because Greater Love Hath No Human Being than to hold our sisters and brothers in the depths of our hearts. We KNOW, we see the history of St. John, the awakening of Manas, the gift of the Cosmic Sophia of the Christ to St. John and the gift of Manas Spirit Fire into the astral body of humanity. Age of America 3 Novalis Manas St. John Sophia Christ Sophia AstralWe will owe our awakening to the suffering that an Ahrimanic Race has sacrificed itself to sink into the abyss. Everyone is on board Earth as the Titanic tilts, the entire psychic, elemental worlds and the Kingdom of Angels and Humans feel the slow smothering descent heading for the abyss, and this will Fire up the Spirit-Self as never since Zarathustra, Christ, St. John, Novalis and Parsifal. We will all experience this Moral Fire and Moral alteration in the 6th Age.

‘I say to everyone, He lives,
The Risen One is He;
For He is hovering in our midst,
There evermore to be.

I say to all, and everyone
Repeats it to his friend,
That’ Heaven’s new Kingdom soon will come
And nevermore have end.

With sense new we now behold
The world as Fatherland;
We drink new life in joy untold
That flows forth from his hand.

And now the fear of death is driven
Below the deepest sea;
To everyone the power is given to view his destiny.

The darksome way that He has trod
Leads unto heaven on high,
And only to those who hear His word
Shall come the Father nigh.

No longer does one need to mourn
When someone’s eyes are closed,
The grief of parting is reborn
As sweetness juxtaposed.

And now will every godly deed
With fresher beauty glow,
And wondrously forth from this seed
Will heavenly blossoms grow.

He lives, and shares His company
Though all support has ceased!
And thus for us this day shall be
A world renewing feast.’



To lift the tip of the tantalizing accelerations of the 6th Age of Manas and Spirit-Self and make a short trip to ATMA and Spirit-Man all the way beyond VENUS and VULCAN evolution it is suggested you sit down somewhere and watch Luc Besson’s “LUCY”. I have grown very fond of Luc Besson. “LUCY” CLICK LINK.


The Historian TERRY BOARDMAN is a colleague of ours in the Michael School. His detailed history of the Consciousness Soul history of the 5th Age and the ramped up striding toward the 6th Age of Spirit-Self and Manas provides us with a mini-review of Part 2 of our studies and a quick glimpse into the future of the 6th Age of the coming Water Bearer HERE CLICK LINK.  Terry Boardman has books and detailed research which can be hugely helpful in comprehending the links between the 5th Age and our coming 6th Age. Boardman’s Blog is HERE.  I have never met him yet in person but his thoughts resonate in the Devachan where the thoughts of Spiritual Science are the Life Blood of a New Community.


How do we verify a Devachan Courage linked to the Ancient Archangel of the Celtic Folk? A tale untold that Christ tapped Lazarus to carry the Esoteric lineage of Christ is concretely connected to the more ancient Celtic Folk Spirit. This untold tale of a kind of Devachan inspires Tolkien to recall and inspires him to raise an echo of the Devachan Imagination of the missing Celtic Earthiness that Christ recognized in the Esoteric Carrier and Teacher of the Christ Community. Christ gave Lazarus the assignment to carry the Manas to humanity. We look more deeply upon the incarnation gifts of Tolkien when we recognize how his incarnation time-line also carries all the way to 1973 and well beyond into the 21st Century. CLICK HEREJRR TOLKIEN ‘1892-1973’. After the Michael Victory of 1879 streams of souls with tremendous gifts struggled to carry those gifts from the spiritual world and through their Earthly Biography.


This FIFTH DIMENSION that we have been discussing through the whole of GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS becomes apparent in Physics when it comes to the Music of the Spheres and literal Beings created out of Classic Musical Compositions. How will Matter Itself be changed by humanity into Love and a New Cosmos? Here is part of the science of the future Chemical Composition of Love in an entirely New Humanized Cosmos. (CLICK LINK).


Eurythmy and the relation of Autism to the isolated ( i am) and the stabilizing forces of the Higher Self against the jagged rips in the Etheric and Astral is a very clear clinical study in THIS EXAMPLE CLICK LINK.


The mystery of the HEART/Sophia and the Glands, D. Gabriel takes us inside the TWELVE-FOLD CATHEDRAL we each own. This is Esoteric Anatomy and Medical  Spiritual Science. (CLICK LINK).


Our Etheric Time Body, when we are children we bring with us the compressed Etheric Time Body, which is very wise as it first incarnates. As we get older our Etheric Body starts to get younger. Time is slightly in reverse to what we imagine as physical aging. Therefore we see with this link that a Child carries the entire wisdom of these essays encapsulated. (CLICK LINK).


Sometimes we have to be a bit patient, we need a little patience. In this video clip, what happens reveals the reality behind the fact that the Heart is a New Brain Organ. This is very interesting for us. From a very loose perspective but with interesting subtle connections to the SCHOOL OF SOPHIA AND THE STARS,(CLICK LINK) this little 27 minute clip is as specific, and vivid as it also vague and intangible. Problems in removing karmic blockages and barriers and what those barriers are in terms of the Soul are hinted at. However there are 6th Age Spirit-Self and Manas kernels in their discussion which is surprisingly refreshing. Just relax and be patient. (CLICK LINK)

“Grappling with the monsters of the American Psyche” (part 2) by Bradford Riley


“The single stars composing the Zodiacal constellations around that ancient Saturn were scarcely to be distinguished from each other. They glittered only very faintly, like beams of light streaming out from Saturn. The best way to picture this is to think of ancient Saturn encircled by beams of light, just as our earth is encircled by a Zodiac. And in the course of Earth-evolution itself these light-masses developed into the present star clusters comprised in the Zodiac. So that the Zodiac — to use an abstract expression — has differentiated out of that original ocean of flame.”

Age of America sophia of the stars Ludger Philips leo

“Glory to the queen of the world, to the great prophet of the holier worlds, to the guardian of blissful love!” Novalis (the awakened I AM) “Hymns to the Night”

(Part 1) of GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE (Intro to entire 3 part study CLICK LINK HERE – complete)

This is (Part 2) of GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE (Detailed study of 5th Age of Pisces American Perspective –  Consciousness Soul) Completed

(Part 3) of GRAPPLING WITH THE MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE ( Study of the 6th Age of Aquarius, Manas and Spirit-Self. COMPLETE CLICK LINK

(Part 4) evaluates Life-Spirit, Budhi, the Eighth Sphere and the 7th Age of Capricorn IS NOW READY. HERE IS THE PORTAL, when you are ready for THE CULMINATION – of the American Psyche here is the gateway to it.

“Some of the most dramatic revolutions in the history of science have been those that have overturned previous conceptions of our own place in nature. The effect is something like that of coming suddenly to a high vantage point—at once exciting and terrifying, as a familiar view of our surroundings is revealed to be a limited and self-centered perspective on a larger but more impersonal reality. Age of America part 2 Times ArrowIn physics the most dramatic example is the Copernican revolution, with its overthrow of the geocentric view of the universe. In biology it is Darwinism, with its implications for the place of humanity in nature. These two examples are linked in the more gradual but almost equally revolutionary discovery of cosmological time (and hence of the insignificance of human history on the cosmological scale).” Huw Price is ARC Federation Fellow in the Centre for Time at the University of Sydney.   Time’s Arrow and Archimedes’ Point  ©Oxford University Press, 1996. HTML ©Huw Price, 1996.

An enormous gap in our educational comprehension omits the intimacy and immensity of our study of TIME. An entire branch of professional learning dedicated to the study of Time, completely and utterly misses the point of Living Time.  We are each and everyone of us intimate to Time, we are children of biological, biographical and cosmic time. We are all children of big bad Kronos, which stretches us karmically out to Saturn. (Study of Saturn CLICK LINK)

KRONOS (or Cronus) was theTitan god of time and the ages, especially time where regarded as destructive and all-devouring. He ruled the cosmos during the so-called Golden Age, after castrating and deposing his father Ouranos (the Sky).

We have shown in part 1 that all of us, everyone of us, are incarnated within a vast giant, a moving timepiece, that extends out further than Saturn into the Rising, the stupendous rising of chapters, that each of us shall write into the book of human history. The rising of the Zodiacal signs that carry the Star Mark, that reveals an entirely new Star Chapter that comes with the rising constellation of each new Spring Equinox was celebrated with awe and majesty in the Egyptian Age.

Egyptian Hymn to the Sun

Homage to thee, O Ra, at thy tremendous rising!
Thou risest! Thou shinest! The heavens are rolled aside!
Thou art the King of Gods, Thou art the All-Comprising
From thee we come, in thee are deified.
Thy priests go forth at dawn; they wash their heart with laughter;
Divine winds move in music across thy golden strings
At sunset they embrace thee, as every cloudy rafter
Flames with reflected color from thy wings.
Thou sailest over the zenith, and thy heart rejoices
Thy Morning Boat and Evening Boat with fair winds meet together;Overshadowed by the Etheric Christ Ninetta Sombart
Before thy face the goddess Maat exalts her fateful Feather,
And at thy name the halls of ANU ring with voices.
O Thou Perfect! Thou Eternal! Thou Only One!
Great Hawk that fliest with the Flying Sun!
Between  the Turquoise Sycamores that risest, young for ever,
Thine image flashing on the bright celestial river.
Thy rays are on all faces; Thou art inscrutable.
Age after age thy life renews its eager prime.
Time whirls its dust beneath thee; Thou art immutable,
Maker of Time, thyself beyond all Time.
Thou passest through the portals that close behind the night,
Gladdening the souls of them that lay in sorrow.
The True of Word, the Quiet Heart, arise to drink thy light;
Thou art To-day and Yesterday; Thou art Tomorrow!
Homage to thee, O RA, who wakest life from slumber!
Thou risest! Thou shinest! Thy radiant face appears!
Millions of years have passed, – we cannot count their number, –
Millions of years shall come. Thou art above the Years!

In this the Fifth Age, the Age of Pisces the Fishes we have done everything in our power to dampen down, suppress and extinguish the mighty trumpet call from the Six Elohim of the Sun as it rises as a beacon in a New Constellation, with new Time Codes and new Karmic Opportunities.

Just imagine what is taught to every person incarnated on Earth as quoted above by Huw Price. “(The insignificance of human history on the cosmological scale).” The insignificance of human history, the speck of dust in the cosmic scheme of things, the irrelevance of each spiritual human being who has incarnated, is relegated to insignificance. The Christ Event, in the vast scheme of things, just a pathetic blip. The study of Time and how the West and major universities in the world approach Time is a study in Star Stupidity.

We have correctly advanced our understanding of Time to the realm of SOPHIA/ISIS star wisdom. Which, as we studied in part 1, no matter where we turn with the overwhelming stunted star stupidity offered by the decadent universities of the far west, the vivid reality of our vast incarnational star journey’s and how we find each other again, embodied in the flow of Time, is not only omitted but destroyed in the West. We can look back through time and trace the track and trail of those we have loved in the past of human history and be absolutely surprised to see these same spirits that we loved once long ago, appear before us, again, in immediate time.

In Spiritual Science and the Michael School our accurate, historical and spiritual biographies through time and the karmic knots we have tied in the past and the karmic weaving we are bound to in the future can be measured, are the very indicators of the laws of Time, and will be measured.

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Our progress and regress will be measured by each other and we will be ” Our Brothers and our Sisters Keepers”. Which gives the term, she or he is a keeper an entirely different meaning which we will become deeply aware of. This form of Time Measurement will be and is the most advanced research and most efficient research of Time we may ever undertake. Because the very laws of Time are absolutely intimate to the karma of every individual.

Advanced in Depth Study of Time by Rudolf Steiner (Click Link)

“We know of the sons of life or the angels, and we know that they went through their human stage on ancient Moon. We know of the spirits of fire or the archangels, that went through their human stage on the old Sun condition of the earth, and we also know of the primeval forces, who went through their human stage on ancient Saturn. These beings are in advance of man in their cosmic evolution. If we were to study them today we would find that they are beings of a much more spiritual nature than man. Therefore they live in higher-worlds. But in regard to the particular things we have been mentioning today, their situation is totally different from man’s. In spiritual matters they conform absolutely to the cosmic rhythm. An angel would not think in such a disordered way as man, for the simple reason that his thought process is regulated by the cosmic powers which guide him. It is right out of the question for a being like an angel not to think in harmony with the great spiritual processes of the cosmos. The laws of logic for the angels are written in the universal harmony.Age of America Angelic Hierarches Dante Paradisio They need no textbooks. Man needs textbooks because he has brought his inner thought processes into disorder. He no longer knows how to take guidance from the great script of the stars. Angels know the course of the cosmos, and the course of their thought corresponds with the ordered rhythm.”

Keepers of Time and Keepers of our revelations, heart shattering revelations of who and how our karmic companions rose with us, fell with us, must be, out of Karmic necessity, redeemed by us, or all of us will fail, will become more and more an acute and painful revelation of Time. Time will stand there before us in the living person of our children, our friends,Mothers and Fathers, our wives, husbands and siblings, and those we thought were perfect strangers, with nothing to do with us, will be shatteringly revealed as part of our own deep wounds, stitches and our own scars we carved into Times membrane. We will experience the ripping and tearing and the revelation of the damage we caused our own karmic companions and how we wounded the future of the world with our betrayals.

Therefore to begin to understand the end of the 5th Age and the beginning of the 6th age we are faced with becoming Keepers of our true companions, brothers and sisters and karmic groups that literally reveal before our senses, the literal secrets, holiness and suffering of Time. So now, instead of abstract materialism offering us superficial degrees and careers in studying and suppressing the literal science of Time, we shall be faced with the literal laws of Time in our own beings. And this will be no abstract nonsense that is taught, suppressed and strangled daily by the kings and queens, the professors of physics and materialism (Click Link). We will experience with each other the literal pain of knowing and understanding the suffering of Time. We will learn to become the Keepers of Each Other (Fire end of Part 1 CLICK LINK), holding in our hearts the entire history of humanity in each of our beloved friends.

“In metahistory the closest to the human being are the beings of the third Hierarchy: Angels, Archangels, Archai (spirits of Personality). Working in sub-history are their negative counterparts: the retarded Angels (Luciferic beings), the retarded Archangels (Ahrimanic beings) and the retarded spirits of Personality (Asuric beings).”

We are all living on borrowed time. The entire Divine Beings and the Sub-Divine Beings of the world have sacrificed and offered us portions of Time. The Risen Etheric Christ has given us, and bought us some Time. The adversary powers we discussed in part 1 are trying to make up for lost time on the backs of the karma of humanity. In the swirling currents of Earth Time, Beings are using the unconscious tempo of humanity and our shadow instincts and our unconscious will forces to give primal Beings the sustenance to regain what they failed to achieve in long stretches of cosmic history before Time began.

“Thus the cultural-historical process represents in reality the totality of three parallel streams of development. One of them takes on a spatio-temporal character. Above it flows, providing it with impulse and inspiration, the stream of metahistory. Working within it are the beings of the Divine hierarchies. Below the earthly current of history flows a stream for which there is no name. Let us call it the sub-historical stream (concrete example of Sub-Historical Time Stream CLICK LINK). In it work those being of the third Hierarchy who remained behind in their development. Within the earthly cultural-historical process they pursue exclusively their own aims and thus represent an immense danger for the human being.” (Click Link)Age of America human history cosmic history subhistory

Humanity are Time Bearers. We are all wedded biologically, biographically, and Karmically to the CROSS OF TIME. While incarnated we have the freedom in our destinies to learn to protect a margin of cosmic-moral and human-moral forces. With a mature understanding of TIME we may bring our loved ones and our karma through the turbulence’s of Time.

As we progress with Part 2 we shall take brief weather snapshots of the perfect Storm of the latter part of the 5th Age of Pisces we are currently in. There are no doubts that we are all called upon to defend humanity, defend our children and like mariners, steer a course for the high destiny of our human and divine future.

In this battle on the open seas of Pisces and in the midst of the rhythms and sub-patterns of Cultural History, we are all faced with meeting the intrusions and sub-sensible attacks from Beings who would devour and annul our sacred Time Together. It is our undefended subsensible underbellies that Ahriman and America have falsely projected outwardly, manufactured outwardly, as a fear of THEM, external fabricated, illusionary terrorists that really are our own growing DOPPELGANGERS. The terrorists arise from our own inner betrayals of ourselves and mistaking our growing shadows as Ahriman’s propaganda, Orwellian power to constantly produce external enemies to be feared.

The greatest crime in this our 5th Age is our crucial failure to apprehend for ourselves knowledge of the reflection of our own shadows. Our failure to use the capacities latent in our Consciousness Soul to connect our deeds and mediate our attractions, our desires, our seductions to power, our addictions, murder by virtue of patriotic delusion, crimes against humanity, are all merely brushed aside by our convenient lack of education into true Orwellian insights.

America and the United States have bred a criminal breed who call themselves leaders. We have voted, elected and blindly followed a path of propaganda and War Criminal gloating. Our failure to use the mirror of our consciousness to apprehend and contain our shadows has driven us into the arms and tentacles of the MONSTERS lurking in the depths of our own American Depravity.

We are faced with the challenge to meet, consciously, Beings in ourselves who would wreck havoc and calamity against our humanity. Instead we fabricated, manufactured, covertly funded and created enemies in order to hide from ourselves the hidden reality of the world. The leaders we elected have colluded with devising False Flag events, manufactured charades of terrorists and have deliberately created pandemics to retain and bulge the coffers of Ahrimanic power. And because of our current storms and turbulence’s in Earth’s Time Being, we are, every one of us, challenged to not remain deluded unconscious Time Bearers, immoral and unconscious Time Citizens and completely disinterested Time Students.

Sounding by the Knots of Human Destiny

Sounding” derives from the Old English sund

On the Mississippi River in the 1850s, the leadsmen also used old-fashioned words for some of the numbers; for example instead of “two” they would say “twain”. Thus when the depth was two fathoms, they would call “by the mark twain!”. The American writer Mark Twain, a former river pilot, likely took his pen name from this cry. Originally, the verb plumb only meant “to measure the depth of water.” These days, if you “plumb the depths” of something, you go in deep for knowledge and experience: your Heidegger seminar may plumb the depths of German Existentialism like Jacques Cousteau plumbed the depths of the ocean.

And as students of the West we certainly should monitor and measure the plumb-line, how we SOUND the depths of our psyche’s with Speech, Eurythmy and the human WORD. In the Michael School we gather forces of cognition and Intelligence to journey to the heights of the Spiritual Destiny of Humanity; OR plumb the depths where the MONSTERS INCUBATING IN OUR AMERICAN PSYCHE’S DWELL. We learn to encounter the Dwellers on the Threshold.

Humanity and the Unfolding Revelation of TIME (One may only gasp CLICK LINK)

“Something rather remarkable comes to light when we compare planetary existence with zodiacal existence. The occultist makes use of two words to indicate the difference between them. He says: Everything that is contained in the Zodiac is under the sign of “Duration”; everything that is comprised within planetary existence is under the sign of “Time.” You can get an idea of what this means if you remember that not even the farthest reaches of the mind can conceive of changes having taken place in the Zodiac. Each single planet may have undergone considerable change through long and greatly differing periods of evolution; the forces working in the Zodiac remain, relatively speaking, fixed and permanent.Age of America time piece of planets zodiac of duration These concepts can, in any case, be only relative. The only difference in these changes of which we can conceive is in respect of the speed. Changes in the Zodiac take place slowly; changes in the planetary world and even in the existence of a fixed star take place rapidly — in comparison, that is to say, with what happens in the Zodiac. — The difference is always relative, only relative. As far as human thinking is concerned, we can say that planetary existence belongs to the sphere of the Finite, whereas Zodiacal existence belongs to the sphere of Infinitude. This, as already said, must be taken in the relative sense, but for the present it is sufficiently accurate.”

The placement and position, the very LOGOS, out of which we as humanity were made, the immense group we call The Tenth Hierarchy, which includes every human being on Earth must unfold and will unfold itself toward the sacred mysteries that we call the stars. We are part of a vast family of Beings. Presently we love to wallow in calling everything God, but to come to a full comprehension of how we shall unfold and become Divine is a vivid journey, which we are only at the beginning of.

In part 1 we measured our current American Folk Soul relation to the phase of moral and spiritual development we are currently in, The Consciousness Soul. The Consciousness Soul is fully part of our current 5th Age where Pisces led the way under the rising of the Spring Equinox and which will carry all of our human experiences and our karma through the awkward, jagged, uneven crisis strewn complexities we all are experiencing. We are all vividly embedded in this region of learning the lessons of the Consciousness Soul. The 6th Age will lead us to Spirit-Self or Manas and the 7th Age to Budhi or our Life Spirit. These hard lesson plans are irrevocable.

Luke 13:34

Age of America Christ protecting tenth hierarchy humanity33“Nevertheless I must journey on today and tomorrow and the next day; for it cannot be that a prophet would perish outside of Jerusalem. 34“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it!35“Behold, your house is left to you desolate;

The purpose of the Divine plan of Sophia and the Stars will draw us all slowly and painfully towards deeper and deeper transformations that the Risen Etheric Christ has already anchored into humanities upward development. But for what and why, and what purpose is this little seed germ of Earth and all of our karma and loved ones subjected to the painful lessons of Freedom, of Immortality, of the Science of the Stars, of the revelation of the planetary worlds and the Constellations for?

Spiritual Science  Leading Michael Thoughts (Click Link)

“The life of all this earthly realm becomes clear and transparent when we feel at its foundation the germ of a new Universe. Every single plant and stone appears in a new light to the soul of man when he becomes aware that each of these creations is contributing by its life or by its form to this great fact: that the Earth in its unity is an embryo — the seed of a macrocosm newly rising into life.”

Novalis and Rudolf Steiner – From Part 1

“…the sparkling, ever-tranquil stone, the thoughtful, imbibing plant, and the wild, burning multiform beast inhales it; but more than all, the lordly stranger with the sense-filled eyes, the swaying walk, and the sweetly closed, melodious lips.”

What are the vast lessons of Time about? They are in every aspect about the path humanity must take to become Angels. What are above the Angels, the Archangels and the Archai? And just as importantly for our studies, what lies below the realm of the Hierarchies?

Age of America the higher revelation of the stars

The Path to Sophia and the wisdom of the Stars (CAge of America crucified on cross of time cross hairs cosmic lamb Grunewald Isenheimlick Link)

In part 1 it was Elijah the prophet that led the inner vision of Melville into weaving secrets of the subconscious mysteries of America and The United States. (Click Link)

It is a vivid awakening towards our investment in the deepest spiritual elevation we can attain, when we encounter a great work of literature and see a revelation of human karma and TIME. We are able to grasp in our I AM how a struggling poet, writer, artist, encapsulates a fragment of one of the Riddles of the Spiritual World. In Part 1 we saw how Melville, Twain, T.S. Eliot, and so many others unfolded specific Riddles of the American Soul.

Herman Melville brought from the spiritual world and the Michael School, the Living Intuition of Elijah, the immense prophet who shared his childhood with the two Jesus boys and literally, through his incarnation as John the Baptist, witnessed the entrance of Christ at the Baptism. John the Baptist stood as the official greeter and designated witness to Christ’s arrival on Earth.

In Elijah, in John the Baptist, in the painter Raphael, in the poet Novalis we have before us an example of precise TIME. We may measure the pulse of TIME itself by locating the I AM of Elijah. The very reality of Time and the movement of TIME’s Mysteries are tied to our growing ability to recognize EACH OTHER. We are the very riddles and meaning of Time and history.

In Spiritual Science schooling, locating on the Maps of Time, He who is the designated TIME KEEPER of the ongoing revelation of the Christ Being through TIME is something to shout about. John the Baptist continually lights the path ahead, points the way towards the Christ Revelation through Time. And so in the 4th Age, the 5th Age, the coming 6th Age He who lights the path to ever higher revelations of the Christ Mystery is literally tied by destiny to the Risen Etheric Christ and our own Earthly human history. And we shall be tasked to locate EACH OTHER and recognize EACH OTHER in the ongoing revelation of karmic time.

Just like Homer calling to his muse, calling for guidance in his thinking from his own Angel, saying, “Sing O Muse of Achilles”, Melville called upon the prophet Elijah to illuminate part of the greater mysteries of the depths of America. Melville had seen before his birth, in the Michael Imaginations, how the ancient riddle of ancient Egypt was planted as the seed of Resurrection in America. The Sarcophagus was the spiritual seed of ancient Egypt, that was sunk into the depths of the American Soul. It was awakening this mystery that saved Ishmael and will certainly save us.

Melville, America and Osiris – Isis Sophia

Moby Dick“Many things which appeared in the Egyptian wisdom must be repeated in a different form during the fifth post-Atlantean age. We must learn more and more to contemplate, upon a spiritual-scientific basis, the Mysteries of the Egyptian priests in a form which is suited to our own age, in the light of Christianity. For the Egyptians, Osiris was a kind of representative of the Christ Who had not yet appeared.”

“When we look out into this cosmos and see the stars moving only according to mathematical lines, then we see the grave of the world’s spiritual essence; for the divine Sophia, the successor of Isis, is dead.

“We must give form to this legend, for it sets forth the truth of our times  (CLICK LINK). We must speak of the dead and lost Isis, the divine Sophia, even as the ancient Egyptians spoke of the dead and lost Osiris. We must set out in search of the dead body of the new Isis, the dead body of the divine Sophia, with a force which, although we cannot yet rightly understand it, is nevertheless in us — with the force of the Christ, with the force of the new Osiris. We must approach luciferic science and seek there the coffin of Isis; in other words we must find in that which natural science gives us something which stimulates us inwardly toward Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition.

“This brings to us the help of Christ within — Christ, Who remains hidden in darkness if we do not illuminate Him with divine wisdom. Armed with this force of the Christ, with the new Osiris, we must set out in search of Isis, the new Isis. Lucifer does not cut Isis in pieces, as Ahriman-Typhon did with Osiris; on the contrary, Isis is spread out, in her true shape, in the beauty of the whole universe. Isis shines out of the cosmos in an aura of many shining colors. We must learn to understand Isis when we look out into the cosmos;”

Melville had experienced the mighty Imaginations that Illuminated the Michael School, as did we all, before he and we incarnated. He who rose from the Grave, He who defied the coffin and the tomb like Jonah, is alive and roaming in the depths of the sea. He who with reconstructed, reconstituted Etheric Life, burst forth from the Tomb, was the seed image that Melville saw bursting forth from the depths of the American Folk Soul.

The potent forces of Resurrection and etheric levity, against our current Ahrimanic policies of Pre-Emptive vengeance that manifested in the psychopath profile of Ahab, allowed Ishmael to survive the catastrophe of a tyrant. Pre-Emptive Global Dominance are the policies of many of our recent U.S. Presidents. They are all well dressed Ahabs, Ahrimanic marionettes doing the preparations for Ahriman’s incarnation in the West.

That is how a quiet, poverty stricken writer, reveals one of the great revelations of Heaven stirring in the depths of the American Soul. That is how Melville became a prophet of the American Psyche, a classic read by literally millions. That is also how each of us are led to encounter the unfathomable depths of spiritual wisdom through the intuitions we brought with us from the Spiritual and Starry worlds, before we incarnated.

Each of us carry our own karmic narratives that are tales as rich and powerful as Melville’s tale of Ishmael. Our job is to raise each human biography, each destiny, and awaken inwardly the science of human biography as a religious witness to each other, equal to John the Baptist’s witnessing of the journey of Christ through Time. By carrying, awakening the individual karmic tales and sagas of our souls and spirits we learn to read the Angelic designs, tragedies, victories and unrelenting sorrows and joys of our fellow sisters and brothers. In this way we carry each other through TIME.

Age of America Novalis Sergei O. ProkofieffIn part 1 we witnessed, what no other schooling can unveil. We witnessed the progression of TIME in the value of four human incarnations. Elijah, John the Baptist, Raphael and Novalis (Click Link). Now we look at the LAMB OF GOD, as part of the Crucifixion of Time and the absolute revelation of what it literally, spiritually and vividly means to become STAR BEINGS and graduate from Time Beings to Eternal Star Beings. And there is the LAMB OF GOD, and there is the Grail Cup and there is the Blood of the Lamb and there is the mighty spirit of the 6th Age, Elijah/John the Baptist aligned with His finger pointing to the upward ascent of our shared karma and human evolution together.

Rudolf Steiner

Led Zeppelin – Our Journey to the Lamb of God and Sophia “Stairway to Heaven”

Age of America stairway to heaven Wm Blake“Just as man receives life into himself, so does this Being radiate life through the whole of our universe. This is the Being Who has the power to make the great sacrifice and Who is inscribed in the Zodiac as the Being Who for the sake of our world offers Himself in sacrifice. Just as man strives upwards into the Zodiac, so does this Being send us His sacrificial gift from Aries — which is related to Him as Libra is related to man. And just as man turns his ego upwards to Libra, so does this Being radiate His very Self over our sphere in sacrifice. This Being is called the “Mystical Lamb,” for Lamb and Aries are the same; therefore the description ‘Sacrificial Lamb’ or ‘Ram’ is given to Christ. Christ belongs to the cosmos as a whole. His I, his Ego, reaches to Aries and thus He becomes Himself the “Great Sacrifice,” is related with the whole of mankind and in a certain sense the beings and forces present on the earth are His creations. The configuration of forces is such that He could become the Creator of these beings in the constellation of Aries, or the Lamb. The designation “Sacrificial Lamb” or “Mystical Lamb” is drawn from the heavens themselves.”

Part 1

“We didn’t mark it on our calenders and look to the sky and the Spring Constellation of the Ram and marvel to ourselves that the culminating mystery of the age of the Ram, out of the Constellation of Aries, was that the Lamb of God was crucified on the hill of skulls, on Golgotha.”

In the future measurement of Time our KARMIC GROUPS (study in Karmic Groups) will find each other again and again. Our reconciliations and our shattering plummets out of the great dimensions of Karmic Time Knots, where we are severed from the intimacy of Karmic Time, will be catastrophically, emotionally, psychotically tragic. Reincarnation WachsmuthRight now, past the middle of the 5th Age, where the Spring Clock of the Sun still today rises in THE FISHES, each person we meet is not only a Super Real Time Riddle, our children, our parents, how we traveled through the stars at our previous deaths and how we arrived in Time through our births,(Click Link) those star journeys are livingly vivid Time Riddles. Those star experiences and the time spent in the heavens are Time studies that reveal the secrets of our human biography and intimate Karmic gifts, sacrifices or scars we have made on the body of Time itself.

When we look upon a person, a child, an older human being before us, we do not see the Etheric Revelation of Time’s Biography. We do not immediately feel the troughs and powerful impacts of the karmic events that have shaped the human being before us. Our interest in everyone who crosses our paths gradually reveals to our souls the invisible etheric revelation of TIME.

We learn to become the Angelic Keepers of each other because we learned to share, and see the powerful forces of DESTINY that are the invisible WRITTEN WORDS of the Risen Etheric Christ. We have been unable to see the Risen Etheric Christ before us, because we have not learned to read with loving compassion the language written on the invisible Etheric Membrane of the body of the Risen Etheric Christ.

Sensitivity to the Risen Body of the Etheric Christ. The Spiritual Reality of the Etheric Membrane of Time Matthew 25:40

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Our face to face meetings with those we love are not accidental Time Riddles. Rather they are the most accurate, profound, moving, stunning revelations of Time we will ever know and the remainder of the 5th Age and way, way into the 6th age and beyond the 7th age, we, as humanity, will be religiously in charge of revealing to each other the recognition of knowing who our most intimate Time Companions were, are and will be.

“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.”
— Sonmi

And our Time Riddles of our most intimate human karma will be some of our most shattering revelations of Time we have ever experienced. These revelations, tragedies, horrors and crucifixions on the cross of time will follow us all the way to the end of the so called American Age.

We used in part 1 the giant Timepiece of the Constellations as a distinct consequential measurement of the literal march of humanity through time. It is an empirical diversion  to evaluate time without the profound and intimate revelation of  humanity as Time Bearers, TIME BANDITS (click link) and Time Citizens. Common place materialistic education fails to see the invisible biography we each carry through time. Our hearts are literal resonating time gyroscopes, karmic compass nodes where the higher intelligence of our Angels dwell. Our hearts are a navigational compass where the past, the present and the future intersect.

The Fifth Chamber of the Heart

Forces of the soul, hidden nature mysteries,Karma threads and streams, imprinted forces in the ethers, a refined record and reading library of emotions, thoughts, impressions, higher beings, deeds, imprinted in the sensitive akashic ethers of the eternal records of each human incarnation, meet at the crossroads of the human heart.

The magnetic and electrical field of our hearts reveal a vast field of star forces, karma and Angelic Intuitions developing as our future brains. Our human brains, where universities train students to kill their own hearts, are much weaker electrical and magnetic fields. (Click Link Heart study Revelations) Michael School research and Spiritual Science have the most advanced and intimate Time Studies in the world.

In part 2 of Grappling with the Monsters of the American Psyche we will outline and highlight some of the next three phases in the vast unfolding of Time. We will look into the unfolding of the remainder of the 5th Age of Pisces, the 6th Age of Aquarius and the 7th Age where the Sun rises in Capricorn which shall bring the culmination of Earth Evolution and what we have termed THE AMERICAN AGE.

 Spring Equinox Pisces 1414-3574 NOW Age of America Pisces Ludger Philips

Present = Spiritual or Consciousness Soul

The Heroic Destiny of America (Click Link)

Michael School historian and Eurythmist Terry Boardman

“Most educated Americans of that time, as John O’Sullivan and Hermann Melville declared, would have claimed their republic as the model of individual freedom, of universal enfranchisement….. the ark of the liberties of the world. This, they felt, was America ‘s ‘high destiny’, its ‘express dispensation’. Many in the New Age movement have claimed that the USA was founded by ‘Aquarian’ or ‘Rosicrucian’ initiates as just such a philadelphic model for humanity. But we should ask ourselves rather, whether the USA was not intended to bear a cross of its own in the burden of bearing the presence of Ahriman. Living in America as Ahriman has prepared his incarnation and then experiencing that incarnation in the future when it occurs – this is what has made and will make the people of the USA   – of all ethnicities and colours – heroic. More than any other nation, they have to deal with the most powerful forces of evil, the most powerful manifestation of the Lie….. Since 1776, Americans have told themselves and the world repeatedly that their country is formed by their individualistic and freedom-loving character, but this was largely a dream, more or less conscious, which they brought with them from a painful past in Europe, hoping to realise the dream in the opportunity offered in the great open land over the ocean. But in the 20th century, and especially since 1945 and the Trinity Test (the official name given to the first test explosion of the A-bomb near Alamogordo, New Mexico) that culminated on 16 July that year, more and more people in America and abroad have become aware of something else in the American character that stems not from the old thoughts of Europe and Asia but rises up, as it were, from below, from the land itself, especially in the West, where the subterranean magnetism is strongest:”

 “We are called upon to become co-workers in the unfolding revelation of the Risen Etheric Christ. In so doing we assist the ripening and maturity of this abnormal, stunted Super-Power, our own American Archai, who needs our blessing to secure it’s higher development within the evolution of the gods themselves.Risen Christ on the Etheric Ocean 5th 6th 7th ages David Newbatt We are called upon to educate and befriend our vast American Archai so that it and we achieve our highest goals for humanity and the Earth.” (Part 1)

Thar She Blows

“There she blows,” was sung out from the mast-head. “Where away?” demanded the captain. “Three points off the lee bow, sir.” “Raise up your wheel. Steady!” “Steady, sir.” “Mast-head ahoy! Do you see that whale now?” “Ay ay, sir! A shoal of Sperm Whales! There she blows! There she breaches!” “Sing out! sing out every time!” “Ay Ay, sir! There she blows! there- there- thar she blows -bowes -bo-o-os!” “How far off?” “Two miles and a half.” “Thunder and lightning! so near! Call all hands.”

In Part 1 we uncovered a FIRE mystery that has embittered and entangled the United States and consequently every nuclear nation on Earth in a cosmic Earthly trap. An immense heroic sacrifice is required of America and the American Soul and Spirit. It is truly the most heroic struggle that the moral courage of humanity can face in this the 5th Age.

A gigantic shadow being, that is forming in the West, is preparing a place for itself. It is a big, vast wild space, AMERICA, filled with unconscious urges, flimsy humanism, and a tattered and depleted conscience. It is precisely the wrong moment to be so depleted, to be so uneducated over the realities of TIME, and the substance and depth of our Consciousness Soul.

As big and vast as the Western Hemisphere is, and as big and vast as the United States is, everything can be reduced to our Double, our Shadow our own doppelganger and our Higher Being. The same powerful, stunted Archai that is struggling for the Good in the U.S. is also subject to a massive, growing, overwhelming Shadow.

This Shadow in the West, is the growing power of the full Doppelganger, the challenging TWIN, of the Good and great Archai of the American spirit, that is slowly being strangled, depleted and destroyed, by the powerful growing Shadow Archai of arising Ahrimanic power.

We each carry our own shadow, our doppelganger and our own struggling abnormal American Archai was destined to absorb the TITANIC SHADOW of the full incarnation of an Ahrimanic Archai Being, into a prepared human destiny in the West. In the case of the West, Ahriman has been casting ahead of it’s human incorporation, it has been throwing it’s enormous shadow ahead of and in preparation for the coming incarnation of Ahriman himself. And that is a very, very big deal.

Lincoln the Magnetic Double of the West – The Divided Land – a prophecy of the coming Devachan Twins

“…in 1860 as the U.S. presidential election results were rolling in, Abraham Lincoln reported seeing two versions of himself in the reflection of a long piece of glass – one version’s face much paler than the other. After sharing this encounter with his wife, she supposedly predicted that the image of the doppelganger signified that Abraham would be elected to a second term as president but that he would not survive the second term.” Carl Sandburg (1954). “Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie years and the war years”Age of America 2 premonition of the divided West

The word ‘doppelganger’ is a combination of two German words -‘doppel’ meaning double, and ‘ganger’ meaning goer (also interpreted as walker). Together they mean ‘double walker’, a ghostly copy of a living person. We each have our own shadows. We have our own National Shadow the so called effigy and unconscious dictator rooted in our own souls called Uncle Sam.

“Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth shortly after beginning his second term in office.Queen Elizabeth I is another person who had seen their doppelganger shortly before death. She entered her bedroom to see herself laying on the bed. She was pale and sickly. Soon after this event she fell ill and died in that same bed.”

The law of the Astral Double, our Twin, that attaches itself just before our births and was once commanded to leave just before our deaths is now at war with the last vestiges of our inherited moral human construction. The agenda in the vast West is to redesign the configuration and attachment of our doubles on Earth so that longevity, hyper level animal instincts, Gold Cohesion of the higher Sun, is broken and diverted and the astral entities that haunt the Threshold of Human Consciousness take command of the human soul. This is the rough ride ahead through the future of the unfolding of America and we are all on a collision course headed into the vortex of trading our Higher Humanity for our Fallen Doubles super intelligent instincts.

The GOOD designated struggling Archai of America has been selected to have an enormously powerful Ahrimanic Shadow Archai incorporate itself into a human personality in the West. The Confederate Battle that split the country in TWAIN, foreshadowed the event of the creation of a vast Ahrimanic Race that arises out of the West, that will mark the end of stagnant human civilization and goodness as we knew it and mark the dawn of an advanced overwhelming power of the new race of the human Double.

Everyday and in every political choice that we make with our unconscious, disastrously unaware manipulated politics,  we serve the aims of our growing global Ahrimanic Doppelganger. This shadow, the ancient SETH like TWIN to Osiris, has chosen America and the great potential of the American Soul to hone, whet, grind, strop and sharpen us into a powerful spiritual blade for the work of Good or Evil. A two edged sword is what the choice of Good and the choice of Evil are. We have inherited, incarnated and taken up a United States and American destiny in order to face an Ahrimanic Archai Being whose TIME HAS COME.

The Cultic Event of 9/11

“Ahrimanic powers prepare the evolution of mankind in such a way that it can fall a prey to Ahriman when he appears in human form within Western civilization — hardly then to be called ‘civilization’ in our sense — as once Lucifer appeared in human form in China, as once Christ appeared in human form in Asia Minor. It is of no avail to give oneself illusions today about these things. Ahriman will appear in human form and the only question is, how he will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized, or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance.”  Rudolf Steiner

Because we as U.S. Citizens remain unaware of the snares of lofty Beings we carry around with us, in devastatingly cunning individual astral-devachan shadow forms, we remain unconscious, unaware, uneducated and fooled into lending our support to a massive global Ahrimanic Archai Being, spawned from the West, who is currently in the latter part of the 5th Age, devouring whole countries, languages, Archangels and people in it’s Ahrimanic pre-emptive, global, snarling maw.

“The United States of America hides a vast seed bed of morally unsound, Genetic, Military, Social, Viral and Spiritual deeds and events that will take root, grow and become the most severe challenges already in this our Fifth Age; a more refined evil coming in the future Sixth Age; and the potent and devastating finale, the crescendo of the vast cosmic, musical symphony of humanity, the 7th Age, shall bring to a culmination all that America was and has become, during these three specific periods. These three specific star periods, The Age of Pisces, The Age of Aquarius and The Age of Capricorn , will bring to a culmination point, what is called THE AMERICAN AGE.” (Part 1)

The dividing in TWAIN of our humanity has begun. The coming Ahrimanic Race of magnetically grafting our Double onto the human embryo is approaching fast. The flimsy and tattered conscience and intimidated feeble I Am will be overwhelmed by the surge of our instinctual human GROUP SOUL shadow.

We will witness and experience the tandem and electro-magnetic Tesla invasion of our doppelganger twin. Our feeble human conscience will be overwhelmed because in the 5th Age, (Right Now) we failed to develop cognitive defenses against Lies, hypocrisy, and our favored featured pathetic media and political psychopaths. We just wandered blindly through these intimate transitions and feigned ignorance because it was convenient . Our conscience remained deactivated, dulled and unused and our I AM, with all the opportunities of the world, constantly chose lies over any effort to feel the uncomfortable edges of truth. Enthusiasm and interest in the true contours of human conscience is all that it takes.

By using the mighty magnetic Spine, the electro-magnetic Earth spine that runs from the far North Rockies down to the Southern tail bone tip of the South American Andes a dominating Tesla technology will merge a kind of genetic, embryonic Siamese Twin synapse consolidation of our human double to our astral and etheric structure. Age of America dark brotherhoods of the western doppelgangerIn the Western Hemisphere we are being primed and geographically prepared for the coming of a vast Earth Magnetic, TWIN COMMINGLING and Double-Devachan instinctual accelerator. It shall be devised from the AC/DC matter-anti-matter of the constellation of the TWINS. We shall discuss this a little more later.

Terry Boardman

“A certain quarter”, said Rudolf Steiner, “wishes to remove the impulse of the Mystery of Golgotha by bringing in another impulse from the West, a kind of Antichrist. More than anything else, that quarter will strive to make use of electricity, especially the earth’s magnetism to spread effects all over the earth….It will be an American secret to use the earth’s magnetism in its duality, the northern and southern magnetism, in order to send controlling forces across the whole earth, forces that work spiritually….If Europeans remain blind to the power of such geographical forces, their continent “would become Greece to the US Rome; European culture would be extinguished.”

Positive and negative magnetic poles are strongly operating in each of us. Age of America Tesla coil and Tesla Devachan wi-fiA cohesive Auric Field dominates the brain and heart, and the human spine of each human being. Each human being is a powerful Devachan current accelerator based on the same principle of the magnetic poles of the Earth.

The secret of the Anima and Animus, our own TWIN cohesion, that is our Etheric Body, that is intimately tied to our physical body, is the opposite polarity to our physical sexual selves. While a whole range of sexual confusion, which we shall iterate later is connected to this occult reversal of our individual magnetism, the levitating forces of our Etheric Body against the gravity and density forces of our physical body, invites a whole range of identity confusion, false drives, false instincts and a ghostly play of our own shadows on the walls of our consciousness.Age of America twin etheric forces of Anima and Animus In the wild interplay of these sub-terrestrial instincts there is a Gemini Region of dual occult magnetic currents. We shall explore some of the areas where these occult forces en-flamed, as in Flaming crossed the live wires of our sexual orientations a little later.

Tapping into the Negative and Positive magnetic fields of the Earth Herself, using the vast Spine of the Mountain Ridges from Alaska down to the Southern tail bone of South America, with intersecting vector points, transmission towers, all along the great spine of the Earth would, in advanced Tesla technology, connect every Human Double on the Earth and the entire effortless linking of every brain of the Earth, to a central Ahrimanic Hive.Age of America Pan American Highway along magnetic western hemisphere mountains

The issue of the future Ahrimanic race, is the binding of the double to the human being. If the doppelganger can be magnetically drawn up from Initiation Science and fused to each embryo, to each birth, which will be the intent of Ahriman in the West, each person would become their own Devachan, subjective Wi-Fi Tesla Tower. Each person would be commingled with the power of their occult doppelganger.

David Adams

“Another factor concerns the especially strong American presence of the human Double, an Ahrimanic astral being with no ego that lives below consciousness awareness within every incarnated human being from just before birth until just before death.” Part 1

Rudolf Steiner

“Those concerned to present an Anti-Christ as the real Christ will try also to make use of something that works through the most material forces, but in this very way can work spiritually. Above all they will strive to make use of electricity and earth-magnetism in order to produce effects all over the world. I have shown you how earth-forces rise up into what I have called the human Double, the Doppelgänger. This secret will be opened up. An American secret will be to make use of earth-magnetism, with its north-south duality, and by this means to send over the earth guiding forces which will have spiritual effects.

Age of America Florian Sydow Western Hemisphere human double“Look at the magnetic chart of the earth and compare it with what I am now saying. Observe where the magnetic needle deviates to East and West and where it does not deviate. I can give only hints about all this. From a certain direction in the heavens, spiritual beings are continually active, and they have only to be put into the service of the earth, and — because these beings working in from the cosmos can mediate the secret of the earth’s magnetism — it will be possible for egotistic groups to get behind this secret and to accomplish a great deal in connection with gold, health and the prolongation of life. It will be necessary for them only to pluck up their faltering courage — and in certain circles that will be done readily enough!” – The Wrong and Right Use of Esoteric Knowledge (Click Link)Age of America Gemini and Sagittarius

Fallen Astral Devachan and the Mystery of the TWINS

“Quantum Entanglement” which is basically a fancy name for “instantaneous information travel.”  First scientists took single photons and split them into separate “twin” particles with identical properties.  Then they fired both particles away from each other in opposite directions through specially designed fiber-optic chambers.  At the end of these long pathways, the twin particles were forced to choose between two random but exactly identical routes.  Curiously, without fail, in every trial the particles made precisely the same choices and traveled the same paths.  Classical physics has always assumed that separate particles have no communication with one another, but quantum physics has now proven that assumption erroneous.”

“There is a kind of magnetic tide, and outflow and back-flow of magnetic energy between the sun and earth, the turning points of which are at noon and midnight.”

Age of America twins gemini 2 Florian Sydow

“The beneficial effects of travel are partially due to the change of the etheric and astral influences connected with each place and district. Ocean, mountain, forest or waterfall each has its own special type of life, astral and etheric as well as visible, and, therefore its own special set of impressions and influences. Many of the unseen entities are pouring out vitality, and in any case the vibrations which they radiate, awaken unaccustomed portions of men’s Etheric Doubles, and of their astral and mental bodies, the effect being like that of exercising muscles which are not ordinarily called into activity, somewhat tiring at the time, yet distinctly healthy and desirable in the long run. Such amusements as rowing for example, or swimming, especially in the sea, are of especial value, for the reasons named.

“There is a basis of truth in the tradition that it is strengthening to sleep under a pine tree with the head to the north, for the magnetic currents flowing over the surface of the earth, by steady gentle pressure, gradually comb out the entanglements and strengthen the particles both of the astral body and of the Etheric Double, and thus give rest and calm. The radiations of the pine tree make the man sensitive to the magnetic currents, and, in addition, the tree is constantly throwing off vitality in that special condition in which it is easiest for man to absorb it.

“There is a kind of magnetic tide, and outflow and back-flow of magnetic energy between the sun and earth, the turning points of which are at noon and midnight.

“The great etheric currents which are constantly sweeping over the surface of the earth from pole to pole possess a volume which makes their power as irresistible as that of the rising tide, and there are methods by which this stupendous force may be safely utilized, though unskillful attempts to control it would be fraught with danger. It is also possible to use the tremendous force of etheric pressure.

“In addition, by changing matter from a grosser to a subtler kind the vast store of potential energy which lies dormant may be liberated and utilized, somewhat as latent heat-energy may be liberated by a change of condition of visible matter.

“A reversal of the above process enables one to change matter from the etheric to the solid condition, and thus to produce a materialization phenomenon.

“The reason why a physical object, after being reduced to the etheric condition, can afterwards be restored to its former shape, is that the elemental essence is retained in the same shape, and when the will-force is removed the essence acts as a mould which the solidifying particles re-aggregate. If however, a solid object be raised to a gaseous condition by heat, the elemental essence which informed the object would be dissipated, not because the essence itself can be affected by heat, but because when its temporary body is destroyed as a solid, it pours back into the great reservoir of such essence, much as a man’s higher principles, though entirely unaffected by heat and cold, are yet forced out of a physical body when the latter is destroyed by fire.

“When a man becomes etherically sensitive, in addition to sight, in most cases a corresponding change would at the same time take place in the other senses. Thus it is claimed by astrologers that planetary influences, by expanding or congesting the etheric atmosphere, make the conditions for meditation respectively more or less favorable.”

Embryology and the Double

“In the cell, even in the ordinary organic cell, the chemical cohesiveness is not stronger than in an ordinarily complicated chemical compound; on the contrary, the chemical affinities become most chaotic in the fertilized germ-cell. The fertilized germ-cell is chaos in relation to what is material, chaos that disintegrates, chaos that really disintegrates. Into this disintegrating chaos pours what I have described to you as the human being, which was formed as I just described (lilac). What is actually physical is then formed, not through the germ itself but through the processes taking place in the mother’s body between the embryo and the environment. What descends from the spiritual world is thus actually placed into the emptiness and is only then permeated with mineral substance. What we have described here is, as you may see, an absolutely transparent process.”

“Another factor concerns the especially strong American presence of the human Double, an Ahrimanic astral being with no ego that lives below consciousness awareness within every incarnated human being from just before birth until just before death. Although the Double had the originally beneficial task to help us as spiritual beings to harden and adapt to the earthly world, today the Double is completely penetrated by Ahriman and works to make dense the human body and to bind human beings to the lower powers of the earth.

“The Double subconsciously opens human beings to those elemental earth forces to which it is intimately related, attempting to make human beings into materialistically-oriented beings not led by their own egos but guided from outside by Ahrimanic powers. In the depths of human souls, the Double acquires ever greater power over the unconscious life of human will, binding souls with powers that derive entirely from the earth itself— rigidifying forces of mechanization and subnature (especially gravity, electricity, and magnetism). Indeed, Steiner stated that in America those sub-earthly magnetic forces that connect the human being more closely with the Double rise up most strongly. These forces are connected with the fact that on the American continents, most of the mountain ranges run in a north-south direction.” David Adams (google) Riddle of America

“…the results of a twin-photon experiment in Switzerland. Nicolas Gisin et al (University of Geneva, CH) reported that a pair of twin photons split and sent along two diverging paths, when arriving at terminals seven miles apart, exhibit the phenomenon of quantum “entanglement”. The gist of it is that the detection of one of the photons effectively causes the collapse of the spectrum of its wave-function solutions to a single solution, and this collapse instantaneously causes the collapse of the possible quantum states of the other photon, in this case seven miles away.

“The melodramatic notion (purveyed by the press) is that information has somehow traveled from one photon to the other at a speed greater than the speed of light, with the result that great canons of thought are thereby destroyed. In 1997 University of Geneva physicist Nicolas Gisin sent two entangled photons zooming along optical fibers until they were seven miles apart.

“One photon then hit a two-way mirror where it had a choice: either bounce off or go through. Detectors recorded what it randomly did. But whatever action it took, its entangled twin always performed the complementary action. The communication between the two happened at least 10,000 times faster than the speed of light. It seems that quantum news travels instantaneously, limited by no external constraints—not even the speed of light. Since then, other researchers have duplicated and refined Gisin’s work.”

Tied to our TWIN, our opposites,Age of America 2 the twin the Neo and Mr. Smith’s, our enhanced double would change and suppress the old model and culture of our human form and by the 6th Age begin replacing it with our enhanced Ahrimanic Double. The flip side of the coin, the reversal of the entire system of Humanity. The Reversal of the higher Host for the lower instinctual fallen devachan host. Neo lost and Mr. Smith won?? (CLICK LINK)

The building of the Magnetic Reversed sub-sensible Fallen Devachan Rainbow bridge where the gigantic Earth Dragon of the Rockies and Andes bind the Electro-Magnetic sub-sensible Fallen Kingdoms of Asuric, Ahrimanic and Luciferic shadow Doubles to the 9th, 8th, 7th and 6th layers of the INNER EARTH will be the technological wonder of the 6th Age.

Bifrost Bridge and Judy Garland

According to Norse Legend, the sacred Rainbow Bridge called Bifrost connects Midgard (the realm of humankind) with Asgard (the realm of the Gods). Also known as Asabru (“Bridge of Gods”), BifrostAge of America Bifrost Bridge was magically constructed from fire, water and air…whose quivering and changing hues it has retained.


Ahrimanic Sciences will crave to build a Gateway bridge to expand their underworld empire and anchor it to their own fallen kingdoms. The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), formerly the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) Large Hadron Collider is one of the early embryonic Earth Magnetic womb duplicators.

The reversed, negative, underworld grid and pipeline system that is the opposite of the higher Devachan Bridge has been built on the foundations of our gratification for Materialism and sugar-coated replacements of human ideals. Human ideals, instincts, desires, astral and etheric habits have been funneled down into the underworld gateway of candy coated fantasy full of gloating avarice, unhealthiness and forfeiting our higher cognitive discernment, education and spiritual cohesion for glossy, intoxicating and deceptive consumerism.

Age of America reversed rainbow down to depths of materialismIn other words the building of a subsensible Media Dominated Bridge to the lair of the Asuric, Ahrimanic and the sensually Luciferic underworlds is part of the Agenda of the Ahrimanic Sciences. With this Bridge, Ahrimanic Sciences will seek to control the birth and death forces, extend the instinctual forces of life into a vast unconscious planetary sense system for the infusion and enhancement of the domination of our Human Double, our Twin.

It is critically important that every human being make a concerted effort to think what the ‘ I AM ‘ allows us, as our own Spiritual Property. Super Powers, Super Clairvoyant Animal capacities, funneled through designed, not elaborated or earned from within the karma of our ‘ I AM ‘ but, Super X-Women and X-Men or combinations and genetic aberrations will NOT be gifts, as Ahriman and a deadly delusional humanity will convince themselves they are.

The Revelation of the Balanced and Full ‘ I AM ‘ is a path of Initiation to the wholeness of the heart of humanity raised to the humility of a Divine Being. It is then that we may choose for ourselves how to serve the Heavens and how to sacrifice for others. Each of our ‘ I AM ‘ potentials are greater than the sum of the parts. And the greatest gift of Love is the gift of allowing each human ‘ I AM ‘ to discover for itself how it shall encompass and unfold it’s own inner gifts and it’s own inner karma. Ahriman might try to eliminate our weaknesses but under the wise guidance of the Hierarchies, we know we have chosen our weaknesses to reveal the secrets of the lessons we desired to learn in the spiritual world and transform those very weaknesses into strengths of soul and spirit.

Ahriman may experiment and set from outside, and code specialized Animalic Cosmic forces, through the human base genetic model. Here the great mystery of the Ahrimanic Race and Human Group Soul will lie directly to humanity and the Hierarchies, Why shouldn’t Everyone have the same strengths, the same capacities? Why shouldn’t Everyone be able to satisfy their desires? The great Lie, is that ALL MEN AND WOMEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Specialized genetic modifications and mutations will not be gifts from the unfolding ‘ I AM ‘ nor will the ‘ I AM ‘ be allowed to re-negotiate it’s karma with the Stars and the Hierarchies. Instead Ahrimanic Sciences will channel currents of specialized cosmic forces and over ride the I AM and it’s PATH OF INITIATION. Ahriman will lock the doors on Karma, Love and Freedom.

The coming Ahrimanic Race planned for the West will attempt to prevent the human soul from escaping via death, the stars and reincarnation to the Hierarchies. GOLD is a significant Sun force for the cohesion of the Soul and Spirit. There is material Gold which is craved for by the Double as fallen life of the Sun and a Spiritual Gold which has the highest transmutation and transubstantiation of matter into Spirit.

Ahrimanic Sciences will attempt to control the early Embryological phases of human development where the initial link-up occurs with our own matched magnetic Double, our Twin. This match-up occurs at the birth Gateway. The Birth and Death fusion and release of the Double when we near death have been part of the work load of Entities. Entities which we will discuss later. These Entities have become the greatest danger to humanity.

Ahrimanic Sciences will attempt to cut out the truth about the stars and replace it with materialistic cartoon science fiction. The aim of Ahrimanic Sciences is to cut out the after life altogether so that the REAL Spiritual World of Karmic, Moral and Social higher development of humanity and the Earth’s mission is extinguished.

On Earth, Science will learn to become connoisseurs or expert oenophiles who keep vintage etheric flasks and bottles of the finest Etheric, Astral and I AM infusions, like fine wines. Ahriman relishes and covets, covets (Click Link) the higher host of human beings as bread for his fallen horde. These robbed and stolen Etheric, Astral and I Am forces are part of his private collection. Ahriman holds copies and copyrights to all the shattered malignant monsters Earth has corrupted. And Ahriman/Mephistopheles captured booty was brilliantly depicted, in moth and butterfly tormented and screaming fragments of the human soul in the film THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER.

The Devil & Daniel Webster was William Dieterle’s inspired film and it remains the classic it always was and always will be. Proving that Citizen Kane wasn’t the only cinematic marvel to appear in 1941 in America. The film, book, story, play is a sturdy, stylish rendition of Benet’s original narrative, beginning when a luckless farmer (James Craig) strikes a Faustian Bargain with the devil incarnate Mr. Scratch (Walter Huston at his devious best). Mephistopheles stalks the Age of America 2 Devil and Daniel Webster New Hampshireregion of New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Massachusetts. Known as ole Scratch which was an Etheric Language slang imprint that meant No Cash, Money, “ain’t got no scratch”.

For short term gain the entire House and Senate and most of our recent Presidents have traded America Herself for the short term gain of financial prosperity and political immunity. We are currently in a period of American History that is riddled with traitors, liars, deceivers, psychopaths and war criminals.

The New England Farmer in Benet’s story is caught trading his soul for seven years of prosperity. During which he grows corrupted, despised, and regretful of his mistake which is hard to observe today in the massive cynicism of corrupt political, corporate and consumer materialism. When human beings in our Senate, our Presidents, our teachers, bosses and our parents all strive to have no conscience and consider themselves successful if they become mere pawns and marionette’s for Ahriman/Mepthistopheles, conscience has been siphoned off. And the disease spreads and our humanity and our civilization and the history of human civilization is devoured and the spirit is put on the endangered species list. Our duplicity, hypocrisy and mendacity has enveloped and swallowed our education so we lead our children down into the depths of nightmare because they follow our cowardly example.

To Scratch’s/Mephistopheles chagrin, legendary orator Daniel Webster (Edward Arnold) intervenes with a triumphant defense of the AMERICAN SPIRIT. It is done with Michael Magnificence of the True Spirit of the struggling American Archai those of us incarnated in the West are engaged in. And why was such a presentation Michaelic? Because the story, script and film had the courage to show the Moral Dimensions where humanity stands between the Hierarchies of Good and the sub-sensible Monsters of the American Psyche.

The Devil and Daniel Webster

Mr. Scratch:” Captain Kidd – he killed men for gold. Simon Girty, the renegade – he burned men for gold. Governor Dale – he broke men on the wheel. Asa, the Black Monk – he choked them to death. Floyd Ireson and Stede Bonnet, the fiendish butchers. Walter Butler, King of the Massacre. Big and Little Harp, robbers and murderers. Teach, the Cutthroat. Morton, the vicious lawyer… and General Benedict Arnold. You remember him, no doubt.”

Daniel Webster: “A jury of the damned…”

The Michael battle for the American Soul and Spirit (Click Link)

“First there was Faust, in all its forms, the story of a man who sells his soul to the Devil, trading eternal peace in the afterlife for material gains in this world. The first printed version of the legend of Faust was a chapbook published in 1587. The story was reworked and borrowed from frequently, and there were at least a dozen other “Faustbooks” in that era.

“The early Faust chapbook circulated from northern Germany to England, where in 1592 an English translation was published. Playwright Christopher Marlowe used that as the basis for his play The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, first published around 1604.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s early 19th century version of the story, a cross between a play and a long poem (known as a “closet drama,” meaning a dramatic work meant to be read, not performed), extended the simple morality tale by bringing in elements from Christian, medieval, Roman, Greek, and eastern poetry, philosophy and literature. In this version, Faust isn’t merely a greedy man eager for money; he is a scholar seeking the true essence of life, and his bargain gains him knowledge, as well as satisfaction of his more base desires. The legend obsessed Goethe throughout his life. He worked on it for nearly sixty years, and the final version, published after his death in 1832, is recognized as one of Germany’s great literary works.

“The first American take on the tale was “The Devil and Tom Walker,” a short story by Washington Irving first published in 1824, about a man who sells his soul to the Devil for wealth.

“Irving’s story was taken up by Stephen Vincent Benet, winner of the 1929 Pulitzer Prize for John Brown’s Body, a book-length narrative poem about the Civil War.Age of America 2 Mephisto of New England Benet made his hero a poor New England farmer and added the element of having his legal case be argued by historical figure Daniel Webster before an underworld court. In creating his fable, Benet drew on the New England legends that had grown up around Webster even more than historical accounts of the man. The story appeared in the Saturday Evening Post in 1938 and won an O. Henry Award. It was the first of three stories Benet wrote around this time using Webster as a central character. The work added much to his reputation as one of the best known and most respected authors of the time. It was praised for its use of distinctly American humor and folksiness (notably in its decidedly homegrown devil), blending New England vernacular with broad literary references and styles.”

All the Monsters in history including Caiaphas, Dick Cheney, Woodrow Wilson (Click Link) and a long list of Presidents and Ahrimanic henchmen were all in service to the Agenda of the growing shadow of the Ahrimanic Archai.

Rudolf Steiner

“…things are part of the Initiation-science which must gradually come within the ken of humanity, although on account of the kind of education that has now been current for centuries in the civilized world, men shrink from such truths. The caricatured figure of Lucifer and Ahriman — the medieval devil — is constantly before their minds and they have been allowed to grow up in this philistine atmosphere for so long that even to-day they shudder at the thought of approaching treasures of wisdom that are intimately and deeply connected with evolution. It is much pleasanter to say: “If I protect myself from the devil, if I give myself to Christ with the simple-heartedness of a child, I shall be blessed, and my soul will find salvation.” — But in its deep foundations, human life is by no means such a simple matter. And it is essential for the future of human evolution that these things we are now discussing shall not be withheld from mankind.”

As the 20th century dawned the battle for THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS sought to lay hold of the Money and root instincts of the vast western Double. It was a great victory of the Dark Brotherhoods of the West to gain Woodrow Wilson and the future potential of incorporating the depths of the shadows of the entire American System of Democracy in the deception of our electoral process.

It became the aim of Dark Brotherhoods operating in the West to create elite THINK TANKS and elite member clubs of leadership, pre-chosen. The aim was to target for the future the most reliable Wilson styled unconscious Presidents and steer the vast sociopath and egotistical shadows they possessed, as replication of the entire Landmass of The United States. It easily morphed into a tyrannical demonically possessed psychopath on the same model as Ahab the captain of the Pequod. Uncle Sam possessed the Power of an entire new continent, at the level of a common human Archai. A corporate manager for Bankers and War Mongers. The new Egyptian Pharaoh, ruling CEO of the over all Ahrimanic affairs for the Western Hemisphere.

Age of America 2 Monster formed of the American PsycheFrom such a rulership and by such occult manipulation The United States could foster an entire stock of Presidents who did the will of Deception and Prestige, Pomp and Ritual as to be the crowned Archai puppet Kings. The new Popes of Power of the empires of the Western world.

America needed a Pompous icon and Pope to look up to and sustain the occult traditions of the appearances of power. Empty left over relics of the dead habit of Authority Figures would cloud the vision of true Archai’s, true Archangels and certainly would cloud the vision of awakening to the Rise of the Risen Etheric Christ. In other words the entire weight of the Pomp and Ritual of the Presidency would be anchored in the unconscious region of the easily manipulated occult Double. This was the desire of Dark Brotherhoods of the West and this is what has transpired for the AMERICAN FOLK SPIRIT we described in Part 1.

Notes on the insanity of Woodrow Wilson

“The entire 20th Century was a giant mistake.

“And that you can put the blame for this monumental error squarely on Thomas Woodrow Wilson——-a megalomaniacal madman who was the very worst President in American history……..well, except for the last two.

“His unforgiveable error was to put the United States into the Great War for utterly no good reason of national interest. The European war posed not an iota of threat to the safety and security of the citizens of Lincoln NE, or Worcester MA or Sacramento CA. In that respect, Wilson’s putative defense of “freedom of the seas” and the rights of neutrals was an empty shibboleth; his call to make the world safe for democracy, a preposterous pipe dream.

“Actually, his thinly veiled reason for plunging the US into the cauldron of the Great War was to obtain a seat at the peace conference table——so that he could remake the world in response to god’s calling.

“But this was a world about which he was blatantly ignorant; a task for which he was temperamentally unsuited; and an utter chimera based on 14 points that were so abstractly devoid of substance as to constitute mental play dough.

“Or, as his alter-ego and sycophant, Colonel House, put it:  Intervention positioned Wilson to play “The noblest part that has ever come to the son of man”.  America thus plunged into Europe’s carnage, and forevermore shed its century-long Republican tradition of anti-militarism and non-intervention in the quarrels of the Old World.

“Needless to say, there was absolutely nothing noble that came of Wilson’s intervention. It led to a peace of vengeful victors, triumphant nationalists and avaricious imperialists—-when the war would have otherwise ended in a bedraggled peace of mutually exhausted bankrupts and discredited war parties on both sides.

“By so altering the course of history, Wilson’s war bankrupted Europe and midwifed 20thcentury totalitarianism in Russia and Germany.

“These developments, in turn, eventually led to the Great Depression, the Welfare State and Keynesian economics, World War II, the holocaust, the Cold War, the permanent Warfare State and its military-industrial complex.

“They also spawned Nixon’s 1971 destruction of sound money, Reagan’s failure to tame Big Government and Greenspan’s destructive cult of monetary central planning.

“So, too, flowed the Bush’s wars of intervention and occupation,  their fatal blow to the failed states in the lands of Islam foolishly created by the imperialist map-makers at Versailles and the resulting endless waves of blowback and terrorism now afflicting the world.

“And not the least of the ills begotten in Wilson’s war is the modern rogue regime of central bank money printing, and the Bernanke-Yellen plague of bubble economics which never stops showering the 1% with the monumental windfalls from central bank enabled speculation.”

Ahriman had sent ahead, solidifying his shadow, all his prophets, they cast his shadow ahead and infected our entire American Culture. We were stealthily diverted from creating any deeper educational foundation that might bring our I AM, from childhood to university degree, to a clear comprehension of an objective observation and study of  our DOPPELGANGERS. In the West we needed a true educational and objective monitoring of our Doubles. We need it RIGHT NOW. We are all trapped in the perfect storm of Ahrimanic Culture.

Surveillance and the Deception of our Shadows

“…traditional constraints of every sort should no longer apply, including the very idea of privacy; that a blanket of secrecy about the acts of government in this pursuit is for the greater good; and that, to be fully protected and safe, the citizenry must be plunged into ignorance of what the national security state actually does in its name, and so on. It’s a distinctly Manichaean religion in its view of the world. Its god is, more or less literally, an eye in the sky. And of course, as with many institutionalized religions, much of its energy goes into self-preservation and the maintenance or bolstering of a comfortable lifestyle for its warrior “priests.”

The birth dates of Hitler and J.Edgar Hoover, both have to do with THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS. April 20, in 1889, Adolf Hitler was born and John Edgar Hoover was born January 1, 1895, they were 6 years apart. However, when you look closely at the problem of THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS (click link), you find that J.Edgar HooverAge of America 2 Brown Shirts Winston Smith J.E. Hoover managed to establish an internal spy, snoop, G-Man and Junior G-Men, Government agency which has morphed into the vast complex of Spy Systems and Ahrimanic systems of procuring, gathering and controlling the dirty laundry on Americans and their Doubles. Hoover created an empire of Ahrimanic oversight, disguised as law enforcement.


We need to be vividly clear about how America, the United States, has become the most advanced and deceptive harvester and cultivator of shattered Astral, Etheric, and I AM occult by products ever seen on Earth. In part 1 we were introduced into the educational unfolding of Schools of Black Magicians. When we comprehend the science of what is termed a Black Magician we realized in part 1 that we had to understand the schools of Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuras to see how a school of monsters develop into “THE HORROR – THE HORROR”. To be vividly clear about the United States of America or anywhere in the world where Black Magicians are trained, we must be clear that the aim of the Science of Black Magicians is to harvest for their own power the shattered fragments of the Astral, Etheric, and I AM substance that the “GOOD” Hierarchies have placed as THE BREAD OF LIFE in the kernel of each human being.

The science of harvesting through the subtle destruction of our Etheric bodies, our Astral bodies and our I AM, through Pharmaceutical Companies, Monsanto and Dow, are corporations designed to shatter nature and the human cohesion of our own Spirit nature. Through our addictive pleasure in the use of torture and the corruption and shattering of the cohesion of naive and healthy American Innocence, the United States of America has become the spawning ground of grotesque monsters. Through our pornographic, overt attraction to torture, sadism, and bondage, we began a schooling that starts with the poisoning of our Luciferic sensuality and the so called Sentient Soul region.

America has graduated through politics, War Criminality, Pharmaceutical black magic and psychological Asuric and Sorathian methodologies to medically shattering the linkages and couplings that hold together the Astral nervous system, the Etheric immune, endocrine and lymphatic system and the Group Soul of the standard working I AM. Not the initiated and conscious I AM but the base standard that supposedly raises us above the animal, our little ego.

Ahriman wants to corral this Group Soul and keep it bottled up as pleasure, food and sustenance for his fallen horde of Ahrimanic Angelic Beings.Age of America 2 homunculus Ahriman will exploit the powerful instinctual gifts of the HUMAN DOUBLE. In exchange our Human Species, termed the Self, the general functioning group soul called our EGOITY or our little strutting, easily manipulated earthly personalities will feel the overwhelming rush that the infusion of our Literal Doubles will bring to our imprisoned and happy egoity.

The difference between the Nazis and the United States, is that Hoover managed to stay in the mix of Presidents for 6 Presidents. America was the super-prize of the Ahrimanic Beings and Nazism a kindergarten and prep-school as well as a vendetta CULTIC EVENT Ahriman staged, precisely on the 72nd birthday year of Rudolf Steiner. (click link)

On the night of Feb. 27, 1933 the Reichstag building was set on fire. At the urging of Hitler, Hindenburg responded the next day by issuing an emergency decree “for the Protection of the people and the State,” which stated: “Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”

But more importantly it was the moment of the Rise of the revelation of the Risen Etheric Christ in the Etheric TIME STUDIES gathered around the year 1933. It is a monumental lesson to behold. The world sees the rise of a monster who steals the headlines of the world, all eyes are directed, manipulated and aimed at the rise of a most efficient monster. But we utterly failed to see the eclipse, collapse and implosion of the Good Archangel of German people.

An entire Archangel, filled with capacities, joys,culture, Art, Poetry, science, the entire Michael Revelation was first given in the German Language Archangel, and Ahrimanic Beings chose to dismantle IT first. Such an internal reversal of humanity, in such a high cultural and Archangel model, that contained the secret of how Mephistopheles would win the battle against Faust, set an example to other Archangels that Ahriman could lay waste to any civilization it chose, no matter how gifted. This evisceration is now being repeated against our own American Archai. The methodical school of strategic Ahrimanic dismantling and eviscerating Archangel Beings and cultures is now being deployed as a tactic through out the world.

Humanity was directed to embrace the headlines of a monster rising to power with a 99% ratio of defining the United States and Britain as Good. The standard of heroic and Good, and patriotic and War Hero became a fixed icon in the American Folk Soul. No second guesses, Evil was over there, not in us. It was outside of us. We branded ourselves as good because the first wave of Ahrimanic Powers appeared as an organized force, over there in another country.

Goodness is not an assumption that any Archangel or any country, like the United States can assume. Each human being is subject to ruthless attacks, betrayals and in right royal fact, Mephistopheles is active in every human being. But wishy-washy, faint hearted assumptions are precisely what Ahriman/Mephistopheles counted on in the lofty integrity of the German Archangel. The vast Ahrimanic Archai of the West counts even more so on the gullibility of the American Heart land to assume it is Good, Patriotic and Exceptional over all the other types of Countries and all the other types of Archangels. Dismantling Archangels and eviscerating entire Countries is an Ahrimanic Science that not one individual human being is immune to. But the United States rests on it’s grand assumption of Exceptional Goodness, which doesn’t exist.


ISIS; here in Part 1 and Part 2 we are examining the depths of ISIS/SOPHIA as a concrete part of the American Soul life. But from the other side we have quickly inserted into our thought matrix, a full preemptive attack by Luciferic and Ahrimanic hosts, to brand the name ISIS itself as bad. ISIS has become fixed in the Media Demonology as the external enemy, BAD.

The entire charade of the ISIS brand name is a psyop co-opting of the brand name ISIS to re-route the meaning of Egypt, re-route the subconscious of the American Psyche, to avoid the Orwellian tag-line ISIS, because it has been layered over with the thick goo of full tilt Ahrimanic Propaganda.

Psyops took over, for decades, the brand name of Nazis. War movies, constant reminders of the heroism of Americans fighting a well disciplined world class War Machine – deteriorated into a psyops brand name which invoked a knee jerk response to Flag Waving Patriotism and immediately blocked any further thinking into the subject matter. Nazis bad, John Wayne good over and over and over again in a thousand variations. And this assumption of American Exceptionalism has hardened itself into a devastatingly destructive habit of soul.

Psyops branding, are psychological operations aimed at the absolute easily manipulated stagnant swamp of American Patriotism. Age of America 2 Norman RockwellReflexive, knee jerk, blind patriotism obliterates any critical thinking in the American Soul Life. The Third Reich was very good at Image and Efficiency, and etheric hyper gestures. Gestures of the habits locked into the repetitive motion of our Etheric Body with the arm extended out like a stiff flag pole, or when U.S. education had our hands over our hearts in the Pledge of Allegiance (click Link). I grew up as a child, standing every morning in our classrooms facing the Flag and for a special treat, a song which was lots of fun to sing was those CAISSONS GO ROLLING ALONG. America made a charming impression on my Etheric Body, my habit body, and helped form my love for my country.

Not in the foreground of propaganda and Patriotism, the Risen Etheric Christ transcends and has little to do with narrow dimensions of false patriotism. In the background, deeper than patriotism itself, stirring and rising from the depths of the actual Threshold where human beings die in war and where human beings are born from the Spiritual World into the realm of Earth, the Risen Etheric Christ was active. Behind the War out of the much deeper regions of Life, The Risen Etheric Christ converged in 1933 against the massive growing force, of externalized sound and pictures and film and mind bending thrilling Psychological Theater popping out eyeballs and spilling brains all over our popcorn. Triumph of the Will (German: Triumph des Willens) is a 1935 propaganda film directed, produced, edited and co-written by Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, which was attended by more than 700,000 Nazi supporters. America learned the technique of our use of PSYOPS from masters.

What about the INNER RISING OF THE ETHERIC CHRIST in 1933 against the vividly stirring rise of Film, of Image, of the machines of War, the War Heroes, the battlefield carnage, which we call now, collateral damage? Christ in the Etheric worldBack then the vivid imagery of LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO OUR BOYS our women and our men, in the air, on the ground, with stirring songs sung in every U.S. elementary school gave us our NATIONALISM. The assumption of the Good sank ever deeper and deeper and the questioning of anything, anything at all disappeared behind a well trained reflex of false patriotic bluster. America has brought this science of propaganda and manipulation now to the word ISIS and hidden meaning of Egypt fogging over the Star Wisdom arising in Sophia.

So when we define Ahrimanic, Asuric, Luciferic corruptions of Goodness we find WORDS that become entombed, buried alive in the subconscious, imprisoned Star Beings of the Word. We find automatic, thoughtless responses connected to Flag Waving Patriotism, as the same etheric and astral gestures that became national habits in Germany have become the same automated responses, thoughtless reflexes in the Media of the American Psyche. America Is Exceptional everyone else in the world is wrong.

Ask Not what your country can do for you rather in it’s higher meaning we should rather,  “Ask not what our abnormal and struggling Archai in the United States can do for us, but rather ask what we can do to Help our struggling, good American Archai of the West to not be overwhelmed by the Ahrimanic immoral corruption that is spreading from the United States out into every Archangel in the global community.”

President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

Benito Mussolini declared in speeches across fascist Italy: “O con noi o contro di noi”—You’re either with us or against us.

Towards the end of Joseph Heller‘s Catch-22, Colonels Korn and Cathcart equate fighting for their country with fighting for the benefit of the two of them. Korn tells the protagonist Yossarian: “You’re either for us or against your country. It’s as simple as that.” A reviewer of Catch-22 found this “flawless” logical indulgence by the commanding colonels to be comparable to Heller’s parody of Charles Erwin Wilson‘s statement, often paraphrased as, “What’s good for General Motors is good for the country

  • In Act III of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Deputy Governor John Danforth states, “But you must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there is no road between.”

  • Stephen Colbert has parodied the sentence on several occasions, for instance with “Either you are for the war [in Iraq] or you hate America” and “George W. Bush: great president or the greatest president?”, after which he usually adds “It’s that simple!”

The Rise of the INNER ETHERIC CHRIST IN 1933 had a lot to contend with. But the Risen Etheric Christ was not an external triumph of the will, which is where the host, in the region of the will, where the Fall of the Ahrimanic Spirits of Darkness found leverage, a base in the Intellectual Soul and gained access to a significant BEACH HEAD and occupation to steer intelligence deeper into materialism. The Etheric Christ holds the Threshold open to the Hierarchies through the gate of the I Am and the heart. Our Consciousness Soul builds upwards and outwards reabsorbing the wisdom of Heaven like a sponge and sharing our knowledge with all of humanity. That is the joy of the Etheric Christ in the Consciousness Soul of Humanity.

Yes the murdered, the dead, yes they would all meet the Rise of the Etheric Christ as they crossed the threshold of death. Christ was not advertised and when He was as in “Johnny Got His Gun” (click link) He, the Christ, was blacklisted. Weapons, stealth, death, technological war machinery and outright lies such as ISIS are now created for a duel purpose. Firstly America will fail to comprehend the Sophia/Isis Revelation that we as America are squatting on like cannibals with bones stuck between our noses and tattoos obliterating our pristine Divine Brand, which was made by the Stars themselves. We will examine this Brand that is imprinted in our bodies, as our human forms, as fully carrying the Brand Sophia later.

It is sufficient to say that the Threshold of Birth and Death has been illuminated by the compassionate Rising of the Etheric Christ. The important realities of Life are what we vividly experience at the Threshold points. Our Angels, the Archangels of our countries, and the Archai Time Spirits work with Christ now at the threshold. The assigned human Guardian of the Threshold along with Michael the Archai are not figments of propaganda that we fool ourselves with day in and day out. The Risen Etheric Christ converged and intersected at the Threshold just at the moment where human spiritual reality transcends all our narrow propaganda and pet political beliefs. Religion and the Science of the Risen Etheric Christ stand before the human soul where it cannot be hidden.

Age of America 2 manufactured enemies and invented terroristsJust as America has created for itself, it’s own enemy ISIS. It is truly a BASTARD CHILD OF FALSE PATRIOTISM. ISIS is it’s own black ops budget of Blackwater central casting Army of paid mercenary actors, complete with uniforms, hoods, so we don’t see the faces of the military mercenaries we hired. We make them look dangerous with pick-up trucks, desert camo and machine guns mounted. We filmed ISIS with their fashion statement black hoods, black pirate flags, all Hollywood designed, certified bovine propaganda. Now Ahriman is in the nest of the U.S. as the patriotic deception of THE GOOD, living off the residuals of deception from FALSE WAR MONGERING and generational brainwashing.

Just another Ahrimanic Orwellian PSYOPS for the terminally blind (Click Link)

“Following the September 2014 launching of the “we are the underdog” strategy, we heard highly unusual stories like ISIS bragging on social media about their success, ISIS making promotional videos involving the murder of non-supporters, ISIS somehow recruiting members all the way on the other side of the world, even ISIS printing their own money. By the end of 2014 there was almost nothing that ISIS had not accomplished.

“By the turn of the new year (2015) the ISIS branding was secure and by January the U.S. Government announced the creation of a secret new “Task Force” to deal with ISIS. Details of this task force would be held a secret. The only thing we knew for sure was that it would require a lot of money $$$ to operate, that it would combine the efforts of the other NATO (pro-ISIS) countries, and that its location would be somewhere in the Middle East or South East Asia, smack in the middle of the region of the world where the U.S. has been illegally meddling in for years in its quest to run the world.”

The West learned a great deal from Nazism. It rose as a counter distraction to the rise of the great goodness of the Risen Etheric Christ in 1933. The death, destruction, destitution, and the blueprints and designers of darkness are like cats on a hot tin roof when it comes to keeping the secret of the Rise of the Etheric Christ away from the human soul. Feeble world thinking has remained submerged and wrapped in the coiled shadow of the visible murder, wars, weapons, and patriotic excuses everyone makes to rip the heart and destiny threads of humanity to pieces. And indeed, there Rises on the horizon of consciousness the Risen Etheric Christ, Age of America 2 Rita de Cassia Countenance of Christwhile humanity continues to tear each other to pieces like dogs.

The Science of Time Studies and the Deeds of Humanity (CLICK LINK)

“All the actions of earlier generations, all the impulses with their combined activity, poured into the stream of historic evolution, have a life cycle of thirty-three years. Then comes its Easter time, the time of resurrection. When was the seed planted whose Easter time was experienced by man in 1914 and after? It was planted thirty-three years before.

Christmas Winter Solstice“Connections that reach over intervals of thirty-three years are essential for an understanding of the time rhythms of historic evolution, and a time must come when people in the holy time that begins with Christmas Eve will say to themselves, “What I do now will continue to work on, but will arise as outer fact or deed (not in a personal but in a historic sense) only after thirty-three years. Furthermore, I can understand what is happening now in the events of the outer world only by looking back across the thirty-three years of time needed for its fulfillment.”

Ahrimanic Fallen Spirits of Darkness rushed to fill the vacuum, and WW I and WW II were Cultic Vendettas against Michael the Archai and Time Spirit of our current age. The contrast between Light and Darkness, the contrast between the darkest deeds of humanity and the historical revelation of the Rise of the Etheric Christ in humanity, reveal a Manichean pressure of Light shining into the Darkness.Waldorf Michael and Dragon  Seeds of magnificent light arise from the pressing in of painful darkness. The rare, vivid light and the rush of generosity and brotherhood that Charlie Chaplin correctly depicted in his “The Great Dictator” (click link) revealed precisely how seeds of Light and Living Humanity arise from the Manichean pressure of Darkness.

Rare human beings with Light that arise from overwhelming global darkness have been demonstrated in the example of many individuals who have sought their destiny in America. But it behooves us to pay attention to where the tie between J. Edgar Hoover’s destiny with the United States and the outstanding fascination and obsessive interest Hoover had with Hitler. They were both fallen brothers in the new Ahrimanic Army of the Double.

Both Hoover and Hitler streamed down to Earth and helped to establish on Earth the new citadels, behavior patterns, police states, and germinal kingdoms of creeping consequential Ahrimanic fascism. Hoover rode in on the shadow of the Rise of the Etheric Christ and both Hoover and Hitler were fiercely overshadowed by Ahrimanic beings tossed out of the Spiritual World by Michael the Archai in his victory battle in 1879.

The F.B.I. was created in 1935. from 1935-1972 when Hoover finally ended his reign, at least SIX PRESIDENTS were Age of America 2 J.E. Hoovertrained in covert Ahrimanic duplicity, hypocrisy and lies. Hoover insinuated himself under the skin of the American Psyche and helped shape the hypocrisy of leadership and government of the United States. Under Hoover’s reign, Presidents were tormented and trained to be leaders in the legion of liars. He had secret files on everybody and trained politicians to use information in the most Ahrimanic/Luciferic manipulation that the School of the Double could bestow. Until it got better and more insidious with our NSA.

After 1972 the clown parade of Ahrimanic/Luciferic Presidents like Clinton and George W and Obama, all had public personas wrapped in Luciferic slick Willy lies.Age of America 2 Ahriman's Clowns Dick Cheney was the minder and Ahrimanic puppet master to simpleton George W and Cheney took the baton and out Hoovered, Hoover for deadly dark deception.

George H. W. Bush was an amazing CIA twisted sister of demented, tall sweet talkin’ Texas styled killing machine. All the Presidents after 1972, with the crazy blip of Jimmy Carter, most of them warp into certifiable Manchurian Candidates, psychopaths and Ahrimanic marionette’s and pawns to power. The Wilson Experiment of incorporating and controlling the Ahrimanic Double of a President became a science of manipulating occult streams of power and propaganda.

(Just a note on George H. W.)   –   Bush had moved to HOUSTON, Texas. His wife was, of course, BARBARA. His oil company was ZAPATA Off Shore Co. (which he named after a communist Mexican revolutionary who would invade towns and murder every man, woman and child. Bush also named an earlier oil company after Zapata, a questionable choice for a hero). The code name for the Bay of Pigs invasion was Operation ZAPATA! A former high-ranking Pentagon official, Col. Fletcher Prouty, was the man who secured two Navy ships for the operation. He has told of seeing the two ships repainted to non-Navy colors for the invasion. The ships were given the new names HOUSTON and BARBARA! Of course, maybe the names were just coincidences, but Bush was living in Houston with Barbara and running Zapata in 1961 during the planning of the invasion. The name “Operation Zapata” was top secret and known only to a very few.

J. F. K.  ASSASSINATION the TWELVE ARRESTS made in Dealey Plaza the day John F. Kennedy was murdered. “I told him I knew of TWELVE ARRESTS…”

The man Vaughn arrested was coming from the Dal-Tex Building across from the Texas School Book Depository. The only thing which Vaughn knew about him was that he was an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas.

Age of America 2 Hoover and Bush G.H.W. organized the hit on JFK“Do you think it’s possible that another oil man from Houston just happened to be in that corner of Dealey Plaza? I hope you think it’s possible. Because, as unlikely as it seems, if you think it was possible, then certainly Bush would have been reasonable in thinking that, as he was being arrested, there were other independent oil operators in the crowd who witnessed his arrest. You see, Bush spoke to a group of oil men in Dallas the night before the assassination*2. If it were possible that some of them were in Dealey Plaza, he would need to be terrified of the possibility that some of them might actually have seen the arrest, and would have been able to identify him as the object of that arrest.

“No wonder, then, that Bush freaked out, and made this stupid incriminating phone call to the FBI. Even if it showed that he was not in Houston, or in the Caribbean, but in Dallas, at least it suggested that he was not in police custody for the murder of the President, in Dealey Plaza.”

Prescott Bush Born: May 15, 1895 , grandpa of Dubya, the whole Bush Dynasty, holds some of the United States most nightmarish covert decapitations and assassinations (Click Link).  George Herbert Walker out does his famous daddy Prescott Bush who helped fund the Nazis. The Bush Dynasty hated the whole Kennedy Dynasty with a passion. Age of America George dynasty 1The shattering division between a Luciferic idealism that brightened the United States during the Kennedy Era, was set to become the Kennedy Dynasty and legacy, which would have reigned over the Inspired Sixties generation.

Enormous Incarnation and Spiritual star planning and preparation had gone into this echo, remake, redo of the FRENCH REVOLUTION via Saint-Germain (click link).  A massive surge and influx of spiritual idealism, heart poetry, troubadour magic, was deliberately planned, and we were all part of that plan, to impede and counter act the rise of the Ahrimanic Shadow that was known in occult circles and in the Michael School as a storm front that might easily overwhelm the West. That Inspired Luciferic/Christic sixties generation was part of the heart child of one of the greatest Initiates of the Earth, Christian Rosenkreuz.

Using the cultural power from the stars, an enormous tide of incarnations was set to track back to Earth. A huge Tidal Wave of interconnected Karma was on the way back to incarnation. Now for the benefit of higher Spiritual Science Schooling, we are looking at a vast cultural cluster of interconnected karmic groups. Alexander the Great and Aristotle also had a vast interconnected karmic – cultural web.

However if we examine Christian Rosenkreuz carefully we also find that the selected Esoteric Guardian of the Christ Mysteries was once a Folk-Soul of the Celtic people (Click Link for deeper study). St. Germain weaves in and out of the French Revolution that all of Europe anticipated, as the first hope of the European Union. The French Revolution appears to fizzle and  fail badly. But how do vast Cultural Karmic Groups change the future patterns of struggling humanity?Threefold structure of a healthy global humanity Florian Sydow

But here we arrive at how great Karmic – Cultural Groups are guided by enormous Initiate wisdom to bring their karma together on Earth and advance together in brother and sisterhood. This vast shared kernel of Spiritual and Cultural idealism is the very substance that filled the souls of all those who hungered, longed for and desired a THREEFOLD social and economic structure. A Threefold Human Community modeled from the East, Europe and the West. Initiates were preparing for a THREEFOLD SOCIAL ORDERING and it was St. Germain, alias Lazarus, St. John, and the immortal Christian Rosenkreuz who sought LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, FRATERNITÉ.

Which outwardly failed and whole generations that had been incarnated in Europe crossed the threshold with an enormous Age of America 2 St. Germain Lazarus Christian Rosenkreuz the master of the violet flame Ludger Philipsquestion in their souls. How can Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood or Fraternity be incorporated in a THREEFOLD WORLD SYSTEM? In part 1 we understood that the mission of the West was a true COSMOGONY; that the mission of the East revealed a disposition towards selfless ALTRUISM and brotherhood and that Middle Europe had the mission of HUMAN FREEDOM and the revelation of the I AM.

This dynamic tidal force of powerful interconnected Cultural Karmic Groups sought for transformation in the stars. We were all in the Spiritual World, in the realm of Sophia and the Stars at the midnight hour. We find each other in the Star World of Sophia again, before we incarnate, and vow to each other to find each other on Earth again when we incarnate. Which makes the film, “Made in Heaven” (Click Link) a brilliant sketch.

This sketch of “Made in Heaven” gives a rough outline of the forces of all the in-flooding of millions of souls, who are all woven together by lofty Karmic Intuition and a Karmic -Cultural wave of human heart progress, who called themselves Baby Boomers. In other words after the horrific conclusion of WW II – A new dawn, a new opportunity and a longed for spiritual potential and window was briefly opened for a whole vast cultural – Karmic SURGE of souls to arrive on Earth with a totally new impulse.

To be consistent with the vast Celtic Esoteric Archangel, the one chosen by Christ to become the Esoteric Guide for the Christ Impulse on Earth, we have to contend with the assassinations in the West, including John Lennon and Hoover’s hatred of Martin Luther King Jr.

Once more Ahrimanic forces out of the West flex their claws to choke the life out of the vast cultural and karmic Groups scattered and confused on Earth. And the summation, crystallization and Cosmic Echo of the Celtic Archai’s lofty Mission Celtic Christian Rosenkreuz French Revolution Archangel of Esoteric Christianity hidden revelation of Lord of the Ringswas resurrected in Tolkien’s magnificent Imagination of what humanity is up against, what beings directly oppose the higher unfolding of humanity. The Celtic Folk of the French Revolution, and the Greek Folk Soul of Aristotle and Alexander the Great worked to consolidate and focus humanity for the struggles we shall face in the future.

This massive star generation overshadowed by an Egyptian Scarab or Sun dung beetle, was to find each other through the transformation of the Beatles into the WOODSTOCK GENERATION. The four chambers of the heart was to experience the fifth chamber of future human intuition. The Fab-Four pulsed with a four-fold musical, heart steeped in normal human goodness.

When we discuss in Spiritual Science circles, (Click Link) “Shakespeare’s Flowering of the Spirit” (read it sooner rather than later) and the Celtic Cultural British Isles where the Consciousness Soul was born, we must look at the flowering, the first new buds of the blossom of the Consciousness Soul as the impulse arising from The Beatles. Not a single star, not a single personality, no tyrant, but a visible cooperation between FOUR MUSICIANS, revealed the GREATER FIFTH, the Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart and the entire body of work, music and experimentation of the Love Generation.

It was an enormous stride forward for the shattered hopes of the French Revolution. The great Initiates prepared in advance, working with Sophia and the Karmic Streams, the lofty Alexander the Great and Aristotle Group Karma and the lofty Celtic, Esoteric Christianity and Exoteric Christianity, all sought incarnation together in the hopes of carrying the Divine Transformation into the future. The Egyptian Scarab, THE BEATLES, unleashed the power of the joy of working together for the HIGHER BROTHER AND SISTERHOOD OF HUMANITY. What happens when people change philosophy to music and work together in the region of the heart zone, where math and music arise?

Maximilien Robespierre and George Danton shared both provincial origins and a comfortable middle class background. England is the home where the Consciousness Soul with Shakespeare, Hamlet, Bacon, Darwin and the English Language took root and spread through out the world. It is also the birth place of the Beatles.

Suppose we could imagine the conflict of Robespierre and Danton resolved in the different dispositions of John Lennon and Paul McCartney? Suppose the Revolution of Love and Brotherhood could karmically be resolved through music and resolving psychic and karmic differences on a higher plain? A new Fifth Chamber of the Heart. A sort of Devachan resolution to karmic differences through working together on the Fifth, the music that opens The Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart to social brotherhood.

Nor shall we forget or exclude the premature impulse of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the hippie commune, long hair, Luciferic, clothing optional community. Just supposing a deeper understanding of the consolidated karmic question of Archangels, brought from the spiritual world through The French Revolution, brought back down to Earth a dynamic, consolidated stride forward. We are talking about the Archangel Human Beings whom Christ Initiated Himself to carry the Esoteric and Exoteric substance of Christianity forward.

You see we discuss the dawning of a New Ahrimanic Race of humanity, but before that monster was formed, Christ Initiated two specific vast Archangelic Group Leaders, humans who were ready to pursue an Archangelic Human Initiation path in the service of the Christ Impulse. In other words the Christ/Michael impulse builds or begins building an entire new humanity. Both the Greek Archangel and the Celtic Archangel sacrificed their cultural individual missions to serve the Christ Impulse on Earth and bring it right down into the very formation of body -soul – and spirit.

Supposing massive plans were underway to incorporate the vast cultural globalism and weaving cultural impulses through cosmopolitanism of Alexander the Great and Aristotle, the joining together of the Celtic and the Greek Folk-Souls, all seeking for service in the new Christ Impulse? We would do well to consider the underpinnings of the Michael Stream to include the Esoteric Celtic Archangel and the Exoteric Greek Archangel selected by Christ to represent Michael Sun Christianity. (These factors are considered here CLICK LINK)

These mysteries were brought down down to Earth through the incarnations of souls bearing the New Christic/Luciferic Love and Peace Revolution of a combined Exoteric and Esoteric entirely refashioned form of Brotherhood and Christianity on Earth. It was a combined experiment designed, planned, agreed upon by all of us and carried by The Guardian of the Threshold, Christian Rosenkreuz and carried into the fray of WW I by his partner in the Christ Mysteries, Rudolf Steiner.

“Khepri was connected with the scarab beetle (kheprer), because the scarab rolls balls of dung across the ground, an act that the Egyptians saw as a symbol of the forces that move the sun across the sky.Age of America 2 Ankh Sun Beetle and Beatles Egyptian Consciousness Soul Khepri was thus a solar deity. Young dung beetles, having been laid as eggs within the dung ball, emerge from it fully formed. Therefore, Khepri also represented creation and rebirth, and he was specifically connected with the rising sun and the mythical creation of the world. The Egyptians connected his name with the Egyptian language verb kheper, meaning “develop” or “come into being”.[1] Kheper, or (Xeper) is a transcription of an ancient Egyptian word meaning to come into being, to change, to occur, to happen, to exist, to bring about…”

These massive cultural variables in the turbulence of the waves of Time and generations after the 1950’s, after the Dawning of the Nuclear Age, were prime concerns for the Fallen Spirits of Darkness and their empire. Brotherhood and free expression, Freedom of Speech, of Protests, would lock up and cripple the full Ahrimanic unfolding agenda Ahrimanic Groups had planned for the United States.

This Luciferic Hippie Festival of Brotherhood and Peace Age of America 2 Luciferic Christic Rishis inspirationhad to be shattered in order for Ahriman to regain his momentum and prepare for his Incarnation in the West. So when we look at the critical confrontation between the Bush Dynasty and the assassination and murder of Three of the Kennedy’s, John F, Robert and John, John Jr. we are looking directly into the secrets of George H.W.

“…this phone call demonstrates, clearly, that George Bush, was on duty that day.

“He was staying at the Dallas Sheraton because his duty assignment was in Dallas. His phone call to the FBI cannot have been random. This James Parrott worked for Bush as a sign-painter; he was not an assassin; this phone call is not what it purports to be; Bush was fulfilling some obscure under-cover function in making this call. So the phone call has to be seen as part of his CIA assignment; which was clearly connected to the assassination. This memo then establishes that Bush was in the Dallas area, and on duty; and that his duty assignment was connected to the assassination. And if his men were in Dallas shooting the President, as they were, he was certainly on duty supervising them. If he were not supposed to be supervising them, his bosses would have assigned him to be at his home office in Houston, Texas; or on his oil rigs in the Caribbean.”

Bush shattered the Luciferic Love Generation, and inserted the stream of Ahrimanic family line of George Herbert Walker, George W. and in the big dream, Jeb. The United States was to serve Ahriman’s Intentions and Michael, Christian Rosenkreuz and Peace, Brotherhood and Love, BY WHATEVER MEANS, was to be diluted, diverted and shattered into a million little corporate jingles, movie and sitcom sound bytes, Super Bowl creative hooks for addicting junkie consumerism. To promote and serve consumer materialism all the left overs from the Fantastic Freak Generation of Love were set to be used like bacon in bear traps. That is why we discussed the evolution of THE BEATLES IN PART 1.

Hoover was sent down from the spiritual world in an insinuated guise. Hoover studied Hitler’s organized surveillance tactics like a younger brother worships an older brother. Hoover supervised and trained no less than 6 Presidents in the rules of keeping files, records and surveillance on all influential people who could shape the American Conscience. There were, F. Roosevelt 1933-45, Truman 1945-53, Eisenhower 1953-61, Kennedy 1961-63, Johnson 1963-69, & Nixon 1969 until J.E. Hoover’s death in 1972. And than a long list of current Presidents that finally have turned insatiable War Criminality into the joy of the American Spirit in murdering millions. Hoover and Hitler had a lot in common. They both were prepared by Ahriman in retaliation against Michael the Archai and countenance of the Spiritual Sun.

Hoover and the monsters of the American Psyche


“Each manifestation of Sorath occurs not only in one year but in a kind of window of time around it. Steiner always associated the destruction of the Templars with the second manifestation of Sorath’s activity in 1332, but the Templars were in fact destroyed not in 1332 but some 25 years earlier, between 1307 and 1314. It is interesting, however, to map this 25-year periodicity (1307-1332) with a similar 25-year periodicity prior to the third manifestation of Sorath’s activity in 1998 – thus, the period 1973-1998.Nylias Mihaly Michael twelve Holy Nights SAGittarius If the Sorathic activity does not end with the years 1332 and 1998 but occurs around them, ‘how far around’ them does it occur? Steiner’s indication for the 14th century would seem to suggest a period of at least 25 years prior to the exact center of the Sorathic activity: 1307-1332. We can therefore imagine that there was a similar 25-year period on the other side of the central exact date, which would take us to 1357. We can imagine here an impulse fading in to a peak and then fading out again. If there is anything to such thoughts, we would  expect that this 50 year period would be especially marked by severe crises. What do we find?

“These events in the 7th and 14th centuries when Sorath manifested its activity were major turning points in history. If we map a similar window of time onto our present era, then we get a 50-year period of Sorath’s activity over the years 1973-1998-2023, rising from the early 1970’s to a peak around 1998 and then fading again towards 2023. It is not difficult to recognize that thus far, as we have approached and entered this 21st century, this period too has been one of exceptional crisis for humanity.

The other Cultic Event staged by Ahriman at the dawn of the 21st century was the collapse of THREE TOWERING SKYSCRAPERS in New York City (Click Link) and a full coup d’état of the United States. Ahriman took hold of his mission to control the nursling school of Black Magicians on his roster and accelerate the force of the gigantic Shadow of Sorath over the world.

We are all, over the entire globe, in preparation for Ahriman’s Incarnation in the West. We are all witness to the Inquisitional legalization of torture, sadism and the return of human Knight Templar extermination. We were witness to the demonic corruption of the Church when Lucifer forces ruled religion and we are witness to the demonic corruption of America and the political system of the Ahrimanic United States in the person of Dick Cheney and his preparer, J. Edgar Hoover. The chain of undercurrent command and successors to the Political Puppets of the United States, runs from Hoover out to the Sorathian Surge well beyond 2023. So how do the delinquents who imagine they understand TIME delude themselves and delude our children?

And it was J.Edgar Hoover who slipped through, from the Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, who was sent in to prepare the way and to shatter the objective educational model of how our human DOUBLE is pedagogically active in every human being. He helped shatter the specific objective educational factors we should have grasped in howAge of America Electrical currents, magnetic field Ahrimanic Western Hemisphere our human double is simply more powerful in the Western Landmass and the magnetic geography of the United States.

Hoover was sent in to divert human thinking and education from gaining insight into the workings of The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. Hoover was sent to ‘prepare the way’ up to 1972, for the coming of another wave of strong Sorathian attacks. Pity none of us have been allowed to study the deeper mysteries of history and TIME. Hoover popularized James Cagney, prohibition and crime. He prepared the way and passed the Baton of propaganda to the wave of Sorathian torture mongers collected around Dick Cheney.


“Harry Haller, in Herman Hesse’s Steppenwolf (1927), learns from the “Treatise on the Steppenwolf.” This treatise informs Harry that men have an inborn need to regard the self as a unit:

“And if ever the suspicion of their manifold being dawns upon men of unusual powers and of unusually delicate perceptions, so that, as all genius must, they break through the illusion of the unity of the personality and perceive that the self is made up of a bundle of selves, they have only to say so and at once the majority puts them under lock and key, calls science to aid, establishes schizomania and protects humanity from the necessity of hearing the cry of truth from the lips of these unfortunate persons.

“The split personality doppelgänger is also found in the work of another famous Scottish writer – James Hogg with The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner.”  Some doppelganger stories feature the doppelganger that is already within us and a part of us, a second self awaiting opportunity to metamorphose into a separate being.

Age of America 2 double study in Zanoni B. LyttonZANONI remains as an Initiate Encounter with the Occult Forces of our entangled subconscious Doppelganger. (Click Link for further study.)

“…the stereotypical doppelganger as originally conceived by Jean Paul Richter in the late eighteenth century for his novel Siebenkas (1796-97). Unlike Golyadkin Sr. and Golyadkin Jr. in Dostoevsky’s The Double (1864), or Schwendy and Habeland in E.T.A. Hoffman’s “The Doubles” (1821), Arctor/Fred is a psychological rather than physical double; he is a split-personality, a second-self reminiscent of Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886). Of his book Stevenson wrote, in his essay “A Chapter on Dreams” (1888), that he “had long been trying to write a story…to find a body, a vehicle, for that strong sense of man’s double being which must at times come in upon and overwhelm the mind of every thinking creature.” Age of America 2 designing the doubleThus it is that the dignified Dr. Jekyll, impeccable in respectability, immaculate of reputation, seeks relief for his repressed instincts in the guise of another identity. His transformation into Mr. Hyde is deliberate and depends, initially at least, on the drugs which he has concocted. As Dr. Jekyll states in the written note he leaves before he kills himself, “man is not truly one, but truly two. I say two, because the state of my own knowledge does not pass beyond that point…I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man.”

Age of America 2 HooverWhat we are looking at with J. Edgar Hoover was a curious male who had a complex obsessive compulsive disorder of his highly uncontrolled shadow. J. Edgar Hoover is a study in Hypochondria where any description or mention of any disease would immediately bring on psychosomatic symptoms of that disease crawling up the astral body of Hoover. The susceptibility to destructive or disease patterns by mere suggestion, by rumor, by instant hypnotic suggestibility, a thought or description in a newspaper, a mere fly, “…he became demented on seeing an un-swatted fly, his insistence that agents not step on his SHADOW”.

J. Edgar Hoover was an Obsessive Compulsive Hand Washer like most manic compulsives. Just think of the study of the disjointed Double integration in the personality of Jack Nicholson in  (“AS GOOD AS IT GETS” click link). But John Edgar shared most of his obsessive compulsive behavior traits and anomalies with another study in the infestation and coupling of the Human Double. The case of Howard Hughes.

Well over 5 million U.S. cases of the Doppelganger overcoming the foundations of the Human Soul (Click Link)

Both the brilliance of what the intruding Double does to a human personality and the wild unruly, unreasonable, etheric and astral distortions of how the Doppelganger warps the mirror of the soul and saturates our etheric and astral body and seeps in and overwhelms the personality, the little SELF, appeared in both Hughes and Hoover. (Howard Hughes OCD “THE AVIATOR”) The Self becomes a distorted mirror,Age of America 2 distorted mirror a warped reflection, a dominating pathology if the I Am is not trained to account for this Being who intrudes upon us.

Howard Hughes and Hoover had phobias and built in defenses against having the outside world discover their hidden and secret selves.(Click Link commingling signs and symptoms of the invasion of the human double) In J.Edgar Hoover the super surveillance state arose from the super tension between how Hoover snuck into the darkness of everyone elses shadows, while perfecting the tense surveillance of his own life long shadow. He used his power as keeper of Presidential Secrets to lay the foundations of the entire lying and deceptive forces, now blossoming forth, of our New Law Enforcement, and our total corruption of the once magnificent Justice system of the United States. Hoover had the assignment to lay the occult and social foundation for diverting our national attention from our objective recognition of our all pervasive shadow companion.

Everyone knew that the FBI should have been founded on the concrete grasp of our lower nature, our Doubles, where crime, serial killers, Asuric horror, of  ‘snuff ‘ films, where our impulses and instincts bring us directly into contact with extreme Fallen Entities. It is all very nice that Jung wasn’t fully able to pin-point the reality of the full terrain of sub-sensible Entities. It is wonderful that the majestic Joseph Campbell was an exquisite mythologist. The riddle of our own subversive Entities and our own shadows as real factors were quietly edited out of our education. These vast Entities make up part of the entire deleted reality of our psyche’s. What kind of personality disorder manifested itself in Hitchcock’s “Pyscho”?

Norman Bates:
Oh, we have 12 vacancies. 12 cabins, 12 vacancies.

Humanity is under the mandate of the Twelve Step Program designed by Sophia Herself.  Our entire human forms stand before us as the Artistic Expression of the Zodiac.Nut and Isis Sophia We all carry the Starry Sophia Brand in our upright human skeletal system. We are surrounded by corporate brand names, registered trademarks, product placement, but to recognize the distinct brand name of the Stars and Sophia in our human forms remains deliberately out of reach and tossed in the bin marked do not open until it is too late. We will discuss the Brand Name and the assembly line structure of the human form from the factory of the Star Queen Sophia, as a replication of the Zodiac, later.

Joni Mitchell and an entire generation literally hungered to say that we are the artistic expression and children of the Divine Sophia of the Stars.(Click Link) It was on the tip of the Love Generations Tongue, it hung around like a thick vapor to merge our unconscious longing for myth and science into a Spiritual Vision of Humanity. There are Angels and the Hierarchies and there is humanity in a concrete School of TIME. There is the shattering of our psyche into a million pieces and the possibility attaining in the distant future the conscious cohesion of our Divinity.

All this should have been part of the healthy foundational education and mission of humanity. Waldorf Education prepares the soul to arrive at the New Science of the Spirit. The sitcom of our never ending cycle of our infatuation with crime and the criminal mind pay for the manufacturing of our external enemies and funds our intoxication for more elaborate destructive weaponry.Age of America 2 glut of military destruction outweighs goodness Only the deluded who drank the Kool-Aid cannot see the insanity of our Military Budget that overwhelms any goodness that could arise in the United States. So now we can understand that it is ourselves that create the pressure of a growing evil, and that evil entities must co-exist with goodness and goodness must gain the strength to confront our own simplistic delusions.

We have created our own split in humanity. If redemptive goodness is to arise the whole field of humanity must be covered in the manure of evil. From such manure frail human courage can push forth out of the darkness and grow like a frail rose into the light. How can the American and Global Culture allow itself to be covered over with such evil? And that is the horrific Manichean Riddle of the unleashing of The Monsters of the American Psyche, it all comes from within us and foreshadows the dividing of humanity. Because we are terrified to look and study this dividing of humanity was outlined in Part 1.

Denial is a river in Egypt. Denial and our broken record John Wayne patriotic militarism, with a failure to be alert enough in soul to know when the United States became an Ahrimanic weapon of mass destruction is all the result of stubborn materialistic brainwashing. “And I dreamed I saw the bombers Riding shotgun in the sky And they were turning into butterflies Above our nation” The Love Generation saw the beast, opposed the War Machinery and the fruits of such efforts were that a generation after Hoover attempted to correct the dumbed down soft fascism of the current FBI, a new investigative intelligence of the Consciousness Soul arose in THE X – FILES (Click Link).

Age of America 2 Rod SerlingRod Serling with his Twilight Zone, Chris Carter of the X-Files and Vince Gilligan of Breaking Bad are part of the exoteric sharpened clarity of telling tales of the complexity of the American Egregore, our collective Group Soul Imagination. These tales of the Consciousness Soul and our rational Intelligence and Intellects confronting Entities and Beings near the threshold of human consciousness are considered But all of these authors, directors, writers and all of us draw off the fountain, the deep well of the Esoteric foundations of humanity.

The Prophets and the Prophecies (Simon and Garfunkel – (Click Link)

It cannot be otherwise for no matter where we turn we are faced with the riddles of existence encountered and understood by St. John, Rudolf Steiner, and the Artists of the Novalis Initiation Schools. Every human being is subject to our roaming intuitions and speculations that lay at the foundation where the actual Beings that populate the deep regions of the American Psyche, dwell.

The Human Double and Entities encountered at birth

“A golem is a creature made out of clay into which life has been injected by magical means. The Hebrew word golem means something incomplete or unfinished, as in the verse (Psalms 139:16) referring to the human embryo: “Thine eyes did see mine unfinished substance (golmi).”Age of America 2 Golem

“In the year 1808, Jakob Grimm, of fairy-tale fame, wrote: “After saying certain prayers and observing certain fast days, the Polish Jews make the figure of a man from clay or mud, and when they pronounce the divine name over him, he must come to life. He cannot speak, but he understands fairly well what is said or commanded. They call him Golem and use him as a servant to do all sorts of housework.” This kind of legend evidently enjoyed a wide circulation.”

“The legend of the golem has also suffered from a too-literal interpretation. Probably the most well known version of the golem story is Gustav Meyrink’s classic expressionistic novel The Golem, published in 1915. Several film versions of the golem story have been made; the best-known is probably Paul Wegener’s 1920 version. In the first film to deal with the theme, Otto Rippert’s 1916 Homunculus, a scientist creates an artificial man and endows him with more than human powers. Age of America 2 Lachman Rudolf SteinerWhen this superman discovers his true origin—that he is not human at all and can never feel love—he reacts violently and inaugurates a reign of terror that leads to his destruction. This notion of a lack, of something missing, also haunts homunculi in future storytelling.”  Gary Lachman  “Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Work

Perversity finds perversity and a study in crime, privacy and the hidden secrets of every human being became for Hoover his seat of Power. Hoover’s legacy has left us with a deeply rooted national shadow that has grown to monstrous global proportions. Hoover’s need to suppress his own shadow and hold power over everyone elses doppelganger helped prepare the way for the Incarnation of Ahriman in the West.

Twilight Zone and the Double (Click Link)

“Hoover found his niche in life as a “hunter of men,” served under 10 presidents over a period of five decades, creating what Eleanor Roosevelt characterized as an American Gestapo.”


There are also many things we can do to reduce our Digital Shadows

Trace My Shadow

“Trace My Shadow” is an interactive visualization designed to help you learn in detail about the effects of using online services and devices.

The surveillance program PRISM by the US secret service NSA has reminded us that all of our activities online may be monitored without giving us the chance to understand whether we really are targeted or what the purpose of this monitoring is. Information is being collected about us all but we have little understanding about how it is being used.

Select what device you are using – a computer that has a Microsoft operating system, an Android mobile phone – and then what you are using it for: Google services, Facebook, or online banking. You will then be able to see how each device and each activity leaves its traces. For example, let’s say you are using a mobile phone with a prepaid SIM card to create and use a Facebook account. Trace My Shadow will list 26 separate traces about yourself that are stored on different servers – that you don’t have access to. This tool allows us to know what the traces are, and also whether we can do anything to minimize the digital shadow they cast.

The Ahrimanic Leaders and Ahrimanic Scientists will gather the crumbs and fragments from the Age of the Fishes, the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Capricorn, in imitation of how Christ gathered the crumbs and the fishes and began feeding the Five Thousand for the future of the 5th Age. Ahriman makes shattered humanity the bread and sacrament for his hungry hordes.

The Ahrimanic, Luciferic and Asuric schools become oenophile connoisseurs of the quality of the shattered contents of souls and spirits. The Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuric elite become the new scientific connoisseurs who collect from the wreckage of humanity the potent forces of Etheric, Astral and I AM imprisoned and captured vintage Merlot and Cabernet’s. We can learn a great deal from fairy tales.

The Soul Cages

Age of America 2 humanity absorbed by our doppelganger“At first Jack thought that there wasn’t much of a difference between houses in the ocean and houses on the land. At least that is what he thought, until he came to Coomara’s “Curiosity Room”. The room was littered with lobsterpots.

“Jack inquired about the pots in the room. Coomara explained that they were “soul cages”. When sailors drowned at sea, their souls would sink to the bottom. The souls did not survive well underwater, so they’d take refuge in Coomara’s lobster traps.”

Our sweet Fairy Tales contain strange insights. The insight from Soul Cages reminded me of “Awakenings” — with Robert De Niro and Robin Williams and the curious destiny of Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin Copies and collections of vintage aged Initiates etheric, astral or fragments of their I AM’s stored in amber, human butterflies captured by old Scratch in ornate Chinese boxes or after-death, captured Soul and Spirit Beings caught in SOUL CAGES made a curious impression on me.

In “Princess Bride” the height of Luciferic Hollywood sucks every icon and image of America we cherished, the very soul and substance of a person, is bought out and sold on the auction bloc of cinematic slavery, a figmentation, fragmentation and Pixelization of the tiny particles of what materialism and the magnetic/electronic double craves and covets, in it’s appetite in devouring the remnants of the human soul, bundled into one Demonic Contract. (“The Congress” CLICK LINK)

One of the most effective ways to draw sharks in for capture and research is chumming. Chopped up meat to catch sharks. Devachan fallen replications butchered and sold. (Click Link) how Art was butchered and sold. But creating a fan cult that collects and worships the shattered  fragments of the human soul and spirit in one incarnation and chaining the astral devachan After Image of the etheric gesture, voice and movement to a dead image, is part of capturing the squirming human soul. Like pinning dried and departed butterflies on a collectors board. (Click Link)

Hannibal Lecter: “A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.” (Click Link)

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz/Syrah, Pinot noir, Red Zinfandel, sherry and port are all red wine varietals. Malbec, a red wine, is smooth, coming from France and Argentina. Meritage is a fancy word for blending of any two or more wines (i.e. Merlot and Cabernet). Shiraz (Australia) and Syrah (France) are the same variety and are usually spicy or peppery, which is influenced by the amount of rain in the area and the dirt the grapes grow in. Chianti is similarly medium-bodied, but can definitely range in fullness. Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot grigio, White Zinfandel, Riesling and Moscato are all varieties of white. Riesling is sweet, but Moscato is sweetest.

The Human Being under the domination of Ahrimanic Sciences coming in the future, would be the sustenance for enhanced, heightened, cunning parasites designed to use humanity to raise the Fallen Kingdom of Darkness that Michael cast down to Earth in his battle in Heaven.

The Magnetic Center force where the double is enhanced at Embryo level into a dominating role in the brain and heart system Age of America 2 the double and the twinsas an active, controlling doppel, a powerful twin, a shadow being using the advanced service orders from a highly evolved Tesla technology, would be designed to serve the agenda of THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS.

“Tesla was an extraordinary, intuitive, creative genius who, among a great deal else, invented alternating current (which powers the the modern world) and radio (for which Marconi is often falsely given credit).

“Contemporary biographers of Tesla have deemed him “the father of physics”, “the man who invented the twentieth century”, and “the patron saint of modern electricity”.

“Much of his life’s work was about providing for the world free (i.e. zero-cost) energy, which Tesla envisaged would be broadcast wirelessly through the air or through the Earth itself with no need for powerlines – but despite years of trying, he never obtained the funding to achieve this, one of his dreams.

“It has long since been rumored that he invented or developed a significant number of electrical and electronic devices which were decades ahead of their time and would have been of special interest to US military and intelligence circles. Around 300 patents were issued to Tesla in 25 countries, many of them major and far-reaching in concept.

His many technological discoveries were certain to have drawn the attention of those hungry for world domination and superiority.

“By and large, Tesla’s inventions and his career were excluded from our history books because his inventions and patents were stolen and then weaponized.

“It was never intended for us to learn about the suppression of Tesla’s advanced scientific discoveries, nor about those who profited from their theft—the orchestrators of the master plan.

Tesla’s TowerAge of America 2 Wi-Fi towers for Free Electricity over the entire Earth

“When Morgan discovered that the tower would transmit free electricity and radio waves, he cancelled the project and had the tower dismantled, then sold for scrap. Morgan was not about to allow Americans to receive free electricity, television and radio.

“Tesla was devastated when he received the news, but continued on with his new inventions.”

“Following Tesla’s death the United States Office of Alien Property, under the instructions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, confiscated all of Tesla’s papers and property. This was an interesting maneuver considering that Tesla was a United States citizen.”

Entertainment vs Initiation and cohesion of the Heart as well as the brain, reveals what happens when the Brain and the higher devachan become detached from the human heart. Age of America 2 heart and brain split twin doubleThis cohesion of the I AM in the core of the Hollow Human Soul, is not only The Philosophy of Freedom, it is also the Representative of Humanity vs Laocoön and his Sons. Ahriman despises the reality that our hearts, our love, our karmic core of being is the central organ of our conscience, compassion and courage.

If from pre-birth at the embryological doorway, humanity, from prior to cradle and held prisoner in the devachan even after death, each of us born in the coming Ahrimanic Race would never know that we were prisoners. Drugs would have to be administered to counteract the psychotic reactions that now appear like Autism and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Psychosis. History and Civilization would be revamped. The advanced Devachan mapping of the brain and the nervous system along with destructive advanced pharmaceuticals would deliver an entirely new human culture. But those violent psychotic karma-consequential disturbances would have already been anticipated by big Pharma and would be gladly administered, even prior to birth, so that the Ahrimanic Race can ride rough shod over the Incarnation and Sophia Mysteries.

The Double would dominate and celebrate magnificent strides in technology, as we do today. A probable global peace as the shadow of the Arhrimanic Archai overtook every Archangel, language and country would be celebrated after the violent, virulent conflicts and global catastrophes. Ahriman in the guise of a great, great Spirit of Vision and fairness to all, a lofty humanitarian, who finally used science for peace would more than certainly be embraced. After such manipulated and designed global catastrophes our acceptance of the conditions of a culture designed by holding the higher I AM, under Ahrimanic House Arrest would be humanities trade-off.

Age of America 2 the secret of birth initiation and resurrectionThe trade off to Ahrimanically Designed plenitude and splendor would be the elimination of the conscience and moral inner I Am, that controls for itself it’s own higher initiation. Our higher evolution into The Stars and Sophia Mysteries of the Risen Etheric Christ cohesion would be shifted from Inside to Outside. Instead of the Birth from the Stars and Sophia we would be born under the gifted Ahrimanic Group Soul that despises the Initiation of the I.

As we sought our Karmic Groups on Earth, from before birth, within The Hierarchies, Sophia Star Wisdom and the guidance of Christ, would be ripped from the soul through the agencies of Ahrimanic Science. Cradle to Grave, Cradle to Grave Ahrimanic Science seeks from before conception and before Cradle to Beyond the Threshold of Death, to retain the Group Soul of the Ahrimanic Empire in a locked and imprisoned state. Both just before birth to long after death the Ahrimanic Sciences would prevent humanity from achieving on Earth Conscious Karmic transformation or conscious karmic cohesion and recognition of karma redemption. Ahrimanic forces would prevent humanity from working on the future karma of the Earth. The I AM would be unable to break free from the Earthly Tomb Ahriman has sealed it in.

Instead of Christ, the Ahrimanic Archai of the West would take full credit for Peace on Earth and lock the door and seal the tomb against the I AM of humanity ever rolling away the stone of scientific materialism. Behind that sealed door is the vivid revelation of the Risen Etheric Christ Mystery. The Tomb of the Human Heart would be sealed and the unfathomable riches of the heart, the mysteries of the Threshold and the Hierarchies would be shut tighter than any Roman Guards restless slumber. The Devachan and the threshold of birth and death would be guarded by the fallen Arch Beings of Ahriman, Lucifer and the Asuras.

Presuming that Ahriman succeeds in building his kingdom around the myth of the abducted Human Changeling, the karma kidnapping and actual hijacking of actual Human Spiritual Beings, humanity and their Free I AM would be enslaved and not know it. The New Ahrimanic Race spawned from the West will devour the living Etheric, Astral and residual I AM spiritual substance and insert a replacement, a more cunning, brilliant and empty human race. Our children, under the future Ahrimanic Sciences would be bound and enslaved in the new elemental kingdoms of Ahriman’s race of  The Changelings.

The great dragon that brought numerous fallen stars (Astral Ahrimanic Angel Beings) down to Earth, fell into human heads and Ahrimanic Science rose from the West and restored their exiled Kingdom. The stars of heaven?Age of America space hallucinations To comprehend our star stupidity, is to imagine a massive Sci-Fi UFO (MARS ATTACKS) fleet of advanced aliens in battle array clustered around the perimeter of the Earth and knocking out our satellite and communication systems (INDEPENDENCE DAY).

Rather, (and I appreciate science fiction cartoons as much as any fan of Sci-Fi) but it is occult misdirection, occult diversion, so that instead of knowing that the STARRY WORLD has just been swept clean of some of the more vicious Angelic predators, who had served a purpose at the Thresholds of Birth and Death, we tell ourselves it is all flowery and sweet up in the Heavens. Not really and we shall discover these Threshold Beings sentenced to a term down on Earth a little later.

It was Michael’s battle in the Heavens that ushered in new strengths and new maturity for human thinking, but with a consequential cost. We are happily brainwashed to willingly equate St. John’s horrific Dragon Horde tossed to Earth with our convenient gibberish about alien beings.

After all, from our regimented thinking there is no After Life in the Starry Worlds or Astral Devachan regions of the Soul and Spirit, only empty measureless space. And we spend our time longing for other Worlds like ours. Just think of what “Like Ours” implies. It means that we shall not trespass in our education the law, there shall be no denial or defaming of the god of materialism.

Ahriman “Like Ours” means that Ahrimanic entities have taken possession of Humanities INTELLECTUAL SOUL REGION. Age of America 2 Ahriman's ideal of humanityThe Intellectual Soul possesses the peculiar attribute of not having to recapitulate ANYTHING. (Click Link for detailed study) Our Intellectual Soul developed in the Fourth Age, the age of the Ram. Aries is destined to be the pivot that stays the same as rational intelligence in the service of materialism. The Intellectual Soul Region is the territory, where the habitation, bivouac and encampment for Ahrimanic Beings is most satisfying for their strategic operations.  It is the most conducive for the swarm of icy cold Intelligence that are the nature of Fallen Ahrimanic Beings.

Rudolf Steiner

“What Buddha accomplished had to be carried into the intellectual- or mind-soul. This soul, through its position between the sentient soul and the consciousness- or spiritual-soul, possesses the peculiar attribute of not having to recapitulate anything. The Old Indian epoch will be repeated in the seventh, the Old Persian in the sixth, the Egyptian in our own; but just as the fourth epoch stands alone, apart from the others, so does the intellectual- or mind-soul. The forces necessary for our intellectual faculties which only appear in the spiritual-soul, could not be developed in the intellectual soul; although these were only to appear later, they had to be laid down in germ and stimulated at an earlier period. In other words: the impulse for logical thinking had to be given before the Buddha gave the impulse for Conscience. Conscience was to be organised into man in the fourth epoch; conscious, pure thinking was to develop in the consciousness- or spiritual-soul in the fifth epoch, but had to be laid down in the third epoch of civilization, as the germ for what we are evolving now.”

We are trained from birth in the West that there are no higher worlds filled with magnificent Beings. The heavens must be just like us, now, today and carry the same INTELLECTUAL SOUL garbage that we have all been trained to carry. Beings from other worlds must use technology just like we do and certainly must not have developed any higher capacities that both our Angels and we possess. Consciousness would remain frozen at the Intellectual Soul and never evolve the current CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL of the current 5th Age of Pisces we are in.

Today, instead of our true Consciousness Soul, our politics and propaganda clutches the infected regions of our Intellectual Soul and reigns supreme as the propaganda of dense Star Stupidity and severe Ahrimanic restrictions on human thinking. The higher fire and facts of St. John are previews of the higher Astral Devachan Intelligence where St. John truly witnessed the unfolding immense Science of Time and the vast unfolding activity of the Ever-Present Christ Being.

So as we study the Western Hemisphere, as we did in part 1 we also studied the departure of the Moon from the Pacific Ocean. The departure of the Moon that orbits our Earth occurred very early in the history of the Earth. It left the Ring of Fire where mighty Inner Earth Mysteries, Fire Mysteries connected to the moral forces of both the living and the dead, still disrupt and disturb the Earth with volcanic and deep Earth shock waves.Age of America wound of the Moon exit ring of fire

We discussed in Part 1 that Hollywood sits on strands of numerous fault lines, like strings of a guitar, that vibrate through California. These fault lines and the forces of Hollywood, sit at the bridge where the Moon Left the Earth. The whole mystery of the Pacific Ring of Fire releases Kamaloca Earth/Moon disturbances into the geographic, astral and devachan bridge that runs, with highly sensitive psychic force out of California. But also by occult and geographic knots tied in the West, the bridge to the old kamaloca clairvoyance of how the dead are living in the moral forces of the future of the Earth, seem to erupt with distinct devachan oracularness from atavistic Hollywood. The whole Ring of Fire rounding from the bottom of the South American Andes to Japan, are all part of the sensitive wounds left by the occult departure of the Moon.

What is Hollywood and the Ring of Fire? It is an empty Eye Socket.

The Graeae were three women who shared a single eye among them. The Digital Eye serving three fallen soul forces is part of the advanced science of cinematography. So, when one of the Graeae were about to give the eye to one of the others, Perseus grabbed it and blackmailed them to aid him in getting the head of Medusa.

Age of America 2 todd schorr hydra big screen AmericaNow in dealing with the Hydra Headed or the abstract atavistic clairvoyance of the West, one must be clear that Medusa was a beautiful young lady once in the service of the gods as priestess for Athena.  A Hollywood starlet. Athena, however, is our pure Logos Science of the Spirit that sprang out of the head of Zeus. Athena was a Warrior Class who kept Cosmic Thinking alive, defended the Laws of the Logos as a Michael Intel Warrior.

So when Medusa betrayed that purity of cosmic thinking, or when humanity distorts and lies about the Logos and Cosmic thinking, Athena can get pretty downright vicious.We shall look at just how vicious and protective of the Logos Athena can be, when we enter the EIGHTH SPHERE.

In Hollywood we have had the domination of the single eye of the fallen forces of the human soul, the wild inspirations of the three blind soul forces of the Graeae whose empty eye sockets must borrow one single eye for the three soul hags to become an atavistic camera. (Click Link Keanu Reeves documentary “Side by Side”) Age of America 2 single eye atavism and hollywoodWithout the higher Logos of Cosmic Thinking, with the betrayal of Cosmic Thinking and the Hierarchies, we get thousands of strands of serpentine fiber optics, streaming from the Digital Streaming Lunar Eye that scans the untransformed nightmares of the blind hags of the Graeae. The Graeae channeled through their single camera Eye all the wild mythic visions and subconscious nightmares out to our own Big screen T.V.’s.Hollywood Medusa And without either the sciences of Anthrosophia or the discipline of Athena, Ahriman can make a whole race of pulsating Devachan atavistic Medussa’s sprout from the heads of his new breed of human beings. Spiritual Hallucinations for everyone will be part of the religion of Ahriman.

Now as to the question of Kamaloca and the realm of the recently departed, it is the Ring of Fire that is the wound left by the departure of the Moon. The 6th layer of the Inner Earth is connected with the Volcanic Forces of Fire that the dead pass through on their way to the Moon Beings. Hollywood and the Ring of Fire is a sensitive geographic portal that can be richly studied if we take Athena and Cosmic Intelligence seriously. (READ AND STUDY THIS LINK) Which means that we understand the departure of the Moon and Digital and Celluloid stream of the Kamaloca and the Ancient Moon Beings.

Age of America 2 magnetic fields of the EarthAnd this magnetic mountain ridged spine of the Embryo of the vast Earth has a magnetic super conductor built into it. The giant spine, and the ring of fire of the rumpled Mountain Ranges, are not only extremely sensitive devachan streams of clairvoyance sent up through the Earth, but also the eye-sore and eye-socket of Hollywood geographically attracts, magnetically attracts writers, directors, artists of all sorts, to feel the oddity of Kamaloca streaming beneath their feet. (Click Link R.I.P.D.)

The dead and the living, immoral and moral forces, the shattered fragments of the past and the tortured nightmares of the future still stream along the magnetic wound where our visible Moon exited our Earth. Atavistically such creations in film, like “The Pacific Rim” are asking questions that the Graeae cannot answer.

Somehow part of that sensitivity to the vast Kamaloca Moon Beings who create the catharsis devachan pictures for the world of the departed that stirs in the wound along the geographic Ring of fire, ends up attracting all kinds of artists to the tar pits of Hollywood.

We have to consider how the magnetic Dragon’s Tail of the spine of the Earth plays a significant part in the future Ahrimanic Race forming technoloy of the Western Hemisphere. We have to consider the Ahrimanic Opening of the fallen Devachan Gates of the underworlds through the manipulation of the magnetic Earth directly into the instinctual, atavistic Human Double.

Age of America 2 north south magnetic mountain TESLA

Revelation 12:4

“Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. 4And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the Age of America Fall of the spirits of Darkness Stars in Heaven Sophia star wisdomdragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. 5And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.…”

How do you know what our American Imaginations are saying accords with higher Devachan Science and The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness? How do we define the HYDRA tendency? Chop off one head and another grows back? Depose one Ahrimanic leader and another takes it’s place? Well here are a couple of clues.

“…we learn that Zola was responsible for designing the algorithm used by Project Insight to determine which people to target for preemptive assassination.  Unbeknownst to many of the Project’s supporters, the algorithm would serve Hydra’s goals by killing political and military leaders, superpowered individuals, and many others…Age of America 2 Hydra 1

“When we meet Dr. Zola in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Click Link) he had become one with his computer network, infusing his mind into the circuitry. He had become pure rational thought. Since I believe Dr. Zola lost all of his humanity as a Nazi, I found this incident as redundant, although his manifestation as a computer program was an excellent metaphor for his inhumanity.

“What these people evidently needed from Dr. Zola, was not only the mental capability to create an algorithm to profile every person on the planet but the vacuous conscience of a Nazi doctor who never had to face a war-crime tribunal. His algorithm would not only target the right people, it would be cold, calculated, and without mercy.

Alexander Pierce

[Robert Redford was made for this role from Three Days of the Condor to 1/2 dozen super smart deep throat warnings that the U.S. Government is a certifiable Monster. This is what the U.S. and NSA wants, to become an arm of Ahrimanic Nazism, soft fascism in preparation for the Incarnation globally of Ahriman] Age of America 2 not a stupid American

“All Pierce wanted was peace on earth for 7 billion people, in exchange for one third of one percent of the population. That is all. In medical terms, it is laser hair removal. As the miniscule means to such a glorious end, it is easy to see how Hydra persuaded so many people to stand behind Project Insight, to set the targets, and even pull the trigger.

In any genocide, giving the horrific act a proper name that followers can rally around is very important. Hitler called the Holocaust the final solution; other names for mass murders have included cleansing, purging, and even a great leap forward. Such was the case with Project Insight. Calling it Insight made it feel pragmatic and enlightened.”

What we are dealing with are sizzling fallen, dry ice burning and devastating Ahrimanic Archangelic Entities of the Threshold that were tossed out of the heavenly and starry worlds and entered receptive human heads, infected and  burrowed into the human Intellectual Soul and used their human hosts as it’s food, it’s new carapace. Picture it carefully. Suppose a human dies, there is a tunnel and we exit to a spiritual world.

Michael 5Suppose Christian Rosenkreuz, Christ and Michael decide to take over the duties of THE THRESHOLD? Christian Rosenkreuz becomes The Guardian of the Threshold. A swarm of super clever threshold beings, destructive beings used by the Hierarchies at one time, are now out of a job, out of date and tossed out on the street. These Threshold Entities still exist. We’re very sorry if with Hydra and The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness you remain unable to see how American Imaginations, cartoons, trivialize some of the deepest mysteries of humanity. But we are led to believe it is all cartoon fantasy. It is rather the broken mirror of Cosmic Intelligence distorted through the lens of the Graeae and Ahrimanic materialism.

But the exiled and fallen DESTRUCTIVE THRESHOLD ENTITIES see a portal where they can live and remain the destructive forces that they were trained to be. They see not only employment but life and in a desperate fight for survival, one and only one option remains. These beings see that the Human Intellectual Soul, where Robert Redford had played some of his sharpest roles, is a gateway to rebuild their destructive Life and tasks and retain a position in the cosmic order of things. They aim for humanity and through humanity become destructive beings of the Threshold that obstruct our attaining the wisdom of the Consciousness Soul.

Now we may ask, if the Holy Ghost and the Host of the Bread of Life are part of the good, can the entire Human Being also serve the nourishment and become the Bread, the Wine and the Host for these Ahrimanic and Fallen Beings? (Click Link) The Twilight episode HOW TO SERVE MAN.

The Human Host and the Reversal of Goodness

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.”

We shall discuss the intimate destructive work of these Fallen Threshold Beings a little later, but for us it is sufficient enough to know that some of our most cherished psychopaths, the easily diagnosed, HOLLOW SOULS that we discussed in part 1, will be the germinal seeds of ever more devastating conscious Black Magicians. They will feed off the shattered fragments of our I AM, our Astral bodies from our fragmented and shattered nervous systems. Our once healthy immune systems and etheric bodies will be used as nourishment and food sources for Fallen Ahrimanic, Asuric and Luciferic Beings.

The reversed Sacrament of the Host is to have Fallen Parasitical Beings, not Paradisaical Beings, Parasitical Beings come to feast on the shattered fragments of our humanity. Humanity becomes the desperate survival meal and sacrament for the survival of sub-sensible entities. This is the Reversed Sacrament, the reverse in behavior of everything that once was sacred Goodness in human behavior. We are learning to love the reverse of human goodness, sanity, and compassion. These Parasitical Beings are the true terrorists that have insinuated themselves into our Intellectual Soul and disguised their agenda in us exactly because we have stagnated ourselves at the level of materialistic rationalism.

These Entities overcome our own fellow human beings, that we failed to protect or detect in our political, medical and social environment. The invasion of these Fallen Entities using innocent children and their etheric forces as the host, using humanities astral and I AM shattered substance and forces as their host will devastate humanity and awaken such powerful Karma Perception that humanity will be forced to find the GOOD. Humanity in the 6th Age and the 7th age will be forced to find, awaken from our own spiritual agony the powers of The Bread of Life, The Budhi forces, the Life-Spirit in order to redeem what we enabled but refused to detect during the 5th Age.

To arrive at the core theme of THE LAMB OF GOD we come to a place where both the Demons and the Hierarchies intersect. Where the Revelation and the Apocalypse intimately intersect with the core of what reveals to us all a Good Being from an Evil Being. The Lamb the Age of the Ram and the Manichean battle Florian SydowThe Evil Being’s cannot deny and in fact thrive on the Goodness at the core of the Human Spirit. This core is how we identify the deep seat of the higher forces of the cosmos in the core of our human soul. It is how we even faintly comprehend the overwhelming Imagination of the future metamorphosis of ourselves into Creator Beings.

By the coming 6th Age we will have horrifically understood the Ahrimanic trap that sought to enslave the veritable essence of the Time Value of Human Beings that are set in the foundations of the world as the laws of Karma and Reincarnation. By the 7th Age our own sacrifice against the Black Magicians we have fostered will give humanity the Etheric and Life-Spirit forces that Christ manifested in His miracles and His signs and wonders.

Humanity will by then have understood and developed enough to sacrifice our divinity to foster the unfolding of creation and build together an entirely new transformation of the Earth into the Jupiter Evolution. By the 7th Age (CLICK LINK FOR THE 7TH AGE), we will have evolved the Godhead and Divinity in the core of our beings and take up our role as future Angels. Upward mobility and the School of the Hierarchies is now in the 5th Age of the Consciousness Soul our Freshman Initiation period into the Sorority and Fraternity of Sophia and the Heavenly Hierarchies.

We are in the place where both the depths of the Earth and the un-redeemed Demons of the Earth meet the Holiest forces that are the foundation of our human spirits. It is this which we have contemplated with our study of Sophia, the Stars and the Lamb of God. It was presented in it’s pristine purity, it’s tension between the pit of Hell, the deepest Asuric and Sorathian Schooling of Evil, against the background of St. John and the deepest Grandeur of the Risen Etheric Christ Being.

TIME AND THE STARS THEMSELVES STOPPED for the heartbeat of Christ at the Golgotha moment in the 4th Age of the Ram. Yes really. There was a moment of Cosmic and Earth Arrhythmia at Golgotha. What gigantic expansion of the FIFTH CHAMBER OF THE HUMAN HEART SCIENCE arises, when we understand the stopping of the Heart of Christ on Golgotha? But instead of departing Earth, the entire system of the Earth was rebooted in a twinkling of the moment when the full thrust of death was conquered by Christ.

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a tool we have to assess the heart rate and rhythm. This test can often detect heart disease, heart attack, an enlarged heart, or abnormal heart rhythms that may cause heart failure. What happened when the fortified Fifth Chamber of the Heart of Christ devoured death? Friends, dear beloved friends when we dare speak about the coming 6th Age of SPIRIT SELFHOOD, we are discussing what both Parsifal and Rudolf Steiner and a whole host of Beings, Buddha, St. Francis included, achieved. We hint at the Holy Grail of SPIRIT SELFHOOD. Can we even imagine the shock that shot through the Earth, through the realms of the Angels and the elemental beings of the Earth? The Celtic People, the Druids felt immediately the events that shook Golgotha. That is a true Geographic Revelation, that at Golgotha, in Mexico, in the far West and from the Celts in Europe the entire Earth felt the changes immediately at Golgotha when Christ Heart conquered death.

Spirit Selfhood is above the Consciousness Soul. Just as in the Pentecost Mysteries of Mary and the disciples overshadowed by Living Flames above their heads, astral devachan LIVING FORCES OF THE HEART OF THE CHRIST started pouring in it’s newest capacities into revitalized humanity. In the 6th Age this revitalized Spirit Selfhood that transcends language and connects us to the Living Heart of the Risen Etheric Christ will expand our own hearts to the FIFTH CHAMBER of human compassion, goodness and the serious reality of Karma Perception. So well we may ask ourselves, what happened when the physical Heart of the Christ Being stopped?Age of America 2 the Heart beat of Christ B. Whatley

“Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour…. Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the spirit. And, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks were split; and the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints that slept were raised, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now, when the centurion, and they that were with him watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God” – (Matthew 27:45-54).

Writes Alfred Edersheim in The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah:

“And now a shudder ran through Nature, as its Sun had set. We dare not do more than follow the rapid outlines of the Evangelistic narrative. As the first token, it records the rending of the Temple-Veil in two from the top downward to the bottom; as the second, the quaking of the earth, the rending of the rocks and the opening of the graves.., while the rending of the Veil is recorded first, as being the most significant token to Israel, it may have been connected with the earthquake, although this alone might scarcely account for the tearing of so heavy a Veil from the top to the bottom. Even the latter circumstance has its significance. That some great catastrophe, betokening the impending destruction of the Temple, had occurred in the Sanctuary about this very time, is confirmed by not less than four mutually independent testimonies: those of Tacitus, of Josephus, of the Talmud, and of earliest Christian tradition. The most important of these are, of course, the Talmud and Josephus. The latter speaks of the mysterious extinction of the middle and chief light in the Golden Candlestick, forty years before the destruction of the Temple; and both he and the Talmud refer to a supernatural opening by themselves of the great Temple-gates that had been previously closed, which was regarded as a portent of the coming destruction of the Temple”

The Temple Veils were 60 feet long, 30 feet wide, and the thickness of the palm of a man’s hand, wrought in 72 squares. They were so heavy that we are told 300 priests were needed to manipulate each one. The Veil being rent from top to bottom was such a terrible portent because it indicated that God’s Own Hand had torn it in two, His Presence thus deserting and leaving that Holy Place.

Literature, film, the future and the past, the lessons of the schools of the Angels, Archangels, Archai and the whole magnificence of the zodiac, the stars and our solar system, all intersected on THE CROSS AND CRUCIFIXION OF TIME. To transcend TIME we are destined to be crucified on the CROSS OF TIME. To become Lambs of god and follow the upward direction of Initiation into the Angelic borderland of Spirit Selfhood, we shall ourselves face living time and dead time. To follow the trail of Time back through history and experience other human beings in our karma from the past and how they shall appear in the future will allow us to be true TIME TRAVELERS.

The entire mystery of The Lamb of God, lofty Sophia path of Star Development and Star Initiation unfolding of the future of humanity, through the 5th Age, the 6th Age, and the 7th Age of Earth Evolution leaves us stunned by the intuition of the Novalis and John the Baptist schools of revelation. Penetrating down to the core of our Being we meet once more the Lamb of God at the core of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (CLICK LINK).

When we penetrate the moral foundations of the universe, and here we are not being simplistic or naive, when we penetrate the moral foundations of the human spirit, Art and Science intersect at the crossroads of the Heights of Heaven and the Depths of Hell. What becomes of the most cunning of Black Magicians?

Their Holiest Sacrament, their sustenance and bread is the fallen flesh, the fallen etheric body, the fallen astral body and the fallen and shattered I AM of humanity. In other words the crumbs from the table of the Hierarchies feed the Demons. We are that sustenance. The tragedy is that Human Beings have been seduced into the legion of feasting off the shattered substance of the Divine in Humanity.

The Fallen Spirits of Darkness were cast away by Michael and the Hierarchies. They are being used by the gods to intensify and boost the higher evolution of humanity by comprehending the ranks of desperate beings who wish to rise and have the opportunity that humanity has NOW. Humanity has been given an opportunity, to see the gods, know the depths and choose to embrace what has existed as the School of lofty Spiritual preparation and Cosmic Development. And this lofty School of Sophia and Christ and THE LAMB OF GOD is not star stupidity. It is not cartoon science fiction. It is not the pathetic and narrow TIME THEORIES we pride ourselves in. This is where the Consciousness Soul and the Nine Layers of the Inner Earth now meet in the human heart.

The Asuras and The Lambs of God

                         Later, listen, I’ll –   Age of America 2 St John the Baptist; Nicolas REGNIER 1610

                                     DR. LECTER
                         I’ll listen now. After your father’s
murder, you were orphaned. You were
ten years old. You went to live with
cousins, on a sheep and horse ranch
in Montana. And – ?

  Age of America 2 Montana rockies clarice and the double             She turns from him. He presses closer, gripping the bars.

                                     DR. LECTER
                         Not “just,” Clarice. What set you
off? You started what time?

                         Early. Still dark.

                                     DR. LECTER
                         Then something woke you. What? Did
you dream…? What was it?

               IN FLASHBACK

The 10-year old Clarice sits up abruptly in her bed,
frightened. She is in a Montana ranch house; it almost dawn.
Strange, fearful shadows on her ceiling and walls… a window,
partly fogged by the cold; eerie brightness outside.

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         I heard a strange sound…

                                     DR. LECTER (V.O.)
                         What was it?

               THE CHILD RISES
crosses to the window in her nightgown, rubs the glass.

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         I didn’t know. I went to look…


Shadowy men, ranch hands, are moving in and out of a nearby
barn, carrying mysterious bundles. The mens’ breath is
steaming… A refrigerated truck idles nearby, its engine
adding more steam. A strange, almost surrealistic scene…

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         Screaming! Some kind of – screaming.
Like a child’s voice…

               THE LITTLE GIRL

is terrified; she covers her ears.

                                     DR. LECTER (V.O.)
                         What did you do?

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         Got dressed without turning on the
light. I went downstairs… outside…

               THE LITTLE GIRL

in her winter coat, slips noiselessly towards the open barn
door. She ducks into the shadows to avoid a ranch hand, who
passes her with a squirming bundle of some kind. He goes
into the barn, and she edges after him reluctantly.

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         I crept up to the barn… I was so
scared to look inside – but I had

               THE LITTLE GIRL’S POV

as the open doorway LOOMS CLOSER… Bright lights inside,
straw bales, the edges of stalls, then moving figures…

                                     DR. LECTER (V.O.)
                         And what did you see, Clarice?

      Age of America 2 silence of the lambs         A SQUIRMING LAMB

is held down on a table by two ranch hands.

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         Lambs. The lambs were screaming…

A third cowboy stretches out the lamb’s neck, raises a bloody
knife. Just as he’s about to slice its throat –


staring into the distance, shaken, still trembling from the
child’s shock. We see Dr. Lecter, over her shoulder, studying
her intently.

                                     DR. LECTER
                         They were slaughtering the spring

                         Yes…! They were screaming.  Age of America lamb 1

                                     DR. LECTER
                         So you ran away…

                         No. First I tried to free them… I
opened the gate of their pen – but
they wouldn’t run. They just stood
there, confused. They wouldn’t run…

                                     DR. LECTER
                         But you could. You did.

                         I took one lamb. And I ran away, as
fast as I could…

               IN FLASHBACK

a vast Montana plain, and crossing this, a tiny figure – the
little Clarice, holding a lamb in her arms.

                                     DR. LECTER (V.O.)
                         Where were you going?

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         I don’t know. I had no food or water.
It was very cold. I thought – if I
can even save just one… but he got
so heavy. So heavy…

The tiny figure stops, and after a few moments sinks to the
ground, hunched over in dispair.

                                     CLARICE (V.O.)
                         I didn’t get more than a few miles
before the sheriff’s car found me.
The rancher was so angry he sent me
to live at the Lutheran orphanage in
Bozeman. I never saw the ranch

                                     DR. LECTER (V.O.)
                         But what became of your lamb?
(no response)

               BACK TO SCENE

as the adult Clarice turns, staring into his feverish eyes.
She shakes her head, unwilling – or unable – to say more.

                                     DR. LECTER
                         You still wake up sometimes, don’t
you? Wake up in the dark, with the
lambs screaming?


                                     DR. LECTER
                         Do you think if you saved Catherine,
you could make them stop…? Do you
think, if Catherine lives, you won’t
wake up in the dark, ever again, to
the screaming of the lambs? Do you…?

                         Yes! I don’t know…! I don’t know.

                                     DR. LECTER
                              (a pause; then, oddly
at peace)
Thank you, Clarice.

                              (a whisper)
Tell me his name, Dr. Lecter.

                                     DR. LECTER
                         Dr. Chilton… I believe you know
each other?

               NEW ANGLE

as Clarice turns, startled, and the fuming Chilton seizes
her elbow. Pembry and Boyle are beside him, looking grim.

                         Out. Let’s go.

                         Sorry, ma’a m – we’ve got orders to
have you put on a place.

Clarice struggles, pulling free of them for a moment.

                                     DR. LECTER
                         Brave Clarice. Will you let me know
if ever the lambs stop screaming?

                              (moving closer to the
Yes. I’ll tell you.

[Click to Review Film Clip]

It was the demons who absolutely affirmed that the LAMB OF GOD, the CHRIST, was before them. In Matthew it says “Gadarenes” while in Mark and Luke it says “Gerasenes. They were cannibals and Hannibal, like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy and hundreds of others, are Gerasenes.

The craving demonic hunger that Hannibal Lecter corners Clarice with, his devouring intense Black Magician, Asuric, psychic personality can only be satiated by the LAMB OF GOD or Human Beings who have understood THE LAMB OF GOD in the psychological core of their being. For the Asuric and Sorathian ravenous monsters of the Psyche the rabid hunger for the Bread of Life is a destructive Power in the captivating magnetic density at the cunning core of deepest and deadliest Spirits of Darkness. That is if we take our Christianity seriously.

Age of America 2 Clarice silence of the lambs“First, there is the literal interpretation. Lambs are beautiful, innocent and helpless, needing a caretaker for nurturing, impotent against the slaughterer. Starling tried to intervene on their behalf, and failed.

“Next, there is Starling as the lamb—beautiful, innocent and helpless—walking through a world full of evil, with men like Hannibal and Buffalo Bill waiting to slaughter her. Can she survive? Who will nurture and  protect her? Ironically, it is  slaughterer—Hannibal—who is also in part her protector here, although ultimately she must overcome her fears and protect herself. Her “fear” is the fear of failure, which leads to self doubt; she overcomes it by following her instincts and succeeding where her fellow agents fail.

“At another level, Starling is the caretaker of helpless human sheep. It is her job to protect them from the wolves and slaughterers, and the price for failure is death. The man she hunts is Buffalo Bill, a man named for an animal killer and who skins his victims.

“And yet another level: she was a ten-year-old girl when this happened, unable to comprehend what drove men to perform such horrors. She is still seeking to understand the perpetrators of evil, because maybe if she can understand the men who slaughter lambs she will understand the world. Such are the irrational motivations of children, who want to believe in justness and righteousness, who want to believe in what is good even after being subjected to what is not. And if she could just understand why men kill lambs, maybe she’d understand why they kill each other, why one of them killed her father.

“In psychological terms the weight of all this is enormous–Starling’s ability to save the lambs determines her own survival. One of the reasons her character is believable–when it could have been laughable–is this psychological underpinning and the drive it provides her. When she confronts Hannibal repeatedly we understand it is from a desperation to survive, not simply to solve a crime.”

“However, God knew limited human beings could not make sufficient atonement, for humanity’s offense to God was infinite, so God sent his only Son to become the sacrifice of the everlasting covenant. In Christian theology, this sacrifice replaced the insufficient animal sacrifice of the Old Covenant; Christ the “Lamb of God” replaced the lambs’ sacrifice of the ancient Korban Todah”

Nemo Resideo  –  “No One Left Behind”

The Archai are TIME BEINGS. Presently the Zeitgeist, the Archai of the current 5th Age we are in happens to be Michael who holds the rank of Archai or Time Spirit. But let us define the encapsulation of what the Time Beings, the Archai bring to the table for our human experience. For humanity to have the experience of death, and in that experience a full life Tableau (click link) of our personal karmic journey and the biography that we had on Earth, shown to us in remarkable MORAL clarity and vividness, reveals a magnificent panoramic Life Tableau (click link).

Michael Archai time spirit West Window Goetheanum Александра СергееваThese TIME DOCUMENTS that each of us experience after our deaths, are written in the warm moral FIRE of the Devachan. It is a fiery moral summation of another chapter we have written with our hearts and we have inscribed it into the fiery Cosmic Ether. It remains as the weight of our Karma and part of the moral destiny of the Earth.

In Egypt this was once vividly depicted in the scales of balance as the Feather of Maat (click link). Our lives are inscribed in the imperishable germinating seed force of our unfolding immortal spirits. What was known then and has been rediscovered and recovered today, were that Threshold Entities shattered and devoured all that fell as unpassable and unable to rise to the higher forming of the karma of the soul as it rose to enter the STARS. Each of us, upon death, review this imperishable record and it fades away, like invisible ink. It passes into the Karma of the Earth which is not only our future Karma but it is the actual weight and reality of Earth’s History and Earth’s future.

However since Christ left the Spiritual World and entered Earthly Humanity, His accomplished life on Earth left an imperishable record that never fades away, ever. It remains as the radiant Garment of the Risen Christ. It is an imperishable record that remains ever present as part of the Christ mysteries and the Lord of Human Karma. The Logos, the Christ, the resurrected Osiris of Egypt, brought into Earth Existence the lofty Devachan Imagination and Etheric Seal of the Book which St. John was able to read for the first time.

“I am He who is clothed with the body of flesh yet in whom flames the spirit of the eternal Gods. I am the Lord of Life. I am triumphant over Death, and whosoever partaketh with me shall with me arise. I am the manifester in Matter of Those whose abode is the Invisible. I am the purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am it’s Reconciler with the eternal Gods. I am the Perfector of Matter, and without me the Universe is not.”

The fiery flame of our LIFE TABLEAU is a gift of the TIME SPIRITS, the Archai. Don’t say the Archai have no role in our human destiny on Earth. Our lives on Earth, everyone is stamped with the fiery seal of the divine notary, the etheric imprimatur, heavenly endorsement. Our birth into the Starry Worlds is stamped by precisely what starry configurations were there when we left Earth. It is a magnificent moment when we are once more born in heaven. Our lives are Time Stamped so we may pick up the thread of our lives, where we left off, and may find a suitable star configuration to enable us to continue writing the living chapters of our future incarnations together.

“…the Hall of Ma’at, was the weighing of the heart ceremony. The feather of Ma’at was placed on the opposite side of the scale from the spiritual heart of the deceased. The spiritual heart was called the ‘Ib’, the source of good and evil. (The physical heart was called the haty). If the scale balanced, the deceased was allowed to go on to the afterlife. If not, the ‘Ib’ was given to Ammit to devour and the remaining parts of the soul were believed to become restless forever – this was called “to die a second time”.

Ammit, Threshold Entities of destruction, have been sent down to Earth and brought into the service of Pharmaceutical corporations. These destructive Threshold Entities are responsible now for shattering the cohesion of our astral bodies, our etheric bodies and our I AM. These destructive Threshold Entities are now employed by Corporations to not only shatter human cohesion but poison the very foundations of nature and matter.

It is an imperishable record of higher seed fire that we witness, as the moral revelation of our lives immediately upon our deaths. Professionally, spiritually and medically we call this experience of the Archai, given to humanity in it’s encapsulated vision, in it’s summary as the property of the biographical revelation of our existence as TIME PARTICIPANTS, we call this experience an NDE or (Near Death Experience) or our life tableau.

St. John in his Revelation and the Apocalypse was shown the entire TIME UNFOLDING of the Earth and the panorama of Christ’s massive Cosmic TABLEAU and Time Revelation of His own Alpha-Omega TIME BODY. Not only does the Christ Tableau not perish or dissolve into the ethers, the very Gospels themselves were all part of that immense imperishable record of the destiny of Christ on Earth. His dense Etheric and Astral Devachan Life Tableau is a gift left for humanity to explore and discover for themselves. The difference between the Christ and our lives, is that His massive infusion into Earth does not dissolve into the ethers as our human destinies do after death. The deeds of Christ are gathered in the imperishable higher Devachan and Spiritual Worlds, where the permanent records of Cosmic Evolution are stored. St. John and humanity may still read these higher Revelations for themselves because they have become the permanent property of Earth and humanity.

If you wonder why St. John and his Revelation survives with inexhaustible depth, strength, potency and COSMIC INTELLIGENCE, we could look into Part 1 of our essay. We examined in Part 1 how St. John was prepared by the FIRE SPIRITS, to see and read the Devachan Script of the Heavens that was imperishable. (Click Link) It is important for us to grasp what an Imperishable Initiate is and the path of our own journey to the Imperishable region of the Stars.

Christian Rosenkreuz and the planetary weights of the Moral forces of the Cosmos. OR – The Guardian of the Threshold and the Feather of Maat. (Click Link for study in ART) of  Die Chymische Hochzeit” des Christian Rosenkreuz”

“Good lack! hast thou also submitted thy self to the yoke, I imagined thou wouldst have made thy self very smug,” with which words she caused my eyes to run over. After which she commanded we should be unbound, and coupled together and placed in a station where we might well behold the scales. “For,” said she, “it may yet fare better with them, than the presumptuous, who yet stand here at liberty.” Mean time the scales which were intirely of gold were hung up in the midst of the hall.Age of America the Scales Bettina Muller There was also a little table covered with red velvet, and seven weights placed thereon. First of all stood a pretty great one, next four little ones; lastly, two great ones severally. And these weights in proportion to their bulk were so heavy, that no man can believe or comprehend it. But each of the harnessed men had together with a naked sword a strong rope. These she distributed according to the number; of weights into seven bands and out of every band chose one for their proper weight; and then again sprung up into her high throne. Now as soon as she had made her reverence, with a very shrill tone she began thus to speak:

“Who int’ a painters room does go

And nothing does of painting know,

Yet does in prating thereof, pride it;

Shall be of all the world derided.

Who into th’ artists order goes,

And “hereunto was never chose;

Yet with pretence of skill does pride it;

Shall be of all the world derided.

Who at a wedding does appear,

And yet was ner’e intended there;

Yet does in coming highly pride it;

Shall be of all the world derided.

Who now into this scale ascends,

The weights not proving his fast friends,

And that it bounces so does ride it;

Shall be of all the world derided.”Age of America 2 Christian Rosenkreuz 1

“As soon as the Virgin had done speaking, one of the Pages commanded each one to place himself according to his order, and one after another to step in: which one of the emperors made no scruple of, but first of all bowed himself a little towards the Virgin, and afterwards in all his stately attire went up: whereupon each captain laid in his weight; which (to the wonder of all) he stood out. But the last was too heavy for him, so that forth he must, and that with much anguish that (as it seemed to me) the Virgin her self had pity on him, who also beckoned to her people to hold their peace, yet was the good emperor bound and delivered over to the sixth band. Next him again came forth another emperor, who steps hautily into the scale, and having a great thick book under his gown, he imagined not to fail. But being scarce able to abide the third weight, and being unmercifully flung down, and his book in that affrightment flipping from him, all the soldiers began to laugh, and he was delivered up bound to the third band. Thus it went also with some others of the emperors who were all shamefully laughed at and captived.”

The aim of the fallen Asuric Beings are to erase the Karmic and Higher I AM and sever the TIME THREADS of our individual pasts, our present and our future I AM developments. The Asuric Beings crave to feed on the imperishable substance of the immortal I AM. Ahriman and the culture and coming race of Ahriman rigidifies and consolidates, freezes if you will, Human Intelligence in it’s current, INTELLECTUAL SOUL, constructs.

But the Asuric Beings, like Hannibal Lecter is becoming, are attempting to remove their I AM’s from the vast Archai Beings, removing their human Christic Conscience and by cosmic law, opposing The Lord Of Karma and setting themselves against humanity. The fallen Asuric forces like Lecter begin devouring the I AM as their food. A higher, vicious animal cunning, with inverted magical forces of Fallen Beings, make their habitation in what was once the I Am of a human being. It becomes a counter point and center for devastation and destruction. We detect these stirrings in the breeding and becoming of T.S. Eliot’s HOLLOW HUMAN BEINGS.

The erasing of the I AM, the removing, severing and devouring the I AM from the past, the present and the future tosses the spiritual substance of the I AM into ” THE HORROR – THE HORROR”. That horror is the waste and lethal dumping ground of THE EIGHTH SPHERE.

Today we have Hazardous Waste Dumps, lethal, poisonous zones, corrupt beyond redemption. The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository are catastrophic last ditch efforts to bury, hide, and fund humanities absolute destructive, matter corrupting, Ahrimanic stockpiles. But the EIGHTH SPHERE is the waste repository of the shattered astral, etheric and I AM forces that were once our own human companions and loved ones.

But friends, our I AM is a TIME BEING. In each of our sisters and brothers we carry the entire web of all of our most intimate Karma.Age of America 2 beatles st.john The entire Karma of the Earth and humanity is held together by the Love We Share. It is a masterful Christian Rosenkreuz inspired equation that the (Click Link) LOVE WE TAKE IS EQUAL TO THE LOVE WE MAKE. These words and experiences were repackaged and brought to us in the 5th Age from the Rishis, through the raising of Lazarus, to St. John and the Initiated Guardian of the Age, the Imperishable Initiate Christian Rosenkreuz.

We shall see precisely how we unravel the entire Evolution of the Earth in the future as we examine the 7th Age later in this work. (CLICK LINK TO 7TH AGE) Through the Karmic weaving and tapestry of everyone of our beloved human sisters and brothers, we shall lift the entire Karmic Web and the whole Earth as we approach the 7th Age. And we shall not want to even consider leaving one of our loved ones behind.

This is the striving and the seeking and the agony of that one lost lamb, the karmic piece of the puzzle that was ripped from our human hearts that cannot be replaced. Anyone of us that has fallen and been absorbed into Ahriman’s domain will have their own human forces shattered and chained to our Doubles. It is a piece of our Humanity, a piece of the entire Love of the Earth, that none of us can afford to lose.

The Asuric Beings eat and devour the I AM as their food. The horrific deception of Ahriman is the absorption of Human Intelligence, enhancing and feeding our human intelligence to the children of Ahriman, our Doubles, and storing the devoured substance, our loved ones, who we have loved and spiritually evolved with together on Earth. Part of our Moral Education into the Hierarchies is our not allowing portions of the vast TIME VALUE OF THE IMMORTAL I AM, of the spirits of those we love, to become shattered, severed, and ripped from the script of the World. Our vivid agony will be in experiencing how the remains, our loved ones astral, our loved ones etheric corpses, were sent to the EIGHTH SPHERE.

Portions of those we loved, ripped away and forced to haunt for an eternity, to be the food for the corpse of the cosmos that was truly “left behind.” is not something we would wish on any creature. That is what is happening now and being prepared in this, the end of the 5th Age. It is the time of the stirrings of the future evolutionary forces of THE LAMB OF GOD in us and the building of the Demonic Bridge to the Underworlds of THE EIGHTH SPHERE.

Once the full Ahrimanic Group Soul is unleashed out of the technology of the West, a new race of human beings, dominated by subjective addictions of our doppelgangers will replace civilization and karmic history with the dawning of a new Ahrimanic Era. The Ahrimanic Race will impose limitations and restrictions, outright strangulation on the objective moral forces that once lived in all human beings. Human Civilization will have been eclipsed and Karma and Reincarnation buried in the Group Soul of an elaborate globally imposed Ahrimanic Race.

A Devachan developed Ahrimanic double are not only GAME THEORIES, these studies in the Doppelganger are preparations for the development of the over all Ahrimanic surrender of the future and germinal higher development of our human psyche. Humanity will be impressed and empowered by the fallen astral entities and our Ahrimanic TWINS, whose intent will be to take over the Devachan instincts, capacities and intelligence of what was once HUMAN in us. (CLICK IMPORTANT LINK) Those moral forces in the I AM, connected to the Hierarchies and our Angels will be psychologically, pharmaceutically, and embryonically compromised.Age of America Twins and the Double

Our Humanity devoured by our Fallen Devachan Twins

“As doppelgangers that behave autonomously, that is, independent of the users they were modeled after, become increasingly present in new forms of media, scholars in the field need to leverage traditional psychological theories to understand how humans may be affected by the seemingly bizarre concept of being confronted by a virtual version of one’s self.”

The shadow instincts of all the deeply Fallen subsenible beings will be channeled by Ahriman and become the new “healthy” sub-sensible, fallen Devachan instincts, that will be used to dispense, disperse and design technology to suit our new magical powers. Each person will become a subjective Devachan transmitter and receiver, her own, Wi-Fi Tesla coil and tower tuned into whatever subsensible deities give us the greatest sense of addiction and pleasure.Age of America university of Ahriman studies in the Double It will create an intimate magnetic connection to a vast Ahrimanic Earth Brain, inspired, not by the cultural higher striving of humanity and the relics of our Civilization, but rather a new civilization formed by the intention, editing and control of the Ahrimanic Archai Being that has incorporated itself into a human being of the West.  (“TRANSCENDENCE” FILM CLICK LINK)

And we will rejoice because the flush of new instincts and powers will be offered from cradle to grave, by merely choosing to ignore, reject and deny the true Science of the I AM and the laws of Sophia and the Stars. It’s that simple.

Serving the Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (click link)

“…in the fifth stage of earth evolution, work now done by the gods will again become work to be done by humanity. We are only in the early stages of the technological, industrial and commercial activities which proceed under the influence of the elemental spirits of birth and death. This influence and its effects will be increasingly more radical. Until now, the elemental spirits of birth and death have been guided by the gods and their influence has been limited to the coming into being and passing away of humans at the physical level. But the civilization of our own and future ages has to be such that these spirits can be active in technology, industry, commerce, and so on.

“There is also another, quite specific, aspect to this. As I have said, these elemental spirits are the enemies of human welfare and want to destroy it. We have to see things straight and not have any illusions concerning the radical nature of this. Civilization must progress in the fields of technology, industry and commerce. But by its very nature such a civilization cannot serve the well-being of humanity in the physical world; it can only prove destructive to the human weal.”

The Global Net, the global venomous evolving spider Web, is now where Ahrimanic, Luciferic and Asuric forces assail the undefended human soul. It is where Michael Intelligence now stands guard over the future. It is a very slender period of time. The Michael mission will last till about 2250 A.D. We have a slender period of time to put up a cognitive fight against the full thrust of the onslaught of Ahrimanic Intelligence, which is the exact opposite of Michael’s in-streaming Cosmic Intelligence.

Mighty Multi-National Corporations, vast Corporate and Global monsters disguised as Ahrimanic Corporate Entities, vast deadly pirate ships and fleets of vessels above the sky as Cloud Data systems, satellite systems, SKYNET systems,  and hidden below the waves, nuclear arsenals enough to destroy the planet 3 times over, Pandemic labs of disease ready bio-wapons, Pharmaceutical monsters injected into children and adults alike, Monsanto nature devastating corruptors of the Sun Blessed Etheric nutritional stream of human nourishment have been abducted and taken over by Monsters of the American Psyche.

These global Ahrimanic Corporations and Entities, including the vast, gluttonous United States Military Budgets, bases, and covert terrorist funding and weapons have the agenda to hunt, track and set traps for humanity. Ahriman’s agenda against Michael and Humanity is to confiscate vast portions of the magnetic Devachan of the Earth, shatter the etheric, astral and I Am cohesion of every incarnating human being and feed it to the Army of the Dead and the Fallen Spirits of Darkness. This vast contingency of exiled entities are regrouping under the banner of the Incarnation of Ahriman in the West. The tension and antagonism between Michael the Archai and Zeitgeist of our entire Earth and Ahrimanic, Luciferic and Asuric beings is tangible.

We are under exquisite attack, bombardment and splintering and dividing and tearing apart by the Ahrimanic Corporate Media Moguls, vividly portrayed in Paddy Chayefsky brilliant Michael and American Battle Cry,“NETWORK” which was one of the mighty Michael sword thrusts of light, sent right to the heart of Ahriman’s great and growing media shadow.

Another American Novalis School warrior, struggling, frustrated Michael School Artist of the Word, Paddy Chayefsky blazed a trail of fire that illuminated the throne and footstool of global Corporatocracy /ˌkɔrpərəˈtɒkrəsi. Are these vast Multi-Nationals, with incomes larger than Archangelic countries and their citizens combined, ENTITIES? Can these new super-powers, baptized in Ahriman’s cold heartlessness have rights the same as human beings have rights?

Sub-human Entities, Artificial Personhood and the 14th Amendment

“When corporations were first invented, the very idea was to create a fictional “person” that could be recognized by law and exist in perpetuity. Writing in the 1700s, the British jurist William Blackstone explained that “it has been found necessary, when it is for the advantage of the public” to “constitute artificial persons, who may maintain a perpetual succession, and enjoy a kind of legal immortality. These artificial persons are called … corporations.”

Paddy Chayefsky’s  “Network”

	Valhalla, Mr. Beale, please sit
	down --

He leads HOWARD down the steps to the floor level,
himself ascends again to the small stage and the podium.
HOWARD sits in one of the 200 odd seats.  JENSEN pushes
a button, and the enormous drapes slowly fall, slicing
away layers of light until the vast room is utterly
dark.  Then, the little pinspots at each of the desks,
including the one behind which HOWARD is seated, pop on,
creating a miniature Milky Way effect.  A shaft of white
LIGHT shoots out from the rear of the room, spotting
JENSEN on the podium, a sun of its own little galaxy.
Behind him, the shadowed white of the lecture screen.
JENSEN suddenly wheels to his audience of one and roars

	You have meddled with the primal
	forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I
	won't have it, is that clear?!  You
	think you have merely stopped a
	business deal -- that is not the
	case!  The Arabs have taken billions
	of dollars out of this country, and
	now they must put it back.  It is
	ebb and flow, tidal gravity, it is
	ecological balance!  You are an old
	man who thinks in terms of nations
	and peoples.  There are no nations!
	There are no peoples!  There are no
	Russians.  There are no Arabs!
	There are no third worlds!  There is
	no West!  There is only one holistic
	system of systems, one vast and
	immane, interwoven, interacting,
	multi-variate, multi-national
	dominion of dollars! petro-dollars,
	electro-dollars, multi-dollars!,
	Reichmarks, rubles, rin, pounds and
	shekels!  It is the international
	system of currency that determines
	the totality of life on this planet!
	That is the natural order of things
	today!  That is the atomic,
	subatomic and galactic structure of
	things today!  And you have meddled
	with the primal forces of nature,
	and you will atone!  Am I getting
	through to you, Mr. Beale?
	You get up on your little twenty-
	one inch screen, and howl about
	America and democracy.  There is no
	America.  There is no democracy.
	There is only IBM and ITT and A T
	and T and Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide
	and Exxon.  Those are the nations of
	the world today.  What do you think
	the Russians talk about in their
	councils of state -- Karl Marx?
	They pull out their linear
	programming charts, statistical
	decision theories and minimax
	solutions and compute the price-cost
	probabilities of their transactions
	and investments just like we do.  We
	no longer live in a world of nations
	and ideologies, Mr. Beale.  The
	world is a college of corporations,
	inexorably deter- mined by the
	immutable by-laws of business.  The
	world is a business, Mr. Beale!  It
	has been since man crawled out of
	the slime, and our children, Mr.
	Beale, will live to see that perfect
	world in which there is no war and
	famine, oppression and brutality --
	one vast and ecumenical holding

	company, for whom all men will work
	to serve a common profit, in which
	all men will hold a share of stock,
	all necessities provided, all
	anxieties tranquilized, all boredom
	amused.  And I have chosen you to
	preach this evangel, Mr. Beale.

		(humble whisper)
	Why me?

	Because you're on television, dummy.
	Sixty million people watch you
	every night of the week, Monday
	through Friday. (CLICK LINK FOR FILM CLIP)

The Cultic Luciferic and Ahrimanic Priests of Materialism

The 5th Age’s fall into Presstitutes, Media whoredom highly paid Luciferic and Ahrimanic marionettes primed to deliver what the prompter scrolls is the priest craft of soft fascism, lies delivered with a smile and propaganda are served up as consumer entertainment.

Then don't leave me!

	It's too late, Diana!  There's
	nothing left in you that I can live
	with!  You're one of Howard's
	humanoids, and, if I stay with you,
	I'll be destroyed!  Like Howard
	Beale was destroyed!  Like Laureen
	Hobbs was destroyed!  Like
	everything you and the institution
	of television touch is destroyed!
	You are television incarnate, Diana,
	indifferent to suffering,
	insensitive to joy.  All of life is
	reduced to the common rubble of
	banality.  War, murder, death are
	all the same to you as bottles of
	beer.  The daily business of life is
	a corrupt comedy.  You even shatter
	the sensations of time and space
	into split-seconds and instant
	replays.  You are madness, Diana,
	virulent madness, and everything you
	touch dies with you.  Well, not me!
	Not while I can still feel pleasure
	and pain and love! (CLICK LINK FOR PERFORMANCE)

Asked to give a toast before the prestigious New York Press Club in 1880, John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff at the New York Sun, made this candid confession [it’s worth noting that Swinton was called “The Dean of His Profession” by other newsmen, who admired him greatly]:

” There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.

“If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

It is this three prong attack of Ahrimanic Lies, Sensual Luciferic selfishness of materialism and the Asuric deconstruction of the human I in the Consciousness Soul that is capsizing, collapsing and devouring our human culture, the Archangels of every country, and worst of all, suffocating the Angels of our children and our own higher selves.

A hostile takeover can be accomplished through inserting an overwhelming ignorant, stupid debasement of divine wisdom as Ahriman has succeeded in doing; OR humanity awakens, resists Ahrimanic Deception with a full, fresh and invigorating frontier fight for Michael Intelligence with the courage to fight for our Angels and for Cosmic IntelligenceIris Sullivan Michael and place Ahriman under strict house arrest. (Part 1)

Michael Intelligence, and the birth of Anthroposophia in our human intelligence, awakens in ourselves, our objective relation to the hierarchies and to the sub-sensible beings that feed on our unconscious instincts.The Heroism of America and the Western Hemisphere has placed the entire world in a powerful and vulnerable position. Awaken or slide into a future severed from the hierarchies and severed from awakening our I AM and falling into an Ahrimanic Group Soul. Our human freedom allows us to consciously defend ourselves against the impelling and overwhelming TIME determination, Time Pre-destination of an Ahrimanic Archai shadow being, fully incarnating, in a human physical being in the West. Whose Time Has Come.

The Perfect 5th Age of Pisces Info/Propaganda STORM

“The times we live in are so dangerous and so distorted in public perception that propaganda is no longer, as Edward Bernays called it, an “invisible government.” It is the government. It rules directly without fear of contradiction, and its principal aim is the conquest of us: our sense of the world, our ability to separate truth from lies.

“The information age is actually a media age. We have war by media; censorship by media; demonology by media; retribution by media; diversion by media – a surreal assembly line of obedient clichés and false assumptions.”

The Three Pronged Attack. The Perfect Massive Media Storm

age of America storm of Ahriman Lucifer and Asuras perfect stormThis is the overwhelming perfect storm that has been building in the 5th Age. We are now in the Storm Zone of Ahriman, Lucifer and Asuras, who are seeking every weak point in our will, our feelings and our thoughts. We are all being pelted, wracked, riveted, contorted, rammed, crammed and crushed by wave after wave of Media shards, splinters, shrapnel and deliberate poison pill false information.

It is an overwhelming storm evoked by super-subsensible entities storming the gates of our American and Global consciousness. All the weak points in our knowledge, our faith and arrogant reasoning have been thrown into the Storm of subsensible media lies and the faint, hardly registered background whisper of Michael, our Angels and cosmic intelligence.

Defining the riveting Devachan Imagination that now overwhelms and strangles the last breath out of humanity, we need conscious clairvoyance that reveals the uncontrolled sinister lies and forces strangling our children, their education, our moral justice, medicine, media, Hollywood, Washington and every street and every State and every Country in the world.

Age of America Perfect Storm Misunderstanding by ennibambaniIt is all one and the same startling IMAGINATION that defines the battle we are engaged in for conscious intelligence and conscious clairvoyance against what we have relied on as our unconscious, unexplored morass of noxious Lies, Pandemics and Instincts. The whole contents of the ripped open box of Pandora has rushed out. It threatens to suffocate all higher striving of humanity, replace Human Civilization with an Ahrimanic Replicant. Our unexplored unconscious, sub-conscious, sub-strata of our divine forces now entrap us, destroy, poison and crush our so called civilization. Suffocating our children for generations to come.

It is a Devachan Astral Picture that has reappeared many times since the dawning of Western Civilization. But now we have names for these menacing forces. We see the Asuric, Ahrimanic, Luciferic beings, coiling with mighty subsensible forces around our ankles, our throats, and swallowing us after crushing every vertical support in our bodies. We are being reduced to mangled mush, the very form and substance of the Divine squeezed out of us.

Laocoön Group is one of the most powerful and perfect snapshots of Western Civilization being overcome and strangled by chaos. It is the PERFECT STORM, replete with a stinging poisonous attack on all our senses, on our TWELVE SENSES, on our FIVE SENSES. Our unconscious instincts, uncoiled, unraveled fierce fangs stinging into the depths of our Souls, our Spirits and our exclusive reliance on our physical materialism. We are ALL bar none, trapped in the most perfect clairvoyant storm of our instincts eating our humanity.  (Italian: Gruppo del Laocoonte)

It is this overwhelming Storm with high waves and small craft warnings culminating at the end of the 5th Age of Pisces that now assails everyone over the Earth. It is a media, it is watery subsensible Devachan storm waves of the age of Pisces, disturbed, all the way down to the depths of the Earth. The news and media over the Earth have become Ahriman’s John the Baptists. Their blood soaked fingers point downward instead of upward to the Hierarchies.

To Deceive Yourself with manufactured LIES

The source of Deadly injury to Soul and Spirit and it’s repercussions is our ability to Deceive ourselves. The 5th Age is in a massive storm that obliterates thinking and vision from all sides of the compass. In the Luke Gospel it tells us that if we lie to these our own children, which we have done and do daily, it is a massive crime. But to be real about the unfolding forces of our growing Astral Body, our growing and ripening Etheric Body, and the little seed of our immortality in our own ‘ I ‘ structure, we see that we are harming ourselves and our own literal children by walking unprotected in a storm we have refused to comprehend. We are not only guilty we are massively, educationally, and politically DECEIVED. (CLICK LINK)

We are creating our own karmic Millstones around our necks when we beg the spiritual world around us, I was innocent, I didn’t know. Yes we were like little children and we celebrated our ignorance our denial and our lies, and wouldn’t allow for the Science of the Human Spirit, the Lamb of God and the Christ Event to become mature social principles.

(Luke 17:1-4) Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. 3 So watch yourselves. “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. 4 If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him.”

” It is one thing to deceive others and there are also times when that is the only sane course of action but… to deceive yourself… that is a grave and terminal form of self injury. Age of America 2 Perfect Storm 1It also guarantees that you will not be able to see where you are going. It also pretty much implies that you will confuse where you think you are going with where you are actually headed. It would be as if you read a map wrong and were not able to read it correctly. It is as if your compass were compromised and your gyroscope unstable. It would be like sailing by the stars when you know nothing about the stars. It’s bad enough when you do this to yourself but… most unfortunately, in some numbers of cases, you take a great many more people with you.

“You can see the latter happening all over the planet these days. You can see large numbers of people taken in by bent personalities. At one point Kim Kardashian had more friends or likes or whatever than any other person on Assfacebook. The Beliebers number in the millions. Even Ballpoint Annie Frank would have been a Belieber, according to the Beliebster. There are also many millions of Lady Gag Me’s appropriately named, ‘Little Monsters’. There are millions and millions bowing down to some collective version of god and they will kill or defame you in a heartsbeat if you run afoul of them. There are millions of doomed and deceived soldiers in search of manhood; plunder and females, an education… they will certainly be getting an education. This is one of the biggest selling points that lead to a person agreeing to an intensive period of dehumanization resulting in the opportunity to express the absence of their humanity against people they know nothing about “Les Visible

The spreading shadow agenda of Ahriman is everywhere on display as it congeals itself and unseals itself, ahead of it’s full incarnation,  human incorporation, in the West. During the last part of the 5th Age, we are given tremendous moral opportunities to transmute the grotesque lies of Ahriman, Lucifer and the Asuras.

The storm fronts are upon us. They are already here raging against our children at the end of this, our current 5th Age. We are given the task to steer our small crafts, our tiny I AM vessels through the turbulent storm currents and vortexes, tidal mob opinions,  Lies, selfish five second sound byte stardom self-conceit and extreme mental illness, insanity and the psychopaths we have elected as our so called leaders, who serve only themselves, Ahriman, Lucifer and the Asuric Beings.

Laocoön and the Risen Etheric Christ

The most ancient Devachan Imagination of Laocoön and His Sons has been released and shattered by the CHRIST IMAGINATION. The dawning power of the Intellectual Soul in the 4th Age, the age that remains the same, is subject to full attacks by Ahrimanic Materialism. Humanity without a compass, without the Science of Etheric, Physical, Astral and I AM is caught and twisted in the death throes of everything we are enduring right up to this very moment in the 5th Age of Pisces, when we should already be advancing into the new revelations of the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL.

But these menacing powers don’t want us to advance to a new compass heading for Sophia and the Stars in the era of our conscious explorations of the region of our Consciousness Soul. Ahrimanic Beings force our perceptions and our technology into ever escalating exuberant joy and intoxication in our ever uncoiling display of our technological hubris and self arrogance.

What kind of gaps and lacking interest, lacking any understanding of vast educational spans of time, where what has caused such rifts, so that  people remain merely at Sentient Soul subservience to subjective emotionalism, why do we remain transfixed at our current Personality State of Intellect at the Crucifixion of Time? How are we caught, how are we transfixed by mere materialism so that our god possesses us, bent on murdering, and enslaving our entire spirit – soul – and body until all life is sucked out of our humanity?

People are scattered, at least 7 billion people are scattered, twisted, torn to pieces, poisoned and strangled by the release of Ahriman, Lucifer, and the Asuras, like serpentine pit-bulls that are tearing our Human Cohesion to shreds. We are in the 5th Age of the CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL and it is extremely dangerous to remain uneducated.Rep of humanity

Our Consciousness Soul Christ Imagination entails the renewed and re-energized science of what comprises our physical, etheric, astral and I AM. This stupendous Consciousness Soul Imagination, carved into the soul of humanity, revealed the stirring undercurrent of the Pauline Revelation of the science of the I AM of Humanity.

In it’s resiliency, the Group, The Representative of Humanity, reveals how the I AM, FREES THE HUMAN SOUL AND SPIRIT from the massive serpentine strangulation that is now enveloping our children, and releasing an ever widening cascade of Ahrimanic nightmare and imprisonment over the face of the Earth.

The Laocoön Imagination (Italian: Gruppo del Laocoonte)  is what will happen to each and every human being if we fail to grasp and attain New CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL insights in the Christ Event. The Christ Imagination overcomes the Ahrimanic, Asuric and Luciferic force fields that are now hunting down the unprepared, unwilling and unconscious.

“The group of Laocoon displays the moribund body in a motif unheard of up to this time. The dying body reveals the withdrawal of the etheric or formative forces, the disappearance or the death of the typos. Yet this death of the typos is portrayed in a genuinely Hellenic manner, in a threefold way: the father in the center, the sons to the left and right. The three types of soul force -”  F R E D E R I C K  H I E B E L

“We find this situation depicted in another Greek sculpture, the death struggle of Laocoön. We can understand this sculpture if we fill ourselves with the understanding that it depicts a situation that is the opposite of what happened to Niobe. The physical and etheric bodies are being destroyed from outside and are struggling with the “I” and astral body, which are being forced out. We can see this phenomenon in the very shape of Laocoön’s mouth and face and the position of his arms and fingers.” Rudolf Steiner

“Laocoon’s death is the last event in the gathering shadows surrounding Atlantis and in the decline of that clairvoyance which was based on the blood-ties of the family. Not only the priest, Laocoon, but also his offspring, the stream of inherited blood-ties, had to be destroyed before the dawn of the new age of man.”  F R E D E R I C K  H I E B E L

After the Palladium had been carried away, Laocoon, the priest of Troy, had to die with his two sons. His death represented the overcoming of sacerdotalism by the intellect. The myth describing the death of Laocoon and his sons emphasized the extinction of clairvoyance based on family-ties on which the culture of Ilium was founded.

“…the group of Laocoon. With the statue of the dying priest of Troy we return to the beginning of Greek history. When, at the fall of Troy, the clairvoyant wisdom of the priesthood was overcome by the serpent of the intellect, Laocoon died.” THE GOSPEL OF HELLAS The Mission of Ancient Greece and The Advent of Christ by F R E D E R I C K  H I E B E L

Our job is to pre-emptively pierce the Agenda of the Ahrimanic Archai growing in the West. By bringing the conscious science of Spiritual Science and the Michael School to rejuvenate our depleted conscience. We create a new, conscious objective moral force, in our thinking which gives us  a Michael Shield of the SunAge of America 2 Michael cognition shield against the hail of spears and terrors tossed, spun and whipped into a frenzy by the storm of media we are caught in. We gradually gain the I AM cognitive muscle to antidote and counter act the lies, deceptions, and turn the Monsters of the American Psyche from the path of destruction in ourselves and our loved ones.

Our ability to awaken our Consciousness Soul and wrestle consciously with the true structure of the human being, the Earth and the Stars is the only thing that will antidote the stupendous rise of the Shadow Archai that now engulfs the Good Archai of our very own United States of America.

Keeping up with the Jones. Addiction is called a Jones.Welcome to Jonestown. “The slang term jones, meaning an addiction to drugs, is said to have originated among addicts who lived in Great Jones Alley, off Great Jones Street, between Broadway and Lafayette Street.”

Age of America Guyana

While attending the Goetheanum in 1978, off the Grid and deep in Switzerland, away from our United States Archai, while intensely studying the Archangels, the hierarchies, and the deepest mysteries of the Art of Speech and Drama and the Mystery Dramas (click link), an horrific headline ripped across the international and global front pages. Some 1000 U.S. citizens had been lured to Guyana and were forced to commit suicide or were murdered in a place named JONESTOWN.

The international photos of the scene in Guyana and the complicated comprehension of just what type of nightmarish torture training centers and CIA black operations were afoot in that region of the Western Hemisphere of America, brought me face to face again, with the Monsters of the American Psyche.

Ziggy and the Black Magicians

“The direct orders to cover up the cause of death came from the top levels of the American government. Zbigniew Brezezinsky delegated to Robert Pastor, and he in turn ordered Lt. Col. Gordon Sumner to strip the bodies of identity.[226] Pastor is now Deputy Director of the CIA.[227] One can only wonder how many others tied to the Jonestown operation were similarly promoted.”

Suicide and Cyanide were what was screamed by the Press. The question that arose was, who was the Black Magician that could gather some 1000 U.S. Citizens and have them drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid? Well that was the cover story. But Cyanide has absolutely concrete effects on anybody who takes cyanide.

“There are certain signs that show the types of poisons that lead to the end of life. Cyanide blocks the messages from the brain to the muscles by changing body chemistry in the central nervous system. Even the “involuntary” functions like breathing and heartbeat get mixed neural signals. It is a painful death, breath coming in spurts. The other muscles spasm, limbs twist and contort. Age of America 2 Cyanide RictusThe facial muscles draw back into a deadly grin, called “cyanide rictus.”[30] All these telling signs were absent in the Jonestown dead. Limbs were limp and relaxed, and the few visible faces showed no sign of distortion.”

The issue of Black Magicians really is less about Jim Jones and more about America and Zbigniew Brezezinski. Full Press Global Dominance using the methods of Pre-Emptive military Shock and Awe, American Terrorism in an organized NATO, U.S. U.N. monopoly to serve the agenda of the incarnation of Ahriman, was Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski (/ˈzbɪɡniɛv brəˈʒɪnski/ zbig-niev brə-zhin-skee  hidden revelation in his master work, “The Grand Chessboard”. Global Dominance for the Ahrimanic sustaining of the INTELLECTUAL SOUL freezes Roman Imperialism into a permanent cyanide rictus grin of American haughtiness.

“The former national security advisor to Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981 and top foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama, Brzezinski wrote that US policy should be “unapologetic” in perpetuating “America’s own dominant position for at least a generation and preferably longer still.” (Click Link)

Zbigniew Brzezinski spent some of his earliest years understudying Ahrimanic Schooling and Ahrimanic methodology with the rise of the Nazis. From 1936 to 1938, Tadeusz Brzeziński was posted to the Soviet Union during Joseph Stalin’s Great Purge.

In other words young impressionable Brzezinski had first hand practical lessons in deception, demonology and world domination. He had a front row seat in the early experimentation of perfecting the methodology of Ahrimanic fascism. How does one prepare a conducive atmosphere over the Earth for the incarnation of a being whose very life is icy, sterile, cosmic intelligence? Earlier in this essay we brought forward that it was also the precise first glimmering dawn of the historical moment when the Risen Etheric Christ once more broke like a warm inner dawn through the soul of the world.

The brightest, freshest, most intimate etheric light and inner experiences that the human soul could attain – also called forth the darkest shadows forming in the souls of humanity. Christ’s magnificent inner awakening in human hearts and the dark scurrying of Ahrimanic exiled cockroaches were sent as a raging force; and on the otherside where war claimed so many lives, a calming, tender awakening of the Risen Etheric Christ. It stands to reason that as the horrors and terrors have grown in this, the end of the 5th Age, where living through our incarnations on Earth is fraught with whole new dangers to the I AM, the Astral body and Etheric body of nature and humanity, inner help comes from the deepest regions of the spiritual world.

It was the dawning period of Ahrimanic Beings swarming down into Earth and into the souls of humanity. It is fast becoming a Black Magicians wet dream. Bodies, minds, children’s astral bodies through distorted vaccines and the shattering of humanities immune system, our etheric bodies and madness, torture and psychopaths hunting down and shattering the cohesion of the I AM Age of America 2 unraveling of cohesionare all open season while Goodness takes a holiday.

Like J. Edgar Hoover and Dick Cheney, with Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski it was a study in what to do and what not to do in developing, coaxing and training the Ahrimanic Shadow in the West, to gradually arise unnoticed.

New villains had swarmed down into new evils that were taking shape in the souls of humanity. A mighty surge of outright Ahrimanic/Sorathian intention had a 1998 date with Earthly Destiny. 25 years before 1998 and 25 years after 1998, with 1998 dead center on the Sorathian target zone brought the AHRIMANIC CULTIC EVENT OF THE 21st CENTURY, the attacks on the World Trade and Pentagon in a full Ahrimanic coup d’état. 

Creating soft Western Ahrimanic fascism with dark occult undertones,  seamlessly controlling the mass Global Media and acting behind the scenes by creating the ruse of debate, democracy, freedom, with massive security systems in place, able to put millions to sleep while keeping the masses preoccupied with HOLLOW SOUL nonsense is what a whole host of good Black Magicians could learn to rekindle from the two previous Sorath incursions. The entire global media was primed and prepared to be the mouthpiece for Lies, Torture, War Mongering and the Psychopaths we call our leaders.

In Guyana and all through South America and Mexico, brace yourselves, there have been and still are schools of Ahrimanic and Asuric operations that literally have the aim of taking hold, of controlling, murdered, tortured, suicided souls, in vast numbers. These are part of the geographic mysteries of the Western Hemisphere and the ancient Mexican and Toltec seers battle for confiscating the unused portions of etheric life, astral forces and weakened I AM forces and controlling the future of the living dead. We approached this Western Hemisphere mystery in Part 1.

Brace yourself, that these captured and mortified human souls become the booty and unwilling captives of beings on the other-side of the Threshold is a ghastly truth. The unused etheric forces of human beings whose lives were sucked into the black hole of madness, egolessness, shattering of their astral bodies through vaccines, through massive pharmaceutical deceptions that disrupt memory (Click Link)   –   force the human soul, unprepared, into the destructive elemental beings of the Threshold. These divine life-forces that are squandered, distorted and displaced,  and forced into medical lethargy, make it easy for our human vessels to be manipulated and shattered.

Egypt Ammit and the ENTITIES of the Threshold

Age of America 2 destructive Elemental beings of the ThresholdHer name, is generally translated as “Devourer”, but could also be the chilling “Bone Eater”, and she was known as “Devourer of millions” leading to the suggestion that the god Am-heh was one of her aspects.

“If people get to know more about the essential nature of these elemental spirits of birth and death and do so in full consciousness, they come to know powers which are inimical to life in the physical world.

“Anyone with more or less normal feelings, even today, will be shaken to learn the truth that in order to bring about birth and death in the physical world, the divine spirits who guide world destinies have to use elemental spirits who actually are the enemies of everything human beings seek and desire for their welfare and well-being here in the physical world. Age of America 2 Ammit destructive entities of the thresholdIf everything was done just to suit the wishes of human beings — to be comfortable in this physical world, be fit and well as we go to sleep and wake up again and go about our work — if all spirits were of a kind to see to it that we have such a comfortable life, birth and death could not be. To bring about birth and death the gods need ENTITIES (CLICK LINK) whose minds and whole way of looking at the world give them the urge to destroy and lay waste to everything which provides for the welfare of human beings here in the physical world.

“We have to get used to the idea that the world is not made as people would really like it to be and that there exists the element which in the Egyptian Mysteries was known as ‘iron necessity’. As part of this iron necessity, entities hostile to the physical world are used by the gods to bring about birth and death for human beings.”

The fallen lower Devachan and the fallen higher Devachan, the addicted astral and the stolen portions of the Etheric Body can be used and abused both while living and after our deaths. These occult addictions make it easier for victims to become servants of demonic entities in Ahriman’s growing Army of the Dead.

Now how on Earth could that be part of the Intelligence Operations of Ahriman’s Central Intelligence Agency? What do Rendition and Torture schools teach their pupils? How could the United States be a party to intense water boarding, literal Knight Templar rejuvenation of Inquisitional Torture Schools and new pharmacological invasions of our deeper astral and I AM orientations?

The renewal of the School of Sorath and the impotent failure of Humanity

“Anyone in President George W. Bush’s position would have declared that the Geneva Conventions, which are supposed to protect prisoners of war from mistreatment, don’t cover prisoners taken in the “war on terror.” Anyone would have told the pundits on “Meet the Press,” as Vice President Dick Cheney did less than a week after 9/11, that the attacks meant we would now have to work “the dark side.” Anyone in CIA Director George Tenet’s shoes would have agreed with Cheney when he said that “a lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies.”

“And any attorney in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel would naturally have written the “torture memos” that John Yoo and Jay Bybee created in 2002, in which they sought to provide legal cover for the CIA’s torture practices by redefining torture itself more or less out of existence. For some act to count as “severe physical suffering” and therefore as torture, they wrote, the pain inflicted would have to be of a sort “ordinarily associated with a… serious physical condition, such as death, organ failure, or serious impairment of bodily functions.”

“Wouldn’t anyone do what these men did, if they, too, were frightened out of their wits? Actually, no. In fact, the sad, ugly story of the U.S. response to the criminal acts of 9/11 is brightened by a number of people who have displayed genuine courage in saying no to and turning their backs on torture. Their choices prove that Bush, Cheney, & Co. could have said no as well.

“Though you’d never know it here, no level of fear in public officials makes acts of torture (or the support of such acts) any less criminal or more defensible before the law. It’s remarkably uncomplicated, actually. Torture violates U.S. and international law, and those responsible deserve to be prosecuted both for what they did and to prevent the same thing from happening the next time people in power are afraid.”

Sorath torture schools under the U.S, brings to the surface a whole wedge of manifest fallen human beings to the surface, like scum. From the bottom of the lower Asuric and Ahrimanic schools thrust back into incarnation, a whole set of Monsters of the American Psyche crawled out from under their rocks and were gladly received into the political leadership of highly developed psychopaths. What human impotency to not bring these maniacs to trial.

Sorath’s Political appointee’s, (Incarnation by Design and a School of Black Magicians).

“In November 2006, the German government received a complaint seeking the prosecution of Alberto Gonzales, then-Attorney General and former White House Counsel, for alleged war crimes.[15] Co-defendants included: Geoffrey D. Miller,Donald H. Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Stephen Cambone, Ricardo S. Sanchez, Walter Wojdakowski, Thomas M. Pappas,Barbara Fast, Marc Warren, John Yoo, William J. Haynes, II, David Addington, and Jay Bybee, top political appointees who participated in making policy about the use of enhanced interrogation techniques for CIA and DOD.

“On 14 November 2006, the German attorney Wolfgang Kaleck filed the complaint with the German Federal Attorney General (Generalbundesanwalt) against Miller for his complicity in torture and other crimes against humanity at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Kaleck was acting on behalf of 11 victims of torture and other human rights abuses, as well as about 30 human rights activists and organizations who are co-plaintiffs.”

By manufacturing and using newly designed torture drugs, psychotic drugs Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) we have, with intent (Click Link), opened the floodgates to the destructive Elemental Beings that haunt the threshold of the human psyche, our astral bodies, I AM and etheric bodies. Age of America shattering cohesionNot only is this torture by intent but serves the actual appetites of these destructive fallen entities trained to shatter the bonds of the cohesive reality of the human soul and spirit.

Mefloquine is also known by its brand name Lariam. It was researched by the US Army in the 1970s and licensed by the Food and Drug Administration in 1989. Since its introduction, it has been directly linked to serious adverse effects, including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, hallucinations, bizarre dreams, nausea, vomiting, sores and homicidal and suicidal thoughts. It belongs to a class of drugs known as quinolines, which were part of a 1956 human experiment study to investigate “toxic cerebral states,” as part of the CIA’s MKULTRA mind-control program.

Our Descent into Hell

The Harrowing of Hell is no myth. It is a task of an awakened humanity. By the 6th Age human beings will be working with Spirit-Selfhood, Manas and will be trained to retrieve human karma from the grip of Ahriman and the Black Magicians on the other side of the Threshold. Human spirits will be called upon to retrieve the karma of friends, family, and victims from the clutches of conscious black magicians and it will be no laughing matter. This will not be a Disney movie.

Max Fleischer differed from Disney.  The Underworld that Max Fleischer conceived, where power and seduction revealed the hidden dimensions of the Monsters lurking, ready to devour and destroy our innocence, were from the street, on the hood, in the impulses that all of our Doubles collectively share and get unconsciously snared by. (Click Link)

“The Fleischer brothers’ creation was a sexy woman in the form of a cartoon character. Gary Morris recalled her appearance in Bright Lights Film Journal, “Betty is best remembered for her red-hot jazz baby persona. With a head like a giant peanut, vast mascara’d eyes, too-kissable lips, baby-doll voice (courtesy of singer Mae Questel), flattened marcelled hair, and mere threads of a dress exposing miles of hot flesh, she was the perfect celluloid sex toy.”Age of America 2 Boop

A far cry from the wholesome characters being created at the Disney Studios, Betty Boop not only appeared sexy but acted the part. She was often shown undressing and kissing clowns, cats, and other creatures. While other cartoons of the time were focusing on the charming lives of adorable animals, the Fleischers had Betty running around in her slinky costumes, living the life of a provocative young woman. The general trend in movies and cartoons was more respectable, and Betty Boop was bucking this trend.”

SOUTH PARK (click link) has it’s own generational version of the Harrowing of Hell and the Underworlds. And there is of course the human soul in SPAWN (click link) chained to Hell and damnation for being a pay-rolled CIA assassin. His karma after death forces him to serve and become a murderous demon for his dark and damning deeds done while he was incarnated on Earth.

“Thou that didst lie dead in the sepulchre hast come down unto us living and at thy death all creation quaked and all the stars were shaken and thou hast become free among the dead and dost rout our legions. Who art thou that settest free the prisoners that are held bound by original sin and restorest them into their former liberty?” (Click Link)

In SPAWN once more the age old battle between Michael and the powerful Lords of the sub-sensible kingdoms are sketched. In cartoon special effects the hidden occult forces that our human souls tangle with, mostly all unknowingly and all unconsciously, gets us into the underworld depths of  Black Magicians and the seemingly slender and far too few White Magicians. Age of America 2 harrowing of hellCulture continues to carry shelf life of ever evolving new dazzling products of ever deeper Devachan Imaginations that exist beyond the threshold of precise cognition. Taste and Training in cognition vary.

“This event is the supposed descent of Christ–following his crucifixion– into Limbo, when he rescued and brought to heaven (“harrowing” implies a sort of violent abduction) his “ancestors” from the Hebrew Bible. Virgil supplies an eye-witness account, from his partially informed perspective, in Inferno 4.52-63. Since, according to Dante’s reckoning, Christ’s earthly life spanned thirty-four years, the harrowing can be dated to 34 C.E. Only suggested in the Bible, the story of Christ’s post-mortem journey to hell appears in apocrypha–books related to but not included in the Bible–such as the Gospel of Nicodemus. So prominent was this story in the popular and theological imaginations that it was proclaimed as church dogma in 1215 and 1274. Dante’s version of the harrowing, as we see from repeated allusions to the event during the protagonist’s journey, emphasizes the power–in both physical and psychological terms–of Christ’s raid on hell.” (Click Link)

But the redemption of our loved ones from the grip of actual karmic imprisonment, the HARROWING OF HELL will arise from how we learn to use the new forces of Christ Cognition in our Souls  (CLICK LINK). That the objective forces of our transformed astral and transformed etheric bodies through the very conscious compassion of SEEING and KNOWING will be part of the agony of GOODNESS. This will be acute awareness and shared agony of knowing intimately the rule, that if another suffers, our very spirits will experience others suffering reverberating as an astral devachan tone.

Shattering Karmic Realities of the coming 6th and 7th Age

Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner 3 David Newbatt“In preparation for future planetary embodiments of the Earth, a time must come in earthly evolution when it will be impossible for one individual to enjoy things on the Earth at the expense of another. As in a plant the single leaf or petal feels itself a member of the whole and shares — pictorially speaking — in the weal and woe of the whole plant, so must a future come for the planet Earth when one human being will not want to enjoy happiness at the expense of the whole, but man will feel a member of mankind. And it will be the true spiritual counterpart of this when we shall learn to prepare the physical body even for one another.

“We are in fact emerging from the epoch when each of us had so to speak, his own continuation to himself as to the physical body. In the new epoch that is now beginning — brought on by the present leadership of Michael — we shall work at the spirit-seeds of the physical bodies of men in such a way that one works for another. Moreover, as our incarnations of the Earth go on, this will lead even further. For in thus working for one another in the spirit, we shall prepare for a yet later time, to tell the character of which will sound completely strange and paradoxical, yet it is true. For in that more distant future, human souls even while on Earth will be able to go across into the bodies of those to whom they have done some special hurt and to receive the other soul into their own body. That will be when the Earth herself will have passed into quite new conditions. Yet it is also being prepared for by the actual and impending change of which I have been telling, and which is coming about in the spiritual world through the leadership of Michael.”


“The master of those who know” (Inf. 4.131). So respected and well known was Aristotle in the Middle Ages that this phrase is enough to identify him as the one upon whom other prominent philosophers in Limbo– including Socrates and Plato–look with honor. Dante elsewhere follows medieval tradition by referring to Aristotle simply as “the Philosopher,” with no need of additional information. Aristotle’s authorityAge of America 2 Aristotle and st. P in the Middle Ages owes to the fact that almost all his works were translated into Latin (from their original Greek and / or from Arabic) in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. By contrast, only one work by Plato–the Timaeus–was available in Latin translation (partial at that) in Dante’s day. A student of Plato’s, tutor to Alexander the Great, and founder of his own philosophical school, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) wrote highly influential works on an astonishing range of subjects, including the physical universe, biology, politics, rhetoric, logic, natural philosophy, metaphysics, and ethics. Next to the Bible, he was the most important authority for two of Dante’s favorite Christian thinkers, Albert the Great and his student Thomas Aquinas, both of whom strove to validate the role of reason and to sharpen its relationship to faith. The influence of Aristotelian thought on Dante is perhaps most apparent in the content of a philosophical work (Convivio), the argumentation of a political treatise (De Monarchia), and the moral structure of hell (Inferno).

Like a violin string we will vibrate in sympathy, while objectively and horrifically observing the karmic causes. The secret revealed will be the karmic causes and the karmic cures required as payment for the very gifts we will in future attain. These will be part of the 6th Age gifts of the Holy Risen Etheric Christ.

In an estimated 5% of people taking these drugs, which are freely prescribed to children and adolescents, a condition known as “akasthisia,” occurs. This is a build up of electrical impulses that causes the brain to disassociate, causing the victim to erupt in sudden, extreme violence, often: murder, mass murder, suicide, arson and more. Characteristics of SSRI violence include hallucinations, and amnesia so powerful that all memory of the event is absent, in those who survive. –  (CLICK LINK)

age of america 2 destroying our childrenIn hundreds of thousands of incidents it has been our very own loved ones who addicted the victims, enabled the lies, insisted on blindly taking vaccines, assisted in spreading the propaganda of Ahrimanic Culture to cause the astral gifts of our children to be shattered by autism and their astral bodies and their gifts from the spiritual world, imploded.

Devastating attacks of shattering the human astral body by 2025

“…in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” She noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of Roundup on crops (and the creation of Roundup-ready GMO crop seeds) with rising rates of autism. Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.

“A fellow panelist reported that after Dr. Seneff’s presentation, “All of the 70 or so people in attendance were squirming, likely because they now had serious misgivings about serving their kids, or themselves, anything with corn or soy, which are nearly all genetically modified and thus tainted with Roundup and its glyphosate.”

Dr. Seneff noted the ubiquity of glyphosate’s use. Because it is used on corn and soy, all soft drinks and candies sweetened with corn syrup and all chips and cereals that contain soy fillers have small amounts of glyphosate in them, as do our beef and poultry since cattle and chicken are fed GMO corn or soy. Wheat is often sprayed with Roundup just prior to being harvested, which means that all non-organic bread and wheat products would also be sources of glyphosate toxicity. The amount of glyphosate in each product may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially with as much processed food as Americans eat) could be devastating. A recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder.”

And all through the 6th and 7th age, human beings will be forced to recover the devastation that we ourselves have inflicted on our very children by being uninterested, ignorant finger puppets to Ahriman’s assaults on the nervous system and astral bodies of our children. We are guilty today of devastating our children’s astral bodies that shatter the cohesion of the I to be able to direct impulses and command impulses through our etheric and physical bodies.

Our karma and our tragedies will not, as now, be easily covered over by our ignorant hypocrisy. We will know our karma and where our errors in judgement wrecked havoc. We will be tormented and  by sacrificing ourselves we will relearn the lessons we skipped over. We will be the payment required to release our loved ones from the shattering devastation that we caused in the karmic cohesion of the world. The damage we have done hypnotically and unconsciously we will have to reverse and recover through our own (CLICK LINK) Conscious Schooling of the Harrowing of Hell.

Torture pharmaceuticals are part of the arsenal being used to unlock key aspects of our astral, etheric, and I AM hidden codes. There are back-doors, trap-doors for computer hackers but there are pharmaceutical back-doors, that have the vicious intent to decode the entire human enigma and unlock the prison doors of subsensible MONSTERS IN THE AMERICAN PSYCHE.

The Corporate Pharmaceutical Employment of demonic Entities at the Threshold

Rudolf Steiner

“So we are looking at a world that is immediately next to our own, a world that day by day, hour by hour, has to do with our own world, for the processes of birth and death happen every day and every hour here on earth. The moment human beings cross the threshold to the other world they enter into a sphere where entities live and are active whose whole conduct, views and desires are destructive for ordinary physical human life. If this had been made known to people outside the Mysteries before now, if people had been given an idea of these entities, the following would inevitably have happened. If people who are quite unable to deal with their instincts and drives, with their passions, had known that destructive entities were present around them all the time, they would have used the powers of those destructive entities. They would not have used them the way the gods do in birth and death, however, but within the realm of physical life. If people had felt the desire to be destructive in some sphere or other, they would have had ample opportunity to make these entities serve them, for it is easy to make them serve us. This truth was kept hidden to protect ordinary life from the destructive elemental spirits of birth and death.”

Age of America 2 Asuric fall of the spirits of darkness 1The cosmic structure of the human biological, chemical, genetic, and viral coding opens vast doorways into unconscious devachan astral regions where our nervous system and our endocrine system and specifically our Pituitary and Pineal glands function as regulating fluctuating barometers for input-output Initiation gateways and Thresholds. Decoding, hacking the back-door of our human astral body, etheric body and I Am cohesion, that unconsciously controls our central and automatic nervous system, our perceptions and thinking, have been part of the malicious intent of the Ahrimanic branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. These specifically developed astral, etheric, and I AM torture pharmaceuticals drag the drugged human being into the snares of vast armies of destructive elemental beings who stand guard at the Threshold where death and birth interact.

Age of America geography studiesCyanide, because of it’s relation to Gold, tends to shatter the Golden Cohesion of the Soul and Spirit. The central nervous system both the voluntary and involuntary nervous system are shattered and the commands of the I AM are yanked out by the roots.

Psychiatric drugs, especially SSRIs, (CLICK LINK) serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, the ever popular Dampener of the Double, Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and all the ghastly torture drugs used at Guantanamo,  Abu Ghraib, Diego Garcia, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper, Bagram Air Base, Guyana CIA outposts, these occult threshold drugs, where the elemental beings of the Dwellers of the Threshold shatter the cohesion of the I, astral and nervous system are a new army of Monsters in service to the United States of America.

Such torture, hallucinatory, memory shattering drugs like Lariam have been used by Asuric, Ahrimanic and Sorathian psychiatrists paid by enabling U.S. citizens to supervise and create the conditions of torture by developing conscious evil methods designed to shatter the cohesion of the I AM.

[גֹּ֫לֶם] noun [masculine] embryo (Late Hebrew גּוֺלֶם, Aramaic גּוֺלְמָא, unfinished vessel), גָּלְמִי רָאוּ עֵינֶיךָ Psalm 139:16 mine imperfect substance (RV) did thine eyes see.

Entities in the service of etheric construction and Entities in the service of decomposition and deconstruction. Insights held from the 19th century.

“The Etheric Double is actually built in advance for the incoming Ego, by an elemental which is the joint thought-form of the four Devas, each of whom presides over one of the four etheric sub-planes of physical matter. The primary business of this building elemental is to construct the etheric mould into which the physical particles of the new baby-body are to be built.

“The form and colour of this elemental vary in different cases. At first it accurately expresses in shape and size the infant body it has to build; clairvoyants sometimes see this doll-like figure hovering about, and afterwards within, the body of the mother, and have occasionally mistaken it for the soul of the coming baby instead of the mould of its physical body.

“As soon as the fetus has grown to the size of the mould, and is ready for birth, the form of the next stage at which it has to aim is unfolded, the size, shape and condition of the body as it is to be, so far as the work of the elemental is concerned, at the time when it proposes to leave it. After the elemental has retired, all further growth of the body is under the control of the Ego himself.

“In both these cases the elemental uses itself as the mould. Its colours largely represent the qualities required in the body it has to build, and its form is also usually that destined for it. As soon as its work is done, there is no power left to hold together its particles and the elemental disintegrates.

“In determining the quality of etheric matter to be used in building the etheric body, we have two things to consider: first, the type of matter, regarded from the point of view of the seven Rays or vertical divisions, and secondly, the quality of matter, regarded from the point of view of its coarseness or fineness, or horizontal divisions.The former, the ray-type, is determined by the physical permanent atom, which has the type and subtype impressed upon it. The latter is determined by the past karma of the man, the building elemental being is charged with the production of the type of physical body suited to the man’s requirements. The elemental, in fact, consists of that portion of the  karma of the individual which is to express itself in the physical body. On the selection made by the building elemental depends, for example, whether the body will be naturally clever or stupid, placid or irritable, energetic or lethargic, sensitive or unresponsive.The potentialities of heredity are latent in the maternal ovum and the paternal spermatozoon, and from these the elemental makes his selection according to the requirements of the case.

“Although the elemental in charge of the body from the first, the Ego only comes into contact with his future habitation later, some time before physical birth. If the characteristics the elemental has to impose are few in number, it is able to withdraw early and leave the Ego in full control of the body. Where however, much time is required to develop the limitations needed, the elemental may retain its position until the body is seven years old.

“Etheric matter for the infant body is taken from the body of the mother; hence the importance of the latter supplying her body with only the purest materials. Unless the elemental is charged with some special development in the way of features, such as unusual beauty or the reverse, the principal agency at work in this direction will be the thoughts of the mother and the thought-forms which float around her.

“The new astral body comes into connection with the Etheric Double at a very early stage, and exercises а considerable influence over its formation, the mental body also working through it upon the nervous organisation.

“We have previously seen that, under certain conditions, the Etheric Double may be separated from the dense body, though it is always connected with it by a thread or cord of etheric matter. At death the double finally withdraws from the dense body and may be seen as a violet mist, gradually condensing into a figure which is the counterpart of the expiring person and attached to the dense body by a glistening thread. This thread or magnetic cord is snapped at the moment of death.

“As the buddhic life-web, accompanied by Prana, disentangles itself from dense physical matter at death, it draws itself together in the heart round the permanent atom. The atom, web and Prana then rise along the secondary Sushumna-nadю into the third ventricle of the brain, thence to the point of junction of the parietal and occipital sutures, and finally out of the body. The life-web remains enshrouding the physical permanent atom, in the causal body, until the time comes for a new physical body to be built.

“The withdrawal of the Etheric Double, and with it of course Prana, destroys the integral unity of the physical body, thus leaving it merely as a collection of independent cells. The Life of the separate cells themselves continues, as evidenced by the well known fact that hairs and fingernails on a corpse will sometimes continue to grow.

“The moment the Etheric Double withdraws, and consequently Prana ceases to circulate, the lower lives, i.e., the cells, run rampant and begin to break down the hitherto definitely organised body. The body is thus never more alive than when it is dead: but it is alive in its units, and dead in its totality.

“When the double finally quits the dense body, it does not go far away but usually floats over it. In this condition it is known as the wraith, and sometimes appears to those with whom it is closely bound up as a cloudy figure, very dully conscious and speechless. Unless disturbed by tumultuous distress or violent emotion, the state of consciousness is dreamy and peaceful.

“It is during the withdrawal of the double, as well as afterwards, that the whole of the man’s past life passes swiftly in review before the Ego, every forgotten nook and corner of the memory yielding up its secrets, picture by picture, event by event. In these few seconds the Ego lives over again his whole life, seeing his successes and failures, loves and hatreds: he perceives the predominant tendency of the whole, and the ruling thought of the life asserts itself, marking the region in which the chief part of the post-mortem life will be spent. At death Prana gathers everything together and, withdrawing from the body, hands everything onward to the Knower, who is the receptacle of all.

“This stage is usually followed by a brief period of peaceful unconsciousness, due to the withdrawal of the etheric matter and its entanglement with the astral body, thus preventing the man from functioning either in the physical or the astral world. Some men shake themselves free from the etheric envelope in a few moments; others rest within it for hours, days, or even weeks, though usually the process does not take longer than a few hours.

“As the days pass, the higher principles gradually disengage themselves from the double, and the latter then becomes in its turn an etheric corpse, which remains near the dense one, both disintegrating together. These etheric wraiths are often seen in churchyards, sometimes as violet or bluish-white mists or lights, but often presenting an unpleasant appearance as they pass through various stages of decomposition.

“One of the great advantages of cremation is that by destroying the dense body, the etheric body also loses its nidus and so rapidly disintegrates.

“If a man is so misguided as to wish to cling to the physical life, and even to his own corpse, the preservation of the dead body, either by burial or embalming, offers a distinct temptation to him to do so, and immensely facilitates his unfortunate purpose.Age of America 2 Cremation Cremation entirely prevents any attempt at partial and unnatural temporary reunion of the principles. In addition, there are certain unpleasant forms of black magic, fortunately rare in Western countries at least, which make use of the decaying physical body; the etheric body of a dead person may also be similarly used in a variety of ways. All of these possibilities are avoided by the wholesome practice of cremation. It is quite impossible for a dead person to feel the effects of the fire on his discarded body, for, so long as it is а death, the astral and etheric matter have been completely separated from the dense physical.

“Although it is quite impossible for a dead person to get back entirely into his dead body, yet, in the case of one who knows nothing beyond purely physical life and is crazy with fear at being entirely cut off from it, it is possible for him, in his frantic effort to keep in touch with physical life, to get hold of the etheric matter of the discarded body and drag it about with him. This may be the cause of considerable suffering, entirely unnecessary, and easily avoided by the practice of cremation.

“In the case of people who cling desperately to physical existence, the astral body cannot altogether separate from the etheric, and they awaken still surrounded by etheric matter. The condition is very unpleasant, as such a person would be shut out from the astral world by the shell of etheric matter, and at the same time the loss of physical sense organs prevents him from coming fully in touch with earth life. Consequently he drifts about, lonely and dumb and terrified, in a thick and gloomy fog, unable to hold intercourse with either plane.

“In process of time the etheric shell wears out, in spite of his struggles, though usually not until after he has suffered intensely. Kindly people among the dead, and others, endeavor to help the class of person described, but seldom with success.

Detailed study of spawning destructive and constructive Elemental Beings (CLICK LINK)

“Sometimes a person in this condition may endeavor to get in touch once again with the physical plane through a medium, though usually the medium’s and spirit guides sternly forbid them access, knowing that the medium runs the risk of being obsessed or maddened. Occasionally an unconscious medium  (usually a sensitive young girl) may be seized upon, but the attempt can be successful only if the girl’s Ego has weakened her hold on her vehicles by indulging in undesirable thoughts and passions. Occasionally also a human soul wandering in this grey world may succeed in partially obsessing an animal, those most commonly seized upon being the less developed  (cattle, sheep or swine, though cats and dogs or monkeys may also be used in this way.This appears to be the modern, i.e.., Fifth Race, substitute for the awful life of the vampire, found in Fourth Race peoples.) Once entangled with an animal, it is possible to disentangle oneself only gradually and by considerable effort, extending probably for many days. Freedom usually comes only at the death of the animal, and even then there remains an astral entanglement to shake off.”

The Ruination of the Archangels and Folk-Spirits over the Earth, infected by the Ahrimanic Archai Rising in the West

These Sorathian and Asuric Schools of torture have been outsourced to more than willing countries who have whole hosts of demonic human beings willing to learn more and more about the techniques of torture and how to gain occult power over their drugged and murdered victims. Which means that entire Archangel Countries have been infected by U.S. and Israel trained Monsters of the Ahrimanic American Psyche. The giant Ahrimanic Shadow Archai rising in the West is intent on devouring entire regions, entire countries and forcing the Archangels and the decimation of the people under those Archangels to serve the demonic Shadow of the West.

The Imagination that Tolkien presented in his “Lord of the Rings” and the subsequent Middle Earth replications of the Good Etheric Elemental Beings of Elves and Dwarfs, and the secret Tolkien unveils of how tortured Elves were turned into demonic Orcs, their entire divine systems compromised and controlled, the noble turned to demonic, were free Imaginations presented as preparations of vision for much needed human courage. (Click Link)

54 countries have aided in post-9/11 extraordinary torture renditions: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

Eurythmy and the Enslavement of WORD BEINGS

“Enhanced interrogation techniques” for torture. “Extraordinary rendition” for kidnapping. “Collateral damage” for the death of innocents (often children) in combat operations. Guantanamo Bay as a “detention camp” for “detainees” rather than a prison (or concentration) camp for prisoners.  Even the “global war on terror” was rebranded in 2009 as “overseas contingency operation,” as if one can deny the deadly realities of war simply by changing the name.

“George Orwell warned us about the political uses of language in his famous essay from 1946.  We ignore his warning at our peril.  Cloaking violent, even murderous actions in banal language may make a few functionaries sleep easier at night.  But they should make the rest of us profoundly uncomfortable.

“Banal language facilitates and helps to actuate the banality of evil. As Vaclav Havel noted in his essay “A Word About Words” (1989), “The point is that all important events in the real world–whether admirable or monstrous–always have their prologue in the realm of words.”

“The more we invoke euphemisms to cloak harsh realities, the more we ensure that harshness will endure; indeed, that it will grow harsher, more pernicious. Even worse: that it will become banal, even “normal.”

“Torture is torture.  Kidnapping is kidnapping.  Dead infants are dead infants.  War is war.  And extermination is extermination.

“Employing euphemisms is not just an exercise in banality of language; it’s often a betrayal of humanity.”

The Archangel cultural Spirits of various Countries around the world are being literally infected and destroyed by a bully Ahrimanic Being preparing for it’s human embodiment in the West. In preparation, the entire world, all the cultures, languages and Archangels over the Earth in regions around the world are being absorbed, eviscerated and drawn into Ahriman’s vast global WEB.

In Asuric and Sorathian torture centers where etheric rhythms are thrown into complete disorder, aggravated, turning night into day, turning inwardness into psychotic madness, these are sanctioned and government approved methods and teachings of The Monsters of the American Psyche.

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC) (Click Link) The School of the Americas was in Panama until it moved to Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, in 1984

Age of America 2 Torture training schools for the world“America’s recent wars have been fought based on a doctrine tested throughout the Western Hemisphere in the second half of the 20th century and taught at the controversial School of the Americas. It may have changed its name to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC CLICK LINK), and added a patina of human rights training, but a pig wearing lipstick is still a pig, as the 2009 coup in Honduras led by alumni of the school shows.

“Since its founding in 1946, the School of the Americas has trained tens of thousands of police and military personnel in Latin America and the Caribbean. Not by coincidence, its graduates were involved in some of the worst atrocities of the 20th century – from filling the ranks of Haiti’s brutal Tonton Macoutes to training the founders of Mexico’s paramilitary narco-cartel Los Zetas. It’s no exaggeration to say that the School of the Americas has painted an entire region in blood.”

los desaparecidos

The disappeared ones were people who were considered to be a political or ideological threat to the military junta.[4] The Argentine military justified torture to obtain intelligence Age of America 2 Argentinaand saw the disappearances as a way to curb political dissidence.[4]Whenever the female captives were pregnant, their children were stolen away right after giving birth, while they themselves remained detained. It is estimated that 500 young children and infants were given to families with close ties to the military to be raised.[5] Eventually, many of the captives were heavily drugged and loaded onto aircraft, from which they were thrown alive while in flight over the Atlantic Ocean in the so-called “death flights” or (vuelos de la muerte), so as to leave no trace of their death.[6] Without any dead bodies, the government could easily deny any knowledge of their whereabouts and any accusations that they had been killed.

According to O Globo, the National Truth Commission (CNV) report documents how more than 300 members of the Brazilian military spent time at the Age of America 2 BrazilSchool of the Americas, run out of Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia. While there, attendees “had theoretical and practical lessons on torture, which would later be replicated in Brazil.”

Dan Mitrione did not introduce the practice of torturing political prisoners to Uruguay. It had been perpetrated by the police at times from at least the early 1960s. However, in a surprising interview given to a leading Brazilian newspaper in 1970, the former Uruguayan Chief of Police Intelligence, Alejandro Otero, declared that US advisers, and in particular Mitrione, had instituted torture as a more routine measure; to the means of inflicting pain, they had added scientific refinement; and to that a psychology to create despair…

Escuadrón de la Muerte

Dan Mitrione had built a soundproofed room in the cellar of his house in Montevideo. In this room he assembled selected Uruguayan police officers to observe a demonstration of torture techniques. Another observer was Manuel Hevia Cosculluela, a Cuban who was with the CIA and worked with Mitrione. Hevia later wrote that the course began with a description of the human anatomy and nervous system …

Soon things turned unpleasant. As subjects for the first testing they took beggars, known in Uruguay as bichicomes, from the outskirts of Montevideo, as well as a woman apparently from the frontier area with Brazil. There was no interrogation, only a demonstration of the effects of different voltages on the different parts of the human body, as well as demonstrating the use of a drug which induces vomiting – I don’t know why or what for – and another chemical substance. The four of them died.

In his book Hevia does not say specifically what Mitrione’s direct part in all this was, but he later publicly stated that the OPS chief “personally tortured four beggars to death with electric shocks”.

About half a year later, 31 July 1970 to be exact, Dan Mitrione was kidnapped by the Tupamaros. They did not torture him. They demanded the release of some 150 prisoners in exchange for him. With the determined backing of the Nixon administration, the Uruguayan government refused. On 10 August, Mitrione’s dead body was found on the back seat of a stolen car. He had turned 50 on his fifth day as a prisoner.

Back in Mitrione’s home town of Richmond, Indiana,Age of America 2 Indiana Secretary of State William Rogers and President Nixon’s son-in-law David Eisenhower attended the funeral for Mitrione, the city’s former police chief. Frank Sinatra and Jerry Lewis came to town to stage a benefit show for Mitrione’s family.

And White House spokesman, Ron Ziegler, solemnly stated that “Mr. Mitrione’s devoted service to the cause of peaceful progress in an orderly world will remain as an example for free men everywhere.”

“A perfect man,” his widow said.

“A great humanitarian,” said his daughter Linda.

Guatemala was one of the first countries where people were disappeared as a generalized practice of terror against a civilian population. Forced disappearance was widely practiced by the government of Guatemala during the 36-year Guatemalan Civil War. An estimated 40,000 to 50,000 individuals were disappeared by the Guatemalan military and security forces between 1954 and 1996. The tactic of disappearance first saw widespread use in Guatemala during the mid-1960s,Age of America 2 Guatemala as government repression became widespread when the military adopted harsher counterinsurgency measures. The first documented case of forced disappearance by the government in Guatemala occurred in March 1966, when thirty PGT associates were kidnapped, tortured and killed by the security forces; their bodies were put in sacks and dumped at sea from helicopters. This was one of the first major instances of forced disappearance in Latin American history.[22] When law students at the University of San Carlos used legal measures (such as habeas corpus petitions) to require the government to present the detainees at court, some of the students were “disappeared” in turn.[23]

Torture report reveals American Sadism

“The global ‘war on terror,’ conceived by the Israelis and launched by their American lackeys shortly after the false-flag attacks of 9/11, is nothing short of a cruel hoax on the world. The sadists and megalomaniacs who have executed this comical ruse may well evade justice in this lifetime, but history will record their foul deeds so that future generations will rightly view them as the monstrous villains that they have proven to be.”

The vast American Ahrimanic Archai of the West has been preparing the weapons of docility and the rise of his fallen horde, that suffered THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS (Click Link) when Michael removed them from Heaven and tossed them into human heads on Earth. Houston we have a problem.

Raising this fallen horde of ego-less astral and Devachan beings who live in our enhanced unconscious instincts of an ever denser Americanized Ahrimanic Double and their innate capacity to act as destructive Threshold Entities is called the Army of the Dead. These elemental furies serve the destructive forces, the shattering, decimating forces that come with disintegration and psychic death. These elemental agents of death now swarm all through humanity. We train and pay for our fellow human beings to become Threshold Torture collaborators with Ahriman, Lucifer and the Asuras. And each of us has contributed our share to the demise of humanity.

We fund these Monsters of the American Psyche with our tax dollars. Our Corporations, commerce, pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto, Dow and thousands of other paid for Fort Detrick styled Ahrimanic pandemic bio-plague weapons labs, are where elemental forces of death are given maps, orders, chemically coded directions and guidance by humanity and invited IN to murder, kill, infect and shatter the hidden GOLD of human integrity.Age of America Maryland Ft. Detrick

We considered it a blessing that our children had a ready-made fast Pharma solution, a pill, an injection so we wouldn’t have to wrestle with our stupidity and ignorance regarding our shadows, our children’s shadows or the Professionally Trained Monsters of the American Psyche, who, like us, failed, flunked and refused the knowledge that would have prepared us for the shams of Ahriman and the intensity of our growing geographic, devouring doubles.

Fort Detrick is located in Frederick, Maryland, the third fastest growing county in Maryland. Fort Detrick is located approximately one hours drive from Washington D.C. metro area and Baltimore, Maryland.

Rudolf Steiner referred to the harnessing of these massively destructive elemental beings of the threshold as parts of our commerce, industry, technology in this the latter part of our 5th Age. It is how we invest our money in the destructive etheric destroying, astral poisoning, ego suppressing, I AM shattering and genetic physical desecration as well as paid assassinations, global genocide of entire countries,  regions, Archangels, language guardian spirits, that accelerate Ahriman’s redesigning humanity in his image. It is that big and we have remained unconsciously stupefied in the West.

That means the integrity of the I AM, the integrity of our Etheric Bodies; the integrity of our Astral Bodies and the physical and chemical passwords and gateways that get these destructive elemental furies INSIDE US are part of the school of Ahriman’s big PHARMA.

Once the terrorists are INSIDE US we have been thoroughly trained to believe that terrorists are outside us. No, our leaders are certifiable Psychopaths but we have been brainwashed to think they are the normal, good, freedom loving patriotic Americans that we imagine ourselves to be.

From Part 1

Think of the Pharmaceutical black magic industries that create drugs that invade the astral body, cripple it, addict it, poison it, and become part of our vast Multi-National Corporate Conglomeration that serves the Whore of Babylon enterprises of DuPont, Monsanto Inc and the global plague of unnatural genetically modified seeds.These are all maps, studies and vast human collaborations amassing immense contributions to the over all system of knowledge known as the working system of the spiritual faculty of the un-mapped region of our Consciousness Soul. Otherwise intimated by Rod Serling as his very own explorations of the TWILIGHT ZONE in service of the American psyche.

Ahrimanic schooling has brought money, vast government contracts, and hosts of Elemental Entities and furies to the back door of human consciousness. Knock! Knock! We have opened the door unconsciously to the vast abyss of the objective realities of the occult science of the Threshold. Naturally there are very many who knew exactly what they were doing and what power they would gain over the masses by using BREAK-IN techniques to the back-door and come in under the floor, in the cellar of the basement of the unguarded subconscious of the uneducated American Psyche.

But the masses are neither schooled or prepared for the shock of the shattering effects that have caused proliferation and spread of autism. Oh, but our epidemic of autism isn’t even the most tragic, and any parent or teacher like myself who have taught autistic children  have come to realize that there are deeper psychotic Threshold Pharmaceutical Nightmares that are daily deliberately applied to hosts of human guinea pigs. Weakening the I AM and finding the keys that unlock the controls of the psychic system that is the riddle of the Human Form, will be used to bind the double and overshadow the I Am.

Insomnia and epidemic Sleep Disorders

“Nowadays, many patients are given medications for insomnia without being told that they are in fact receiving very dangerous antipsychotic drugs. This can happen with any antipsychotic but most frequently occurs with Seroquel, Abilify and Zyprexa. The patient is unwittingly exposed to all the hazards of antipsychotic drugs.

“Benzodiazepine (benzos), commonly prescribed as anti-anxiety drugs and sleep aids, deteriorate memory and other mental capacities. Human studies demonstrate that they frequently lead to atrophy and dementia after longer-term exposure. After withdrawal, individuals exposed to these drugs also experience multiple persisting problems including memory and cognitive dysfunction, emotional instability, anxiety, insomnia and muscular and neurological discomforts.

“Mostly because of severely worsened anxiety and insomnia,many cannot stop taking them and become permanently dependent. This frequently happens after only six weeks of exposure. Any benzo can be prescribed as a sleep aid, but Dalmane, Doral, Halcion, ProSom and Restoril are marketed for that purpose.

“Non-benzo” sleep aids, such as Ambien, Intermezzo, Lunesta and Sonata, pose similar problems to the benzos, including memory and other mental problems, dependence and painful withdrawal. They can cause many abnormal mental states and behaviors, including dangerous sleepwalking.”

We have led our children into the arms of these destructive beings. Our school administrators, teachers and boards have enabled monsters to approach our children. Swept by popular mob opinion our authorities have betrayed us, our medical doctors have bought the lie and sold it to us. Our Democracy is really just MOBOCRACY. Our leaders didn’t feel the need for truth when their pockets could be lined by big bribes from Big Pharma just by offering the bodies and souls of their constituents.

Short term gain, Power and Image, play the Ahrimanic Marionette game for the short term, and because of the cynical corruption America lives by, we grabbed for ourselves the quick-fix, one life to live American Exceptionalism. But America is only heroic in the long term, of many lives ahead and many incarnations to come. Souls who would seek a destiny with America crave to learn of Her magnificent mysteries. Our leaders and political HOLLOW HUMAN BEINGS are visionless, valueless, sterilized, sanitized distortions and corruptions of The American Spirit. Hollow Human Beings were discussed with profound esoteric depth in Part 1.

The demented enormity of the Military Industrial Pie Chart of Military Contracts and Tax Payer funded, or frauded, printed trillions spread around and hawked by expensive Lobbyists serving gigantic Corporate Entities disguised as Personhoods, dwarfed the rotten foundations of our human intelligence. Our ignorant leaders that serve plate after plate of placation have confidently offered us the ability to numb our consciousness to the grotesque invasion of destructive threshold elemental beings, who have taken our astral bodies, our etheric bodies and our I AM hostage without our knowledge or inner conscious consent.

“Any reasonably sane person knows that the international banks are; since corporations now have personhood, psychopaths. Any reasonably sane person knows that pharmaceutical companies are easily as bad and far more widespread in their malignant badness that the gold mining industry.” Les Visible

We have let others determine what the limits to knowledge are in an age when we should be morally expanding the vast perimeters of human knowledge beyond the Threshold of Birth and Death by exploring the depth of our Consciousness Soul. We have given our scientists the funding and secret government slush funds to design our cultural demise. We have glibly and thoughtlessly introduced our astral, etheric and ego to the science of shattering our children’s spiritual cohesion. Well done America. Well done United States of America.

We have belligerently denied the human composition of astral-nervous system; etheric-endocrine and lymphatic system, and I AM karma and cognition system in the blood and heart, but we have given our full permission to experiment, shatter, disrupt, destroy and decimate that which gives each human being their Divine Cohesion of Soul and Spirit.

There will be no Europe, there will be no Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Gaza, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Japan, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand. Every Archangel Being, every good Archangel of every region over the entire globe has already been infected. Both in the Western Hemisphere in all the regions where the Archangels of the Canadians dwell and down through South America, each Language Guiding Spirit, each Governing Body of the populace have been beaten into submission, corrupted and bought by the vast growing Monster, the Ahrimanic Archai of the West.

This Ahrimanic Archai of the West devours the interior conscience and inner substance, and leaves the carapace, the bio-regional accents, music, art, but all this that was once the proud forces of Civilizations of Nations, each with vast groups of Archangel Beings giving their regions Spirit, Soul, herbs, food, climate, Language and Intelligence, poets, histories and heroic human destinies will be absorbed into the Ahrimanic Archai Monster forming in the West.

The voice from the Archangel of VenezuelaAge of America 2 Venezuela and under a Michael Inspiration approached the U.N. All the other paid for puppets and pimps of countries never had the courage to call out the methods of the Monsters of the American Psyche with such clarity and audacity. There was a moment of sanity and shock because someone finally said what was in everyone’s deepest hearts. Did the American Folk Soul grasp it? Or did the liars, the marionettes, the flag waving blind and the paid for propaganda police stomp Hugo Chávez like a raging guest trapped in the grand ball room of Edgar Allan Poe’s “THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH” ?

Hugo Chávez lifted the veil momentarily on the deceitful shadow monster that has gained such malignancy in the United States. Chávez called it right, when he said, “The government of the United States doesn’t want peace. It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war. It wants peace. But what’s happening in Iraq? What happened in Lebanon? In Palestine? What’s happening? What’s happened over the last 100 years in Latin America and in the world? And now threatening Venezuela — new threats against Venezuela, against Iran?”Age of America 2 Brave Chavez

Ahrimanic powers love the hundred year rejuvenating rampage of false history, false memory and failure to learn from a history that swept by us unconsciously. It was WW I, a gurgling black hole in our memories that now comes up to haunt us a 100 years on. It was from 1914 to 1918 to 2014 and 2018, so called Spanish Flu developed from Fort Riley in the United States. It had nothing to do with Spain, it was a bio-plague weapon incubated in the United States that killed some 20 million. Ebola has been enhanced at Tulane University into a bio-weapon for future Ahrimanic discretionary use and it has the potential to thin the entire population of the Earth.

The 100 year bridge and repetition cycle is how Ahriman uses the tool of our unconscious memory forces. Ebola and Lab designed bio-weapons have been resurrected by Ahriman. WW III is ghoulishly grinning at the erased minds of a new generation that has drifted down stream from truth, history and common sense. If humanity remains unconscious of the swirling TIME nightmares and scars Ahriman has induced, introduced and clawed into human history, humanity will be condemned to repeat and recycle the endless loop of lies we were too cowardly to recognize and consciously reject. Ahriman and the many headed hydras keep popping up with these same god awful nightmares in ever more stale, dire and destructive forms while each new generation is dazzled with delusions.

Insanity Alfred Hitchcock and the American Psyche

“Noam Chomsky, one of the most prestigious American and world intellectuals, Noam Chomsky, and this is one of his most recent books, ‘Hegemony or Survival: The Imperialist Strategy of the United States. ‘” [Holds up book, waves it in front of General Assembly.] “It’s an excellent book to help us understand what has been happening in the world throughout the 20th century, and what’s happening now, and the greatest threat looming over our planet.

“The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our heads. I had considered reading from this book, but, for the sake of time,” [flips through the pages, which are numerous] “I will just leave it as a recommendation.

“It reads easily, it is a very good book, I’m sure Madame [President] you are familiar with it. It appears in English, in Russian, in Arabic, in German. I think that the first people who should read this book are our brothers and sisters in the United States, because their threat is right in their own house.

“The devil is right at home. The devil, the devil himself, is right in the house.

“And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here.” [crosses himself] “And it smells of sulfur still today.

“Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.

Age of America 2 the U.N. and Mephistopheles“I think we could call a psychiatrist to analyze yesterday’s statement made by the president of the United States. As the spokesman of imperialism, he came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world.

“An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a title: “The Devil’s Recipe.”

“As Chomsky says here, clearly and in depth, the American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated.

“The world parent’s statement — cynical, hypocritical, full of this imperial hypocrisy from the need they have to control everything.

“They say they want to impose a democratic model. But that’s their democratic model. It’s the false democracy of elites, and, I would say, a very original democracy that’s imposed by weapons and bombs and firing weapons.

“What a strange democracy. Aristotle might not recognize it or others who are at the root of democracy.

“What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?

“The president of the United States, yesterday, said to us, right here, in this room, and I’m quoting, “Anywhere you look, you hear extremists telling you can escape from poverty and recover your dignity through violence, terror and martyrdom.”

“Wherever he looks, he sees extremists. And you, my brother — he looks at your color, and he says, oh, there’s an extremist. Evo Morales, the worthy president of Bolivia, looks like an extremist to him.

“The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It’s not that we are extremists. It’s that the world is waking up. It’s waking up all over. And people are standing up.

“I have the feeling, dear world dictator, that you are going to live the rest of your days as a nightmare because the rest of us are standing up, all those who are rising up against American imperialism, who are shouting for equality, for respect, for the sovereignty of nations.

“Yes, you can call us extremists, but we are rising up against the empire, against the model of domination.

“The president then — and this he said himself, he said: “I have come to speak directly to the populations in the Middle East, to tell them that my country wants peace.”

“That’s true. If we walk in the streets of the Bronx, if we walk around New York, Washington, San Diego, in any city, San Antonio, San Francisco, and we ask individuals, the citizens of the United States, what does this country want? Does it want peace? They’ll say yes.

“But the government doesn’t want peace. The government of the United States doesn’t want peace. It wants to exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war.”

It is obvious that the Monsters of the American Psyche, propelled by the compression and intensity of the coming Incarnation of Ahriman in the West will resort to murdering whole countries if they dare, dare speak to the Monsters of the American Psyche and call them by their designated names. The United Nations is a mass hive of deception, power and betrayal. It was disguised as the Great League of Nations that Woodrow Wilson, under the abstract Doppelganger of his captured soul, knew – knew that such a club of abstract, weightless goodness, like his own, would be easy pickings for bribery, manipulation and an outright war criminal haven and training ground for Ahrimanic U.S. prestige and power mongering.

Murdering and discovering in all quarters of the world any individuals who may have had any lingering higher spiritual striving, could be caught and murdered in any part of the world while they were still young. Ahriman’s robbery of our Earth Incarnation, our relation to the Archangels of our own countries, our conscious relation to our Angels or the Risen Etheric Christ, could be ripped out, plucked out, like plucking out eyes that might open one day to the spiritual world. Ahriman in the West has had the mission to pluck out those eyes and those incarnations that might have risen up and awakened from their incarnations.

Ahriman could reach out his sinister arm to jungles or cities and discover, destroy by poisoning, by assassination, by bombs, by disappearing any human spiritual beings who still carried the higher worlds in them, who may have carried the ideals of humanity in us, with us and for us, could easily be crushed by Ahrimanic Powers swarming over the Western Hemisphere. The World Health Organization helped spread the West’s death and destruction in disguise of humanitarian concerns. Just like the CDC serves the propaganda Arm of deadly vaccine deception.

Right now, the last part of the 5th Age, we could resist and refute the Ahrimanic Archai of the West, from devouring every Archangel Being and country and Language in the world, by keeping our vast, free Library of Humanity open and free. The internet was one of the greatest gifts since the once famed Library of Alexandria. But such a Global Library of Humanity is not good enough for our Ahrimanic Archai in the West. Ahriman in the West not only wants to own the information of everyone on the planet, but bestow, or give a psychic body, stolen from humanity as a vast Global Ahrimanic Human Group Soul.

It is desolation of the Fire Archangels, (Click Link) Fire that Hollows Souls. We will be left with an empty carapace shell of what was once civilization and culture that revealed human striving and greatness from every land. All this will be emptied, destroyed, and the inner content has already been terminally infected in every country. Archangels will fall, our countries will all lose their Individuality. Civilization as we knew it and failed to appreciate it, will be radically transformed by the end of the 5th Age and beginning of the 6th Age.

AUSTERITY, what an Orwellian control word. AUSTERITY, is a safe word, a nullifier (to deprive (something) of value or effectiveness; make futile or of no consequence), a mollification, a safe word, AUSTERITY, used by Dominatrix psychopaths whose origins lay in the formation of The Federal Reserve of the United States and the demented deprivation of reason in the shell of what was left of Woodrow Wilson’s fall into madness.Age of America 2 Woodrow Wilson

AUSTERITY is an IMF, (International Monetary Fund) debauched bastard child of one of the MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHE, formed when Woodrow Wilson went mad in the office (click link) of the Presidency of the United States. AUSTERITY is pure Ahrimanic/Orwell language sterilization for enslavement, butchery and the viral infection of an Archangel Spirit, a Living Country that had a soul and spirit. It is the poisoning of her people, neutered, suffocated and worst of all, the bribed leaders become nothing more than HOLLOW VESSELS AND AUTOMATONS OF AHRIMAN.

It won’t just be an NSA wet Dream, but rather a mastering of every channel of fallen Devachan capacities, given without effort. In other words, everything that we claimed of the Christ, not I but Christ in me, how our hearts and feelings and thoughts can approach Christ will be subject to a Cosmic form of Identity Theft. We have already lost the compass of discernment between high moral forces, the spiritual foundations of matter, and human immortality, so we won’t balk and cringe when Ahriman dispenses his huge Global Gift.

Ahriman will have given us the gifts of knowledge, of peace, of equality, of health by locking out the Hierarchies and making his own Kingdom the ruling Hierarchy. By having suffocated, and decimated every individual Archangel and Country in the World, we paid the price of admission into Ahriman’s global Community. (Click Link, Death of the Fire Archangels of Each country on Earth)

Uncertainty, Unclarity, Unknown milestones in our destinies, Cultural Confessions of an American Soul in the void of the ‘I’.  Novalis and The Disciples of Saïs

“When a century had elapsed after the death of Novalis, the seed of his heritage began to germinate and grow. Rudolf Steiner once said: “What is given now as anthroposophical spirituality lived in Novalis.” As the Disciples at Saïs sought Isis, so Novalis had set out in search of the veiled Goddess. When the mysteries of the Night had revealed themselves to him, Cosmic Wisdom — the Divine Sophia — began to pour into him and make him her own. All his life was spent in reaching out for clearer and clearer visions of Anthropos — the TRUE MAN. In very truth Anthroposophia weaves and lives in the work of Novalis.

“Not only were the starry expanses and prophetic vistas of a new humanity, radiant with divine love, beginning to be as familiar to Novalis as an old home — nay, the Eternal Virgin, the Cosmic Soul began to beckon to him from where She is veiled, where She works and weaves in the realms of Nature. In The Disciples at Saïs, Novalis tells of the manifold ways pursued by those who seek Her — the veiled Isis. “All things lead me back into myself …I rejoice in the wonderful collections and figures in the study halls; it seems to me as though they were only symbols, veils, decorations, enshrouding a Divine Being; and this is ever in my thoughts. I do not seek for them, but I often seek in them. It is as though they might show me the path to a place, where, slumbering, lies the Virgin for whom my spirit yearns.”

These are my confessions. I confess that I was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1949. I confess that my destiny, the un-illuminated Light on my Path first marked my birth with the murder of my mother in Chicago when I was three. I was brought up by absolutely sane and stable step parents, my Great Uncle. They took on the Herculean task of adopting me as their son. Let’s be clear right off, there wasn’t much money to go around back then. My great Uncle was an Architect and Contractor, Irish and smoked a pipe, designed our house, which was out in the country, on a lake between McHenry and Fox Lake Illinois.

All of this journey of mine was a stumbling, fumbling, lack of foreknowledge, no signs of higher intelligence or capacities stirred or were visible to me or anyone else who knew me. In fact through grade school I was considered a disruptive, undisciplined slow learner who spent many hours with his nose to the wall in the hallways, standing, being guarded by hall monitors, until I could behave myself and join the other students.

I am adding this Confession because of our previous discussion in tracing GREAT JONES STREET and JONESTOWN and the geographic location of LA Mama in New York and the Astor Place Theater. Age of America 2 East Village, Great Jones West Village ManhattanThe epicenter of vast cultural impulses erupting from the concentrated mass of creativity created a vortex below 14th street in an area we see marked as East Village, Greenwich Village and West Village. Age of America 2 Fillmore EastIt extended down to Houston street and included Great Jones street, Fillmore East and La MaMa on East 4th street.

I somehow arrived on my unaware, unplanned Novalis journey, in New York city around my 18th and 19th year. To even become aware of such a work as The Disciples at Saïs  or to be able to approach an inkling of Novalis was well beyond the scope of any of my education. It was not included in the cultural milieu of my limited experience of 18 1/2 years on Earth. They certainly didn’t teach Novalis in my elementary or High School.

My Higher Self, unbeknownst and unconsciously to my little fledgling me, placed my germinal tiny ego in the middle of the Experimental Theater Vortex that was then exploding into volcanic life. Most of the shattering new impulses overcoming the conservative, narrow minded 1950’s exploded from the narrow band of streets, between 14th street and Houston street.

Diving into the Volcano

Empedocles is the subject of Friedrich Holderlin’s play Tod des Empedokles (Death of Empedocles), two versions of which were written between the years 1798 and 1800. A third version was made public in 1826.

Nietzsche planned to write a drama on the model of Hölderlin’s several drafts of the Death of Empedocles. Nietzsche’s project follows Hölderlin’s, composing several drafts which he does not bring to fruition. In a section titled, “The Philosophers of the Tragic Age revealed, the world as tragedy”, Nietzsche sketches “The tragic human being,” outlining three acts of his plan for the “death” of Empedocles; the parallel with Zarathustra, even at this early stage, is patent. Both Empedocles and Zarathustra are compared with the divine and both are simultaneously absorbed with mortality.

Now it is a fact that Holderlin, Fichte and Novalis all had dinner together. It is a fact that Holderlin was working on the impulse of diving into the Volcano, which in fact Empedokles did leap into Mt. Etna and merge himself with the elements of earth, water, air and fire.

In his History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell quotes an unnamed poet on the subject – “Great Empedocles, that ardent soul, Leapt into Etna, and was roasted whole.”[52] In 2006, a massive underwater volcano off the coast of Sicily was named Empedocles.

Now this Fire element is what was discussed in Part 1 as the Salamander Fire Spirits. To study the strange events of all of those who dove head first, into the Volcano, is to become aware of all those magnificent and daring individuals who headed straight for the Higher Alchemy of the Heart of the Universe and brought to culture a leap forward in the realm of Heart and Soul that has been the inspiration of the World for Decades. (Click Link Nietzsche and Holderlin Volcano of mixing and Alchemizing Culture) The chains of matter and spirit, the bonding and alchemy of fire, air, water, earth, Etheric Body, Astral Body, I AM and our Anima and Animus, everything that seemed so fixed and immobile , fixed attitudes, fixed taboos, fixed values, fixed ideas, fixed morals, were all changed because so many were allowed to jump into the Volcano and re-mix culture.

So, in point of fact, the Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz anno 1459, originally published in German in 1616 and in English in 1690 reveals the Alchemical secrets of how our Spirits, our Souls and our Karmic and Physical bodily Incarnations can be used to spice up creation.

In other words the entire generation, a wave of Karmic Groups, including the Celts and those who hungered for The French Revolution, and the resurrected Gospel of the Celts in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” shook things up. In other words a continuing stream of both the Archangelic host and Folk-Soul of the Celts, who volunteered to serve the ESOTERIC CHRIST BEING MYSTERIES and the great Greek Folk-Soul and Archangelic host, under Aristotle and Alexander the Great, whose Archangelic Leadership volunteered to serve the EXOTERIC MYSTERIES OF THE CHRIST gathered their vast Karma Streams together.

The mixing, mingling, mangling and miracle of this vital Alchemy as it hit the traditions and fixed values that were strangling humanity was a mighty Volcanic eruption of absolutely new creativity, vision, and potentials that shattered old thought forms and old traditions and fixed religious dogmas.

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (click link). This anonymous text appeared in 1616 in Strasbourg, Germany as the third pamphlet of an order called Fraternity of the Rose Cross. It was Johannes Valentinus Andreae, a.k.a. Johannes Valentinus Andreä or Johann Valentin Andreae, a German theologian, who claimed to be the author of the Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz. Let us not make light of who sometimes hovers over us and with a pure inspiration from the higher Devachan. Were not Tolkien and The Beatles also hovered over by the beneficent forces of human culture and higher inspiration? The more conscious our hearts, our I AM, the more can the higher beings of the higher worlds cultivate a relationship to our humanity.

None of us can do this alone. Each and every human being is part of the Love of the Earth. No, we mean to put this more concretely because we can’t squirm and wiggle our way out of this. Each of us are pieces of an important vast spiritual puzzle. The very Earth Herself will not achieve Her goal without the immortal pieces and fragments of each of us undergoing a vast Alchymical Change in our nature.

There are appropriate volcanic eruptions where vital commingling of creative forces, that means literally, human beings gathered with such different Temperaments as to carry Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic and all FOUR, etheric, astral and I AM forces into the mix. Now that is what was happening, not only in N.Y.C. but everywhere, The Beatles, Woodstock, were all part of a grand experiment. The experiment was the rich Volcanic, unimpeded mixing of lofty spiritual inspiration down into the churning melting pot of the Volcanic eruption of unprecedented creative freedom. Now this is the polar opposite of meddling with the Nine Layers of the Inner Earth in a vicious Ahrimanic use of evil and stirring the unconscious with instincts into radioactive thermal nuclear destruction. i.e. Dr. Strangelove.

Empedocles was the mixing of Love and Wisdom as a higher intent. This is very different but similar to the temptation offered by Lucifer of the Christ to throw Himself, cast himself from a high place, let’s say the rim of a volcano, into the UNCONSCIOUSNESS OF INSTINCTS. Christ was to follow the I AM and carry the I AM from the heights to the depths and be conscious. We are still subject to the constant temptation to cast ourselves from a high place into the swirling instincts of the unconsciousness and that was the predominate impulse of most of those who managed to change earthly sensual culture into the divine path of higher initiation science.

Ahriman’s science temptation is taking stones and changing matter into bread. Not strengthening Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man to bring Spirit into the transformation of matter. But rather Ahriman will take matter, say cloning or Monsanto chemical combinations of matter, of pandemic lab science and dig in the chaos of matter instead of harnessing the riches of the conscious human soul and spirit to recover the etheric, astral, and resurrect and revitalize karma itself through the acts of the loving compassion of the I AM.

The Karma that all and each have shared, brother, sister, mother, father, friend, teacher, boss, child, animal, plant, stone and Angel are the threads and links that shall lift the Earth Herself to a new metamorphosis. We will be tasked, without question, to recognize and recover all those we have shattered with our lies. And we will know for certain that the harm to the least of these has brought fatal harm on the whole progress of humanity.

To discover what is inside our hearts, what we carried into our incarnations is excruciating. I trembled with uncertainty, poverty, and flirted with disaster at every turn because I had no clue, no map, no clear traditional path that I followed, nor would I have wanted to follow any traditional path.

I had no passion for Nietzsche, Novalis, Holderlin, Empedocles or Faust, I had never even heard of them by 18 1/2. The terror of merging ourselves, mingling ourselves with entirely new elements and combinations of culture did not allow for fixed ideas, or fixed traditional 1950’s  attitudes. Our spirits were called, were invited and TIME AND INCARNATION presented an over all opportunity to dive into the Volcano and see how our own spirit’s would change our understanding of matter itself. Most importantly, I wouldn’t have understood the theory of destiny and the Higher I AM even if it had bit me.

Vietnam was raging on one side of the abyss and I was gloriously, in a complete uncharted adventure, beyond anything even imagined by my parents or my cousins, grandparents or our relatives experience. I was on my own, terrified and loving every moment of the novelty that people I met no longer looked at the memory shell of a boy, who was not considered very bright. No one knew anybody really, yet it was a slice of TIME in which everyone was fascinated with everyone. I was a Stranger in a Strange Land in N.Y.C. around 1969.

Tools of soul and spirit to understand The Devachan Buddha on Mars – Siddhartha a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse – Yoda a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas

Stranger in a Strange Land was a publishing phenomenon. It came out in 1961 and it didn’t just sell to science fiction readers, it sold widely to everyone, even people who didn’t normally read at all. People claim it was one of the things that founded the counter-culture of the sixties in the U.S. It’s Heinlein’s best known book and it has been in print continuously ever since first publication. Sitting reading it in the metro the other day, a total stranger assured me that it was a good book. It was a zeitgeist book that captured imaginations.”

The entire Alchemy of the transformation of Mars forces was hidden in the secret lines of Civil Disobedience (1849) an essay by Henry David Thoreau. The massive transformation of Mars, (but wait what does this mean, the transformation of Mars?) Thoreau’s essay on Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King Jr and Gandhi all worked directly with a Manichean transformation of violent Mars energies, eye for an eye, to nonviolence through etheric courage to be attacked by dogs, beaten with clubs, have gangs of degraded moral degenerates act as a mob and have militarized (Mars Enforced) police brutalizations of tasering, sprayed, pierced with hi-frequency sound that causes cerebral disruptions, all these things are the old forces of Mars, marshaled against change.Mars forces to Mercury forces 1st Earth evolution 2nd phase Mercury Florian Sydow

Since we have wrestled with the Sophia forces of the Stars, we here come upon one of the most vital mysteries of the planets and the future of the Earth. The transformation within the Earth, within every impulse of the Earth, the transformation from Mars to Buddha and Mercury forces of healing, streaming through the Earth. As an example of exploring the Devachan Impulse of the Planets, so far I can offer THIS STUDY (click link). The specific aspects of Star and Planet ignorance, of Space Exploration and the reality of how Buddha and St. Francis of Assisi took up a task in the Mars Devachan to change the forces of Mars into Healing must be saved for a later date. But with the above we have supplied the clues that have showered down into the cultural transformation that has to do with Christian Rosenkreuz and the Great Buddha.

Is it better to be prematurely clever, bright, capable, an over-achiever, a type A, focused, and the apple of your parent’s eye? Or did it serve the preservation of the depth of my striving by having to take the long, long road, where it took me years to even see the difference between my failures and my successes?

It was no picnic feeling so inept and out of place. That is a good term for someone like me or anyone on the path, out of place. New York and the lower East Side was a gathering spot for a whole Tribe of people who felt out of place. My murdered mother was named Virginia or her nick name was Ginger for the color of her hair. The Virgin, since I was born under the sign of Virgo, the Virgin, and brought up in a sincere and normal household, I had clear memories of my mother, who vanished. I was gifted to be a kind of karmic orphan.  I felt placed in a disposition of wandering, an unknown seeker, (cliché alert) “Like a Rolling Stone with no direction home” (Do Click Link) and I had a clean karmic slate with everyone. In the background I had the feeling of the presence and mystery of this vanished mother.

There was never any father connected to me. My great Uncle just took up the shaken karma of his young niece,my mother, and by 10 years of age, I was officially adopted. That is what was done in those days. So, my incarnation had this friendly ghost mother, named Virginia and I was a Virgo and now we have the makings of a disposition and an outcast, which I had no idea would bring me to The Disciples at Saïs and connect me to my unconscious, unaware, roots to some ancient Egyptian link to Novalis and America.

“Die Lehrlinge zu Sais” by Novalis

“Would that I could tell you whither; I myself do not know; yonder dwells the mother of all things, the veiled virgin. Towards her do tend all the stirrings of my soul. Farewell.” He tore himself free and set forth. His parents lamented and shed tears; Rosebud remained in her chamber and wept bitterly. Hyacinth made his way as best he could through valleys and wilds, across mountains and rivers, towards the mysterious regions of the earth. Everywhere and of everyone—men and beasts, rocks and trees—he inquired after the goddess Isis. Some of them laughed, some of them were silent; nowhere was an answer forthcoming.”

It would make sense, to someone who understood these things, that LA MaMa Etc (click link) on East 4th St. in New York City would be a place to discover the Mother, Isis/Sophia.Age of America 2 If only it were that obvious to an untutored, stumbling 18 1/2 year old. The term clueless wasn’t even in use yet. There are great perils steering blind. The map of our souls and spirits, what we incarnated with, are in there, but when we say Perilous, well the open seas, no less than an Ismael or Parsifal, or a nobody at all – “A Complete Unknown ” – at 18 1/2 -(Click Link Mystery of 18 1/2)  I was an orphan adrift with no schooling in divine navigation. Who is privileged to get such schooling? Nobody I grew up with.

By stumbling circumstance, from outside of Chicago, with a very young ghost mother assisting my blundering steps, I got into New York, into a generation of creativity, directors, writers, producers, actors, lunatics, cultural icons, and the faltering starting point of my own foolish Parsifal journey to the doors of Isis/Sophia.

“La MaMa moved several more times and took up residence in its original and current space on East 4th Street in 1969. In 1974, the company acquired a second space, The Annex, down the street. In November 2009, on Age of America 2 Ellen Stewart LaMaMa the Motherthe occasion of Stewart’s 90th birthday, The Annex was officially renamed the Ellen Stewart Theater.

“Theater spokesman Sam Rudy said Stewart was instrumental in introducing to American audiences some of the world’s most influential artists, including Andrei Serban, Tom O’Horgan, Sam Shepard, Lanford Wilson, Harvey Fierstein, Maria Irene Fornes, Tom Eyen, Jean Claude van Itallie and countless others.

Yes, around 1969, Ellen Stewart looked something like this. Sam Shepard and I were about the same age. Sam was just brilliant, holding a kind of America Folk-Soul Voice of the West, kind of gritty playwright image that was absolutely producible. I arrived completely inexperienced, auditioning for Tom Eyen Age of America 2 Tom Eyen directorand exactly because I had absolutely no theater baggage, was naive, with a highly acceptable physique and above all it was all that remained of the innocent standard 2 dimensional Mid-West type, Tom Eyen felt that I could represent that innocence that everyone arrives with in New York. It was clear that in time everyone slowly loses, becomes jaded, or both trades losses or moments of winning or struggles with our demons to become a personality, an Artist, or a fallen idol to be adored in New York.

Earning ones bones, reputation, style, voice and stardom in New York was vividly celebrated in all the wrecks that littered the streets and all the names in lights on the Marquees. La MaMa was a launching pad for a whole host of struggling Experimental Theater giants that shaped B’way, sub-culture, Off B’way and Off-Off B’way. Now that was a gold mine to stumble upon. And stumble blindly into this TRIBE is exactly what happened for me.

Tom Eyen’s own Innocence, his own purity is what he saw in me and by his giving me authorization to enter the TRIBE, I was accepted, because I was sincerely pure and sincerely inexperienced and had a stage mid-west, Heartland look and sensuality that Tom could sell and everyone in the audience identified with. I was invited into this exclusive club of an entire generation of Artists through Tom’s amazingly strange and wonderful plays. I was invited into the Tribe on the image of America’s Innocent Fool.

Instead of a female ingénue I was a male ingénue, that could stand bare chested, reflecting completely all the innocence of the forgotten Mid-West American Psyche to balance the kaleidoscope of characters that peopled the boiling pot of lower Manhattan and topped, nightly in Midnight Shows, any kind of bizzaro that Federico Fellini could imagine.

It was beyond my limited wits to know what an amazing gift was handed to me. To be accepted, have a role, be a part of a Tribe, a family from which the entire new world of the Arts was erupting with volcanic force, breaking all the laws of conservative thinking, three act play construction, drawing room comedy stiffness, sitcom snarking, off-off Shakespeare sur-realism, mythic, ritualistic, Initiatory, demonic, Homo-Erotic, gay, straight, revolutionary, International, Cosmopolitan, genius, and madness of an insane asylum, plum shocking, Theater as a path of Initiation.

 the Ankh – symbol of life combination of the male and female symbols of Osiris (the cross) and Isis (the oval) respectively, and therefore signifies the union of heaven and earth.

Age of America 2 Time Magazine Arts 1969 70 BradfordAnd since I was an authentic innocent aspect of all of those that ever had arrived in New York, clueless and were turned inside out and upside down through their ambitions, I was featured in TIME MAGAZINE, when one of Tom’s Shows was catapulted by the New York Times into a successful run in an Off-B’way theater.

I was in a cast which had all types but all were various degrees of corruption and innocence, all dressed in absolute white, with a pure, no set, white stage and which called for the veneer of innocence. In a time of cultural innocence, Tom called it, THE DIRTIEST SHOW IN TOWN. There I was somewhere in 1969/70, shown in Time Magazine with my little leather hippie Egyptian ANKH. Which I loved wearing as my symbol, but I couldn’t precisely explain to you why I was attracted, wore, slept in, showered and performed always with my little Egyptian ANKH on.

by Tom Eyen

Unpublished libretto of the legendary musical that introduced Bette Midler to the New York stage.Age of America Egyptian Ankh 1

 The Corporate Logo and Patent of Sophia and the Human Form

“Man is the higher Sense of our planet, the star which connects it with the upper world, the eye which it turns towards Heaven.” And again: “Man is a sun, his senses are the planets.” “There is only one temple in the world and this is the human body. Nothing is holier than his sublime form. Bowing before men is an act of homage to this revelation in the flesh. One touches heaven when one touches the body of man.”  Novalis

Recovering the Brand Name of the Starry Sophia Mysteries impressed in our human forms will not be easy as the future comes toward us. We might cherish The Brand Name of SophiaAge of America Sophia Seed of the stars more if we saw in the make and model, the vintage secret of the Stars already imprinted and embodied with all the power of the constellations, which we are going to absorb, encompass and grow towards, already present in each child (click link). A vintage vehicle designed with the most advanced comprehension of how to launch a Time Travel vessel that not only uncoils step by step into a fully operative Divine Spiritual Being, but is allowed to go back to the origins of the universe and trace the intimate footsteps of all our Karmic Companions through actual history. This vehicle is what every BACK TO THE FUTURE is about.

Each human being carries The Sophia Star Brand. Within this vast complicated seed of the Stars, is a treasure trove that we may unravel to find our way home.Age of America 2 Star Brand Sophia Of course this has nothing to do with arbitrary Darwinism. The Human Form under Divine tutelage, is dismissed by universities that still celebrate arbitrary Darwinism. (Click Link)

Our human forms are germinating seed forms of the Constellations, Divine Sophia Seeds. We each carry the full constellations, the full zodiac from Aries at our heads to Pisces at our feet as the brand name of the Tenth Hierarchy. We are Sophia Star Seeds.

We have all been gifted with the preserved and fixed skeletal framework that represents in our physical forms, not only our karma, but we carry the fully authorized, registered trademark and brand name of Sophia and Zodiacal Constellations we hail from. We were born from this significant region of the vast starry worlds.

Our physical bodies reveal the map, the body star map of Sophia which directs the gaze of any Star Citizen to the region in the stars where Humans come from. We are Time Stamped, registered, copyrighted and carry the trade mark and brand name of Sophia, Tenth Hierarchy I carriers.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

We are full bearers and licensed carriers of the Twelve Constellations that were designed from this region of the vast Starry World. In other words we are Humans Beings with all the bells and whistles, etheric, astral, I AM and are seated like a gemstone in the vessel, the star vessel that tells other star beings, exactly where we hail from.
We each carry the operating, imprinted  Divine Germinal Seed force of the Constellations. It is indisputable. (Click Link)

Novalis Part 1

“but more than all, the lordly stranger with the sense-filled eyes, the swaying walk, and the sweetly closed, melodious lips. Like a king over earthly nature, it rouses every force to countless transformations, binds and unbinds innumerable alliances, hangs its heavenly form around every earthly substance. Its presence alone reveals the marvelous splendor of the kingdoms of the world.”  Novalis – Hymns to the Night translated by George MacDonald

Age of America twin etheric forces of Anima and Animus

Emerging from the cultural vortex of Ron Link, Candy Darling whose life and times can be viewed on NETFLIX, of the strange production values of John Vaccaro and The Playhouse of the Ridiculous, Michael Arian, Jackie Curtis my friend Lamar Alford, my friend Albert Poland, Robert Patrick, the playwright of “Kennedy’s Children”, the singer Amanda Lear who I met in Europe, were all part of the Revolution Arising out of GREAT JONES STREET.Age of America 2 Astor and Great Jones

Great Jones Street, 4th Street, Astor Place where a TRUE JONES ADDICTION could be attained. An addiction to massive hallucinations, experimentation and sexual identity confusion were all part of the ANIMA AND ANIMUS THRESHOLD OF THE ETHERIC WORLD that a lively generation plunged into, not head or feet first but sex orientation Etheric Body Mirror confusion, first. What was the riddle of our physical and sexual identities?

It was also the place where the Chelsea movie house, that had opened as the Elgin in 1942, was designed by Simon Zelnik in elegant Art Moderne style sat 600. It was a gathering place for late night reveries along with late 2 and 3 a.m. breakfasts at The Brasserie way uptown on 53rd Street.

The Elgin was located on Eighth Avenue, at 19th Street. Later, the Elgin screened Spanish-language films, and still later, revival and cult films. The Elgin ended its movie house days as an adult theater. However, even as an adult theater, midnight movies, including “El Topo”, “Pink Flamingos”, and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”, continued to be screened. Community pressure forced the Elgin to close in 1978.

In terms of Great Jones Street, and the tie between East Village and the West Village, the tie between our etheric double and the confusion of the sexes in transvestites, cross dressers, and magnificent creative flamboyance, this location, was for a certain time, the volcanic Mt. Etna center of the transformation of Art in the United States.

 “Charles Ludlam and John Vaccaro. Both won Special Citation Obie Awards in 1970 (for the ’69-70 season) – Ludlam for the Ridiculous Theatrical Company and John Vaccaro for the Theatre of the Ridiculous. By that time however, Vaccaro was directing plays at La Mama including productions of Cockstrong (starring Warhol star Jackie Curtis) in June 1969 and March 1970 and a production of Son of Cockstrong in February 1970.”

Great Jones Street and the Jonestown Black Magicians seduction and inducement to cut ties and isolate a group of souls, to be able to lure and chain souls into Dark Occult circles of despair, so that even the lingering dead are engulfed, could also be starkly observed in the form of the Theater of Addiction, Heroin, drug addicts, who gathered themselves down by Great Jones Street and were swallowed by the Volcanic suction into the abyss.

This Abyss where we travel in the culture of America and the United States has given us a visceral sense of the Perilous Journey. Ishmael certainly felt the visceral sense of his encounter with “Moby Dick”. While it is important to maintain a Forest Gump, Parsifal innocence, blinding oneself to reality does not allow one to perceive in our environment the Pornography of Ahriman, the pornography of the Asuras and Lucifer and the catastrophic pornography of Sorath.

We are drowning in the most violent sadistic pornography ever thrust upon children and younger generations. To be induced and trained to think false thoughts about the Stars that we are journeying towards, to teach our children to cling to pharmaceutical Entities that open gateways to horrific psychic monsters means the Abyss is open and the Heavens are closed tight.

The categories of Ahrimanic Pornography, Asuric pornography in the subtle sensual eroticism of sitting before the news media and titillated by absolute LIES, until our brains think it is all mere entertainment and amusement, is psychic illness. Entraining ourselves to permit the butchering, beheading and torture of human beings, while watching in our anesthetized sordid soup of prejudice and brainwashed complacency is learning to gloat over astral and etheric pornography of the Spirit. We complacently wallow in our demise.

The erotic Luciferic/Asuric sensuality of playful dominatrix torture for the elite and famous and spreading the infection to the youngest and the oldest, the poorest and the richest shatters any comprehension of the Sacredness of each I AM and each soul we encounter.Sophia and the Stars What is their mystery? What have they brought from the Stars? What is Isis/Sophia unveiled? What is the sacred biography and karma that is hidden behind the human being before our gaze? What is the mystery of our meeting together on Earth? What are the secrets that draw all humanity through the ripening and maturity of the Stars? These questions don’t ripple the waters of our shallow narcissism. What is the karma that hides itself in the human form before us? Did we know and long to meet each other before Birth? Were we thrilled with expectation before we incarnated and has frigidity and lack of interest numbed our inquisitive intuition?

Companies like Monsanto that rot and annihilate the human immune system are Corporate Ahrimanic Pornographers. The pornography of psychiatrists, doctors, pharmacists and bio-labs that work on shattering the cohesion of our astral bodies into autism, shattering the etheric nourishment of our sleep rhythms and using the forces of our Luciferic Double, our Ahrimanic Double and our Asuric double to addict the soul to medical, psychological, scientific and materialistic torture, are all tearing at the fabric and foundations of NEVER AGAIN BEHOLD THE HUMAN SPIRIT.

Even teachers serve the pornography of education when convenient, conventional lies become right answers for government funded programs. Prostitutes for Education and Presstitutes who are professional media whores are as common as manicured lifeless grass. War Criminals and Ahrimanic political marionettes are our guides and heroes and Luciferic Personalities, celebrities and cliché’s reflect back to us our worship of trivial drivel.

We have learned to love and worship the pornography of the Soul, the Spirit and the Body. We have not given two cents worth of cognitive effort to define, hold in place, our little petty selfish sensual craving for flirtations, and dabblings in our lavish enjoyment of our own Luciferic “selfie” Pornography. We cannot recognize or name any of our deluded Patriotic Ahrimanic/Corporate war pornography because we gave ourselves permission to assume American Exceptionalism.  We have no moral resistance or cognitive tools to identify and combat our Sadistic attraction to I AM pornography and the destruction of the interior of our I by the Asuras.Desperation the gnashing of teeth and the Risen Etheric Christ

Chris Hedges (Click Link)

“Pornography,” Robert Jensen writes, “is what the end of the world looks like.”

The income of the global porn industry is estimated at $96 billion, with the United States market worth about $13 billion. There are, Dines writes, “420 million Internet porn pages, 4.2 million porn Web sites, and 68 million search engine requests for porn daily.” [To see excerpts from Dines’ book, click here.]

I met Gail Dines, one of the most important radicals in the country, in a small cafe in Boston on Tuesday. She is the author of “Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality” and a professor of sociology and women’s studies at Wheelock College. Dines, along with a handful of others including Jensen, fearlessly decry a culture that is as depraved as Caligula’s Rome.

“The porn industry has hijacked the sexuality of an entire culture and is laying waste to a whole generation of boys,” she warned. “And when you lay waste to a generation of boys, you lay waste to a generation of girls.”

“When you fight porn you fight global capitalism,” she said. “The venture capitalists, the banks, the credit card companies are all in this feeding chain. This is why you never see anti-porn stories. The media is implicated. It is financially in bed with these companies. Porn is part of this. Porn tells us we have nothing left as human beings—boundaries, integrity, desire, creativity and authenticity…  Porn is woven into the corporate destruction of intimacy and connectedness, and this includes connectedness to the earth.”

We don’t know what Hollow Human Beings mean, or what awaits our children as we Hollow them into empty replications of human cartoons. The infectious aberrations of the distortions, debauchery of our doubles through our cardboard education and our visceral and vital attraction to sit-com sensual debasement and torture drives the economies of the world and human civilization to overthrow, rip apart and destroy the true I AM. And we frankly don’t care. We don’t know what the I AM does or what it means and we have never really cared to do the work to find or hear the I AM in ourselves, our children or our fellow human beings. The I AM for us is a phantasm not the foundation from which we may ascend to the Starry revelation of Sophia and Initiation Path of the Risen Etheric Christ.

INTRO to (Part 1) Grappling with the Monsters of the American Psyche ( CLICK LINK)

THIS HAS BEEN (Part 2) Grappling with the Monsters of the American Psyche (5th Age of Pisces America and the Consciousness Soul)

(Part 3) Grappling with the Monsters of the American Psyche (6th Age of Aquarius study in Spirit-Self, Manas (CLICK LINK)

(Part 4) 7th Age of Capricorn study in Life-Spirit, Budhi and the Eighth Sphere [COMPLETED CLICK LINK]


Something sweet and wonderful about KENTUCKY. There is one person missing from the fabled Fab Four but there is no question that we still may see the FOUR CHAMBERED HEART and still smile at the warm human goodness. (CLICK LINK)


America was an unfettered Intuitive Light House of Freedom, requiring no sober, stiff, Traditions and Habits and Formalities. Patriotism, is spontaneous intuition and the American Memory and an American Tragedy, that we lost or the Spiritual World pulled Robin Williams glowing spirituality from us. The Language of the Consciousness Soul and the hidden acceleration hidden in the English/Americanized elemental Sylph startling Intuitions of Mercury, quick as living, spontaneous light, resides in the American Folk Spirit. The English Language is a unique vehicle for Sylph inspired Mercurial Intuition that leaps over conventions into the shimmering light core of the scintillating science of the American Spirit. Robin carried that Spirit in America with him over the threshold. SALUTE AMERICA CLICK LINK. 


AMERICA. The highways, the turn-pikes, the back-roads and the by-ways, the free ways and once upon a time in our youth, my youth, we could hitch-hike across this magnificent Land from coast to coast. And that joy in American Innocence is still there, because THESE ARTISTS, and these souls and so many of us who incarnated in the West truly, lived, loved, hold dear and still admire what America has given us. SIMON AND GARFUNKEL AND AMERICA (CLICK LINK)


Here are the basicS of THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL of America. This is what has transpired. I have the utmost respect for Chris Hedges and I want you to think, that if Karl Rove had a twin brother, with an actual soul and conscience, who saw morally, perceptively, truly and clearly America would and does look like this. Not through a glass darkly but with CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL, 5th cultural Age clarity —- CLICK LINK.

Eurythmy, Speech, The Word and the study of Etheric Phytology (one) by Bradford Riley

100 Years of Eurythmy

Part ONE takes up the Introduction with an emphasis on the CONSONANTS. (completed)

Part TWO will take up the VOWELS (Part TWO –  A Completed click this link)

Part TWO – B of the Vowels (not completed)

Part THREE will address aspects of the Dramatic Arts. (COMPLETED CLICK LINK)

Eurythmy was born in the year 1912. This essay honors the one hundred-year ongoing revelation of the birth of Eurythmy. Here in 2012,  where we are in the 21st Century,we are still growing toward the future Etheric Revelation of the Word. It fills and informs our Etheric Bodies and enlivens our Speech forces in every language.We are slowly recovering the Living Powers in each Word and in each Sound. Far, far into the distant future a Maitreya Buddha is on the way, on the path to consciously strengthening her/his Etheric Body to Life Spirit. The Maitreya Buddha will use the Resurrection of the Word and the Life Giving Power of the Breath to re-charge and re-awaken the deeper slumbering forces of humanities latent and potent spirituality. Our task is to bring these forces of the Word back to Life so that Language is not entombed by Ahriman.

“In Eurythmy we see this inner process manifested outwardly. In Eurythmy the entire body becomes a larynx of the Gods. Eurythmy is the visible manifestation of the art of listening to heart-speak. In Eurythmy we walk the words of the gods – that we found in our hearts and direct with our heads – into the world.” By Adriana Koulias

Rudolf Steiner (Link to following quote)

In our Embryology Studies “….we have also learned how on his way down he first gathers to him the influences of the firmament of the fixed stars, represented in the signs of the Zodiac; then, as he descends further, he takes with him the influence of the moving planets.

“Now just picture to yourselves the Zodiac, the representation of the fixed stars. Man is exposed to their influence on descending from the life of soul and spirit into earthly life. If their effects are to be designated in accordance with their actual being we must say that they are cosmic music, they are consonants. And the forming of consonants in the physical body is the echo of what resounds from the single formations of the Zodiac, whereas the formation of vowels within the music of the spheres occurs through the movements of the planets in the cosmos.This is imprinted into the etheric body.

“Thus, in our physical body we unconsciously bear a reflection of the cosmic consonants, whereas in our etheric body we bear a reflection of the cosmic vowels.This remains, one might say, in the silence of the subconscious.

“But as the child develops, forces press upwards within the body and strengthen the speech organs; these are forces that, as reflections of the formative forces of the cosmos, build up the speech organs. The more interior speech organs are so formed out of Man’s essential being that they can produce vowels, and the organs nearer to the periphery, the palate, the tongue, the lips and everything that contributes to the form of the physical body, are built up in such a way that consonants can be produced.

“While the child is learning to speak, something takes place in the upper part of his being, as a result of the activity of his lower part, which is a consequence of the formative forces taken up into the physical body, and also into the etheric body. (This is naturally not a material process but has to do with formative activity.) Thus when we speak, we bring to Manifestation what we might call an echo of the experience Man goes through with the cosmos in the life between death and a new birth during his descent out of the divine spiritual world.

“All the single letters of the alphabet are actually formed as images of what lives in the cosmos.We can get an approximate idea of the signs of the Zodiac if we relate them to modern speech by setting up B, C, D, F, and so forth, as constellations of the Zodiac. You can follow them by feeling the revolution of the planets in H (ed.: ‘H’ like in him, her) — H is not actually a letter like the others, H imitates the rotational movement, the circling around. And the single planets in their revolutions are always the individual vowels which are placed in various ways in front of the consonants.

“If you imagine the vowel A to be placed in here (see diagram) you have the A in harmony with B and C, but in each vowel there is the H. You can trace it in speaking — AH, IH, EH. H is in each vowel. What does it signify that H is in each vowel? It signifies that the vowel is revolving in the cosmos. The vowel is not at rest, it circles around in the cosmos. And the circling, the moving, is expressed in the H hidden in each of the vowels.

“Consider, therefore, a vowel harmony expressed somewhere in speech: let us say I, O, U, A. (ed.: IH, OH, UH, AH in German) What is expressed by this? Something is expressed that is the cosmic working of four planets. Let us add one of the consonants to something like this — IOSUA — let us add this S in the middle of it, and this would mean that not only the forming of vowels within the planetary spheres is expressed, but also the effect that the planets connected with I, O, U, A, experience in their movement through the connection with the star sign S.

“Thus if a Man in the days of ancient civilization uttered the name of a God in vowels, a planetary mystery was expressed. The deed of a divine being within the planetary world was expressed in the name. Were a divine name expressed with a consonant in it, the deed of the divine being concerned reached in thought to the representative of the fixed star firmament — the Zodiac.”

The Karma of Specific Instances

When we look at the trail of destiny that brought us to The Word, to Eurythmy and the investigations into Speech, and the individual sounds, we each have our specific journeys. On my journey to discover the secrets of the Word, I had no cohesive understanding of the magnitude of insight I would encounter or how it all interconnected.

I was headed for Dornach when I was twenty and twenty-one years old. I had my two children and my wife with me but I was unable to enter immediately into Dornach, Switzerland. I had met Anthroposophy in London. Became a member of the society in London, had two children in London and having appealed to Francis Edmunds and Emerson College in England, I was bumped or detoured by Francis Edmunds and an amazing International Group of actors, writers and directors, to go directly to the Goetheanum (Click Link near end of Drama study) instead of attending Emerson College. What did I know?

Francis Edmunds was a character right out of Tolkien. My wife and I loved him. I think he was an Aries. We wept thinking we couldn’t stay with this wonderful human being. A.C. Harwood was my sponsor at Steiner House and signed my pink card. But my very, very, first profound Rosicrucian connection to all of this was the Eurythmist who introduced us to the stars and came to our London flat and discussed things with us, my wife and I, amidst the two babies – was the beloved Jeane Lynch.

I cannot tell you how astonished I was, a hippie with long hair, and this adventurous Eurythmist would show up on her little Scooter and take us outside and show how by stretching her one arm out, say at a full moon, than the exact math of the sun and the sign the sun was in, was on the opposite side when she stretched her other arm out, so she could directly locate each star and the position of the Zodiac of the Sun, Moon and planets, name them, and showed us some of the Sounds of Eurythmy. My wife and I were struck dumb that people talked, knew, said the deepest mysteries that we had thirsted to hear out of anyone’s lips. Yet it all had to wait until we got to England from the U.S. Bless your Spirit Jean Lynch, I never saw her again.

I was unprepared for this detour that took me away from Emerson College towards a path that led to the Goetheanum. I knew nothing of the German Language. But here is what I now consider most astonishing. I had to wait for housing, student housing and had to bide my time on my journey to Switzerland from England, through Briançon, France ( See Link).  I had to stay for six months in a place called Dormillouse in the French Alps (See Link we bathed in this Waterfall) under very, very primitive but astonishingly pristine conditions.

We had no real money or income and coming from England we had to reduce our burdens to back-packs and suitcases. I had one book that I had fallen in love with and that book is what has allowed me to, although I did not know it, allowed me to build my first foundation to Etheric studies from the foundation of intimate perception.

The Etheric studies of the Word that I would encounter through my training in Speech and Drama in Dornach, Switzerland and the Goetheanum became integrated in me, over the long run of my lifetime, from the book I used for six months, and carried with me to Dormillouse (SEE LINK), where I explored every herb, flower, berry, bush, and scrub that grew with pristine elemental glory, high above traffic, cities and life below. The book I carried with me was Nicholas Culpeper‘s illustrated Herbal Guide 1616-1654 (see Link).

It was illustrated with color drawings of every flower and herb in Europe, their planetary and zodiacal origins and virtues. I could find nearly all of these plants in the wild and learned to dry them and make tea and other beverages from them. The Earth and nature around me was an open book with the letters and words appearing in the flowers and herbs, the colors, and scents, (how we learn to squeeze Rosemary or Lavender between our fingers and hold it up to our noses, the sweet smell of chamomile – smell, sight, taste, touch, identification of knowing – activating my etheric senses to the mystery of the Earth)  and the stars were clear nearly every night high up in Dormillouse (See Link) . They were medicinal herbs and Culpeper showed the parts of the body and inner organs that they affected, doses, and remedies that could be found teaming with life all around us. It was a script that for some unknown reason I understood.

It was a language that I could see printed before me, by the native waterfalls, in sheep dung, on the edge of cliffs. Edible berries, elixirs for headaches and quiet and restful sleep were out in the library living with Etheric innocence and splendor. For some reason this book and the text of nature and all her etheric splendor, long before I got to know the Sounds of the Consonants and Vowels of Speech that also bore the same virtues of the Stars, the same curative forces that are used in Curative Eurythmy, different planetary virtues in the Vowel sounds and different forces of the Zodiac in each Consonant – long before I was enriched beyond measure at the Goetheanum, there were the elemental beings, virtues, planet and star forces written in the colorful script of nature herself.

Oh this process of learning did not occur over night. Later I would understand how the Angels, the regions, the various countries and their Archangelic Language forces wove into the Etheric tone and coloring of different peoples. I could enter into each accent and gesture of the different Languages over the whole of the Earth and it was part of my most intimate training in  drama, it was part of Eurythmy and most importantly it was part of the Etheric wisdom that we are swimming in and that comes up to the surface and flows through our being when we do Eurythmy or practice Speech. (My Seed Thoughts in forming this document SEE LINK)

The lowest body of the Angelic Kingdom, one stage above humanity, is the Etheric World. The Angelic Kingdom have as their lowest body, the Etheric Kingdom of nature. The purest expression of the Angelic Kingdom appears before our human gaze as the Flowers, Vegetables, Herbs, orchards, gardens and fields of the Earth.

Rudolf Steiner, (see link)

“There could be no such thing as speech were it not for the fact that, during the natural course of his early development, the child has inherent within him the instinct to move his arms and hands. These movements are held back and become concentrated in the organs of speech; and these organs of speech are in themselves an image of that which seeks outlet in movements of the arms and hands, and in the accompanying movements of the other limbs.

“The etheric body — I can, after what you have heard in the morning lectures, (published as The Evolution of Consciousness.) speak to you quite freely about the etheric body — the etheric body never uses the mouth as the vehicle of speech, but invariably makes use of the limb-system. And it is those movements made by the etheric body during speech which are transferred into the physical body. Of course you can, if you choose, speak quite without gesture, even going so far as to stand rigidly still with your hands in your pockets; but in that case your etheric body will gesticulate all the more vigorously, sheerly out of protest!

“Thus you can see how, in very truth, Eurythmy is drawn out of the human organisation in just as natural a way as speech itself.”

The Angelic Kingdom takes the pure watery life and the pure blood or green flowing lymphatic structure of the plants Chlorophyll, and lives as a song, as an Angelic prayer of pure math in the woven beauty of the tapestry we barely understand as nature. This plant blood has the same structural composition as our human blood, save that the Etheric Plant has no I AM and no astral desires. Yet the photosynthesis of light, the digestion of light itself is not only built into the etheric realities of the plant, their leafy hands crave the light, gesture to the light and follow the path of light through the day, but our own Etheric bodies and our Speech forces carry this germinal, Etheric and Word Forming power that exists in the plant world.

Albert Steffen’s school of Schöne Wissenschaften author Isabel Wyatt (1901-1992)

The Moon-Drawn juices mount; the leaves distil
The Sun’s gold heart-beats into chlorophyll.
Out of the Plant’s green blood man’s red is wrought,
While stars rain down to gild his brow with thought.

Some plants literally fold themselves up at night and go to sleep and wake again when they sense the light that floods through their etheric floral systems. Here we literally behold in nature the same Eurythmy that exists in human speech when the flower petals open in the ‘Ah’ gesture of Venus and well being of the lymphatic system; Or close in the ‘Uh’ gesture of inwardness and Saturn as darkness approaches.

Albert Steffen ‘Aphorisms”

“Before you begin to write poetry you should say to yourself that the vowels are the soul experiences of an Angel who feels reverence in ‘AH’, marvel in ‘O’, fear in ‘UH’, and consonants are his gestures.

“Languages still require a great amount of work until they become a suitable instrument for the Word. The vowels must be purified, so that perfect feelings may live in them. What can purify them? The Angel beings who dwell upon the planets through which we pass after death – the sound and light emanating from these beings. And every consonant must acquire a contour through the fact that we learn to master our physical body.

“Speech is all the more pure, perfect, beautiful and young, the more the will emancipates it from the bodily processes and rules over them. The voice itself never grows old; it transmits something that lives beyond old age; it is the means of expression of the eternal ENTELECHY.”

It is within our human blood system that our I AM responds not only with vitamin D and outer sunlight through our skin, but an entirely pure and  transmuted Sun Light now appears from the raying in of the Risen Etheric Christ light which is the very substance and nourishment of our own I AM and carries Light like the purest plant/Etheric Chlorophyll blood.

Exquisite hidden floral ensembles arise, that if we had ears to hear, each flower, plant, blossom, stem and leaf arrangement would sound forth the wisdom of the planetary and zodiacal geometry that surrounds us in nature. Each Consonant and each Vowel and each Eurythmy form reveals an impressive human Etheric body, boldly dynamic flitting, fleeting, butterfly –  imprinted with a Zodiacal virtue and color and Planetary Vowel Soul force, yet as quick as Speech and as mobile as the watery/lymphatic fluidity of motion in the breath of the Word or singular sounds we utter for an instant, frozen in tone. And the human lymphatic and etheric system is mobile, mercurial and designed to capture the lawful quickening pulse of the Zodiac, Tone, Consonants and emotionally rich Vowels that sound forth from our souls and the very soul of Words themselves.  Each vowel contains the soul of a Word and each Consonant in a word carries the zodiacal message of that word.

The Key to the Phytology and Science of the Word (study link here)

‘Look at the plant. It grows from the seed, develops leaves and blossom. But the plant is pervaded by a mysterious force which arises in the heart of the blossom as the new seed. What surrounds the seed will fall away; but the innermost force that can be perceived in the heart of the blossom enables you to feel that a new plant will arise from the old. If you ponder on the power and the force of the Sun’s light, Feeling that in it you are beholding merely the physical expression of a spiritual reality and letting yourselves be inspired by the spiritual power of the Sun, then you will begin to understand the prophetic announcement of the Divine Fruit that is to be born from the Earth!’

The Sounds, the vowels themselves, when anyone we know and love utters one of the Vowels our hearts can become wounded, our souls may be lifted to rejoice in elation. An etheric smile radiates out from our faces or a literal frown, a color, a mood overwhelms us and we are brought to tears and troughs of intimate sadness. The Vowels themselves are OUR intimate expressions of the Planets. We are the WORD BEARING creations of the Logos Itself.

We carry in our living expression, in our tone, in our waking moods of heart and soul, in our commands and in our kindness and compassion the entire Planetary and Zodiacal Living force that centers itself in our Larynx and ripples with life through out our entire Etheric and Lymphatic system.  Our fantastic and colorful array of astral emotions, passions, tenderness, our Etheric Life in the MMMM sound when delicious food calls forth a kind of MMMM – MMMOOO that we associate with the cow, but for a moment we hum ‘MMMM’s’ as a direct revelation of our Etheric and Astral bodies immune system.

It isn’t enough to merely cruise by a word like IMMUNE system. This is exactly what Speech and the Science of the Word, the Word as Hieroglyphs raised to restored Etheric Life means. It means looking with new eyes at the ‘MM’s’ in IMMUNE system and realize just how much the Waters of Life, Aquarius and the sign of the Water Bearer means. Our Immune systems are flooded with Life. In the simple word IMMUNE there is an initial effect of Light then two ‘MM’s stir the waters into motion and resolve themselves in a Saturn like UH that goes right down to our feet in Pisces and, Pisces is the ‘N’ sound.

John Gospel 5:4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

All the Consonants were once Pictographs, full fledged living Imaginations that were also actual streaming living forces. I for one, hardly think we can live, if we are students of the Word, if we haven’t digested Cuneiform writing, invented by the ancient Sumerians around 3500 B.C. and Hieroglyphic writing, invented by the ancient Egyptians around 3200 B.C. and trace those Pictographs out to Chinese characters and Japanese Picto signs. We cannot grasp, haven’t been taught or interested enough to track down Arnold Wadler and immerse ourselves in Chapter Six, “The Origin of Writing in Picture – Consciousness”. The entire book paves the way for our journey through language, living pictures, etheric imaginations and the elastic forces of the Word used in ancient Atlantis, down through words printed in stone, to dead languages, where the pictures became merely dead letters -LATIN – to the magnificent Ascension of Language and the Word through Speech and Eurythmy, that resurrects the magic life that exists in Consonants and Vowels. Pictographs of these living streaming forces were the origins of how Language began. When we study Language, Real Language, we really must refer to Arnold Wadler’s amazing text, “ONE LANGUAGE SOURCE OF ALL TONGUES”  (SEE LINK).

We are in the AGE of the Fishes, of Pisces at this moment. However when we do enter the AGE of Aquarius, the false and true confrontation with the Human Immune system and the beneficent Etheric Waters of Life against the Ahrimanic mass manufactured Immune System will reach cultural and tragic crescendos, instead of dancing and singing ‘This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” (See Clip) we might be plunged into the realm of a manufactured and counterfeit, Ahrimanic and Sunless Etheric replacement to our Immune Systems. Don’t be fooled, we are still in the age of Pisces the Fishes, but the Sixth Cultural Epoch is approaching and that age will be under the mandate of the Immune system, the Water Bearer.

John the Baptist is referred to as an Aquarius Initiation. We have waters or dipping our heads under the waters to be able to momentarily SEE into the Spirit. We also have the Washing of the Feet, of our Pisces forces, our feet, being immersed in new Etheric Waters, with the Washing of the Feet. However this coming Sixth Epoch, the Aquarius cultural epoch, is not under the Consciousness-Soul, which is where we are currently struggling.  The Sixth cultural epoch will be, and is preparing even now, for Spirit-Self or Manas. Due to Ahrimanic interference it will likely mean that our Immune systems will have been toxically interfered with and a whole new spirit force will be required to renew our Immune systems.

We are witnessing in this our Fifth cultural Epoch, the end of the Pisces Age, the invasive collapse of our Immune system directly due to Ahrimanic interference and intentionality. There is a great deal of understanding about the invasiveness of vaccines, weaponized bio-plagues, but we stand rather foolishly and ignorantly as we blindly vaccinate ourselves seasonally for flu or trustingly submit our children to between 20 to 60 vaccinations before the age of two.

I submit a link to one of the first hurdles in language you have to overcome is understanding a New York Brooklyn accent in an absolutely magnificent Doctor, who has taken a stand to inform us of the toxicity and attacks from Ahriman that have invasively overwhelmed society. (CLICK LINK)  The LINK reveals, aside from the Brooklyn visible study of  a literal etheric regional accent, the litany of attacks that Ahriman is making to control the Aquarian Mystery of our heavenly IMMUNE system. What the Doctor discusses are global attacks against the Etheric Body, just as Eurythmy awakens and stimulates our Etheric bodies. These attacks are part of the Fifth Epoch Age of Pisces by Ahriman against the very rising of the Fifth Age of Pisces that brings the awakening of the Etheric forces through Eurythmy and the Science of the Word and the great Agricultural Course by Rudolf Steiner.

So the Science of the Word sees visibly, a strong ‘I’ or sublimated   ‘  ‘i  ‘  standing in the hieroglyphic impression of the English word, immune system. Through this very Aquarian single word we can rise into the Time Sphere of the Zodiac, fast forward into the future, and see, literally through the Word what lies ahead.

In Mary, in Mother, in Mammary glands as the organs that, in the female mammal, produce milk for the sustenance of the young, we find ourselves loaded with the Speech Science of the MMM, three M’s. Which means that the flowing Life Forces from the cosmos, out of Aquarius and the Elemental Hieroglyph of the Eurythmy figure ‘M’ and the Cosmic force of the Stirring of the Waters, from the Cosmic Aquarius gesture used in Eurythmy acts as a restoring force in our human Etheric bodies.

How each Eurythmy figure was captured and tamed and brought from the wilds of Language and Speech into a Freeze Frame study, of what normally was never beheld, is a tale that goes all the way back to Origins of Language. Specifically the heavy finger of destiny pointed all the way back to the ancient Egyptian Mysteries. There in the depths of the Egyptian Mysteries, certain powerful WORDS were uttered by Hierophants and Initiates. Those WORDS had Elemental forces in them. Those Words were just a series of Consonants and Vowels, but with Living Elemental Beings, Spirit Beings that Lived in the trained breath-stream of Hierophants.

A Person of Interest “The Soul’s Awakening” (see Link)

“Inside the temple. The hall of initiation. The ceremony is performed on a broad flight of steps descending from the back to the front of the stage. The characters stand in groups below one another and on different steps. The drop-curtain goes up, disclosing everything in readiness for the initiation of the Neophyte, who is to be thought of as an earlier in-carnation of Maria; behind the altar and to the left of it stands the Chief Hierophant who is to be thought of as an earlier incarnation of Benedictus; on the other side the Recorder, an earlier incarnation of Hilary True-to-God; a little in front of the altar the Keeper of the Seals, an earlier incarnation of Theodora; in front, on the right side of the altar, the Impersonator of the Earth Element, an earlier in-carnation of Romanus, and with him the Impersonator of the Air Element, an earlier incarnation of Magnus Bellicosus; quite close to the Chief Hierophant, stands the Hierophant, an earlier incarnation of Capesius; on the left side of the altar the Impersonator of the Fire Element, an earlier incarnation of Doctor Strader, with the Impersonator of the Water Element, an earlier incarnation of Torquatus. In front of them Philia, Astrid, Luna and ‘the Other Philia.’ Four other priests stand in front of them. In front of all Lucifer to the left of altar and Ahriman to the right in the guise of sphinxes, with the cherubim emphasized in the case of Lucifer and the bull in the case of Ahriman. Dead silence for a while after the interior of the temple with its grouped mystics has become visible. The Keeper of the Temple, an earlier incarnation of Felix Balde, and the Mystic, an earlier incarnation of Dame Betide, lead the Neophyte in through a doorway on the right of stage. They place him in the inner circle near the altar, and remain standing near him.”

The Chief Hierophant:
The sphinxes speak — who were but images
Since e’er this rite by sages was performed.
Upon dead form the spirit now hath seized.
O Fate, thou dost sound forth as cosmic word!

I do not judge the man, I judge the deed
That will be wrought here in this holy place.
This holy mystic rite, which we perform
Hath not importance for ourselves alone.
Fate’s stream of cosmic evolution pours
Through word and deed of sacred priestly rites.
What happens here in pictures comes to pass
In everlasting life in spirit-worlds….

….The guides and leaders are themselves to blame.
Have they not learned to know the mystic force
Which penetrates in some mysterious way
With spirit, every word and sign of ours;
And ceases not from action even when
The contents of a soul are poured therein
Which hinders cosmic evolution’s course?

Initiation brought Candidates or Neophytes, prior to the Raising of Lazarus, to special schools and special trainings that brought the ripest candidates into a higher schooling and The Temple Sleep (see link). We follow this Temple Sleep and the Veil of Isis all the way to the powerful reality behind the Son of the Widow in the New Testament.  We are allowed to follow a failed stream of Egyptian Isis Initiation that included THE YOUTH OF NAIN, whom Christ personally recovered. The Youth of Nain remained through his many incarnations as the Son of the Widow, based on the failed and hazardous Initiation event experienced in a previous life through an Egyptian Isis Initiation Event.

To release the imprisoned elemental powers, to capture the flitting and fleeting elemental beings and hold them and observe them so that the forces of Consonants and Vowels, each Individual Elemental and en-souled force could be studied was a task greater than all of Shakespeare’s entire works. Shakespeare was able to identify and free Ariel, which we shall discuss later on. Shakespeare was able to free up one Elemental Sylph Spirit that had accompanied him through many incarnations. As Shakespeare evolved he was able to emancipate from his lower bodies, his astral body, the magnificent forces that each one of us has embedded in us.

What Fire – Air – Water – Earth elemental beings are embedded in us? Let’s clear up this issue so that we may grasp the magnitude of diagnosing and taming each slippery, shape shifting Consonant and Vowel and learning it’s pedigree and where it’s origin, originated from, aside from our lightening thoughts and our Speech system and our Etheric bodies. The order of magnitude of defining each sound, each dead letter, revealed in their pristine unfallen garments, their gestures and personalities stands above the magnificence, swirling through all of Shakespeare’s works.

In order for Buddha to free his Angel, to become a Buddha literally, literally entails freeing our Angel from his/her responsibilities. The Angel is then allowed to graduate to a higher level.  Before Buddha could free his Angel he had to transform all his elemental forces that held him into incarnation. Buddha had to liberate, and emancipate the entire colony of elemental beings that had served with Buddha as our Angel serves with us, until we unlock the cohesion and mysteries of our souls and Spirits and unlock Matter as the magnificent cohesion of Love and Light.

In “The Tempest” we witness, in all humility, the final play that through Shakespeare’s magnificent Symphonies of the Word, by way of the magical language forces Shakespeare used, he was able to demonstrate the freeing up of a mercurial Air Spirit, a Sylph that had served him as our mercurial Air Spirits serve our own intuitions.

Marie Steiner

“I once saw in Germany a large-scale production of Shakespeare’s Tempest. But of the elemental world and its spiritual nature, there was nothing to be perceived. There was certainly a lot of noise, temperamental outbursts and screaming. The Caliban scenes were exorbitantly overdone, and protracted in the realist manner far beyond anything Shakespeare apportioned them. And Ariel? There was nothing in him of aerial lightness and strength: a heavy, booming voice, hard as bone; the figure thick-set. There was much bouncing up and down and shrieking. But the bouncing did nothing to dispel the heaviness of that little, earth-bound, dumpy figure with its anti-halo of tousled, disheveled hair. An Ariel! Is not the word itself pure lightness and radiance – a soaring, sounding, hovering delight in the air?”

In all humility and in all objectivity of Initiation Science and Humanity, Spiritual Science has restored the entire body of language, and an entire Speech Treasure Box filled with animated mercurial Word Spirits. Eurythmy and the Science of the Word is a transcendent Portal of Initiation that lights our pathway, through the Word living in our Etheric bodies, back to the Gods.

We are now in the Age of the Fishes, in Pisces. The Egyptian Age was the Third Age and our Fifth Age, the age of the Fish has much to do with the Third Age, the Egyptian Age. Our age has everything to do with the resurrection of the Word Spirits. In Egypt the Tone and Mantric Words that called back the Astral Body of someone who lay in a TEMPLE SLEEP is the precise redemption of the Word that connects the Third cultural Epoch of Egypt to the deed of the recovery of each Sound and restoring each Sound to it’s rightful place, which is part of the karma of our Fifth cultural Epoch.

In ancient Egypt this Tone and Word power was part of the potent forces of Pictographic Language studies that we see written in hieroglyphs of stone in ancient Egypt and the magnificent research of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz (Click Link). True research and resurrection of the Word Beings is a hard job, but somebody had to take up the burden.

The Burden fell on the Karmic Intuition, and knowledge of one of the Chief Hierophants of ancient Egypt. This ancient Hierophant, was not commanded to do this or that, but the shadow of the great wings of the Archae Michael and the Etheric Christ tipped towards the deep karma of Rudolf Steiner. This time the Free Deed of Rudolf Steiner was prepared to see what the Divine Beings required and do a Free Deed which otherwise, as Freedom reveals to all of us, we look back on a debris field of SINS OF OMISSION.

We step into revelations of the most intimate karma and the most intimate free deeds that could only be intuited in the depths of the soul, that knew where it stood and when it stood there and who were the other players that stood there beside him. But for the sake of external spiritual riddles, The Souls Awakening and the Egyptian Scene Steiner wrote, can only be grasped externally by such research that R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz attempted (see link). However, when penetrating to a deeper level of Initiation Science and the revelation of the Human Word, we are required to actually penetrate the Karma of Humanity and see how our Best Human forces turned Sins of Omission from the past into Revelations for the future, drawing from deep well springs of Life Giving Spiritual Truths.

The Seven Post-Atlantean epochs

1. Indian/Hindu (7227-5067 BC) ————————————————- 7. American

2. Persian (5067-2907 BC) ——————————– 6. Russian/Slavonic

3. Egyptian (2907-747 BC) ———– 5. Anglo-Germanic (1413-3573 AD)

4. Graeco-Roman (747 B.C.-1413 AD)

Those Words and Tones that once called back the Individual Soul and Spirit from their out of body experiences, that lasted for Three Days, were once uttered with fully conscious magical Word Powers. There, back then, Elemental Beings embodied in the Power of the Word went forth into the astral worlds, the Devachan worlds, and retrieved the Travelers, the Neophytes for Initiation, and through the power of Speech and the Word, the Science of the Word, these candidates were led, escorted, back to their bodies. It was called a Temple Sleep.

This is exactly what Prospero, of “The Tempest,” commanded Ariel, to do. Ariel was sent through the Devachan and astral worlds to retrieve, ‘dead men’ which was nearly the condition of those in the old Temple Sleep. Ariel was charged with creating the conditions for catharsis and Initiation and bringing those participants and candidates for initiation back to their senses.

This was part of the precise hidden Mysteries of every ancient culture that Christ reversed, He turned the hidden Word of the Mysteries inside out. Christ performed The Temple Sleep, openly using the Word to Call Lazarus back to life, in public, before all of humanity.  For Speech it meant that Words were Intoned with fully conscious Power and Words were Spoken externally with condensed Spiritual Strength and The Time Was At Hand. Well my friends, there is World Karma in the Sounds of Speech.

So a panorama of the karma of one Chief Hierophant who arrived in the latter part of the 19th century and gets fully drenched in the storm of the Revelation of Michael bursting forth in thunderous lightening claps in 1879, opens the flood gates of magnificent New Insights into the Spiritual World. What will this Chief Hierophant discover about his incarnation gifts and his karmic path? This Person of Interest, this Chief Hierophant is brought before Goethean Science, plant and etheric metamorphosis. What ancient torch buried in our intuition and cognition will illuminate some of the riddles of this Chief Hierophant?

The torch we are discussing must illuminate the potential of the new powers of the Etheric World. If we use the analogy of the the Olympic Torch carried as the Spirit of Michael in investigating and laying the ground work for the Science of the Spirit of Humanity, then Goethe, his scientific work, his cutting edge revelation of Mephistopheles/Ahriman in our human psyche, lit a path from Greece to Germany. Someone had to see the torch that was carried and left burning. Hadn’t that same torch burned to the ground the Temple of Ephesus? Someone had to identify the torch, the light, or The Man with the Lamp, that had lit a trail from the ancient mysteries to the 20th century. Someone had to lift, raise and bring to the surface the Underground Temple that consolidated all the Mysteries of Humanity into a Christic-Michael Revelation.

In choosing to be a Scientist, in being drawn towards Goethe and finding the entire world of The Agricultural Course, Etheric Sciences, Plant Metamorphosis, Speech, and Eurythmy arising from the human etheric body to fulfill a shattering Karmic Event that goes all the way back to Egypt, well that puts a lot on someones plate.

What are the manifold and intimate reasons that the Resurrection of the Word and the awakening to Etheric Perception, the intimate forces hidden in each Consonant and in each Vowel, fell to Rudolf Steiner, is a riddle few Eurythmist concern themselves with.  Yet the Angelic forces written in the script of the plant world and Eurythmy as an answer to the awakening of humanity to the Etheric Word, points directly through Goethe, through ancient Greece, through Plato and Aristotle, from Ephesus to the 1st Goetheanum.

I look at the New Elemental forces of the Phytology and Botany of the Word, of the New Nature Forces arising from Eurythmy and Speech as an answer to the riddle of a shattering world karmic question. Millions, literally millions have been shocked by the Raising of Lazarus, but not nearly as shocked as one who felt the full impact of Saturn Karma shattering any illusions that Saul who became Paul felt or the riddles that Rudolf Steiner unraveled for the Fifth Cultural Epoch felt, in relation to all the pent up and locked up forces that sprang  at him like a lion when he recognized his Egyptian karma.

The talent to see with the ‘ I AM ‘ and bring public Initiation out of the closet into the glaring reality of the 20th and 21st century, from the ancient depths that had reverberated in the riddles hidden from public view in Egyptian Initiation, gives just a hint to us of the emotional grandeur, tragedy and complexity involved with the Destiny of Human Speech and the Resurrection of the Word through Eurythmy.

The seven post-Atlantean Cultural Ages:
Indian Age – Crab, Cancer
7227 – 5067 BC
Persian Age – Twins, Gemini
5067 – 2907 BC
Egypto-Chaldean-Babylonian Age – Bull, Taurus
2907 – 747 BC
Greco-Latin Age – Ram, Aries
747 BC – 1413 AD
Anglo-Saxon and Germanic Age – Fish, Pisces
1413 – 3573 AD
Russian, Slavic Age – Water, Aquarius
3573 – 5733 AD
American Age – Sea-Goat, Capricorn
5733 – 7893 AD

Education and Public Initiation and giving humanity the forces that strengthen and set into motion the new Etheric nature forces in Agriculture, in Speech, in each Consonant and Vowel and setting the laws of humanity that were lost, towards the good again, with the Science of Reincarnation and Karma, restoring the Greek and Human model of Truth – Beauty – Goodness through Art – Science – Religion, required a Human Being to go out beyond the shattering reefs and debris fields of the SINS OF OMISSION that are part of the Saturn Beings.

Part of the debris field that surrounds any individual who attempts, unconsciously, to scale the Walls where Saturn stands ominously reflecting the consequences of each of us, well, put it this way, most of us cannot even glimpse the magnitude of the I AM once it passes through the karmic necessities of Saturn.

Most people have no idea that we are not Science Fiction Space Voyagers in the stars, we are literally building the stages to become conscious participants in the work of the Heavens. In our real journey out beyond Saturn we will have a moment later in PART TWO – A of the Vowels (Click Link), to consider the Mystery of Saturn and the real Saturn Beings.

The Vowel sound UH carries weight, centricity, gravity, consolidation and the forces that contract the Spirit to a narrow point where the I AM slowly begins to glow under extreme compression. What Elemental Being and force has the task to contract the entire splendor of a plant, into the tiny fire chamber of the seed? Pure Goethean Science, pure Botany, Pure Eurythmy where we are introduced to a new nature being, hidden in Speech, who serves the deepest mysteries of Saturn, holds that sacred position in the realm of Speech and the Vowels.

We can see what the seed kernel of the I AM becomes and what Christ could observe shimmering in Lazarus in the darkness of the TOMB.  A word like TOMB or GLOOM truly reveals a certain elemental nature force in the new Botany and Phytology of the Science of the Word. This mighty Saturn Force rolled away the stone that covered the TOMB and our Earth is still reverberating from the Cosmic Seed Force, still gathering strength and fortitude through the upwelling power of Eurythmy,  that was released from the TOMB on Easter morning.

“The young German poet Novalis became a seer — we might almost say ‘miraculously’ — by the grace of divine-spiritual Powers. Through a deeply shattering event which made him aware, as if by a stroke of magic, of the connection between life and death, his eyes of spirit were opened and as well as a great vista of past ages of the Earth and Cosmos, the Christ Being Himself appeared before him. He was able to say of himself that he was one who with the eyes of spirit has actually seen what is revealed when ‘the stone is lifted’ (CLICK LINK)  and the Being who has furnished earthly existence with the proof that life in the spirit will forever overcome death, becomes visible.”

And what of those in Ahriman’s Army of Monsanto who lock the Seed Force and never let them out, control and regulate and catastrophically manipulate the regenerative seed force, or force humanity to pay a price to Ahriman to let any seed forces at all out of the Tomb? What if we grasped vividly that Ahrimanic Monsanto have been setting traps by tampering with the seed forces of the Etheric Life of Humanity, the Bees, and our Etheric Sun Evolution forces that are alive in the Risen Etheric Christ Being? What if we knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Ahriman wished to prevent all of humanity and our children from ever developing our higher Etheric potentials? That in fact a Counterfeit Etheric Body, manufactured by Ahrimanic Science is already in the works designed to prevent any higher forces of Speech, Eurythmy OR the New Nature forces of the Living Etheric Christ from becoming activated and alive within us and our children. What then?

So if we now measure three events we see the problem of the Word and the changes of the Power of the Word and the requirement to lift the Human Word back into the Elemental Powers of the Constellations and the Planets, because that was their origins and that is whom they served. Nobody has ever known, save those in the depths of the Mysteries and THE CHRIST BEING, through His Human Speech, that each Consonant and Vowel were living elemental beings who were nesting as part of the great future mystery hidden in our human Larynx.

These three events, the Raising of Lazarus through the Word; The resolution of the Egyptian Mysteries through the Youth of Nain, that had defiled the Word forces and caused immense casualties, because there were human spirits who had  Lifted the Veil of Isis with out proper preparations, caused immense shattering consequences. And finally the third factor which has caused Eurythmy to arise and the capturing of each Consonant and  Vowel and bringing each Elemental Sound back to their origins and Lift humanity through the Power of the Word, was the fact that Christ Himself spoke and imbued with life the fallen Language of all the Consonants and Vowels. In the Living Breath of the Christ Being the stream of  Speech as New Nature Forces lit up, were awakened back to life, returned as beneficent servants of the stars. They were Restored and brought back to Life because a God breathed Eternal Life back into the Living Forces of the wild menagerie of Word Beings.

The resurrection of The Bread of Life, by restoring the Word is, once again, so astonishing when we consider The Fifth Cultural Epoch we are in, and the Hierophant Christ Being, using the Twelve Constellations to re-educate humanity, and send a signal out to all those who have ears to hear, that THE FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND, with renewable Sound and renewable edible Etheric Life Forces, were a direct Signal given out by the Christ Being in the ritual of breaking the bread and gathering and re-distribution of the crumbs. This essay is part of the crumbs, each Eurythmy performance are part of  fragments of the mystery of FEEDING THE FIVE THOUSAND. Each Speech student of the living Word, each Eurythmy student is fulfilling an inner calling that went out to the Fifth Cultural Epoch, to regain the nourishment of the Word into their very Beings.

Matthew 4:4″But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

Since each Consonant and Vowel have now been Captured and Restored through the  intimate and delicate research work of a person of interest who had a great deal to do with the ancient karma of Egypt we’re back on task with one of the most hidden secrets of our Fifth cultural epoch that connects to the depth of Egypt and our Third cultural epoch (See Link). The Science of the Word, the Dawning of a whole new stream of Nature Forces produced through Speech and Eurythmy are required to lift Creation and Humanity upwards through the changed soul-scape of the Etheric worlds.

The Age of Pisces and the Human Word

“The brightest star in Pisces Austrinus is Fomalhaut, associated in ancient Persia with Ahriman. The open mouth may indicate an ahrimanized or materialistic form of speech, for speech descended, became dispersed into many languages, and began to be used personally and profanely during the third cultural age (Tower of Babel). According to Rudolf Steiner, speech is to be redeemed and will again be sacred in the future, thus Pisces Austrinus continues to receive sweet water from the jug of Aquarius, sign of the Sixth Age.”

Those Beings of the Word that had once served in bringing the Soul and Spirit back into their bodies, now have the task of slowly and carefully coming into the service of refashioning the Etheric Body of Humanity, that we may join and participate in the New Cosmic Nature forces living in the revelation of the Etheric Worlds where Christ now dwells.  Math, Science, Music, Pythagoras, the Music of the Spheres, the Tonal living elemental and cosmic force in each letter and each word, are no longer Dead Language.

To plunge deeper into the problem we are addressing, it would be important to look into the so called Battle of the Minstrels (Study carefully this Link). This obscure and Real event, where Star Beings of the Word were attempted to be re-enslaved, that the elemental beings we have been discussing were brought deeply back into enslavement is not trifling.  We should take what is being offered with far more seriousness, for Starry Language Beings are being sought by Ahriman for enslavement into a counterfeit Ahrimanic and counterfeit materialistic language divorced from their Starry Origins. What follows has everything, literally everything to do with overcoming the decadent effects of the misuse of ancient Word Forces by former Initiates.

Part of the the problem of Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg and the Battle of the Minstrels (Special “Star Mysteries and the Word” – CLICK LINK)  is that it put the Word on Notice.

Human Speech and the starry forces of the Word could be enchanted down into the service of materialism. Eurythmy and Speech here described out of Spiritual Science, overcomes the enslavement of Language that Ahriman is seeking and was researched with intensity and spiritual strength by George Orwell in his “1984”. All these things are intimately connected. We are required to understand that the very redemption of the Starry Word Beings we are discussing, are being  threatened with imprisonment within materialistic language constructs that Ahriman and humanity are already locked into.

Rudolf Steiner “The Course of My Life”, Chapter XXXIV

“The evolution of the CONSCIOUSNESS – SOUL exposes the “Word” to danger from two directions. On the one hand it is made the vehicle of social understanding, and on the other it serves to communicate logical, intellectual knowledge. In both spheres the “Word” loses all value of its own. It has to be adapted to the “sense” of what it expresses. That the tone, the sound and the formation of the sound possess a reality of their own has to be forgotten. The beauty and luminous quality of the vowels, the unique character of the various consonants, are lost in speech. The vowel is drained of soul, the consonant of spirit. Speech deserts utterly the sphere of its origin – the spiritual sphere. It becomes the slave of intellectual knowledge and of a social life that shuns the spirit. It is divorced entirely from the domain of art.

“True spiritual perception is also instinctively an “experience of the Word”. Through it one learns to enter into the soul-quality that resonates in the vowel, and the spiritual power of depiction that resides in the consonant. One gradually begins to comprehend the mystery of speech and its evolution: how divine-spiritual beings could once speak to man’s soul through the Word, whereas now it is merely a means of communicating in the physical world.

“To lead the word back to its own sphere requires the enthusiasm kindled by such a spiritual insight. Marie von Sivers had this enthusiasm. Through her personality there entered the Anthroposophical Movement the possibility of cultivating the art of speech and speech-formation. Thus to the activity of imparting spiritual knowledge was added cultivation of the art of recitation and declamation, and this played an ever-increasing part in the events that were organized within the Anthroposophical Movement.”

That Power in the ‘M’ comes from the Water Bearer, the zodiacal sound offered from the constellation of Aquarius. It is so powerful, so stirring and has such an effect on the Etheric body that it was used as the vibratory end of the tone AUM or as the Speech and Drama Course by Rudolf Steiner revealed once and for all to humanity, it wasn’t just OM (I apologize in advance for this Link, I just thought you needed a break in your concentration), it wasn’t just two letters, it was Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end and the actual tonal structure used, that is still valid today is AH – O – U – M.

The ‘MMM” sound stirs our salivary etheric forces to life in smells and tastes with instinctual elemental force, even babies come forth knowing how to awaken and stimulate their Etheric Life forces by intoning  ‘MMMMM’ like a sweet and healthy symphony that the child still experiences resounding through the universe as health, Etheric Life and well being.

Through the Phytology and Botany studies of the Human Word we learn how we explore each gesture of our tongues and what our tongues can do, what our lips do, in how we meet our Karma through a Kiss. Through a KISS, how the lower and upper lips appear on each human being is an amazing study of thin or voluptuousness of lips that reveal completely different forces, readable and definable forces that appear in the Lips and help define the Soul and Spirit of the face that wears those lips.

Here we come to something so extremely astonishing, that in the structure and forces of our Lips, our blood, our compassion, our sympathy and most importantly our Hearts rise in the Lyric sounds and the Lip placement Consonants serve the soothing delicacy of our Living I AM.  The I AM lives in our blood and we meet the world with Love in the Consonants that serve Lyric Poetry and live close to our heart forces.

Lyric Poets and Lyric Poetry of such an astonishing variety works back directly into the region of our hearts and infuses the I AM with cognitive Love for the world and the Beings who are nearest and dearest to us. By practicing Lyric Poetry with a warmth close to the breath-stream and softened with the dignity of the human soul we create a direct pathway for the development of The Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart (See Link).

In the M’s and in the mood of Lyric Poets and Poetry, John Keats epitomizes the epitome of Lyric Poetry in this example that is all in the warmth of the intimate breath stream merging with the heart and Lip Placement concentration and focus. It has the making of a truly esoteric exercise and study in the Lyric forces of the I AM where the blood forces of the ‘ I ‘  and the breath-stream hover near the upper and lower lips and shimmer in the warmed movements of the intimacy of the heart. Most of the sounds of the poem lean towards the lips, caressing and holding tone, consonant and vowel into a forward placement of the Lips. A very potent example of Lyric Poetry by a most astonishing Lyric Poet.

Ode to a Nightingale

By John Keats

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
         My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
         One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
‘Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
         But being too happy in thine happiness,—
                That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
                        In some melodious plot
         Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
                Singest of summer in full-throated ease.
O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been
         Cool’d a long age in the deep-delved earth,
Tasting of Flora and the country green,
         Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!
O for a beaker full of the warm South,
         Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
                With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
                        And purple-stained mouth;
         That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
                And with thee fade away into the forest dim:
Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget
         What thou among the leaves hast never known,
The weariness, the fever, and the fret
         Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs,
         Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;
                Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
                        And leaden-eyed despairs,
         Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,
                Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.
Away! away! for I will fly to thee,
         Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,
But on the viewless wings of Poesy,
         Though the dull brain perplexes and retards:
Already with thee! tender is the night,
         And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,
                Cluster’d around by all her starry Fays;
                        But here there is no light,
         Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown
                Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.
I cannot see what flowers are at my feet,
         Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,
But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet
         Wherewith the seasonable month endows
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;
         White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;
                Fast fading violets cover’d up in leaves;
                        And mid-May’s eldest child,
         The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine,
                The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.
Darkling I listen; and, for many a time
         I have been half in love with easeful Death,
Call’d him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
         To take into the air my quiet breath;
                Now more than ever seems it rich to die,
         To cease upon the midnight with no pain,
                While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad
                        In such an ecstasy!
         Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain—
                   To thy high requiem become a sod.
Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
         No hungry generations tread thee down;
The voice I hear this passing night was heard
         In ancient days by emperor and clown:
Perhaps the self-same song that found a path
         Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
                She stood in tears amid the alien corn;
                        The same that oft-times hath
         Charm‘d magic casements, opening on the foam
                Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.
Forlorn! the very word is like a bell
         To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well
         As she is fam‘d to do, deceiving elf.
Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades
         Past the near meadows, over the still stream,
                Up the hill-side; and now ’tis buried deep
                        In the next valley-glades:
         Was it a vision, or a waking dream?
                Fled is that music:—Do I wake or sleep?

“Let Lips do what Hands do” touch caress, entwine with each other is again a Living Shakespeare Expression but it is also an integral part of the Science of the Word. We literally meet our Karma at our Lips through the starting points where a Mother Kisses her baby. A Mother resolves the pain and kisses the boo-boo and makes it better. All gone!  The Etheric bridge from the Mother to the Child and through the Language of the Mother Tongue magically envelopes the new born soul, now clothed in her earthly garment. Lovers leap to lavish or ravish each other, smother each other in kisses that explode with Life Forces of our Tongues that produce the very Sounds to say the names of our lovers. Their names become for us Life Forces, sometimes they become immortal, Juliet, Romeo, Beatrice and with a touch of Aphrodite and the fallen Venus mysteries we marvel in amazement at MM, Marilyn Monroe.

This was not even her original name, but what Lyric inspiration to Aphrodite and the power of Venus draws us upwards to our Lips and becomes a cultural epitome in a name? M & M melts in your mouth not in your hand (see link). It was so powerful, the force of these two MM’s of Marilyn Monroe that she found her way to Rudolf Steiner and read the Philosophy of Freedom. This is not a Joke.

“The following quote is taken from a biography of Marilyn Monroe called “Norma Jean: the Life of Marilyn Monroe” by Fred Lawrence Guiles, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York in 1969. The quote appears on pages 331-332 of the 333 page book.

“Some years before her death (in Dec. ’64), Dame Edith (Sitwell) had spent a winter in Hollywood. A meeting between the poetess and Marilyn was arranged by a monthly magazine. It was thought their ‘opposite’ personalities would throw off some journalistic sparks. No one could have foreseen that they would become immediate friends, nor could anyone have known that their deaths would be marked in an almost identical way—while their legends were growing in their lifetimes, they had been taken seriously by too few, too late.

“By the time she met Dame Edith, Marilyn had come a long way. If she had not been moving in an atmosphere— much of it self-created— so removed from her beginning, they might have had nothing in common. But when the introductions were over, these new and unlikely friends were left alone and began talking of Rudolph Steiner, whose personal history, “The Course of My Life”, Marilyn was reading at the time. Dame Edith was to remark later on Marilyn’s ‘extreme intelligence'”

“While living in Spring Valley in 1980, I had the good fortune of meeting the person who had sent Marilyn that copy of Steiner’sautobiography as well as a number of other Steiner books and lecture cycles that Marilyn requested over a ten year period from the Anthroposophical Library, then located at 211 Madison Avenue in New York City. I speak of the late Agnes Macbeth, wife of the late Norman Macbeth (author of “Darwin Retried”. Agnes worked for the library during the 1950’s, handling book requests and she vividly remembers the letters Marilyn posted asking for various lecture cycles. And although Marilyn had a reputation for tardiness and irresponsibility on her movie sets, Agnes assured me that Marilyn was very conscientious and punctual with her returns of the books.

“Marilyn Monroe was introduced to Steiner by her favorite drama teacher, Michael Chekhov (1890-1955), nephew of the playwright Anton, and fellow director with Stanislavsky in the Moscow Art Theater early this century. Marilyn was introduced to Chekhov in 1951 by one of his devoted students, the American character actor Jack Palance.  Marilyn opened herself like a sponge to water to Chekhov’s approach to theater which was so deeply influenced by Steiner that Chekhov left Stanislovski’s method behind.  And Marilyn opened herself very deeply to anthroposophy, not because she felt it would please her teacher, but Chekhov felt that it was one of the only times in her life that Marilyn did something out of her own free inner being.  The tragedy of Marilyn Monroe is that she opened herself up too much and became a slave, not only of the studio bosses, but also the expectations of a world that focused on her as such a fantasy object.  Yet deep inside her inner being, which no one in the media and our popular culture even believed she possessed, she spent the last 10 or 11 years of her tortured life cultivating the delicate plant of anthroposophy.”

Our Vowels and Consonants allow us to be the most Expressive Word Bearers that carry the law, in any language we study, of the entire Zodiac in our Consonants and all the rainbow colors of emotion of the planets in our Vowels. Every Language and every Etheric and Ethnic human being who speaks language, must use Vowels and Consonants. In agony, ecstasy or silence we feel and know the word and the elemental power of emotion that runs through us. In every instance what comes through us, through our Larynx, from our hearts are either raw Planetary Vowel Emotions or Living powers of the Zodiac that dance swiftly on the tips of our tongues in all the different Consonants.

This is how we enter into the study of Etheric and Astral Phytology, where each word, each letter, each sound, that runs in rivers from our lips, that we love, or our gestures, that are sometimes a whole language in themselves are all miniature cosmic forces we were never taught to behold. We come to know each WORD we utter and our fluid mimicry that runs etherically through our gestures as specific instances of the Botany and Phytology of the Word.

The Logos Law is new to some of you, but it is the major discovery that has been resurrected in the Word, in the fact that Consonants and Vowels were uttered by the Christ Being through Language and Sounds, means that those Sounds and those Words became immortal elemental forces of the New Nature that are arising from Eurythmy and resurrected to consciousness through the Science of Sound, Speech and the Word.

The Macrocosmic Logos that Spoke all things, that made Adam name and give etheric, astral identity to Life, that Macrocosmic Logos incarnated and used the Word and the laws of the Word, the humble human word, and breathed immortality into each Sound, each Consonant and each Vowel.

Through our Speech we partake, in miniature, microcosmic miracle, the same forces that Christ used in the Zodiac and Planets. We are the Living Logos of nature and from our Larynx, from our souls and from our spirits we produce, refined, into magic, the New Nature arising from the Living Word and Eurythmy.

In our Consonants we see the individual expressions and characters of the Zodiac and in our Vowels, the Vowels in each word, are the Soul of the Word, the soul of the moment and instant of our meaning and expression. The Consonants are the clothing, the zodiacal garments that our Souls wish to express themselves with. So that we enter into a Science of the Phytology of the Word and gradually come to know each Vowel and each Consonant and how a New Nature is being slowly resurrected from Eurythmy and the Science of the Word.

Just as the plants are fettered music and math filled with starry virtues, nutritional and etheric Sun Logos laws so is Eurythmy filled with the Sun Laws of the Cosmic and Human Word as it ripples through our human etheric bodies. Eurythmy sends a message back to the Angels that humanity has heard their prayers and understood the wisdom spread out in nature.

Our human skeletal systems manifest the frozen music of the zodiac, human beings are the Word Made Flesh. Eurythmy releases the frozen zodiac and planetary forces of nature and defines an entire new Elemental Human Kingdom of Language and the Word, a host of Consonants and Vowels in each and every Eurythmy form, has been snatched lovingly out of the ethers and richly restored as the Living Hieroglyphics that once lay frozen in the stone picture walls of ancient Egypt and Sumeria.

Rudolf Steiner

Behold the plant
It is the butterfly
Fettered to the earth.
Behold the butterfly
It is the plant
Set free by the cosmos.

Dr. Karl Konig

Behold the spoken word
It is speech
Fettered to the breath;
Behold heard language
It is the word
Set free from the head.

Clumping gnomes in the roots are Bass notes, Nymphs and undines serve the Etheric and Angel Kingdoms songs, by sending the fluids in obedience with lovely Tenor like weaving, and winding, through leaf and stem. To achieve blossom and seed the general design of the plant scales tighter, higher into Alto, as a rising Ascension written in the etheric script of nature peaks, time becomes space and the blossom would literally take flight into the Soprano.It is in the blossom where the very notes of the music call forth the sublime butterfly and winged laborer, the bee, to meet the Soprano and Alto spiral rise to the spirit.

This rising Sun Tone of exquisite music lifts the Queen upwards and upwards, and upwards where the mating with the weighty and bumbling drone male takes place high in the sunlit air. The Queen follows the Sun Tone of the highest plant symphonies high up into a stream of etheric light and tone where she mates with her consort in the Etheric Rich light, and tone unheard by human ears.

Humming birds and dragon fly’s shimmer in supersensible astral desires seeking nectar, while Eurythmy and the veritable Word finds itself in flitting Tone, in garments of tone, as Holy Spirit butterflies soaring on the lymphatic/etheric foundation that our human physical bodies offer to us. The laws of gravity are overcome, weight has been transsubstantiated to spirit. The Angel Kingdom rejoices in their flora strewn prayers uplifted in holy psalms to heaven and the human STAR FORM.

And of special concern, the Angel Kingdom calls forth from the stars themselves Homeopathic virtues distilled from each star. Spices, healing herbs, tastes to titillate and call forth our astral senses,  and awaken our etheric nutritional juices to the manna from the starry world that is woven into the unique design of each flowering herb, fruit, blossom, root, seed, stem and leaf. Each plant carries a Virtue and an Individuality and a familiar Elemental Spirit.

Literal Star virtues, healing herbs are dressed in mathematical finery, clothed with dappled colors that peek from every nook and cranny. Frozen, visible, sound, tone, Star Words that are loaded with secrets to heal our astral bodies illnesses and our etheric bodies dis-harmonies.

Luke 12:27 “Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

Nicholas Culpeper was born in 1616 in Surrey, England into an old noble family.  His father died shortly before his birth; and so, his grandfather was the main formative influence in his upbringing. He did his university studies at Cambridge, where he studied for the priesthood, but his heart wasn’t in it.  Culpeper was in love with a rich heiress of whom his family disapproved, so they planned to marry in secret.  On the eve of their elopement, his fiancee was struck dead by lightning, which sent Culpeper into a deep depression.

Culpeper’s best known and loved work is his herbal, called A Complete Herbal, which has never really gone out of print since it was first published.  It gives the astrological indications of every herb in terms of planets and signs of the zodiac.  According to Culpeper, plants were able to channel and embody the subtle life energies of the planets, which were then consumed as food and medicine.  Through an elaborate system of planetary sympathies and antipathies, he found the right herb or formula to treat the patient’s illness.

Each of these flowers, their roots, their stems, their leaves, buds, blossoms, seeds, fruit are filled with secret geometric symphonies of the Angelic Kingdoms lowest body. The Angelic Kingdom sings the math of the Music of the Spheres into the manifold formations, musical themes, solos, duets, trios, quartets, quintets, sextets, septets, octets, nonets, dectets, hendectets and undectets  are woven as Goethean Science into the visible geometry(CLICK LINK FOR GEOMETRY AND TONE), color and scent, medicinal virtue, nutritional value that arises from the soil, the Earth.

We can now SEE with crystal clarity that Sound, Consonants and Vowels literally Shimmer through our Etheric Bodies with each Sound and Each Word we utter. For a fleeting moment both our Etheric bodies and the Speech forces in our Larynx meet and pollinate each other. It happens swiftly, which represents for us the immense meditation of the transition from the Mars forces of blood and heredity and the forces of the human Word Powers to the Mercurial, Conscious, swift ability of consciousness and Etheric mobility able to apprehend a single Tone, a single Sound, hear it, see and understand it in less than a twinkling of the Eye. It is truly a new Mercurial mandate that is arising from the New Nature Beings we are beholding in the effervescent Word.

This Liquid, quivering Mercurial Entity is prepared to Serve Humanity and Ahriman is petrified that it may be so. Ahriman will do everything in his power to kill the life out of these New Beings who wish to serve humanity. It takes some training, it does. It takes some interest, it does.

The Christ had these silvery or Swift Rainbow Hued Spirits at his command, to serve HIM. The entire arrangement and Colonies of Zodiac and Planetary servants embodied in our Consonants and Vowels rejoiced and were Baptized in the Living Life Ethers that we call the Fountain of Life. Speech and Eurythmy where the Etheric Christ Dwells are the Living Waters of Budhi and the Life-Spirit (study link for LIFE-SPIRIT CAPACITIES)  where these New Nature forces await the I AM of humanity to Sing them, Speak them and Dance them into service.

From Angels to Archangels

Geographical, arid, desert, jungles, forests, mountains, lake regions, marshes, islands, ocean shores are Archangelic regions where both LANGUAGE and the unique flora and fauna of specific countries, LANGUAGE BLOCKS, have specific native fruits, spices, herbs, trees, foods that are served that support the etheric nutritional Life and Etheric Language forces of various regions over the Earth.

The Archangels have as their lowest body, not the etheric, but the astral body. The Etheric and ethnic forces and the different qualities,  the Soul of different regions, their favorite cuisines and dishes, their sounds, their music, their style in dress and the peculiarities of their poets and their way of speaking, accents, lilts, brogue’s, gestures, particularly the Etheric gestures from the animated Italian of the Sentient Soul forces, The strong nasal forces of the French (CLICK LINK), snails, cuisine, wine, love;  the English language forces of Owen Barfield, Tolkien, Shakespeare and the Consciousness Soul; the sing-song of the Swedish; Chinese, Japanese, Aborigine, Native American, Cherokee, Apache, Crow, Blackfoot,  Sioux, Chippewa, Navajo, Hopi.

To be honest the Archangels that live in the gestures and forces of the WORD, that hover over a region of Flora and Fauna, that weave inside the lungs and hearts of ALL THESE ETHERIC BODIES, cover vast areas of land mass of the Earth, these Archangel Spirits give the Temperament, Soul, Foods and Flavors of the regions on Earth their Etheric Character. Our Individual human Angels negotiate through our karma with the vast Archangel Community, the Eighth Hierarchy above us for our place, our destination, our incarnation point, our karmic conditions of family life and Language that will most assist us in the unfolding of our own unique Spiritual development.

We learn through our Mother Tongue how our Thought life, can serve as the vehicle for our individual national, regional and Folk expressions here on Earth. Through the cradle of our Mother Tongue, the Archangels of the different Languages, are all of them, subservient to the Consonants and Vowels that shine forth, above the Archangels themselves, through the forces raying out from the Zodiac and our unique Planetary community. Our unique Language is the Garment of a vast Archangelic Being. The Archangels have a vast community in all the different nuances of all the different Languages scattered over the entire Earth.

Archangelic Language Beings (See Link) and the Group and Folk Soul Entities

“In a certain respect the Archangel-nature, the one which guides the people, is something which floats above the separate individual human beings. The personal things which a man experiences because he receives perceptions through his senses, are foreign to the Archangel who is guiding the people. But there are intermediaries, and it is important that we should understand that there are such intermediaries. They are the Beings we call Angels, who are between the Archangels and man. You must take this in the strictest sense of the words: Folk-spirits are Archangels, they are Spirits who have finished the transforming of their astral bodies into Spirit-self or Manas, and are now transforming their etheric body or life-body into Life-spirit. Just halfway between these Beings and man are the Angels. These are Beings who are occupied in remodeling their astral body into Spirit-self or Manas, but have not yet concluded their work. At the present time man is at the beginning of this work, the Angels are nearly at the end of it, but have in no wise finished it. Therefore these Beings come into closer contact with that which makes up the daily life of man. We may say that the Angels incline with their whole soul-nature towards what we call the astral body. For this reason they fully understand all the joy and sorrow the human personality may go through. But because on the other hand they extend much higher than the human ‘ I ’, because they possess a higher ‘ I ’, because they can take in part of the higher world, the world of their consciousness extends to that domain in which is to be found the sphere of consciousness of the Archangels. They are therefore really the intermediaries between the Archangels and the several human individuals. They on their part receive the commands of the Folk-spirits and convey them into the several souls, and by means of this agency is brought about what a single individual may do, not only for his own progress, his own evolution, but for his whole people.”

The laws of Consonants and Vowels transcend every Language used by Archangel Groups over the globe

Abron | Adja | Adyghe | Afar | Afrikaans | Aguaruno | Aimaq | Akan | Albanian | Alsatian | Amharic | Arabic | Arakanese | Armenian | Assamese | Assyrian | Aymara | Azerbaijani | Azeri

Bahasa | Balcanta | Baluchi | Bambara | Banda | Bangala | Bangla | Bariba | Basque | Bassa | Baule | Bedawi | Bemba | Bengali | Bete | Bhojpuri | Bicolano | Bissa | Bosnian | Breton | Bribri | Bulgarian | Buriat | Burmese | Byelorussian

Cabecar | Cakchiquel | Calo | Campa | Cantonese | Catalan | Cebuano | Chachi | Cham | Chaouia | Chichewa | Chiga | Chilupi | Chinese | Chiquitano | Colorado | Creole-English | Creole-French | Creole | Crioulo | Croatian | Czech

Dan | Danish | Dari | Daza | Dinka | Dioula | Domari | Douala | Dutch | Dzongkha

Embera | English | Estonian | Ewe | Ewondo | Fang | Faroese | Farsi | Finnish | Fon | French | Frisian | Fulfulde | Fur

Ga | Gabre | Gaelic | Gagauz | Galician | Ganda | Garifuna | Gbaya | Gen | Georgian | German | Gogo | Greek | Greenlandic | Guaragigna | Guarani | Gujarati | Gulay | Gurma | Gurtu

Hakka | Haus | Haya | Hazaragi | Hebrew | Hindi | Hmong | Huilliche | Hungarian

Igbo | Ilocano | Indonesian | Italian

Japanese | Javanese | Jerba | Jiddu | Jola | Jula

Kabiye | Kabyle | Kalanga | Kalenjin | Kalmyk | Kamba | Kannada | Karakalpak | Karen | Kari%f1a | Kashmiri | Kashubian | Kazakh | Kebumtamp | Kekchi | Ketchi | Kgalagadi | Khmer | Khmu | Kikuyu | Kinyarwanda | Kirghiz | Kirmanjki | Kissi | Kituba | Kongo | Konkani | Korean | Kpele | Kpelle | Kunama | Kuranko | Kurdish

Lalabisa | Lao | Latvian | Ligurian | Limba | Lingala | Lithuanian | Lituanian | Loanda | Lomwe | Lozi | Luba | Luo | Luxembourgeois | Luyia

Maay | Maba | Macedo Rom | Macedonian | Madura | Maithali | Makhuwa | Malagasy | Malay | Malayalan | Malinke | Mam | Mandarin | Mandinka | Mandyak | Maninka | Manipuri | Mano | Manza | Maori | Mapuche | Mapudungun | Marathi | Maya | Mbere | Mbosi | Mbundu | Mehri | Mende | Min | Min Nan | Minang | Mingrelian | Mirandesa | Miskito | Mixteco | Moba | Moldovan | Mongolian | Moore | Morisyen | Motu | Munukutuba | Muong | Myene

Nahuat | Nahuatl | Nauruan | Ndebele | Neapolitan | Nefusi | Nepalese | Nepali | Ngoni | Niuean | Niyanja | Norwegian | Nubian | Nuer | Nung | Nyankore

Occitan | Oriya | Oromigna

Paez | Pai | Papiamcutu | Pashto | Pemon | Pidgin-English | Piemontese | Polish | Portuguese | Pular | Punjabi

Quechua | Quiche

Rama | Rapa Nui | Romani | Romanian | Rundi | Russian | Ruthenian

Saami | Saho | Samoan | Sango | Sanskrit | Sara | Scharchup | Sena | Senoufo | Sepedi | Serbian | Serbo-Croatian | Serere | Sesotho | Setswana | Shan | Shona | Shuar | Sindhi | Sinhala | Sira | Siswati | Slovak | Slovenian | So | Soga | Somali | Songhai | Soninke | Soqotri | Spanish | Sumo | Susu | Swahili | Swedish | Sylheti

Tachelhit | Tagalog | Tai | Tajik | Tamajak | Tamang | Tamashek | Tamazight | Tamil | Tarifit | Tatar | Techelhit | Teke | Telugu | Tem | Thai | Tharu | Themne | Tigrina | Tigrinya | Toba | Tokelauan | Tonga | Tshivenda | Tsonga | Tumbuka | Turkish | Turkmen | Tzutujil

Uigur | Ukranian | Umbundu | Urdu | Uzbek

Valencian | Venetian | Vietnamese

Warao | Waray | Wayuu | We | Welsh | Wolof | Wuluf

Xhosa | Xiang | Xitsonga

Yao | Yiddish | Yoruba

Zapoteco | Zarma | Zaza | Zuara | Zulu

Consonants and the Intimacy of Speech

1 st position: Feet are together, arms horizontally stretched out to both sides.

2nd position: The feet move apart slightly either in a single jump or stepping with the right foot. Arms move to the level of the larynx.

3rd position: The feet move further apart with a jump or stepping now with the left foot . The arms move to the level of the heart i.e. the line connecting the hands touch the tip of the heart .

4th position : The feet are the farthest apart, again either in jumping or stepping with the right foot. The hands are equally far extended forming a direct line with the feet .

5th position : The feet come closer together approximately as the feet were in the 3rd position or to be exact somewhere between the 2nd and the 3rd position, this time stepping with the left foot or again jumping at once. The arms move to the top level of the head.

6th position : The feet are together again, this time using the right foot in stepping, or jumping. Arms are brought parallel up above the head.


Aphorisms on the Word

By Albert Steffen

“The Tree of Life is rooted in the Word. In the Kingdom of the Spirits of Nature is speech. The Nouns of this speech of the gods corresponds to the minerals, the Adjectives to the plants, the Verbs to the animals. Human Beings are the connection of Noun, Adjective and Verb – a sentence constructed by our higher self. The inspired genius of the higher self of humanity does not only imitate the words of the gods, but may continue to form them; indeed, we may even create new words. The inner genius of our higher selves have Word Forming Power.

“Nearly every word has been let fall by the gods. Many words seem dead. Several are in danger of becoming sub-human. A few still contain WILL wherein the godhead sleeps, or FEELING where in it dreams, or SELF-AWARENESS where in it lies enshrouded.

“Into the swoon of our human self-consciousness the Word of Life, (the Bread of Life, Budhi and the Life Spirit (SEE LINK) of the Risen Etheric Christ may always penetrate like a seed into the soil of the soul and spirit.

“The revelation of a New Earth will then sound forth. Words which were once alive have become coffins imprisoning spirits. These spirits are only seemingly dead and may be redeemed. An Angel must step out of every shrine. Poets must never cease to love the Word that has overcome death, until a complete host of living God-Beings stand before us. With these hosts of Living Words we set out to fight against the beast which continues to rise from the abyss.”

HUMANITY THE MEDIATOR (Not the Terminator)

Mingled most wondrously of Heaven and Earth –
Fire, Air, Dust, Water – Adam waked to birth.
Most wondrously is still man’s being blent
Of earthly clod and heavenly firmament.
The Moon-Drawn juices mount; the leaves distil
The Sun’s gold heart-beats into chlorophyll.
Out of the Plant’s green blood man’s red is wrought,
While stars rain down to gild his brow with thought.
Sun, Moon, and Stars, blue air, seven-colored bow
In man are offered to the worlds below.
Stone, Blossom, Beast and Earth’s great task of Love
In man are offered to the worlds above.
In man meet Beast and Angel, Star and Stone.
He stands, with crown of fire and rocky bone,
His dark clay phosphored with a lambent leaven,
A Conversation between Earth and Heaven.

Albert Steffen

Than a STONE on Earth’s floor,
Because the Father-Creator,
As World-Formator,
Gave me the chance
Of an upright stance.
Than the PLANT, unconscious sleeper,
Because the Son as Heavenly Word
In the deeps of my heart is heard.
More than than the BEAST who dreams,
Because the Spirit came,
The enlightening flame,
To my head, as cosmic thought,
The brightness of thinking brought.
Myself and my fellows freeing,
Creative Community maker,
Helper, guardian and waker,
As Thinker – The Truth Behold,
As Lover – The Word Unfold,
As Actor – Do Deeds that are bold.

Rudolf Steiner (Link)

“The more interior speech organs are so formed out of Man’s essential being that they can produce vowels, and the organs nearer to the periphery, the palate, the tongue, the lips and everything that contributes to the form of the physical body, are built up in such a way that consonants can be produced.”


Consonants, Vowels and the Star Forces of the Human Word

Birth From the Stars

When from Seventh Heaven’s bliss, I leaned below,
And longed to love the lorn and languishing Earth,
The planets’ shuttles, weaving to and fro,
Wrought me resplendent vesture for my birth.
Forth the Twelve Mighty Constellations spake
Their world-creating WORD, whose thunder ran
Reverberating through the heights to make
The microcosmic majesty of man.
And singing swarms of stars, like golden bees,
Built the white honeycombs which are my bones,
And lit death’s candle in their secrecies,
Dipped them in dew, and shuttered them in stones.
So from the water-lily of the moon,
Down air’s steep escalade I made my way,
Stately with stars, in mesh of light, soon, soon
To dim my splendor with disguise of clay.
When through the darkling cave of birth I crept,
Entered my house, touched pillar, vault, and plinth,
The Stellar map of skies which o’er me swept
Was printed in my skull’s grey labyrinth.
Thus, while I wake, behind blind walls of loam,
A cataract of Stars Inhabits me;
Till, sleeping, they surge skyward, heavenward, home
To the fair tents of their nativity.


B – P – M – V – W

Build your bridges bold and bended,
Build the bulwarks’ stubborn ranks
Batter down with big bull-dozers
The budding blue-bells on the banks.
Peerless Princess proudly dancing
Tulips tall and peacocks prancing
Pansies purple, poppies red
Primrose pale with golden head
Merrily, merrily marches the Minstrel
By meadow and marsh, over mountain and moorland
Men are amazed by the magical music
Of marvelous melody made by the Minstrel.
Over wintry wind-whipped waves
The white-winged seagulls wildly sweep
Weaving, windling, wheeling, whistling
Where the wide waste waters weep.

TEETH PLACEMENT, Astral intensity, Dramatic precision super charging the Astral Body

F – V – S – SH – Z – C – TH

Fast me flit with flickering feet.
Flinging the flame fronds higher
Fluttering, fluttering, far and fleet
Fashioning flaming fire.
Victory viewed from vantage vain
Vikings versed in victim’s pain.
Silver spray and swelling seas
Swirling seek the shining shore.
Snow and ice and silvered hedges
Sleet and slush and slides and sledges.
Dance, dance, dance down the fiery lance
Prance, prance, prance watch the horses dance
Trance, trance, trance is the high romance
That Nancy’s new born love can chance.

Very Strong Astral and Dramatic Teeth Placement Exercise

From Shakespeare’s “As You Like IT”

Character TOUCH –  “I do now remember a saying: (the fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.) The heathen philosopher, when he had a desire to eat a grape, would open his lips when he put it into his mouth; meaning thereby that grapes were made to eat and lips to open…Then learn this of me: – to have is to have; for it is a figure in rhetoric that drink, being poured out of a cup into a glass, by filling the one doth empty the other; for all your writers do consent that IPSE is he; now, you are not IPSE, for I am he… He, sir, that must marry this woman. There fore, you clown, abandon – which is in the vulgar, leave, – the society, – which in the boorish is company, – of this female – which in the common is woman, – which together is abandon the society of this female; or, clown, thou perishest; or, to thy better understanding, diest; or, to wit, I kill thee, make thee away, translate thy life into death, thy liberty into bondage: I will deal in poison with thee, or in bastinado, or in steel; I will bandy with thee in faction; I will o’er – run thee with policy; I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways; therefore tremble, and depart.


N – D – T – L – R

Now the night is nigh its noon
Nimble gnomes beneath the moon
Nine times nine the knell is toned
New Knight Knaves now kneel alone.
Down, down, down
Down in dungeons deep
Dreadful Dragons dwell
Doomed the demon
Direful daring to defeat.
Untwirling the twine that untwisteth between
He twirls, with his twister, the two in a twine;
Then twice having twisted the twines of the twine,
He twitcheth, the twice he had twined in twain.
Silks and laces for the lady,
Letters from the lady’s love.
Laughter ripples through the lattice
As she lifts a long lace glove.
Rumbling in the Chimneys
Rattling at the doors
Round the roofs and round the roads
The rude wind roars.
Raging through the darkness
Raving through the trees
Racing off again across the great gray seas.


G – K – (GERMAN) CH – NG – R

Go, go, gallant goodknight
Gallop over the ground,
Give the gift of thy great heart’s gold
Till the Grail’s gold thou hast found.
The Etheric Origins of the Speech sound ‘ K ‘ and the origins of the ETHERIC BODY itself as a root study in the physiology and science of the Centaur, the strong inner light of Prometheus and the strength of the Risen Etheric Christ may be more deeply studied AT THIS LINK.
Cold, cold the cruel King,
Cold the crystal cave.
Crafty gnomes there creep and cling
Cunning clefts they clave.
Linking the stinging, springing chain
The pang sprang from arm to thong.
His joints went ping, his joints went pong
His screaming heard a mile long
Down the echoing, sing-song lane.

Rudolf Steiner

“It was thought that when the human being has entered the planetary sphere on his way to a new birth and has been received by it insofar as his etheric body is concerned, he subsequently enters the earth. He is received by the earth. Yet, even here, people did not merely think of the solid earth. Rather, they thought of the earth with its elements. Apart from the fact that the human being is received by the planetary sphere — whereby he would be a super-earthly being, whereby he would be what he is only as a soul — it was said that like a child he is received by the elements of the earth, by fire or warmth, by air, water, and the solid earth. All of these elements were considered the actual earth. Consequently, it was thought, the human being’s etheric body is so tinged by these external elements, so saturated, that now the temperaments originate in it. Thus, the temperaments were pictured as closely tied to the etheric body, hence to the life organization of the human being.”

Goethe and the Science of the Consonants

Scorching Salamander, burn
Nymph of water, twist and turn,
Vanish, Sylph, to thy far home
Labor vex thee, drudging Gnome.
Fiery Salamander, wither
In the Red Flames fiery glow!
Rushing, as waves rush together,
Water-Nymph in water flow!
Gleamy Sylph of air, glance, fleeter,
And more bright, than midnight meteor!
Slave of homely drudgery
Lubber Incubus, flee, flee
To the task that waits for thee!
Spirit, that within the beast
Art imprisoned be released!
Kingly sway hath Solomon
Over subject spirits won:
– Forth – obey the spell and seal,

Albert Steffen

Swallow loves the Sylph so fair,
Flits with her through fields of air –
Seeks the Nymph among the reeds
And with her down-river speeds –
With the Salamander dashes
Dancing mid the lightening flashes –
Trusting that the faithful gnome
Guard her nest till she come home.
Why, O heavenly one, they ask her,
Dost thou ever earthward wing,
Not uprise to our good Master?
“Peace to anxious hearts I bring!”

Sophia Walsh introduced this to me “Overheard on a Salt-marsh” by Harold Munro

Nymph, Nymph, what are your beads?
Green glass, goblin. Why do you stare at them?
Then I will howl all night in the reeds,
Lie in the mud and howl for them.
Goblin, why do you love them so?
They are better than stars or water,
Better than voices of winds that sing,
Better than any man’s fair daughter
Your green glass beads on a silver ring.
Hush, I stole them out of the moon.
I will howl in a deep lagoon
For your green glass beads, I love them so.


Spiritual forces of Fire by Rudolf Steiner – ” I consume the fire striving force it redeems me in soul – spiritude.

Warning from the Fire Spirits by Rudolf Steiner – ” The will of gods gives strength to thee. Thou reciev’st it not. Thou willest with its strength and Thrusteth it from thee.”

Activation of Fire Sounds from the Etheric and Astral forces in the Consonantal System.

H – Ch – Sh – S – F – V – or W

Hark forsaken rascals these shots so sharp rouse spruce fighters.

Choleric FIERY Will forces “Meanwhile the Choleric Captain” Hexameter study in the Choleric Temperament

“Up leaped the Captain of Plymouth, and stamped on the floor, till
his armor Clanged on the wall, where it hung, with a sound of sinister
omen. All his pent-up wrath burst forth in a sudden explosion,
Even as a hand-grenade, that scatters destruction around it.
Wildly he shouted, and loud: “John Alden! you have betrayed me!
Me, Miles Standish, your friend! have supplanted, defrauded,
betrayed me! One of my ancestors ran his sword through the heart of Wat Tyler;
Who shall prevent me from running my own through the heart of a
traitor? Yours is the greater treason, for yours is a treason to
friendship! You, who lived under my roof, whom I cherished and loved as a
brother; You, who have fed at my board, and drunk at my cup, to whose
keeping I have intrusted my honor, my thoughts the most sacred and
secret,– You too, Brutus! ah woe to the name of friendship hereafter!
Brutus was Caesar’s friend, and you were mine, but henceforward
Let there be nothing between us save war, and implacable hatred!”
So spake the Captain of Plymouth, and strode about in the
chamber, Chafing and choking with rage; like cords were the veins on his
temples. But in the midst of his anger a man appeared at the doorway,
Bringing in uttermost haste a message of urgent importance,
Rumors of danger and war and hostile incursions of Indians
Straightway the Captain paused, and, without further question or
parley, Took from the nail on the wall his sword with its scabbard of
iron, Buckled the belt round his waist, and, frowning fiercely,
departed. Alden was left alone.  He heard the clank of the scabbard
Growing fainter and fainter, and dying away in the distance.
Meanwhile the choleric Captain strode wrathful away to the council”


Oh, Harken to the torrid flame and hissing fury of the pyre,
Approach the searing scarlet chamber of the fevered, furnace fire.
Oh, feel the fierce, ferocious fingers of the fell and fatal flare,
And feel the sweat and salt flow freely, smell the scent of sizzled hair.
How vain it is to flee or shout, alas, what good is frightened prayer?
Accept  the fated fury of your evil life, oh fool despair!
Go hear the howl  and horror of the villain legions ranks you swell!
Go hasten faithful servant mine, go hasten to the heart of hell!


Angel of fire,
Seraphim bright,
Kindle the pyre,
Dance in the light.
Fierce be thy spark, forceful thy fight;
Banish the dark, swordsman of might.
Strike ye the flare, stand ever still,
Radiantly fair, warrior of will.
Sweetly enfold, felicitous one,
Chalice of gold with warmth of the sun.
Wing o’er the earth,
Help us aspire,
Fill us with mirth, Angel of Fire!


‘ R’

Spiritual forces of AIR by Rudolf Steiner – ” I drink in the airy – living force. It fills me to the brim with Being Power.

Warning from the Air Spirits by Rudolf Steiner – ” Creative power lightens thee unbeknownst to thee. Thou feelest all its strength and dwellest not therein.

One Consonantal force of Air. Trill enhances will forces and stirs Astral force and vibrates into the Etheric

From, “The Spiritual Hierarchies and Their Reflection in the Physical World”: “The first stirring of the ‘I AM’ is expressed in speech, in sound. All sound-formation is connected in a particular way with the forces of procreation. . . . The breaking of the voice at puberty, for example, is connected in a definite way with the powers of propagation. There is a hidden relationship between them. Everything related to this sphere in man was summed up by ancient consciousness as the Bull nature of the human Being. This is how the designation of this particular zodiacal sign arose.” (Lecture VIII April 17, 1909).

Spring is an exhilarating moment of  Earth’s procreative forces, bursting out of it’s winter confinement and containment. Through plants, animals and human beings the world’s hidden forces are urged forth in Spring with tremendous inner dynamic and strength. And the startling phenomena of the change of voice and puberty in males, connected with the reproductive forces and THE HUMAN WORD, deepen the voice and awaken in the human being the connections, the intimate links between our astral and etheric bodies and our I AM. The human being is a willing and unwilling Procreative Participant in the mysteries of Sex and Speech.  We become one of nature’s high voltage walking spark plugs who are able to inseminate and call forth human life down from the Stars.

Speech and Word appears to take a back-seat to the unfolding momentum of our new sexual energies. Forces in our blood stream learn to race southwards. We learn the laws of lusty Earthy Beauty and that our desires, our astral urges and our blood, our I AM, (unable yet to waken the cognitive powers latent in our I AM) we find ourselves in the bosom of Nature and experiencing the full tidal forces of the flood of the Will of Nature through our endocrine and sexual drives.

These titanic Will Urges in the human being and will forces of nature come under the mystery heading of Mithras Initiation. Of course every teenager discovers a secret force in them that instead of having to wait for Spring, our independent sexual energies can manifest Spring anytime we feel the desire to through our urges based on our potent reproductive sexual whims and instincts.  Which means THE BULL has been let loose in the china shop. The Bull is let loose through the Running of the Bulls in Spain. The Bull is let loose in the BULL MARKET and our desires are let loose to run rampant through human culture.

So Egypt had the potent powers of the Speech Organ, the Larynx, overshadowed and thundering through it’s Life Forces, because in the Third Cultural Epoch the BULL, the central organ of Speech and the Word, our reproductive forces in our change of voice and our blood, had the Constellation of the Bull as it’s Spring Equinox awakening power.

We are currently in the Fifth Cultural epoch and our Spring Equinox is heralded under the Constellation of Pisces and the Fishes. So to gain some potent insight into the Word Forces of the Larynx and the Power of the Word that ran with full force under the Egyptian culture, we face the hieroglyphic writing forces of the Word, picture forces of the Astral body and the Living Power of the Word that was being used in The Temple Sleep.

All of these forces of the Larynx flow through the one AIR and will force generator, the Consonant we use as the letter ‘ R ‘ in every word that has a letter ‘ R ‘ in it, the raw and pure fountain head of forces that generate the entire system of Speech and channel the reproductive forces upwards into the Larynx are ruled under the Consonant we use sometimes with powerful trilling, and vibrating the ‘ R ‘ sound and sometimes a soft ‘ R ‘ but in that ‘ R ‘ Consonant the forces of the Bull, Speech and the higher reproductive forces of the I AM were sent upwards to map out the astral world of the stars and bring the forces of the Word into Writing, and bring the forces of the Word down through Human Culture.

Now it is intimate to the forces of Speech and the Word, that in our Fifth Cultural Epoch, we may now send the forces of the Word upwards, we are breaking with the ancient blood lines of Kings and Pharaohs, of royalty and the Queen of England, we are breaking with the fallacy of foolishly trying to trace the blood line of Jesus of Nazareth through “The Da Vinci Code”  or  “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”.  The path of the Word, through the larynx sends the Speech and Reproductive forces upwards through the portal of Eurythmy and the New Nature forces of Spring that have arisen under the age of Pisces and the Fishes, consciously.

Instead of the instinctive flow of the blood and reproductive forces flowing downwards and unconsciously into our sexuality, Speech and the powers in the Word are now being sent upwards. Speech and the Word are sent upwards,  outwards, pollinating through the Word, each human being who is able to Hear and Understand the new mysteries of Eurythmy and the Word.  Pollinating and lifting the Word out of the dead region of language, materialism and our blood, upwards to the rejuvenation and conscious enlivening of the Etheric and Astral forces, unfolding a new spring even now as we Speak. Now under the Spring Constellation of Pisces we are experiencing a new cultural puberty of the Word, a new channel of creative forces that releases and Frees the Consonants and Vowels from their imprisonment in matter.

Rather be merrily rally new riddles  (trilling and vibrating the ‘R’ so that the tongue vibrates.)

Ariel’s Song from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”

WheRe the bee sucks, theRe suck I;

In a cowslips’s bell I lie;

TheRe I couch when owls do cry.

On the bat’s back I do fly

AfteR summeR meRRily.

MeRRily, MeRRily shall I live now

UndeR the blossom that hangs on the bough.

We have included Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” in our studies and there are many things we can add to this most marvelous tale of the Word and the magical humanized Sylph Spirit Ariel.  We each have one of these Sylph Spirit hunters and retrievers who willingly, even now accepts our commands from our own I AM. Those commands that our own Sylph Spirit responds to, are wide ranging. Working with our karma and destiny and the Moon’s forces, we can request in our hearts and in our desires to know something deeper. It is like trying to remember a word and how slowly the word comes back to us. But here, we may also send our own Astral Air Spirit out on retrieval expeditions to lead us to clues we are following within our thought life, our research, our most intimate soul interests, that no one but ourselves know.

The breed of astral servant from which Ariel has arisen, is trained to bring clues and insights back from the far reaches of the world. Ah, (Venus Vowel) Ah but here is the catch. The catch is that we have to pay attention to clues that will arise when our own Sylph Spirit brings them back.

It isn’t just remembering a Word we forgot, it could be a sign in a window that triggers a thought, it could be a color, a face, a sound in the street, a smell from our childhood, and suddenly that clue that we sent our own Sylph Spirit out to find, appears like a flash – and we have to remember and take the AWE the WONDER, which is a kind of joy and something similar to a wagging of the tail in well loved dog. Our own Sylph Spirit who serves us, is as loyal,  and as intimate as the servant Prospero had in his own Tempest. But Prospero was quick and understood what Ariel brought back and could quickly and mercurially recognize and read the signature of intuition written in the astral light. We have to be just as Mercurially alive, alert and awake in our intuitions to catch the loving insights of our own Sylph Spirit.

But what we hadn’t guessed about the amazing science of “The Tempest” and the Speech Forces locked in Shakespeare’s magnificent writing is something even more peculiar. The body of Shakespeare’s work are his children, brought forth under the sign of Speech and the Word. When a Sylph Spirit is freed, when Ariel earns and gains it’s freedom from the human being, that human being, like Buddha has transformed and humanized one of the enslaved elemental servants that had been it’s companion through Times and Ages. Finally the human being has matured, conquered it’s lower nature and the potential of lifting the veil of matter and the interlinks and locks of matter that are truly only unlocked by Light and Love. When the human being learns the lessons of Light and Love, matter can no longer hold it. We conquer the riddles of matter ourselves and matter can no longer hold us.

In Shakespeare’s brilliant masterpieces the forces of Speech and the Word were crafted into tools for lungs and human hearts to behold and live with. In the intimate activity of Word Formation and the Breath the Sylph Spirits we all have, are trained, as actors, and in particular living through Shakespeare’s Words, his use of  language triggers to life the education and awakening of our own slumbering Sylph Spirits. We become quicker, more enlivened and awake.

When Shakespeare frees Ariel, Ariel has been fully liberated, trained and humanized. It is a restored Stellar Star Spirit. It has been dignified in a human breast and raised by the Word Powers in a Human Being and is available for all of our Spirits and all of the Sylph and airy Word forces we can produce out of our human larynx and Voice Box.

This is Ariel’s new job description, An Awakener and an Enlivener of the slumbering Speech forces we have nestled in our Larynx. So here is a secret that few understand. Shakespeare’s Ariel now hovers, sends herself out to any and all Shakespeare productions and in all of these productions and in all the actors and in all the lungs and all the voice boxes and in all the hearts, Ariel has been freed up to be the multifaceted Inspirer that hovers like an Angel over any group or production company, any number of people who have chosen to live into Shakespeare’s Words, there lives Ariel as well.

Ariel is now  miniature holy ghost, a mercurial servant of all our human air spirits. Ariel acts as an awakener of the living vowels and consonants that have never tasted, hoped or have yet come to life, were never returned to their starry origins. Ariel, the Sylph Shakespeare liberated in “The Tempest”, now seeks to liberate our own Consonants our Vowels and our Word Forces into light, love, laughter, drama, tragedy and comedy, whole worlds and souls and spirits and Imaginations, alive, filled with Devachan and starry astral wisdom in each sound, is the enthusiastic field of work that Ariel now pollinates in each human Larynx. Ariel helps sing forth our love of Language and the Word so our slumbering Speech Sounds return to life.


Concentrated focus on the Consonant R with heavy Trilling “Archetypal Rabbit”

O’er the prairie raced a rabbit
The coyote tried to grab it
But he missed the cloudy flurry
Of the rabbit in a hurry,
Who kept running o’er the prairie
Like a frightened furry fairy.
Till she reached the friendly furrow
Where she rested in her burrow
Nibbling grass and cauliflower
To restore her racing power,
For a journey to the farmer
Who had often tried to harm her
While ignoring that the feeding
Of the rabbit with it’s breeding
Wasn’t meant to be malicious
Not unfriendly or pernicious
But was just instinctive habit


Air Fairy by Susan Olsen

I am a spirit of the aiR,

And I dance and flit beyond compaRe,

Than any otheR natuRe being

That with me lives and works unseen;

Light and fast I tRavel with wind and bReeze,

ORRR float amidst the meadows and tRees,

I caRRRy the biRds and bees upon my bReath,

And bRing aiR to all living things on eaRth.


Sylph Chorus from Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas

We’Re weaving, we’Re thReading

The aiRy-water-suRges.

We’Re splitting, we’Re buRsting

Condensing caRefully light-poweRRR.

We wisely neutRalise fRuit-foRces

With ouR soul-body’s being,

Outflowing fRom a feeling-Radiance

Which eveR living glimmeRRRs,

That human beings living

May joy in eaRth-becoming’s meaning.

We’Re caRing, we’Re waRming,

InspiRing and foRming,

When human young, the life-foRce dimming,

And human old in eRRoR swimming,

On deeds of ouRs aRe feeding.

What child or aged men aRe needing,

In stReam of time they are Receiving,

And we eteRnally conceiving.



Spiritual forces of WATER by Rudolf Steiner – ” I am moving the water growing force it molds for me a life substance.

Warning from the Water Spirits by Rudolf Steiner – ” Thou thinkest Angel – doings and Knowest it not.

One  Consonantal water sound

Wallow welling willingly, Lilac Listen Luminous Luring Loosen.

Study in Phlegmatic Temperament (See Link “Galaxy Quest” Mathesar, THERMIANS are all Phlegmatic types)

“The Haughty Snail King” by Vacal Lindsay

TweLve snaiLs went waLking after night.

They’d creep an inch or so,

Then stop and bug their eyes

And BLLLLow.

Some foLks …. are ….deadLy … sLLLow.

TweLve snaiLs went walking yestereve,

Led by their fat oLd King.

They were so duLLLL their princeLing had

No sceptre, robe or ring –

OnLy a paper cap to wear

When nightLy journeying.

This King-SnaiL said:  “I feeLL a thought

Within….it bLLLosoms soon…..

O LittLe courtiers of mine…..

I crave a pretty boon….

Oh, yes….(High thoughts with effort come and weLLL-bred snaiLLLLs are aLmost dumb.)

“I wish I had a yeLLLLLow crown

“As gLLListering…. as…. the  MOON.”


The Whale by Theodore Roethke

There was a most monstrous WhaLLLe;

He had no skin, he had no taiL.

When he tried to spout, that great big LLLLubber,

The best he could do was jiggLe his BLLubber.


Liquidity of water, the glistening of dew
Enlivening the flowers, the blood in me and you
The flowingness of rivers, the pulsing of the tide,
The falling of the raindrop, the ocean still and wide,
The lifting of the comber, the rumbling of the surf,
The culing of the ploughshare, the tumbling of the turf,
 The laughter of the fountain, the plaything of the wind,
It quenches all our thirsting, it calms our troubled mind.


A Liquidy calamity:
A Jelly-Fish with sea weed-fresh,
An opulent old octopus,
In hoops he ploys his sea-weed-noose
And loops himself a jelly-goose.
A meal, ho! ho! Like doughnut role
The oooozy mess was gobbled whole!


Spiritual forces of EARTH by Rudolf Steiner – ” I take hold of the root forming force. It fashions me a form body.

Warning from the Earth forces by Rudolf Steiner – ” Thou dreamest thyself avoidest an awakening.

D – T – N – M – B – P – G – K – NG

Matter forming, deed impelling, work, will, crafts and gravitational grounding forces of the Consonantal System

Dropped dim dingles dim by dense margin sparkled dark too dark.

Melancholic Temperament Study

Melancholia (click link for example) by Fletcher

There’s nought in this life sweet,

If man were wise to see’t

But only Melancholy,

Oh, Sweetest Melancholy!

Welcome, folded arms, and fixed eyes,

A sight that piercing mortifies,

A look that’s fastened to the ground,

A tongue chained up without a sound!

Fountain-heads, and pathless groves,

Places which pale passion loves!

Moonlight walks, when all the fowls

Are warmly housed, save bats and owls!

A midnight bell, a parting groan

These are the sounds we feed upon;

Then stretch our bones in a still gloomy valley

Nothing’s so dainty sweet as lovely Melancholy.

NG Study

“What the Gray-Winged Fairy said” by Vachel Lindsay

The moon’s a GONG, HUNG in the wild.

Whose SONG the fays hold dear.

Of course you do not heart it, child.

It takes a fairy ear.

The full moon is a splendid GONG

That beats as night grows still.

It sounds above the evening SONG

Of dove or whippoorwill.


Knocking at the portal of the ponderous rocks

Hear our little hammers striking, knocks, knocks, knocks

Polishing the surfaces of crystal glass,

We’re darting in and out where only gnomes can pass,

Forming rocky boulders like gigantic gods.

Up inside the mountains to the top we plod.

Hold a little taper in our fingers rough,

We hum a little ditty with our voice most gruff:

Gold, gold, gold,

Silver mirror cold,

copper kettle old,

Iron makes bold,

Tin shines bright,

Lead will write,

Mercury will quickly disappear from sight.


“Gullveig’s Gold” by Bradford Riley


Norse Yggdrasill

Digging down in depths of darkness

Delving deep where dragons dwell

Gleeful gnomes, bright gold were gathering

Golden grain they love so well.

High they hurled their hundred hammers

Hard they hit the hidden hoard

From the sunlight they were exiled

Gold recalled their ancient Lord.

Crashing, clashing, cleaving, carving

Clefts and caves, clang in accord.

Clumping underground beneath the big green stumps,

Grumbling go the dwarves, going bump, bump, bump.

Dig they jewels and gemstones from the deep dark den,

Golden was the gossip of those goblin men.

Marching to the beating of a cracked, blue drum,

Digging with their knuckles till their hands grew numb.

Gold and silver, beryl, topaz, diamond or coal,

Greeding after minerals was the goblin’s soul,

Pitied be the bungler who obstructs their goal…

Pitied be the mortals that desire our pain

Greed would slowly come to them and eat their brain..


The Use of M, the use of the forces of the Consonants, ‘ T ‘ out of Leo and surging through as an I AM force. ‘L’ and the Lymphatic-Etheric forces and as we have studied the Immune system re-boot out of Aquarius in the ‘M’ Consonant can be studied HERE, (CLICK LINK).


Eurythmy is in Waldorf Schools in every country in the world and it brings music, math, gesture, creativity and the enormous foundations of Etheric Forces back into the life of young people. SEE LINK – CLICK HERE.


Learning through music itself, the laws of the future etheric forces, how the Angelic Community formed plants, flowers, and wove starry forces into FORMATIVE FORCES and Etheric Life. Eurythmy learns to dissolve itself into the forms that have shaped matter itself.  SEE LINK Beethovens 7th for Eurythmy.


Observe and follow the laws of math and music in this (CLICK LINK TONE EURYTHMY OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE). We LITERALLY SEE THE MUSIC. Humanity lends their Etheric discipline to manifesting the secrets of Tone Eurythmy that transcends individual Language and raises, alerts, astonishes humanity when they can see, in color and tone, in ART with Lighting, the discipline of costume, form, tone that are the LAWS of both Math, Music, Botany, and the Etheric systems of the hierarchies themselves. It is Pythagoras raised to Sacrament. Humanity can penetrate the very laws and physics of Life itself. Listen and Observe.

“The Green Mile” Life-Spirit, Budhi and the Bread of Life by Bradford Riley

Paul Edgecomb: What do you want me to do John? You want me to let you run out of here, see how far you can get?
John Coffey: Why would you do such a foolish thing?
Paul Edgecomb: On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say? That it was my job? My job?

Rudolf Steiner

“When the Logos simply proclaimed His name, it could be understood and grasped with the intellect. But when the Logos became flesh and appeared among men, then it became a Force-Impulse which is not only a teaching and a concept, but exists in the world as a Force-Impulse in which humanity can participate. He then calls Himself no longer “Manna,” but the “Bread of Life,” which is the technical expression for Budhi or Life-Spirit.”

When the opportunity is presented to us, to humanity, to the future of our cultural and spiritual education and knowledge to examine a specific area of higher soul development, even if we prefer not to, our preferences are less important than how such an IMAGINATION of the Life-Spirit, Budhi  and the literal BREAD OF LIFE, that Christ offered in His Person, presents itself.

In the character of John Coffey , from the film THE GREEN MILE we were presented a window into a miracle of the higher metamorphosis of the human being. It is a rare opportunity for all of us to approach and study the deepest hidden mysteries that reside in the Etheric Body of humanity. What will humanity be capable of achieving through the development of our own Etheric Bodies? What were the stages of the intensification that Christ applied directly to His Etheric Body to produce the Signs, Wonders and Miracles that are known to us as THE BREAD OF LIFE?

This particular manifestation of a Christusträger, a Christophorus or Christ-Carrier, as John Coffey is designated in the film THE GREEN MILE, brings us directly into the higher forces of the Christ Being that were manifested for three years on Earth in the individuality of the Christ. Christ brought the FORCE of His Cosmic I AM deeply into the workings of His Etheric Body and raised the forces, resurrected the forces of the Etheric body to the level Life-Spirit or Budhi. In John Coffey we have a specific, special instance of one phase of human development known as Budhi or Life-Spirit. This phase is not easy to quantify, qualify or describe without having a specific example that we can all relate to.

THE GREEN MILE is about what happens to a prison guard working death row in Louisiana in 1935. It’s the height of the Great Depression and Paul Edgecomb (Hanks) is a man just trying to do his job, which is to keep the convicted criminals on his block quiet and alive until they’re executed in the electric chair. Paul is a good man who tries to make his wards final days as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. Most of his co-workers agree with his way of doing business, but there’s always one bad apple and in this case, it’s Percy Wetmore. A cruel coward, Percy makes life on the Green Mile – the cell block’s nickname – a difficult place to work for guards and prisoners alike.

“Things pretty much go along as normal – Paul (TOM HANKS) tries to keep things running smoothly, Percy tries to exert his authority – until an enormous African American prisoner named John Coffey (Michael Duncan) arrives on the mile. He’s been convicted of raping and murdering two little girls, but Paul believes he’s innocent of the crime. Though massive in size, there doesn’t seem to be a vicious bone in his body. Paul’s suspicions are soon confirmed when Coffey “cures” him of a horrible physical ailment. Paul can’t explain how this “miracle” happened, but it makes him more sure than ever that the system is going to execute the wrong man. He spends the rest of the film trying to keep this “child of God” from going to the chair. I’d like to get more into the plot, but there’s so much that happens, I’m hard pressed to come up with a succinct way of describing it. This is an incredibly intricate tale with many interwoven subplots. Needless to say, more miracles occur, true friendships are formed and justice is ultimately rendered.

“I’m sure there are many people who will not like this film, claiming it’s too long and convoluted, but I’m not one of them. This is a heartfelt film that tells it’s story quietly, without hitting you over the head with its message. It’s core is simple, yet intelligently told. It may not be a perfect film, but at least it’s striving to be.”

So we have a writer, STEPHEN KING, who has consistently taken us to perimeters and thresholds of consciousness that we have been unwilling to explore. In the instance of (CLICK THIS LINK)THE GREEN MILE we come to an area of a special study in the higher capacities of the human being that lead us directly to the three years of the Christ on Earth.

In this essay, we gratefully and humbly thank STEPHEN KING for raising up, much against our preferred behavior, a window into a portion of the human soul that can only be clearly defined by Spiritual Science and the Michael School. Of course this places the work of THE GREEN MILE within the study reference of how humanity may approach the higher vision of the Risen Etheric Christ event.

In the character of John Coffey (click this link) we are allowed to look into a future window of exactly what higher capacities of THE ETHERIC BODY and what changes in the etheric body of human beings will occur as the Risen Etheric Christ impulse continues to unfold. In John Coffey we are presented with an extremely highly developed, overly potent Etheric body that is isolated in such a way that no impurities of the intellect, of our falsified materialistic education, or our superficial egotism, that we all carry around with us, interferes with the higher virtues of the Etheric Body that have developed in the example of John Coffey.

Which is to say, and declare with humble awe and astonishment, we can say without a doubt that with John Coffey we are looking into an example of the Luke Jesus Incarnation. We are likely never to come as close to a study of the Nathan Jesus or Luke Gospel Jesus child as we are in the study of John Coffey. And this unique opportunity was drawn together and pulled to the surface of humanities hidden wisdom, through the special capacities that Stephen King has developed.

The Luke Gospel Jesus has been examined in some detail at THIS LINK. Here is a quote that applies to both our study of John Coffey and the Luke Jesus child. “His unique cosmic innocence was to be preserved by what appeared to everyone around him as a near dumb and slow witted child but with a capacity for Cosmic Love and Compassion never before seen on Earth.”

Now the direction, the cast, the production and the writing of THE GREEN MILE appeared in 1999. Part of my job is to follow and highlight those events that we let slip by us that reveal the constant workings of the Risen Etheric Christ (See Link). The years 1933 – 1966 – 1999 are laced with insights and messages from all quarters of humanity, we just have to know what to look for. However we have been educated to not know what we are looking for, nor how to recognize deeper mysteries even if we saw them.

Few people take the time to delve into the full impact of what is sometimes presented to us through various mediums just because we have nearly no idea how to connect what we saw to any kind of deeper revelation that we are all seeking. Without question, all of us, every human being must encounter the Etheric Body mysteries, The Risen Etheric Christ mysteries, the phase in human soul development known as the Life-Spirit phase or Budhi phase,  and we will all become painfully familiar with all the other phases of our soul development as we stumble through each one.

Now that allows us the most incredible window and opportunity, to be invited in to a sacred mystery that we are never allowed to view or study in the normal course of our education. Of course we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the details of the study of this particular example if we hadn’t had the opportunity to research the Christ Event ourselves with depth and intensity.

The secrets of THE GREEN MILE not only lead us to the Christ Event and the capacities Christ manifested on Earth but also how He achieved the enhancement of His Etheric Body into THE BREAD OF LIFE. In this study we are also led to a specific stage of our own higher human development the Life-Spirit, the transformation of the forces of our own human Etheric Bodies into Budhi or the immortal powers of our own Etheric Bodies which will make us each a Christ-Bearer, a Christ-Carrier, a Christophorous, so that we also become the BREAD OF LIFE.

We shall become the BREAD OF LIFE by following the path of Christ and the Living Etheric Christ that radiates from our own Etheric Bodies. But for most of us, we have never even heard of an Etheric Body nor ever even imagined that our Human structure and the Human structure and Forces that Christ carried are based on the Divine Blueprints and Design of every human being that we meet. That in every human being we meet the potential forces that manifested fully in Christ, are there before our eyes, as yet undeveloped and unexplored.

Rudolf Steiner

“At present man consists of four principles. The first is the so-called physical body; this is the principle man has in common with all the present creations of the mineral kingdom; this part of man one can see with the eyes and grasp with the hands; it is the lowest principle of human nature, which alone remains as the corpse at death. But this physical body would every moment have the same fate as the corpse at death, it would fall to pieces were it not permeated by what we call the etheric body or life body.

This etheric body man no longer has in common with the mineral kingdom, he has it in common with the beings of the earthly vegetable kingdom. In every man the etheric body is a combatant which between birth and death holds together the parts of the physical body which continually have the tendency to disintegrate. What is the physical body of man, in reality? It is that which, when death has destroyed the form, after a short time becomes ashes. It is a little heap of ashes, so wonderfully arranged in the life body that the whole man makes the impression he now does upon those who look at him. The second principle, then, is the ether or life body.

The third principle, which man has in common with the animals, is the so-called astral body, the vehicle of instincts, desires, passions, thoughts, ideas, etc., all that is usually called the soul in man. Finally we have the fourth principle in human nature, that which makes man the crown of earthly creation, which makes him stand out above all the other beings, and enables him to develop as “I,” as an individual self-conscious being in earthly existence. In the future the evolution of man will unfold in such manner that he will gradually work from his

Diagram 1

“I” upon the lower principles, so that the “I” becomes their ruler. When the “I” has thoroughly worked upon the astral body and taken possession of it, so that in this astral body there are no more unconscious and unguarded impulses, instincts and passions, then the “I” will have developed what we call Spirit Self or Manas. Spirit-Self is none other than the astral body, only the astral body is the third principle before it is transformed by the “I.”

When the “I” transforms the etheric body also, Life-Spirit or Budhi is produced; and when in the remotest future the “I” transforms the physical body so that this is completely spiritualized by the “I” itself (this is the most difficult work, because the physical body is the densest), then the physical body develops into the highest principle of human nature, namely, Atma or Spirit-Man. Thus, if we conceive of man in his seven-fold nature, we have the physical body, the etheric body or life-body, the astral body and the “I.”

Further, we have that which man will develop in the future; Spirit-Self or Manas, Life-Spirit or Budhi and Spirit-Man or Atma. That is the sevenfold being of man. However, he will only develop these higher principles in the far-distant future. It is not yet in man’s power while on the earth to work so far upon himself as to bring all these higher spiritual parts to full development.”

The rise of the Etheric Christ into the 20th century and now into the 21st century was announced most consciously and clearly from the School of Spiritual Science as  concretely dawning from 1933 onwards through 1935 and on into the future. There is no argument and no error in spiritual insight when we explore the age of Christ at the crucifixion as being that of 33 years. There is no doubt that 1933 saw devastating calamities over the Earth as the moral forces of the Tenth Hierarchy were shaken to their core by the Rise of the Etheric Christ. In counter point to the Rise of the Etheric Christ in the moral strata of the Earth and the Etheric Life of the Earth and humanity, counter-forces arose from Nazi Germany as a moral shadow out to challenge the rise of the Etheric Christ awakening in the social sphere of humanity. (See Study Link Here)

There is no doubt from Spiritual Science and the Michael School that the Risen Etheric Christ now imprints in 33 year rhythm patterns through history, deep and profound windows into the work of Christ in the Etheric. In all my research and in all my works so far presented I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that 33 is a key number and that Harry Truman acted as Pilate (SEE LINK HERE) for humanity once again, as the 33rd President of the United States. Harry Truman crucified Christ again by initiating the nuclear age and creating the opportunity for Anti-Etheric and Anti-Genetic, fallen Devachan light and technology to dwarf struggling human moral impulses.

There is not a shadow of a doubt that Harry Truman acted and inaugurated a more horrific crucifixion of our higher human potential by opening the door to the deformity of our Etheric and Spirit of Form Chromosome foundations by infecting humanity with raw Anti-Light that attacks the very foundations of our Etheric lymphatic system.

We mention these facts because the film, THE GREEN MILE, came out in 1999 and reflects the powerful response from the Risen Etheric Christ to the massive ignorance of the Etheric Life of the Earth and what the Luke Jesus child carried and what awaits humanity in the future unfolding of the Life-Spirit or Budhi in our own etheric bodies.

While THE GREEN MILE story is said to have taken place in the early time frame of 1935 when the dawn of the Etheric Christ had just begun to stir the depths of the hidden moral forces of humanity, it’s film production and release conforms itself to 1933 and to 1999 as a pattern of Etheric Christ studies arising freely in the open schooling of The Tenth Hierarchy.

There are scant and scarce opportunities for anyone ever, aside from the Michael School of Spiritual Science to even approach the deeper mysteries of the Luke Jesus child (see link) or even come close to examining the specific forces of the advanced Etheric Body known as Life-Spirit, which humanity is destined to attain. Our common education and intelligence gets us nowhere near where the mystery of the Life-Spirit or Budhi that the Christ Carried and that humans will carry as Christophoros. Christophoros from the Late Greek name Χριστοφορος (Christophoros) meaning “bearing Christ”, derived from Χριστος (Christos) combined with φερω (phero) “to bear, to carry”.

Much to our shock and amazement we will discover exactly how THE GREEN MILE allows us to peek through a crack in the doorway to where the greatest mysteries of humanity are hidden. To be a Christ Carrier, a Christusträger, to be a Christ-Bearer, to be a Christophoros may be studied, anticipated and taken hold of by our intelligence. And as in all things, we are required to look and connect things that nowhere in the course of our common place human education or our common place human thinking, would we have before us such an opportunity for a sneak peek through the crack in the doorway into the workings of the LIFE-SPIRIT that the Risen Etheric Christ had at His command as a  fully conscious capacity when He lived on the Earth.

Nowhere in our common place human education would we ever follow the trail of the Etheric Mysteries into the plant kingdom, the lymphatic/etheric healing acts of the Christ Being as He lived on Earth. In the process we gain a concrete stage of grasping what Spiritual Science means when the Life-Spirit is openly discussed. It would remain beyond our comprehension if Stephen King (SEE LINK) had not presented us with the character of John Coffey in the (click link) THE GREEN MILE.

“There are, however, in the world great and mighty mysteries which mankind is not yet entitled to know. Human beings of the present day, even though they may be sufficiently developed, are not yet strong enough to go through the great Mysteries. They can know of them, they can understand them when they are able to experience them spiritually; but our present humanity, so deeply immersed in matter, is not yet capable of converting them into their physical expression.” Rudolf Steiner

In The Green Mile we are confronted with one of the greater mysteries of the Risen Etheric Christ event. Through our efforts in understanding the character and demonstration of the healings that John Coffey performs in the film, “The Green Mile” we are led directly into the deeper Mysteries of Christ and Christianity that are normally hidden from us.

Mainly these mysteries that are there for the eye to see and the ear to hear, remain hidden because our education, our prejudice and our clumsy arrogance prevents us from literally examining objectively what we are seeing. The Etheric Christ event and Christ having lived for three years on the Earth are objective events. However our education and our prejudice limit, confine and imprison our grasp of the objectivity of the Christ Life on Earth and the Risen Etheric Christ currently active in our environment. Subjectively we quote the Bible but we really prefer to keep Christ imprisoned in our subjective opinions so we can pretend we are Christian and love Jesus.

The objectivity of the Christ Event allows those who are willing to recognize the connection of the deeper mysteries and bring those deeper mysteries together with the healings presented in “The Green Mile” an awesome opportunity. Through the character of John Coffey we can get a front row seat to the very signs and wonders that appeared in the Gospels through Christ.

Rudolf Steiner

“Imagine for example that someone could receive the Christ Impulse fully into himself, that it could completely pass over upon him. The Christ Himself might stand directly in the presence of this person and the Christ Impulse be transmitted to him. What does that signify? If the person were blind, he would yet be able to see by means of the direct influence of this Christ Impulse, for the final goal of evolution is the conquest of the forces of sickness and death. When the writer of the Gospel of St. John speaks of the healing of the man born blind, he is then speaking out of the depths of the Mysteries, he is demonstrating, by means of an example, that the force of the Christ is a healing force when it appears in full power. It may be asked: Where is this force? It is in the body of the Christ, in the earth! But this earth must, in truth, be fully permeated by the being of the Christ Spirit or of the Logos. Let us see if the writer of the Gospel recounts the story with this meaning. How does he relate it?

“Standing there is the blind man. The Christ takes some earth, insalivates  (See Norse Gods all Spit in Jar, mix clay to Make Kvasir)  it and lays it upon the blind man’s eyes. He lays His body, the earth, permeated with His spirit upon the blind man. In this description, the writer of the Gospel indicates a mystery which he very well understands. Now laying aside all prejudice, let us talk a little more in detail of this sign — one of the greatest performed by the Christ — in order that we may learn to know more exactly the nature of such a thing and not be disturbed because our very clever contemporaries will consider what has just been said to be sheer madness or folly!”

Now the miracles and healings presented in the Gospels reveal the objective operation of higher forces that can be found in our human Etheric Bodies and in it’s highest manifestation revealed through the specific deeds of Christ. The forces that existed in the Christ for Three Years on the Earth had already achieved a level of development we know of as the Life-Spirit and Budhi.  Humanity will slowly unfold forces in our etheric bodies that Christ brought fully to bear on Earth during His brief Three Year Sojourn.

We are indebted to Stephen King for allowing us into a mystery that humanity will only attain to, consciously in the distant future. The Etheric Life of the Earth, our lymphatic system, the entire mystery of The Agricultural Course (see link) by Rudolf Steiner our study of the immense world of plants (see link) and the very potent secrets of Eurythmy and the Human Word will rise to the surface with our deepened understanding of the Risen Etheric Christ in our midst.

Since” The Green Mile” and the character of John Coffey is such an excellent schooling and study of the higher Etheric and Life-Spirit, Budhi, which the Christ gave to humanity consciously, we can consider ourselves privileged to examine also the unconscious and unusual manner of the appearance of the higher Etheric Life-Body, that bulged forth, and filled the simple soul and body of John Coffey. It is an absolute unique opportunity and manifestation of our higher intuitions reaching upwards into the realm of the Risen Etheric Christ.

Even in the casting of the film itself, we see the peculiar reality of the manifestation, in a natural form, not of an impregnated muscle bound steroid induced muscle (given the reality of what would an overly dominated Etheric Life Force look like in a human being if it appeared unconsciously and without higher esoteric training), we can recognize in John Coffey a human form in which the higher forces of the Etheric Body itself overwhelmed the physical and astral body.

In this very specific example of the dominating force of the higher Etheric and Life Body in John Coffey, we also see the amazing false path of doping and steroid use to build bulk and body muscle but without, without even a shred of insight into the Etheric forces that carry the moral Light of the Etheric worlds through the human being.

Building body bulk and abstract body muscle force, without insight into the Etheric Body, is the direct result of our desire to avoid a conscious understanding of the Risen Etheric Christ. Falsified Body Muscle and Bulk attempts to steal future karma forces that reside and are given in our muscles to face the tasks and realities of our destinies on Earth. Bulking and grabbing empty muscle from the future through doping and steroids and egotistic, selfish worship of seeing ourselves in mirrors as mighty humans, as superheros is an absolute lie and deception based on our failure to understand the relationship between our personal karma and our muscle fitness.

Super Hero fantasies and materialistic meddling with the Etheric body

  Why you should not Be a Juice Monkey

If you’re using steroids or thinking about it, here’s a pretty good list of reasons not to.

  1. Gives you zits.
  2. Gives you bad breath, which equals no kisses.
  3. Makes you go bald sooner, which equals looking like your Dad when your 16.
  4. For Girls: it makes you grow a mustache- totally gross!
  5. For Girls: it makes your boobies shrink.
  6. For Guys: it makes your nuts shrink – do you really need another reason?
  7. For Guys: it makes it hurt when you go to the bathroom- again, do you really need another reason?
  8. For Guys: it makes you grow breasts- once again, see above.
  9. Impotence: that means you can’t get an erection.
  10. Roid Rage: it makes you get all wacko and violent.

So in John Coffey and much to our amazement we have a specialized, isolated example of an Etheric body that is unconsciously filled with the forces of The Risen Etheric Christ in a peculiar and a natural way. Which allows us to witness, again with THE GREEN MILE, we are allowed to witness a series of miracles that we can directly bridge over to the Etheric Christ.

In other words through the miracles that Christ performed consciously on the Earth, we are now able to study objectively and see exactly how the dynamic of those miracles manifested and their deeper meaning. We are able to exactly understand how John Coffey could perform certain miracles because of the powerful forces of the Etheric Body – that in fact – The Christ for three years on Earth, through a series of miracles, brought HIS own living Etheric and Budhi and Life-Spirit forces to such a pitch that Christ transformed the very physical human form into Spirit-Man. ATMA or Spirit-Man was the revelation of the hardest transformation into the Resurrected Phantom and the Risen Etheric Christ Form ever accomplished in the history of humanity. This shattering event was given back to humanity as the gift of the objective reality of The Resurrection.

In John Coffey we have a specialized example of the higher Budhi and Life-Spirit forces, captured and isolated into a specific example that conforms itself to the deepest Mysteries of the Christ Event which are never studied in depth. So now, beyond a shadow of a doubt we will present the connections that our limited education (study this link that thwarts any semblance of higher education), with the exception of the Michael School and Spiritual Science, all our limited education can do is to appeal to our subjective and imprisoned opinions.

On the other hand, to grasp the Etheric Christ event consciously and objectively we are required to understand what the miracles in the Bible were truly about and what the miracles that are manifested in the character of John Coffey are. In doing so we gain an accurate vision into a specific stage of human development that is objectively known as Budhi or the Life-Spirit, an actual stage of every HUMAN BEINGS HIGHER DEVELOPMENT.

In the film presentation of “The Green Mile” we have the Miracle of the Mouse; the Miracle of the urinary tract and bladder infection (without the use of Cranberry Juice); the Miracle of the curing of  a tumor in the brain caused by Cancer; the Miracle of real karma transference and higher Fifth Chamber of the Human Heart akashic capacities ; the Miracle of a  living Etheric extension of human life.

The title of “The Green Mile” is really one of the first of the miracles we should recognize, applaud and celebrate as just how remarkable human ART, human thinking and human writing can be. We hardly appreciate what a title tells us and how it introduces us into a mystery which we absolutely do not encounter or connect to concrete facts just because of the simplistic education we settle for here on Earth.

The title of  “The Green Mile” is in reality based on our average life span which is given at 72 years and based on each of our individual incarnations that celebrate year after year our own Sun Precession. Each human Life-Span is generally designed on the Platonic Year and we are intimate to the Platonic Year both daily in our breathing and also to the fact that each of  us represent 1 click, 1 degree, 1 ray and 1 pulse and indeed 1 Green Mile of the Sun’s journey through the Platonic Year.

One of the intimate, missed and great secrets of “The Green Mile” is that it represents, brilliantly the journey of one mile or the length of each of our human destinies that culminates and brings us to the end of our own Green Mile here on Earth. Therefore “The Green Mile” that everyone is given as their road and their path of destiny is locked into one of the most powerful spiritual mysteries known. (See Link)

The human definition of The Green Mile

The Precession of the equinoxes =  25,920 yrs = (360° rotation)

If the sky is divided into 12 constellations:

(25,920 / 12 = 2,160)

(Note: 6 x 10 x 6 = 360 and 360 x 6 = 2,160)

A New sign appears on the horizon each 2,160 yrs (30°)

Note: (2 x 2,160 or 12 x 360 = 4,320 yrs)

 Therefore to move 1° on the horizon = 72 yrs. (approx).

Rudolf Steiner and THE GREEN MILE (see link)

“Something, therefore, breathes within us, yet it is another kind of breathing, it is something which rises and falls … it breathes within us in the course of one day, in the same way in which something breathes within us during the 18th part of a minute. Something breathes within us in the course of one day. Let us now see if that which breathes within us in the course of one day, if the rising and falling of our etheric body, which thus breathes within us, also sets forth something which resembles a circular movement, a return to a point of departure. In that case, we would have to investigate what 25,920 days really are. For 25,920 of these breaths, in which the etheric rises and falls, would have to correspond, in their rise and fall, to a reproduction of the platonic year. Just as one day corresponds to 25,920 respirations, so 25,920 days should also correspond to something in human life. How many years are 25, 920 days? Let us see.

Let us take the year with an average of 365¼ days, let us make a division and then we shall obtain as a result of the division

25,920 ÷ 365.25 = about 71

that is to say, about 71 years, which is the average duration of human life. Of course, the human being has his freedom and frequently he may grow much older. But you know that the patriarchal age is indicated as 70 years. Thus you have the duration of human life equal to 25,920 days, 25,920 of such great breaths! Once more, we obtain a cycle which reproduces microcosmically in a wonderful way the macrocosmic happenings. Thus we may say: If we live one day, we reproduce the platonic world-year with our 25,920 respirations; if we live 71 years, we again reproduce the platonic year with 25,920 great breaths, with the rising and falling pertaining to our waking up and our falling asleep.”


A mouse as a living life form can be defined and quantified clearly as a tiny creature that has an astral body, an etheric body and a physical body. If we ask ourselves what makes us incapable of understanding reality and understanding the structure of certain miracles we can start with our misunderstanding and failure to understand the tiniest of gods creatures. We are not trained in our most fundamental considerations of reality to grasp the difference between a plant and an animal. A plant has only an etheric and physical body. A well formed hexagonally constructed crystal has only a physical structure but no etheric body and no astral body.

A Mouse has a physical body, a lympthatic or etheric body and it’s limited specialized capacities, are it’s gifts, it’s astral body or nervous system. Of course our blunt education can hardly consider the structure of a mouse and rate the mouse as connected to the specialized etheric life of the earth or rate the mouse to the specialized capacities of the astral life of the earth. The mouse with it’s specialized information and genetic codes are isolated and locked into a specialized form, in one of gods littlest of creatures.

Mice   (CLICK LINK) and rats are mammals with nervous systems (astral body) similar to our own. It’s no secret that they feel pain, fear, loneliness, and joy just as we do. These highly social animals communicate with each other using high-frequency sounds that are inaudible to the human ear. They become emotionally attached to each other, love their families, and easily bond with human guardians(etheric body). Male mice woo mates with high-pitched love songs. Infant rats giggle when they are tickled. Not only do rats express empathy (etheric body) when another rat or a human they know is in distress, they also exhibit altruism, putting themselves in harm’s way rather than allowing another living being to suffer.

More than 100 million mice and rats are killed in U.S. laboratories every year. They are abused in everything from toxicology tests (in which they are slowly poisoned to death) to painful burn experiments to psychological experiments that induce terror, anxiety, depression, and helplessness.

They are deliberately electroshocked in pain studies, are mutilated in experimental surgeries, and have everything from cocaine to methamphetamine pumped into their bodies. They are given cancerous tumors and are injected with human cells in genetic-manipulation experiments.”

The Miracle of the Urinary tract infection(click link)

If I carefully examine the details of the miracles in the film The Green Mile it would be easy for the reader to become distracted. However when I bring these miracles into direct relation to the miracles performed consciously by the Christ while he was in incarnation on the Earth for 3 years, we are faced with a mighty flexing of the capacity of the moral Etheric Life-Spirit, Budhi of the Christ.

Christ gained in strength and FORCE as a human reality on earth by permeating and penetrating and raising the human etheric body forces up to the level of the Life-Spirit and Budhi capacity. Christ, in a fully conscious and step by step, stage by stage magnification, elevation and acceleration of His capacities opened the full operational codes and capacities of the higher Life-Spirit and Budhi phase for each and every human being on Earth. That is why it is important to study what it takes and what it will take and what it took to bring these Etheric Forces to the stage of development we can now study, called Budhi or THE BREAD OF LIFE or Life-Spirit.

When these facts are placed before our souls we cannot relax and make excuses that “The Green Mile” and miracles done by John Coffey are just silly special effects. For what we are tasked to study is how Christ consciously grew in stature and awakened Life-Spirit and Budhi capacities for humanity and how we can observe and study Life-Spirit and Budhi capacities as concrete schooling of our souls and spirits. In pursuing our higher schooling, “The Green Mile” and the character of John Coffey brings us not only to The Luke Jesus Child (see link) but also to the enhanced and accelerated magnification, step by step of the Etheric Forces that Christ developed for the future of humanity.

We cannot gain the objectivity of Christ on Earth or comprehend the status and structure of the human soul and spirit as realities and facts unless we re-awaken the FACTS of the Bible and observe clearly what the Christ was doing within the model of our Human Forms. Christ was slowly accelerating, enlarging, enhancing and elevating the soul level and spirit level phases and plateaus of human experience and planting these immense realities deep into the unfolding potential of every human I AM who has a physical, etheric, astral and I AM.

These phases and stages of the higher enhancement of the etheric body are called Signs and Wonders but these Signs and Wonders reveal the detailed enlargement of the Etheric Capacities that are now part of the Risen Etheric Christ capacities over the whole Earth. However the intensity, the immortal forces we are now faced with in The Risen Etheric Christ, had to be directed and intensified via the I AM of the Christ Being in a step by step, sign by sign, miracle by miracle strengthening which only NOW can we study with clarity and concrete insight.

Christ and the Gathering Immortal forces of Budhi- Life Spirit and the ongoing Living reality of the Risen Etheric Christ (SEE STUDY LINK)

“…let us glance at the Gospel of St. John itself, and describe that momentous document from the point of view of its own value. This Gospel, of which we said yesterday that modern theological criticism (in so far as it is infected by materialism) can come to no satisfactory conclusion concerning it, and is powerless to understand its historical truth, will reveal itself to us, when studied in the light of spiritual science, as one of the most marvelous documents in possession of the human race. It may be said that it is not only one of the greatest religious documents but that of all literary productions — if this profane expression be allowed — it may be accounted as one of the best. Let us now approach the contents of this document from the literary standpoint.

“When we understand it aright and know the true meaning underlying the words, we find it, from the very first chapter, to be one of the most finished productions, as regards style and composition, existing in the world. Of course, something more than a superficial examination is required to detect this. We find immediately, on a casual glance, that the writer — we now know his identity — reckons exactly seven miracles up to the Raising of Lazarus. (The significance of this number seven will be dealt with in the course of the next few days.) Which are the seven miracles or signs?

1. The sign at the marriage at Cana in Galilee.

2. The sign given in the healing of the nobleman’s son.

3. The sign given in the healing of the man 38 years in his infirmity, at the pool at Bethesda.

4. The sign given in the feeding of the five thousand.

5. The sign given in the vision of Christ walking on the water.

6. The sign given in the healing of the man born blind, and finally

7. The greatest of the signs, the initiation of Lazarus — the transformation of Lazarus into the writer of the Gospel of St. John.

“…What further increase in the Christ-power can still be possible? None other than that Christ should approach a human being and awaken in him the bearer of His own impulse, so that this human being becomes a new man, a man permeated by Christ. That is what takes place in the Raising of Lazarus. Here we have yet another increase in the Christ-power. The power of Christ rises from stage to stage!

“Where in the world could we find a lyrical document so magnificently composed? No other writer has produced such a work. Who could do otherwise than bend in reverence before this description of events, rising to a climax from step to step, in so marvelous a way! Considered alone from the standpoint of its artistic composition, the Gospel of St. John moves us to bow our head in reverence before it. Herein everything waxes great from stage to stage and reaches its climax.”

Χριστοφορος -Christophoros


“Christ should approach a human being and awaken in him the bearer of His own impulse, so that this human being becomes a new man, a man permeated by Christ.” Rudolf Steiner

We all wish to assume we are bearers of the Christ Impulse but we certainly don’t wish to study the phases and levels of development that being a Christ-Bearer entails. And that is a problem. Lazarus had earned through many powerful incarnations, the strength and humility to carry some of the highest aspects of the Christ Mystery on the Earth.

There Lazarus was, dead in a Temple Sleep, wrapped up like a Chrysalis, with all the literal realities that are attached to the chrysalis stage of the butterfly, Lazarus was about to become a Christ-Bearer. Not so fast! Not so easy to compare any of us, let alone John Coffey in “The Green Mile” to Lazarus. But in point of fact we do have a Christ-Bearer who was not only Lazarus, but was raised by Christ at the crucial point where the advanced and elevated forces of the Life-Spirit and Budhi– of the Christ, had grown to such an extent that Christ could TRANSFER directly this BREAD OF LIFE, into the higher system of a human being, historically known as Lazarus.

John Coffey is awarded a CHRISTOPHORUS, a St. Christopher medallion at the precise point where John Coffey performs one of the most difficult miracles in the film. John Coffey, under armed guard, cures a cancerous brain tumor in the wife of the warden of the prison. The event of this miracle identifies John Coffey accurately, as far as our studies are concerned, as a Χριστοφορος (Christophoros) meaning a person who has a strong enough Etheric body to bear the Life-Spirit and Budhi forces of the Risen Etheric Christ.

Melinda Moores: I dreamed of you. I dreamed you were wandering in the dark. And so was I. And we found each other. We found each other in the dark.
[reaches out her necklace to him]
Paul Edgecomb: Take it, John. It’s a present.
Melinda Moores: It’s St. Christopher. I want you to have it, Mr. Coffey. And wear it. He’ll keep you safe. Please… Wear it for me.
John Coffey: [leans forward so she can hang it around his neck] Thank you, ma’am.
Melinda Moores: Thank you, John.

First and foremost by accident we stumble into Steiner’s definition “Christ should approach a human being and awaken in him the bearer of His own impulse, so that this human being becomes a new man, a man permeated by Christ.” 

Let us get our meaning exactly. Here is the precise meaning. “When Christ Loves us, He Knows us! He does not just ‘Love’ a glob of faceless Humanity, He actually, perceptibly, wholly and solely, comprehendingly and delightedly Knows who we are every minute of us, being who we are individually.” (Clarification if needed, Click Link)

But this is no fable, no fiction. We have stepped right into the middle of a Christian Rosenkreuz mystery. We have stepped into the middle of the author of the John Gospel and further we have stepped into the middle of the author of Revelation, The Apocalypse of St. John. St. Christopher and the Christophorus is no fable. St. Christopher carried a staff and on his shoulders he is supposed to carry the tiny child, Jesus over the river into incarnation. But when St. Christopher gets to the other-side, he plants his staff, the long branch of a tree, his wooden pole to keep his balance, Christ asks St. Christopher to plant his staff in the ground. At this point the staff, the dead wood, bursts into Etheric Life and leaf and foliage spring from the dead wood.

Now let us be clear about this. Once Lazarus was imbued with the Life-Spirit and Bread of Life, the higher Budhi of the Christ impulse, we have a completely different force which has been bequeathed by Christ through a human being. That human being, Lazarus, cannot die, in the sense of having had the full force of the etheric Life-Spirit of Christ course through him. And we are left with a riddle as history, for good reason, history has kept the identity and the further development of Lazarus/St. John a veiled secret.

Peter asks Jesus about the final fate of the Beloved Disciple. The passage continues as follows:

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

Now the extended life span of Paul (Tom Hanks) and his little mouse “Mr. Jingles” are left with a problem that part of the Life-Spirit and Budhi directed forces that John Coffey had pulsing through him, DID in effect pass over into Paul the floor supervisor of Block E of the Green Mile, at the time of the dawning of the Etheric Christ Impulse in the World around 1935. The extended Life-Force of both the mouse and the man, which gives a whole new meaning to of Mice and Men.

Both John Steinbeck and Robert Burns who wrote the best laid plans of mice and men and Nobel Prize winning Steinbeck’s novella  “Of Mice and Men” dance together in “The Green Mile”.

But that immortal, budding to life of the dead wood that is part of the Christophorus and St. Christopher medal can only be concretely tracked and understood if we follow the mystery of Christian Rosenkreuz and the SEVEN ROSES that blossom from the Dead Wood of the Cross. (See Link)

Hamburg 3-14-1909

Rudolf Steiner: “The physical body doesn’t belong to us, it’s an optical illusion. It’s formed by streams that go out from Thrones. Imagine brooks that flow together; a whirlpool arises where they meet. Likewise the physical body arises where streams from Thrones come together. The black cross represents the lower animal part of man that must be overcome. The seven red roses must sprout and flower out of it. A beautiful story tells us that when Christ hung on the cross, bees came and drew honey from his bleeding wounds, as from red roses otherwise. The blood’s composition had changed through the sacrifice and had become like the sap of red roses.”

Why has history veiled this secret? Because indeed anyone who learns to carry the Life-Spirit, Budhi, Mana or Spirit-Self and the Atma or Spirit-Man mysteries that Christ succeeded in planting into Earth development, is responsible for carrying the higher mysteries of humanity, the Full Christ Impulse into incarnation, every time they incarnate. That Means that the full Christ impulses are born on the shoulders or in the karma and destiny, and woven into every human being who achieves Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man, they carry the full weight of the entire mission of the stars and the entire mission of humanity and they share the burden of Christ by being truly a CHRIST-BEARER a Christophorus.

John Coffey reveals the agony of facing the thoughts, the astral life and the crimes that humanity continues to produce that impact John Coffey with an intensity none of us who are on the path could claim to bear consciously.

John Coffey: You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin’ and worryin’, I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I’m tired, boss. Tired of bein’ on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we’s coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?

Christ and currently Christian Rosenkreuz are the only ones we can study and we know who have experienced the impacts of being a Christophorus. In other words John Coffey is overwhelmed by the forces that he was given to be a Christophorus. But this is merely the tiniest of distant windows compared to what Christ experienced on Earth surrounded by humanity and what anyone will experience who rises through the stages of Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man.

The Schooling of our own Christianity truly must be humbled if we think we know anything about Justice or karma. If we think we know what human suffering is or we plan to quickly ascend to all the gifts of Christ and the Resurrection, while remaining ignorant hypocrites who merely pay lip service to the realities of the Christ Event while here on Earth, we have much to learn.  Yet most of us refuse to lift a finger to study the actual concrete stages of the type of soul development that is required just to achieve carrying the Christ Impulse consciously. We apparently don’t wish to understand the shattering realities of THE FIFTH CHAMBER OF THE HUMAN HEART.

John Coffey is a prime example of what it would be like to carry such a force in our Etheric Body unconsciously. And that should help us understand in all humility the weight of the world that weighs on the shoulders of any individual who earns the right to share the burden and the humility of the full forces of the Christ Impulse and become a Christophorus, a Christusträger.

“The oldest picture of the saint, in the monastery on the Mount Sinai dates from the time of Justinian (527-65). From the Late Greek name Χριστοφορος (Christophoros) meaning “bearing Christ”, derived from Χριστος (Christos) combined with φερω (phero) “to bear, to carry”. Early Christians used it as a metaphorical name, expressing that they carried Christ in their hearts. In the Middle Ages, literal interpretations of the name’s etymology led to legends about a Saint Christopher who carried the young Jesus across a river.”

The Brain Tumor Miracle from “The Green Mile” (See Link)

John Coffey, being a Christ-Bearer, a Christusträger and owning a unique and specialized potent expression of THE BREAD OF LIFE, known as Life-Spirit and Budhi that arises in him as a unique manifestation of the potent forces of the Risen Etheric Christ, appears for our study in one individual example.

Once more it is important to remind ourselves that John Coffey had no interference from a normal precocious, devouring materialistic  intellect, to distract or limit the FULLNESS of his absorption of the Etheric Forces of the Risen Etheric Christ. The very unique simplicity, ignorance, gentleness and innocence of John Coffey allowed for the full blown RISEN ETHERIC CHRIST forces to flow through him without hindrance.

We are looking at a time frame that places John Coffey’s birth well before 1933 when the rise of the Etheric Christ takes place. He achieves his maturity and the full ripeness of his Etheric Forces by 1935 according to the film script.  So “The Green Mile”, as an after thought in history, gives us a window into a rural, unpublicized footnote in history that really brings us to the intimate region of the secrets of a human biography.

A limited set of human biographies experienced what was hidden, kept below the water line of history, which is exactly the problem and the reality of the Resurrection and entire event of Golgotha itself. It was an event that could be intensely denied and historically disputed because in all the Roman World, the most important event in the entire history of Earth and humanity, was isolated and confined to just a few souls who experienced it directly.Those few souls who were impacted by the Christ Event and received powerful immortal changes in their etheric, astral and I AM systems remain subjects of debate, doubt and incredulousness on the part of materialism to this day.

When Aristotle is called forth to testify on behalf of the Risen Etheric Christ and the stages of how the Etheric body develops into Life-Spirit, Budhi and THE BREAD OF LIFE, we are dumbfounded and cannot put the pieces of the puzzle together in our minds to see for ourselves how Aristotle reappears again through the natural science of reincarnation as Rudolf Steiner. Aristotle, the Christ and Michael the Archae had preserved the integrity and diligence that only Aristotle possessed.  We rediscover (SEE LINK)  Aristotle in the individuality of Rudolf Steiner and now, to our astonishment, he is carrying his own higher Spirit-Self development by tackling the most difficult and knotty problems of science and the human spirit. There was no one like Aristotle ever, except Rudolf Steiner (See Link).

The science of the I AM, is what Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner brought with him into incarnation. It is the mystery of every I AM to know and understand what Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner understood when he encountered the Christ in THE PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM. Aristotle/Rudolf Steiner could say of the Risen Etheric Christ, “Christ should approach a human being and awaken in him the bearer of His own impulse, so that this human being becomes a new man, a man permeated by Christ.”

AWAKEN IN HIM THE BEARER OF HIS OWN IMPULSE, the impulses and forces that are in secret in each I AM and each human being we encounter, there is the secret intimacy of what stage and what specific life lessons we are drawn to with the potency of our unique I AM.  Nobody knows those secrets but ourselves and the profound reality of the Risen Etheric Christ. A deep and profound intimacy that jolts the foundations of our I AM in such a way that people who are unaware would never notice the difference, but the person who experienced the Christ Event or the John Coffey events would remember and be changed by a FORCE, an actual LIVING FORCE OF ETHERIC LIFE AND NATURE. Such were the early Christians and such were the participants of the events surrounding John Coffey and “The Green Mile”.

The Miracle of Karma Transference and reading of the Etheric Akashic records (Click This Link).

“And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes?

By touch, exactly as the Christ experienced anyone who touched the Christ, embraced the Christ, kissed the Christ, as Judas did (click link), Christ experienced a vast picture of the karmic web of the person in question. John Coffey transfers from the Akashic records, the etheric living vision, to Paul Edgecomb the security supervisor on “The Green Mile”. This vision from the Akashic ethers of the true events of the murder of two innocent little girls, that John Coffey was not guilty of and had no sin imprinted into his etheric karmic record, yet he was tried in the Justice system and found guilty and sentenced to die by electrocution.

We find a precise mirrored problem in the crucifixion and sentencing of Christ, except for one enormous detail. Christ was fully conscious and required the crucifixion in order to be born into the deepest mysteries of Earth. Christ changed His place of residence from Heaven and required the crucifixion to conquer death down to the very physical bones.

The system, we call Justice here on Earth and a jury of TWELVE determined that such a big giant of a human being caught with two poor dead girls in his arms was the murderer. John Coffey was unable to manifest the forces that Christ manifested in the raising of Lazarus to restore the two girls to life. John Coffey was unable to bring the potency of the Life-Spirit and Budhi that he carried in his Etheric Body, strong enough to restore the lives of the two murdered little girls.

For the crime of simply being a Miracle of God, John Coffey was sent to death row, but there he actually touches the arm of the murderer, who has been sent to death row, not for the murder of the little girls, which he secretly did, but for the murder he committed during an armed robbery. No one knows that he also murdered and raped the two little girls that John Coffey is sentenced to die for.  No one but the inner I AM of the murderer and the Christ Being knew what was hidden below the surface of world events that we as humanity call Justice.  Karmic Justice and the transference of the Akashic etheric vision, by touch is one of the higher manifestations of THE FIFTH CHAMBER OF THE HUMAN HEART (see Link).

John Coffey: Take my hand, boss. You see for yourself.

John Coffey: You can’t hide what’s in your heart.

Christ has Akashic etheric vision, even today, in full operation. He saw Peter before the cock crows three times denying he ever knew the Christ. If someone even touched the Christ, because our limited education cannot even fathom it, the Christ was the manifestation of the Etheric Sun forces on Earth. When He walked through the world as a human being, the Karma of humanity and the individual karma amongst the throngs and crowds that clustered around Him were transparent for Him by mere contact.

Any contact brought streams of Karmic, Ahashic vision that allowed Christ to know exactly the ancient destiny of the TWELVE disciples He had chosen and why He had chosen them. The Disciples were  brought into incarnation in the vicinity of the most profound mystery the Earth has ever experienced. With such a higher etheric Akashic karma capacity Christ could identify and choose the Disciples that He, Himself, had tracked and observed through time. This is made clear through (THIS LINK).

John Coffey and the Christ bring to our attention the Akashic and Karmic etheric vision that passes through John Coffey as a capacity in the same manner as it passed through Christ as a capacity, because the reading of the Akashic script of humanity is one of the higher capacities all humanity will attain to. All we are required to do is to understand the higher scaffolding of the human structure and system with the meticulousness of Aristotle.

We are given an example of all that Aristotle had achieved and all that he brought with him as capacities in the recent incarnation of Aristotle in the individuality of Rudolf Steiner. Therefore when we can approach the dissected clarity of the miracles of the Bible and the miracles invested in the structure of the human being, because we are looking at how the scientist Aristotle was privileged to bring his new capacities to the service of the immense mysteries of the Christ Event. The personality and destiny of Rudolf Steiner resurrects the capacities of Aristotle but with marvelous new gifts that are the fruit of his own I AM.

Steiner was able to do what no other before him, save St. John could do, Rudolf Steiner and Christian Rosenkreuz are both Christ Carriers, Christ-Bearers, Christusträger, They are conscious Christophorus, Christ Riders on the Storm. With Rudolf Steiner we can look to the magnificent forces Aristotle cultivated which now gives all of us the opportunity to comprehend the distinctive scaffolding and structure of the human soul and spirit from our physical bodies to the higher systems that grows from the deep roots of our physical and etheric, astral and I AM towards the lofty goals of Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man that Christ achieved for the benefit of humanity.

This akashic transference that we see in the touch of John Coffey is the same transference that Christ experienced as potent Etheric Forces that passed through Him, that were a manifestation of Him, that were conscious capacities Christ distilled from our own Etheric structures. Christ accelerated and hyper-intensified the foundations of our Etheric Bodies and brought them to their most efficient and potent functioning.

Christ, the walking living miracle, looked, talked, walked like other human beings, but from within the foundational strata of our physical, etheric (lymphatic), astral (nervous system) and I Am (blood potency) Christ magnified and intensified and brought to fruition, flowering and potency, the higher SEEDS nested in our lower bodies. Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man were the GERMINAL SEEDS that were brought to fruition, magnified and hyper-intensified  by a God who walked in a human form.

Rudolf Steiner – THE LUKE JESUS BODY – and John Coffey (see Link)

“People do not generally notice the subtler implications concealed behind many narratives in the Gospels, nor realize that reference is often being made to illnesses of a quite different character when, for example, these are described in the passage in St. Luke’s Gospel telling of the healing of one sick of the palsy. (Luke V, 17–26). ‘The healing of one paralysed’ would be the correct rendering, for the Greek text here has the word ‘paralelymenos’, denoting one whose limbs are paralysed. It was still known in those times that these forms of illness are due to qualities of the etheric body. When it is said that Christ Jesus healed those who were paralysed, this shows that by the power of his Individuality, effects were produced not only in astral bodies but in etheric bodies too, so that it was possible for men with defects in the etheric body also to be healed. Precisely when Christ speaks of ‘deeper sin’ — sin which reaches into the etheric body — He uses a particular expression, clearly indicating that the spiritual factor causing the illness must first be removed. He does not immediately say to the paralysed man: “Stand up and walk!” but concerns Himself with the cause that is penetrating as illness into the etheric body, and says: “Thy sins are forgiven thee!” — meaning that the sin which had eaten its way right into the etheric body must first be expelled. Ordinary biblical research does not enter into these fine distinctions; it does not perceive that what is here being shown is that this Individuality had an influence upon the secrets of the astral body and the etheric body — even upon those of the physical body.

“Why in this connection do we speak of the secrets of the physical body as though they were the highest? In outer life itself the effect made by one astral body upon another is quite obvious. You can, for example, wound a man by a word charged with hatred. Something then takes place in his astral body; he hears the word and suffers pain in his astral body. That is an example of mutual action between one astral body and another. Mutual action between one etheric body and another is far more deeply hidden; this involves delicate influences which play from man to man but are never perceived to-day. The most deeply hidden of all are the influences which reach the physical body, because owing to its dense materiality it conceals the working of the spiritual most completely. In the Gospel of St. Luke, however, we are also to be shown that Christ Jesus has power over the physical body. Here we come to a passage that would be quite incomprehensible to materialistic thinkers. It is as well that these lectures are being attended only by people who have some knowledge of spiritual science, for if by chance someone were to come in from the street, what is being said to-day would seem to him pure lunacy, even if he considered the rest only half or quarter mad!

“Christ Jesus shows that He is able to see into the very depths of the physical corporeality and to work into it. This is revealed by the fact that His power is also able to have a healing effect upon illnesses rooted in the physical body. But for this to be possible there must be knowledge of the mysterious effects working from the physical body of one human being upon the physical body of another. When it is a matter of working spiritually, man cannot be regarded as a being enclosed in his skin. It has often been said that our finger is wiser than we are ourselves. Our finger knows that the blood can flow through it only if the blood is circulating normally through the whole body; our finger knows that it would wither away if it were severed from the rest of the organism. So too, if he would understand the conditions relating to the physical body, man must know that in respect of his physical organism he belongs to humanity as a whole, that influences are continually passing from one human being to another, and that he can in no way separate his physical health as an individual from the health of the whole of humanity. This principle will be admitted to-day in respect of the coarser influences but not in respect of the finer, because people cannot know the facts. In the following passage from the eighth chapter of St. Luke’s Gospel it is the finer, more delicate influences that are indicated.

“And it came to pass, that, when Jesus was returned, the people gladly received him: for they were all waiting for him. And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus’ feet, and besought him that he would come into his house: For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a-dying. But as he went the people thronged him. And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.“

“How can the twelve-year-old daughter of Jairus possibly be healed, for she is at the very point of death? This can only be understood if we know that the girl’s physical illness was connected with another phenomenon in another person, and that she cannot be healed independently of that other phenomenon. When this, child, now twelve years old, was born, a certain connection existed with another personality — a connection deeply grounded in Karma. Hence we are told that a woman who had suffered from a certain illness for twelve years, passed behind Christ and touched the border of His garment (CLICK LINK). Why is this woman mentioned here? It is because she was connected karmically with Jairus’ child! This twelve-year-old girl and the woman who had suffered for twelve years were deeply connected! And it is not without reason that a secret of number is indicated here: the woman with an illness suffered for twelve years approaches Jesus and is healed — and only now could He enter the house of Jairus (CLICK LINK) and heal the twelve-year-old girl who was believed to be already dead.

“Depths as great as these must be explored in order to understand the Karma that weaves between one human being and another! Then we can perceive the third way in which Christ worked — namely, upon the whole human organism. This must be especially borne in mind when we are considering the higher effects produced by Christ as presented in the Gospel of St. Luke.”

ATMA, the Breath of Life and the Inner Etheric Life-Spirit of the Word of Life and the Bread of Life

In the example of John Coffey, human imagination and creativity have chosen to visualize how John Coffey could inhale the poison in the human soul,  or cure it by touch or a gentle but firm grip. But when a healing requires even more strident force, John Coffey inhaled the tumor causing karma and internal parasites of disease and attempted, but failed in the attempt, to digest, and use his own Life-Spirit gift to digest and take on the burden himself. Now that is the peculiar problem of the karma we incur. It cannot so easily be lifted off our shoulders. It may be that two individuals are deeply connected and the tumor in the wife of the warden at the prison had something very vital to do with the karma of Percy Wetmore who was also karmically connected to the prison system. In other words the Lord of Karma (See Link) intervened.

Far, far into the distant future a Maitreya Buddha will consciously use the Word and the Breath for actually implanting and awakening the deeper seeds of humanities latent and potent spirituality. Our ability to be receptive to the Word and Breath, the ATMA forces of the Maitreya Buddha truly depends on what we do now as Biodynamic farmers. Our receptivity depends on what we do now in terms of grasping and infusing ourselves with Eurythmy. Our receptivity in the future depends on how we breathed life into our Lesson Plans as Waldorf Teachers. Our receptivity to the future Maitreya Buddha forces of ATMA, the breath and the Word will depend on our current social conscience our martyrdom’s, like John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi and countless others like Rachel Corrie and those who were guiltless in their innocence and guiltless and accused, murdered or tortured for lies or failures in the courts and Justice systems or those put to death under the lethal agenda of Ahriman.

Many of those shall surely hear the word of the coming Maitreya Buddha who shall reveal through the potent moral and Life-Spirit forces operating through her/him, a direct moral infusion via the WORD into the Etheric Life forces of the Soul and Spirit, into the very foundations of the conscience of the human etheric body. Our constant gnawing question is, will those Words and Breath of Life, reach with the Bread of Life, the Budhi and Life-Spirit we all carry in us and that are hinted at through John Coffey, but were achieved for all of humanity through the Destiny, Death and Resurrection of the Risen Etheric Christ? In other words, will human beings hear it?

Rudolf Steiner the Maitreya Buddha and the Life-Spirit of the Word

“The Bodhisattva who once lived as Jeshu ben Pandira comes down to the Earth again and again in a human body and will continue to do so in order to fulfil the rest of his task and particular mission which cannot, as yet, be completed. Although its consummation can already be foreseen by clairvoyance, there exists no larynx capable of producing the sounds of the speech that will be uttered when this Bodhisattva rises to the rank of Buddha. In agreement with oriental occultism, therefore, it can be said: 5,000 years after Gautama Buddha, that is to say, towards the end of the next 3,000 years, the Bodhisattva who is his successor will become Buddha. But as it is his mission to prepare human beings for the epoch connected paramountly with the development of true morality, when, in the future, he becomes Buddha, the words of his speech will contain the magic power of the Good. For thousands of years, therefore, oriental tradition has predicted: Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha who is to come, will be a Bringer of the Good by way of the word. He will then be able to teach men of the real nature of the Christ Impulse and in that age the Buddha stream and the Christ stream will flow into one. Only so can the Christ Mystery be truly understood. So mighty and all-pervading was the Impulse poured into the evolution of mankind that its waves surge onwards into future epochs. In the fourth epoch of post-Atlantean civilisation this Impulse was made manifest in the incarnation of Christ in a human, physical body. And we are now going forward to an epoch when the Impulse will manifest in such a way that human beings will behold the Christ on the astral plane as an Ether Form.”

Concluding Observations of the Super-Physical blood of Christ and the Weight of the World in the Logos of the Christ

“Simon of Cyrene, having done all he was needed to do, retreated slowly with faltering steps and swimming brain, conscious only of one thing, that the blood of the Victim had stained his breast, and that the stain seemed to burn his flesh like fire. He folded his garment over it to hide it, as though it were a magic talisman which must for safety’s sake be well concealed; it gave him pain as much as if he had himself been wounded, and yet it was a pang that thrilled and warmed his soul!”

It is a good thing that John Coffey and the blood of John Coffey disappeared, died and was lost to us. Science today would have taken John Coffey’s and Christ’s Blood and attempted to make genetic mutant Ahrimanic Super-Heros. Today in our 21st century it is all about Superheros and what can be combined in the lab, but not about the depth of moral development it requires, the incarnations of preparation, the suffering, tragedies and set backs of human spiritual development, that humbles the whole human soul. Nothing but lip service is offered to our sense of humility. We are perfect, clever, cunning and so what if we have a few urges, we’re only human aren’t we? We can achieve immortal powers without the Etheric Christ, we can bypass the higher evolution of our humanity and make our current arrogance eternal.

Today we look to a vial, the VIALS OF WRATH, perhaps a glowing, green phosphorescent vial that can be used as an injection that bypasses even a hint of any consideration of the moral, etheric and astral development of our I AM. Science sickens with perversion and shrivels like a spider to a flame when our education and thinking turns to the reality of the Risen Etheric Christ in our midst. And here is the unforseen and unwanted horror in not transforming our lower impulses and getting full mastery of our lower impulses before we go rushing into Ahrimanic genetic mutations.

Our lower instincts, that we have not transformed will become enhanced beasts, diseases and monsters that will grow into our own mutations because we brought outside doping into what should be part of higher inner development that slowly gains mastery over our instincts, impulses and pathological and psychopathic desires.

As long as people are kept in the dark of the path taken by the Risen Etheric Christ in our midst, we will continue to degenerate our Etheric and enhance our fallen astral cravings, until they become morbid and horrific beasts, plagues and complete corruption of the Sun Logos forces of the Etheric Christ.

Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV)

“…many of his test subjects were turning into giant brutes with the intelligence of a child, if they survived the mutational process at all. However, a rare few test subjects became the meta-humans known colloquially as Super Mutants. Immune to both disease and ionizing radiation and blessed with exceptional strength, intelligence, and endurance, Super Mutants were superior to pure-strain humans in every way. They also possessed the exceptionally long life common to those individuals infected with FEV, as well as (unbeknownst to Grey at the time) total sterility. Grey – who now called himself the Master – had long lamented the needless destruction of human civilization caused by the final nuclear holocaust of the Great War. In his warped state, he decided that he would have to force humanity to evolve beyond its own destructive impulses. If everyone could be as perfect as his Super Mutants, there would no longer be any reason for human conflict and the misery it wrought. Those who could not evolve along the lines the Master desired would have to die.”

There is no discussion of being a Christ Bearer, a Christophorus and a Christ-Carrier. It is a time rather for the vials of wrath and experimentation into the mystery of the Hulk or other black science genetic experiments that are not anywhere near fiction but are taking place today in secret military labs, where vials of wrath, of the perfect soldier, the perfect killing machine, the perfect plague, the perfect virus, are all being developed without even a hint, that we all have an Etheric Body, that we all have an astral body, that most of us have an I AM, but for certain we all have a physical body with a chromosome and genetic foundation that can be utterly destroyed and deformed for generations due to nuclear radiation, mutation and Ahriman’s Forced Evolutionary Virus goals.

Our military is funding massive secret projects to combine the DNA of spiders and goats and mixing nightmarish combinations of genetic material with our human genes. All in the service of the Vials of Wrath.  Monsanto has invaded nature and has begun altering the very Etheric structural foundations that the Christ used, as the Sun Logos, to bring to life the germinal seeds of Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man.

Christ brought these capacities to the highest pitch of moral perfection that nature and human nature could provide.  Atma, Spirit-Man, the Resurrected Etheric Christ can consciously assemble Himself into a semblance of solid matter or encompass and penetrate the intimate karma and destiny of all of humanity over the entire Earth.

Humanity doesn’t want a Super-Hero in the form of the Resurrected Etheric Christ that is operative as an actual Force of Life, Health, Goodness. Humanity wants an unstoppable military Super-Man who is unbeatable, unaffected by radioactivity, virus, death, or goodness. Something that can be programmed to take orders and be of service to the Ahrimanic Imagination of the Super Hero that appeals to the selfish foundations of human egotism.

When pondering the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ which characters come to mind? Obviously we think of Jesus, Pontius Pilate, Peter, Mary, and Judas or possibly even Barabbas the criminal released to the crowd. However, the one man that is usually forgotten is Simon of Cyrene the man who carried the cross for Jesus. He is mentioned in all four Gospels yet his story is only a verse long in each. Mark 15:21 “A certain man from Cyrene, Simon… was passing by on his way in from the country and they forced him to carry the cross.”

“Barabbas. A dream of the world’s tragedy”  BY MARIE CORELLI

“Simon of Cyrene carrying the Cross looked up startled and pained by the discordant roar. For he had been lost in a dream. Unconscious of the weight he bore, he had seemed to himself to walk on air. He had spoken no word, though many around him had mocked him and striven to provoke him by insolent jests and jeers, — he was afraid to utter a sound lest he should disturb and dispel the strange and delicious emotion he experienced, — emotion which he could not explain, but which kept him in a state of bewildered wonderment and ecstasy.

“There was music everywhere about him, — high above the mutterings and murmurings of the populace, he heard mysterious throbs of melody as of harps struck by the air, — the hard stones of the road were soft as velvet to his sandalled feet, — the Cross he carried seemed scented with the myrtle and the rose, — and there was no more weight in it than in a gathered palm-leaf plucked as a symbol of victory.

“He remembered how in his youth he had once carried the baby son of a king on his shoulders down one of the Cyrenian hills to the edge of the sea, — and the child, pleased with the swiftness and contentment of its journey, had waved aloft, a branch of vine in sign of triumph and joy. The burden of the Cross was no heavier than that of the laughing child and tossing vine.”

“But now, — now the blissful journey must end, the rude cries of the savage multitude aroused him from his reverie, the harp-like melodies around him rippled away into minor echoes of deep sadness, and as his eyes beheld the hill of Calvary, he, for the first time since he began his march, felt weary unto death.

“He had never in all his years of life known such happiness as while carrying the Cross of Him who was soon to be nailed upon it; but now the time had come when he must lay it down, and take up the far more weighty burdens of the world and its low material claims. Why not die here, he thought vaguely, with the Man whose radiant head gleamed before him like the sun in heaven? Surely it would be well, since here, at Calvary, life seemed to have a sweet and fitting end !

“He was only a barbarian, uninstructed and ignorant of heavenly things, he could not analyze what he felt or reason out his unfamiliar sensations, but some singular change had been wrought in him, since he lifted up the Cross, thus much he knew, thus much he realized, the rest was mere wonder and worship.”

“The multitude had formed into a complete ring, circling unbroken round the crest of Calvary, while the soldiery had divided into two lines, one keeping to the right, the other to the left. At a signal from the centurion, Simon of Cyrene laid down with tender and lingering reluctance the great Cross he had so lightly carried, and as he did so, the Man of Nazareth, moving tranquilly to the spot indicated to Him by His guards, took up His position beside the intended instrument of His death, and there waited patiently for the accomplishment of His fate.

“Lend us thy brawny arms a minute’s space, thou art made in a giant’s shape, and should’st have a giant’s .force withal. An’ thou wilt not” he added in a lower tone” we must use greater roughness.”

“Simon hesitated, then, as if inwardly compelled, advanced submissively to the foot of the Cross. His eyes were cast down, and he bit his lips to hide their nervous trembling. “Lift ye all together the upper beams’ ‘he said softly to the executioners, hushing his voice like one who speaks in rapture or in reverence” I will support the end.”

“They stared amazedly, he was voluntarily choosing the greater weight which would inevitably be his to bear directly the Cross was raised. But they offered no opposition. Stronger than any lion he was known to be, let him test his strength now, for here was his opportunity. So they thought as they went in the direction he indicated, three men to the right and three to the left.

“The excitement of the people was now intense, so passionately absorbed indeed had it become that none seemed to be aware of a singular circumstance that with each moment grew more pronounced and evident, this was the solemn spreading of a semi darkness which, like advancing twilight, began gradually to blot out all the brilliant blue of the afternoon skies.

“It came on stealthily and almost imperceptibly, but the crowd saw nothing as yet, nothing but the huge bronzed figure of Simon stooping to lift the Crucified. Tenderly, and with a strange air of humiliation, the rough featured black browed Cyrenian laid hands upon the Cross once more, the Cross he had so lightly borne to Calvary, and grasping it firmly, drew it up, up by slow and sure degrees, till the pierced and bleeding feet of the Christ came close against his straining breast, inch by inch, with panting breath and an ardent force that was more like love than cruelty, he lifted it higher and higher from the ground, the executioners holding and guiding the transverse beams upward till these were beyond their reach, and Simon alone, with wildly beating heart and muscles stretched nigh to breaking, supported for one lightning instant the world’s Redeemer in his arms!

“He staggered and groaned, the blood rushed to his face and the veins in his forehead swelled, but he held his ground for that one terrible moment, then, a dozen men rushed excitedly to his assistance, and with their aid, the great Cross, with the greatest Love transfixed upon it, was thrust into the deep socket dug for its reception on the summit of the hill.

“It fell to with a thudding reverberation as though its end had struck the very center of the earth, and trembling to and fro for a few seconds like a tree shaken by a storm-wind, was soon perfectly still, fixed steadily upright between the two already crucified thieves, who though dying fast, were not yet dead.

“Salvation’s Symbol stood declared! and Simon of Cyrene, having done all he was needed to do, retreated slowly with faltering steps and swimming brain, conscious only of one thing, that the blood of the Victim had stained his breast, and that the stain seemed to burn his flesh like fire. He folded his garment over it to hide it, as though it were a magic talisman which must for safety’s sake be well concealed; it gave him pain as much as if he had himself been wounded, and yet it was a pang that thrilled and warmed his soul!

“He saw nothing, the earth appeared to eddy round him like a wave, but he stumbled on blindly, heedless of whither he went and forcing his way through the crowd that gaped at him in wonderment, the while he muttered from time to time under his breath the words of the inscription above the head of the Divine Martyr, ” Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews!”

St. John’s letter to the church of Philadelphia (Click Link)

“If you realize that justice should prevail, that justice should live, if you realize that humankind cannot live without the beautiful and the good, then you are on the way to develop budhi. If higher things have become your second nature, if your soul is fully permeated with enthusiasm for the beautiful and the true, then you are on the path to budhi. Budhi takes its substance from the realm of feelings; and atma from the realm of the will.”

SIXTH LETTER –  “The sixth letter must be addressed to a community where budhi is especially cultivated. What does that mean? If manas is especially cultivated, and if the human being has become a knower, then what we previously knew will pass over into our living feelings; it becomes for us a natural, given, feeling. It becomes a passion for us. If you realize that justice should prevail, that justice should live, if you realize that humankind cannot live without the beautiful and the good, then you are on the way to develop budhi. If higher things have become your second nature, if your soul is fully permeated with enthusiasm for the beautiful and the true, then you are on the path to budhi. Budhi takes its substance from the realm of feelings; and atma from the realm of the will. And when humankind finally reaches the point where it has made enthusiasm for the good into a reality, then what is called the Christian ideal of brotherhood will have appeared.

This sixth territory can receive its name only from the ideal of brotherhood, and “Philadelphia” is the city of brotherly love. If you read the relevant passage you will see the city described this way: “I know your works. Behold, I set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” (Rev. 3:8) They did not deny the name that comes from fraternal duty.”

“Dick Cheney, Judas and The Etheric Christ (part II)” by Bradford Riley

This is part II in our examination of how immense Divine Beings prepare for their incarnations into the historical stream of human evolution.

In part I (for part I click link)  we examined how Christ chose his core disciples and how Christ needed a key to unlock Ahriman’s stranglehold on death, deception, lies and human betrayal within the I Am and within the tangled temptations of human society. Christ, through His key disciple Judas, could be drawn deeply down into the depths of Ahriman’s stranglehold on human existence and face the ploys, strategies and manipulations of Ahriman via Caiaphas.

“Ahrimanic powers prepare the evolution of mankind in such a way that it can fall a prey to Ahriman when he appears in human form within Western civilization — hardly then to be called ‘civilization’ in our sense — as once Lucifer appeared in human form in China, as once Christ appeared in human form in Asia Minor. It is of no avail to give oneself illusions today about these things. Ahriman will appear in human form and the only question is, how he will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized, or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance.”  Rudolf Steiner

It is of impending historical necessity our children and us see what is coming and what are the differences between a physical incarnation of an Ahrimanically overshadowed person and the accomplished deed of the Risen Etheric Christ. Our longing for a physical, political and religious figurehead, posing as the Second Coming of Christ will be a real temptation. Especially because technology and spirituality will be offered as new ‘freedoms’. We bow and become happy, blessed slaves and Ahriman will lavish and program into our counterfeit etheric bodies whole new forms of higher entertainment. The film ‘Avatar’ gives us fabricated entire new worlds and new civilizations and new beings to participate with in a fabricated, counterfeit devachan back alley of higher technology.

In praise of such preparations for the coming Ahrimanic Incarnation Agenda, we must praise the efforts of Dick Cheney as we must praise the efforts of Judas. Dick Cheney has prepared humanity of the West to stride forward and make Christianity obsolete. Imagine that, the incarnation of Ahriman that is coming, is being prepared to make Christianity obsolete. That ole clunking, road weary, sin and guilt, suffering and redemption, the entire framework of human conscience is about to be gift wrapped in an entirely new package. But all this must come from the ashes of our currently collapsing world of selfish materialism.


(A Study in the Symphonic deconstruction of The Tenth Hierarchy)

Hell’s unfinished symphony, performed in English Major or Asia Minor”

I come to praise Dick Cheney not to bury him.

“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;”

Dick Cheney was chosen to conduct the SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED on 9/11. Cheney offered his entire heart to the dark Sorathian Surge and the offering was accepted and Cheney was given the magnificent role in conducting the brilliant SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED on 9/11. An unforgettable masterpiece.  What follows are Symphonic Imaginations required to read the moral collapse of the Tenth Hierarchy as an historical deed.

Norman Mineta

“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!?”

On 9/11 Cheney was running the largest war-games exercises ever in the U.S:
 1. Northern Vigilance – mock cold war hijack
2. Vigilant Guardian – insertion of false radar blips on radar screens.
3. Vigilant Warrior – live fly hijack drill

The FAA had more than twenty ‘hijacked aircraft” blips on their radar on 9/11.

The diversion exercises Cheney ran on 9/11 ensured confusion when the planes hit the WTC & Pentagon.  It is also reported that Cheney ordered as many possible scramble fighter jets as he could to partake in exercises in Alaska so as to ensure the planes were not shot down.

In May 2001, by Presidential Order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control  of all war game and field exercise training and scheduling exercises especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD exercises.  Standard scramble and shoot down orders for hijacked aircraft were specifically removed from NORAD generals and placed in the exclusive control of Vice President Richard Cheney.

Vice President Richard Cheney’s conductors baton was in his hand. His pre-planted media shills, his control over the New York Times, his well trained orchestra, a nation at his command,  a media well trained in Washington whispers and matters of national security, his shills grovelling at the stinking kitchen dumpster for scraps from the masters table, their secret access to the rotting stench of farts and lies from the halls of power, the orchestra was rehearsed and ready for the curtain to open. 

Backstage the word was ‘READY’  was ‘GO‘ was ‘GREEN LIGHT’  the audience were in their seats, the technicians, sound crew and live broadcast system over the world were readied. The details for such a one time performance were amazing. Planes had to be rigged with remote guidance systems to over ride the pilots and most importantly the most dramatic spiritual impression to be burned into the memory banks of a population, the full collapse of the towers timed to the pre-set militarized thermite on every ‘I’ beam, every support strut of the Towers.

It would be like the 1812 Overture (link), our human retina saw with our own eyes, burned into our own NATIONAL EYEBALLS, planes hitting buildings, fires, smoke and the astonishing free fall collapse into dust, into ashes to ashes and dust to dust, the ancient pillars of wisdom JAKIM and BOAZ crashed to the ground. A Cultic Ahrimanic Ritual of Epic dimensions conducted, produced and arranged by Vice President Richard Cheney.

Rudolf Steiner

 “We enter earthly life through Jakim, assured that what is there outside in the macrocosm now lives in us, that we are a microcosm, for the word Jakim means, “The divine poured out over the world is in you.” The other pillar, Boaz, is the entrance into the spiritual world through death. What is contained in the word Boaz is roughly this, “What I have hitherto sought within myself, namely strength, I shall find poured out over the whole world; in it I shall live.”

The ancient pillars of Jakim and Boaz had stood framing the statue of liberty and a nation founded on the freedom of the human spirit. The world was changed in a matter of hours on a clear morning in September.

It was autumn and Michaelmas was just coming up on the horizon. But it had taken some time to bring the Caiaphas School of Ahriman into a position where justification of War, of Torture, of global economic enslavement, of releasing lies, false flags, deceptions and fraud out into the open, to let THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS (link to the Spiritual Origin of Terrorism) free so that Richard Cheney could lay the ground work for the collapse and chaos of the banks, governments, currencies, and countries, to be led under the umbrella of a great and shining Savior of humanity, the coming incarnation of Ahriman.

Yes “V” 1812 overture (link) through “V” for Vendetta was the call to awakening all the Occupy Movements of the world. Movements are different symphonic sections that have arisen over the whole globe from different Archangelic language Spirits and the Tenth Hierarchy in response, a slow response, to a full Ahrimanic assault.

But on 9/11 the choreographed movement THE SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED portrayed the clash between the surge of Ahrimanic forces against the Time Spirit Michael.

To do justice to Stanley Kubrick and 9/11 we would need to inter-cut the undercurrent passion of Beethoven’s 5th choreographed, staged and conducted by Richard Cheney, with the raw style of Oliver Stone, using the POV from within the planes, their gassed and doomed occupants, the approaching head on collisions, cutting away to remote guidance, over views of the locations, still shots of the crowds from the streets would all work very nicely with the following Beethoven link.

This Beethoven’s 5th (see link) gives the dramatic sense of the rumble of the Time Spirit Michael and Ahriman’s approaching thunder and how the heavens and Michael along with humanity (were) are faced with and must withstand  a mighty Tsunami TIME shock wave impact of genuine game changing history.

The planning, execution, design and magnitude of the colossal TWIN TOWERS, the two giant pillars reaching deep into the Imagination of the human psyche, Jakim and Boaz, their shattering, shuddering collapse were simply burned into the soul of the U.S. psyche. And the symphony, conducted, directed and arranged by Richard Cheney, an historical triumph. A masterpiece of pure Ahrimanic deception.  

This historical TIME WAVE crashed in on all of us on 9/11. It had been prepared for by 1997 book by Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard; The 1998 PNAC, Richard Cheney Symphony titled “Project for a New American  (Ahrimanic) Century”; and the 1999 look backwards, where Sorath and Ahriman had relished the total defeat and permanent enslavement of humanity in THE MATRIX SERIES. Those events were part of the TIME WAVE of the Tsunami that crashed into the world on 9/11.

The full CRIME, the players, the motives and the monumentally orchestrated monster of betrayal, all the details are finally outlined HERE  (click link). The whole Ahrimanic monster finally revealed for all to see.  And HERE, if the above is removed.

And this highly popular show was removed and taken off the air. This episode revealed the secret which had to be buried. (CLICK LINK FOR EPISODE that foreshadowed the events we have all witnessed.)

Those were and are the events that saw a surge of Sorathian and Ahrimanic hopes flood themselves over the globe, arriving from the giant TIME field, morphogenetic time field of St. John, where the powerful historical TIME WAVE of 666 year impacts on a fixed regular rhythm structure, of 1998 – 1332 – 666 (See Link) , and that culminated in the political and global symphony conducted under the School of Caiaphas and Ahriman directed and conducted by Richard Cheney on the ninth month and the 11th day of September in the year of our Lord 2001. The “SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED (see link)”.

“Three months before the attack of 9-11,  Dick Cheney usurped control of NORAD, and therefore he, and no one else, had the power to call for military sorties on the hijacked airliners on 9-11. He did not exercise that power, and consequently, the Pentagon, WTC2 and WTC7 were left unprotected, and then destroyed, resulting in the death of thousands of innocents. Three months after 9/11, he relinquished command of NORAD and returned it to military operation.”

Dick Cheney was not the only tool of the Black Lodge School of Caiaphas, but he can be credited for doing a bang up job, a terrific job at serving THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS  as they surged in strength and power under the Sorathian Time Wave that arose in 1998.


“Rudolf Steiner saw the end of the 20th century as a culmination for anthroposophy and as a crucial testing time for mankind. The year 1998, he said,  is especially important because it is the third repetition in the Christian era of the number 666, the Number of the Beast in the Apocalypse. 3 beasts are mentioned in Apocalypse: a great red dragon in heaven with 7 heads, 10 horns, and 7 crowns;  a beast from the sea with 7 heads, 10 horns, and 10 crowns – this beast was like a leopard with bear’s feet and a lion’s mouth; and a beast from the earth, with  two-horns which looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. This last beast is the Beast whose number is 666. He is a deception and resembles the Christ. He is like the light but not the true light.  He is the Anti-Christ.

“In his 1908 lectures on the Apocalypse Rudolf Steiner shows that the name of this third  Beast is S-v-r-t, (Sorath/Surath) the Sun Demon. (60-6-200-400 in kabbalistic gematria) This name is related to Sura and Asura, Ahura. Ernst Bindel notes that it is the short form of Suriel (My company is with God) Sarhapanim (Angel of the Face of God). From Suria comes the  feminine form Suriath.  This being originally had the task of guarding the sunlight during the night and returning it to God in the morning.(1) In kabbalistic esotericism the name S-v-r-t also means: Samech (physical body), Vau (life body),  Resh (feeling body), Tau (earthly ego) i.e. the four lower  members of Man.”

Because a massive Sorathian anti-Sun and Anti-Christ surge, hear that word, SURGE, this is the borrowed expression of Ahrimanic/Orwellian deception. The Surge of this or the Surge of that, the terrorism, the wars of Iraq, Iran, Eurasia, have all been the surges of full Ahrimanic and Sorathic assault.

Let us declare to you precisely that those in Washington D.C. and Israel under the School of Caiaphas foam at the mouth, and hate humanity because the first Surge of Sorath was blunted in 666 by the Muslim and Arab moral refusal to be thrust into an Ahrimanic future.

The Islamic and Arabic culture clung to a Luciferic moral simplicity and invaded Europe under Tarik or Tariq in 711 (7/11 and 9/11) are powerful karmic and historic windows. They reverberate with thunderous force and we find two earth shattering individuals arise from this so called Islamic Surge. Just as we saw in PART I Judas and Dick Cheney joined at the hip, what history fails to record is that Darwinism and Baconian materialistic science were consolidated, intense Ahrimanic infusions of that semi-thwarted first assault of 666 and so they lived on in the karma of those individuals. Startling and shattering insights that are equal in magnitude to anything we have understood from the impact of 9/11 are the karmic and historical impacts that arose from this historical moment below.

“Open your history books, and you will find that the year 711 was of great significance in the situation between Europe and the Arabism that was storming across Spain. Tarik, Commander of the Arabs, sets out from Africa. He came to the place that received its name from him: Gebel al Tarik, later called Gibraltar. The battle of Jerez de la Frontera took place in the year 711. Arabism made a strong thrust across Spain at the beginning of the 8th century.”

The reason today the Muslim world is attacked, and murdered, tortured and hosts of propaganda propelled poison from well dressed, nicely suited and western countries that have surrounded, colluded, and massacred as many “terrorists” fabricated by the U.S. and Israel as possible, is due to the fixed hatred that Sorathian forces have maintained because the Arabs blunted, thwarted and frustrated one of the great Surges of deep and profound evil against the Christ Incarnation under the number 666.

“…the Academy of Gondishapur in Persia (near the modern Iranian city of Dizful in the Iran-Iraq border area).This center had united the knowledge of ancient Greece with that of the Middle East and of India and in the year 666 was reaching its peak of development. Before western humanity had reached any sufficient degree of emotional maturity, the Anti-Christ wished to deluge them with this knowledge. If this had happened, the whole of future earth evolution would have been imperiled, as a spiritually immature humanity would have developed tremendous powers of  egotism as a result of the technical wisdom placed in its hands. This is already enough of a threat today when we see the temptations of nuclear weapons and genetic manipulations; we can imagine how it might have been 1500 years ago! The Sorath project of 666 was blunted by the rise of Islam, but still managed to influence the West indirectly through Spain, Sicily, and the Crusades. A key element in Sorath’s programme was then and still is centralization – all humanity is to be under his thumb; he is the false sun which seeks to shine on all.”

Oh deep, deeper and deepest down, it wasn’t for mere OIL or Heroin trade, it was from an ancient anger and vengeance unleashed because in 666 Sorath was severely blunted in it’s intent against the Christ Being. The Muslim/Arab view of the primitive Koran stopped the aggressive Sorathain forces in it’s tracks in the first Time Wave of 666.

Sorath is itching to destroy Iran, because Iran was the birthplace and long schooling and developmental origin of ancient Zarathustra. Zarathustra is enemy number ONE, because he succeeded in bringing the Christ into Earth evolution. Iraq was where one of the greatest Michael warriors began his spiritual odyssey. Iraq was on the list of Sorathian unforgiven accomplices in the unfolding Christ Event on Earth. So Sorathian forces hate the substance of the Michael School. Sorath uses vast Spiritual, deep Tenth Hierarchy motives, to stir up all the Political Ahrimanic Accomplices under the banner of massive demented propaganda.

To consider the magnitude of the Christ Being leaving and dying to the Sun and the higher worlds in order to enter as the Christ into the Tenth Hierarchy and become part of the history of humanity and the events of Golgotha gives rise to a vast potent intent of the meaning of Sorath.

Look at this very carefully, “From Suria comes the  feminine form Suriath. This being originally had the task of guarding the sunlight during the night and returning it to God in the morning.” There are many forms of Anti-human forces. Light itself, anti-etheric-light, radioactive and nuclear light. There are the stifling counterfeit genetically locked Ahrimanic attacks on the human Entelechy and our refusal to carry the human formative forces to Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. These are arising in ever more vicious attacks against the Light of the Sun, the Christ, for having left the Sun and entered the Tenth Hierarchy and our human community.

These antagonistic Sorathian forces square off against humanity with such intensity, it is as if the role of Suria of guarding the sunlight during the Night, implies that humanity MUST STRIVE, to awaken the Inner Sun of the Christ Light out of ourselves or total devouring darkness, as it must, will send out it’s TWIN, the opposite of the great Christ I AM, Sorath. Sorath will devour the human I AM, if humanity fails to awaken, strive and Live by the rising Etheric Light of the Christ I AM dawning from darkness in the human soul.

If humanity fails to awaken their etheric, astral, and finally the highest phase of the I AM,  as our inward cognition and reality, than Sorathian forces will seek out the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, the Christ Light  with ever greater intensity and drive a stake through the human I AM and chain it to darkness. Our second and third fall into nightmare will be because WE, the Tenth Hierarchy did not salvage our Etheric insights and uphold them, our Astral and Devachan insights and uphold them, and our I AM insights and uphold them in an effort to protect the seeds of our children’s etheric bodies, astral bodies or the living schooling of how our I AM’s have arisen in a lawful, Logos magnificent design. Through understanding our I AM and our dawning insights into karma we gain a lawful reverence for the reincarnation journey’s we are all on together.

The Second Time Wave brought torture, Banks, Avarice, gold, financial institutes,  the gimmick of THE FEDERAL RESERVE, were all tied together with a vicious lust for gold.  In a vast sweeping Second Wave of Surge forces, those of 1332, brought an horrific wave of nightmare reaching again a global TIME Surge with an overwhelming Tsunami-like force.

THE SECOND WAVE OF 1332 rolled through religion, established the methods of financial betrayal that were fostered early, early in the ancient Caiaphas School of  Usury. This is what caused the Christ to go ballistic and toss out the MONEY CHANGERS who were cheating everyone with ahrimanic financial fraud techniques while making their offices in the Temple. Christ, the actual Sun Being on Earth, refused and was angered to have Ahrimanic forces cheating and abusing people where their faith and trust should have been honored.

In a severe display of anger Christ recognized what the future would bring. With 1332 the science of torture, financial fraud and deception, linked to beliefs in either the Church or the current belief system of the religion of Materialistic Science, were brilliantly accomplished by infected human agents who gladly joined the Sorathian Schools of Ahriman and Caiaphas to learn more of the secrets of avarice, torture, deception and fraud. These are the food stuffs of The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness which have fully invaded humanity.

Lies based on the ideals of unimaginable torture and betrayal of The Tenth Hierarchy were brought in as a science of torture and avarice. [Here we found Dick Cheney once more leading the charge, recuperating the momentum of torture from the past, breaking the Geneva Conventions and planting the seed of legitimate torture back into the national unconscious immoral reservoir of Sorathian goals and intentions.] A consolidation of the Power and hypocrisy, the mendacity of evil under the full betrayal of the Church, unleashed the nightmares of the Inquisitions of Torquemada, and the vast betrayal of the Christ impulse itself through the ghastly deception and lies of THE GRAND INQUISITOR.

This Second Time Wave of the St. John Tsunami embroiled France, Global Finance and the Church in the black magic science of torture and depravity. It is insidious and unconscious on our parts, as humanity, that we have allowed the SURGE of Torture and these Ahrimanic forces to rise again within our cultural 21st century.

It is insidious on our parts that we casually and collectively broke our promises to the Geneva Convention and began to water-board, torture and renew the horrors of the Inquisition willingly. It is insidious that the trendiness of “Dexter” – “Saw” – “Hostel” – Porn domination and pleasure are all casually accepted and have begun once more to THRILL and fill with pleasure the lower human psyche, willingly. It is gruesomely catastrophic that humanity allowed Dick Cheney and George W. Bush to get away with promoting and carrying out torture and The Tenth Hierarchy allowed these arising Sorathian gateway forces to swirl down into our astral, etheric and I AM systems, willingly.

Michael Rivero

“As the world has known from the time of the Spanish inquisition, torture is not used to reveal the truth, but to exact confessions to a pre-ordained set of charges.

“In this country, before it became a post-Constitutional republic, we had a way of dealing with the alleged “worst of the worst”; it was a trial by jury, in a court of law, where evidence was presented by prosecution and defense council, and a verdict was ultimately rendered by a jury.

“Torture is inhumane, despicable, reprehensible, and ultimately unnecessary, in any country where the rule of law applies.

“Unfortunately, we no longer live in a country ruled by law, but a country ruled by very well dressed, and very wealthy, despots.

“But when the US government tortures, anywhere, it completely destroys the credibility of any US spokesperson talking about the American love for justice, human rights, and the rule of law, because you don’t even have to be cynical to understand that the leadership of this country practices the absolute opposite of these values.

“And also, when the US government tortures, (or “outsources” torture), it gives other countries carte blanche to do precisely the same to any US military member or any US civilian.

“Please think about that for a while, particularly if you have family or friends serving overseas.

“And if you don’t think that the US government isn’t still using torture, because President Obama claimed the US government is not torturing people, you had better think again.”

The nightmare is clearly that the Sorathian forces will intoxicate, addict the soul to sadism, torture and ritual murder and ‘Snuff film’ acts, so that our ‘I’ our Astral and sensual selves and our habit-body, our Etheric bodies, will all acquiesce and cave – in from within because we desire, crave and become sensually attached to our own grotesque darknessThis is how the Sorathian Darkness shall devour humanity from within through our own falsified cravings and desires. “From Suria comes the  feminine form Suriath.  This being originally had the task of guarding the sunlight during the night and returning it to God in the morning.”

Rudolf Steiner

“Here lies the great danger for the age of the (CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL) Spiritual Soul. This is what might still happen if, before the beginning of the third millennium, men were to refuse to turn to the spiritual life. The third millennium begins with the year 2000, so it is only a short time ahead of us. It might still happen that the aim of the Angels in their work would have to be achieved by means of the sleeping bodies of men — instead of through men wideawake. The Angels might still be compelled to withdraw their whole work from the astral body and to submerge it in the etheric body in order to bring it to fulfillment. But then, in his real being, man would have no part in it. It would have to be performed in the etheric body while man himself was not there, just because if he were there in the waking state, he would obstruct it.

“I have now given you a general picture of these things. But what would be the outcome if the Angels were obliged to perform this work without man himself participating, to carry it out in his etheric and physical bodies during sleep?

“The outcome in the evolution of humanity would unquestionably be threefold. Firstly, something would be engendered in the sleeping human bodies — while the Ego and astral body were not within them — and man would meet with it on waking in the morning … but then it would become instinct instead of conscious spiritual activity and therefore baleful. It is so indeed: certain instinctive knowledge that will arise in human nature, instinctive knowledge connected with the mystery of birth and conception, with sexual life as a whole, threatens to become baleful if the danger of which I have spoken takes effect. Certain Angels would then themselves undergo a change — a change of which I cannot speak, because this is a subject belonging to the higher secrets of Initiation-Science which may not yet be disclosed. But this much can certainly be said: The effect in the evolution of humanity would be that certain instincts connected with the sexual life would arise in a pernicious form instead of wholesomely, in clear waking consciousness. These instincts would not be mere aberrations but would pass over into and configure the social life, would above all prevent men — through what would then enter their blood as the effect of the sexual life — from unfolding brotherhood in any form whatever on the earth, and would rather induce them to rebel against it.”

This willing betrayal, enjoyment in our fall, has the intention of bringing our own Angels down, bringing The Ninth Hierarchy of our own human Angels, to fall into the abyss with us. This is the magnificent seduction of the full Sorathian forces when combined with Ahrimanic hyper Devachan technology and immersion in more and more selfish, debased human Luciferic pleasure sought through the medium of pain. (Police “King of Pain” LINK)

Rudolf Steiner

“Philip IV, who reigned in France from 1285 to 1314, can really be said to have had a genius for avarice. He felt the instinctive urge to recognize nothing else in the world but what can be paid for with gold, and he was willing to concede power over gold to none but himself. He wished to bring forcibly under his control all the power that can be exercised through gold. This grew in him to be the immense passion that has become famous in history. When Pope Boniface forbade the French clergy to pay taxes to the State, this fact, in itself not very important, led Philip to make a law forbidding anyone to take gold and silver out of France. All of it was to remain there, such was his will, and only he was to have control of it. One might say that this was his idiosyncrasy. He sought to keep gold and silver for himself and gave a debased currency to his subjects and others. Uproar and resentment among the people could not prevent him from carrying out this policy, so that, when he made a last attempt to mix a little gold and silver as possible in the coinage, he had to flee, on the occasion of a popular riot, to the Temple of the Knights Templar. Driven to do so by his own severe regulations, he had had his treasures deposited for safety with them. He was astounded to see how quickly the Knights calmed the popular uprising. At the same time, he was filled with fear because he had seen how great was the moral power of the knights over the people, and how little he, who was only inspired by gold, availed against them. The Knights, too, had by this time acquired rich treasure and were immensely wealthy, but according to their rules, they were obliged to place all the riches of the Order in the service of spiritual activity and creative work.

“When a passion is so strong as avarice was in Philip the Fair, it presses out strong forces from the soul that have a great influence on the unfolding of the will toward other men. To the nation, Philip counted for little, but he meant much to those who were his vassals, and these constituted a great host. He also understood how to use his power. As Pope Boniface had once opposed his will to make the clergy in France pay as much as possible, Philip hatched a plot against him. Boniface was freed by his followers but he died of grief soon after. This was at the time when Philip undertook to bring the entire Church completely under his control, thereby making Church officials mere bondsmen of the kingly power in which gold ruled. He thereupon caused the removal of the Pope to Avignon, which marked the beginning of what is often known in history as the “Babylonian Captivity” of the papacy. This lasted from the year 1309 to 1377.

“Pope Clement V, former Bishop of Bordeaux, resided in Avignon and was a tool completely in the hands of Philip. Gradually, under the working of Philip’s powerful will, he had reached the point of having no longer a will of his own, but used his ecclesiastical power only to serve Philip, carrying out all he desired. Philip was filled with a passionate desire to make himself master of all the then available wealth. After he had seen what a different significance gold could have in other hands, it was no wonder that he wished above all things to exterminate those other hands, the Knights Templar, so that he might confiscate their gold and posses their treasure himself. Now, I said that such a passion, aroused in such a materialistic way and working so intensely, creates powerful forces in the soul. At the same time, it creates knowledge, although of an ahrimanic order. So it was possible for a certain second-hand sort of knowledge to arise in the soul of Philip, of those methods that we have seen flame up in the harshest, most horrible way in the Mexican mysteries. The knowledge arose in Philip of what can be brought about by taking life in the correct way, although in a different, more indirect way from that of the Mexican initiates. As if out of deep subconscious impulses, he found the means of incorporating such impulses into humanity’s evolution by putting men to death. For this, he needed victims.”

Many of these sizzling ice cold Ahrimanic spirits who, like meteors were torn from the spiritual world ripped their way into incarnation, into human heads and wrestled their way through their hosts and rose up to power, were all part of the massive Michael battle that sent insurgents and terrorists from the realm of Ahrimanic Angel beings into the heads, exiled into the heads of humanity. The overcoming of their human hosts found these advanced fallen Angelic terrorists rising through politics and power and recovering on Earth, through humanity, whole lost Ahrimanic mercenaries which all spoke a certain language.

These Ahrimanic Beings were sent down into human heads by Michael for a very specific reason. The acceleration of science, the flushing out and upwards from the depths of The Tenth Hierarchy, massive will impulses, will forces, which when flushed up onto the stage of history and witnessed by humanity, would call forth a powerful moral response which was the only hope of human freedom.

Human freedom had to witness and see for themselves that from out of the darkest core of human nature, other impulses and other beings are lurking in unconscious human regions. Michael thrust those beings and their aggressive Ahrimanic sub-angelic terrorists, parasite-like skill sets, into the region of the human mind and soul known as the Intellectual Soul Region.

Just as Christ once sent the demonic forces, who, well ahead of  humans, had recognized, the demons had recognized the Christ Being, only these possessed beings, who occupied and terrorized the host humans, mocked, spat, attacked, cannibalized and  foamed at the mouth when they recognized goodness in a passing human being, went into a fit of terror when they recognized the Christ.

Like Michael and The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness and Michael’s battle in Heaven that ran from 1840 to 1879, the demons requested that they be sent into a herd of swine. Christ obliged them and exorcised with an exorcism of raw Christ Light, removed the demons from the possessed human hosts and sent them into a herd of Swine.

The exorcised demonics who were a whole vast host of parasites, proceeded of their own aggressive intent, and their own will to rush into the very composition of blood that is precisely close but still far less than human in its composition.  Yet it has been known and sometimes the diluted and prepared swine blood has been used for transfusions when human blood was unavailable. This herd of swine through it’s own impelling force, the same forces that arise in a host human being who has attached to his Intellectual Soul a fallen Ahrimanic parasite, rushes headlong into the abyss through the intent of it’s own nature.

Thus we are faced with a vast army of fallen Ahrimanic beings who now appear, gathering in the West and all through the world, their human hosts dressed in suits and ties and having gained possession of a TYPE of Ahrimanic refined thinking, have managed to infiltrate, invade and overcome their hosts.

“This shark-like fixation on self-interest means that psychopaths often feel a clear detachment from other people, viewing them more as sheep to be preyed upon than fellow humans to relate to.”

This TYPE of Ahrimanic thinking is revealed with clear cut strength in the totality of THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS lectures. If you wish to briefly study how watered down research approaches this TYPE of possession and take over of the host human being you might refer yourselves to this (LINK).

“Pope Clement V, former Bishop of Bordeaux, resided in Avignon and was a tool completely in the hands of Philip. Gradually, under the working of Philip’s powerful will, he had reached the point of having no longer a will of his own, but used his ecclesiastical power only to serve Philip, carrying out all he desired.”  Rudolf Steiner

Colonel House was  the ‘minder’ and ‘handler’ of Woodrow Wilson. House took over the control of Wilson’s human personality. Just as Pope Clement V, former Bishop of Bordeaux was under the sway of the demented Black Lodge monster Philip the Fair. Colonel House manipulated the will power of Woodrow Wilson and House was also from the Black Lodge of the Caiaphas School.

Rudolf Steiner

“In the Helsingfors  lectures of 1913 I had already spoken of the very limited abilities of the person in question. This was because the connection between Muawiyah, a follower of Mohammed in the 7th century, and Woodrow Wilson, was clear to me. All the fatalism which characterised the personality of Muawiyah, came out in the otherwise inexplicable fatalism of Woodrow Wilson — in his case, fatalism of will. And if anyone wants to find corroboration, to discover the origin of the well known Fourteen Points, he has only to turn to the Koran. Such are the connections. These things must be kept absolutely free from sympathy or antipathy; it is not a question of criticism but only of the purest objectivity. But this very objectivity leads from one point in history at which a soul has appeared, to another such point. When humanity out steps in some degree the still surviving heritage of materialism, people will be willing to listen to such things and observe for themselves. And then they will feel quite differently about their place in modern civilization because they will be able to see it not in a dead but in a living setting. That is the important point. The whole process of historical development will be imbued with life. And if man is to get beyond the blind alley in which he is now standing in his civilization, he needs the living spirit and not the dead spirit of abstract concepts and ideas.”

House was also the founder of the Council on Foreign Relations. This insidious school of Ahrimanic power brokers and think tanks seek out, find and collect brilliant Ahrimanic host humans whose thinking and Intellectual Soul infection and invasion by Fallen Ahrimanic Beings bring about the cunning arrogance of groups whose aim is the preparation for the Incarnation of Ahriman.  Colonel House wrote an early manifesto on how to manipulate world politics.Philip Dru: Administrator – A Story of Tomorrow by Colonel House CFR Founder.

Dick Cheney is named as the chief traitor and master mind of the Inside Job of 9/11 (See Link)

“Bowman outlined how the drills on the morning of 9/11 that simulated planes crashing into buildings on the east coast were used as a cover to dupe unwitting air defense personnel into not responding quickly enough to stop the attack.

“The exercises that went on that morning simulating the exact kind of thing that was happening so confused the people in the FAA and NORAD….that they didn’t they didn’t know what was real and what was part of the exercise,” said Bowman

“I think the people who planned and carried out those exercises, they’re the ones that should be the object of investigation.”

“Asked if he could name a prime suspect who was the likely architect behind the attacks, Bowman stated, “If I had to narrow it down to one person….I think my prime suspect would be Dick Cheney.”

These Black Lodge and Caiaphas schools relish weak, easily manipulated human beings. Dick Cheney had little Georgie W. Bush a lazy frat boy who became President under the dynastic machinations of the Bush Clan. The Bush Clan have hated and have had an anger and jealousy of the Kennedy Clan and had the Kennedy Clan assassinated and murdered in order to destroy the  competing dynasty of the Kennedy’s who would have interfered with the Ahrimanic invasion of the rise of THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS into human intellects.

Colonel House had his own little pet human, a President of the United States, the Black Lodge  and Colonel House “used Woodrow Wilson as their poodle on a string – leading to his subsequent ‘insanity’”.

In this cartoon, you can see President Woodrow Wilson swimming in blood pulling at death to join him as the world burns like hell all around him.

Dick Cheney was the minder and handler of George W. Bush. Wilson’s weak human center was easily compromised by a stronger personality. This magnetic and intense manipulation of weak personalities links down to the horrible science of the double and how easily the general populations can be swayed and manipulated through enticements and distractions which constantly plant the seeds of deception into the slumbering soul life of an inattentive humanity.


“There is not the space here to go into it in detail, but a look at events around 666  – the ‘chinesification’ of the Japanese imperial structure in the Taika Reform of 646; the elimination of the prophet Mohammed’s family and the establishment of the Ummayyad caliphate at Damascus by  Muawiya (later, the reincarnated Woodrow Wilson)  in 661; the  victory of the more intellectual Roman Catholic church over the Celtic Christians at the Council of Whitby in 664, all bear the signature of centralisation. Of particular interest is the fact that Dagobert II was then  nominal Merovingian king of Austrasia in northern France (656-79.”

If we remained conscious of our doubles and of our failings and of our great strengths as members of THE TENTH HIERARCHY,  we would see through the machinations, the Spin and the lies and be able to comprehend that humanities Intellectual rights and Intellectual Soul has been fully invaded by a potent legion of forces who have only truly been described and anti-doted through The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness lectures (click link and study them all). In every detail and in the whole gamut of the lectures we are able to locate the thinking apparatus, schooling and personalities of these Ahrimanic groups and their activities that are bent on undermining and corrupting human intelligence.

Wielding such power the Black Lodge and ancient Caiaphas Schools have had the time to organize and prepare for the rise of The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. They have been collecting themselves and amassing themselves and being spotted, located and promoted up the ranks of think tanks and propaganda and torture scientists,  psychologists, lawyers, FBI, CIA, (CENTRAL AHRIMANIC  INTELLIGENCE) avarice laden Corporate players, Goldman Sachs manipulators, politicians, police officials, governors and mayors, scientists and media whores, teachers, professors and Presidents, a vast array who have been infected by THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS gruesome agenda.

The intent of Michael was to bring these beings who co-exist with humanity, with The Tenth Hierarchy and with the Angelic community, the elemental worlds, whole vast kingdoms exist side by side with physical human beings to the attention of the spiritual cognition of The Tenth Hierarchy.

Each of us as Physical human beings, co-exist with vast invisible spiritual entities and Michael led to the expulsion of the Ahrimanic Beings so that human psychology and human moral development could not only learn to recognize the Sun force of the Etheric Christ in our human vicinity but also recognize, freely when cunning, clever deception, human beings harboring Ahrimanic intents, mingle into human affairs and set agendas, talking points, prepare trends and create the continuous food supply that feeds these Ahrimanic parasites.

The nourishment that feeds these parasitical Ahrimanic sub-angelic beings are anything that uses lies, deception, assassination, murder, wars, torture and Orwellian political divide and conquer intellectual soul intrigues and techniques, SPIN, that shreds the clear nourishment of the Etheric foundations of goodness and truth in The Tenth Hierarchy.

By failing to notice that we as human beings are Occupied Territory, that our doubles, our shadows and doppelgangers are infected and our failure to school ourselves and correct our own soul life, we all fall into the trap that the Fallen Spirits of Darkness, from Michael’s battle against them, have set-up for us here on the Earth. It infects every aspect of our materialistic education, therefore hidden beings remain outside our cognition. The horrific events of the Judas destiny brought St. Augustine into direct confrontation with all the pitfalls on the path of human spiritual development towards an understanding of the Christ Event. Dick Cheney, on the other hand, has powerfully championed the stages that set humanity up for the appearance and celebration of the incarnation of  the coming Ahriman Savior.

Rudolf Steiner

“For once, therefore, a man woke up and saw that what mattered was not to proclaim democracy but to see the full reality, not to follow slogans, but to see things as they are. This would be particularly important today, for people would then realize that the events which reign with such blood and terror over the whole of humanity are guided and directed from just a few centers. People will never realize this if they persist in the delusion that nation is fighting nation, and allow the European and American Press to lull them to sleep over the kinds of relations that are said to exist between nations.”

Michael’s battle in the Heavens and our unfortunate receiving into our most  tempted and cunning region, our minds, Beings who, along with all the invisible beings surrounding humanity, must be recognized in freedom or the unfolding higher capacities of humanity, SPIRIT-SELF;  LIFE-SPIRIT; and SPIRIT-MAN

1. Physical/mineral body, which we have in common
with the mineral kingdom;
2. Etheric body or body of formative forces, which we
have in common with the plant kingdom. This is
the “body” that contains the forces that maintain
our shape, just as the shape of a geranium leaf is
always maintained in its uniqueness. The etheric
body contains the life-forces characterized by
nutrition, growth, and reproduction;
3. Astral body, or soul body, which we have in common
with the animal kingdom. The astral body is the locus
of our consciousness and our feelings;
4. I-being, or pure ego. This is unique to human
beings, and separates us from the animal kingdom.
Through the I, capable of thinking, we achieve selfawareness.
This offers us the opportunity for self
transformation. We can develop in ourselves the
capacity to transform the lower members of our
being so that they evolve into their spiritual
counterparts; thus:
5. Spirit-self, as the transformed astral body;
6. Life-spirit, as the transformed etheric body;
7. Spirit-body, as the transformed physical body

will atrophy and humanity will remain mired in the game of Intellectualized-Political and super-spiritual materialism.

“The aim of the sages of Jundi-Shapur — in a more amateurish form it is also the aim of certain occult societies in our own time — amounted to nothing else than this: to make man very great, very wise, on the Earth, but, by instilling this wisdom, to lead his soul to partake of death, so that when he had passed through the Gate of Death he would have no inclination to participate in spiritual life or in subsequent incarnations. The intention was to sever man from his further evolution, and so win him for the aims of certain Beings in a quite different world. It was to preserve him as he is in his life on Earth, in order to divert him from the purpose of that earthly existence, which purpose he was meant to discover only slowly and by degrees, thereby finally attaining to Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit, Spirit-Man.”

All of the above concrete insights were fashioned into an Ahrimanic/Sorathian wet dream with rich contextualization that included the fall of our own Ninth Hierarchy, our Angels and imprisoning a numbed and defeated humanity in the Matrix. There, the Ahrimanic sub-Angelic beings who were those exiled into the human Intellects in THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS lectures, rose up and regained control of humanity and are shown fully in control of the entire life, destiny and illusion of the Tenth Hierarchy.

Humanity, through the rise of these Ahrimanic beings depicted in THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS lectures and the visceral 1999 Sorathian MATRIX SERIES, outlines a future where the rise of the Spirits of Darkness has fully taken over of the doubles of humanity and are shown in a mirrored tit for tat Mr. Smith styled Ahrimanic control of the overwhelmed and slumbering Tenth Hierarchy. This was achieved through our own arrogant blindness that we are living with NOW.

Humanity was torn from the stars and heavens and left incapacitated, strangled, surrounded and collapsed into subservient slavery having atrophied and relinquished our higher spiritual forces to Ahrimanic and Sorathian goals latent in our doubles and shadows. Humanity is shown without the possibility of attaining Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. We as humanity were superseded and vanquished from within by the very spirits of darkness that were tossed down into human heads.

Humanity of the NOW,  failed to assess the extreme dangers that truly and currently, presently surround The Tenth Hierarchy and instead we preferred to wallow in political-materialistic lies of numbing betrayal and deception. [Here is the actual history of the United States free of Propaganda and lies CLINK LINK] Rudolf Steiner and St. John in his Apocalypse got it right before any of us knew what hit us. But today THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY described by Rudolf Steiner and the preparations for the Pharmaceutical and counterfeit Etheric restructuring of the DNA and Genetic composition of humanity under Whore of Babylon and the Ahrimanic Savior’s One World Government, where nutrition, genetic codes, Monsanto foods, and extreme illness if one attempts to think spiritually into the Hierarchies, pre-birth or life after death realities (SEE LINK) is being currently recognized.

While Spiritual Science and this essay does not water down the reality or history, the rest of the world does water it down. Yet because of the plethora of trivia and diversions, when the news hits us in the face, everyone is too busy to see that the United States is now fully under the mandate of a New Babylonian Captivity. This phase three of our captivity has arrived exactly as we have stated here through out this essay and exactly as Rudolf Steiner brought when he drew the lines of the Babylonian Captivity right up to the present Ahrimanic Captivity of Washington, Wall Street and Main Stream Media and the entire Military Industrial complex of spies and think tanks that have murdered, mugged, raped and betrayed America Herself.  The monsters are out of the box again but most of us are too crippled, selfish, distracted and brainwashed to grasp our tragic situation.



“The Babylonian Captivity is a biblical reference to the conquest of the ancient Israelites by the Babylonians, after which the people of Israel were allegedly removed from their homes and physically transferred to Babylon.  A later so-called Babylonian Captivity refers to the abduction of the Medieval papacy, which occurred in 1309 when the French King Philip IV moved the pope and most of his cardinals lock stock and barrel to the delightful city of Avignon, where they remained for 68 years before the Holy See was restored to Rome.  The French sought to use the powerful papacy with its vast bureaucracy to support their own foreign policy ambitions.  It is perhaps not an inappropriate metaphor for what has occurred between Washington and Tel Aviv, with key decision making for the United States now being transferred to Israel.  The State Department message clearly reveals that when it comes to foreign policy the American people are no longer masters of their own destiny and at best can only negotiate issues with the Israelis while at the same time issuing a carte blanche in support of anything Tel Aviv chooses to do.”

We have the power within us to learn to banish, recognize and thwart our own deceptions by SEEING THEM. But SEEING THEM also entails overcoming what Ahriman and political Ahrimanic Accomplices use as Orwellian Double-Speak, Spin,  Talking Points,  so called Austerity and financial, spiritual and political lies to keep humanity numb and unaware. We remain massively unaware that Spiritual Beings, terrorists exiled from the Spiritual World, co-exist in our human thought systems and are super-cunning, sub-Angelic fallen beings who have been sent into us to accelerate our alertness and awareness, and awakeness to the fact that we are not alone.

We can fabricate all kinds of scenarios about alien abduction and beings from other worlds, but since we are Spiritual Beings in a REAL spiritual/material world, we have shown no interest in what beings who occupy the same spiritual space as we do, do. Since we care so little and can so easily be detoured, distracted, d-railed and re-directed away from the facts due to the strength of humans who chose cunning instead of their humanity, we find it all a big clever, intellectual and emotional roller coaster and fun park.

But we are, WE ARE those humans who unwashed, foul and destructive, haunted the tombstones and graves and molested innocent travelers until of a day, the Etheric Sun of the physical Christ crossed paths with the psychotic, possessed and vast LEGION (SEE CLIP) of fallen beings commonly know as  Gerasene or the Gadarene Demoniac.

Judas was exhibit A of how both our belief and understanding of the Christ event, the Resurrection and the current work of the Etheric Christ could be corrupted, distorted and denied.  Through the etheric body of Judas and the astral body of Judas, Christ intermingled His Divine Light and Love as an example of maximum human catharsis that could impact a human I AM in their confrontation with their own souls and spirits . And all along the path of the Christ Event, we have seen how torture, murder and deception and all forms of abuse have escalated, have resurfaced and become trendy.

Rudolf Steiner

“Thus these two poles — the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic — are continuously present in man. Viewed historically, we find that the Luciferic preponderated in certain currents of cultural development of the pre-Christian age and continued into the first centuries of our era. On the other hand the Ahrimanic influence has been at work since the middle of the fifteenth century and will increase in strength until an actual incarnation of Ahriman takes place among Western humanity.

“Now it is characteristic of such things that they are prepared long in advance. Ahrimanic powers prepare the evolution of mankind in such a way that it can fall a prey to Ahriman when he appears in human form within Western civilization — hardly then to be called ‘civilization’ in our sense (SEE LINK) — as once Lucifer appeared in human form in China, as once Christ appeared in human form in Asia Minor. It is of no avail to give oneself illusions today about these things. Ahriman will appear in human form and the only question is, how he will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized, or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance. It does not help at all to give oneself up to illusions. People nowadays flee the truth, and one cannot give it to them in an unvarnished form because they would ridicule it and scoff and jeer. But if one gives it to them through the “Threefold Social Organism” as one now tries to do, then they will not have it either — not the majority, at any rate. The fact that people reject these things is just one of the means which the Ahrimanic powers can use and which will give Ahriman the greatest possible following when he appears in human form on earth. This disregard of the weightiest truths is precisely what will build Ahriman the best bridge to the success of his incarnation. And nothing will help us to find the right position in regard to the part played by Ahriman in human evolution except an unprejudiced study of the forces through which Ahriman’s influence works, as well as learning to know the forces through which mankind can arm itself against being tempted and led astray.”

Resistance is futile

Ahriman must fulfill his Incarnation, it is a world fact. One of those facts that are not studied in the immature and naive sterile versions of materialistic education that we are so comfortable with. Ahriman is of great importance and his/her incarnation shall be as shattering and different as the Christ Event was for humanity.

The Tenth Hierarchy has caught glimpses of the activity of Ahriman and Lucifer, and in specific the incarnation of Ahriman that we are examining reveals, not the vague but stirring intuitions we catch in the wind, but the specific, precise and dramatic reality of a lofty Ahrimanic Arche level, three stages above our human phase, literal incorporation in a human physical form.

Goethe’s Mephistopheles with his “Faust” caught a powerful glimpse of this highly active spirit that is now approaching with just years away from making his/her appearance as a human personality. One of the intuitions I have always admired and most of humanity has admired, but has only whimsically toyed with, is the idea that such Ahrimanic accomplices, certainly might have taken part in certain historical events. They did, they have and the artistic intuition of a shadow living side by side in human impulses is correct.

Well one of the  intuitions I am referring to is entirely true but we prefer to treat our Tenth Hierarchy intuitions as mere artistic off-beat license and not artistic and metaphysical realities. Much to our uncomfortable displeasure these hordes of FALLEN SPIRITS OF DARKNESS that have invaded the human intellect and that have a GROUP EGREGORE AGENDA that is rising in us, that twists all truth into a pretzel and uses all facts as SPIN that serve the agenda of these beings generation after generation until they have become an organized tight knit unit of THINK TANKS and INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES over the Earth is indeed a potent psychic fact.

The human beings they have courted and seduced have waited, planned, murdered, assassinated, manipulated and conspired to prepare the ground, not for Lucifer.  No. Lucifer has already had his MOMENT. His incarnation. WHAT IS TROUBLING YOU IS THE NATURE OF HIS GAME.(CLICK LINK) Rolling Stones, “Sympathy for the Devil“. The Rolling Stones grabbed one of the Tenth Hierarchy intuitions and they certainly did a good job at introducing and offering an INTRO.

However the tactic was blunted, because we are and have been engaged in fighting off an Ahrimanic assault team, a large Ahrimanic terrorist Swat Team that succeeded in penetrating, via our sub-angelic intellects, our brains, our cold, cold, cold hearted thought sphere, where we think we are alone, with our thoughts, but we are not. Soon our thoughts find that we have instincts and cravings that run wild and unsupervised by our higher selves. This Ahrimanic assault team is gifted at gaining access into MIND CONTROL, (they are sub-angelic beings after all). They live and survive on the crumbs of the fallen light and cunning deceptions of our intellects. They survive by the sway of our thoughts, the willful rational intellect that thrives on the deception that everything is merely a materialistic game.

And our Tenth Hierarchy, just like the vampire parasite, these Ahrimanic entities have to be invited in by us. We all like to admire and worship something and those that are prime candidates for Ahrimanic home invasion are those that truly admire the cunning deception where people don’t really know you. People are so naive that they only know the surface image of you and thus they think they know you.

Our family, children, wives, students, friends and co-workers think they know us. We know that they merely associate with us. But you KNOW that they can’t and don’t know THE REAL YOU.  Ahrimanic parasites thrive in this magnificent duel cosmic terrorist, secret agent deception just described. But let’s get a little deeper under our skin.

The series that we love to watch, our own American Psycho in Florida, “DEXTER” draws us into DEXTER’S shadows, his dead father as an enabler of the Mephistopheles Double, whispers to us as well as DEXTER and justifies our slide into the slime of willing anonymous destruction of the interior of our I AM. We are invited, seduced and enticed into the secret world of the eroticism of sadism and torture and it all looks so sexy like Miami Vice on steroids.

Just like us, no one would ever pull little deceptive DEXTER out of the crowd to reveal a growing school of Hannibal Lecter’s  in our midst.  Yet this is the core of how the Sorathian perversion of the Soul and Spirit slowly enters the fledgling, naive I AM and seduces us into the ‘turning of our I AM’ and willingly offering our holy I AM in the service of our plummet down into Dante’s Inferno. We can’t understand the intimate connections between Dante’s Inferno, Mephistopheles, DEXTER, Hannibal Lecter and how our I AM can be seduced into the full snares of Sorath.

These enticements and seductions can be apprehended and monitored by our conscious living I AM, but they mostly are lulling inducements that gain access into our unconscious and plant the seed, while we were lulled into sweet admiration for the Dexter in us and the Hannibal Lecter in us and the cunning deceptions of our doubles and our own Ahrimanic minders who now whisper deep in our soul life, “go ahead it’s fun“.

Our slumbering, unawakened I AM fails to nab, focus and see our own inner monster.  When we understand memory and what was on our high school reading list, Oscar Wilde and a Portrait of  or a Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and the several films and books that capture this growing parasite menace can be apprehended in a “Picture of Dorian Gray” (CLICK LINK) “. This amazing portrait of seduction was part of a threefold gift to the future. The threefold gift that was given over to humanity to shine the way forward into the 20th and 21st centuries were A PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by Oscar Wilde, died in 1900.  Thus Spake Zarathustra and The Anti-Christ by Friedrich Nietzsche, died in 1900.  A SHORT STORY OF THE ANTI-CHRIST by Vladimir Soloviev, died 1900.

These were gifts of Art and brilliant Occult insights that were given to the future of our 20th and 21st century problems of things to come, that are now clearly here. Powerful portraits of the inner parasite that eats away at our souls and spirits, but for all outward appearances we retain our warm and charming human endearments that reinforce for us and others around us the most powerful and deceptive corruption and collapse that we entertain but refuse to monitor from within. Our immaturity rebukes such facts as they are concretely presented, and we rebuke them in ourselves and others so we can remain dangerously drunk and drugged by the seduction we prefer.

We invite the cunning and clever deceptions and lies in and slowly, like frogs boiling in water we fail to notice our perilous situation. But suddenly we find ourselves in the cheering crowd awaiting the arrival of the Counterfeit Christ who will literally look through our soul lives and know what he owns of us. And Ahriman is coming to claim what he owns. A powerful and vast being to be sure and one that millions have prepared the way for, the coming of our Ahrimanic Savior is at our doorstep.

Without further ado let us show you the THREEFOLD FENRIR WOLF in sheep’s clothing that now approaches, begging humanity and the Tenth Hierarchy to not SEE him and not see beneath him what lurks as a third force that operates in the human soul. Meet the Inspiring master of Science, Entertainment, Banking, Military secret technology and altering the entire foundations of nature and the human genome. Meet Ahriman.

“He begins his rulership on earth by bringing peace-which is no other than `peace through force’, and he solves the social economic problem through `an equality of general repletion'”

No, it is not Lucifer as The Rolling Stones would have you pronounce on your tongues. Rather IT IS a rival of Michael the Archae and an enemy of the Tenth Hierarchy. These Ahrimanic Beings have used the Tenth Hierarchies weaknesses and it’s worship of the religion of materialistic science to brainwash generation after generation of children into a conformity of thinking. And coming to imprison the human spirit, the Ahrimanic Savior and King of Materialism will Etherically and on a global Entelechy super scale, clip the wings of the birds it has caught, the human beings caught on Earth, and our Tenth Hierarchy will be fully convinced that health, plagues, deformities, disease, and fairness to all and everyone can be recouped at long last if everyone gets their Etheric and Astral wings clipped to fit into the healthy model of Intellect, Materialism and Entertainment that shall appease, numb and finally confine the soul so that it shall never soar to the heights of St. John again.

We shall never soar into the region of the Michael School, or encounter the Etheric Christ and be uplifted without such inner events causing us great illness and pain. Humanity will be etherically clipped and never be able to THINK spiritually and scientifically about anything but our tiny narrow selfish and superficial trains of thought.

These terrorists, and these are the only true Terrorists, THE FALLEN SPIRITS OF DARKNESS, are Angelic beings who cannot longer fulfill their function in the Angelic or higher worlds so they sought, they swept into the next region that is similar, a lower region of Fallen Light in the human intellect.

The Fallen Spirits of Darkness swept into the complex and corrupted region of the human Intellect. Their intent is to use the Intellects of human beings to raise up a comfortable kingdom and regain certain fallen Devachan light for themselves. There Ahrimanic interlopers can feed off the intellects of humanity, and bring through science and human folly, vast lower and fallen Devachan Entertainment and genetic discoveries which will allow these parasites to devour OUR WORLD while numbing the human being into a stupefied giddiness. For the impressionable and naive intellect the brilliant and cunning fallen astral and devachan light can used to blunt and blind the human spirit and keep it well within the current intellectual materialistic stupor.

Ahriman’s Public Relations Campaign has begun

Here is one of the first advertisement promotionals, a sneak peek at the TYPE of personality for  THE COMING INCARNATION OF AHRIMAN.  He quotes from Jagger’s Sympathy for the Devil, Please to introduce myself a man of wealth and means Peter Weyland. A kind of new Ahrimanic church founded on Peter is hinted at. This is where the vast impulse of perfected Ahrimanic materialism, becomes for humanity, it’s new religion. This is still a symbolic type of profile and this personality appears at the peak of his forces supposedly in the year 2023. This type of Personality had already been profiled by Vladimir Soloviev in “A Short Story of the Anti-Christ”  (CLICK LINK).

“Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900) pointed in the year of his death to the significance of this century’s end in his story The Antichrist.’ This prophetic writing which describes the beginning of the twenty-first century – the beginning of the third millenium – tells, according to a fictitious retrospective account of the twentieth century, about the inescapable appearance of the Antichrist, who becomes the generally accepted world ruler with his headquarters in Jerusalem. Soloviev mentions twice that the decisive change in the man who became the Antichrist happened at the age of 33. `He was still young, but, thanks to his great talent, at 33 years of age was widely proclaimed as a great thinker, writer, and social worker . . . He believed in Good, but the All Seeing Eye of the Eternal knew that this man bowed before the power of evil when it offered him a bribe-not by the snare of the senses and lower passions, nor even by the superior attraction of power, but through his immeasurable self-love alone. Besides, this self-love was neither an unconscious instinct nor a foolish pretense. In view of his exceptional talent, his beauty, nobility of character, his supreme display of continence, his disinterestedness, and his active beneficence, it seemed that his enormous self-love was justifiable, and worthy of a great spiritualist, ascetic and philanthropist.’

Our entire globe is currently in a state of deconstructive collapse in order to prepare for such a personality, the coming Ahrimanic Savior. And such a set of circumstances are already beginning to show themselves and work themselves into our subconscious DESIRE for the suave cunning that will wrap us up into the new Religion of Materialism and the celebration of the coming Ahrimanic Savior. And we will applaud and rally round such a TYPE of genius.  CLICK THIS LINK  to see the type of  PR campaign for this TYPE of approaching Personality, and a a whole series of Ahrimanic Revelations that are already currently underway to Counterfeit a falsified etheric body of supreme materialistic health while cutting Humanity off from their higher unfolding Spiritual development. By cutting humanity off from the Risen Etheric Christ and inserting the personality of the Ahrimanic Savior as the neat form of identity theft of the Second Coming of Christ. See for yourselves the coming attractions of the TYPE of personality that will carry The Incarnation of Ahriman  and bring to humanity, at long last, the technological forces for the Religion of Materialism.


Spiritual Etheric formative forces that blossom from the Dead Wood

“In Emil Bock’s, “The Three Years”, he addresses the question of the raising of Lazarus in terms of its meaning and relation to Initiation. Bock writes: “Lazarus is said to have been a rich man, endowed with possessions on a princely scale. Then his destiny led him to a meeting with Jesus. He followed Him, and took His words and deeds deeply to heart. So he was present when Jesus raised the son of the widow. This event affected him so profoundly that he broke with his former life and gave all he had to the poor. The legend leaves it open whether the shock of the experience might even help to explain his death. But through these legendary pictures shines an indubitable truth. The riches offered up by Lazarus under the influence of Christ were not purely material. They were the rich fruits brought from former earthly lives, in which he had been repeatedly ranked among the highest Initiates.

“In the Christ there appeared to him something entirely new, in comparison with which the old dispensation seemed faded and worthless. In Christ he saw the fulfillment; all the rest had only been preparation and prophesy. Clearly, the hierophantic approach of Jesus to the bier of the young man of Nain must have had a specially disturbing influence on Lazarus’ inner life. There are significant parallels between his destiny and that of the young man. With the young man a former Initiation repeats itself, and having formerly brought about a tragic crisis, it is now directed to a good purpose through the Christ.

“With Lazarus too, potent forces from former Initiations are liberated, and he is no longer able to keep his soul, awakened to such overwhelming riches, bound to its bodily vehicle. In him, too, the Temple Sleep and Mystic Death of many former lives comes to expression once more.” Bock also adds: “What takes place in Bethany while Jesus and His disciples are absent, is like an enormous heightening of the mysterious shocks and crises in the destinies of the Old Testament prophets. With them, only echoes and memories of an earlier Initiation broke through into the present. With Lazarus, the dynamic power of fate is something greater. It drives him actually into death.”

We are faced with two specific diverging intentions. One, related to the seven forces, the seven roses and the seven etheric foundational forces of the New Etheric Body Initiated in Lazarus by Christ. It is highly significant that thousands of people learn to understand and grasp that the raising of Lazarus and what the seed of the Lazarus Initiation by the Sun Being, the Christ, meant and means for the attainment of Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man.

Ahrimanic beings will force and fabricate an Entelechy Etheric copy that they can distribute to all of humanity, at wholesale prices, curing most illnesses, a lower form, a stunted etheric form, with a locked code so that Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man will be unattainable and blocked, locked just like a Monsanto seed.

3-fold 9-fold 7-fold 4-fold 
SPIRIT Spirit Man Atma future stages /
angelic consciousness
Life Spirit Buddhi
Spirit Self Manas
SOUL  Spiritual Soul Ego Ego
Intellectual Soul
Sentient Soul Astral body Astral body
BODY  Soul Body
Etheric Body Etheric Body Etheric Body
Physical body Physical body Physical body

However the seed that Christ planted in Lazarus is an indestructible seed. The seed was further elaborated in a top secret monastery in the 13th century (see link), where the entire higher model of the human being, Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit; and Spirit-Man were safeguarded, secured where moth and rust cannot corrupt.

All of  humanity now have a Human Prototype that has achieved through Sun Initiation and the legitimate Sun forces of the Christ Being the heroic level of Arche. It was the great work of the divine fruit of every age, in all the vast history of humanity, all the wisdom, depth and moral complexity, simplicity, joy and dark history of the gods and men, that were infused into ONE HUMAN PROTOTYPE that was chosen and Initiated by the Christ Being.

In the 13th century, this Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, of the fallen human model with the highest human potentials were woven together into one equally valid and potent XX and XY prototype that includes how human Speech, THE WORD itself will become the reproductive organ of the future.

The entire higher metamorphosis of the human being to a WORD BEARER, able to slowly unfold the very capacities that the Christ Being exhibited when HE participated with humanity, that Zarathustra/Jesus did in laying down his life at Twelve Years of age and taking up both the streams of Buddhism and Zarathustra in the Jesus individuality and finally Zarathustra laid down his life again at age 29 1/2 to allow the Christ into the illuminated and consciously prepared Spiritual vessel that Christ carried as, Jesus the Christ, to Golgotha.

But it was not Zarathustra who was chosen to bear the future of humanity, it was rather Lazarus/John that the Christ chose to plant the mighty seed that has overcome the mystery that Ahriman challenged the Christ with. Turn these veritable stones into the Bread of Life.

Peter asks Jesus about the final fate of the Beloved Disciple. The passage continues as follows:

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

The immortal Bread of Life (CLICK LINK) is not so easy to attain. Yet Ahriman will have you believing that we all deserve the same portion and proportion.There is no appeal to our Higher Intelligence rather Ahriman will appeal to our corrupted and egotistic lower intelligence which sees fairness in limp political correctness. Everyone is unique and each comes upon the shattering truth in their own due time. What is right for one incomplete person is not equally valid for another incomplete person.

A human being now exists with us and maintains the prototype of the advanced human model of a Divine Being, initiated by Christ Himself, with the Sun Word active in him, who answers the most severe temptation humanity is faced with, that Ahriman will turn the Etheric Entelechy model into fallen and deceptive bread that will give health and life but sever humanity from achieving what they were intended to achieve through the Christ Event on Earth.

We are in this battle and Ahriman will create one size fits all, while the Christ, the Grail Community, the White Brotherhood and Mother Lodges of humanity, who safeguard humanity and the Christ Impulse will offer each human being their own spiritual bread. Making clear to everyone, that humanity does not live by bread alone but by the individual spiritual secrets and forces of the WORD that exist in every developing human I AM.

Christ has access with the deepest and clearest divine support of each and every single I AM who struggles. Ahriman does not have access to our I AM unless we give our higher forces willingly, if we invite the Counterfeit Savior in, the Ahrimanic beings will devour humanity like a parasite that eats up all the internal substance of the human being and leaves a carapace behind, a relic, a dried out and depleted sheath of the once great work of the Angels themselves, WE, the carapace shell of the TENTH HIERARCHY.

Our problem is that with all our brainwashing, all the Ahrimanic and political propaganda and the control of events from the portal of birth to the portal of death, humanity won’t be able to tell the difference, Doctors and Scientists will have been trained to discount the legitimate etheric life body of nature and humanity and therefore discount and divert our own recognition of the Etheric Christ Being.

“Ahriman will appear in human form and the only question is, how he will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized, or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance.”

Steiner – 9-fold Steiner -4 fold (with future stages) Lurianic Kabbalah
5 subdivisions of Nefesh (soul of universe of Asiyah)
Barbara Brennan – 
7 energy bodies
Spirit Man Atma – Spirit Man
(transformed physical)
Yehidum (Unity) of Nefesh 7. Ketheric template
Life Spirit Buddhi – Life Spirit
(transformed etheric)
Hayyah (Life) of Nefesh 6. Celestial
(transpersonal emotional)
Spirit Self Manas – Spirit Self
(transformed astral)
Neshamah (higher Soul) of Nefesh 5. Etheric Template
(higher etheric)
Spiritual Soul
(Christ love)
Ego Ruah of Nefesh
(heart – Tifaret)
4. Astral
(interpersonal emotional)
Intellectual Soul
(intellectual formulations)
Nefesh of Nefesh 3. Mental
Sentient Soul
(animal soul – lower emotions & passions)
Astral body Nefesh behemis
(animal soul)
2. Emotional
(selfish emotional)
Soul Body n/a n/a
Etheric Body Etheric Body 1. Etheric
Physical body Physical body Physical Physical

It all depends on what cognition is available in human understanding. Without our understanding the supersensible and divine aspect of the basis of human life and the immense forces of the Christ Event, we already have, and already are, nearly completely diverted away from healing insights, to merely recognizing and admiring only physical and materialistic insights into the nature of Earth, the stars, our lymphatic systems, our nervous systems and our blood and I AM circulatory systems.  These already have become just fixtures of a mechanical body shop of parts and pieces that might easily be replaced by advanced Nano technology and nano designed parts and pieces as well as highly edited copies of our cellular, genetic and DNA Entelechy.

We have all but forgotten, shown little or no interest in or buried our understanding of the mighty framework of the Sun Imbued Christ Being who transformed the entire codes of our Human Form, of our Tenth Hierarchy, and walked lightly from the tomb with his treasure, won for the benefit of raising every I AM of humanity from the Fall to the heights of the Spirit.


Planned Global Economic Collapse, INSIDE JOB (CLICK ON LINK).


How to consume lies and learn to love them. Transparent insanity of 9/11 (SEE CLIP)


The intimate coping with the Deception of 9/11 has reached now the general psychiatry of Trauma that the United States has betrayed the human psyche at a very potent level of perception. (CLICK LINK HERE) and begin to understand the dilemma.


WAR BY DECEPTION. Reveals independent insights into many 1998 News Deceptions. What has always been lacking are the detailed study of the FACTS. Most U.S. and International citizens just like people everywhere, aren’t interested in facts, we merely want to sway with a mob of gossip and be accepted and admitted to the club of society by agreeing to the absolute butchery of the Truth. Well opportunity springs eternal, Here is a (LINK) to WAR BY DECEPTION.


This is a quiet, in depth surface radio interview, of what is explored in this essay. This is a wonderfully calm Radio Interview that touches upon a great deal that is dealt with in our understanding of ACTIVE  AHRIMANIC DECEPTION operating behind the scenes of our Media and Educational events. Calm English, warm Radio Interview (Link).


“The other beings, the demons created out of immoral actions, also have an astral body, an etheric body and a physical body, at the watery stage, of course, but they do not have the basis for developing an ego. They are born headless, as it were. Instead of taking up the basis for progressing along a regular evolutionary path to the Jupiter existence, they reject this basis. By doing so they condemn themselves to the fate of dropping out of evolution. But this only increases the hordes of luciferic beings, for they fall under their power. As they cannot progress in a regular way they have to become parasites. This is what happens to all the beings who reject a normal evolution; they have to attach themselves to others in order to move on. Beings who arise through immoral actions have the particular inclination to be parasites in human evolution on earth under Lucifer’s leadership – to which they have succumbed – and to seize hold of the evolution of human beings before they make their physical entry into the world. They attack human beings during the embryonic stage and share their existence between conception and birth. Some of these beings, if they are strong enough, can continue to accompany the human being after birth, as seen in the phenomena of some children who are possessed.

“What is brought about by the criminal demons attached as parasites to unborn children is the cause of a deterioration in the succession of the generations; it gnaws at human beings, making them less able to develop than they would be if these demons did not exist. There are various reasons for the decline of families, tribes, peoples and nations, but one of them is the existence of these criminal demon parasites during the period mentioned.

“These things play an important part in Earth evolution as a whole, and they bring us into contact with deep secrets of human existence. This is often the cause of people acquiring certain prejudices and points of view even before they are born. So people are tormented by doubts and uncertainties in life, and all kinds of other things, because of these demonic parasites.

“These beings cannot do very much with what human beings develop once their ego makes itself felt, but they prey on them all the more before they are born or during their earliest years. Thus we see that evil actions, too, have a significant effect in the cosmos and work creatively, but their creativity tends in the direction of the Old Moon existence. For what human beings pass through in the embryonic period, when these demonic beings can prey on them, is basically the heritage of the Old Moon evolution, which makes its appearance in all kinds of subconscious, instinctive behaviour. Something stemming from the older and better days of physical science is the instinct it preserves about the human embryonic period not being calculated according to ordinary months but lunar months; science still speaks of ten lunar months, and knows certain other things, too, concerning the connection of embryonic development with the phases of the moon.

“So we see that our Earth evolution contains two tendencies. There are good deeds that contain the impulse to work creatively on Earth in preparation for Jupiter, so that man’s successor on the human level can come into being. But evil deeds have also brought into our evolution the tendency to drag Earth back again to the Old Moon evolution and make it dependent on everything to do with subconscious impulses; in fact there are far more of these subconscious impulses in materialistic humanity of modern times than there were in bygone ages when people were less materialistic.”

( — Rudolf Steiner, 3. January 1915, GA unknown)

Dick Cheney, Judas and The Etheric Christ (part I) by Bradford Riley

Rudolf Steiner

“Who betrayed the Christ? He who had the 30 pieces of silver, he who is the representative of material possessions. At the beginning of the Christian era, the Divine Spirit descended. The Christ came to heal this vale of Earth and those who do not think that they themselves are called upon to assist in bringing a different age to birth, violate their deepest responsibility.

For 2000 years man had to be educated. Judas of Kariot was destined to bring the sacrifice, to deliver up the Christ to the material forces of existence, Because humanity followed the 30 pieces of silver, Christ vanished — passed away to the astral plane. The task of Christianity through 2000 years is pictured in the betrayal by Judas. But a different task stands before Christianity to-day.”

We wish to examine two specific betrayals that lead to two different yet specific results. With the Christ Event we have a very specific individual who effectively insured the Death and Resurrection of Christ through his act of betrayal (30 pieces of Silver). In a radically different form of betrayal, we have specific individuals whose aim is to prepare for the arrival of the incarnation of Ahriman.

The betrayals involved with the coming incarnation of Ahriman, reveal cutting edge prophets that range all the way back to Caiaphas and all the way up to the very singular efforts of Dick Cheney and his active free deeds that betray the entire mission of the Tenth Hierarchy.

Yet on the other hand, without Dick Cheney’s aggressive betrayal of The Tenth Hierarchy and humanity the incarnation of Ahriman as a savior and fabricator of counterfeit etheric bodies, counterfeit nature and a vast counterfeit forgery of spiritual life, slowly developed in order to eclipse the deeds of the Etheric Christ, would hardly have been possible.

With Judas and his relation to the entire Mystery of Golgotha we shall fill in gaps in our understanding of just how Judas himself was prepared and given the task to experience the full weight, the astonishing impact of the force of world historical shock of betraying a Divine Being. It is a hard, hard destiny to be the most despised (The Who -Behind Blue Eyes), tormented, rejected, hated and ridiculed human spirit in history. And here in lies where our psychological and pathological limitations encounters the shattering foundations of REAL WORLD events.

Rudolf Steiner

“It is extremely interesting to follow the soul-development of those whom Christ Jesus gathered around Him; the Twelve whom He particularly called to be His own, who, in all their simplicity, as we might say, passed in the grandest way through the development which, as I tried to show you yesterday, is gained by human souls in widely varied incarnations.

“A man must first become accustomed to being a specific individuality. This he cannot easily do when he is transferred from the element of the nation in which his soul had taken root into a condition of being dependent upon himself alone. The Twelve were deeply rooted in a nationality which had constituted itself in the grandest form. They stood there as if they were naked souls, simple souls, when Christ found them again. There had been a quite abnormal interval between their incarnations.

“The gaze of Christ Jesus could rest upon the Twelve, the reincarnated souls of those who had been the seven sons of the Maccabean and the five sons of Mattathias, Judas and his brothers; it was of these that the apostolate was formed. They were thrown into the element of fishermen and simple folk. But at a time when the Jewish element had reached its culminating point they had been permeated by the consciousness that this element was then at the peak of its strength, but strength only — whereas, when the group formed itself around Christ, this element appeared in individualized form.

“We might conceive that someone who was a complete unbeliever might look upon the appearance of the seven and the five at the end of the Old Testament, and their reappearance at the beginning of the New Testament, as nothing but an artistic progression. If we take it as a purely artistic composition, we may be moved by its simplicity and the artistic greatness of the Bible, quite apart from the fact that the Twelve are the five sons of Mattathias and the seven sons of the Maccabean mother. And we must learn to take the Bible also as a work of art. Then only shall we develop a feeling for the artistic element in it, and acquire a feeling for the realities from which it springs.

“Now perhaps your attention may be called to something else. Among the five sons of Mattathias is one who is already called Judas in the Old Testament. He was the one who at that time fought more bravely than all the others for his own people. In his whole soul he was dedicated to his people, and it was he who was successful in forming an alliance with the Romans against King Antiochus of Syria (I Maccabees, Chap. 8).

“This Judas is the same who later had to undergo the test of the betrayal, because he who was most intimately bound up with the old specifically Hebrew element, could not at once find the transition into the Christian element, needing the severe testing of the betrayal.

“Again, if we look at the purely artistic aspect, how wonderfully do the two figures stand out: the grand figure of the Judas in the last chapters of the Old Testament and the Judas of the New Testament. It is remarkable that in this symptomatic process, the Judas of the Old Testament concluded an alliance with the Romans, prefiguring all that happened later, namely the path that Christianity took through the Roman Empire, so that it could enter into the world.

“If I could add to this something that can also be known but that cannot be given in a lecture to an audience as large as this, you would see that it was precisely through a later reincarnation of Judas that the fusion of the Roman with the Christian element occurred.”

Every single human I AM is a specific and potent study in human evolution and behavior. Our usual limping, stumbling and superficial diagnosis of political as well as spiritual events in human history, remain simplistic and weaken the entire basis of human insight. Maturity only begins when we consider the I AM of each human individuality and place their destiny in depth and on a solid framework. Both Judas and Dick Cheney make for unique studies and comparisons.

Our chief dilemma in drawing such a comparison is that we have hardly ever reviewed the roots of the I AM of Judas and discovered cohesively some of the potent and shattering components of  both his deed at the Christ Event and what he endured after death, in the spiritual world from that deed and further what became of such an individual when he was once more called into incarnation.

Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot

“An early Gnostic sect argued that Judas was actually an enlightened soul, who realized that the betrayal was part of God’s master plan to save humanity by having his son crucified. So Judas, being the big man that he was, decided he could live with his soiled place in posterity if it meant everyone got to go to heaven.”

How had Judas changed? What was his death like? What had he endured after death? What were the fruits of his deed that guaranteed the Resurrection and the full events of The Mystery of Golgotha? Was he written out of Earth Evolution? Did his role in the Christ Event change Judas? But my approach is not going to be the usual well trodden, comfortable paths, but rather an expanded update from the Michael School itself.

My approach including Dick Cheney and Judas is not to condemn Judas or Dick Cheney. I shall make a comparison between the Christ Event and the coming incarnation of Ahriman. Both events had to be prepared and some very, very important work had to be done by humanity in order to prepare for these events.

“The astral body works as the enemy of the physical body and sinfulness, wrong-doing, are thereby evoked in the physical body. It was necessary for the astral body to descend and adapt itself to the physical body during the course of the last 2000 years. The Christ, too, had to descend and to be betrayed. He had to use the means whereby He could best render service to the physical body. The passions had to pour over physical life. Judas with the money-bag had to fulfill his function in order that harmony with the physical world might eventually be established.

“But the astral body has not united itself with the material world without being punished; it has sunk in the physical world. Just as human beings with their astral bodies live in the physical body, so do higher beings live with their higher spirit-bodies, in an astral body, and they can put this astral body to perverted use, just as man is able to do in the physical body. Diabolus — the Demons — took possession of Judas. This is a real fact. Judas fulfilled the function whereby the astral body was led downwards, but now we must liberate ourselves from Judas.” Rudolf Steiner

So now let us penetrate deeper into the character and life of Judas.  We know that Judas experienced the impact of having done a deed that brought the entire dark brotherhood, the black lodge that has been set into the karma of the Earth, that the Tenth Hierarchy, to have freedom must meet the full impact of the organized intent that opposes the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.  Christ came to fully penetrate behind enemy lines down into the very core of darkness. To get there Christ as the light certainly couldn’t betray Himself.

Through Judas, one of the key disciples, the Christ Sun radiated, transformed and penetrated deep into the etheric bodies and astral bodies of the disciples. Christ came to penetrate behind Ahriman’s wall of death. All that the coming Ahrimanic incarnation will bring had to be checked by Christ through the deed of Judas. Judas was key to the Hebrew people and the Ahrimanic core of  the priesthood in Caiaphas. Judas had the karma of penetrating with the Christ impulse down to the core of a super-power, Rome. Without Judas the entire political and historical events of Golgotha would not have reverberated down into the foundations of Rome.

When we follow the later incarnation of Judas, which we shall, we see how the Roman church, how the entire foundations of the Church itself arises out of Rome, out of the catacombs and bursts forth crashes the Roman Empire in favor of Christianity. All because of Judas. Penetrating behind enemy lines, to death, to betrayal into the very dark chamber of Ahrimanic thought and Black Lodge brotherhoods where humanities, each and every single human beings double and shadows are attached to the most vile corruptions of truth, brings the Etheric Christ ever deeper and deeper under the skin of the dragon.

It is through understanding the path of Judas that we can comprehend the preparations for the Incarnation of Ahriman that reveal the karmic chain of events from THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER and Caiaphas and the immense Economic Global enslavement and collapse that links hundreds of thousands of Judas deeds to corporate and military betrayals, Monsanto, Pharmaceuticals, CDC, vaccinations and Ahriman’s full intent on creating a counterfeit Etheric Body for humanity and manufacturing a counterfeit and severed nature to stand against the Etheric Christ.

Christ needed the chain of events and the karma of Caiaphas to Judas and Christ also needed the relationship of Lazarus-John to Caiaphas in order to have the White Lodge Brotherhood of Grail Initiates face in freedom and clarity the Black Lodge forces of Caiaphas. These potent karmic and destiny keys are the answer to the riddle of the battle between the Etheric Christ and Ahriman.

Both the White Lodge of humanity and the Black Lodge of the Caiaphas school are fixed in the laws of the Logos. That means that the Tenth Hierarchy is placed in the world with a Physical body, Etheric body, Astral body and I AM. The Black Lodge uses coercion, deception, torture, propaganda and lies to corrupt the etheric bodies, astral bodies and the I AM of humanity.

The Caiaphas Dilemma

A long while back some of us in Spiritual Science had a lengthy discussion over the Caiaphas dilemma. If you check out the link and scroll down to the posts marked The Caiaphas dilemma, it was back in this time frame that certain connections started to take shape in my mind’s eye.

“In John’s Gospel, Chapter 11, we read:

So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council, and said, “What are we to do? For this man performs many signs. If we let him go on thus, every one will believe in him, and the Romans will come and destroy both our holy place and our nation.” But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all; you do not understand that it is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish.”

The Caiaphas Principle — “do whatever it takes” — is the classic expression of consequentialism, the wicked idea that the end justifies the means.”

The White Lodge, via Judas, Lazarus/John, Christian Rosenkreutz, the Arche Michael and the Etheric Christ preserve and protect human freedom and pave the way for our higher spirit bodies, SPIRIT-SELF – LIFE-SPIRIT  – and SPIRIT-MAN, humanities future. Ahrimanic Black Lodge brotherhoods are opposed to the unfolding of any higher capacities of The Tenth Hierarchy and are intent on a MATRIX subversion of all potentials latent in the Tenth Hierarchy.

Ahrimanic forces wish to freeze the development of humanity and contain it, suffocate it and lock it into the parasitical region of the Intellectual Soul. The sleepers and comatose world of the Matrix is the IMAGINATION Ahriman is working from. The time frame of the Matrix series around 1999 and the time frame of Dick Cheney introducing the PNAC (Project for a New American Century) along with the other designers and signers within the time frame of 1998 and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book published in 1997 were all part of the grand plan of scooping up together in a mighty thrust, the formulations and intentions, the battle plans for the incarnation of the Ahrimanic Savior.

The date of the surge of those historical waves of intense black lodge servants, who were given their marching orders to prepare the way for the coming of the Ahrimanic Savior, were sent in to get humanity and the globe into a position of enslavement, lies and deceptions of the grandest dimensions (Click Link Here).

The entire THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER financial world and all the different Archangel nationalities and currencies were to be dragged into a rigged global catastrophe. Finances, Wars, plagues and whole hosts of Genetically Modified nature and a new improved Ahrimanically controlled etheric body were in the works. Humanity was to be brought to their knees so that the Tenth Hierarchy would forfeit willingly their higher potentials and willingly offer their children and the future of humanity into the arms of the coming benefactor to human health, cloning, vaccines, PEACE and Universal Spirituality for everyone.

But humanity and the globe had to be rocked to it’s knees and all avenues of hope decimated so that the Ahrimanic Savior could present it’s revitalized Monsanto New improved Nature and it’s healthy, manufactured and distributed NEW IMPROVED ETHERIC body, laboratory tested and approved, globally patented, distributed at birth and pre-birth and guaranteed, and insured with universal health care from cradle to grave.

All of these amazing plans required first a global collapse of old worn out ideas. It had to be done slowly and it had to appear as if there were no real solutions to any of our most common vexing human problems. How to peacefully, medicinally eradicate violent or pathological tendencies and have humanity willingly embrace a form of Ahrimanic Possession on a global scale, that the Tenth Hierarchy would willingly choose over against the struggle, conflicts and violence of worn out Christianity was all part of THE GRAND CHESSBOARD.

All these surging and magnificent plans had to be implemented stage by stage and appear as necessary results of human errors that draw humanity toward a certain specific goals. And most of humanity, by the time these progressed designs unfolded, would seem to clamor and embrace the final solution. Perfect health from cradle to grave. Jobs and places to live and work for everyone and all wild economic surges, bubbles and collapses finally contained through vaccinations that curb selfish, pathological instincts.

All of these great gifts would be controlled by simple record keeping so that all humanity could enjoy the same equal benefits of a benign system by simply having one chip implanted with every child. After all the step by step and stage by stage collapse and hardships and the horrific history and catastrophes of humanity, Science and Sociology would finally meet a leader who recognized that human impulses, insanity, sociopaths and psychopaths could never be self-policed by our I AM. So finally humanity would accept an over all plan that would finally end the self-inflicted suffering but without all the dogmatic religious bull shit!

In the wave of Sorathian Surges that had occurred in history, a giant rhythm pattern burst forth around 1997/98/99 which had been clearly understood and predicted by St. John and had traveled on a Tsunami of Time Waves, based on highly infected schools of Ahrimanic human beings, Black Lodge’s and the Caiaphas School that had followed a pattern based on the powerful impact of the Christ Event.  St. John and every other school of insight understood that every 666 years, this giant karmic Tsunami would roll through the human Tenth Hierarchy shattering everything in it’s path.

Now these events were irrefutable through history that recorded these major events through 1998 – 1332 – 666, every 666 years a giant reverberating Tsunami would shatter the foundations of humanities failed, stale and corrupted ideals and institutes. Leaving the Tenth Hierarchy with a deadly choice. Pursue the schooling of the I AM and the Etheric Christ or assist in preparing the way for the incarnation of what Judas, Caiaphas and impotent human Christianity have longed for. A physical Savior, a return of a great leader, who won’t require humanity to suffer any more but will freely give humanity all the toys, perks and goodies but keep everything pretty much the same. That was the full layout, intent and plan of THE MATRIX SERIES, where Fallen Ahrimanic Angels would rise up from their exile and overcome the failed Tenth Hierarchy.

Rudolf Steiner

“…ahrimanic powers of a special kind descended from the heights of the spirit into the realm of human evolution, and specifically into the evolution of the human intellect and soul. These powers are here, they are living among us. They seek above all to take possession of our heads, of anything we think and inwardly feel. They are angelic Spirits, I said, who cannot continue their development in the spiritual world and want to use human heads to continue to develop in the immediate future.”

Mr. Smith of the Matrix Series (CLICK LINK)   was an advanced prototype model of one of the Ahrimanic fallen Angelic Beings who were exiled to the region of the Intellectual Soul of humanity. Ahriman intends to keep the Tenth Hierarchy in impotent captivity and unable to develop it’s higher spiritual capacities.

Dick Cheney has had a specific relation to the Caiaphas School of the Black Lodge brotherhoods. Judas descended and carried the Christ Impulse deep into Ahrimanic territory. The karma of the the entire world can be traced through the TWELVE DISCIPLES, Judas, Lazarus/John and the White Brotherhoods and from the other side of the spectrum all those who have prepared for the incarnation of Ahriman via the Black Brotherhoods of the Caiaphas school. The etheric body of Dick Cheney and the etheric body of Judas are on opposing sides but joined at the hip.

The Black Lodge brotherhood of the Caiaphas school and the Disciples were all subject to the same super sun Logos imprint that rocked Time off it’s hinges. When the Christ Being with the I AM of the entire cosmic system took a powerful dynamic x-ray snapshot of every player involved from Pilate to Judas, to Lazarus and the Sanhedrin, Pharisees and in particular Caiaphas himself, the entire Morphogenetic Matrix was cradled in the I AM of the Cosmic Christ.

When CHRIST Rose from the Grave with the full dynamic political and spiritual MORPHOGENETIC/KARMIC FIELD of freedom and the Tenth Hierarchy at HIS command, the unfolding forces of freedom and the destiny of The Tenth Hierarchy appeared very much like a giant CHESS BOARD (here is where we meet the most stunning picture of the White Lodge school vs the Black Lodge school with Ingmar Bergman’s most brilliant film THE SEVENTH SEAL). However playing the Devil of the Black Lodge, the chief preparer for the 1998 massive surge of the sub-Sorathian forces that lead to Dick Cheney and his symphonic conductors baton that orchestrated the global 9/11  Symphony for the Damned, was Zbigniew Brzezinski. 

Brezinski brought the dark priestly image of The Black Lodge into focus. The players of the Black Lodge got their marching orders from Zbigniew Brzezinski’s  1997  “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives” (SEE CLIP HERE).  Once again when we consider the transposition of Imaginations between the White Lodge and the Black Lodge, the vivid surge of Sorathian forces that were scheduled to appear nearing the time frame of 1998, brought some of the exterior players of the Caiaphas School of Black Lodge brothers into serious political and dynamic focus.

In following Bergman’s profound Imagination further we are led directly to Brzezinski (his entire name done in Eurythmy gets you a free pass into the Black Lodge). But the cultural Imaginations that mask the reality behind the true Sorathian Surge of 1998 also reveal the transposition of the Imagination from Bergman to THE SITH and STAR WARS (SEE CLIP) From the picture and imagination of the clip from Sith and the naming we get the nick name of Dick Cheney himself who was chosen to conduct the SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED on 9/11. Cheney offers his entire heart to the dark Sorathian Surge and the offer was accepted and Cheney was given the magnificent role in conducting the brilliant SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED on 9/11.  And like Judas, Cheney renounces his Tenth Hierarchy Heart and the black Sorathian School devours it.

Christ, out of the foundations of the Hebrew People had recognized the karmic signature and potential of a TWELVEFOLD cosmic seed model, made up of the individual unfolding intents of TWELVE Old testament  fighters for the spirit. Christ SEES the intent of Judas and sees how it will deeply force the black hand of Ahriman to the surface. Judas shall stand in a difficult position. But Christ will follow his destiny and the destiny of others like Judas down to the depths of their own spiritual betrayals.

There comes to light a curious problem that places humanity STRETCHED between various potent dimensions, which are, on the other hand all under the initial Divine Deed.


“If Thou be the son of God, cast Thyself down, for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning Thee: and in their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest at any time Thou dash Thy foot against a stone!”–for thus Thy faith in Thy father should have been made evident, Thou didst refuse to accept his suggestion and didst not follow it.”

The possibility of doing evil and the recapitulation of how the Christ entered into the flow of human karma and Earth History mesh together in a recapitulation of the crossing and connected fields of what we as humanity must gasp at, balk at, endure terrible and necessary failures of goodness and encounter unrepentant, absolute evil in counterpoint to goodness forces, step by step, through horrific trials to come and horrific trials planted from the past, still must encounter the intents and victories of the preparations for the incarnation of Ahriman.  We are not spared this dilemma. In fact it is written distinctly into the karma of humanity and those that Christ gathered around Him. Which brings us to some of the most disturbing problems of being a member of The Tenth Hierarchy.

Rudolf Steiner (Inner Realities of Evolution)

“While trying to penetrate the whole meaning of the picture, let us recollect those words, which are to be found in the Gospel: “Am I not able to call forth a whole multitude of angels if I wish to avoid the death of sacrifice?” That which Christ might have accepted at that moment, which would of course have been quite easy for Him to do, He rejected in resignation and renunciation. And the greatest renunciation made by Christ Jesus confronts us when, by having made it, He allows the opponent himself — Judas — to enter His sphere. If we are able to see in Christ Jesus all that is to be seen, we must see in Him an image of those Beings with whom, at a certain stage of evolution, we have just become acquainted, those who must renounce the proffered sacrifice, those whose very nature was resignation. Christ renounced that which would have occurred if He had not allowed Judas to appear as His opponent just as once upon a time, during the Sun-age, the gods themselves called forth their opponents by the renunciation they made. So we see a repetition of this event in a picture here on earth: that of the Christ seated among the twelve, and Judas, the betrayer, in the center. In order that that which makes mankind of such immeasurable value might enter into evolution, Christ Himself had to place His opponent in opposition to Him. This picture makes such a profound impression on us because when we contemplate it, it reminds us of such a great cosmic moment; and when we recall the words: “He who dips his bread into the bowl with me, he it is who shall betray me,” we see an earthly reflection of the opponent of the gods, placed in opposition to them by the gods themselves.”

In terms of Ahrimanic reality and history the offering of the Tenth Hierarchy Heart and Cheney’s willingness to step up to the plate and offer his human heart is an occult initiation that hearkens back to the Aztec altars and connects the schools of Ahriman to the dark truths hidden behind Mel Gibson’s  “Apocalypto”  (slide forward in film to 1hr 13min and 31 seconds CLICK LINK (most youtube clips disappear) So while tracing the karma and destiny of Judas we also have a profound window into the ancient school of Ahriman’s early initiation rites which are hidden under the Caiaphas School of which Cheney is given the role because of his karmic position, his willingness to offer his total devotion to the cause of paving the way for the incarnation of the Ahrimanic Savior.

Key pieces of the puzzle and human freedom itself were vitally focused on how Etheric bodies, Astral bodies and the higher forces of the I AM unfold in the lawfulness of the Spiritual World which had given birth to The Tenth Hierarchy.

The unseen and unacknowledged aspects of the jolt and new forces that entered the Etheric, Astral and I AM systems of humanity because a Divine Being took part in human events for THREE YEARS on the Earth, brought both the Disciples, the White Lodge brotherhood and the antagonistic forces of the etheric bodies, astral bodies and I AM’s of the Black Lodge brotherhood into two vast, behind the scenes systems.

One drawing on the Risen Etheric Christ Initiation methods and the other drawing upon Ahrimanic and Luciferic Initiation methods. To be a fully conscious member of The Tenth Hierarchy, all three forces must become conscious,  those are in detail the Etheric Christ Schooling, Ahrimanic Schooling and Luciferic Schooling, all must be part of our internal curriculum, otherwise we are just a victim of circumstances.

Those gathered around the Christ were witness to such astonishing acts of intimate spiritual potency, that to doubt that Christ was the REAL DEAL would be impossible. So here we arrive at where our understanding meets the motives and intent of Judas.

Judas, not unlike Peter, wanted everyone to recognize the irrefutable reality that walking amongst humanity was a Sun Being, a Divine Being in a human form and with any amount of common sense humanity should embrace and share that which the Disciples knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, Judas knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Christ was the REAL DEAL.

Through Judas act of deception directly linked to Caiaphas, Christ the Divine Being would be brought face to face with the Roman world. The same wishful thinking of betrayal and whole armies of deluded Judases today actively  betray the Etheric Christ for Ahriman in hopes that the political Super Powers in the world and in particular the still Ahrimanic forces of Caiaphas, Israel and Dick Cheney’s mighty acts in preparation of the physical incarnation of a potent Ahrimanic entity, will physically appear as the NEW SAVIOR.

Christians in droves long and hunger, not for the magnificent Etheric Christ or the shattering acts that brought the sweeping changes of the Resurrection, or what the Resurrection of the Christ into the Etheric means, NO, Christians want and crave for exactly what Judas wanted.

Christians today in droves crave for the Super Powers of the World to have a magical physical, political King who can show everyone, without any effort on our parts, the splendor and power of Magic, Politics, and Universal Spirituality. Only like Judas and like Peter, they want it televised, headlines, not arising from the intimacy of the human soul itself, from the intimacy of the I AM, but rather, outwardly, universal Peace and Brotherhood shown and revealed physically for everyone to see.

Our ripening insights into  Christ and Judas reveals our clear cut maturity required for our comprehension into the roots of Caiaphas and the the Black Lodge Brotherhoods and their preparation now and back at the time of Christ, for the coming incarnation of Ahriman. How to prepare the globe for the incarnation of the Ahrimanic Savior to eclipse the Etheric Christ is the aim of every Judas, Ahrimanic accomplice and Dick Cheney fan.

“Judas Iscariot had to betray Christ. One can however say: had there been no Judas there would also have been no Christianity. Judas is the first to attach prime importance to money, that is to say, to materialism. In Judas was incarnated the entire materialistic age.” Rudolf Steiner (if you wish to gain some insight and maturity this link paves the way)

Humanity must be led by humanity to willingly betray it’s own higher being and willingly embrace a cheap substitute for the Etheric Christ Being. Meaning that for over 2100 years through wisdom in medicine, pesticides, genetic manipulation of nature and Monsanto products, an unfolding plethora of entertaining media distractions and useful products, wonderfully based on the solid system of greed and avarice in the human soul, would all prepare the way for THE MOMENT.

The moment we are all waiting for where Peace and Contentment, after horrific global collapse will arise from the ashes that we frail humans caused, and a Savior appears, who offers universal spirituality and a healthy counterfeit etheric body given and developed and offered to every human being from cradle to grave is THE MOMENT of the counterfeit Christ. And it has been Dick Cheney working diligently and tirelessly as the poor front man for the Ahrimanic black lodge brotherhoods that has given us the greatest opportunity to rush to embrace this Ahrimanic Savior when he arrives.

So our comprehension of the dramatic forces surrounding Judas, why he hung himself (Led Zeppelin – Gallows Pole Click Link).  What happened after death as his soul moved through the Spiritual World after such shattering events on Earth and who he was in his further incarnation, will astonish us. Because our lack of maturity to penetrate and  understand the current turmoil of our moral dilemmas, truly hinge on our growing some insight through seeing Judas in a much deeper light so we are able to see ourselves and where we stand today with a deeper Tenth Hierarchy moral comprehension.


(Some hold that Judas Iscarioth came from Khirbet Qouretein (or Queriyot), commonly identified with Carioth Hesbon, about 15 Kms south of Hebron. Another locality, Carioth (Qaryut) about 4 Kms north of Shiloh, alongside the frontier with Samaria, is indicated as the village of Judas Iscarioth. -A third opinion places the native village of Judas in Galilee, southwest of the Lake of Galilee.)

Rudolf Steiner

“There was once a couple who for a long time had no son. It was revealed to the mother in a dream (note this well) that she would have a son, that this son would kill his father and wed his mother, and bring terrible misfortune upon his whole tribe.

“In this legend we have a dream, as with Oedipus there is an oracle — that is, a remnant of the old inherited clairvoyance. The events to come were revealed to the mother in the old way. Does this suffice to give her an insight into the affairs of the world, so as to prevent the evil which had been foretold? Let us consult the legend, it tells us further:

“Under the influence of this wisdom coming to her through her dream, the mother brought the child, to which she had given birth, to the island of Kariot and deserted it there. It was found, however, by the queen of that country who adopted it and brought it up herself, she and her husband being childless. After a time a child was born to this couple. The foundling son felt himself displaced and, being of passionate temperament, slew the son of the royal couple. Thereupon, being unable to remain, he fled and reached the court of the Governor Pilate in whose household he soon rose to the rank of overseer. Here he became involved in dispute with his neighbour and, not knowing that his neighbour was his own father, slew him. Thereupon he wedded his neighbour’s wife — his mother.

“This foundling was Judas of Kariot. Then, having become aware of his terrible situation, he fled once more and found compassion in Him alone who had compassion on all who approached Him; who not only sat at table with publicans and sinners but who, in spite of His universal insight, received this great sinner also into His company; for it was His mission to work, not alone for the good, but for all men, and to lead them away from sin to salvation.

“Thus Judas of Kariot came into the environment of Christ Jesus. And now he brought the curse which had been foretold and which now necessarily came into effect in the circle round Christ Jesus; as Schiller says: ‘Therein lies the curse of the evil deed, that, continuing to generate, it must ever bring forth evil.’ He betrayed Christ Jesus.

“Fundamentally the fate which was to be fulfilled in him had already been fulfilled in the murder of his father and the union with his mother. But he remained as an instrument, we may say, the evil instrument which was to be the cause of good, in order, so to speak, that he should accomplish yet anther deed beyond the fulfilment.

“The Oedipus legend presents us one who, having become aware of the evil he has wrought, immediately loses the sight of his eyes. But the other, who has the same fate through his connection with the old inherited wisdom, does not lose his sight; in fulfilment of fate he is destined to accomplish the deed which leads to the Mystery of Golgotha and causes the physical death of Him who is the Light of the World, and who brings about the light of the world in the healing of the man born blind. But He dies through one who, like Oedipus, was to exemplify the gradual extinction of the ancient wisdom in mankind and its inadequacy henceforth to bring peace, blessing, and love to men. That these might come, the impulse of Christ and His death on Golgotha were necessary.”

The pivotal deed that Judas has been destined to fulfill crashes in on him with the full moral crushing avalanche coming down on his soul and spirit. Judas hangs himself before the drama of the Crucifixion and Death on Golgotha takes place. Never was a soul so all alone, so powerfully self cursed and self accused so dismally condemned by all the powers of mercy that run through heaven and earth, to have to be the ONE, to be THAT GUY.

It is a phrase today, I don’t wanna be THAT GUY or That Girl. I don’t want to be that woman or that man who betrays the goodness of the I AM and the Tenth Hierarchy.From the message of thirty pieces of silver to the singer Madonna and the message of the Material Girl, the message of the AGE OF JUDAS overshadows us and our humanity. Betrayed by Wall Street and the Caiaphas/Cheney military industrial complex, brings in it’s wake our global economic and moral collapse.

“In Judas was incarnated the entire materialistic age.” Rudolf Steiner

Our enslavement has been assured, insured, and outsourced to Ahrimanic Beings. But guess what? Our Luciferic nature calls forth and evokes our Ahrimanic betrayal of the Etheric Christ. From the female singers Madonna and Lady GaGA (JUDAS) comes the same message. We are that guy and we are that girl and we are those women and we are those men whom the Christ knew, KNEW we would go down to the betrayal of our own I AM, our own Light, our own Love, our own sense of Truth, we would betray our children, loved ones, and the Earth. Christ Knew it, Oedipus announced it and Judas lived it through to it’s bitter end. The Etheric Christ shattered the contract of Death and Taxes and introduced the Ascension and the laws of Grace and Karmic compensation.

” ’twas Caiaphas who first did scheme this murder of the Christ ?”

Aside from Spiritual Science, the greatest novel ever written concerning the Christ Event on Earth  “Barabbas : a dream of the world’s tragedy (1896, c1893). Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924.”

” Yea, in all things, Judas was faithful. When he came first to confide in me, he told me that the chief priests and elders of the city were full of wrath and fear at the sway our Master had obtained over the minds of the people, and that they sought some excuse to kill Him. ‘ Then let us away,’ said I. ‘ Let us return unto the mountains, and the shores of Galilee, where our beloved Lord can teach His followers, un- molested, and at liberty.’ ‘ Nay !’ returned Judas in a voice of triumph ‘ Knowest thou not that if His words be true, our Lord can never die? Wherefore, why should we be driven from the city as though we were affrighted concerning His safety ?

“Resign Him to the law, betray Him to the priests ! Then will He avow His godhead with all the majesty of Heaven! We shall acclaim Him as the true Messiah, and not we alone, but every nation of the earth must worship Him!…And, at the time, it seemed both wise and just. For why should our great Lord suffer poverty and pain when empires could be His ? Why should He wander homeless through the world, when all the palaces of earth should open to His coming?

“So Judas thought, and I thought with him (PETER), for the Master being in all things glorious, we saw no wrong in striving to make His glory manifest.” The world would be a paradise, all men would be united in love and brotherhood if once the God on earth were openly revealed. Yet out of fear I hesitated to pronounce a judgment; and seeing this, Judas persuaded me to go with him…”

“Nevertheless as the rulers of the city believe Him naught but human perjurer and traitor, ye who love Him should compel Him to declare His glory. For if He be not, as He saith, Divine, ye do wrong to follow a deceiver. Surely this thing is plain ? If He be God, we all will worship Him ; if He be man only, why then ye are but blindly led astray and made as fools by trickery….

“Thou dost merely enter into a legal form of contract, which concerns thee little. ‘Tis the Pharisaical rule of honour not to accept unpaid service from one who doth openly reject the faith. Take what they offer thee, can’st thou not use it for the sick and poor? Remember thou art serving thy Master, thou dost not ‘sell’ or otherwise betray Him. Thy work prepares Him to avow His glory ! Think what a marvel thou wilt thus reveal to all the world ! Hesitate not therefore for a mere scribe’s formula.’ Then Judas, thus persuaded, went again to Caiaphas saying ‘ Truly ye have your laws with which I have naught in common, yet if it must be so, what will ye give me if I betray Him unto you? And straightway they counted from the treasury thirty pieces of silver, which Judas took unwillingly.

(Peter exclaims) “Alas, alas If he had only known ! Surely this very money was as a blind for Caiaphas, a seeming legal proof that he was innocent of treachery, but that in custom of the law, he paid the voluntary, self’-convicted traitor. Who could accuse Caiaphas of cruelty? of malice? of intent to murder ? Caiaphas was not paid! All things conspired to fix the blame on Judas, to make him bear alone that awful weight of crime, which heavier than all burdens of despair hath sunk him now within the depths of hell.”

“…he raved and beat his breast, crying aloud ‘ I have sinned ! I have sinned ! The weight of heaven and earth crushes my soul! The innocent blood is red upon my hands ! I have sinned ! I have sinned !’ Then with a sudden violence he flung us from him, and rushed furiously from our dwelling out into the night. I followed him fast, hoping to stay him ere he could have left our garden, but his was a crazed speed, I found him not. The moon was shining and the air was still, but he had gone, and since then I have not seen him.”….A gathering trouble darkened the high- priest’s countenance (referring to Caiaphas) .  ‘Tis strange,” he muttered ” ‘Tis very strange ! He hath fulfilled a duty to the laws of his people, and now, when all is done, he should rejoice and not lament.

“every deed, good or evil, that is done in this world, works out its own inexorable result. Nevertheless thou hast not erred so wickedly as thy fellow, Judas.” ” Nay, but he could die !” cried Peter, turning his wild white face to the dark heavens ” Judas could die ! but I, coward . as I am, live on I” Barabbas started violently. ” Die ?” he exclaimed, ” What sayest thou ? Judas? Judas Iscariot ? He is not dead ?”

“Peter threw up his arms with a frenzied gesture of despair. ” Not dead ? not dead ?” he echoed shrilly ” If ye do not believe me, come and see  Come ! Down by Gethsemane ye will find him, outside the garden, in a dark hollow sloping downward like a grave, under the thickest shadows of the olive-trees and close to the spot where he betrayed the Master. There ye shall behold him !” and his agonized voice sank to a shuddering whisper ; ” His body hangs from a gnarled leafless branch like some untimely fruit of hell, some monstrous birth of devils ! the very air seems poisoned by his livid corpse !

“Horrible ! . . . horrible ! … ye know not how he looks, . . . dead, . . . and swinging from the leafless bough ! He slew himself thus last night rather than face this day, would to God I had done likewise so should I have been even as he, cold, stiff” and free from torturing memory these many hours !”

In the circle of the disciples Judas has become a tabloid victim. He commits suicide. Nothing like a suicide to make the press hunger for all the dirt. A disgruntled employee shoots himself, a rock singer overdoses, soldiers putting guns to their mouths after 3 to 4 tours of duty. It goes on and on and that is the extent of what tabloid media feeds the shallow sensationalism we crave to justify our failure to follow the soul and spirit of any human being into the deeper dimensions of life after death.

“Margarita Voloschin’s husband, Max, visited her in Hamburg during that time and attended some of Steiner’s lectures on the Gospel of St. John. He asked a question about Judas, asking if whether Judas by taking on the guilt of the betrayal made possible Christ’s sacrifice and was thus the actual redeemer.
“Rudolf Steiner rejected this idea; he regarded it as unsound, unhealthy. Judas did not understand the essence of that which Christ brought the world, and expected that Christ would gain the victory over his enemies by magical powers. By his betrayal, Judas wanted to bring about the earthly triumph of Christ. Our materialistic civilization, Rudolf Steiner said, stands under the sign of Judas. Just as Judas went and hanged himself, so will our civilization destroy itself.”

To follow Judas after death is to be introduced to one of the most powerful IMAGINATIONS of the actual stages of our kamaloca and after death adaptations we endure when we find ourselves in the spiritual world, vividly alive, but without our friend and companion, our physical bodies. (KAMALOCA and After Death and suicide studies, CLINK LINK).

Luckily for us there are numerous studies now in film that we can turn to that give us substantial pictures of events on the other-side of the threshold. We mostly wish to stay with the tabloid drama, gossip and superficial trailer park tales of the flesh. However we are very, very lucky that artists have fought hard to overcome the dull stupidity of our superficial cravings to present vivid, brief and extended imaginations of what are in fact some of the experiences of life after death.

Here are a few samples.  “Hereafter” by Clint Eastwood;  “What Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams;  “The Lovely Bones” from Peter Jackson LORD OF THE RINGS fame;  “Made in Heaven” with Timothy Hutton and Kelley McGillis;  “Truly, Madly, Deeply” Alan Rickman and Juliet Stevenson; “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze;   “Always” Richard Dreyfuss, Audrey Hepburn, Holly Hunter.

The following brilliant and ancient depiction of the journey after death and the stages gone through by the human soul, after death, allows us to follow Judas through the horrific guilt and denial and suicide he experienced, which gives a little flavor of the horrific and terrible effects that suicide and murder have on the passage of the human soul after death.

Robert W. Buchanan (1841-1901)
The Ballad of Judas Iscariot

‘Twas the body of Judas Iscariot
Lay in the Field of Blood;
‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Beside the body stood.

Black was the earth by night,
And black was the sky;
Black, black were the broken clouds,
Tho’ the red Moon went by.
‘Twas the body of Judas Iscariot
Strangled and dead lay there;
‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Look’d on it in despair.

The breath of the World came and went
Like a sick man’s in rest;
Drop by drop on the World’s eyes
The dews fell cool and blest.

Then the soul of Judas Iscariot
Did make a gentle moan —
‘I will bury underneath the ground
My flesh and blood and bone.

‘I will bury deep beneath the soil,
Lest mortals look thereon,
And when the wolf and raven come
The body will be gone!

‘The stones of the field are sharp as steel,
And hard and cold, God wot;
And I must bear my body hence
Until I find a spot!’

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot,
So grim, and gaunt, and gray,
Raised the body of Judas Iscariot,
And carried it away.

And as he bare it from the field
Its touch was cold as ice,
And the ivory teeth within the jaw
Rattled aloud, like dice.

As the soul of Judas Iscariot
Carried its load with pain,
The Eye of Heaven, like a lanthorn’s eye,
Open’d and shut again.

Half he walk’d, and half he seemed
Lifted on the cold wind;
He did not turn, for chilly hands
Were pushing from behind.

The first place that he came unto
It was the open wold,
And underneath were prickly whins,
And a wind that blew so cold.

The next place that he came unto
It was a stagnant pool,
And when he threw the body in
It floated light as wool.

He drew the body on his back,
And it was dripping chill,
And the next place be came unto
Was a Cross upon a hill.

A Cross upon the windy hill,
And a Cross on either side,
Three skeletons that swing thereon,
Who had been crucified.

And on the middle cross-bar sat
A white Dove slumbering;
Dim it sat in the dim light,
With its head beneath its wing.

And underneath the middle Cross
A grave yawn’d wide and vast,
But the soul of Judas Iscariot
Shiver’d, and glided past.

The fourth place that he came unto
It was the Brig of Dread,
And the great torrents rushing down
Were deep, and swift, and red.

He dared not fling the body in
For fear of faces dim
And arms were waved in the wild water
To thrust it back to him.

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Turned from the Brig of Dread,
And the dreadful foam of the wild water
Had splashed the body red.

For days and nights he wandered on
Upon an open plain,
And the days went by like blinding mist,
And the nights like rushing rain.

For days and nights he wandered on,
All thro’ the Wood of Woe;
And the nights went by like moaning wind,
And the days like drifting snow.

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Came with a weary face —
Alone, alone, and all alone,
Alone in a lonely place!

He wandered east, he wandered west,
And heard no human sound;
For months and years, in grief and tears,
He wandered round and round,

For months and years, in grief and tears,
He walked the silent night;
Then the soul of Judas Iscariot
Perceived a far-off light.

A far-off light across the waste,
As dim as dim might be,
That came and went like the lighthouse gleam
On a black night at sea.

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Crawl’d to the distant gleam;
And the rain came down, and the rain was blown
Against him with a scream.

For days and nights he wandered on,
Push’d on by hands behind;
And the days went by like black, black rain,
And the nights like rushing wind.

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot,
Strange, and sad, and tall,
Stood all alone at dead of night
Before a lighted hall.

And the wold was white with snow,
And his foot-marks black and damp,
And the ghost of the silvern Moon arose,
Holding her yellow lamp.

And the icicles were on the eaves,
And the walls were deep with white,
And the shadows of the guests within
Pass’d on the window light.

The shadows of the wedding guests
Did strangely come and go,
And the body of Judas Iscariot
Lay stretch’d along the snow.

The body of Judas Iscariot
Lay stretched along the snow;
‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Ran swiftly to and fro.

To and fro, and up and down,
He ran so swiftly there,
As round and round the frozen Pole
Glideth the lean white bear.

‘Twas the Bridegroom sat at the table-head,
And the lights burnt bright and clear —
‘Oh, who is that,’ the Bridegroom said,
‘Whose weary feet I hear?’

‘Twas one look’d from the lighted hall,
And answered soft and slow,
‘It is a wolf runs up and down
With a black track in the snow.’

The Bridegroom in his robe of white
Sat at the table-head —
‘Oh, who is that who moans without?’
The blessed Bridegroom said.

‘Twas one looked from the lighted hall,
And answered fierce and low,
”Tis the soul of Judas Iscariot
Gliding to and fro.’

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Did hush itself and stand,
And saw the Bridegroom at the door
With a light in his hand.

The Bridegroom stood in the open door,
And he was clad in white,
And far within the Lord’s Supper
Was spread so broad and bright.

The Bridegroom shaded his eyes and look’d,
And his face was bright to see —
‘What dost thou here at the Lord’s Supper
With thy body’s sins?’ said he.

‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Stood black, and sad, and bare —
‘I have wandered many nights and days;
There is no light elsewhere.’

‘Twas the wedding guests cried out within,
And their eyes were fierce and bright —
‘Scourge the soul of Judas Iscariot
Away into the night!’

The Bridegroom stood in the open door,
And he waved hands still and slow,
And the third time that he waved his hands
The air was thick with snow.

And of every flake of falling snow,
Before it touched the ground,
There came a dove, and a thousand doves
Made sweet sound.

‘Twas the body of Judas Iscariot
Floated away full fleet,
And the wings of the doves that bare it off
Were like its winding-sheet.

‘Twas the Bridegroom stood at the open door,
And beckon’d, smiling sweet;
‘Twas the soul of Judas Iscariot
Stole in, and fell at his feet.

‘The Holy Supper is spread within,
And the many candles shine,
And I have waited long for thee
Before I poured the wine!’

The supper wine is poured at last,
The lights burn bright and fair,
Iscariot washes the Bridegroom’s feet,
And dries them with his hair.”

The IMAGINATION above, is based on the initial facts of how it appears, how we experience our disconnection from 0ur physical bodies after death. The initial disconnection literally means that our former vehicle and our appetites, desires, habits, relationships with others, daily experiences are torn away from the physical world we inhabited and we enter the Astral world, the vague and general watered down term known as HEAVEN where we are De-condtioned and debriefed via our biographical memories.

Our etheric life tableau and the time of our deaths, in terms of the Stars and the harvest of our astral bodies special talents, are consolidated and we enter a spiritual world, astral-devachan harvesting process (See clip “Always” Audrey Hepburn’s final film with Richard Dreyfuss) that eventually leads to a wholly NEW, VIRGIN, star stamped etheric body.

But this process, this transition out of our physical bodies into the spiritual world,  immediately for approximately THREE DAYS after the death of a person, the peasant ETHERIC BODY traditions of the funeral process included a chanting around the dead person for THREE DAYS.  Using the most powerful and compassionate grandmothers of the villages, those who carried the memory of the entire village or town, births, deaths, tragedies, hidden secrets, all that lived in the local and individual etheric life and memories were woven into these peasant women, whose ETHERIC BODIES radiated a powerful warmth.

These women, in shifts, usually SEVEN at a time would sit around the corpse and chant the following dirge. It was chanted for THREE DAYS around the corpse as part of the deconditioning and preparation so the dead soul could more easily disconnect from their attachments to their physical bodies.

The following is what this Dirge or Chant contained and it has the same stages that are contained in the journey and IMAGINATION that Judas Iscariot takes in freeing himself from his highly densified materialistic deed that anchored the Christ Resurrection deep into the realm of Earth.

Judas passes through a densified KAMALOCA after death experience where the deadly weight of the materialism which he must carry as the dead weight of his physical body and our fatal, flawed and fearful clinging to our own physical bodies, has prevented us, as well, from understanding the process that occurs as we enter an Astral relationship from our Astral bodies and an Etheric relationship from our Etheric bodies. We have rather clung to our physical experiences and in clinging to them we have far more difficulty in freeing ourselves after death.

Lyke Wake Dirge – The Young Tradition (1965)

THIS ae nighte, this ae nighte,
Refrain: Every nighte and alle,
Fire and fleet and candle-lighte,
—Refrain: And Christe receive thy saule.
When thou from hence away art past
To Whinny-muir thou com’st at last
If ever thou gavest hosen and shoon,
Sit thee down and put them on;
If hosen and shoon thou ne’er gav’st nane
The whinnes sall prick thee to the bare bane.
From Whinny-muir when thou may’st pass,
To Brig o’ Dread thou com’st at last;
From Brig o’ Dread when thou may’st pass,
To Purgatory fire thou com’st at last;
If ever thou gavest meat or drink,
The fire sall never make thee shrink;
If meat or drink thou ne’er gav’st nane,
The fire will burn thee to the bare bane;
This ae nighte, this ae nighte,
—Every nighte and alle,
Fire and sleet and candle-lighte,
—And Christe receive thy saule.


The Etheric Christ treats every human I AM with a magnificent karmic  ‘I’  research and vision enhancement. This enhancement dives down into the threads, stories, compassion, intents, motivations and over all destinies of how WE humans fully experience ourselves as spiritual biographical beings.

From cradle to grave and from beyond the grave to the Midnight Hour where a new incarnation is sought in the highest regions of the Spiritual World to the Mid-day hour where we are once more dead center in the middle of our incarnations on Earth, the Macrocosmic Christ Being tracks with potent loving intimacy every detail of the symphony of  the journey of our I AM’s through the waves of TIME and back into the regions of Space and physical life.

It is a vast Macrocosmic I AM shepherding process of keeping track of the individual, unique and striking events that shape, school and impact every detail of human life.  For the Etheric Christ, as Lord of Human Karma, this intimate vista, karmic biography of each and every human life is filled with potent and heart wrenching human spiritual and karmic compassionate tales that the LOVE that the Etheric Christ carries, remains inexhaustible, and bottomless for serving the vast complexities that encompass the immense tapestry of individual incarnations over the entire Earth. Love, as the content of the Macrocosmic risen Etheric Christ I AM, from which our own microcosmic I Am is modeled, has within it the inexhaustible and bottomless wellspring of Living Compassion and Interest needed to fathom every intimate thread of the Morphogenetic field of unique and individual karma that presents itself to our higher sensitive cognition and Love.

This potent research into the field of individual human karmic history dawned with the advent of the Michael School and the beginning of the highest Christian Psychology of the I AM, the tracking and understanding of the path of each individual I AM as the greatest inauguration of sharing the karma of humanity with the Macrocosmic I AM of the Etheric Christ Being.

In other words through our higher warmth and human interest, our I AM is able to school itself in tracing, tracking, sharing and uplifting to the intimacy of I AM cognition, the delicate and profoundly stirring intimacy of what each human being, sister and brother of humanity has experienced through Time, Space and Earth evolution as their I Am experiences as both incarnated females or males on Earth or their journey’s deep into the Spiritual Worlds as I Am beings. In other words the Etheric Christ Macrocosmic I AM has opened a vast research potential into the fathomless biographical, historical, and potent Initiation Journey of every human sister and brother I AM on the planet (linked here).

When we understand the Christ Event at the mid-point of Earth evolution, we are meeting the attributes of the Cosmic I AM faculty condensed into the individual Jesus Destiny that was injected into the immense billions of karmic threads, that enables the I AM of the Christ Being, the risen Etheric Christ, to hold together the ripple of the Eye of the Core of the Event of Golgotha and the individual human spirits who were in direct and indirect association with the epi-center of the events of Golgotha.

From that super-implosion of the Cosmic I AM birth into the destiny of humanity the vast karmic rings, and the individual destinies of those who had directly participated with the Christ Event on Earth, carried a powerful ripple effect which like a slow, living shock wave of human catharsis and initiation, ripples out to every Being in the vast compendium of beings that exist on Earth. From Stones to Human Beings to Angels the resonation and rippling event horizon of the Etheric Christ Event continues to send out a shock wave that lifts wave upon wave of cognition, and conscious awakening of the I AM’s of all of humanity with the certainty of Love.

Love, Truth and I AM awakening is the food, nourishment and Living Light of the Etheric Christ that radiates out from the karma and history of the events of Golgotha. Those souls that participated with the Christ and the vast circle of souls and spirits who were impacted and played significant roles in the first dawn of the shock wave of the Risen Etheric Christ as well as the Trial, destiny and Crucifixion of a Divine Spiritual Being on the hill of skulls, including Caiaphas, Herod, Pilate, Israel, Sanhedrin, Scribes, Pharisees were all absorbed into the sweeping Macrocosmic Eye of the Christ Being Himself.

We not only follow Judas, the Caiaphas School of the Black Lodge and how Lazarus/John and Caiaphas were karmically bound together and how Judas was bound to materialism but we also follow those souls out to the conclusion of their biographies. How did some of these participants conclude their lives on Earth and what has become of Judas, John and the Caiaphas School for the preparation of the counterfeit Ahrimanic Savior expected to arrive very shortly?  Inquiring hearts and minds desire to know how to put the pieces of the great Morphogentic Karmic dynamic in play and in motion around the swirling EYE of the Lord of Karma, the risen Etheric Christ Being.

This isn’t just a game of geometry, it is the delicate and living experiences absorbed by human beings with I Am’s, histories, lives, deaths, births and martyrdom’s who were impacted directly or indirectly by the shock-wave of the events of Golgotha. We are looking at Judas but out of spiritual interest we may also find how some of the other disciples and those directly or indirectly impacted by the Christ Event, concluded their earthly incarnations.  Below we find the stunning research insights into how some of the other disciples and I am participants in the Mystery of Golgotha concluded their lives after the physical events of the Christ Drama.

Research in Development from ADRIANA KOULIAS’ BLOG

“John the Baptist continued to overshine the Apostle, Lazarus-John, who traveled with the Mother of God to Ephesus. After settling her there, Lazarus-John became Simon-Peter’s silent companion and traveled with him up and down the coasts of Asia minor to sow the seed of the message of Christ. The Mother of God and all the other disciples were long dead when Lazarus-John was persecuted by the Roman Caesar, Domitian, and sentenced to boil in oil. Today the round church of San Giuovanni in Oleo, constructed by Bramante, exists nearby that place where Lazarus-John triumphed over his enemies – for the oil did not hurt him. Domitian, afraid of John, exiled him to Patmos. He died at Ephesus at the ripe old age of 99. His last words to his followers were:  ‘Little children, love one another!’

“Simon-Peter, or Peter as he became known, although strengthened and full of enthusiasm after his Pentecostal awakening, only ventured out into the world ten years after the Mystery of Golgotha. He worked with Lazarus-John and together they confronted Simon the Magus in Samaria and passed a time in the jails of the Romans. In Rome, the passionate little fisherman, now full of wisdom and courage, carried the message of Christ into the very heart of Caesarean madness. Here he found a small congregation of Christians already established through the work of Simon of Cyrene, who had helped Christ Jesus to his execution. Now, the eighty-year-old Peter became the first Father (Papa) of the church for he was the rock upon which the exoteric church of Christ was later built. Finally, he was made to drink from the cup of his Lord when he was crucified on a hill now called San Pietro, in Montorio. He asked to be crucified upside down – to distinguish his poor sacrifice from the sacrifice of his Lord.

“Andrew, his brother, carried the message of Christ to those regions around the Black sea and to the islands of Greece. In northeast Cyprus, where Andrew first stepped onto land from his boat, a monastery was founded at Rizokarpasso, a small coastal township on the Karpass Peninsula. This monastery exists even today and is called Apostolos Andreas. It was at Patros in Achaea, a province of Greece, that Andrew eventually drank from the cup of his master and was crucified on an x shaped cross called a crux decussata, for like his brother, he did not wish to die the same way as his Lord. This cross is known as St Andrew’s Cross.

“Of the other disciples, Matthew Levi, the tax collector, journeyed to Egypt to proclaim the Word to the southern peoples. James of Zebedee, also known as James the Great, travelled to Spain and preached among the people of Iberia. He is said to have been martyred at the hands of Herod Agrippa I. His remains are allegedly buried at Santiago de Compostella, a city in Spain. Some centuries after Christ, a pilgrim route to his grave known as the ‘way of St James’ ran through Europe. Each year thousands of pilgrims followed this route, known to esotericists as the Alchemical Route of Inner Change.

“Bartholomew, whom Christ Jesus had seen sitting beneath the fig tree, travelled to India with Thomas the Twin, the one who doubted, and together they spread the word of Christ farther East than even Alexander the Great. Little John of Zebedee did not remain one of the twelve for he had been supplanted by Lazarus John, however he became one of the apostles living in Jerusalem and preaching the word of Christ until he was persecuted by the Sanhedrists and like his brother James was martyred in 44AD. Phillip the fisherman, took the Good News to Egypt and was martyred in the city of Heliopolis, where Yeshua was sequestered by the Therapeutae after Herod’s infanticide.

“James the Just, the step-brother of Jesus of Nazareth, became the leader of the Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem and all saw him as the reflection of Christ Jesus himself. As a stern Nazarite he saw to it that those who entered into the Christian congregation were pledged to observe the rules of the Jewish law. James met his death some time in 62 AD at the hand of the Sanhedrin who condemned him to death by stoning, ironically for breaking the law.

“James, son of Cleophas (Clopas/Alpheus) was Jesus’ cousin on his father’s side. He became known as James the Less, and has often been confused with James the Just. Not much is known of his life after Whitsun.

“Jude or ‘Thaddeus’, meaning ‘tadda’ or younger brother, and Simon Zelotes, the other step-brothers of Jesus, suffered martyrdom in Persia after taking the Good News as far as Mesopotamia.

“Joseph of Arimathea travelled to England, where he took the Mysteries of the Grail with him to Glastonbury, thus inspiring Celtic Christianity and that impulse which would later lead to the legends of the Grail. His friend Nicodemus remained a member of the Sanhedrin outwardly, though he was scorned for his support of the Christians and was eventually martyred some time in the first century. Gamaliel the teacher of Jesus of Nazareth also remained in Jerusalem and was the teacher of Saul, who became Paul.

“The Young Man of Nain followed in the outer circles of disciples and was present throughout until his death.

“Mariam, or Mary of the Matthew Gospel, the Mother of God, traveled with Lazarus-John to Ephesus, accompanied by her faithful servant, Salome. Here, on the site of the ancient sanctuary of Artemis/Diana, a small Christian congregation gathered around her. When she was of advanced age she requested to return to Jerusalem and there she lived in the upper room, the Cenacle, the scene of the last supper. Here she sat many an hour recalling her life: her temple initiation and her marriage and the birth of Yeshua; her journey to Egypt with her family and their return to Nazareth; her befriending of Mary and the pain of her son’s death; her widowhood; her marriage to Joseph of Nazareth and her mothering of Jesus; her second widowhood and her recognition of Yeshua in Jesus during her conversation with him before he journeyed to Engaddi; and lastly, she looked back on those three years, on his passion and his death, his resurrection and ascension. When she had reviewed her life in all its details, with its triumphs and failings, with its joys and sorrows, the Archangel Gabriel came to her to warn her of her imminent death. The disciples and the women were called to her bedside and were with her once more, those who were in heavenly form and those who still possessed an earthly form. She was the central force of all their souls, the living image of the twelve becoming seven – the body becoming like the soul; and the seven becoming twelve – the earthly becoming spiritual. When she breathed out her last breath her body was carried to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, which means the same as the Indian word, Bodhisattva (those who sit beneath the Bodhi tree). Here the archangel of brilliance appeared once again and gathered to him that aspect of her body which had been transfigured into spirit light and ascended with it upwards in sun-like radiation to meet its source, the sun itself; and thus does she still dwell among the great teachers of humanity, the twelve Bodhisattvas.

“The Mater Dolorosa had become the Mater Gloriosa! Eve had become Ave Maria!

“Magdalena and her sister Martha are said to have travelled with servants to France. Martha is said to have founded a cloister for Christian women. Magdalena is said to have settled in the city of Vezelay, where she lived a quiet reverence-filled life and died peacefully at an advanced age. Her image painted by a young artist in an old Romanesque church now in ruins, was the inspiration for many Renaissance artists. Here in seclusion she was preparing for her great future task when she would become the carrier of the Grail as an esoteric wisdom, the wisdom of the Bridal Chamber, the mystery of the marriage of the pure soul with God. This wisdom was eventually taken up and understood and guarded by the Templars, who revered it and lived by its unifying principal of community. This wisdom led to that initiation of Lazarus-John many centuries later, depicted in the poem, The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz.

“Claudia Procula became a Christian and a disciple of Paul.

“In 36 AD, Pontius Pilate was recalled by Tiberias to Rome for reported cruelties. Tiberias, having heard of the execution of Christ Jesus was angered, for he had hoped the holy man would heal his illness. Pilate was then banished to the Lake of Geneva where it is said he committed suicide. His body was dropped into the Lake Lucerne, near a mountain which today is still called Pilatus.

“Gaius Cassius was converted, along with Abenader the second Centurion, at Golgotha. They preached the word of Christ together and years later, were martyred in Gaul. The spear used by Gaius Cassius Longinus is said to have fallen into the hands of Mauritius, the Manichean commander of the Theban legion. The story tells how the Roman leader, Maximian, massacred Mauritius and his whole legion because they would not sacrifice to the Roman gods and this is how the lance came into Maximian’s hands and then through him into the hands of Constantine, the Roman Emperor, who carried it into the battle on the Milvian Bridge, outside of Rome. Constantine’s victory led to the proclamation of Christianity as Rome’s official religion. In time the spear fell into the hands of Charlemagne and was depicted in Wolfram Von Eschenbach’s poem, Parzifal, as the bleeding spear that is carried before the Grail.

“In 39 AD Herod Antipas was charged by his brother-in-law Agrippa, with conspiracy against the Emperor Caligula. All his money and his territories were seized and he was exiled to Lyon in Gaul. Agrippa would have allowed his sister, Herodias, to retain her titles and her lands but she refused them, preferring instead to be exiled with her husband. The sword that Herodias much admired, the instrument of the beheading of John the Baptist, fell into the hands of the Romans after the conquest of Jerusalem and found its way to England and the court of Arthur, where it became the symbol of pure thought, or the imagination that is drawn out of the substance of matter, a stone, or the head, the bony skull. It is depicted in both Arthurian Myths as Excalibur and the Grail Myths as the Grail Sword.

“In 37 AD Caiaphas was removed from office and replaced by his sister’s husband Jonathan.  Ananias continued to have influence in the Sanhedrin through five sons, who all became high priests.

“Salome, daughter of Herodias, went on to marry Philip, son of her stepfather, Herod, but he died leaving her childless. She then married Aristobulus, her uncle, and they had three sons, Herod, Agrippa, and Aristobulus. Legend has it that she fell into an icy stream and was decapitated by an ice drift.

“Saul pupil of Gamaliel observed the events of the Paschal week and had not sympathised with Jesus and his followers and became a persecutor of the Christians. On his way to Damascus he was struck by a vision of Christ manifesting in the encircling round of the earth. Immediately converted by it he called himself by his Greek name, Paul. In time he became a great Christian leader and was responsible for introducing Christianity to the Gentiles.

“Jerusalem fell to the Romans, Vespacian and Titan, in 70 AD. Thus was ended the reign of the Sadducees and Pharisees, disbanding the Sanhedrin forever.

“Those events at the turning point in time, that is the times of Jesus Christ, did not go unrecorded. Simon-Peter’s pupil Mark, followed Peter to Rome. A spark of that Pentecostal fire which Simon-Peter had possessed so forcefully entered into his soul to inspire Mark. After Peter’s death, Mark travelled to Alexandria in Egypt where once had lived the Jewish philosopher Philo, whose pupil Photismos, had taught the young Lazarus at the Migdal tower. Here, Mark met a man called Ormuz, a high priest of Isis, whom Mark converted to Christianity. Ormuz taught him the secrets of Egyptian initiation and together they reformed the Isis cult into an esoteric Christian cultus. Mark rose upwards through this cultus to a vision of those events experienced by Peter in the Akasha. He saw Christ in his Cosmic significance and set out to describe His deeds as cosmic activities. Years after his death his gospel was altered and some aspects of it were removed due to their esoteric nature. The full gospel was only known in small circles as The Secret Gospel According to Mark. This Gospel has never been found but a letter attesting to its existence written by Clement of Alexandria was discovered by a man called Morton Smith in 1958 at the Mar Saba monastery. The cultus established by Mark and Ormuz would later become the basis of all Grail and Templar cults.

“Luke, the author of the Luke Gospel, was a doctor with a Buddhist soul. He had not belonged to the twelve apostles but like Mark had been one of the group of seventy followers. He became a disciple of Paul and followed him on his apostolic journeys and was with him in Rome. Paul’s Damascus experience, in which he had seen the resurrected Christ, became a part of Luke’s experience as his pupil and he grew to have an understanding of what could be found in the Akasha concerning the priestly Jesus of the Nathan line. Luke portrayed Jesus Christ as the healer imbued with soul and love and compassion.

“The Gospel writer Matthew or Matthias, should not to be confused with Matthew Levi, the tax collector. Matthias was an Essene and his mother was Mary Mark was caretaker at the Cenacle. He was elected one of the twelve apostles, replacing Judas. Through his Essene initiation, he was able to have a particular understanding for the kingly Yeshua of the Solomon line. For this reason the Matthew Gospel is the most human of the four gospels in that it does not so much direct us to the cosmic aspect of Christ but to His workings in the body Jesus of Nazareth.

“Many years after the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, Lazarus-John, now called Presbyter John, returned from exile to Ephesus where he found again the teaching of his old master Photismos in the Ephesian mysteries of Artemis. Here the mystery formula – In the beginning was the word and the word was with God – came alive again in his soul. Being the only evangelist to have experienced the full reality of Christ Jesus, both physically and spiritually, he was able through his Mother of God, that is, through Divine wisdom (for this reason he is called John the Divine) to write the most profound and accurate of the four Gospels and to place it within the context of the Mysteries of the Logos or the Word. Even today, the above formula of the Word can be used by those who have a desire to rise up to an experience in the Akasha, of what John himself had experienced.”

Appropriating  and Confiscating Etheric Entelechy Codes and Copies

Our culture today thrives on copies. We can burn a DVD, we can have instant downloads of copies. Data can be transferred in seconds. We can have gigabytes of data. I grew into this age and I began as many of my ancient artist friends had, with mimeograph and carbon copies of our plays that we wrote in the late 70’s off B’way.

Ancient scores for music were written out by hand. The preserved originals were, precious, priceless, exquisite. We merely have to remember Beethoven and Mozart, Gutenberg and all the illustrated beautiful calligraphic copies of Bibles.  They were priceless, rare and many monasteries were devoted to the task of writing and having the living flame of the WORD flow directly through the hands and hearts of human beings. Many monasteries were quietly tucked away and hidden from the sight and publicity of everyone save the Angels.

We have entered into reproducing genetic copies or interfering with the copies of seeds produced in nature and locking up certain genetic potentials so that actual nature forces, Sun Mysteries of the Etheric Life on our Earth, are being currently tampered with and edited. The Etheric Sun Life of the logos was in every stone, plant, animal, insect and human being. But now new edited and revised versions of nature and the human being are being coded before our eyes.

The ability of the Christ to enter into and raise Lazarus/John reveals the potent seed force of protecting the higher unfolding forces of Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man through the initiation of Christian Rosenkreutz in the 13th century (see link). The magnificent Etheric Sun Gardener of the human species intervened with Lazarus/John and preserved the highest Etheric Sun intentions in the initiation of Lazarus/Christian Rosenkreutz.

Understanding the Etheric foundational Sun Mysteries of the interconnected structural design codes of The Sun Evolution and how our Earth has a spread of structural design, ‘intelligent designs’ that sweep through crystal, plant, insect, animal and human, requires the actual education of the observer to see at least five interconnected links in the Etheric sweep of Nature to the higher etheric, astral and I AM codes that are part of every human being. There is a battle going on right under our noses to rob and hijack the etheric foundational codes of LIFE itself.

Five interconnected codes of etheric LIFE transit through Mineral, Plant, Insect, Animal, Human. All of these five may be clearly observed in nature and all of these five are LIFE and LIVING codes of physical, etheric, astral and I AM magnifications and enhancements. Not understanding this, science can willy-nilly fabricate, Ahrimanically corrupt and interfere with the Etheric Sun Life and Logos processes and begin to insert an Ahrimanic deception and fabrication in place of Nature’s Sun laws.

The Christ anticipated the intense attack on the Etheric foundations of nature and the human system, so He initiated Lazarus/Christian Rosenkreuz (most hidden moment in human history) and as well, preserved the Zarathustra/Jesus copies that successfully allowed the Christ, like a dove of lightening, to shiver down to the physical bones of a human being, enter and re-boot the higher etheric systems of nature and LIFE, open the astral gateways to TRUTH and become the harvester and gardener of the crop of human I AM’s who strive to blossom into Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man. Ahriman intends to divert, thwart and rob humanity of our higher spiritual potentials.

We can travel down those five stages or up those five stages and we can see in nature a marvelous design system which is not taught anywhere save the Michael School.  (1) Physical alone and light bearing codes exist in THE MINERAL AND CRYSTAL. (2)  Etheric codes exist in the lymphatic and the vegetation, flora, crop and plant basis of life, blooming and decay systems using physical and etheric design codes. (3) Insects are the external nervous system or astral representations of the plant Etheric system. The Insects and Plants are lock and key designed to match each other because the insects are the externalized ASTRAL or the nervous system of the plant world. (4)  Animals have gained independent locomotion, unique specialized skill sets and they exist as Group Beings, not individual beings. However in their Group Being skill sets they have components concentrated in their unique forms that reveal full functioning physical-etheric-astral unique and specialized skill sets and gifts. Which translates into physical-lymphatic-nervous system, SYSTEMS that we observe concentrated in a specialized animal forms with their unique specialized animal traits.

(5) Human Beings are the concentrated Tenth Hierarchy divine beings who represent a consolidation on Earth of a complete DIVINE INDIVIDUALITY, who bring their unique and individual skill sets into incarnation from the Starry regions into the Embryological and Etheric Sun systems of an Entelechy, in Greek Entelécheia, as coined by Aristotle. Humans have an I AM system that continuously reincarnates and bring our unique skill sets into the ongoing stream of time. A human being has a physical body-etheric (lymphatic) body- Astral body or nervous system body – And a core I AM system that is part of the I AM system of the Risen Etheric Christ community.

Naive Ahrimanic COPIES of Fabricated Life Forms

“A patented gene differs from its intracellular counterpart in that it is no longer part of a chromosome. Also, a patent typically claims only the protein-encoding part of a gene, not the regions without apparent function. “When you isolate something as it appears in its natural state you change it, even if the only change is the isolation. You have left behind the natural product and created something artificial. No isolated gene sequence occurs in nature,” says Harold Edgar, professor of law at Columbia University. In 1990, the PTO changed its regulations to include rules for filing claims on DNA sequences.

Since that time, some groups have objected to patenting DNA, focusing on its special role in carrying the information to construct a human. Dr. Mark Hanson, project director of religion and biotechnology policy at the Hastings Center, a bioethics think tank in Garrison, N.Y., explains the religious challenge to patenting genes. “DNA is considered to be so intimately related to species identity that no parts of it should be controlled by corporate interests. In the case of human beings, human DNA is unique because it is human, and therefore possessing intrinsic value of a sacred kind. As one critic puts it, DNA bears the image of God.”

A second objection to patenting genes is that DNA is a product of nature, not human ingenuity. The Council for Responsible Genetics, a Cambridge, Mass.-based organization of scientists, public health advocates, and consumers, takes this view. They have an online petition that states: “The plants, animals, and microorganisms comprising life on Earth are part of the natural world into which we are all born. The conversion of these species, their molecules, or parts into corporate property through patent monopolies is counter to the interests of the peoples of this country and of the world. No individual, institution, or corporation … should be able to hold patents on organs, cells, genes, or proteins, whether naturally occurring, genetically altered, or otherwise modified.”

Nature can now be edited, already we are at the point where we can edit certain traits in the genetic and genome structure, make copies of these and produce clones. Just like auto assembly lines of Henry Ford, who brought his gifts for mass production directly out of an Egyptian incarnation which he was very aware of. We can buy and sell replicated, duplicated and personal instruments which become our extended memories and extended, deepened lives, our private interests our astral interests in higher ideals and hopes and feed our lower passions.

Now the moral and immoral aspects and privacy issues means that everything can be hacked and we are constantly under surveillance. Our tracks, trails and intimate private thoughts, if they were recorded on cameras, phone cameras, computers or written down, all can be salvaged and witnessed and reviewed with either moral or immoral intents. The reading of our entire intimate lives and our biographies are harvested upwards as we exit through the PORTAL of death.

“The period immediately following death is of great importance for the human being. It lasts for many hours, even days, during which the whole of the incarnation that is just over comes before the soul of the dead as in a great tableau of memories. This happens to every human being after death.”
Here, through other works out of Spiritual Science we can fathom how our entire intimate LIFE TABLEAU (see link) is received when we die. This harvesting is done by Angelic servants and the entire system of the heavens applies to absolutely everyone equally. We die, our astral bodies are harvested, the stars and their imprint at our exits are recorded and our higher I AM is entrusted to a vast Moral System of digestion and rebirth that includes the vast complex of the stars and constellations.

Our current petty comparisons to INFORMATION and the harvesting of INFORMATION in an Orwellian sense, a full blown Black Lodge, Caiaphas School of Ahrimanic data on Earth is directly related to the intent of achieving  through devious and occult means information that Ahrimanic beings can no longer attain from souls crossing the threshold of death. In other words THE FALL OF THE SPIRITS OF DARKNESS and the Michael Battle that was won in 1879 has thrust and exiled the entire misinformation and backdoor data systems management of Ahriman down into the immoral system of the human intellect. Here SPIN, propaganda, lies and misinformation are the current daily bread of the human psyche.

It roughly depends on the morality of the human soul and spirit, in how information is confiscated or tampered with or is spun in the Orwellian sense and the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY sense. Data and Information are priceless commodities. If the Ahrimanic beings who have been thrust out of the Heavens and out of the Spiritual World interfere, and that is currently an absolute given, we cannot remain naive.

We arrive on Earth, as souls and spirits, with our Astral bodies goals, drives and talents and our Etheric precise biographical and moral potentials. Currently the RISE of THE FALLEN SPIRITS OF DARKNESS are aiming at maximum interference in human striving of the most malignant kind.

Already the incarnation of children who bring spiritual capacities from the spiritual world into human society are willfully attacked through regiment, after regiment of militarized, weaponized vaccines (see link) and injections, which shoots round after round into the foundations of the etheric and astral systems of a child which shatters the child’s delicate higher capacities through mercury and other toxic  ingredients.

These are attacks, because like Judas, we don’t study, believe or desire to know about the spiritual world where our children have come from nor what Beings exist around us nor that we are the last line of defense for the Tenth Hierarchy and what our children bring into incarnation.

Christ anticipated that Ahriman would sweep in and attempt to take over LIFE, known as the challenge that Ahriman threw at Christ, to turn stones into bread. Ahriman is intent on grabbing the Etheric codes of LIFE while burying the Etheric Christ with lie after lie so that we as humanity would willingly become our own Judases.

Either from vaccines, torture, genetic tampering, editing out sequences in the code, deleting; OR using torture to block and psychologically damage, through unmitigated cruelty, through sadism, through addictions to potent incremental toxins; OR by making the whole earthly population dependent and obedient to an Earthly Pharma preventive plan (CLICK ON VITAL LINK FOR OPERATIONS ALREADY UNDERWAY); OR Government laws and decisions that determine the definition of LIFE, we can be and will be cut off from the Divine Spiritual worlds. These Ahrimanic intentions are working directly through human agents. Determining exactly the type of gender and physical, etheric and astral body that is safe for government tyranny tailored to V for Vendetta and Ahrimanic/Orwellian requirements (link is part of the ancient John Patmos Rosicrucian mystery) is coming up after the collapse of global economies and the consolidation of a far more disguised and virulent global tyranny.

Without ever admitting that our astral and star bodies are harvested and our talents forwarded by the Beings of the Stars themselves and that our capacities and talents are transformed into an entirely new, VIRGIN etheric body that transfers those capacities towards a new incarnation, is the medical SPIN that serves the Ahrimanic intent. And without acknowledging, understanding and worse, denying that the I AM of the human being is indestructible and sacred to the heavens and that this core of our rebirth into a physical, etheric, astral and I AM system, was safeguarded, that is, until now, the Tenth Hierarchy will fall into enslavement.

The wonderful market place of the Whore of Babylon is on it’s way, after the global collapse. This market place of Ahriman includes the insertion of Monsanto (see link) divorced etheric and GM locked and patented seeds stolen from Earth’s bounty and Ahriman’s gift of a fully fabricated etheric health system form fitted, Entelechy, fitted prior to birth and fixed with certain qualities that Ahriman will attach to every single human being from cradle to grave are all almost in place. Not quite but almost fully in place.

The Grand Inquisitor Translated by H.P. Blavatsky

“…for never was there anything more unbearable to the human race than personal freedom! Dost Thou see these stones in the desolate and glaring wilderness? Command that these stones be made bread–and mankind will run after Thee, obedient and grateful like a herd of cattle. But even then it will be ever diffident and trembling, lest Thou should take away Thy hand, and they lose thereby their bread! Thou didst refuse to accept the offer for fear of depriving men of their free choice; for where is there freedom of choice where men are bribed with bread? Man shall not live by bread alone– was Thine answer. Thou knewest not, it seems, that it was precisely in the name of that earthly bread that the terrestrial spirit would one day rise against, struggle with, and finally conquer Thee, followed by the hungry multitudes shouting: “Who is like unto that Beast, who maketh fire come down from heaven upon the earth!” Knowest Thou not that, but a few centuries hence, and the whole of mankind will have proclaimed in its wisdom and through its mouthpiece, Science, that there is no more crime, hence no more sin on earth, but only hungry people? “Feed us first and then command us to be virtuous!” will be the words written upon the banner lifted against Thee…”
“They will have no secrets from us. It will rest with us to permit them to live with their wives and concubines, or to forbid them, to have children or remain childless, either way depending on the degree of their obedience to us; and they will submit most joyfully to us the most agonizing secrets of their souls–all, all will they lay down at our feet, and we will authorize and remit them all in Thy name, and they will believe us and accept our mediation with rapture, as it will deliver them from their greatest anxiety and torture–that of having to decide freely for themselves. And all will be happy, all except the one or two hundred thousands of their rulers.
“For it is but we, we the keepers of the great Mystery who will be miserable. There will be thousands of millions of happy infants, and one hundred thousand martyrs who have taken upon themselves the curse of knowledge of good and evil. Peaceable will be their end, and peacefully will they die, in Thy name, to find behind the portals of the grave–but death.
“But we will keep the secret inviolate, and deceive them for their own good with the mirage of life eternal in Thy kingdom. For, were there really anything like life beyond the grave, surely it would never fall to the lot of such as they! People tell us and prophesy of Thy coming and triumphing once more on earth; of Thy appearing with the army of Thy elect, with Thy proud and mighty ones; but we will answer Thee that they have saved but themselves while we have saved all.
“We are also threatened with the great disgrace which awaits the whore, “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots”–who sits upon the Beast, holding in her hands the Mystery, the word written upon her forehead; and we are told that the weak ones, the lambs shall rebel against her and shall make her desolate and naked. But then will I arise, and point out to Thee the thousands of millions of happy infants free from any sin. And we who have taken their sins upon us, for their own good, shall stand before Thee and say: “Judge us if Thou canst and darest!” Know then that I fear Thee not.”

Now our exiled Ahrimanic companions that thrive in our shadows and doubles through our intellects have proceeded on a pace to have Earthly and immoral black brotherhoods, who understand how the system of the heavens works, who understand how the etheric, astral and I AM systems work, but who have been seduced to form their earthly and spiritual allegiances, who through their addictions and shadows are conscripted and compromised are literally blackmailed by Ahrimanic agents and accomplices who betray and oppose every thing to do with the higher freedom, purpose and progress of The Tenth Hierarchy.

Copies of etheric, astral and I AM systems can be made by immoral corporations on the Earth or they can be given as a result of higher human striving. The key to these copies is the nature of the Sun Being and the Sun Evolution of the Earth. With the Sun Logos of the Etheric Christ where Etheric life, human life and every system of plant, animal and human life, are woven full with natures laws of living Etheric Life, rhythms and cycles we are protected. These very foundational laws were made as the Logos was made in the early development of creation known as the Sun Evolution.

The Christ Being who walked the Earth and lived at the time of Golgotha was this Sun Logos Etheric King of Life. All that we see in nature, all that we thought we had secured of nature and life around us was made by HIM.  In HIM was life and all that St. John declared goes back to the ancient Sun Evolution that mineral, plants, insects, animals and humanity were grounded in. Therefore when this Christ lived on Earth in a human form with an Etheric, Astral and I AM of the human Jesus, transmuted and  defined by Zarathustra and enhanced and magnified by the Christ Being Himself, as HE lived as a human being for THREE YEARS on the Earth, something very strange was the result.

The result was that neither the Etheric body that did the miracles nor the Astral body that knew the Angels and knew the hearts of human beings nor the Macrocosmic I AM Sun Being who knew that He had made nature, had authored, was THE WORD ITSELF, none of these higher functioning and perfected systems disintegrated, decayed or vanished because of His crucifixion.

Our systems, codes, structures, what Aristotle would call the Entelechy had been worn and perfected by the code maker HIMSELF. HE  had perfected and transmuted the codes of the Fall and through the seed force, the literal SEED FORCE of having been the Sun Being Himself, these models, these copies were made permanent and safeguarded for our future developments.

Permanent as the Rose or endangered as the Bee, the great warehouse of minerals, plants, insects, animals and humans all function with a magnificent complex higher system and the author of that system walked the Earth for THREE YEARS and Resurrected with the full open source, free access perfected systems which could be intimately integrated into any human I AM, any human astral body and any human Etheric body.

A Sun explosion, a plethora of magnificent copies of the perfected human blueprints that re-programmed the entire complex codes of the Fall and of the limitations of  death, through the Christ Event, humanity might also re-integrate these perfected systems, learn from them and incorporate them into our present and future unfolding reincarnation, destiny and biographies.

Humanity could gradually learn to become I AM’s who could graduate, earn degrees and gain the rights to become Initiates of The Tenth Hierarchy. Gradually each human being grows into Angelhood, Archangelhood, Archehood and up to the highest levels, to the Christ Himself. Christ offered to anyone who would tread the path of the LIFE – the WAY and the TRUTH or remain true to the Etheric goodness, the path of the astral and the truth of the I AM as reincarnating immortal beings, the opportunity of gaining Spirit-Self; Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man capabilities.

Ahrimanic forces are intent on perfecting copies on Earth, through cloning sciences and Monsanto that are counting on the fact that when they finish creating the counterfeit etheric bodies and counterfeit nature to feed (see link) the counterfeit etheric bodies and create a counterfeit entertainment heaven, for fun addictive entertainment stuff , humanity will be ready to cave in and willing abnegate our Tenth Hierarchy status to Ahriman’s stones for bread bargain against The Christ Being.

By the time Ahriman brings all our little spoiled, failed, and fouled human decisions through all those Ahrimanic accomplices who betrayed themselves, murdered, tortured and greedily gobbled up the resources of the soul, the spirit and the world, then – then – then we can introduce the master of deception, fraud and good intentions himself, the earthly king, who will give us all these goodies for free. The price of admission will be our over all Judas betrayal of our Divine position within the Hierarchies. A fabricated etheric body from cradle to grave perfected and patented by earthly Ahrimanic corporations, health, entertainment, earthly instant gratification, no guilt and all you can eat buffets will seem irresistible.


Just as Monsanto has done to nature and seed products, the human etheric body will be patented and locked so that the spiritual world, the individual karma and model of the etheric body needed for the evolution of the individual I AM, will be locked, patented and secured against the full potential of spiritual capacities arising on their own.

In this way, for the benefit of humanity, Ahriman will have rid the Etheric body of illnesses and flaws that were too perplexing for materialism to solve and with all the tampered and destructive forces of bioweaponized vaccines, plagues and radioactive deformities flowing through soil, water and DNA, Ahriman will lock-in an Earthly Etheric body model that suppresses and disrupts the individual astral and I AM spiritual gifts from arising.

In other words as Rudolf Steiner indicated, thoughts about the spiritual world will be considered an illness and the cause of illnesses and Ahriman will have inoculated and frozen Earth Etheric copies and Astral systems and models at our current Intellectual levels, all for the clear cut materialistic benefit of humanity and the preservation human corporate Ahrimanic deception.

“In Greek mythology, Procrustes was the son of Poseidon, God of the deep blue seas. He built an iron bed of a size that suited him, and then forced everybody who passed by his abode to lie on it. If the passerby was shorter than his bed, then Procrustes would stretch him, breaking bones, tendons and sinews until the victim fitted; if he was taller, then Procrustes would chop off feet and limbs until the victim was the “right” size. This ancient story of “one size fits all” seems to have made its 21st Century comeback.”

But first, before Ahriman gives us these copies and we celebrate our global collapse with a new Santa as Savior who offers our spoiled souls, souls that Ahriman and our lazy refusal to measure the universe in the Image of Christ have brought us to, our future parents will solemnly repeat the tale of our full global collapse, the constant wars, the psychopaths and sociopaths, they will repeat to us as a grand, justified, materialistic fable. Then history will tell us, Revised Orwellian style history will tell us, how this nice person came and saved us all and solved all our conflicts and now we are so happy because we can have, excuse me, the whole world can have everything the same. All humans created and given Equal STUFF.

So now instead of the unfairness of the Individual I AM, and striving to become a Conscious Co-worker with Christ in the Kingdom of the I AM,  we applaud the famous distortion, ALL HUMANS ARE CREATED EQUAL (SEE LINK). This will have become Ahriman’s glorious fulfilling motto. He will implement an Ahrimanically designed counterfeit etheric body where all humans are equal, by law.

Ahriman will have stolen the Sun Logos, Etheric Christ identity, the greatest example of IDENTITY THEFT in human history. Ahriman, through our abnegation of moral I AM responsibilities becomes for us the King of Earthly Life processes, by law. The gamble the Christ made on Judas will have paid off, for all of humanity will have taken the Judas path and we will have betrayed the Risen Etheric Christ for someone who could deliver bread, health, fun and a sense of common equality for a mere THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER.

Rudolf Steiner

“Just as the seed of a plant, once buried in the ground, reappears in many copies according to the mystery of number, so the copies of Jesus of Nazareth’s etheric and astral bodies were present in the spiritual world.”

“When Christ descended to the earth, He enveloped Himself with the threefold physical, etheric, and astral bodies of Jesus of Nazareth and lived three years in this sheath as Christ, the Sun-Spirit. With the event of the Mystery of Golgotha, Christ descended to the earth; but aside from what is known to all of you, something else special happened by virtue of the fact that Christ indwelled the three bodies of Jesus of Nazareth, particularly the astral and etheric bodies. After Christ cast off the bodies of Jesus of Nazareth, they were still present as spiritual substance in the spiritual world, but multiplied in a great many copies. They did not perish in the world ether or in the astral world, but continued to live as identical images. Just as the seed of a plant, once buried in the ground, reappears in many copies according to the mystery of number, so the copies of Jesus of Nazareth’s etheric and astral bodies were present in the spiritual world. And for what purpose were they present, considering the large framework of spiritual economy? They were there to be preserved and to serve the overall progress of the human race.

“One of the first individuals to benefit from the blessed fact of these countless copies of Jesus’s etheric body being present in the spiritual world was St. Augustine. When he again descended to earth after an earlier incarnation, not just any etheric body was woven into his own, but rather the copy of the etheric body of Jesus of Nazareth. Augustine had his own astral body and ego, but his etheric body was interwoven with the image of the etheric body of Jesus. He had to work through the culture of his ego and astral body, but when he had made his way to the etheric body, he realized the great truths that we find in his mystical writings.”

Copies of the vibrant Etheric body of Jesus Himself, the pristine mirror of the memory of Judas having touched, spoken, even KISSED the Christ in his betrayal and having been karmically connected to all of the disciples in the past would carry Judas forward into his incarnation as St. Augustine. We do not merely work on ourselves, we work for the whole of humanity by working on ourselves.

St. Augustine Of Hippo

Christ does not wish us to remain unconsciously unaware of our Karmic legacies. On the contrary the Christ works with our individual I AM and our karma as a great Artist and Gardener, but it is we who must become surprised and astonished by the hidden clues of our Spirits. St. Augustine carried as an Etheric Mirror in himself the perfected and powerful gift of the copy of the Etheric body of Jesus overlaid with his own former Judas etheric body.

St. Augustine, the great theological pillar of the Roman Catholic Church whose work flows right into the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, the direct previous life of Rudolf Steiner himself and flows deeply into modern psychology and the Anima and Animus studies of Carl Jung. Jung and Steiner both agree that the powerful problems of how our etheric bodies mirror our physical sex also influences our astral insights and the directions we pursue in our sexual orientations .

Our etheric bodies carry the opposite mirror of the sex we carry as physical human beings. Jung called it the Anima and Animus. But now we are observing and encountering that these vast inspirations sometimes light and sometimes dark that arise out of our Etheric bodies need to be examined against the mere trivia of personal sexual orientations and rather aimed at the reservoirs of vast complex wisdom that may be folded inside the kernel of our normal etheric, astral, or I AM system. In other words the Christ doesn’t care what your physical sexual orientation is as long as your orientation is towards your higher soul and spirit. Christ will be there for us as He was there for Judas and St. Augustine as an awakener.

“…with the princely generosity of a noted inhabitant of Tagasta, named Romanian, he was sent to the better equipped schools of the neighboring Madaura and later to Carthage. The schools of Carthage, though not so renowned and exceptional as those of Alexandria and Antioch, were yet among the most prominent of the Roman World. He was sixteen years of age when he was taken to this city, and after four years he had risen to the first place in the schools of rhetoric and had mastered all the branches of the liberal arts then taught. None could equal his penetration, none surpass him in the readiness of his answers or in the clearness of his expositions. The subtle distinctions and divisions of Aristotle were plain to him.

“The scholars of Carthage were anything but sober, industrious, modest, and orderly youths. They were indocile and turbulent; not only disturbing by their wild pranks the peace of the city, but interrupting by their noisy behavior and inattention the master’s discourses and lectures. It was next to impossible to preserve any semblance of discipline in the classes. So Augustine left in disgust and set out for Rome, the ancient mistress of the world. He had been enamoured by her imperishable traditions and magnificent monuments of grandeur and art, by her memories of numerous great men, their genius and their works, by her history ever rich in majesty and glory.

Induced by the consideration that he would find there the absence of unfavorable circumstances and the presence of stronger incentives to enthusiasm and high inspiration, he left his country and his mother, and in 383, with Alypius, his friend and pupil, he departed for this metropolis. But again he was doomed to disappointment. Though disciples were not wanting, and his chair was surrounded by a throng of earnest and strong students, he did not find the all-absorbing passion for wisdom and truth, for the sublime and beautiful, that he had fondly anticipated. There was not, indeed, the same degree of turbulence and disorder as at Carthage, but the magnificence and ostentation of the Roman family and life, their splendid palaces and festive orgies, could not but prove very injurious to habits of study. The youth had imbibed the venal corruption everywhere prevalent. Hence it not seldom happened that Roman scholars conspired to rob their master of his salary and desert his class in a body. Roman vileness and baseness disgusted Augustine even more than Punic insubordination. He therefore took advantage of a request made by the citizens of Milan of Symmachus who was then Prefect of Rome, that he would procure for them a professor of rhetoric. He accepted the proposal; and toward the close of the year 384 he was teaching at Milan. “

Judas had passed through kamaloca and the spiritual worlds and had been given a ‘virgin etheric body’ for his new incarnation with all the latent Judas issues still livingly working in him as part of his potent personal riddles. We all have such riddles and we all have to have help in order to solve those riddles.

St. Augustine plowed into his inner doubts and humanities issues, which St. Augustine carried in himself and broke through to the clarified etheric mirror of his own spirit having known and witnessed the actual Christ Event first hand.

Yet with all that Judas baggage, St. Augustine carried all of the most difficult questions of the soul and spirit ahead of us and through his step by step awakening and discovery of the foundations of his soul, St. Augustine caught glimpses and snatches of the cohesive Etheric light of the Jesus Etheric body awakening in him and sending new surges of life, strength and courage where only his own failures had appeared before.

If you think Judas got a free ride by being St. Augustine, you have not studied St. Augustine. The Christ wants us to discover the TRUTH in ourselves and is willing to walk with us on our long and individual roads. There is no one size fits all. We are required to EARN our individual insights through our own individual trials so that we may appreciate the journey of every individual I AM and show compassion and understanding for every Child who embarks, ever and again, on the journey of discovering their own higher being.

Part I is followed by PART II where we follow Dick Cheney into THE SYMPHONY FOR THE DAMNED. But as we close Part I it would be amiss if we didn’t celebrate the Golden Etheric coat of St. Augustine and Bob Dylan’s song of St. Augustine. And sometimes when I think of how St. Augustine might have appeared today, I sometimes listen to the voice and look to the rugged face of  Bob Dylan and wonder. (Youtube keeps removing Bob Dylan clips on St. Augustine so here is another one, even Joan Baez does St. Augustine her clip here)Dylan truly had captured the Golden Etheric coat of St. Augustine in his highly original Song. See ya in PART II.



“Saint Augustine” a poem in 8 books by Henry Warwick Cole Q.C. travels richly through Augustine’s struggles in a wonderful poetic style. (SEE LINK).  Judas is of course discussed but Augustine dealt with suicide and hundreds of other Etheric/Astral and I AM issues, as the New Etheric forces of the Etheric Body of Jesus rose up and penetrated his own inwardness of soul as a living nourishing MARRIAGE between his Etheric body and the Jesus Etheric body.


Music  video on The Redemption of Judas.  In a completely different visual style a second video of THE REDEMPTION OF JUDAS can be viewed HERE.


The Bob Dylan Masterpiece of Poetry, the slam dunk of exactly how the human community must recognize and stand firm against an Ahrimanic assault that was perpetuated by immense gloating military toys and the Military Industrial Complex as early as WWI to the attempts to pull off WW III. PEARL JAM lifts the Bob Dylan song, and the lyrics in the song, if you listen tell of JUDAS OF OLD. This Judas of old and the profits off death and destruction unable to buy back the soul are a JUDAS/ST. AUGUSTINE REVELATION in the very lyrics and power that Bob Dylan offered. And in fact we have to be as FIRM in our resolve as the End of the Song designates. AHRIMAN will not disappear without this firm RESOLVE.  (CLICK LINK)


This just came through – inspired by reading Bradford Riley‘s blog post on Judas!

But I Thought

I knew in my heart that He was the Son of God
But I thought that he was our military leader
I knew in my heart that He was the cure for our pain
But I thought that he had come to feed the poor

I knew in my heart that He was the Body of Love
But I thought that he came to punish our sins
I knew in my heart that He would forgive me
But I thought that he would never be caught

I knew in my heart that He needed my help
But I thought my betrayal would never be death
I knew in my heart that someone was chosen
But I thought I was furthering the good of our cause

I loved Him far more than I loved my own life
But I thought

Christine Natale

April 29, 2012


A little something to remember Judas by. CLICK LINK.

“Fukushima Dai-ichi and the Karma of Japan” by Bradford Riley

Rudolf Steiner

“Ahriman-Mephistopheles who has subjected him (humanity) to the influence of far more deadly powers and the civilizations immediately to come will see the appearance of many things connected with Ahriman’s influence. Through this influence the seeker for the spirit who does not stand upon firm and sure foundations can readily fall prey to the most terrible illusion and deception. For Ahriman is a spirit who sets out to spread deception as to the true nature of the sense-world, especially as an expression of the spiritual world. “

“1945 – 2011 is 66 years. 66 years before 1945 was 1879, the beginning of the Age of the Sun Archangel Michael.”


” 66 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and after this latest disaster and nuclear scare, the Japanese people are more than entitled to say to the nuclear lobby “Enough is enough! We will not go on down this path. Our nation is named after the sun. We shall not try to create an artificial sun. Instead, we shall gratefully accept what the Sun gives us and develop it in life-giving ways.”

We can view with some clarity now the general Michael Lesson Plan that has been drawn up for humanity. Our incursions into promoting Ahriman’s deception of the Age of Light against the dawn of the Age of Light that Michael ushered in around 1879 has pursued a path of calamity and catastrophe that has brought us here. The general tendency from our over all education is that our worship of materialism has created a crisis by way of our serious denial of the Etheric Christ Being. Our global choice to pursue the deadly fire forces of nuclear energy  appears very clearly in the World Karma now coming forth from Japan.

Rudolf Steiner

“…it should never so much as occur to anyone to attach an iota of guilt to the victim of such a calamity or to withhold compassion in the fullest measure. It must be absolutely clear to an anthroposophist that the karma of these individuals has nothing to do with the guilt to which the catastrophes are due and it should never occur to him to withhold help from anyone because — to put it trivially — he believes in karma and therefore assumes that this destiny was brought on by the man himself. Karma demands of us that we help human beings because we may be sure that our help means something that is written in their karma and will turn that karma in a more favorable direction. Understanding that is based upon the recognition of karma must necessarily lead to compassion; our compassion for the victims of such catastrophes will be all the greater, for our knowledge tells us that there is a collective karma of humanity from which the individual members have to suffer, that just as such happenings are brought about by humanity as one whole, so too must humanity be answerable for them; we must regard such a destiny as our own and help not only out of a spontaneous impulse but because we know that we are involved in the karma of humanity and share the guilt incurred!”

Our false pursuit of an Ahrimanic age of Light reveals a dirty dark shadow that covers our materialistic falsified worship on the altars of Ahrimanic deception from Hiroshima, Nagasaki through to Three-Mile Island,  (Must See documentary Chernobyl), through deserts loaded with poison depleted uranium dust, to Fukushima Dai-ichi.  (And you will please note ‘ichi’ and it’s relation to the I Am and the German word ICH – we have arrived at the dead-end of the I AM offered by Ahrimanic deceptions)

“Shima means “island” in Japanese. We must make sure that Hiro- and Fuku- do not remain islands in our collective experience, but rather lead to an improved and sustained nuclear safety culture.” There is no improved and sustained nuclear culture. Island, like Hamlet is the island of the cognitive I AM, the ICH in German.

The Lesson Plan from Michael, the current Arche and Time Spirit is hovering over Japan in order to freely inspire humanity in order to effectively change our negligent and destructive thinking patterns.

With the horrific events that have befallen humanity, our friends, our brothers and sisters in Japan, where, sitting on the Ring of Fire, the forces of nature emerged from the depths of the Earth to shatter once more the hard working and sincere nature of the Japanese people, we find ourselves in a mutually shared global tragedy. And we, who have cheered Ahriman’s deception and even now bow before the altars of materialism, are directly to blame for the catastrophe of our brothers and sisters in Japan. But we are too cowardly to think it all through and follow the deception of the age of light, down to the deep fiery lair of Ahriman in the sixth layer of the Inner Earth.

In this essay we will gain some IMAGINATIONS, tools, thoughts and insights that Michael has offered cognitive humanity but in general humanity prefers media lies and trivia to the living power of Michael Imaginations and the school of Tenth Hierarchy cognition. We shall in this essay gain insight into the Moral Fabric of the Earth Herself and how human morality, or deliberate lack there-of, interfaces with natural catastrophes and human hubris. Human technology continues to press ahead while conscious human understanding of how the Tenth Hierarchy is connected to the roots of the Earth are brutally dismissed.

Through the events that are still continuing to reverberate through out the world, through Earthquakes and aftershocks(see clip) of immense magnitude, the Tidal waves that engulfed whole villages prefectures and towns, including the overwhelming direct hit on Fukushima Prefecture (福島県, Fukushima-ken) we will look with Michael School insights into the problems humanity has created for itself by insisting upon radioactive, anti-Etheric, poison-etheric-corrupting radioactive light in opposition to the Etheric Christ Light that uplifts and heals all aspects of human life on Earth.

We can look at the problems and karma of the nuclear age and the specific destiny of the Japanese people. Firstly the hardships and sufferings of a society that honors the dead and the ancestors and links the honor and dignity of the dead to the stream of the living. Another aspect is the intensely hard working built in humility, order and cleanliness as well as the practical efficiency of the Japanese people.

Rudolf Steiner

“To understand what will now be said, we must realize that over and above the karma which belongs to every individual human being, there is at every stage of existence a universal karmic law. All the categories of beings have their karma — the karma of the one differing from that of the other. But karma operates through every realm of existence and there are things in the karma of mankind, in the karma of a people, of a community or other group of human beings, which must be regarded as collective karma, so that in certain circumstances the individual can be drawn into the sway of the collective karma. It will not always be easy for one who cannot penetrate to the root of the matter to discern exactly where the influences of the powers concerned lie in the case of human beings overtaken by such a destiny. An individual within some community may well be entirely guiltless as far as his own karma is concerned; but because he stands within a field of collective karma, calamity may befall him. If, however, he is entirely guiltless, compensation will be made in later incarnations.

“In the wider connection we must look not only at the karma of the past but also think of the karma of the future. A terrible fate may befall a whole group of human beings; the reason why just this group should suffer such a destiny is not to be discovered. Someone who might be capable of investigating the karma of an individual will in certain circumstances be unable to find anything at all that could have led to this tragic fate, for the threads of karma are extremely complicated. The cause of such karmic happenings may lie far, far away — but it is connected with these people nevertheless. And it may be that the whole group, while guiltless, has been overtaken by some collective karma which could not overtake those immediately guilty, because circumstances did not make this possible.

“In such cases the only thing that can be said is this: In the total karma of an individual, everything is ultimately balanced out, including what befalls him without guilt on his part; it is all inscribed in his karma and compensation in the fullest sense will be made in future time. — Therefore in considering the law of karma we must also take into account the karma of the future.

“Nor must it be forgotten that man is not an isolated being but that every individual has to share jointly in the collective karma of humanity. We must remember, too, that man, together with humanity, is connected with those hierarchies of Beings who have not entered into the physical world and that he is also drawn into the karma of the hierarchies. In the destinies of mankind in the spiritual world a great deal appears the connections of which are not to be sought in the immediate circumstances, but the karmic consequences come to pass inevitably.

“Since the second half of the Atlantean epoch, Ahriman’s karma has been linked with the karma of mankind. Where, then, are the deeds of Ahriman, over and above what is wrought by him in the bodies of men in order to spread phantoms and illusion over the world of sense? Where are these other deeds? “

Michael Lesson Plans for confronting Ahrimanic deceptions in the Age of Light

In approaching grasping and understanding how Michael operates in relation to the etheric forces and rhythm patterns of the Etheric Christ, the following particular patterns must be reviewed. The results of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of the individuality of Christ on the hill of skulls at the age of 33 have set into history a powerful new Sun Rhythm into the very foundations of human life. That Sun Rhythm and Etheric Christ pattern reoccurs on 33 year cycles and remains a central mystery in the unfolding of individual human biography and the over all global karma of humanity.

The Arche Michael, our current ZeitGeist and Time Spirit, Spirit of the Age we are currently in for the next 200 and some years, serves The Risen Etheric Christ Being, the Sun Word and the Logos through the bright sun streaming of Sun Intelligence radiating through the Michael School and the Tenth Hierarchy. The Christ rhythm patterns of 33/66/99 have had a direct impact on the current crisis facing Japan and humanity. “1945 – 2011 is 66 years. 66 years before 1945 was 1879, the beginning of the Age of the Sun Archangel Michael. At that time, Japan was trying desperately to remain independent”

Here we can see that 2 X 33 years, have unfolded since the horrific events of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, two Christ Rhythm phases.[NOTE LINK HERE HOW THE COMPARISON IS STARTLING] We can look for Christ rhythm phases to occur in 33 year time rhythms. On the second rhythm past 1945, nuclear power plants antithetical to the Etheric Christ have spread horrific radioactive world wide poison which reveals something that we say all the time, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

“Japan imported its first commercial nuclear power plant from the UK in 1966”

The destructive nuclear attack that initiated the Ahrimanic age of light of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has now come back round to the world and the West and Europe with the equivalent of well over two thousand (2000) 500 kiloton bombs each, and get THIS, for once again we can see a secret in the number 33, one 500kt Atomic Bomb is 33 times bigger than the American Bomb that destroyed Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and the amount of radioactivity set loose is equivalent to( 2000) 500kt bombs.

“Radioactive contamination equivalent to the Fukushima, Japan disaster in terms of the hated “Mushroom Cloud” Atomic Bombs is two thousand (2,000) 500 Kiloton Atomic Bombs.* Each 500kt Atomic Bomb is 33 times bigger than the American Bomb that destroyed Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Truly, it is as if the entire world is At War! The dreaded all-out nuclear war that would happen if Russia or the United States accidentally “Pressed The Button” is going on right now; it is a done deal. Imagine that! The same thing as detonating 2,000 big Atomic Bombs and not even one “BOOM!” Not a shot fired, yet we could all die!”

Japan had already experienced a bankrupting recession that the rest of the world only experienced later. We all are currently wrestling in the mud of a global economic depression of nearly 700 trillion dollars brought about with conscious Ahrimanic intent, in order to poison, wound and entrap humanity. Ahrimanic deception is currently so brutal and vicious that it would go so far to remove the Etheric Christ from the perception of humanity to the point of spinning the nuclear and radioactive issues into a (see link) medical vaccination that might cure radiation sickness but tragically make humanity immune to the workings of the Etheric Christ in our higher etheric rhythm forces which operate in all healthy human beings.

Ahriman has pulled out all the stops in it’s battle against the Etheric Christ. Japan with energy and hard work, tried to overcome being one of the first to fall into recession that has been deliberately designed to incapacitate and numb humanity. Japan’s products efficiency and ingenuity have dwarfed most American industries. The Japanese have shown resiliency and humility in facing the horrific humiliation of defeat and the spiritual energy to rebuild and resurrect.

The pivotal issue is that the Age of Michael in 1879 brought Japan into the target cross-hairs of the Ahrimanic forces of Fallen nuclear light only 66 years later, by 1945. Now we pivot away from our 1879 rhythm of 66 years to 1945 and swing to the opposite scale, that represent the Cosmic Scales of balance, represented by Michael and we arrive 66 years after 1945, in the year 2011.  We can see how Japan and the karma of the Japanese people are being devastated, while the WEST continues ignorantly and arrogantly promoting Ahrimanic social destruction, murder, WAR, along with stepped up production orders for all new Ahrimanic nuclear power plants intended to blossom over the surface and periphery of  the globe.

The conflict between the age of Light that Michael stands for and the age of light that Ahriman stands for, is crystallized in understanding that through out the globe, many, many small domed Goetheanum’s were meant to blossom over the Earth, in every country in the world and create Spiritual Science centers meant to serve the new forces of the Etheric that were rising to meet humanity. The counter-blow that Ahriman has struck that wrested certain forces away from Michael and The Tenth Hierarchy, were the belief in a materialism that allows the building of hundreds of nuclear reactors and power plants over the Earth,  that now serve Ahriman’s lethal dawn of the age of anti-human and anti-etheric radioactive light, that represent Ahriman’s counterfeit Age of Light. Steiner saw hundreds of Goetheanum’s springing up over the Earth, while Ahriman sought to chain humanity to an anti-etheric power source founded in raw materialistic greed.

Humanity has a choice and a chance to recover it’s higher common sense and thwart the Ahrimanic assaults that continue to arise out of Washington D.C. Michael has swung the scale of human justice on a 66 year pivot to counteract the Ahrimanic thrust of a falsified, destructive and doomed age of Ahrimanic light. The current ZeitGeist moment in Japan has Michael vs Ahriman writ large.(Click Link to Doctors and Physicians struggle with radioactive poison and the Fukushima disaster, while failing to grasp or understand the Etheric Body) But it is humanity that must find the courage and the will to decide to do the right thing.

Humanity is tasked with unpoisoning the well and decontaminating the ideas that have promoted the rise of nuclear reactors and a materialistic facsimile and imitation of Michael’s Dawn of the Age of Light. Humanity is tasked with demystifying the materialistic deception.

Global Contamination for Centuries to come

#1 It is estimated that there are 1,331 used nuclear fuel rods that need to be removed from Fukushima. Because of all of the damage that has taken place, computer-guided removal of the rods will not be possible. Manual removal is much riskier, and it is absolutely essential that the removal of each of the 1,331 rods goes perfectly because a single mistake could potentially lead to a nuclear chain reaction.

#2 According to Reuters, the combined amount of cesium-137 contained in those nuclear fuel rods is 14,000 times greater than what was released when the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima at the end of World War II. Other estimates put this number far higher.

#3 Officials in Japan admit that 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima is entering the Pacific Ocean every 24 hours.

#4 According to a professor at Tokyo University, 3 gigabecquerels of cesium-137 are flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every single day… Yoichiro Tateiwa, NHK reporter: [Professor Jota] Kanda argues government statistics don’t add up. He says a daily leakage of 300 tons doesn’t explain the current levels of radiation in the water. Jota Kanda, Tokyo University professor: According to my research there are now 3 gigabecquerels [3 billion becquerels] of cesium-137 flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every day. But for the 300 tons of groundwater to contain this much cesium-137, one liter of groundwater has to contain 10,000 becquerels of the radioactive isotope. NHK: Kanda’s research and monitoring by Tepco puts the amount of cesium-137 in the groundwater around the plant at several hundred becquerels per liter at most. He’s concluded that radioactive isotope is finding another way to get into the ocean. He’s calling on the government and Tepco to identify contamination routes other than groundwater.

#5 According to Tepco, a total of somewhere between 20 trillion and 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific Ocean since the Fukushima disaster first began.

#6 Something is causing fish along the west coast of Canada to bleed from their gills, bellies and eyeballs. Could Fukushima be responsible?

#7 150 former sailors and Marines say that they now have radiation sickness as a result of serving on U.S. Navy ships near Fukushima and they are suing for damages.

#8 The Iodine-131, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 that are constantly coming from Fukushima are going to affect the health of those living the the northern hemisphere for a very, very long time. Just check out what Harvey Wasserman had to say recently… Iodine-131, for example, can be ingested into the thyroid, where it emits beta particles (electrons) that damage tissue. A plague of damaged thyroids has already been reported among as many as 40 percent of the children in the Fukushima area. That percentage can only go higher. In developing youngsters, it can stunt both physical and mental growth. Among adults it causes a very wide range of ancillary ailments, including cancer. Cesium-137 from Fukushima has been found in fish caught as far away as California. It spreads throughout the body, but tends to accumulate in the muscles. Strontium-90’s half-life is around 29 years. It mimics calcium and goes to our bones.

#9 It is believed that the Fukushima nuclear facility originally contained a whopping 1760 tons of nuclear material.

#10 It is being projected that the entire Pacific Ocean will soon “have cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher” than what we witnessed during the era of heavy atomic bomb testing in the Pacific many decades ago.

#11 According to the Wall Street Journal, it is being projected that the cleanup of Fukushima could take up to 40 years to complete. Sadly, the true horror of this disaster is only starting to be understood, and most people have absolutely no idea how serious all of this is.

Fallout researcher Christina Consolo

“We have endless releases into the Pacific Ocean that will be ongoing for not only our lifetimes, but our children’s’ lifetimes. We have 40 million people living in the Tokyo area nearby. We have continued releases from the underground corium that reminds us it is there occasionally with steam events and huge increases in radiation levels.

Across the Pacific, we have at least two peer-reviewed scientific studies so far that have already provided evidence of increased mortality in North America, and thyroid problems in infants on the west coast states from our initial exposures. We have increasing contamination of the food chain, through bioaccumulation and biomagnification. And a newly stated concern is the proximity of melted fuel in relation to the Tokyo aquifer that extends under the plant. If and when the corium reaches the Tokyo aquifer, serious and expedient discussions will have to take place about evacuating 40 million people from the greater metropolitan area. As impossible as this sounds, you cannot live in an area which does not have access to safe water.

The operation to begin removing fuel from such a severely damaged pool has never been attempted before. The rods are unwieldy and very heavy, each one weighing two-thirds of a ton. But it has to be done, unless there is some way to encase the entire building in concrete with the pool as it is. I don’t know of anyone discussing that option, but it would seem much ‘safer’ than what they are about to attempt…but not without its own set of risks.

And all this collateral damage will continue for decades, if not centuries, even if things stay exactly the way they are now. But that is unlikely, as bad things happen like natural disasters and deterioration with time…earthquakes, subsidence, and corrosion, to name a few. Every day that goes by, the statistical risk increases for this apocalyptic scenario. No one can say or know how this will play out, except that millions of people will probably die even if things stay exactly as they are, and billions could die if things get any worse. The area immediately around Fukushima is already permanently uninhabitable, and the truth is that a much wider area of northern Japan should probably be declared off limits for human habitation.”

Michael may point to and  indicate a clear cut moral direction and decision that The Tenth Hierarchy could take, but human freedom prevents Michael from making the decision for us.

The Archangelic forces of the Japanese people are now set to be one of many specific Michael hot-spots. Michael has entered to safeguard humanity against the premature horrendous marriage to sub-human, deadly etheric poisoning, by unveiling the misguided use of nuclear energy and depleted uranium in the world.  Deep immoral disturbances in the Fire layer of the Earth due to the sensitive nature of human will and the disturbed fire forces in the depths of the Earth have prematurely thrust humanity into a conflict that goes all the way back to the sinking of Atlantis.

Rudolf Steiner

Lecture given in Berlin, January 1, 1909

“… Lucifer is a Being who detached himself from the spiritual hosts of heaven after the separation of the sun, whereas Ahriman had already broken away before the separation of the sun and is an embodiment of quite different powers. The result of Lucifer’s influence in the Lemurian epoch was merely the corruption of the faculty, still possessed by man in the Atlantean epoch, to manipulate the forces of air and water. In the book entitled From the Akasha Chronicle (COSMIC MEMORY) you will have read that in Atlantean times the seminal forces in plant and animal were still at man’s command and could be drawn forth just as the forces used in the form of steam for propelling machines can be extracted from mineral coal today. I have told you that when these forces are drawn forth they are connected in a mysterious way with the nature-forces in wind, weather and the like; and if applied by man for purposes running counter to the divine purposes, these nature-forces are called into action against him.

“Here lies the cause of the Atlantean flood and of the devastation wrought by the powers of nature which led to the disappearance of the whole continent of Atlantis. But even before that time, man had lost command over the forces of fire and the power to ally them with certain mysterious forces of the earth. Power over the forces of fire and earth in a certain combination had already been withdrawn from man. But now — through the influence of Ahriman and his accomplices — he again acquired a certain mastery over the forces of fire and earth, with dire consequences.

“…the sixth stratum, the “Fire Earth”, containing as “substances” within it, forces that can bring about terrible havoc and destruction. It is actually into these forces that the primordial Fire has been banished.

“In and from this stratum the realm of Ahriman operates — in a material sense. What manifests in the phenomena of outer nature, in air and water, in cloud formations, in lightning and thunder — all this is, so to speak, a last vestige on the earth’s surface, of forces that were already connected with ancient Saturn and separated from the earth together with the sun. By what is working in these forces, the inner fire-forces of the earth are placed in the service of Ahriman. There he has the center of his activity; and whereas his spiritual influences make their way to the souls of people and lead them to error, we see how Ahriman — in a certain respect shackled — has certain foci for his activity in the interior of the earth. Were we to understand the mysterious connections of what has come to pass on the earth under Ahriman’s influence and what Ahriman’s own karma has become in consequence of this, we should recognize in the quakes and tremors of the earth the connection between such grievous, tragic happenings in nature and the power that holds sway on the earth. These manifestations are something that has remained since ancient times as a reaction on the earth against the good Beings of Light.

“Thus forces allied with the Beings who were thrust away from their connection with the earth at the time when the good Beings of light established the beneficent phenomena around the earth-globe, are active, and in a certain sense we can recognize the echoings of these fire-forces which in earlier times were withdrawn from man’s control, in what is wrought by fire in such terrible manifestations of nature.”

Michael is presenting humanity with a moral challenge and a LESSON PLAN  to wake up to the horrific consequences of awakening the Fire Spirits of the Inner Earth Core, which again places the Japanese people on the vulnerable side of sitting on the Ring of Fire, with Volcanoes and the inner activity of the Earth responding to the the evil technology of nuclear breeder reactors that feed the disturbing demonic forces of fire in the core of the Earth.

The ancient pictographic language of Japan goes all the way back to the origins of the alphabet as Atlantean PictoGraphic replications. The Archangel that has guided the Japanese Language forces reaches far, far back to the origin of Language itself. This is documented in ONE LANGUAGE SOURCE OF ALL TONGUES by Arnold Wadler. A whole potent karmic stream and Language Archangel, the Japanese Language, ancient pictographic Atlantean Picto language carry the ancient ancestor honoring, the

stream connecting the passage of souls from earthly life and family relations to heavenly or spiritual life, where the ancestors are tracked, honored and their journey and memory continued, is a traditional ritual that links the living with the long history of the departed.

Because humanity is tied together via the West – Middle – East in a Threefold Social and Spiritual Configuration and since the West opened the nuclear age of Fallen radioactive Light and Fallen Ethers by dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese people, the current catastrophe from Japan reveals a remarkable relation to the scales of balance that Michael carries for the Cosmos, the Etheric Christ and for humanity.

Akira Kurosawa

Let us follow the inner capacities of the New Christ Impulse as it has appeared in the 20th century and follow these new Christ capacities out into the 21st century and in specific the current crisis at the Fukushima nuclear reactors. These new Christ capacities that are working their way through humanity appear here and there and we fail to recognize them. But when they appear in such a vivid recurring prophetic dream, enough that a rich Archangelic representative Soul from the EAST, a soul so steeped in the traditions, history, customs and language of the Japanese people, that a future picture, a future clairvoyant dream bursts forth in this soul, we should take notice.

Make no mistake about it, these are the very future capacities, indicated that would certainly appear and when they appear they would be filled with the substance of the Etheric Christ future vision insights that were touched in the astral body and penetrated down to the etheric body of one of the greatest film makers of the East. (SEE CLIP) Akira Kurosawa’s prophetic Dream: Mount Fuji in Red is a clear cut verification of what Rudolf Steiner predicted would indicate the touch of the Etheric Christ’s gifts of future seeing capacities as it relates to the giant karmic picture of the entire Archangelic Japanese people.

An entire global picture, a snapshot into a future Etheric Christ picture that has all the substance of the Archangel of the Japanese people, the karma of the entire Japanese Soul and Language group and how the tragedy and destiny of this Archangelic group would manifest one of the key mysteries that would shatter the Ahrimanic deception of it’s false Age of Light, shot like lightening right through Akira Kurosawa.

Akira Kurosawa was a painter of light with his film work. He stood shoulders above the masses in his deep moral tales of the ancient Japanese Folk Soul. Akira Kurosawa stood shoulder to shoulder with the several other prophets and representatives of the world of film as well. Akira Kurosawa stood shoulder to shoulder with Stanley Kubrick  and Rod Serling in the WEST. ( the following Rod Serling clip takes us back to Hiroshima, but youtube cut out the example I had posted, but this is the name of the episode to really understand the higher moral Michael forces working through Serling’s Twilight Zone, episode title “NO TIME LIKE THE PAST” see it for yourself –  this is the intro to that episode which testifies to the incredible link between Kurosawa and Serling (SEE CLIP INTRO)  Through those three individuals, Kurosawa, Kubrick and Serling a Michael Intelligence flavor of the WEST and the EAST arose with stunning Michael vitality.

Federico Fellini who, like Kurosawa, painted with Light and Color from the Italian Language Archangel perspective. Federico Fellini gave flavor and coloring as well as some Middle Europe content in the distribution of EAST-WEST-MIDDLE of a threefold world as well. In the same way Kurosawa illuminated the ancient stream and Language of the Japanese people of the EAST so Rod Serling and Stanley Kubrick illuminated modern Michael and Ahrimanic problems for those who had lived in the WEST and carried the English Language Archangelic forces.

Federico Fellini painted the Italian Folk Soul and dynamics of the Language of the Archangel of the Italian folk with great vividness and humor. Just as we can study Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, who both as well carried various specific aspects of the moral contents of India and the moral contents of the West and African American etheric folk substance with clear Michael like vividness in their deeds and thoughts.

When we look at great artists and films and different languages we gain the rich experience needed to become global and cosmopolitan citizens who begin to FEEL and incorporate into our astral and etheric life, the gifts of the Threefold World and the great gifts of the various Archangels of the different languages over the Earth.

When we include the flavor and coloring of the individual Language Archangels, we have to reckon with the fact that our own unique Angels guided us to specific Archangel Language systems in cooperation with the Archangel hierarchies. And then we come to the future visionary capacities that arise within the new Etheric Christ experiences radiating through the 20th and 21st centuries.

Rudolf Steiner

“…before the middle of the twentieth century there will be people possessed of a natural etheric clairvoyance, who, since mankind has reached the epoch in which this will develop as a natural gift, will perceive the etheric body as permeating the physical body and extending beyond it. Just as man, once able to see into the spiritual world, has descended to the merely physical perception and intellectual comprehension of the external world, so he begins gradually to evolve new and conscious capacities which will be added to the old ones. One of these new capacities I should like to characterize.

There will be people — at first only a few, for only in the course of the next two or three thousand years will these capacities evolve in larger numbers, and these first forerunners will be born before the end of the first half of the twentieth century — who will have an experience something like the following. After taking part in some action they will withdraw from it, and will have before them a picture which arises from the act in question. At first, they will not recognize it; they will not find in it any relation to what they have done. In the end they will see that this picture, which appears to them as a sort of conscious dream-picture, is the counterpart of their own action; it is the picture of the action which must take place, in order that the karmic compensation of the previous action may be brought about.

Thus we are approaching an age in which men will begin to understand karma not only from the teachings and presentations of Spiritual Science, but in which they will begin actually to see karma. Whereas until now karma was to man an obscure impulse, an obscure desire, which could be fulfilled only in the following life, which could only between death and a new birth be transformed into an intention, man will gradually evolve to a conscious perception of the work of Lucifer and its effect. Certainly only those will have this power of etheric clairvoyance who have striven after knowledge and self-knowledge. But even in normal circumstances men will have more and more before them the karmic pictures of their actions. That will carry them on further and further, because they will see what they still owe to the world — what is on the debit side of their karma.”

There is a great deal more to understanding these future capacities and the New Etheric Christ vision that is slowly developing in humanity, but suffice it to say that Ahriman wishes to control anything to do with these new visions. Ahriman has already begun to develop Pharmaceutical vaccinations that will control moral perception. However with Akira Kurosawa a vivid Christ/Michael perception managed to squeeze through the full Ahrimanic roadblocks placed before our comprehension.

Ahriman is hoof and claw fighting to prevent humanity from grasping the higher Etheric forces of the Etheric Christ capacities and divert them. Just as for us, The Tenth Hierarchy, the dawn of the age of light for Ahriman was far, far, different than the dawn of the Age of Light under the auspices of Michael and the Etheric Christ. We bought Ahriman’s deception on the whole and clung to materialism and the lies and deception that Ahriman presented against the courage and veracity of the Michael School and what Spiritual Science alone has the courage to reveal.

Akira Kurosawa’s prophetic Dream: Mount Fuji in Red

The film’s second nightmare sequence. A large nuclear power plant near Mount Fuji has begun to melt down, painting the sky a horrendous red and sending the millions of Japanese citizens desperately fleeing into the ocean. Three adults and two children are left behind on land, but they soon realize that the radiation will kill them anyway.

Mount Fuji in Red script:

I: What is it? What’s happening? Has Fuji erupted? How terrible!

Woman with baby: It’s worse than that! Didn’t you know? The nuclear power plant has exploded.

Nuclear engineer: The six atomic reactors. They are exploding one after another. Japan is so small there’s no escape!

Woman with baby: We all know that. No way out. But we still have to try. No other way.

Woman with baby: This is the end.

I: But… …what happened? Where did all those people go? Where did they escape to?

Nuclear engineer: To the bottom of the sea. The dolphins. Even they are leaving.

Woman with baby: Lucky dolphins. They can swim away.

Nuclear engineer: It won’t help. The radioactivity will get them.
The clouds… …the red one. It’s Plutonium 239. 10,000,000th of a gram causes cancer.
The yellow one is strontium 90. It gets inside you… …and causes leukemia.
The purple one is Cesium 137. It affects reproduction. It causes mutations.
It makes monstrosities.
Man’s stupidity is unbelievable. Radioactivity was invisible. And because of its danger, they colored it. But that only lets you know which kind kills you.
Death’s calling card. See you later.

I: Wait! Radiation doesn’t kill you at once.

Nuclear engineer: So What? A slow death is even worse. I refuse to die slowly.

Woman with baby: Adults dying — they’ve lived long enough already. But the children haven’t even lived yet. It’s unfair!

Nuclear engineer: Waiting to die isn’t living.

Woman with baby: They told us that nuclear plants were safe. Human accident is the danger, not the nuclear plant itself. No accidents, no danger. That’s what they told us. What liars! If they’re not hanged for this, I’ll kill them myself.

Nuclear engineer: Don’t worry. The radioactivity will do that for you. I’m sorry. I am one of those who deserve to die.”

It is clear that the Dawn of the Age of Light was not to be nuclear light. The Dawn of the Age of Light in 1879 brought the consolidation of the Michael School, the focus of humanities attention to the Etheric Christ and the unfolding Etheric Christ light that has slowly spread it’s way through-out humanity, revealing ever more profound conscious and higher pathways for human maturity.

On the opposite scales of balance, as we can clearly see, 1879 to 1945 and the official Dawn of the Michael Age was immediately linked to the growth and development of Spiritual Science. However on the opposite scale, in Ahrimanic counterpoint, linked to releasing Fallen immoral Devachan technology that counterfeited and counteracted in an immoral attack, 66 YEARS AFTER 1879, the dawn of the nuclear age began our first confrontations with the horrific forces of nuclear death. Ahriman counter moved against the Michael Age, check mated Michael with the Dawn of Ahriman’s MAD, (Mutually Assured Destruction- The Psychopath Structure and also look at this STUDY CLICK HERE) and the horrific first strike of two nuclear detonations in human populations. A false Age of Light had dawned and humanity has clung to it until Fukushima.

66 YEARS LATER as the Michael Cosmic Scales swung back into balance,  Japan was rocked to it’s core by one of the most powerful Earthquakes to date and the unintended consequences of this Tsunami and Earthquake opened the old wound where Michael, through an Etheric Christ Rhythm is once more offering humanity a moment to recover our higher human healthy etheric direction and review the moral maturity and moral forces that are so clearly tied to the very core of the Earth and tied most intimately to Michael’s role as revealing the Countenance of the Christ Sun.

Michael stands with the Etheric Christ in the wholesome renewal and awakening of the healthy and healing forces of our true Etheric Earth and our true Etheric Life body rhythms.

The Ahrimanic tendencies in human greed, arrogance, hubris coupled with untruths and political lies have tied much of humanity to the very opposite intentions of the Risen Etheric Christ. Michael is faced with the dilemma that humanity has tied itself to the Ahrimanic mistranslation and misinterpretation of the age of light by introducing prematurely, a horrific man made light, that can only mame, destroy, and deform the work of the Etheric in nature and how we unite these intimate etheric healing rhythms to the evolution of our higher human faculties.

This is rather heavy karma to be burdened with and Japan now sits on the Ring of Fire (interesting clip) and sits in the current cross-hairs of a vast Moral issue that reaches deep into the very core of the Earth. Humanity can choose to come back from the brink of letting premature Fire demons, Anti-Sun forces drag humanity and Earth into the abyss. At least in this essay, we are looking at how Japan has become the central moral battleground for one of humanities most profound problems. Yet at every turn we see the activity of Michael attempting to alert humanity to issues which WE, as humanity have released through our unconscious and intentionally destructive and immoral patterns of thinking and behavior.

On the other hand the Japanese are not the target of ahrimanic propaganda, the current Muslim world IS so that Japan’s FIRE crisis, Water Crisis, Earthquake crisis reflects the thrusting up from the Inner Earth the immoral use of Fire over the whole Earth by craving materialistic energy via Breeder reactor systems scattered over the periphery of the Earth.

Terry Boardman

” 66 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and after this latest disaster and nuclear scare, the Japanese people are more than entitled to say to the nuclear lobby “Enough is enough! We will not go on down this path. Our nation is named after the sun. We shall not try to create an artificial sun. Instead, we shall gratefully accept what the Sun gives us and develop it in life-giving ways.”

“The reign of Japan’s first emperor Jimmu began in 660 BC.

“1945 – 2011 is 66 years. 66 years before 1945 was 1879, the beginning of the Age of the Sun Archangel Michael. At that time, Japan was trying desperately to remain independent (to keep its own Sun shining, so to speak) and to avoid becoming a western colony. To do that, Japan used its long samurai traditions and allowed itself to be directed by the samurai military class whose habits passed over into the world of business and industry. To remain free of the western imperialists, Japan’s samurai-influenced leaders decided that Japan too would have to become an imperialist nation. This led eventually to the tragedies of 1931-1945. Thus ended the first 66 years of the Age of Michael, archangel of the Sun.

“For the next 66 years Japan followed the lead of the country that had unleashed on it the power of the world’s first artificial sun – the USA, the country that had forced Japan to open to the world in 1853 when the black ships came. For 44 years, from 1945-1989, Japan energetically rebuilt seeking to copy the American Way, even to outstrip America in material and economic power. The American Dream is one of increasing material wealth, prosperity, consumerism, ownership, primarily for oneself and one’s family. In 1989, 66 years after the great physical shock of the terrible Tokyo-Yokohama earthquake, and 44 years after the psychological shock of the defeat in war, Japan was hit by another shock when its economic bubble burst, just at the time that the Showa Emperor died. For the next 21 years Japan struggled on, unable to extricate itself from the economic doldrums it found itself in, unable to recover the economic dynamism of the period 1960-1990, but STILL, its elite tried to follow the American Way, the American Dream; despite some differences in the way Japan has always run its capitalist system, still it operates this system which is grounded in a materialistic way of looking at life, death, society and economics.

“Now, 66 years after 1945, Japan has been given yet another great shock. I believe that from this shock the Japanese can awaken to a new future, one in which they should make their elite take seriously those words of Prime Minister Kan Naoto, when he said “we shall rebuild Japan from scratch”. Yes, but not just the buildings! The people of Japan can start with their energy resources, first their own personal human energy resources, to restructure the energy system that underpins the economy. Change from an economy based on dead Nature (fossil fuels and nuclear power) to one based on living Nature (solar, wind, wave, geothermal, hydrogen) – one that truly harmonizes with all that is best in Japanese tradition and culture.”

(Terry Boardman graduated in history from Manchester University, lived in Japan for 10 years and has completed a four year full-time training in the movement art of Eurythmy in which he was subsequently active for seven years.)

Vital IMAGINATIONS and Insights of the Relation between the Periphery and the Center

“These various layers are connected by means of rays which unite the center of the earth with its surface.” Rudolf Steiner, June 12, 1906

Breeder Reactors and nuclear Reactors that breed horrific radioactive fires dot the periphery of the Earth. In one aspect of the Michael Lesson Plan we must take very seriously that which we have failed to think through because of our own clinging to the destructive sciences of Ahrimanic materialism.

In any study of the Mystery of the Periphery and circumference, the surface of the Earth and the Mystery of the Center, the core, as if the core and center of the Earth were unrelated to the surface or Periphery of the Earth, we come into direct contact with one of humanities favored materialistic and ahrimanic fabrications and deceptions. We imagine that by promoting concentrated radioactive reactor cells over the surface of the Earth, that somehow we won’t invoke the very powerful and untransformed primal fiery forces of the SIXTH layer of the Inner Earth.

These primal untransmuted forces of ancient cosmic and creative fiery forces go all the way back to the Ancient Saturn Beings who first formed our immortality and designed us from their own being. We are meddling with Beings who have helped form entire worlds and some of those beings are chained in the core of the Earth (Sorathian Earth core studies link) until we arrogantly presume to release them from their imprisonment. However the secret of the Resurrection and the Etheric Christ has everything to do with how human beings can safely transubstantiate the mighty core forces locked in the center of the Earth and merge them with our emerging Lessons in Immortality.

Currently, evoking prematurely these forces in the core of the Earth reveals that human beings are only at the weak beginnings of penetrating the living Etheric forces in order to transmute and handle the mighty elemental mysteries of Fire – Air – Water – Earth. Our understanding the secrets of the Etheric, Devachan, astral worlds that surround humanity and the Earth are only just at their beginnings. And all of these forces are deliberately tangled in the chaotic thinking of human beings who imagine that the Periphery and the Center of the Earth and the destiny of the Earth Herself are unrelated to the inner development of human beings.

That is one of the only George Carlin errors that stand out very clearly to me. Here’s the clip and below the Socratic logic of Carlin, which in this case, is brilliant but wrong.

George Carlin

“The planet is fine. Compared to the people, the planet is doing great. Been here four and a half billion years. Did you ever think about the arithmetic? The planet has been here four and a half billion years. We’ve been here, what, a hundred thousand? Maybe two hundred thousand? And we’ve only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over two hundred years. Two hundred years versus four and a half billion. And we have the CONCEIT to think that somehow we’re a threat? That somehow we’re gonna put in jeopardy this beautiful little blue-green ball that’s just a-floatin’ around the sun?

“The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through all kinds of things worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles…hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worlwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages…And we think some plastic bags, and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet…the planet…the planet isn’t going anywhere. WE ARE!

We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Thank God for that. Maybe a little styrofoam. Maybe. A little styrofoam. The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas. A surface nuisance.

You wanna know how the planet’s doing? Ask those people at Pompeii, who are frozen into position from volcanic ash, how the planet’s doing. You wanna know if the planet’s all right, ask those people in Mexico City or Armenia or a hundred other places buried under thousands of tons of earthquake rubble, if they feel like a threat to the planet this week. Or how about those people in Kilowaia, Hawaii, who built their homes right next to an active volcano, and then wonder why they have lava in the living room.”

Center and Periphery arise in how the Heart is a Sun and the pulse of this Human sun in the center of the chest radiates out to the periphery, all the way to the surface of our skin and through living moral forces links to intimate hearts connected to us well beyond the limits of our skin, all the way to the realm of the dead who have returned to the spiritual world from whence we have all had our point of origin. Outside in the vast Zodiac and starry world, the karma and destiny of humanity (see link) gathers itself from the periphery and enters the portal of birth and cellular development. Periphery and Center operates in every precise law of reality there is.

We observe skin cancer on the surface of our bodies and discover that down to our bones we are riddled with cancer. Yet it may only slowly appear on the surface, but it is deeply connected to the core of our immortality and the very surface of our physical bodies. What we came to do on Earth and who we came to meet, our karma has also presented us with a vast riddle and roadblock that we must penetrate. Periphery and Center are always potently and powerfully linked. But apparently Ahrimanic science prefers to have nothing linked, no connections made, no interrelationships or decisions and prognosis that concretely interface with each other.

In the Mistletoe used in Cancer treatments Spiritual Science has observed meticulously and carefully that a plant parasite called mistletoe grows on the periphery of the branches of the trees. When mixed into medical potency we find that Human breast Cancer can be cured by deliberately growing Mistletoe on Apple trees and making  potentized medical tinctures from harvesting the apple saturated mistletoe. The same goes for male prostrate Cancer. Mistletoe grown on the periphery of oak trees are harvested and homeopathically prepared and designed to penetrate the etheric rhythms in either females or males, and begin a process of healing and recovery.

Our constant insulting attitude and behavior in the rejection of the immortal core of humanity, the I AM in us, and the Immortal Christ Event, the Etheric Christ event that happened in one particular human and at one particular location on the periphery of the Earth, releasing the Immortal I Am from the Fall and uniting every single detail of our human spiritual striving to the beloved and beneficent etheric forces of the Earth, are openly mocked, denied and consistently disregarded.

We have sought to create a satellite ring that surrounds and orbits our Earth, in closer orbit than our Moon, in order to follow events on the surface, to follow and pin-point movements on the surface and even to direct destructive weaponry, deadly DRONES, missiles on trajectories to various locations. That is also a form of moving and using Periphery and Center.

We have our own immortal being, our karma, our destiny and I AM tracking built into us with vast higher potentials. We relegate most of that research to new-age air-heads and refuse to study our monumental science of human immortality with any diligence or certainty.

Aristotle one of the most serious and detailed researchers in the entire world, relished every secret the Earth had to offer. When we we pay lip service and yawn at old Aristotle, that old has been, we fail to even rejoice, recognize the advancement of the detailed scientist Aristotle into the exact Spiritual Researcher, Rudolf Steiner. What happened to the capacities and diligence of Aristotle?

The laws of reincarnation and intensification reveal to us the transformed Aristotle in the quiet personality of the Spiritual Science forerunner of the Michael age, Rudolf Steiner. Look at how the immense interest and diligence of Aristotle blossomed into a conscious researcher of the depths of Spiritual Science. Do we have to be clubbed over the head to knock any sense into us? Apparently we refuse to adjust our errors in thinking before unleashing upon this good Earth the very annihilating demons we immaturely crave who were locked in the SIXTH LAYER of the fiery depths of the Earth.

What we have preferred to engage in are profit factored corporations that develop various technologies that give us short term and immediate gratification and cheap thrills, and sometimes life saving interfacing. By putting off our interest in how our I AM functions in the Core of our Being we opted for technologies that imitate our higher undeveloped and neglected inner faculties.

Yes technology that shows us detailed weather over the Earth and warns us of Water or Air, Space, Land issues and guides our surface and periphery autos and RFID chips in our flesh that can unite our health, economy, and pin-point our exact location, still presents itself, without our maturing moral participation as dangerous tools that Ahriman easily claims for his deception. We are led to believe that we are made safer and we can relinquish our inner striving and our worries and let the masters of deception provide us with free goodies. We have been presented with destructive Ahrimanic tools that will frustrate all human freedom and health on Earth with insidious lies or we use these brilliant technologies with a moral clarity that we still refuse to address in ourselves.

So far the 20th and 21st century have proved that we wish to remain gleefully ignorant of our true moral position as seeds of immortal creation growing from the Divine Outline of Earth development. We refuse to consider ourselves as members of the Tenth Hierarchy of higher beings created along with the Angels. We have in the majority embraced all of Ahriman’s political and religious prerequisites and have gladly forfeited our freedom to the silver tongued lies of Ahrimanic leaders, particularly in Washington, Israel and Great Britain. We remained glued to a Media that is designed to step around any truth in it’s path and hold it’s nose as if it were piles of cow manure. Cow Manure is far purer and sweeter than anything we get, scattered in the Periphery on the other end of broadcasting Corporate owned liars.

Not only is our humanity invested, and woven into the entire destiny of all the crystals, plants, insects, animals and humans that are participating with Earth, but our cutting edge technologies through the 20th and 21st centuries have been insisting and frustrating the point of prematurely releasing vast destructive forces that we have never yet matured enough or gained yet enough insight into them or ourselves, to slowly merge these potent destructive forces and constructively illuminate and guide our education, medicine and ripening to match our own human pace of moral development.

Hasty Ahrimanic immoral pursuit of profits and greed have thwarted and stymied the new pace that humanity could lay claim to if they chose the advance of slow immortality and insight over avarice and twisted betrayals of Ahrimanic intents. Here we mostly stand as arrogant, ahrimanic criminals and liars in every educational institute and blatantly relish our teaching of materialism, greed and Ahrimanic selfishness, devoid and with celebratory denial of the Spirit of the I AM in matter, Ahriman (Mephistopheles) is the master to all those who naively approach our decadent university sepulchers in search of wisdom for careers, futures and diplomas, sans moral and ethical foundations.

Rudolf Steiner

“In certain occult teachings the hosts of Ahriman are also called the Asuras. These are of course, the evil Asuras who at a certain time fell away from the evolutionary path of the Asuras who endowed man with personality. It has already been indicated that these are spiritual Beings who detached themselves from the evolution of the earth before the separation of the sun. “

Periphery and Center are inter-related and potently connected and linked to each other. By concentrating over the periphery and surface of the Earth, potent FIRE, demonic anti-human, FIRE citadels, vessels, nests that deliberately breed horrific Anti-Sun and Anti-Man and Anti-Christ Fire forces, that oppose the very central rhythms of the Sun, the very central forces of Agriculture and the brilliant planetary handbook of the Agricultural Course by Rudolf Steiner, along with the very core of how the Etheric life and lymphatic system functions in humans, plants, animals, are all tossed aside while poison monsters are bred that oppose the very core of the Resurrection.

The Molten Core of the center of the fiery Earth and the vast and intimate micro-system of humanity that incarnate and thrive on the periphery or the surface of our Earth, where we initiate destructive sciences that can stir down to the very foundations of the Earth and disrupt whole continents, presumes with full ahrimanic arrogance that there are no moral relationships between how humanity behaves on the Periphery and what happens at the Core of the Earth.

Rudolf Steiner

“From what has been said you can gather that through Christ’s Coming, Ahriman has been cast into fetters — if this expression may be used — but only, of course, for those who endeavor unceasingly to fathom the Christ-Mystery. And outside the forces streaming from the Christ-Mystery, protection in the world against the influence of Ahriman will steadily diminish. In a certain sense — and many signs proclaim it — our epoch courts these influences of Ahriman. In certain occult teachings the hosts of Ahriman are also called the Asuras. These are of course, the evil Asuras who at a certain time fell away from the evolutionary path of the Asuras who endowed man with personality. It has already been indicated that these are spiritual Beings who detached themselves from the evolution of the earth before the separation of the sun.

“Up to now we have been describing merely the terrible influence that Ahriman can exercise upon a certain abnormal process of development, one that proceeds along occult paths. But in a certain respect the whole of mankind came under the influence of Ahriman during the second half of the Atlantean epoch. The whole Post-Atlantean epoch has within it, in a certain sense, the aftermath of Ahriman’s influence — in one region of the earth more, in another less. But Ahriman’s influence has asserted itself everywhere and all the teachings given to the peoples by the ancient Initiates concerning the Spirits of Light who are the opponents of Ahriman were given primarily in order to draw these peoples away from Ahriman’s influence. It was a good, wisely led education of mankind.

“But let us not forget that since that time the destiny of Ahriman has been interwoven in a certain sense with the destiny of humanity, and manifold happenings, of which the uninitiated can know nothing, keep the whole karma of humanity in perpetual connection with the karma of Ahriman.”

Ahriman has direct access to our human will and to the Sixth Fire Layer of the inner Earth. We build our reactors and intense Fire Demon citadels on the periphery of the Earth in various countries, states, and geographic locations. Our Ahrimanic lies, murder and destructive nuclear Fire Dragons, collect in breeder reactors, that breed these illicit, anti-etheric fire demons on the periphery of the Earth, but they also directly spur on and infuriate the Fire forces in the interior of the Earth. Therefore Earthquakes, volcanoes, Tsunami’s, Tidal Waves, Hurricane’s, Typhoons, Tornadoes, floods and famine all have to do directly with how human moral forces infuriate, irritate, awaken and disturb the Fire layer of the Inner Earth. Our own human WILL or WILL TO POWER, are the immoral culprits which causes such vast catastrophes like Japan, for she sits on the Ring of Fire.

Entire human personalities are currently being overshadowed and coaxed into more and more sterile intimate evil. As humanity we have voted for this evil, we have applauded it and failed to see the changing face of this evil from the point of the exile of the Titans into the Core of the Earth, to the emerging of Mephistopheles in each of our own personal DOUBLES. Our own human doubles are infected with the full glut of the materialism that has been worshiped and coddled into power, until again, and again from the Nazis to Washington D.C. and Israel we have willingly unlocked the depths of the Fire Earth, and released more and more Ahrimanic destruction into the laps of humanity.

“…if the Christ had undergone only what took place from the time of the Baptism in Jordan until the time of the Crucifixion and the Death on the Cross, then, having undergone all this, He would still not have been able to speak of the Mysteries of which He did speak to His initiate disciples after His resurrection. I must explain to you that, to the divine teachers who were able to descend to Earth, and to the initiated teachers in olden times, all Mysteries were open in the whole wide world save only the Mysteries of the interior of the Earth. The initiates knew that down there within the Earth spiritual Beings hold command, of quite another kind than the Gods Who before the Mystery of Golgotha used ever and again to descend to human beings. The Greeks, for instance, were not unaware of the Spiritual Beings in the interior of the Earth; they called them in their mythology the Titans. But Christ was the first of the Upper Gods to learn to know the interior of the Earth, That is an important fact.” Rudolf Steiner April 24, 1922

The unholy, poison FIRE forces we cultivate and breed in nuclear Reactors over the periphery of the Earth, are the embodiment of Ahrimanic churches, fortresses that connect the demonic fire forces of the Periphery to the Inner Fire forces that have slowly been released and unchained to roam through human wills and human intents that have become filled with murder, lies, torture and nightmare. Through these gates of hell, we have brought Ahrimanic forces that were once chained away from humanity, up to the surface and let them run unchecked through our human will. Unchecked we let Ahrimanic forces hunt down our children’s hearts and minds and destroy all delicate connections that could have ever existed with their intimate connection to the arising of the Etheric Christ.

It is warmth, compassion and the healing forces that arise when a child or an adult get a fever and the work of the Etheric body goes into over drive. These warmth forces are part of the immortal fire forces that human beings are given to find their way to the heart of Truth and cleanse themselves of their own lies. It is the sudden burst of shame that causes us to blush and from the center out to the periphery of our skin, we blush, we send a fire force up from the center of our being all the way out to the periphery of our skins.

For it is the very fire forces in the human being, the fever and healing fevers and human warmth and compassion that conducted the divine fire forces from the heart of the Christ Being out to every aspect of suffering and sick human creation. It is the very core of the uplifting, healing Etheric Christ being, that lawfully and beneficently streams forth to heal every aspect of suffering and sick creation. Yet we as humanity have chosen to snub the work and human strengths of the Etheric Christ and embrace the murderous destructive lies perpetuated by Ahrimanic beings who now lodge themselves in every human being and Lord it over our goodness and common sense. And to add insult to injury we placed Demonic Fire reactors that communicate directly to the inner layer of the Ahrimanic Fire demons, the Asuras, trapped in the inner Earth. All of this because we refuse to see with our eyes and with our Imaginations and connect the dots and learn to think as true members of The Tenth Hierarchy.

Rudolf Steiner


Physical science as yet only knows of the terrestrial crust, a mineral layer which in fact is only like a thin skin at the surface of the earth. In reality the earth consists of a succession of concentric layers which we shall now describe:

1) The mineral layer contains all the metals which are found in the physical bodies of everything that lives at the surface. This crust is formed like a skin around the living being of the earth. It is only a few miles in depth.

2) The second layer can only be understood if we envisage a substance which is the very opposite of what we know. It is negative life, the opposite of life. All life is extinguished there. Were a plant or an animal plunged into it, it would be destroyed immediately. It would be totally dissolved. This second shell — half liquid — which envelopes the earth is truly a sphere of death.

3) The third layer is a circle of inverted consciousness. All sorrow appears there as joy. And all joy is experienced as sorrow. Its substance, composed of vapors, is related to our feelings in the same negative manner as the second layer is in regard to life. If we now abstract these three layers by means of our thinking, we would then find the earth in the condition in which it was before the separation of the moon. If one is able by means of concentration to attain a conscious astral vision, one would then see the activities in these two layers: the destruction of life in the second and the transformation of feelings in the third.

4) The fourth layer is known as water-earth, soul-earth, or form-earth, It is endowed with a remarkable property. Let us imagine a cube and now picture it reversed inasmuch as its substance is concerned. Where there was substance there is now nothing: the space occupied by the cube would now be empty while its substance, its substantial form, would now be spread around it; hence the term ‘earth of form.’ Here this whirlwind of forms, instead of being a negative emptiness, becomes a positive substance.

5) This layer is known as the earth of growth. It contains the archetypal source of all terrestrial life. Its substance consists of burgeoning, teeming energies.

6) This fire-earth is composed of pure will, of elemental vital forces — of constant movement — shot through by impulses and passions, truly a reservoir of will forces. If one were to exert pressure on this substance it would resist.

If now again in thought one were to abstract these last three layers just described, one would arrive at the condition in which our globe was when Sun, Moon and Earth were still interwoven.

The following layers are only accessible to a conscious observation which is not only that of dreamless sleep but a conscious condition in deep sleep.

7) This layer is the mirror of the earth. It is similar to a prism which decomposes everything that is reflected in it and brings to expression its complementary aspect; seen through an emerald it would appear red.

8)In this layer everything appears fragmented and reproduced to infinity. If one takes a plant or a crystal and one concentrates on this layer the plant or the crystal would appear multiplied indefinitely.

9) This last layer is composed of a substance endowed with moral action. But this morality is the opposite of the one that is to be elaborated on the earth. Its essence, its inherent force, is one of separation, of discord, and of hate. It is here in the hell of Dante that we find Cain the fratricide. This substance is the opposite of everything which among human beings is good and worthy. The activity of humanity in order to establish brotherhood on the earth diminishes the power of this sphere. It is the power of Love which will transform it inasmuch as it will spiritualize the very body of the Earth. This ninth layer represents the substantial origin of what appears on earth as black magic, that is, a magic founded on egoism. (See diagram)

These various layers are connected by means of rays which unite the center of the earth with its surface. Underneath the solid earth there are a large number of subterranean spaces which communicate to the sixth layer, that of fire. This element of the fire-earth is intimately connected with the human will. It is this element which has produced the tremendous eruptions that brought the Lemurian epoch to an end. At that time the forces which nourish the human will went through a trial which unleashed the fire catastrophe that destroyed the Lemurian continent. In the course of evolution this sixth layer receded more and more toward the center and as a result volcanic eruptions became less frequent. And yet they are still produced as a result of the human will which, when it is evil and chaotic, magnetically acts on this layer and disrupts it. Nevertheless, when the human will is devoid of egoism, it is able to appease this fire. Materialistic periods are mostly accompanied and followed by natural cataclysms, earthquakes, etc. Growing powers of evolution are the only alchemy capable of transforming, little by little, the organism and the soul of the earth.

The following is an example of the relationship that exists between the human will and telluric cataclysms: in human beings who perish as a result of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions one notices, during their next incarnation, inner qualities which are quite different. They bring from birth great spiritual pre-dispositions because, through their death, they were brought in touch with forces which showed them the true nature of reality and the illusion of material life.

One has also noticed a relationship between certain births and seismic and volcanic catastrophes.

During such catastrophes materialistic souls incarnate, drawn sympathetically by volcanic phenomena — by the convulsions of the evil soul of the earth. And these births can in their turn bring about new cataclysms because reciprocally the evil souls exert an exciting influence on the terrestrial fire. The evolution of our planet is intimately connected with the evolution of the forces of humanity and civilizations.


1. Mineral crust
2. Negative life
3. Inverted Consciousness
4. Circle of forms
5. Circle of growth
6. Circle of fire
7. Circle of decomposition
8. Circle of fragmentation
9. Ego-centric-egoism


FALSE Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard

“It was like something out of a science fiction script – but L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, claimed it was fact. “Xemu,” he called the central character. Xemu ruled the 90-planet Galactic Confederation 75-million years ago, when overpopulation was a problem. So Xemu solved the problem: He trapped selected beings and flew them to volcanoes on Earth, then called Teegeeach. He then dropped powerful H-bombs on the volcanoes. The beings were destroyed in a wall of fire. However, their spirits, or “thetans,” weren’t. Gathering them into clusters, Xemu trapped the thetans in frozen alcohol and glycol.”

TRUE Moral Imagination portrait by Tolkien of how Gandalf directly confronts an Occult ancient Fire Demon in (see link) The Balrog Initiation Imagination. Which is a true Imagination.

The Lord of the Rings moral Imagination of Gandalf’s encounter and transformation with the Balrog in the depths of the inner Earth is a true Michael and Initiation Science IMAGINATION. Tolkien presents an Imagination of one of the Sixth Layer of our Inner Earth fire demons. An entire Moral transformation, and Resurrection of super forces of White Initiation must awaken in Gandalf and likewise in humanity if we are to do battle with Radioactive Fire demons from the periphery of our nuclear reactors that send their deadly anti-human destructive forces in direct communication with the destructive Ahrimanic ancient beings who are trapped, not only in the Sixth Layer of the Inner Earth, but roam unchecked on the surface in our own human Intellectual Soul substance and materialistic thinking. Humanity, through the infestation of these fallen Ahrimanic parasites in our Intellectual Souls frustrate, irritate and link our disturbed will forces to the will forces that are slowly being unsealed, that were once trapped, in the Sixth Layer of the Inner Earth.

This terrible unsealing of destructive inner Earth forces to be drawn up from the depths of the Earth to serve the destructive brain pollution of murderous political lies, murderous technologies and murderous rampages of human hubris are reverberating through the world in vast upheavals. On the surface and periphery are human will and human shadows operating unchecked with destructive Ahrimanic intent. From the center and from the sixth layer of the inner Earth these destructive forces rise up and meet on the horrific altar of darkened human will. Insanity, madness, torture, false wars for cheap political thrills and poison vapors of human hypocrisy like Volcanic sulfur rise from the depths and pollute the appetites and thinking of human beings who refuse to gain any insights into their own shadows. Hypocrisy becomes the air required to feed a whole breed of human beings who have forsaken their Tenth Hierarchy position. Rampant greed, avarice, lies and hypocrisy becomes the very food that allows Cain’s Fratricide to rise up from the central mystery of Evil and Good locked in the core of the Earth [SEE CLIP].

It is a brief but vivid IMAGINATION that Tolkien has presented in his Balrog encounter. It is primal, it is what Initiation Science grapples with when encountering the deep encroaching shadow of Ahriman as he rises from the depths and finds a friendly reception in the cravings of politicians and the deliberate destruction of global economies. Ahriman relishes the disruption of children’s astral bodies through destructive and deadly vaccinations and Ahriman relishes the corruption and weakening of human etheric bodies. Anything having to do with shifting human etheric bodies from healthy to unhealthy are part of the goals Ahriman cherishes.

False flags, deception and lies are the daily bread that now rises from the fissures and cracks of the Earth. It wafts in the storms, the volcanoes and earthquakes, in other words, these Balrog forces are being released by the very poisoned core in our own human will power. This is what Gandalf, Tolkien and Initiation Sciences understand when we as humanity reject the Etheric Christ, Gandalf the White, Michael and the true Age of Light; but rather with demonic glee pursue our shallow unconscious cognition and motives from the periphery and surface all the way down to the destructive core of the Earth herself.

Cause and Effect relationships and how Karma operates including the lessons now frustrating humanity in relation to Japan bring us clearly into the realm of the Michael School and a current karmic snapshot of humanity. Yes we can and should support technology that gives us a view of ourselves and brings human beings over the whole world together through sharing interests and information in an easy to use format. However what mysteriously disturbs the Earth’s core and seeking the cause and effect relationship prior to some Tsunami or destructive typhoon, hurricane or tornado alert, or causing earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves and later watching the warnings and watching the disaster unfold are different if we know and understand that we are also part of the cause of the disaster.

If we can show that our moral character and the very act of disruption, distortion and lies surrounding radioactive reactors over the surface and periphery of the Earth have dire and specific deadly effects; If we can show that humanity has used these destructive forces to deliberately rock the foundations of the genetic code, the chromosomes and disturbing the very form that an incarnating human being seeks, then we shall know that we are aggressively attacking the very foundations of the Etheric Christ. With our human hubris we must know that we are attacking the deed that Michael the current Arche, Christian Rosenkreuz, (an Arche level human guardian Initiated by Christ as part of the Lazarus mystery) and precisely what the School of Spiritual Science endeavors to understand, as the Science of the Resurrection; We will hopefully understand that the conflict point in this Michael era has spread all over the Earth, but we shall hopefully learn to take with humble seriousness some of the specifics related to the Lesson Plan and Karma that hovers over Japan and Fukushima Prefecture (福島県, Fukushima-ken) and inspires the highest moral impulses of The Tenth Hierarchy. (Review this Link)


“The intensified luciferic principle enhanced by Sorath through the “Lucifer-Ahriman-Asuras-triangulation”

“is expressing itself in the electrification and agitation of man, attacking the astral and the sentient soul with jolts and shocks as in fanaticism, excitement, ecstasy, thrills, recklessness and obsession. The enhanced ahrimanic principle is expressing itself in magnetization, paralysis and regimentation, attacking the etheric and the intellectual soul with dulling abstraction and static repetition as in rigid functioning, comatose routine, mechanization, machining, digitalization, blind systemic adaptation and impersonal android-robot behaviour. The released and enhanced asuric principle is expressing itself in natural and moral perversion (7th layer), atomization, “zombization” and isolation (8th layer, Fragmenter Earth, multiplying any creation in absurdum). The Asuras attack the physical body and the consciousness soul, and hence the multiplied Phantom of Christ (the prerequisite for any spiritual development, the integration of the Resurrection Body, the three higher members of man and the future planetary phases of Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan). They are behind any massreduction of man (mass killing, mass media, mass production) and modern ego-self-worship and narcissism, the false individualization based on mass produced consumer goods and entertainment. They support any kind of virtual reality, desensitization and depersonalization caused by for example synthetic materials and plastics, electromagnetic impulses and –fields and chemicals. And from the 8th layer they destroy human relationships, solidarity and brotherhood and causes alienation and segregation, so that even when people are apparently together, they are isolated in their own worlds. As demonstrated in the atomic bomb, the Asuras are in favor of splitting things and blowing them into pieces.
Karma of Japan fukushima Adam Michaelis“Finally we are sadly enough nowadays getting a feel for the spider in the midst of his evil web, Sorath. Sorath opposes the creation of man in cosmos and hence any creative quality and its preconditions like love, offering, freedom and empathy. This resentment expresses itself when the above-mentioned evil tendencies are taken to the extreme and carried over in destruction and perversion of human procreation and creativity. Take for instance when chemicals and plasticizers function as endocrine disruptors and cause sterility and malformation of sexual organs or when genetically modified and engineered organisms might influence the human genome. Sorath would like man to destroy the diversity of species and their hereditary material as well as his own – to replace the human chromosome with a polymer, figuratively speaking. He is behind genetic control, screening, testing and design and in vitro fertilization and cloning. The pornographic perversion and degradation of sexuality to the level of fuckingmachines, electric erotic stimulation and love dolls made of plastic is also Sorath’s work. To use another metaphor: Sorath wants to short-circuit the human brain with the sexual glands through the spine and invert all the higher streams of creativity and intelligence as in ritualization, animalization and intellectualization of sex combined with enhanced (chemically induced) ecstasy. Therefore he promotes kundalini-practices and tantric techniques in combination with black magic as a mocking of the creation and the Holy Trinity. And unlike the other evil powers, Sorath wants man to participate voluntarily and half knowingly in his own degeneration and selfabasement, fueled by enhanced sensualism and self-indulgence, because this is Sorath’s ultimate mockery and vengeance against the Holy Trinity – if man, created with divine love, saved by divine love, chooses his own de-creation, desecrates himself and worships death in Sorath.

“That is why Sorath wants to set up a magically inverted, pseudo-clairvoyant quasi-religion which contains no trace of confession to or faith in Christ. The ultimate triumph of the beast 666 and the final success of Sorath’s build-up of an “eight sphere” (the irretrievable downfall of man and the Earth as a creative project) is, when in this religion man believes himself to be God-like, a self-made God-man, who doesn’t need Christ, shrugs his shoulders at Christ’s passion and is in complete denial of his own evil and the evil powers.”

On this vast moral playing field, the seas, the land, the plants, the milk, Iodine, depleted uranium weapons used by the absolute moral evil and deliberate ignorance of the West, who also used the first Atomic bombs on the Japanese people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, through the Air, through the Waters, through the animals, through deformities and mutations caused by absolute anti-human poisons released again, and again in depleted uranium falsified war zones over the world, Michael the Arche and current Time Spirit has shaken the complacency and immoral neutrality from the sickened materialistic thinking that runs as a disease through humanity.

In the middle of this overview and Lesson Plan designed for the entire world, the question Michael poses to the free insights of humanity, places all of us on notice, as brothers and sisters over the whole Earth. We are in the cross-hairs of grappling with our greed, our deceptions, the lies of the West, and all the fragmented insights that NEWS, our Main Stream Media fails constantly and deliberately, fails in unison to cohesively bring into any moral focus.

In this research document we have brought aspects of how Spiritual Science views the current crisis and Lesson Plan on the subject of poisoning humanity, our Earth and destructively seeking to control and divert through SICKNESS and hideous deformity, through enlisting and incorporating forces from our untransformed ancient enemies, that directly confront, attack, undermine and oppose the Living Etheric Christ forces that are here to uplift and heal the tears and rips in the Etheric fabric of the Earth and humanity. The tragedy and Karma of the Japanese people have left the door open for a brief moment, so that humanity might come to it’s senses and join Michael and the global community and celebrate together the true dawn of the real AGE OF LIGHT. Unite as humanity in an awakening and celebration of our Moral Cognition and the potent power of our Moral Imagination which lives at the core of the vibrant courage of The Tenth Hierarchy.


The following Link is an absolutely must see documentary. It must be seen and understood.


Beings who have no compunction but to shatter the genetic and chromosome structure of the Sun order etheric nature of humanity have been prematurely released through human error and immoral contexts associated with the advance of Ahrimanic forces. The results are in [SEE CLIP]. Michael the Arche cannot force humanity to THINK, humanity must desire to THINK.


Dr Helen Caldicott delivers a Michael Global insight that penetrates down to the God of the Underworld. See Clip


Radiation experimentation and horrors in America, in minority communities. Watch Video clip.


Requiem for our Anti-Human nuclear ambitions and our assaults against humanity, see clip.


This clip is such a clumsy struggle between innocence and attempting to put a translation into English, that it touches even deeper into the heart because it appears so desperate and so clumsy and so absolutely sincerely correct! Get past first 10 seconds and it gets interesting, amateurish but clear. SEE CLIP.


Main Stream Media allows for a moment of reporting concerning accurate information on Fukushima (See Clip) by Arnie Gundersen.


Physicians and Doctors fail to understand the Sun potency of the Etheric body in nature and humanity, but attempt to halt all nuclear energy out of their inherent common sense. SEE LINK. Understanding the Sun Forces of the Etheric body vs the Asuric and Ahrimanic forces that abandoned humanity reveals the core reality of anti-human and anti-nature and anti-sun forces that Ahrimanic Asuric powers are comfortable in and can breed within.


Here is a photo expose on the comparison between the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the flood and earthquake damage of the 2011 tsunami. The research I have presented brings the relationship of the two events(1945 and 2011) into context and karma.

Special Note

*This note was a special call to awaken the depths of the Foundation Stone of Love*, the powerful Foundation Stone Meditation brought at a very crucial moment for the Michael School which calls upon the hierarchies so that humanity of the Tenth Hierarchy can remain connected to the divine through so severe a tragedy as that which has befallen Japan.

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